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In remote areas, where it is required to travel long distances, fishermen and hunters need to have their own transport. Due to the high price today, many cannot purchase it and try to design it. homemade snowmobile do it yourself. It is not easy to build, but if you put in the maximum patience and effort, then this problem will not be difficult to cope with.

Frame construction

Before you start building a snowmobile, you first need to select a material. The easiest way homemade frame make from wooden blocks. The result is a very lightweight and fairly durable construction, which is considered the cheapest and easiest to manufacture. For this you will need:

  1. Wooden bars.
  2. Sheet metal.
  3. Metal scissors.
  4. Drill and drill.
  5. Hand saw.
  6. Bolts and nuts.

The advantages of building such a structure are undeniable. In the event of a breakdown, the wooden model will be easy to repair away from the village. It is easy to find material at hand in the forest that can be used for repairs. But the main advantage is that this snowmobile rarely falls through the ice and does not sink in water.

Wooden structure

It is known that timber bars and boards do not have special strength in their places

connections. Therefore, before starting construction, it is necessary to make additional corners of metal. To do this, take sheet metal and cut square plates along the width of the bars with scissors. In them, the places for the bolts are marked with a tape measure, and then four holes are drilled with a drill. After that, the plates are bent in half strictly at 90 degrees. These will be great fixtures for firmly holding wood blocks in the corners of a homemade frame.

Usually they start construction after they have made a drawing with exact dimensions. And already on them with a hacksaw, four bars are cut off, and holes for bolts are drilled in the corners with a drill. Then they are laid on a flat surface of the floor in the form of a regular rectangle. Metal corners are applied to the joints, bolts are inserted and tightly tightened with nuts.

To attach the engine and tracks to the frame, two more crossbars are installed from bars with holes for bolts at the ends. But before that, the corners for fastening are first made. They are cut from triangular iron sheets and drilled in the corners..

Better to make eight pieces at once and put them on top and bottom. Then the fasteners will be more durable and reliable in operation.

When they are ready, the crossbars are inserted inside the frame and the triangles are placed on top. Holes are drilled in them exactly in size with a drill through the bars. Then long bolts are inserted there and tightened tightly with nuts. On this, a solid wooden frame will be ready, which will serve for a long time on a homemade device.

It is much more difficult to engage in the construction of homemade metal products. Special tools and devices are needed here, which may not be available to everyone. It will take significant costs to purchase or rent them. However, this building will be much stronger and more durable than a wooden structure.... Here you will need:

In addition, stronger materials will be needed to build a metal frame. You will definitely have to buy them in the store, since today they are not found anywhere else. And you don't really want to build a new homemade snowmobile from old parts because of poor reliability. Therefore, only good materials will be used here:

  1. Metal pipes.
  2. Iron Corner.
  3. Sheet steel.
  4. Channel.

As a rule, a simple drawing should be made before starting the construction of the frame. According to its parameters, cut the pipes with a grinder and use a welding machine to connect them into a rectangle. Inside the frame, insert a couple more partitions from the corner for installing the engine and tracks. If you make them from a channel, then the structure will turn out to be much stronger and more reliable in operation.

After that, you just need to cut off two small bushings from the metal pipe.

And then weld them to the corners of the front, where the ski pivots will be inserted. The metal frame is ready and you can start building, as well as installing the main units and assemblies.

Hanging equipment

To make the snowmobile fast and strong, you need to put on the frame good engine... If you install a low-power motor, then such a structure will not move well. And also you need to correctly calculate the caterpillar. If the area is too small, it will drown in a lot of snow and will not pull even on flat terrain. Particular attention should be paid to skis, which must create good stability and safety when driving at high speeds.

DIY rubber track

Making your homemade snowmobile a good rubber track is very important to get around easily in the snow. Making such a device with your own hands is not easy and it is better to purchase it in a store completely with rollers. Installing a standard factory track on a homemade structure is easy. To do this, you just have to fix the drive shaft and rollers with bearings on the frame. If your financial situation does not allow you to buy the entire device as a whole, then the most expensive parts are easy to make yourself. This will require:

  1. Conveyer belt.
  2. Plastic pipe.
  3. Bolts, washers and nuts.

A cheap homemade snowmobile track is usually made using a thin conveyor belt. To do this, workpieces from a plastic pipe are sawn off along the width of the rollers. Then they are cut lengthwise into two equal parts and holes are drilled for small bolts. After that, the halves of the plastic pipes are fixed to the conveyor belt with bolts, washers and nuts. The caterpillar is ready and you need to start further construction.

Homemade skis

It is no secret that in winter it is much more convenient to ski in deep snow. They also serve well as a control device on a snowmobile. It is not difficult to make a wooden structure, but only durable birch or oak boards are suitable for this. They need to be dried well, planed, and then heated and bend the ends. It's easy to make metal skis. To do this, you need to cut off two plates from sheet steel and weld a thin corner on the sides.

To make the skis turn freely, metal racks from pipes are welded to them. In working order, they are held in the front bushings of the frame, where they can easily rotate..

Washers or large nuts are welded to the top of the struts, where the rods are inserted to control the snowmobile.

The steering wheel itself is not difficult to make with your own hands, or it is easier to remove it from an old motorcycle. Thus, it remains only to install the motor, as well as the driver's seat, and you can move on the road.

After people see the prices for snowmobiles in the store, they ask the question of how to make a snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor yourself, how expensive and difficult is it? How does the manufacture of homemade products begin - a snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor? First, you need to determine what engine power to use. We used the motor-block engine in 6 Horse power... Usually, four-stroke engines with forced air or water cooling are installed on walk-behind tractors.

You can also use a reverse gear from the walk-behind tractor, centrifugal clutch, steering and fuel tank... Next, you need to think about the propulsion of the snowmobile. Most of them are equipped with a caterpillar drive.

The best homemade products - a snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor

When making a homemade snowmobile, they use tracks from other snowmobile machines, or homemade ones, assembled from scrap materials. After choosing a track, you need to decide what type of suspension to use. There are two main types to choose from: roller suspension and skid suspension.

Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. After that, it is important to decide what layout the snowmobile will have. Usually, two steering skis are installed on the front of the snowmobile and a track block at the rear.

The engine can be installed in either the rear or the front of the snowmobile.

How to make a snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor yourself

This snowmobile can be made in a few weekends at the dacha in the garage. At first glance, its design looks very simple. If you compare its cross-country ability in wet or loose snow, it will not yield to many industrial snowmobiles.

The creation of the snowmobile was based on the principle: the less weight and bigger size caterpillars, the higher its passability on deep and loose snow. Therefore, the design will be as light as possible.

How to make a homemade snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor on tracks

Four wheels are installed inside the track. When there is movement, they roll along the conveyor belt, with the lugs fixed. The track is driven by a chain from the motor, special drive sprockets, through the driven shaft. They were taken from Buran.

The engine is taken from a conventional walk-behind tractor, the power of which is 6 hp. You can't accelerate quickly on it. Soft suspension skis and tracks have been removed because the snowmobile is designed to be driven on loose snow. This simplifies the design and reduces the weight of the snowmobile.

Snowmobile Track Making

Consider the process of making a caterpillar. Plastic water pipe 40 mm, cut to length 470 mm. Blanks for lugs will be made of them. Then each of them is sawn lengthwise into equal parts with a circular saw.

The lugs are attached with furniture bolts to the conveyor belt. When making a track, it is imperative to keep the lugs at the same distance. Otherwise, the drive sprocket teeth will "run over", as a result of which the caterpillar will slip and slide off the rollers.

To drill holes in the conveyor belt for the fastening bolts, a jig was made. To drill the holes, a wood drill with a special sharpening was used.

This jig allows you to simultaneously drill six holes in the conveyor belt to attach three track lugs. There were also purchased leading sprockets (2 pieces), an inflatable rubber wheel (4 pieces), closed bearings No. 205 (2 pieces).

A turner made a bearing support and a track drive shaft. The snowmobile frame is self-made. For this, square pipes 25x25 mm were used. The articulated pivots of the steering wheel and skis are in the same plane and on the same line, therefore a continuous Tie Rod without ball ends.

Ski sleeves are quite easy to make. A 3/4 '' water sleeve is welded onto the front cross member of the frame. Male threads are screwed there. To them I welded the bipod of the ski rack and tie rod. Angles are installed on the skis, which serve as attachments to the pivot stand of the snowmobile. A metal undercut is made at the bottom to better control the snowmobile while driving on packed snow or crust.

Chain tension is adjusted by motor offset

The handling of the snowmobile is quite simple. To increase the engine speed, the throttle stick is used, which is located on the steering wheel. This engages an automatic centrifugal clutch, causing the snowmobile to move. Since the engine power is low, the speed of the snowmobile is 10-15 km / h. Therefore no brakes are provided. To stop, you must slow down the engine speed.

Tracks are available in any width. Choose what is more convenient to do: a narrow but long track, or a wide, but short one. It is important to remember that a larger track will put more stress on the engine and make it more difficult to operate the snowmobile. If the caterpillar is made small, then the car can fall through in deep snow.

The weight of the snowmobile with all parts is 76 kg. It includes: a steering wheel and an engine (25 kg), skis (5 kg), wheels with axles (9 kg), a drive shaft (7 kg), a caterpillar (9 kg), a seat with struts (6 kg).

It is possible to reduce the weight of some parts. For this size of tracked snowmobile, the weight is quite satisfactory.

Characteristics of the resulting homemade snowmobile

frame length 2000 mm;
track width 470 mm;
the distance between the axial rollers is 1070 mm.

Homemade snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor video

When operating in off-road conditions, the equipment on caterpillar It has undeniable advantages over wheeled transport due to its all-terrain qualities, allowing to overcome deep loose snow, soggy arable land or stony ford.

The popularity of tracked vehicles among household users is so great that many home craftsmen independently "change" their wheeled vehicles into homemade products - tracks made from scrap materials.

One of the options for re-equipment is the use of old tires from MTZ tractors, which allows significantly increase cross-country ability personal auto and motor vehicles with minimal financial costs.

For a tracked vehicle of any purpose, be it a tank or a snowmobile, the forward motion is provided by a tracked propulsion unit (DM).

It uses two motivating factors:

  • torque M k, transmitted from the engine / power drive to the drive wheels;
  • traction of tracks with the ground.

The caterpillar or caterpillar chain of the main engine is called a link structure, which is a solid continuous belt or chain.

For full traction on the ground, the track equipped with embossed protrusions serving as active lugs.

The principle of the caterpillar track is illustrated by the kinematic diagram of the operation of the main engine, located below. The following positions are indicated on the diagram:

  • pos. 1 - caterpillar;
  • pos. 2 - supporting rollers to prevent sagging of the track belt;
  • pos. 3 - a driving sprocket (driving wheel), which converts the torque from the engine into the traction force required for the forward movement of the machine;
  • pos. 4 - support rollers, providing full contact of the track bed with the surface of the ground support;
  • pos. 5 - shock absorbers;
  • pos. 6 - a guide wheel, which serves to direct the forward motion of the machine, and transfers part of its weight to the ground.

Crawler driving is carried out as follows:

  1. The driving sprocket (pos. 3) is supplied with torque M to.
  2. The spinning sprocket rewinds the continuous belt / track chain (key 2).
  3. The caterpillar (pos. 2) is in close adhesion to the support surface (ground, loose soil, etc.). It is affected by:
  • force R z - reaction of the support surface, which the caterpillar transmits to the vehicle frame;
  • tangential reaction of the soil support Р к.

The rewound belt / track chain is continuously laid in the direction of the forward movement of the vehicle on the surface of the ground support under the track rollers, creating for the wheels of the machine path with lower resistance to movement than on soft ground.

In the process of movement, the track rises from the supporting surface and transmits the pushing force to the vehicle frame.

The specific pressure on the support (soil) along the length of the track is uneven - increased in the area of ​​the driving sprockets, decreased in the front part in the area of ​​the guide wheel (pos. 6). The maximum ground pressure from the main engine is in the area of ​​the track rollers (pos. 4).

Advantages of homemade gas engines from MTZ tires

Due to the continuous insertion of the track under the rollers of the machine, a large contact area of ​​the tape with the ground, significantly reducing the average machine pressure on the ground.

The range of the average ground pressure of the equipment with the main engine is from 11.8 to 118 kN / m2 (from 0.12 to 1.2 kgf / cm2), which is significantly lower than the pressure of a human leg.

Such low pressure indicators provide protection of equipment from immersion in the ground, swampy soil or snow. By varying the size of the surface area in the contact zone of the caterpillar with the support, the optimal ratio of the vehicle's cross-country ability with its tractive effort for towing loads is achieved.

When equipping vehicles with caterpillar tracks, homemade Samodelkins use a transport belt or tires from automobile and tractor wheels.

The photo below shows homemade all-terrain vehicle on caterpillars made of reinforced conveyor belt 250 mm wide. The lugs are 25 mm high.

All-terrain vehicle on a caterpillar track from a conveyor belt:

For most craftsmen, old tires from MTZ tractors of various models are more preferable raw materials for the manufacture of main engines.

Among the main advantages of MTZ tires, as a source material, and the tracks themselves made from these tires, include the following factors:

  1. Availability old tires MTZ. Quite often, after dismantling, they are stored in the depths of enterprises' utility yards, cluttering up the territory.
  2. The tire is a closed continuous structure, does not require stitching of the ends ribbons.
  3. On a tracked platform made of a tractor tire no need to build lugs because the tires have a pronounced factory-made tread pattern.
  4. MTZ wheel tires have high strength and wear resistance, ensuring reliable, trouble-free operation of the track on soils containing sharp stones.
  5. Versatility applications - you can choose tires for all types of tracked vehicles, including measures to modernize equipment or increase the width of the tracks.
  6. Recycling of used tractor tires solves the most important task of recycling dismantled wheels - the possibility of their reuse.

From disadvantages working with tractor tires note two circumstances:

  • limited fixed track length due to the dimensions of the blank tire;
  • the need to double two tires when mounting a caterpillar with a width exceeding the width of one blank tire.

Requirements for converting equipment to caterpillar tracks

The figure shows simplest in design homemade - a cart with caterpillars made of tires.

Retrofitting of equipment at the main engine house is carried out exclusively for utilitarian reasons of pragmatic owners of wheeled vehicles or motor vehicles who wish improve off-road performance their "assistants".

For all models of equipment intended for driving in field conditions, the market offers serial versions of industrial-made main engines.

However, all this costs a lot of money, and tires free or very cheap.

Many equipment users manage to independently, in a home workshop, make tracks from tractor tires, install them on their cars and successfully operate in off-road conditions.

Regardless of the type of car or motor vehicle, the craftsmen take into account the following factors:

  1. To install the mechanisms of the main engine, it is necessary to equip special frame structures increased strength and rigidity, capable of withstanding increased weight and dynamic loads.
  2. When using improvised means, many craftsmen use pneumatic wheels as tensioners as well as a pair of driven and driven wheels. The tape is put on flat wheels, which are then inflated, creating the required track tension.
  3. The owner of the equipment must clearly define the purpose of the machine in order to select optimal sizes the width and length of the track.
  4. Taking into account the increase in the weight and traction loads on the engine after the installation of the main engine, it is necessary to optimize the correspondence between the maximum engine power and the track width. Otherwise the engine breaks down quickly.

When choosing the ratio of engine power and belt width of a homemade tracked installation you can be guided by the data of the price lists on all-terrain vehicles equipped with serial tracks.

Below we will consider the categories of machines that are most popular among craftsmen when converting to a caterpillar track.

The main categories of popular vehicles equipped with main engines

The list of models of household vehicles and motor vehicles operating on loose snow and swampy soils is unusually wide.

The names of the machines themselves, adopted in everyday life, indicate their field of application.


it vehicle intended for movement on loose snow cover.

In contrast to Englishism "snowmobile", which denotes any vehicle adapted to driving on snow (snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles on tracks and pneumatic wheels, etc.), in Russia only a snowmobile is called a snowmobile. ski-caterpillar means of movement(rear main engine, in front - skis instead of front wheel) with governing bodies of the motorcycle type.

For utility snowmobiles, the engine power is 30-40 hp, the track width ranges from 38 cm to 50 cm and even 60 cm.

Accordingly, if the master sets as his task the creation of a machine for movement on virgin snow with a load, then he should be guided by these indicators.

Similar parameters must be maintained when creating the so-called snow and swamp-going vehicles.

If the master needs make a faster snowmobile(sports type), the width of the tire tracks can be reduced.

The weight loads of the speeder are much lower than that of the utility utility vehicle.

The illustration shows a motorcycle-based snowmobile equipped with a 23cm homemade track cut from an excavator tire.

The rest of the homemade snowmobile track is made by hand according to the basic principle.


In everyday life they are considered to be any vehicle capable of off-road driving and even overcome water obstacles.

There are plenty of varieties of all-terrain industrial machinery:

  • off-road vehicles;
  • swamp walkers;
  • amphibians;
  • tracked tractors and conveyors;
  • ATVs;
  • ATV category cars, etc.

Their cost not everyone can afford, therefore, in home workshops they prefer to create their own exclusive products, “changing shoes” on their cars to tracks made of tires made by their own hands for an all-terrain vehicle.

Depending on the power of the vehicle engine, wider webs can be allowed.

For homemade all-terrain vehicles with a 40-70 hp engine. and with a small weight load, a tape width is sufficient 30-40 cm.

For UAZ vehicles with 110-150 hp engine caterpillar width required 40 cm with track rollers (6 pcs.) and support rollers (3 pcs.).

Naturally, the height of the tractor tire profile will not be enough to overcome the water obstacle, it is necessary to install high lugs.

The figure shows an all-terrain vehicle based on the Oka vehicle with a tracked belt made of tires.


Represented by numerous mobile devices on the basis of a single-axle chassis... Converted for the State Duma homemade options motoblocks are widely in demand among rural residents and owners of country houses or summer cottages.

The motivation for self-re-equipping the units, bypassing the purchase of serial tracks, is obvious.

The cost of the NEVA wheeled walk-behind tractor does not exceed 1000 USD... USA, while the simplest machines, adapted for driving on snow, are estimated at 5-10 thousand dollars... and higher.

The drive power of the walk-behind tractor (5-8 hp) is quite enough to be successfully operated as an all-season vehicle

Motorized dogs

Motorized towing vehicles, nicknamed in everyday speech motor dogs, are a mechanical coupling of a sleigh with a towing vehicle on the main engine. The driver and the load are placed in the sleigh.

Serial models are produced in a wide range of drive power (from 6 to 30 hp) and are equipped with a main engine made of a rubber-metal band with a width of up to 60 cm.

Home craftsmen usually make tugs based on a 15 hp engine from improvised means, installing tracks from tires width 500 mm.

Such self-made motorized dogs are capable of transporting sleds with a load of up to 700 kg, developing speeds of up to 40-50 km / h.

Most often, a home-made caterpillar for a motor dog is made from a tire to save money.

The photo shows a homemade towing vehicle based on a walk-behind tractor.

DIY caterpillar manufacturing algorithm

A caterpillar track for any model from the above categories of equipment is made from tires of various sizes corresponding to the selected design. We will analyze step by step how to make a caterpillar from a tire.

The work on the production of the tape is of a unified nature and is subject to a general algorithm.

No special knowledge is required when making a track from a tractor or car tire, however you can't do without certain locksmith skills.

The process of forming a caterpillar track from an MTZ tire consists of several stages:

  1. A tire with a slightly worn tread pattern is selected.
  2. The track is cut for a caterpillar using a sharpened boot knife. Working with a sharp knife is traumatic and requires increased care and attention.
  3. To cut the rubber better, it is recommended to use a knife periodically moisten with soapy water.
  4. Cutting with a knife can be successfully replaced jigsaw, secured against possible injury.
  5. Both sides are cut off tires.
  6. Excess material is removed from the inside of the tire.

The criterion for a well-performed work is smooth cut without tousled edges of the resulting tape.

Thus, the track element is ready for use:

Related Videos

You can see a homemade snowmobile track in action in this video:


Making homemade tracks for converting equipment to caterpillar tracks is a very popular way to expand the functionality of machines at minimal cost.

The use of dismantled old tractor tires for the main engine contributes to the solution of the issues of disposal of old tires without the use of traditional waste recycling methods - incineration, grinding, chemical treatment, etc.

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Dear visitors of the site "" today we will figure out how to independently make caterpillars for tracked all-terrain vehicle and what is needed for this? Drove ... is the most passable among its fellows, and all because the specific pressure on the ground is evenly distributed over the entire lower plane of the caterpillar, that is, it is a homogeneous fulcrum. But on wheeled all-terrain vehicles, the pressure is distributed over 4 points, so they often get stuck and skid. A simple example to you, why tracked tanks? Yes, all for the same reason, in order to evenly distribute the huge weight of the machine on the plane of the caterpillar in contact with the ground, otherwise they will simply get stuck in the ground and not budge.

The first step is to get a conveyor belt, it looks like this.

You will also need a rectangular pipe.
Well, of course, fasteners in the form of: bolts, nuts, washers, engravers.
First, we make the blanks of the tracks according to the width of the produced caterpillar, saw it with a grinder and put it in a pile)
After that, these blanks need to be given the desired shape and crimped on a special home-made machine. For clarity, let's see how a professional does it, 40 seconds for crimping one track is not a joke to you guys)

It is advisable to lubricate the ends a little with used oil.
After the track is given the correct shape, it still needs to be welded on the fangs-restraints.

In the upper part, reinforcement is additionally welded in the form of the letter " V»

In general, such a track should work.
First, you need to check and fit directly at the installation site of the track itself. Then you can already start assembling the caterpillar, but first you need to make holes in the conveyor belt, this is mainly used homemade tool... The tube is sharpened from the end, and on the side there is a hole for removing chopped rubber.
The tracks are also drilled with a drill, 2 holes on each edge.
Next, we assemble the caterpillar into a single whole.

This is how they do homemade caterpillars for all-terrain vehicles, as you can see, it is quite possible to do it yourself, which will significantly reduce the cost of the all-terrain vehicle you are assembling.

Thank you all for your attention!

Many residents of northern latitudes and places with poor traffic are engaged in the development and assembly of various vehicles with increased traffic. Tracked all-terrain vehicles are no exception. There are many different options for creating such a technique. But the most problematic issue for ATV designers is the manufacture of tracks.

You can, of course, use their factory production, but having completely assembled an all-terrain vehicle with your own hands, you also want to have tracks of your own production. Today, there are several options for creating such propellers, which practically do not differ in their technical characteristics from the factory.

Simple track variant

The simplest version and snowmobiles, is made from a conventional roller-sleeve chain and a conveyor belt. Moreover, its production does not require any special equipment and tools. In this case, the work can be done almost in the middle of the living room.

In order for the conveyor belt to serve for a long time, it is necessary to sheathe its edges with fishing line with a distance between the stitches of about one centimeter. This activity is very similar to sewing a fabric with a seamstress. In any case, this stitching will prevent the ribbon from unraveling while driving. You can fasten the ends together in any suitable way. A piano hinge-like hinge may work for this, or simply sewn, but it is unlikely to last long.

The thickness of the conveyor belt depends on the power power unit... If an all-terrain vehicle is equipped with an engine from a Soviet-made motorcycle, then a 0.8 - 1 cm thick tape used on conveyors in agriculture has proven itself excellent. To stiffen the track, it is necessary to attach a sleeve-roller chain at its inner part. This can be done using bolts or stiff steel wire. The main thing is that the chain fits snugly on the surface of the conveyor belt.

Tracks made in this way are distinguished by their long-term operation, although they are easy to manufacture. In addition, if necessary, repairs can be carried out with ease, even in the field.

Tire propellers

Many owners and snowmobiles use ordinary tires from a car as tracks for their equipment. For these purposes, tires from trucks are needed, while it is worth choosing them with the required pattern, so as not to complicate your work in the future.

To make a caterpillar drive from a tire, it is necessary to cut off the sides from it, leaving only the part with the tread. This event takes a lot of effort and requires patience, since only a well-sharpened boot knife is needed for work.

In order to slightly simplify the manufacture, it is necessary to periodically wet the knife with soapy water, which will facilitate the process of cutting the rubber. Some people use specially designed devices for these purposes. You can also use an electric jigsaw with a fine-toothed file attached to it. It also needs to be watered with soapy water.

The first step is to cut the beads from the tire. Further, if necessary, it is required to remove several inner layers in the resulting caterpillar. This is done to give it softness. If the tread pattern does not suit you, then you should start cutting a new one, which is quite a painstaking task.

This type of tracked lug has one distinct advantage over the previous version. Since it is one-piece, without connections, then its reliability is much higher. From negative points a small track width can be noted, but two or three tires can be spliced ​​to increase it.

Belt tracks

The simplicity of the manufacture of such tracked propellers is increasingly attracting the owners of all-terrain vehicles to use them on their equipment. Belts with a wedge-shaped profile are assembled into a single structure using lugs, which are riveted or screwed to the belts.

As a result, it turns out that the track blade already has holes for the sprocket. To do this, the belts must be stacked at close intervals.

Making a caterpillar for an all-terrain vehicle

An all-terrain vehicle is understood as a vehicle with an all-terrain vehicle. These include tractors, snowmobiles, SUVs and tanks. Since it is often from improvised vehicles. Motorcycles or scooters are often used for this, but the end result is a vehicle that is not afraid of either off-road or dirt. Increased cross-country ability The all-terrain vehicle is mainly dependent on its tracked propellers, which are worn on the wheels.

In this version, the caterpillar will have four stripes of 5 centimeters wide. They must be cut from a conventional conveyor belt. Then make the connection with the lateral sides using a profile in the shape of the letter P. Next, you need to make the balancers. Using a stamp, you need to make parts into the floor of the wheel from sheet steel. After that, it is necessary to make the hubs from bronze. The half wheels should be connected with six bolts. The balancers are made.

The next step will be the production of shafts for the track support drums. Holes for bearings should be made in them. Drums can be made from duralumin blanks. Connecting them together, you must insert a rubber sprocket. It turns out that the caterpillar is driven by a drive sprocket with a chain drive. It is installed on the rear fork.
After that, you should collect the entire caterpillar into a single whole.

The vertical bow must be fitted with a steel bushing through which the wheel axle passes. A mechanism is attached to the lug on this bushing, which fixes the structure of the rear fork. The rest of the ears of the all-terrain vehicle are attached tracked balancers... The propulsion unit is ready for use.

As you can see, you can make a caterpillar in different ways, the main thing is to have patience and desire.


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