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All lamps that are now sold on the market can be roughly divided into three groups
1 Standard halogen bulbs

2 Lamps with increased light output (PHILPS Vision Plus + 50% PHILIPS + 100%, Osram Night Breaker + 90%, etc.

3 xenon lamps (MTF SHO-ME and others) their distinctive feature is the blue glass of the lamp

In the first case, everything is clear: these are standard lamps with standard light output. there are no tricks in these lamps. these lamps are equipped with cars coming off the assembly line. The color temperature of these lamps is in the order of 2600-2800 Kelvin.

In the second case, special technologies and materials are used to increase the light output of the lamp. The color temperature, like the light output of such lamps, is higher and is about 3000-3200K? that is, such a lamp shines brighter and whiter light!

And with the third type of lamps, everything is much more interesting, let's dwell on it in more detail.
Lamps "for xenon" have an increased color temperature of about 3600-3800K and shine even whiter than the previous ones, but in terms of light output they are significantly inferior to the first and second lamps. Why it happens? let's figure it out.

So imagine a tungsten coil of a lamp through which an electric current is passed, making it glow. If, with the help of a glass prism, we decompose the light emitted by this spiral into its components, then we will see that this seemingly white light consists of many colors (remember the rainbow). All these colors add up to give us white light.

If, in the case of the first and second types of lamps, the light freely passes through the transparent glass and goes to the reflector, and then reflects on the road, then for the third type of lamps everything is different.
Due to the fact that the glass of the lamp is blue, only light rays can overcome this barrier
and for Red, Orange, and Yellow, blue glass is an insurmountable obstacle (therefore, our eye sees that it is blue)

As a result of such a filter, a good half of the radiation does not come out of the lamp, which leads to a significant deterioration in the illumination of the road, in addition, the most powerful part of the spectrum is red and yellow rays (remember yellow fog lights) Therefore, in complex road conditions such as rain and fog, such lamps are extremely dangerous to use due to their complete inefficiency.
Therefore, you should not believe the Xenon 4300K ​​inscriptions, etc.


If you are interested in the MAXIMUM BRIGHT light of your headlights and are ready to put up with a slightly shorter service life of such lamps, as well as a higher cost, then your choice is the lamps of the second category. You can distinguish them by the inscriptions + 50% + 80% + 100% and by the CLEAR glass of the lamp. The presence of a small colored strip on such lamps does not lead to a deterioration in the light characteristics. The area of ​​glass opposite the spiral will always be uncolored

If you want your headlights to have a color similar to the color of xenon lamps, then your choice is a category 3 lamp, but know that you will lose up to 70% in road illumination (depending on the degree of glass coloration). They will shine weaker than the standard "Yellow"

In one of the Internet communities I came across a note of a young driver from Tambov who painted the headlights of his old BMW green. And no one condemned. On the contrary, his enthusiasm was shared by two dozen people. Moreover, the theme was supported by other motorists. It turned out that a lot of cars with multi-colored "eyes" are driving around the city.

Light tuning is flourishing. The reasons are different: one thinks that the headlights of his car do not shine brightly enough, another wants to look cooler, the third thinks that it is beautiful. Most often, you see the results of such alterations on budget models, and their owners choose the appropriate methods.

One of the simplest is to replace the standard light sources in the headlights with something like that. There are more than enough offers: from high-power lamps to LEDs. And no alterations - I pulled out one light bulb and put another in its place. Before the technical inspection, it is not difficult to return to the legal option again. So people are drawn to experiments.

We have written about the shortcomings of the "miracle" -lamp several times - the last time Mikhail Kolodochkin talked about them in the first issue of "Behind the Wheel" this year. Therefore, I will not bother that such lamps shine poorly and can even cause a fire. Reading morality to mature personalities, especially creative ones, is a useless exercise. I’ll just show you with examples how poorly this "light music" fulfills its direct duties.


Putting non-standard lamps in the headlights, we change the design of the head light of the car, which means that we risk losing the driver's license. Traffic police inspectors have the right to stop a car with suspicious headlights and send it to an impound parking lot, and the headlight itself to a laboratory for an examination, which will issue a conclusion on whether the lighting equipment corresponds technical standards... If not, then the driver (yes, he was sitting at that moment at the wheel, because he had to check the technical condition car), the court deprives of rights under article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for a period of six months to a year. Is it worth the risk?

Darkness of light

Even in a small roadside store, you will definitely find an alternative to stock lamps. If I had set the goal of collecting all the sources of automotive light that are offered by traders on the market, Internet sites and chain stores of spare parts, this material would be stretched to half a magazine. Therefore, I will confine myself to the six most interesting specimens that have fundamental design differences.

All the bulbs I bought can be installed in headlights designed for the most inexpensive and popular H4 bulbs (P43t base) without any alterations. The seventh was a set of standard lamps manufactured by Philips - we need them as a reference.

The experiment consisted of two parts. First, all lamps were tested for compliance with the current requirements of the EEC ONN Rules No. 112–00 at the stand in the laboratory of the Research and Experimental Institute automotive electronics and electrical equipment (FSUE "NIIAE"). Then - field tests to confirm or disprove (sometimes it happens) the theory by practice: we inserted different lamps into the headlights of Largus in turn to find out how they illuminate the road.

Laboratory work

We are on the threshold of NIIAE. The head of the laboratory, Nikolai Bazin, took us to the room where they test lighting equipment - a long dark corridor with measuring equipment. To start testing, everything is ready - a headlight with a standard lamp is installed on the stand.

Turn on the low beam. A luminous flux is projected onto a screen located at a distance of 25 meters - the light distribution is assessed visually (how clear is the boundary between light and shadow), and the light meter's photocell measures the illumination at several control points. First, using the goniometer (a device for high-precision angles measurement), the expert set the exact horizontal position of the headlight. This is a control point in the so-called zone III - "dark territory", located above the light line. The first data appears in the dimension table. Nikolay turns the headlight to the angle specified in the methodology and takes measurements at three other points: B50L (face of the oncoming driver at a distance of 50 m), 75R and 50R (objects on the side of the road at 75 and 50 meters, respectively).

Stock bulbs have been tested. We run the remaining six sets using the same technique. We fix the light distribution in the photo, and the results of the measurements are summarized in a table. The data obtained confirmed our fears: of the six purchased "miracle" lamps, only one passed the test.

Halogen lamps ClearLight X-Treme Vision H4 (pictured on the left) cost 1000 rubles per pair and allegedly give 120% more light power (as it is written on the box) with a five times increased resource! On the front side of the box there is a large inscription Germany, and without any explanation. On the back - "Made in China".

Center - Narva Xenon white lamp set. Place of production - Poland. And here is the inscription: Not for use in Europe ("Not for use in Europe"). It's strange, because in Russia there are European rules. On the back of the box there are English inscriptions not translated into Russian, informing that the kit is “not for public roads” and “only for sports tracks”. There is also the Rostest badge, but there are no European certification designations. The cost of the kit is 600 rubles. It is sold in a chain store of spare parts, the sellers of which did not say a word about the specifics of the lamps.

Lamps of the MTF Light brand (on the right) are smartly packed and cost 1100 rubles. Called Aurum ("Gold"; apparently because of the yellow color of the flasks). Sold as "all weather". The seller explained that it is better to ride with them in rain and fog. On the box there is a large inscription Made in Quality (literally: "Made in quality"). And smaller: "Made in Korea". The office address is Seoul.

LED MAS LEDs (left) of unknown origin (presumably from the PRC). Set - 1500 rubles. True, exactly the same light sources, but without the blister pack - half the price. The sellers said that these lamps did not know how to light, and they began to persuade them to buy expensive LEDs (from 5500 to 13000 rubles per set). But we refused, and not only because of the frenzied price, but also because of the specific design - their voluminous external radiators will not allow you to put protective headlight covers.

Another DLED H4 "LED car lamp" is pictured in the center. The manufacturer indicated Russia, instead of the address - the number mobile phone... The nondescript box indicates the dimensions of the product, the number and type of LEDs - 18 5050 SMD, as well as the luminous flux - 270 lm (lumen). No certification badges. But there is a sly inscription: “The address of the plant and compliance with GOST see in the certificate of compliance. Ask the seller for the certificate. " And the seller only makes a helpless gesture. The price of the kit is 800 rubles.

The photo on the right shows the same box, the same manufacturer. Only the sticker is different - it says that the light source has six Epl HP LEDs, and the luminous flux is 900 lm (like a 55-watt H4 halogen). Judging by its appearance, the elongated bulb of this product acts as a radiator, which is already causing concern. For a set - 2664 rubles. But!

Nikolay Bazin, head of the testing laboratory of light and sound signaling devices and light sources of vehicles and trailers

The parameters of light sources that are installed on cars, motorcycles and other equipment are specified in the relevant UNECE rules and Russian GOSTs. In the Russian Federation, the technical regulation of vehicles 018 is in force, according to which lamps in cars on public roads must comply with UNECE Regulation No. 37. The head light can only be neutral white, with a clear cut-off line, with sufficient intensity at control points and not causing dazzle to oncoming drivers ...

LEDs adapted to the base of a halogen lamp, depending on the power, give dim light or, conversely, dazzle oncoming ones, since they are structurally unable to form a directed beam of light. In addition, weak LEDs do not heat up the headlight enough, as a result of which it will fog up and freeze.

Do not chase after halogen lamps of supposedly high brightness (with inscriptions on the boxes "+ 100%" or "+ 120%"). They only mean that in the reference headlamp, this lamp illuminates one of the control points better than the lamp of the same brand of the previous generation. And in other conditions, the light may be worse. Colored bulbs can increase the contrast of the picture, but only under certain conditions. So, yellow slightly improves visibility in rain or fog, but in clear weather it is less visible with it. And with blue light, it's the opposite. In any case, what and how you will see depends not on the color of the light beam, but on its source and setting. Headlights need to be kept clean and properly adjusted to keep them bright.

Roads and results

Looking at the results of laboratory tests, you understand what awaits us on the road. But we decided not to deviate from the original program and see what the drivers will see from their cars, in the headlights of which "beautiful" lamps are installed. The results are in the photo gallery below.

By the way, we arranged additional tests for the ClearLight X-Treme Vision lamps that met the standards, leaving them in the headlights of the editorial Largus: we will check whether they will live as long as the standard ones.

Experts believe that light sources with increased luminous flux suffer from the resource. Let's go - we'll see.

How do other bulbs shine? Badly. Look at the photos - no comments are even needed. A driver with a sober head will not put such in the headlights of his car. Conclusion: for headlights designed for H4, buy only the corresponding lamps - ordinary 60/55 W H4 double-filament halogens. Without any improvements and tweaks. And even more so, no LEDs and pseudo-xenons! Confirmation that the products are certified will be Rostest and European certification badges (letters EAC in a box or E in a circle) on the packaging.

And let professionals be engaged in experiments with lighting technology in laboratories and at closed polygons.

We would like to thank the specialists of the Research and Experimental Institute of Automotive Electronics and Electrical Equipment for their help in preparing the material.

The safety of all road users depends on high-quality road lighting at night and in the evening. Therefore, the choice of lamps for car headlights the driver must approach as responsibly as possible. There are several types of such devices. One of the classic models is the H4 lamp. It has two filaments, which allows you to create both near and far lighting.

The lamp for the H4 base has a number of features. To buy a suitable variety, you need to study the main modifications of this device before buying. Lamps of the presented category are produced by many manufacturers today. A review of popular brands (Narva, Philips, Osram and others) will help to conclude about the quality of these fixtures. It will be easier for the driver to pick up the best way for your car.

general characteristics

H4 car bulbs have been produced for quite some time. There are also newer versions of these devices. But the presented type of lighting fixtures does not lose its popularity.

The standard wattage of lamps in this class is 55-60W. This requirement must be fulfilled by all car owners of ordinary cars, so as not to blind oncoming drivers. Normal machine wiring creates a 12V network.

The standard power of the H4 lamp (55W) ensures the normal operation of the entire electrical system of the vehicle. Today, such devices are used in head lighting.

Exists different types these devices. New developments allow lamps with H4 base to function much longer, create high-quality road lighting.

Types of devices

The H4 (12V) lamp has a lot of modifications. The parameters of devices of this type may vary significantly from manufacturer to manufacturer. The list of such features includes the coating of the flask, its internal composition (type of gas), the spiral and the design of the device itself.

Lamps with H4 base can be halogen, LED or xenon. The last two varieties are used less often, since their cost is higher. However, these varieties are also the most promising. They are able to create the highest quality lighting and also have durability.

Longer life lamps are gaining popularity. In some cases, the driver must turn on the headlights during the day. This reduces the likelihood of an accident. Conventional lamps wear out faster under these conditions. The upgraded devices can withstand increased loads and will not require replacement for a long time.

Main technical characteristics

H4 car bulbs are high-tech equipment. Its quality is determined by a number of technical characteristics... A good device is distinguished by a high axial luminous intensity, as well as correct geometry. The quality of the beam depends on the accuracy of the arrangement of structural elements. The temperature (hue) of the emitted light also matters.

Depending on these characteristics, a distinction is made between standard and upgraded devices. H4 halogen LED lamps, depending on their technical parameters, have an improved luminous flux, increased service life, visual comfort, and increased power. There is also equipment that can be used in rainy or foggy weather. Depending on the basic requirements of the driver, you need to purchase one or another type of lighting fixture.

Increased luminous flux

The H4 high lumen output lamp generates 30-60% more light than standard versions. This category of devices is required by drivers with impaired vision. People over the age of 60 need to purchase just this type of lamp. This greatly increases visibility on the road.

However, the presented category of devices has a slightly shorter service life. The luminous flux brightness indicator largely depends on the design of the car headlights. Older machines have slightly less reflective function than newer ones. vehicles... Therefore, the use of lamps with an enhanced luminous flux in them in this case may be impractical. In other cases, depending on the manufacturer, this type of lamp at standard power provides bright illumination of roadsides and roads.

Improved visual comfort lamps

Xenon, halogen or H4 LED bulbs can have different luminescence temperatures. Devices with improved visual comfort provide good road visibility. Their type of rays is as close as possible to daylight... This allows the driver to stay focused. His eyes don't get tired even on long journeys.

A bright beam with a bluish tint well illuminates road irregularities and signs. Therefore, the driver is clearly oriented during the trip at night. The improved visual comfort that the H4 lamp possesses is ineffective in rainy or foggy conditions. Moisture droplets reflect the bright white beams of the headlights and blind the driver. Therefore, these devices are advisable to use in dry weather. The glow technology in high-quality models is created in a certain way. Inexpensive and low-quality lamps of this type have insufficient brightness.


All-weather H4 lamps, reviews of which it is useful to study before buying, are distinguished by a yellow glow. In difficult weather conditions, this feature offers a number of advantages to the driver. Due to a different wavelength of radiation, such rays are less scattered in moisture droplets. The visibility of the road in the rain becomes higher.

Yellow light on long journeys tires the eyes. Therefore, these lamps are not purchased by truckers, freight forwarders. But people who live in a region with a lot of rainfall tend to prefer all-weather lamps. Many popular manufacturers make such devices.

High power lamps

The H4 lamp from Osram, Philips and other manufacturers most often has a standard wattage. This allows you to use the device on the road in the city, on the highway. However, for off-road driving, the driver can use lamps increased power- 100-130W. This ensures the quality of illumination in difficult terrain.

Such products are used in special vehicles. In conventional cars, the electrical system is not designed for high-power lamps, so it can be damaged. The presented devices are suitable for both head light and additional lighting. For example, on the roof of an SUV, you can make a system of lamps of the presented type.

Reviews of standard lamps

According to expert reviews, Philips H4, Osram, Narva, Zenon, General Electric lamps differ significantly in a number of parameters. To choose the optimal variety, you need to consider popular models. Among the standard devices, a number of lamps stand out: Osram [email protected], Philips Long Life (designed for use 24 hours a day), as well as devices from General Electric, Narva.

When turned on high beam according to the test results, the Osram lamp was recognized as the best [email protected] When the dipped beam is turned on, it also performs well. But in this mode, Narva's model turned out to be better. It has a relatively low cost.

The General Electric brand produces lamps with less attractive characteristics. This model, like Philips devices, has a more yellow glow color.

The H4 12v lamp is a bright halogen light source with a worldwide P43t-38 base. It is used with the H4 headlights, which are distinguished by an improved connection element and a special design of the optics. Today, halogen lamps of this standard are rightfully considered one of the most popular among Japanese, Russian and European motorists. H4 lamp (12V, 60 / 55W) is produced in variousexecutions, each of which has unique operational features

The greatest demand in Moscow is for white H4 lamps, which are versatile and practical, demonstrating equally high efficiency both in the city and on suburban roads. The price of standard lamps is the lowest, which makes them the choice of those drivers who do not have any special preferences and just want to distinguish normally at night. However, for some drivers in Moscow, standard lamps are not suitable.

Auto lamps H4

Along with the standard ones, you can also purchase specialized ones, which, for example, include especially bright H4 lamps. They have a greater illumination range, which is especially important when driving in a straight line. That is why super bright bulbs are used mainly by truck and bus drivers who make intercity flights.

Those lamps for the H4 car, which have an increased luminous flux, also belong to progressive ones. These lamps produce more light, giving out a richer light spot. It is better to distinguish small objects, hitting which can damage the suspension modern car... If you often come across stones and potholes on your way, you definitely need bulbs of increased light output.

The H4 60 / 55W heavy-weather lamp features a yellowish glow that is better visible in rain and snow. On this her technical differences from a standard H4 12V bulb are running out. The cost of this category of specialized lamps is equal to the cost of standard light sources, which makes most drivers willing to purchase them for use in winter and off-season.

As you can see, the best H4 bulbs can come in quite a few designs, each of which will be of interest to a specific group of drivers. It follows from this that you need to choose halogen bulbs seriously, not hoping for an eternal maybe. The need for careful selection applies not only to the lamps themselves, but also to the headlights in which they are used.

H4 low beam and high beam

Use H4 headlamps with special headlamps designed for the performance of these light sources. On the other hand, for this purpose, you can convert any other headlights, even those that are not intended for halogen at all, but the effect of the vaunted halogen bulbs in this case will be about 30-50% of the possible.

When buying quality Hella branded lamps H4 90, it is simply stupid to save on headlights. They are a single whole with the lamps, which means that duplicates are indispensable here. To see the road as fully as possible, you need original headlights, which will create a wide enough light spot and orient it in an optimal way, simultaneously ensuring the clarity of the boundaries of the illuminated zone.

It should be borne in mind that the headlights of the H4 standard are not intended for separate installation of high-beam and low-beam lamps. H4 is a standard for dual filament halogen lamps that are capable of switching between low and high high beam... That is, instead of two different types of lamps, you can use only one - a universal "near-far" lamp with two filaments in one bulb!

Buy H4 bulbs

In the online store "AutoLamps.Ru" you will find a variety of Philips H4 lamps. We have been working with bulbs of this brand for a long time, offering them to our customers in a full range. It contains BlueVision, CrystalVision, DiamondVision, EcoVision, X-tremeVision, and many, many other lines of standard and progressive auto lamps from Philips Electronics.

If you want to purchase certain Philips H4 lamps, you simply cannot find the best electronic store to buy them, because today we really offer you big choice high quality lamps. Which is better - it's up to you, we just collected in one catalog all that, no doubt, deserves your attention.

To buy H4 60 55 lamps in our online store, you need to specify the quantity, click the "buy" button and follow the further instructions. Any halogen lamps you are interested in will be delivered to your address, regardless of which city you are in.


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