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A modern car consists of many parts, each of which performs its own, inherent, important function. Information about the state of the engine and other components is transmitted by various sensors, but the VAZ 2110 crankshaft sensor does work that is unusual for these devices.

Purpose of the crankshaft position sensor VAZ 2110

If the 9th or 10th series refuses to start, any of the drivers immediately starts checking the power and ignition system, and when it comes to contacting a car service, they say that DPKV is out of order (this is what the abbreviation of the full name of the sensor looks like). The bewilderment of car owners is dispelled when they find out that this is the only sensor without which the engine will not work.

The VAZ 2110 crankshaft sensor, as well as on many other cars, does not perform a control function, but performs phase synchronization and impulses to ignite the combustible mixture in the combustion chamber. It is obvious that the removal of such an important attribute from the design leads to the impossibility of the coordinated work of all systems.

In its work, the sensor uses the principle of electromagnetic induction, and reads the necessary "information" from toothed pulley drive, in the immediate vicinity of which it is installed.

Crankshaft sensor VAZ 2110 - malfunctions and their diagnosis

Considering that the role of the DPKV in the operation of the engine is very significant, in the event of its malfunction, a variety of "surprises" can be expected. A completely faulty sensor will definitely not allow the engine to start. Other manifestations of sensor problems include:

  • unstable engine idling;
  • decrease in power;
  • increasing and decreasing the number of revolutions crankshaft(spontaneously);
  • detonation with increasing load;
  • intermittent startup.

For a device such as a VAZ 2110 crankshaft sensor, malfunctions are reduced to two types:

  • damage to the windings and parts of the sensor itself;
  • violation of the integrity of the wire and the quality of the connections in the circuit.

The PKV sensor itself is very simple in design and rarely fails. An error in the crankshaft position sensor or breakdown can be caused by such reasons as: factory defect, mechanical damage, significant pollution. The first two reasons do not depend on the driver, but the car owner can trace the cleanliness under the hood.

In addition to the fact that the engine compartment is always under the influence of many destructive factors, such as: temperature drops, small stones and dust flying from the roadway, significantly add to the problems of oil leakage. If it is found that a leak occurs in any place, especially in the area of ​​the sensor installation - on the oil pump housing, it must be urgently eliminated. The connection pins of the sensor wires must always be clean and protected. The wire insulation must not be damaged or exposed.

How to check if the VAZ 2110 crankshaft sensor is working properly?

Considering that an error in the crankshaft position sensor or a complete failure is very similar in signs to many other failures, you should understand how to check its condition. You can only make sure that the DPKV is working if you remove it. This is not at all difficult to do, you just need to perform the following actions:

  • turn off the ignition;
  • remove the terminal connector with the wire from the sensor;
  • unscrew the only screw holding the sensor on the oil pump cover;
  • remove the sensor.

To check, you must have an ohmmeter and check the resistance of the windings. If the readings of the device differ from the required 550-570 ohms, then the crankshaft sensor is faulty. You should not try to repair it, as this device cannot be repaired. The only way out of the situation is to replace the VAZ 2110 crankshaft sensor. The cost of DPKV is low, installation does not require much time and skills, especially since the car without it still remains immovable. If the device shows that the resistance of the sensor windings is normal, then the breakdown should be looked for elsewhere.

How to replace the crankshaft sensor?

Installation, as well as removal of the PKV sensor, is quick and easy. Before starting the installation, you should clean the installation site from dust and dirt. Next, simple actions are performed: a new sensor is inserted into its original place; the fastening screw is tightened; a connector with a wire is put on. This completes the replacement of the VAZ 2110 crankshaft sensor and you can start starting the engine.

With the help of a VAZ-2110 crankshaft sensor, mixture formation is carried out in the fuel rail. This device generates a signal that goes to the electronic engine control unit internal combustion... The device is used only on injection engines, there is no need for them for carburetor engines. Fuel is injected into the combustion chambers in carburetor engines under the influence of atmospheric pressure. And the spark is supplied to the electrodes of the candles by a distributor (ignition distributor).

Features of injection systems

The injection system operates thanks to a sensor system and a control unit. All signals go to the input of the microprocessor unit, which regulates the operation of the executive mechanisms. The following sensors are responsible for the correct operation of the engine:

  1. Crankshaft positions.
  2. The provisions camshaft(not on all modifications).
  3. Intake manifold pressure.
  4. Lambda probe.
  5. Speeds.
  6. Mass air flow.
  7. Throttle positions.

And the main role is played by the VAZ-2110 crankshaft sensor (8 valves or 16), since the moment of injection and high voltage supply to the spark plug electrodes depends on it. There is a temperature sensor in the design, but it practically does not affect the operation. It is necessary to control the engine temperature and send a signal to the pointer (or to on-board computer). But it will turn out to be indispensable if you need to implement automatic switching types of fuel (from gasoline to gas and vice versa).

Algorithm of the injection system

The microprocessor has several inputs and outputs. The inputs receive signals from all sensors. But first, these signals are converted, amplified if necessary. The microcontroller is programmed to work with sensors and actuators. Programs (firmware) can provide different characteristics of the engine.

You can achieve an increase in power (gasoline consumption will increase) or a decrease in consumption (power will suffer). But the majority of motorists prefer programs that provide work with average parameters. In this case, the signal from the VAZ-2110 crankshaft position sensor does not change, only the response of the actuators to changes in the input data is corrected.

A little about the crankshaft

The crankshaft is the most important element any internal combustion engine. It is driven by a starter (at the moment of starting) and pistons (in operation). From it, torque is transmitted to the gearbox, the gas distribution system, and auxiliary mechanisms. And in order for the fuel injection to be carried out in a timely manner, a spark was formed at the right time, a VAZ-2110 crankshaft sensor is needed.

It monitors the position of the pulley and transmits a signal to the electronic control unit. There are teeth on the pulley, the distance between them is the same. But in one place there is a gap - two teeth are missing. The position sensor reacts to the approach of metal. When an empty area passes near the sensor, a signal is generated - the control unit is notified that one revolution of the crankshaft has occurred.

What happens if the sensor breaks down?

If the VAZ-2110 crankshaft sensor fails, then symptoms characteristic of its breakdown will appear. If the device breaks down completely, then the engine will stop immediately, since the following processes will not be performed:

  1. Complete absence of signals to the ignition module. Sparking does not occur when the crankshaft is cranked by the starter.
  2. The flow of gasoline into the rail completely disappears or slows down.
  3. The control unit refuses - it stops generating signals necessary for the normal functioning of the engine.

Sometimes the active surface of the sensor is simply clogged. In this case, it is enough to clean the dirt. But if the cause of the breakdown lies in the device itself, then you just need to change it completely.

The main symptoms of breakdowns

But if the device is not completely out of order, but only shows signs of breakdown, you will see this right away. A lamp on the dashboard will illuminate to indicate the presence of engine errors.

This will be accompanied by the following signs:

  1. Unstable idle speed.
  2. Decrease traction characteristics car.
  3. Spontaneous change in the number of engine revolutions.
  4. Difficult starting of the engine.
  5. The presence of pops in the intake manifold.

If you have such symptoms, you need to replace the VAZ-2110 crankshaft position sensor. It is located near the oil pump cover, next to the generator drive pulley.

Sensor diagnostic methods

Regardless of how you test the device, you will have to remove it completely. To do this, you need to make marks on the crankcase in order to subsequently install the new sensor correctly. The device is unscrewed with a key "10". Be sure to observe the gap between the active part of the sensor and the synchrodisk during installation - it should be from 0.6 to 1.5 mm.

First, make a visual inspection of the device - if it has mechanical damage, scratches, dents, then it is recommended to replace it. But if there are no external signs of breakdowns, you will have to carry out diagnostics with an ohmmeter or voltmeter. Of course, if a diagnostic scanner is available, it will show you the crankshaft position sensor error. But only an error can manifest itself when the wiring is broken.

How to check a sensor with an ohmmeter

In this way, you measure the winding of the device. To do this, put the multimeter in resistance measurement mode and carry out diagnostics. Sensor manufacturers set a certain range of resistance values ​​- 550-750 Ohm.

Therefore, if you go beyond this range, you can talk about a breakdown of the sensor. But it should be noted that sensor manufacturers allow a slight deviation from the lower and upper limits. But for a small value - no more than 10%.

Checking the sensor with a voltmeter

You also need a transformer and an inductance meter. Think right away if this is not too difficult a way to diagnose malfunctions of the VAZ-2110 crankshaft sensor? In fact, this method is somewhat more efficient. First, measure the resistance and check the inductance (for a working device, it should be in the range of 200-4000 mH). In this case, the supply voltage must be 500 mV. Then measure the resistance with a megohmmeter - it should be less than 20 Mohm.


In the event that the VAZ-2110 crankshaft sensor (16 or 8 valves) has not passed the test, we can talk about its breakdown. It is advisable to check the new device before installation - at least measure the resistance. Only after making sure that it is in good working order can you install it on the car. Be sure to check the gap between the sensor and the pulley teeth - the correct operation of the control system depends on this.

The Lada 2110 car belongs to budget class cars produced at the Volzhsky Automobile Plant, where it was produced from 1995 to 2007, and at present it still continues to roll off the conveyors of Ukraine and Egypt. As then, so now the build quality is poor, so malfunction VAZ 2110 will always haunt. That the new car has its own weak spots, which should be given attention, so that soon they do not develop into specific malfunctions, the required costs. The same frequent breakdowns concern not only dozens, but also the entire family, that is, that 2111, that VAZ 2112 malfunctions are often the same. And if we touch on the Ukrainian assembly under the Bogdan 2110 and 2111 brands, then there is generally a different conversation, because the assembly is even worse.


  • They do not sag, but they flow shock absorbers(rear) already 40 thousand.
  • Will have to change ball joints after 40 thousand km.
  • Immediately after the ball, soon it will be necessary.
  • At 55 thousand, there is a high probability of failure.


  • TO consumables can be attributed power windows, it is very often forced to remove the door trim in order to raise the glass from the lowered position.
  • After 50 thousand mileage, most likely, there will be generator problems... The alternator belt will also be asked for replacement.


  • All main sensors are more or less reliable, but IACs also need periodic cleaning from crankcase gases (they are subject to severe contamination).
  • On the way to 60 thousand mileage without fail, otherwise the probability of a break is very high.

It is worth noting that there are a number of additional problems with the engine related to cars produced in 2002-2003, which in this case are overlooked.

Cooling system

  • After a year of operation, permanent coolant leaks and leaks(you will have to change the pipes and clamps).
  • Quite common cases the appearance of a crack on the expansion barrel.


  • Quite quickly it comes out and as a result, first it starts twitch arrow speedometer.
  • We'll have to peel off (the plastic sleeve is erased).


  • As on all VAZs squeaks, crickets and bounce, are also provided from the assembly line.
  • , observing the law of meanness, will refuse in the coldest weather.


  • Very quick the appearance of corrosion and (especially near the rubber seal on the doors and windshield).

Brake system

  • You will probably have to pull up the handbrake cable quite often.

Naturally, this list of VAZ 2110, 11, 12 malfunctions is far from complete, because cars were produced for more than one year and with more than one engine modification, and the features are also different, besides, the manufacturer tried to correct its shortcomings after receiving complaints about that or another element. But until the end I could not cope with all weak points for VAZ 2110-12.

And although you can often hear the phrase: "I am not so rich to buy a VAZ", despite the fact that this is the most budget car, do not give up the purchase idea. After all, any car has its own frequent malfunctions, even a foreign car, but a domestic car is at least easy to repair with your own hands, and the prices for spare parts are much lower.

And what malfunctions were encountered on your VAZ 2110? Write in the comments.

The crankshaft position sensor is responsible for synchronizing the supply of the fuel mixture and ignites the composition in the chamber. Thanks to the crankshaft analyzer, the engine controller determines at what point it is necessary to send gasoline to a specific cylinder. Majority modern cars equipped with inductive sensors. The analyzer reacts to the movement of the generator drive. For this, the generator wheel has certain teeth and a control gap. At the moment the control cavity passes by the sensor, the analyzer generates a certain signal, which is then transmitted to the controller.

Adjustment of the propulsion system operation on a modern vehicle largely depends on the correct operation of various analyzers. Today, a vehicle is equipped with a large number of sensors. If one of them breaks down, the car engine starts to work incorrectly. The crankshaft position sensor is one of the most important analyzers of the propulsion system. If the analyzer malfunctions, the car engine loses its original performance. Therefore, in the event of sensor malfunctions, timely diagnostics are required.

Common signs of a malfunction of the VAZ 2110 crankshaft position sensor.

  • Difficulty starting the propulsion system.
  • Incorrect engine idling.
  • Decreased motor performance.
  • Increased load on the motor system.

The crankshaft position sensor performs an important function for the interaction of the fuel system and the auto start system. Sensor malfunction, resulting in poor performance in critical systems vehicle... As a result, the correctness of the gasoline supply may be significantly disrupted, and the spark supply to the elements of the ignition system will stop.

Modern engines VAZ 2110, equip different kinds PKV sensors. Therefore, if it is necessary to replace the sensor, you need to use a device similar to the standard one. To identify the model of the device installed on your car, you should refer to the manufacturer's accessories instructions.

Checking the crankshaft sensor, a procedure that every motorist can carry out with the presence of the appropriate tool: a multimeter and a screwdriver. Despite the simplicity of diagnosing DPKV, this procedure will cost a lot in a car workshop. Therefore, most motorists are interested in the question - how to check the crankshaft position analyzer on a VAZ 2110 car with their own hands?

In case of occurrence of the indicated malfunctions, which indicate a violation of the sensor function, it is necessary to start diagnostics in a timely manner. One of the most common reasons for sensor diagnostics is a decrease in engine power. It is also necessary to start checking the DPKV VAZ 2110 when the indicator is active, indicating the need to check the motor system.

In order to diagnose the analyzer, you need to find out its location. The component instructions of the manufacturer VAZ will also help us in this. At 2110, the analyzer is positioned above the oil compressor valve near the generator.

We check the crankshaft sensor on the VAZ 2110 with our own hands.

In order to make sure that the cause of the malfunction of the motor system was a breakdown of the sensor, it is necessary to check its operability. In order to dismantle the analyzer, we need a key for 10. Before proceeding with the removal of the analyzer, it is necessary to apply special marks on the sensor and the crankcase in order to remember the initial position of the device.

The first stage of the check is visual diagnostics of the element for mechanical damage to the DPKV. If the visual diagnostics did not give an answer to the question that arose, it is necessary to continue the check using special devices.

Let's consider several of the most popular ways to check DPKV.

1. The first diagnostic method involves the use of an ohmmeter. Use a tester to determine the winding resistance. The optimal resistance indicated by the manufacturer of the VAZ 2110 is from 550 to 750 Ohm. The resistance may differ depending on the specific analyzer model. If the indicators of the control and measuring device differ from those indicated by the manufacturer, it is necessary to replace the analyzer with a similar one. The device of the 2110 crankshaft position sensor is quite simple and in most cases the analyzer fails as a result of wear. Several reasons can lead to premature wear of the crankshaft analyzer: excessive contamination, mechanical damage or factory defects.

2. The next diagnostic method will require the use of a voltmeter. In this case, it is necessary to measure the inductance and check the transformer. The check procedure is the same as above. For the correct readings of the devices, it is best to check at home. The inductance must correspond to a redistribution from 200 to 4000 mH. The supply resistance of the analyzer winding is 500 V.

We change the crankshaft sensor for a vaz 2110 with our own hands.

Stages of work.

1. First you need to turn off the ignition system and dismantle the device connector.

2. After that, using a 10 key, unscrew the analyzer fasteners and dismantle the DPKV.

3. We install a serviceable sensor according to the previously made marks.

4. In case of replacement of the sensor, it is necessary to repeat its original position.

It is necessary to change the sensor only after carrying out detailed diagnostics. For replacement, it is important to use the analyzer recommended by the manufacturer. Otherwise, there is a possibility of improper operation of the propulsion system. During the work, carefully follow the instructions provided and the manufacturer's recommendations. Correct installation new device and use original spare parts will help restore engine performance and restore the car to its original productivity. Replacing the DPKV is a simple, but sometimes necessary procedure. Every car owner can handle the replacement of the crankshaft analyzer. There is no need to overpay for the services of car workshops, when the work can be done efficiently and efficiently with your own hands.

Happy renovation!

It is difficult to overestimate the value of the VAZ-2110 crankshaft sensor for the engine. It is with its help that the engine speed is monitored. Stable operation is possible only under the condition of normal functioning of this device and control system. Many sensors send signals to the central unit, which processes the data and, using the actuators, regulates the timing of ignition and the supply of the mixture to the combustion chambers. But if a breakdown occurs, the engine will stop working in normal mode - the spark will disappear, the fuel will not be supplied to the combustion chambers. And it will be impossible to start the engine either hot or cold.

The principle of operation of the crankshaft sensor

From the sensor installed opposite the crankshaft, a signal goes to the electronic control unit. But there is one peculiarity - there are 58 teeth on the pulley. And there is a small gap - it is equal to the distance between the two teeth. It is with this gap that the sensor recognizes the position.

This looks something like this:

  1. When the crankshaft rotates, the sensor reads the number of teeth - exactly 58 pulses should be with an equal gap between adjacent ones.
  2. All these data are transmitted via the wire of the VAZ-2110 crankshaft sensor to the electronic control unit.
  3. Then the sensor hits the gap without teeth on the pulley and the ECU monitors this condition.
  4. With the help of a gap without teeth, the number of revolutions of the motor is read.
  5. Due to the presence of teeth located at an equal distance from each other, the electronic microcontroller unit understands the position of the crankshaft.

If you need to replace the device, be sure to install the same as before. Otherwise, the operation of the motor may be disrupted or it will not work at all to start it.

How to identify a breakdown?

To test the device's functionality, you only need a screwdriver and a multimeter.

The main symptoms of DPKV breakdown include:

  1. Unstable engine operation on idle, full stop.
  2. Reduced power and traction.
  3. The number of revolutions of the crankshaft is constantly jumping.
  4. Detonation is possible - shots are heard in the intake and exhaust manifolds.
  5. Engine start is problematic or impossible.
  6. Engine tidy.

If there is one of the symptoms, then this directly indicates that it is necessary to replace the VAZ-2110 crankshaft sensor.

How do I remove the device?

The sensor is located on the side of the generator drive, opposite the crankshaft pulley. You can find it by looking at the back of the engine, at the oil pump. Before removing the device, make marks - this will allow you to install the new one in the correct position. Therefore, the engine will not malfunction after repairs.

To dismantle, you need a key for 10. The order of work is as follows:

  1. Disconnect the block with the wires that connected the device to the engine control system.
  2. After making the marks, unscrew the nut from the sensor body.
  3. Remove device for inspection or replacement.

But maybe the sensor is working fine, so you need to check it. Before removing the DPKV, measure the distance from its edge to the pulley - it should be in the range of 0.6-1.5 mm. If more than the maximum value, then adjust and try to start the motor.

Diagnostics with an ohmmeter

The very first thing that can be done is to measure the resistance of the sensor winding. According to the standards adopted by the manufacturer, a value of 550-750 ohms is normal. It is quite acceptable if it differs by 50-100 ohms from these values. But if the resistance is too large or absent (open circuit), be sure to replace the VAZ-2110 crankshaft sensor. But breakdown happens extremely rarely - much more often dirt and dust accumulate on its active part, or the body is exposed to mechanical stress. Try to clean the device frequently and avoid subjecting it to shock.

Replacement features

Now you know the VAZ-2110 crankshaft, and if it is broken, you need to replace it.

Pay attention to a few nuances that must be taken into account:

  1. Try to purchase quality products that are recommended by the manufacturer.
  2. Be sure to tag for easy device replacement.
  3. The distance from the edge of the tooth to the working surface of the VAZ-2110 crankshaft sensor must be within the acceptable limit.
  4. Torque threaded connections- 8-12 N * m.
  5. Measure the resistance before installing a new sensor.

Timely cleaning of the active surface of the device will ensure its normal operation for a long time. However, you cannot use harsh methods - use a soft rag or an old toothbrush (the most suitable tool for this job). The use of metal brushes or sandpaper is unacceptable. To better remove dirt from the surface, apply a small amount of WD-40 type. Then wipe the DPKV dry and try to start the engine.


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