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Although not as often and not in such quantities as in the warm countries of Asia, you can still find two-wheeled vehicles on our roads. Some even feel a special spirit of freedom and "catch" new sensations from motorcycles and mopeds. But all this remains at the level of each his own. However, what can be said with complete evidence is that almost all motorcycles and mopeds are means of transporting two people at once, that is, a driver and one passenger. This means that we can say that the driver of a moped or motorcycle can carry passengers, if only this is required and according to traffic rules. This is where one of the government decrees comes to our minds, namely No. 333 of 03.24.2017. It turns out that from the entry into force of this decree, the rules of transportation have changed in relation to drivers and passengers. Since 2017, it is prohibited to transport passengers on motorcycles and mopeds if the driver has less than 2 years of experience. This is how traffic rules are now formulated

Traffic rules regarding the carriage of a passenger on a motorcycle or moped

Once again, we repeat that the paragraph was introduced on the basis of Resolution No. 333 of 2017

22.2 (1) The transportation of people on a motorcycle must be carried out by a driver who has a driver's license for the right to drive vehicles of category "A" or subcategory "A1" for 2 years or more, transportation of people on a moped must be carried out by a driver who has a driver's license for the right to drive vehicles of any category or subcategory for 2 or more years.

From this logical statement it follows that for motorcyclists, a driver can only transport passengers if he has more than 2 years of experience for his respective category of motorcycles. But for mopeds, the driver must have more than 2 years of experience.
Of course, this does not in the least demean the other rules for the carriage of passengers specified in Chapter 22 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation "Transportation of People". To be sure, read them.

Penalty for transporting passengers on a motorcycle, moped with driving experience for a driver less than 2 years

As for the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, with the advent of a new decree in 2017, it has not been updated. This means that here one should be guided by the "general" part for violations of the rules for the carriage of passengers, namely, part 1 of Article 12.23 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

Violation of the rules for the transportation of people, with the exception of cases provided for in parts 2 - 6 of this article, - shall entail the imposition administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

From all this, it follows that the minimum fine may well be issued when transporting a passenger if the motorcycle driver does not have more than 2 years of experience for the corresponding category, and if the moped simply does not have more than 2 years of experience.

IMPORTANT!!! It should be noted that the fine under Part 1 does not at all demean to write out a fine under the other part of the same article, if the violation is more serious. So if a novice driver transports passengers on his motorcycle (moped), while such passengers will be children under 12 years old, whose transportation is completely prohibited on back seat motorcycles and mopeds, the penalty will be issued according to the stricter part. That is, they will write out a fine under Part 3, Article 12.23 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation, and this is no longer the minimum fine, but 3000 rubles! Children under 12 years of age may only be transported in front of the driver, if the seat of the motorcycle allows it.

Does the ban on carriage of passengers belong to category A with less than 2 years of experience

Actually, this paragraph arose due to the fact that many motorists are ready to understand clause 22.2 (1) in such a way that 2 years of experience belongs only to subcategory A1. However, in the explanatory note to the resolution there are the following lines that will dot all I.

Restrictions have been introduced for drivers with a driving experience of up to 2 years. Thus, they cannot tow other power-driven vehicles with the vehicles they drive. They are also prohibited from transporting people on a motorcycle (drivers with category A, A1) or a moped (drivers with any category).

Here it becomes finally clear that the restrictions apply equally to both categories A and A1. That is, to hide behind category A and say that I have it and I do not need 2 years of experience to transport passengers - it will not work!

Is it possible to pay a fine with a discount for transporting passengers on a motorcycle, moped with a driving experience for a driver of less than 2 years

Since 2016, amendments to Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation give us the opportunity to pay some of the fines with a 50 percent discount. Such fines include not particularly serious cases, that is, not drunkenness and not relapses ... It is from this that one can draw a completely logical conclusion that Article 12.23 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, Part 1, will also fall under the possibility of paying at a discount. The main thing here is to pay the fine from the moment it appears in the traffic police database, but no later than 20 days from the date of the decision.

Video about the fine for transporting a passenger for a novice driver

Question-answer on the topic "Penalty for passengers on a motorcycle, moped with driving experience for a driver less than 2 years"

Question: Can they charge a fine for transporting a passenger on a motorcycle or moped?
Answer: Yes, since 2017 I can. Here, the admission criterion is the presence of a license for more than 2 years for the corresponding category (motorcycle - A, A1 or moped - any category for more than 2 years)

Within the framework of which new restrictions and fines have been introduced for drivers whose experience is less than two years.

From now on, "dummies" can not go behind the wheel of a towing car and drive a car without a sticker with an exclamation mark on the yellow square, but still the toughest amendments were made to motorcyclists.

In connection with the new amendments to the traffic rules, we should expect new traffic police special raids. Photo - Yekaterinburg Online

The law prohibits the carriage of passengers if the driver's experience in category A or A1 is less than two years. Violators will be punished within the framework of the first part of Article 12.23 of the Administrative Code ("Violation of the rules for transporting people") and fined 500 rubles.

Carriage of a passenger by a driver whose experience is less than 2 years will be punished with a fine of 500 rubles. Photo - Alex Vivan

The new amendments are intended to reduce the number of accidents involving newcomers and, importantly, to protect passengers who suffer in such accidents almost more often than pilots from inept and "green" drivers.

Thanks to a set of measures to tighten exams, abolish external training and reduce the corruption component in the issuance of driving licenses, the number of accidents involving novice drivers in 2016 decreased by 26% compared to 2015.

Changes in the scheme for obtaining a driver's license have reduced the accident rate by 26%. Photo -

The amendments also increased the maximum speed for motorcyclists in Russia to 110 km / h, equating it to the automobile speed. However, the permission is formal - even the traffic police, which wrote out fines on the basis of these photo and video recording complexes, when making decisions, were guided not by the motorcycle exceeding the speed limit for two-wheelers, but proceeding from the real restrictions on one or another road.

Some people still believe that driving a motorcycle or scooter does not require a license, and equipment does not matter. This behavior is not only dangerous in itself, but also violates traffic rules. Let's see if it is possible to ride a motorcycle without a helmet, and what is the risk of such behavior.

○ Penalty for riding without a helmet on a motorcycle and scooter.

Let's start by determining who needs a helmet. Traffic rules allow you to use a motorcycle, moped or scooter for carriage of passengers, if allowed by the design of the vehicle.

Please note that we are talking not only about the presence of a helmet, but also about its fastener. It is not enough just to put a helmet on your head; it must be fastened. Otherwise, you will have to pay fine of 1000 rubles... under Art. 12.6 Administrative Code:

  • "Violation of the rules for using seat belts or helmets."
  • “Driving a vehicle by a driver not wearing a seat belt, transporting passengers not wearing seat belts, if the design of the vehicle provides for seat belts, as well as driving a motorcycle or moped or transporting passengers on a motorcycle without motorcycle helmets or in unfastened motorcycle helmets - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand rubles. "

The Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a fine not only for the absence of a helmet on the motorcycle driver, but also on the passenger, therefore putting on his iron horse passenger, it is advisable to take care of a second buttoned helmet.

Most violations in this area are committed by drivers who are not going to stop at the request of the traffic police inspector, they are sure that he will not pursue two-wheeled vehicles for the sake of imposing a fine, and in extreme cases it is cheaper to pay a one-time fine than to spend on an expensive special helmet. This position cannot be called correct from any side.

○ Potential consequences of riding without a helmet.

Neglecting safety rules, a motor vehicle driver first risks his life and the health of passengers. Unlike a motorist, he is not protected by a heavy car body and seat belts. Let's make simple calculations.

The average speed of movement in the city is 50 km / h. Even at this speed, the chance of surviving will not be great, and injuries are guaranteed.

In addition, in case of an accident involving a motor vehicle, which occurred through the fault of another driver, it will not be possible to apply Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and punish the culprit for causing damage that occurred due to the lack of a helmet, because the driver himself violated the safety rules.

By placing the passenger behind his back, the driver assumes responsibility for his safety. If an accident occurs and a passenger without a helmet is injured, Art. 1079 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and he will have to compensate for the harm.

Even if we don't talk about an accident, there are a lot of small stones on the road, insects fly in warm weather, all this at speed can get into the face or eyes, which in itself is quite unpleasant and traumatic!

Statistics show a steady increase in the number of accidents that occurred with the participation of motor vehicles. In most cases, drivers are seriously injured, because a motorcycle or scooter is very light and mobile, but at the same time does not protect the driver in any way. Therefore, when getting on a scooter, be careful, be careful not to break the rules and get too close to other transport, and most importantly, do not spare money for a special helmet - this is not a high price for your life and health.

Although not as often and not in such quantities as in the warm countries of Asia, you can still find two-wheeled vehicles on our roads. Some even feel a special spirit of freedom and "catch" new sensations from motorcycles and mopeds. But all this remains at the level of each his own. However, what can be said with complete evidence is that almost all motorcycles and mopeds are means of transporting two people at once, that is, a driver and one passenger. This means that we can say that the driver of a moped or motorcycle can carry passengers, if only this is required and according to traffic rules. This is where one of the government decrees comes to our minds, namely No. 333 of 03.24.2017. It turns out that from the entry into force of this decree, the rules of transportation have changed in relation to drivers and passengers. Since 2017, it is prohibited to transport passengers on motorcycles and mopeds if the driver has less than 2 years of experience. This is how traffic rules are now formulated

Traffic rules regarding the carriage of a passenger on a motorcycle or moped

Once again, we repeat that the paragraph was introduced on the basis of Resolution No. 333 of 2017

22.2 (1) The transportation of people on a motorcycle must be carried out by a driver who has a driver's license for the right to drive vehicles of category "A" or subcategory "A1" for 2 years or more, transportation of people on a moped must be carried out by a driver who has a driver's license for the right to drive vehicles of any category or subcategory for 2 or more years.

From this logical statement it follows that for motorcyclists, a driver can only transport passengers if he has more than 2 years of experience for his respective category of motorcycles. But for mopeds, the driver must have more than 2 years of experience.
Of course, this does not in the least demean the other rules for the carriage of passengers specified in Chapter 22 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation "Transportation of People". To be sure, read them.

Penalty for transporting passengers on a motorcycle, moped with driving experience for a driver less than 2 years

As for the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, with the advent of a new decree in 2017, it has not been updated. This means that here one should be guided by the "general" part for violations of the rules for the carriage of passengers, namely, part 1 of Article 12.23 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

Violation of the rules for the transportation of people, with the exception of the cases provided for in parts 2 - 6 of this article, - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

From all this, it follows that the minimum fine may well be issued when transporting a passenger if the motorcycle driver does not have more than 2 years of experience for the corresponding category, and if the moped simply does not have more than 2 years of experience.

IMPORTANT!!! It should be noted that the fine under Part 1 does not at all demean to write out a fine under the other part of the same article, if the violation is more serious. So if a novice driver transports passengers on his motorcycle (moped), while such passengers will be children under 12 years old, whose transportation is completely prohibited in the back seat of motorcycles and mopeds, then the penalty will be issued according to a stricter part. That is, they will write out a fine under Part 3, Article 12.23 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation, and this is no longer the minimum fine, but 3000 rubles! Children under 12 years of age may only be transported in front of the driver, if the seat of the motorcycle allows it.

Does the ban on carriage of passengers belong to category A with less than 2 years of experience

Actually, this paragraph arose due to the fact that many motorists are ready to understand clause 22.2 (1) in such a way that 2 years of experience belongs only to subcategory A1. However, in the explanatory note to the resolution there are the following lines that will dot all I.

Restrictions have been introduced for drivers with a driving experience of up to 2 years. Thus, they cannot tow other power-driven vehicles with the vehicles they drive. They are also prohibited from transporting people on a motorcycle (drivers with category A, A1) or a moped (drivers with any category).

Here it becomes finally clear that the restrictions apply equally to both categories A and A1. That is, to hide behind category A and say that I have it and I do not need 2 years of experience to transport passengers - it will not work!

Is it possible to pay a fine with a discount for transporting passengers on a motorcycle, moped with a driving experience for a driver of less than 2 years

Since 2016, amendments to Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation give us the opportunity to pay some of the fines with a 50 percent discount. Such fines include not particularly serious cases, that is, not drunkenness and not relapses ... It is from this that one can draw a completely logical conclusion that Article 12.23 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, Part 1, will also fall under the possibility of paying at a discount. The main thing here is to pay the fine from the moment it appears in the traffic police database, but no later than 20 days from the date of the decision.

Video about the fine for transporting a passenger for a novice driver

Question-answer on the topic "Penalty for passengers on a motorcycle, moped with driving experience for a driver less than 2 years"

Question: Can they charge a fine for transporting a passenger on a motorcycle or moped?
Answer: Yes, since 2017 I can. Here, the admission criterion is the presence of a license for more than 2 years for the corresponding category (motorcycle - A, A1 or moped - any category for more than 2 years)

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will focus on the changes that have been made to the text starting April 4, 2017. Starting from this date, new clauses have been added to the rules that introduced additional restrictions for drivers with a driving experience of less than 2 years.

In addition, the changes affected maximum speed the movement of motorcycles, as well as the rules for the use of identification marks (novice driver, road train, deaf driver, etc.). Let's consider the innovations in more detail.

Maximum speed for motorcycles on motorways

Consider paragraph 10.3 of the rules road traffic:


  • passenger cars and trucks with a maximum permissible weight of no more than 3.5 tons on highways - at a speed of no more than 110 km / h, on other roads - no more than 90 km / h;
  • intercity and small-seater buses and motorcycles on all roads - no more than 90 km / h;

10.3. Outside settlements, movement is allowed:

  • motorcycles, cars and trucks with a maximum permissible weight of no more than 3.5 tons on highways - at a speed of no more than 110 km / h, on other roads - no more than 90 km / h;
  • intercity and small-seater buses on all roads - no more than 90 km / h;

Thus, starting from April 4, 2017, motorcyclists can ride at a speed of 110 km / h. Previously, the limit was 90 km / h.

Towing restrictions for novice drivers

Consider the new paragraph 20.2 1 of the SDA:

20.2 1 . When towing, towing vehicles must be driven by drivers who have the right to drive vehicles for 2 or more years.

Let's analyze the new item in parts:

  • This paragraph only applies to towing mechanical Vehicle... Those. towing trailers any driver can do it and it will not be a violation.
  • The restrictions apply only to the driver of the towing vehicle, i.e. pulling car (driving in front). The second car can be driven by a driver with any experience.
  • The driver of the towing vehicle must have the right to drive any vehicle for 2 or more years.

For example, if a driver at the age of 16 received a license of category M, and at the age of 18 received a license of category B, then since his experience is more than 2 years, he can immediately tow.

In this case, the restriction applies specifically to novice drivers, i.e. having a driver's license of any category for less than 2 years. Please note that below we will consider the restrictions for motorcyclists, which apply not only to novice drivers, although the wording of the paragraph of the rules is similar.

Fine for violation of the towing rules is provided for by Article 12.21 of the Administrative Code and amounts to 500 rubles(or warning):

1. Violation of the rules for the carriage of goods, as well as the rules of towing -

The driver of the second car cannot tow the first car, because this is prohibited by the new clause 20.2 1 of the rules. The fine for violation will be 500 rubles.

One more possible variant- change cars. However, since the drivers are not included in the OSAGO insurance, it will be 500 rubles (for each of the drivers).

What is the best way to proceed in this case? It's actually pretty simple. You need to ask the traffic police, who are preparing to issue a fine, to help get the car out of the mud.

Restrictions on the carriage of people on motorcycles and mopeds

Consider the updated paragraph 22.2 1 of the SDA:

22.2 1 . Transportation of people on a motorcycle must be carried out by a driver who has a driver's license for the right to drive vehicles of category "A" or subcategory "A1" for 2 or more years, transportation of people on a moped must be carried out by a driver who has a driver's license for the right to drive vehicles of any category or a subcategory for 2 years or more.

This item consists of two parts, for motorcycles and for mopeds. Let's consider them separately.

Restrictions for moped drivers

Everything is pretty simple here. To transport people on a moped, a driver must have a driver's license of any category for 2 years or longer. Those. a novice driver is not allowed to transport people on a moped.

Let me remind you that a driver's license is currently suitable for driving mopeds, in which any category is open and.

Restrictions for motorcyclists

Restrictions for motorcyclists are slightly more complex. To transport people on a motorcycle, you need to have a driving license of category A or subcategory A1 for 2 years. Please note that this restriction does not only apply to novice drivers.

For example, a driver has 40 years of experience in driving cars of categories B, C, D and after retirement wants to change to a motorcycle. He gets a category A driver's license and buys a motorcycle with a cradle, which he plans to ride to the country with his wife.

Such a driver cannot be called a beginner from the point of view of traffic rules, since the driving experience exceeds 2 years. However, the driver cannot carry passengers for 2 years.

In this case, the driver only has to put the motorcycle in the garage and put the certificate on the shelf in order to return to the idea in 2 years. Naturally, during this time the driver will not become more experienced. Rather, on the contrary, he will partially lose the skills acquired in the driving school.

The penalty for violation of the rules for the carriage of passengers is provided for in part 1 and amounts to 500 rubles:

1. Violation of the rules for the transportation of people, with the exception of the cases provided for by parts 2 - 6 of this article, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

Features of the installation of the "Novice driver" sign

Minor changes were also made to the description of the "Novice driver" sign:

"Novice driver"- in the form of a yellow square (150 mm side) with a black exclamation mark 110 mm high - behind power-driven vehicles (except for tractors, self-propelled vehicles and motorcycles) driven by drivers who have the right to drive these vehicles for less than 2 years.

"Novice driver"- in the form of a yellow square (side 150 mm) with an image of a black exclamation mark 110 mm high - behind a motor vehicle (except for tractors, self-propelled vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds) driven by drivers who have the right to drive these vehicles for less than 2 years.

Until April 4, 2017, the "Novice Driver" sign had to be installed, among other things, on the back of mopeds. The new edition of the SDA cancels this requirement.

Introduction of a fine for lack of identification marks

7.15 1 . There are no identification marks that must be installed in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation and the Duties of Officials to Ensure Road Safety, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090 "On Road Traffic Rules ".

Starting from April 4, 2017, the operation of vehicles on which identification marks are not installed is prohibited. These are the following signs:

  • Road train.
  • Transportation of children.
  • Deaf driver.
  • Training vehicle.
  • Speed ​​limit.
  • Dangerous cargo.
  • Oversized cargo.
  • Slow-moving vehicle.
  • Long vehicle.
  • Novice driver.

Thus, for the absence of the above signs, it is possible to obtain a fine of 500 rubles(Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code):

1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation and the obligations of road safety officials, the operation of a vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 to 7 of this article -

shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

Additional penalties (for example) are not imposed in this case.

Please note for illegal installation of the above signs, in contrast to, the punishment is not provided.

For example, you can install the "Novice Driver" sign immediately after receiving your driver's license at age 18 and not remove it until your retirement age. This will not be a violation.

Another important note that applies to all innovations. The new rules for novice drivers have nothing to do with the presence of the Novice Driver sign on the car. Only the experience of a particular driver matters.

For example, several drivers (mother and daughter) use a car. At the same time, the daughter is a novice driver and this is evidenced by the identification mark on rear bumper... However, this sign does not impose restrictions on the second driver of the car. If the mother is driving, she can tow other vehicles without removing the sign. This will not be a violation.

The same goes for the reverse situation. If the towing car does not have the "Novice driver" mark, but a driver with less than two years of driving experience is driving, then this driver risks getting 2 fines at once (for not having a sign and for violating the rules of towing).

In conclusion, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the full text of the updated traffic rules:

Good luck on the road!


It's good that someone with less than 2 years of experience was not introduced to accelerate over 70 km / h ...

"Please note that there is no punishment for illegal installation of the above signs, in contrast to the Invalid sign."

Apparently, they forgot to add another sign "Training vehicle". ;)

Can I not hang the "Novice driver" sign on a car if I have a license of category "A", which is more than two years old, and there is category "B" which is less than two years old.

Correct the typo (there is a ride):

For example, you can install the Thorns sign and eat with it all year round. This will not be a violation.

Another example related to towing. The two cars set off on a joint off-road trip to the dacha. The driver of the first car has 20 years of driving experience. The driver of the second car is the son of the first driver who just got his driver's license. The more experienced driver drives first and gets stuck in a muddy ditch. What to do?

And you can also write a power of attorney for an experienced driver and he will be able to drive a car without an OSAGO policy and he will not get anything for it. According to the Law on MTPL, the car owner is obliged to insure his liability for MTPL within 10 days ...

I didn’t get it with the "Novice Driver" sticker. For example, a father with 20 years of experience does not want to see this sticker on his car, but from time to time his son gets behind the wheel of the vehicle, having no more than six months of driving experience. Rip it off every time?

Just buy a suction cup sticker and you will be happy.

Roman-87, interest Ask. Description of the "Novice driver" sign:

"Novice driver" - in the form of a yellow square (side 150 mm) with an image of a black exclamation mark 110 mm high - behind motor vehicles(excluding tractors, self-propelled vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds) driven by drivers authorized to drive the specified vehicles less than 2 years.

If the driver has the right to drive power-driven vehicles for less than 2 years, then an identification mark must be installed. The category does not matter.

Those. if you have a category A license for more than 2 years, then you do not need to hang up the "Novice driver" sign.

Good luck on the road!

Roman-88, thanks for the comment, the article has been updated.

Good luck on the road!

Why is nothing said about the transportation of bulky goods for beginners?


Such a question, my son has exactly 2 years of experience, does he fall under these changes?

And until tomorrow not wait chtol, when the experience will be already 2 years and 1 day? Or is it necessary to carry a passenger on a moped?

meteorhost, because no changes were made in this regard.

Good luck on the road!

Hello. Tell. Ticket 7, question 10 "At what speed are motorcycles allowed to move outside settlements on all roads?" - now the answer is correct (no more than 90 km / h). In connection with the last edit, a discrepancy is obtained. How to be. Are we waiting for the update of the question and answer, or am I misunderstanding something? Thanks in advance for your reply.

Colleagues, hello.

the question is:

The traffic rules say - "The vehicles must be equipped with identification marks:

"Spikes" - in the form of an equilateral triangle .... at the rear of motor vehicles with studded tires; "

But here's the question .... inside or outside the glass?

If I have tinted glass - and I pasted a sign, but it is not visible, why should I be fined according to traffic rules?

They asked to stick it - I pasted it. Nowhere is it written that it was visible to other road users from a certain distance.

Or, for example, I pasted it on, but I haven't washed the car for a year - the glass is dirty. Is there anything to write a fine for?

Ilya, Hello.

As you understand, there is no practice on this issue yet. After a while, it will become known whether they are fined for the installation of the "Thorns" sign in the ways you indicated.

Good luck on the road!

identification mark - transportation of children - should be installed on a personal car? or only for specialized transport, eg school buses?

Irina, paragraph 22.6 of the SDA:

22.6. Organized transportation of a group of children must be carried out in accordance with these Rules, as well as the rules approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, in a bus marked identification marks"Transportation of children".

Signs must be displayed on any bus carrying out organized transportation children. Including on a private bus.

Good luck on the road!


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