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The power steering fluid in the Audi A6 is the oil through which resistance passes to the hydraulic cylinders from the power steering pump, while it is a lubricant for friction pairs.
Without hydraulic fluid, it is difficult to control the steering wheel and set its trajectory, it becomes heavy and you have to make an effort to turn it out.
Power steering oil also has its own shelf life, like other fluids in the car. To ensure smooth operation of the steering wheel, it is necessary to change the oil in a timely manner.

How to properly change the power steering fluid in the Audi A6?

Replacing the power steering fluid in the Audi A6 is necessary if at least one of the following symptoms is present:

  • excessive hum when the pump is running;
  • increased efforts when turning the steering wheel;
  • the steering wheel turns out with uneven jerks;
  • when checking, the oil turned out to be dark shades or changed its consistency;
  • low fluid level in the steering reservoir.

According to the regulations, the power steering grease in the Audi A6 should be changed every 30,000 km. If the driver is characterized by intense driving, then these periods may be reduced.

First step

The required volume is 1 liter.

G002 and G004 can be mixed with each other if it is not known which oil was originally poured.

List of tools for replacing fluid in the power steering on the Audi A6:

  • two jacks;
  • special syringe;
  • a set of screwdrivers and pliers;
  • hole plug;
  • bottle;
  • extension cord with union;
  • new oil.

Second phase

Before starting work, the machine should be jacked up so that the front wheels hang out and they can rotate freely.

The old fluid is drained in the following order:

  • Remove the protection from the power steering reservoir and disconnect the fasteners of the connectors;
  • Take a syringe and connect a tube or hose to it and lower it into the tank;
  • Pump out the old slurry into a container;
  • Lower the end of the tube into the suction pipe of the pump and pick up the old mixture;
  • Loosen and move the two clamps from the lower branch pipes and remove the tank;
  • You can rinse it with water or a special agent;
  • Take the suction pipe to the side, and lower the second into the container;
  • Get behind the wheel and turn it in both directions to the limit so that all the mass comes out of the rail;
  • Connect the suction pipe to the tank and close the supply opening with a plug;
  • Pour in oil and turn the steering wheel to the limit again. This is necessary so that the remnants of the old mass come out of the channels of the system;
  • Do the manipulations until the liquid at the outlet is clean as at the inlet;
  • To clean the power steering pump, start the engine for a couple of seconds. It is important that at this moment the entire mass does not leave the tank into the system. Residual oil will come out through the drain channel again;
  • Reassemble the system in reverse order.

Stage three

Now that all the old mixture has leaked out and the reservoir with the nodes has been cleaned, you can pour new oil into the power steering on the Audi:

  • Pour new product into the opening of the container up to the MAX level.
  • Start the engine and rotate the steering wheel.
  • Add oil if necessary.

This completes the repair.

Differences in power steering oil change in other Audi models

Replacing the fluid in the power steering on the Audi A6 C5 is carried out identically to the above instructions. For filling, it is better to use the Swag product - a worthy analogue of the original liquid.

Replacing the power steering fluid of the Audi A8 is not a mandatory procedure, as the manufacturer claims, since the original product should be enough for the entire life of the car. In practice, it is recommended to change the power steering fluid to the A8 every 60 thousand km or every 2 years. The replacement process is simplified: there is no need to turn the steering wheel, just start the engine for 10-20 seconds and all the old slurry will pour out of the system by itself. In addition, when flushing the tank, the filter should also be cleaned.

For many, replacing the fluid in the power steering in the Audi A4 is a difficult task. This is due to the fact that it is difficult to get to the tank pumps due to vacuum booster brakes. The main thing is to prevent air from entering the system when changing the power steering oil.

Working fluid (oil) in the power steering of the Audi A6 C5 car like others expendable materials eventually becomes worthless. In today's article, we will look at what mileage it is necessary to change the oil in the Audi A6 power steering, dwell on the choice of a technical fluid and consider the oil change process itself.

Choice of fluid and frequency of replacement

Audi manufacturers claim that the power steering oil in the C5 model is filled for the entire service life of the car, so replacement due to aging and loss of properties is not needed, but this is not entirely true.

It is necessary to change the oil only if technical works affecting the hydraulic power steering system. And in cases of loss of oil level, you just need to top up it. Of course, add only the liquid recommended by the manufacturer.

By the way, I already wrote to you about that, so that anyone interested should read this article.

Video selection of oil for power steering Audi A6

And so, I decided to change the oil in the power steering on my Audi A6 C5 - the reason, just like that! Where to start - with the choice of fluid. I spent a little money and purchased SWAG # 99906161 as shown in the photo.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for changing the oil in the power steering Audi A6 + photo report

  1. Open the hood, take necessary tool: pliers (for removing the clamps), a 10 wrench (for dismantling the power steering tank), a syringe with a tube (for pumping out the fluid, so that less litter the yard), a reservoir for the old fluid (I had a plastic bottle), a couple of jacks or hemp ( to bleed the system, you need to hang the front wheels) and, in principle, that's it.
  2. We remove the protective cover from the power steering tank, remove the connectors from the mount that will interfere and take them to the side.
  3. Next, we take a pre-prepared syringe with a hose
  4. We lower the end of the hose into the power steering reservoir
  5. We start pumping (really, the color is "child's surprise")
  6. And we pour it into a prepared container
  7. The syringe hose can be pushed even into the depth of the suction pipe of the pump and pump out the liquid to the maximum
  8. We remove the power steering reservoir, for this we need to unclench and push down two clamps on the lower pipes
  9. We wash barrels for power steering fluid
  10. Now we jack the front wheels so that they can turn quietly.
  11. After disconnecting the nozzles, take the suction (which is thicker, to the pump) to the side so as not to interfere and place it vertically. But the one that is thinner (it comes from the cooling coil) is lowered into our container and we continue to expel the liquid from the system. To do this, he or an assistant (better, of course), sit behind the wheel and begin to turn the steering wheel to the left and right up to the end ten times ... At the same time we hear how the liquid is expelled from the rack housing. Since I did this whole process myself and without an assistant, it became somehow not comme il faut to run around with dirty hands and get behind the wheel. First, I turned the steering wheel - I fucked up, and then I began to do the following. In this process, our wheels are in a suspended position and it is not a problem to turn the wheel (FOR THE WHEEL ITSELF), so I took the disk (wheel) with my hands and with sharp turns back and forth, pumped out the old fluid to the maximum!
  12. In order to expel (drain) the liquid to the maximum, especially when you observe a terrible color picture, it was decided that the new liquid would squeeze out the remnants of "kaki" before.
  13. So we take our washed tank, plug (I had a plastic bolt of the appropriate size) the supply channel (the one that is thinner), connect the suction pipe to the tank and fill in new liquid
  14. Using the manipulations described in point “7”, we drive out the remnants of GUaNo. For quality control, so to speak, we take another bottle and "masturbate fate" (sorry for the bad French) until the color of the liquid, at least somewhere in the depths, does not seem green! That is, the color of the new liquid!
  15. When the color of the flowing one suits us, we begin the assembly in the reverse order of removal, disassembly
  16. Fill the tank with new liquid up to the MAX level! And we ride for about ten kilometers (I even managed a week and from 100 kilometers), periodically checking the fluid level in the tank and the absence of any leak.

Video instruction for changing the oil in the power steering Audi A6 C5

Since the purchase of the Audi c4 in the system power steering power steering a red liquid was poured, most likely Dexron. Finally got around to replace it with the one that is supposed to be green Febi 6162.

We buy 2 liters of Febi 6162, it comes in such liter bottles.

Two liters is enough to lightly flush the system and leave a little to top up.

Well, let's start replacing the power steering fluid.

We open the hood and find the power steering reservoir, it is located between the washer reservoir windshield and expansion tank cooling systems.

Figure 2 - Bachek Power Steering.

First, we need to empty the tank itself, for this we need a 20 gram syringe with a tube.

Figure 3 - 20 gram syringe with tubing.

We open the tank.

Figure 4 - Open power steering reservoir.

We take out such a tube with a mesh from it.

Figure 5 - Tube with mesh.

We take a syringe, a container (any one and a half liter plastic bottle will do) and begin to pump out the old liquid.

Figure 6 - We pump out the old power steering fluid.

Having pumped out all the liquid without residue, remove the tank by pulling it up.

We take a wrench or a screwdriver and loosen the clamps on the hoses.

Figure 7 - Power steering feed and return hose.

After removing the hoses, we tie them up so that the remaining liquid does not flow out of them.

If there is sediment at the bottom of the tank, then it must be rinsed. I did not dare to wash with gasoline, I washed it with old liquid, helping with a thin stick.

After rinsing the power steering tanks, we put it to the side.

Figure 8 - Bachek Power Steering.

Now we need to hang in front of the car so that the wheels don't touch the ground.

We take our one and a half with the old liquid, insert it between the engine and brake pipes... We put a hose from the return line (which is thinner) into it and begin to rotate the steering wheel to the left, to the right until it stops, until the old power steering fluid stops running.

Figure 9 - Drain the old liquid.

Now we take the funnel and insert it into the supply hose.

Figure 10 - Funnel.

We open the bottle with a new power steering fluid and begin to slowly pour into the funnel. Simultaneously with the process of pouring new fluid, the assistant actively rotates the steering wheel.

Figure 11 - Pour liquid into the funnel.

In the beginning, we will run out a little of the old liquid mixed with the new one. As soon as we see fresh fluid, the assistant makes a few more movements with the steering wheel, and that's all for now. At the end of this procedure, I had a new power steering fluid in the first bottle on the bottom.

Having connected the hoses to the tank, we put it in place.

Figure 12 - We put the power steering reservoir in place.

Fill the power steering reservoir with liquid to the maximum.

We sit down in the salon and also make a few turns of the steering wheel in one direction and the other.

We start the engine and turn the steering wheel again.

The fluid level in the power steering reservoir dropped to the middle between marks max and min. Having lowered the car to the ground, add liquid to the maximum and enjoy the smoothness and ease of operation of the power steering.


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