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There are as many means of transport as you can only imagine. They are a bus, a bicycle, a car, a ship, a train, a plane and so on. And today I want to discuss all of them.

The most popular means of transport is a car. Nowadays there are so many car producers and brands that a car becomes the most popular and comfortable type of transport. You can travel by car everywhere. The only thing that can stop you is your driving license and the foreign country rules. And dream of many people is to buy a car and for most of them it comes true.

Another popular transport is a bus. Not everyone can drive or many people just want to enjoy the view and concentrate on their thoughts while traveling. And the bus allows all these. The cost of traveling by bus is much lower than that of a car.

Bicycle is popular among young people. They use it during the warm seasons to travel around the city or the nearby places. It's healthy and affordable for most of people.

Train is popular for its low cost and cozy atmosphere. You can make a long travel on the train and don’t need to pay a lot for it.

Planе is popular for its speed but the cost is quite high. It is thought to be the safest means of transport among all. The most luxurious means of transport is a ship. I mean not those small ordinary ships, but the ones that travel across the oceans with thousands of tourists. They are often called liners.

So we just need to pick up the one we like and completely enjoy it.


There are as many modes of transportation as imaginable. This is a bus, bicycle, car, ship, train, plane, and so on. And today I want to discuss them.

The most popular means of transportation is a car. Nowadays there are so many car manufacturers and so many brands that the car is becoming the most popular and comfortable mode of transport. You can travel by car anywhere. The only thing that can stop you is your driver's license and driving regulations in another country. Buying a car is a dream of many people, and for most it comes true.

Another popular means of transport is the bus. Not everyone can drive, or many people just want to enjoy the view and concentrate on their thoughts while traveling. And the bus allows it all. The bus fare is significantly lower than the cost of using a car.

The bicycle is popular with young people. They use it during the warmer months to travel around the city or to nearby places. This is useful and accessible to most people.

The train is popular for its low cost and cozy atmosphere. You can arrange a long train journey without paying a lot.

The plane is popular for its speed, but its cost is quite high. It is considered the safest mode of transport among all.

The top class vehicle is a ship. I'm not talking about those little ordinary ships, but those that travel across the oceans with thousands of tourists. They are often called liners.

Well, we just need to pick one that we like and fully enjoy it.


car producers and car brands- producers machines and brands machines

to travel by car - To travel by car

a driving license - driving license

a dream comes true- dream comes true

to enjoy the view- enjoy kind

the cost of traveling- price trips

to be popular among- to be popular among

travel around the city- travel around the city

to beaffordable - be permissive (monetarily)

don’t need to pay a lot - you don't need to pay a lot

travel across the oceans- travel across oceans

to pick up sth - select something

Hello dear readers! The modern world cannot be imagined without vehicles. Since ancient times, people have looked for ways to make their movement faster and easier. The vehicle has gradually evolved - from horses, deer and dogs to planes and helicopters. Every day we come across at least one type of transportation device - bicycles, electric trains, buses, cars. Therefore, the topic of transport in English is very important.

Vehicle name in English

The vehicle connects peoples, countries and continents. In the United States and Great Britain, modes of transportation such as underground and surface trains, taxis, buses, airplanes and, of course, private cars are very popular. They offer residents of large cities an efficient, convenient and quick way movement. But such a vehicle as a trolleybus and tram is rare in western cities, mainly in museums.

In addition, unlike Russian fares, in America and Britain, fares are charged per distance. Entering public transport, the passenger tells the driver the destination, and he, in turn, punches him a ticket with the required amount. As for the sea and air vehicles, here everything is the same as here, paying for a ticket. Unless the amounts are different.

I have prepared for you a convenient table in which you will find the English translation and pronunciation of a particular word:







transport ["træns‚pɔ: rt]transportbreakdown ["breɪk‚daʋn]crash
parking ["pɑ: rkɪŋ]parking lotcrossroad ["krɔ: s‚rəʋd]crossroads
highway ["haɪ‚weɪ]highwaycabstand [ˈKæbræŋk]parking
main highwayhelmet ["helmɪt]helmet, helmet
sidewallk ["saɪd‚wɔ: k]sidewalkMetro ["metrəʋ]underground
traffic lights ["træfɪk laɪt]traffic lightsstation ["steɪʃən]station
transit ["trænsɪt]transitcomponent detail
boot trunkchassis [ˈƩæsɪ]chassis
parking place ["pɑ: rkɪŋ pleɪs]parkingcowl hood
pedestrian a pedestrianignition [ıg "nıʃən]ignition
refuelling gas stationcarburettor carburetor
brake brakemotor ["məʋtər]motor
bumper [ˈBʌmpə]bumperpedal ["pedəl]pedal
cab cabinpiston piston
speedometer speedometersemaphore semaphore
trunk trunkswitch arrow
tire ["taɪər]tiremarine fleet
jeep jeepwheel wheel, steering wheel
limousine ["lɪmə‚zi: n]limousinebody ["bɒdɪ]body
sedan sedancabriolet [ˌKæbrɪəuˈleɪ]cabriolet
berth reserved seathatch-back [ˈHætʃbæk]hatchback
car railway carriagevan van
compartment compartmentuniversal [‚Ju: nə" vɜ: rsəl]station wagon
anchor ["æŋkər]anchorbarrier [bæriə®]barrier
aqualung [ˈÆkwəlʌŋ]scubataxi ["tæksɪ]Taxi
bay bayplatform ["plætfɔ: rm]platform
harbor ["hɑ: bə]harborcable ["keɪbəl]chain
hold holdcanvas ["kænvəs]sail
jetty [̈Ɪˈdʒetɪ]piercompartment compartment
moorage pierdeck deck
overboat [ˈƏuvəbɔd]overboardbuoy buoy
mast maststern stern
master ["mæstər]captainwater craft [ˈWɔ: təkrɑ: ft]ships, boats
scull paddleboat boat
sluice Gatewayferry ["ferɪ]ferry

Download the table

By the way, in spite of the fact that the phrasebook has a phrase with the help of which they are interested in whether a passenger leaves at the next stop, in Western countries it is not customary in transport to ask "Are you leaving at the next one?" This question will only give you a foreigner from Russia or the CIS countries. The English speakers themselves explain it as "we just shove", that is, "we push the crowd" and maybe say "excuse me".

Types of vehicles in English

As you know, transport is divided into several types and subspecies:

  • Ground-underground (railway, special, personal, etc.)
  • Air (military, passenger, cargo)
  • Marine (military, passenger, cargo)

Now we can specifically study the types of vehicles themselves using a transcription table. The translation is presented in both Russian and English language:








automobile [‚Ɔ: təmə" bi: l]automobiletrain train
bulldozer ["bulˌdəuzə]bulldozercar car
bus buslandrover all-terrain vehicle
catafalque [ˈKætəfælk]hearsepetrol tanker ["petrəl tæŋk]Gasoline tanker
combine harvesterpush-cycle [ʹPʋʃ͵saık (ə) l]Kick scooter
dust-cart garbage trucktram tram
excavator ["ekskəveɪtə]excavatortrolley bus ["trɒlɪ‚bʌs]trolleybus
loader [ˈLəudə]loadertruck truck
lorry ["lɔ: rɪ]truckdiesel locomotive [ˈDiːzl ‚ləʋkə" məʋtɪv]locomotive
motor bike ["məʋtər‚baɪk]mopedelectric locomotive [ɪ "lektrɪk‚ ləʋkə "məʋtɪv]electric locomotive
motorcycle ["məʋtər‚saɪkəl]motorbikelocomotive [‚Ləʋkə" məʋtɪv]locomotive
electrotrain [ɪ "lektrəʋ treɪn]electric trainsteam locomotive locomotive
hand car railcarsuburban train electric train
local train ["ləʋkəl treɪn]suburban traintram tram
bicycle ["baɪsɪkəl]bikeskateboard ["skeɪt‚bɔ: rd]skateboard


Edgar Allan Poe wrote: "No transport will be passing if you don't know where to go." Have you already found out where to go? Then it only remained to find the passing transport. In this phrasebook, we will write useful phrases in English for communicating on the bus or train, ordering a taxi, and renting a car. Go!

We've written a simple travel phrasebook that contains dialogues, phrases and vocabulary on 25 essential topics. Go on a journey with the main character and improve your English. You can download the book for free at.

Modes of transport in English

And by tradition, at the beginning of our article, we want to provide a list of basic vocabulary that you will definitely need. These are the names of vehicles, the main types of cars in English, and other useful words.

Word / PhraseTranslation
Types of vehicles
a vehiclevehicle
a cara car
a motorbikemotorbike
a taxiTaxi
the subway (sub) / tube / metro / undergroundunderground
a bus / coachbus
a traintrain
a commuter trainelectric train
a ferryferry
Types of cars
a minivanmini van
a sedan / saloonsedan
full sizelarge roomy car
standard sizestandard mid-size car
compactsmall compact car
premium / luxurypremium car
a railway / train stationtrain station / train station
a bus station / terminalbus station / bus station
a bus stopbus stop
a tube / subway stationMetro station
rent-a-car / car hirerent a car
parkingparking lot
no parkingno parking
a private parking lotprivate parking
a gas / petrol stationrefueling
a streetStreet
a squaresquare
a cornerinjection
a bridgebridge
a pedestrian crossingcrosswalk
a crossroads / T-junction / intersectioncrossroads
traffic lightstraffic lights
road policeroad police

Have you noticed that the word "bus" has two definitions: bus and coach? What is the difference? The word bus is usually used to refer to a bus that is used within a city to get to work, school, etc. Coach is a long-distance bus designed to travel on highways. It transports people long distances, so sometimes it even has a toilet.

Let's try to figure out what word to call the metro in English. The word tube is widely used in Great Britain, while in this country the word subway is used for an underground passage. And in the USA, on the contrary, they prefer to call the subway with the word subway. The word metro is most popular in Europe, but it can also be used in the United States. The word underground is also used in various countries, but it is less common.

The list of words with types of cars will be useful for you if you want to rent a car abroad: you will need to explain what kind of transport you need. So, for example, you can take a mini-van (minivan) if you are traveling with a large company, or a small car (compact) if you want to save on gas.

We have also suggested a few words to denote the word “crossroads”. Crossroads typically denotes the intersection of two roads at right angles. T-junction - the intersection of two roads in the shape of the letter T. Intersection is also an intersection, this word is widely used in the United States.

Phrases in English for getting around on a bus or subway

So, you've decided to get around the city by bus or metro. In this case, you will need to find out which bus or train you take (to take a bus / the subway), where is the nearest stop and where you can buy a ticket (ticket). The phrases for traveling by metro and bus are almost identical, if necessary, just replace bus with tube, subway train. Use the following phrases for information:

Questions about finding a stop / station
Excuse me, where is the nearest bus stop?Excuse me, where is the nearest bus stop?
Do you know the best way to the subway station?Don't know how best to get to the metro station?
Where is the nearest subway station?Where is the nearest metro station?
Questions about tickets
Where is the ticket office?Where is the ticket office?
Where are the ticket machines?Where are the ticket machines?
Can I buy the ticket on the bus?Can I buy a ticket on the bus?
Bus questions
Which bus should I take?Which bus should I take?
Where can I get the bus to the art gallery?Where can I take the bus to the art gallery?
Which bus goes to the airport?Which bus goes to the airport?
Does this bus go to the theater?Is this bus going to the theater?
Does the 12 stop near the train station?12 does the bus stop at the train station?
How often does the 12 run?How often does bus 12 run?
Which is the last stop for the 12?What is the final stop of bus 12?
When does the next / last bus leave?When does the next / last bus leave?

The following may be answered:

You need a bus # 12.You need bus number 12.
The bus comes every ten minutes.The bus runs every 10 minutes.
The 12 will take you to the airport.Bus 12 will take you to the airport.
The last bus leaves at 11.00 p.m.The last bus leaves at 23:00.

If you are going to use public transport frequently, we recommend purchasing a single travel card instead of regular tickets. You can use it in different types transport within a certain area. This pass will save you up to 30-40% of the cost of tickets.

Well, here you are, boarded the long-awaited bus. Here you will also need knowledge of some phrases in English, for example, to check with your fellow traveler when you need to get off or where to make a transfer.

How much is the fare?What's the fare?
Here is the fare, please.Take, please, for the fare.
Do you mind if I sit here?Do you mind if I sit here?
How long does it take to get to the bus station?How long does it take to get to the bus station?
Where do I get off for the museum?Where do I need to get off to get to the museum?
Which is the closest stop to the park?What is the closest stop to the park?
I want to get to the palace. Where should I change?I want to get to the palace. When do I need to transfer (to another bus)?
What is the next stop?What's the next stop?
Could you please stop at the cinema?Could you stop by the cinema?
Please, let me through.Please let me in.
Let me off here, please.Please let me go out here.

On the bus, fellow travelers and the driver can answer your questions using the following phrases:

You have taken the wrong bus.You took the wrong bus.
You should get off and take a bus three.You should get off and take bus # 3.
You should change at the school.You need to transfer at the school.
Could I see your ticket, please?Can I see your ticket, please?
You need to get off at the theater.You need to go outside the theater.
It takes about 20 minutes.This will take about 20 minutes.
It does not take long.That's not for long.

By the way, while traveling in public transport, you can see the inscription Reserved for the handicapped, the elderly and passengers with children. These are places for disabled people, elderly people, passengers with children.

We ask a passerby where the nearest station is:

A: Excuse me, I'm trying to get to the Tower of London. What's the best way to get there?A: Sorry, I'm trying to get to the Tower of London. What is the best way to get there?
B: Probably by tube.V: Most likely by subway.
A: Where is the nearest underground station?A: Where is the nearest subway station?
B: It is not far from here. You need to cross the street.V: It is not far from here. You need to cross the street.
A: Could you please tell me which line it is for the Tower of London?A: Could you tell me which route goes to the Tower?
B: You need to take the District line.V: You need a District line.
A: How often does the tube train run?A: How often does the metro train run?
B: The tube comes every ten minutes.V: The train runs every ten minutes.
A: Thanks a lot!A: Thanks a lot!
B: Not at all!V: It's my pleasure!

We communicate in the metro carriage / bus cabin:

A: Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?A: Excuse me, would you mind if I sit here?
B: I don "t mind at all.V: Of course not.
A: Could you please help me? Where do I get off for the Tower of London?A: Could you please help me? Where do I need to get off to get to the Tower of London?
B: It’s the third stop after this one. It does not take long. You need to get off at the Tower Hill Underground Station.V A: This is the third stop after this one. It does not take a lot of time. You need to get off at Tower Hill Station.
A: Thank you!A: Thanks!

How to order a taxi in English

If in their native country our people do not go to the bakery by taxi, then abroad this type of transport is one of the most popular and convenient. Therefore, if you want to move around the city in comfort, learn the phrases that will help you order a taxi in English.

Can I get a taxi to the train station? I am at the Plaza Hotel.Can I take a taxi to the station? I am at the Plaza Hotel.
Can I schedule a taxi for 7 p.m.?Can I order a taxi by 19:00?
What will it cost me to go from the Plaza Hotel to the train station?How much will the trip from the Plaza Hotel to the train station cost?
I would like a taxi, please.I would like to order a taxi, please.
How long will I have to wait?How long do I have to wait?

For a phone number, ask the receptionist at your hotel: Could you give me the number for a taxi service? (Could you give me the taxi phone number?) Want to make things easier for yourself? You can ask the receptionist to call a taxi for you. To do this, tell me where you are going to go: Could you call me a taxi, please? I am going to the theater (Could you call me a taxi? I'm going to the theater).

Taxis can also be found on the street. To do this, use the following phrases:

Where can I get the taxi?Where can I get a taxi?
Are you free?You are free? (to the taxi driver)
Are you engaged?You're busy? (to the taxi driver)
Take me to this address, please.Please take me to this address.
Could you take me to the airport?Could you take me to the airport?
I am going to the train station, please.I'm on my way to the train station, please.
I would like to go to the theater.I would like to go to the theater.

To communicate with the taxi driver and resolve all issues, you can use the following phrases:

How much will it cost?How much is it?
I am in a hurry. Go faster, please.I'm in hurry. Quickly, please.
Would you mind making a quick stop?Do you mind if we stop for a minute? (if on the way you need to stop to buy / pick up something, etc.)
Could you please wait for me here?Could you please wait here for me?
Could you drop me here? / Could you stop here?Could you stop here?
Let me off at the next corner, please.Drop me off at the next corner, please.
Keep the change.Leave the change to yourself.
May I have a receipt, please?Can I get a check, please?
Thanks for the ride.Thanks for the ride.

We ask the hotel administrator to call a taxi:

A: Could you please call me a taxi?A: Could you please call me a taxi?
B: Yes, sure. Where would you like to go?V: Oh sure. Where would you like to go?
A: I would like to go to the Palace of Westminster. I would also like to know how much it will cost to go from this hotel to the Palace.A: I would like to go to Westminster Palace. I would also like to know how much it will cost me to travel from the hotel to the palace.
B: OK. Wait a minute, please.V: Good. Please wait a minute.
A: Thank you!A: Thanks!
B: They will send a car within 10 minutes. It will cost £ 11.V A: They will send the car within 10 minutes. It will cost £ 11.
A: Thank you very much!A: Thanks a lot!
B: Not at all!V: Please!

Conversation with a taxi driver:

A: Hello! I would like to go to the Palace of Westminster. Is it far?A: Hello! I would like to get to the Palace of Westminster. It is far?
B: Hello! Not really, but if the traffic's bad, it can be a bit slow. Is it your first time in the city?V: Hello! Not really, but if there are traffic / roads in the city, we will drive slowly. Is this your first time in the city?
A: Yes, it is a pleasure trip.A: Yes, I came to rest.
B: Very nice. That’s Cleopatra "s Needle on the left.V: Perfectly. On the left you see Cleopatra's Needle.
A: Oh, it's marvelous!A: Oh, amazing!
B: And that is the Palace of Westminster over there.V: And over there is Westminster Palace.
A: It is quicker than I expected. Drop me off here, please.A: This is faster than I expected. Drop me off here, please.
B: OK. That will be £ 11, please.V: Good. With you £ 11, please.
A: Here you are. Keep the change.A: Hold on. Keep the change for yourself.
B: Thank you! Have a nice day!V: Thanks! Have a nice day!
A: Thanks!A: Thanks!

Now see how to order a taxi and communicate with a taxi driver in English.

How to rent a car abroad

What could be more convenient than getting around the city by taxi? Perhaps, only movement by your own car, or rather by a rented car. Personal transport will allow you to be independent of the bus schedule and the taxi driver's driving style. If you are going to rent a car abroad, be sure to learn the modes of transport in English from our first table.

We recommend that you look on the Internet a few days before the trip, which companies provide cars for rent. You will be able to compare prices and conditions for using this service even before traveling, thus saving a lot of time.

Do not forget to clarify the driving conditions at the place of stay: in some countries you can use a license issued in your home country, in others you can only use an international driving license.

So, you have found the company you need and you know what kind of car you need. Prepare your passport and driver's license, because they will certainly be asked to present for the paperwork for renting a car. Use the phrases from the following dialogue to rent a car in English.

A: Hello! Can I help you?A: Hello! I can help you?
B: Hello! I would like to rent a car, please.V: Hello! I would like to rent a car, please.
A: What kind of car are you looking for?A: What car would you like?
B: I want a compact car.V: I want a compact car.
A: Automatic or manual?A: "Automatic" or manual transmission?
B: Automatic.V: "Automatic".
A: I can offer you Ford Fiesta.A: I can offer you a Ford Fiesta.
B: Ok, how much is it weekly?V: Ok, how much does the rent cost per week?
A: It is $ 50 per day and that includes insurance, that means $ 350 for seven days.A: $ 50 per day including insurance, which means $ 350 for 7 days.
B: I will take this car.V: I take this car.
A: Ok, could I see your driving license, please?A: Okay, can I see your driver's license?
B: Here you are.V: Please.
A: Here is the contract. Pickup Date is April 17th and Return Date is April 24th 6 p.m. Check your name and sign, please.A: Please contract. The rental start date is April 17, the return date is April 24, 18:00. Check your name and sign, please.
B: Here you are. Do you accept VISA?V: Please. Do you accept Visa?
A: Yes.A: Yes.
B: Here you are.V: Please.
A: Thank you! Here is the receipt and your keys.A: Thanks! Here is the receipt and your keys.
B: Thank you!V: Thanks!

Any company will provide you with a list of drop off locations where you can drop off your car. However, in some cases, you can leave the car, for example, near the airport, and the representative of the company will pick it up from there. However, for such a service you will have to pay an additional amount.

Usually, you can rent a car with a full tank of fuel, but during its use you will most likely have to use a refueling service. In addition, an oil change or the service of a mechanic may be required. In this case, you will need knowledge of a few phrases:

Fill it up with 4 gallons of petrol, please.Refuel 4 gallons of gas, please.
I want 15 liters of petrol.I need 15 liters of gasoline.
I need oil, please.I need butter, please.
Could you please change the oil?Could you please change the oil?
I have a flat tire.I have a flat tire.
I need a mechanic, please.I need a mechanic, please.

We suggest watching a video on how to rent a car in English.

Road orientation

While driving, you may need to know the following symbols:

Word / PhraseTranslation
speed limitspeed mode
road signroad sign
speed camerastraffic surveillance cameras
kph (kilometer per hour)km / h (speed unit)
reserved parkingparking is reserved for certain vehicles
parking prohibitedNo parking
no stoppingstop is prohibited
no passagepassage closed / no passage
one way streetone way street
dead enddead end
diversion / detourdetour

Have you noticed the interesting phrase dead end? This is how streets are called that end in a dead end. At the beginning of such streets there will definitely be a sign with the inscription Dead end, so look carefully around.

On the way, you may need a map of highways, as well as knowing some phrases to help you ask where you should go. Use the following questions:

Which road should we take?Which road should I take?
Excuse me, how do I get to the freeway from here?Excuse me, how do I get from here to the highway?
Could you show me on the map?Will you show me on the map?
How can I drive to the bank?How can I get to the bank?
How many miles is it to the bank?How many miles to the bank?
Where are we now?Where are we now?
Where is a petrol station?Where is the gas station?

To understand what you are being answered, refer to the article "", and also see the following phrases that a foreigner can use to help you reach your destination:

Turn left to Johnson street.Turn left onto Johnson Street.
Take a right at the next light.Turn right at the next set of traffic lights.
Turn right after you pass the museum.Turn right when you pass the museum.
When you see the cinema on your right, turn left at the next street.When you see the cinema on your right, turn left onto the next street.
Turn right at the next street and immediately take another right.Turn right onto the next street and immediately turn right again.

Now you know how easy it is to manage using the services public transport in English, order a taxi or rent a car. Learn phrases from our simple phrasebook before your trip, and then it will go smoothly and pleasantly. We wish you only comfortable and memorable travel!

Complete list of words and phrases for download

We have compiled a document for you that contains words and phrases on this topic. You can download it from the link below.

(* .pdf, 305 Kb)

To test your knowledge, try our test.

As the great American writer and essayist William Burroughs used to say: "You don't have to live, but travel is necessary." And in order for the journey to be comfortable, it is necessary to have a minimum vocabulary for travel, of which the modes of transport are an integral part. Today we will not only discuss the "bus" in English, but also consider the necessary verbs of movement. Having memorized this small “traveler's dictionary”, you can easily get from point “A” to point “B”, wherever you are. Check it out

Main types of transport

V general views transport in English sounds like "means of transport". And now in more detail about how to say "train" in English or what you can use to move around the world:

Let's recall the difference between American English (AmE) and British (BrE). Try to focus on the option that is closer to your interlocutor.

Movement verbs

Know the name of this or that vehicle certainly necessary, but you should also skillfully operate with the verbs that are combined with them. Everyone knows that “ go"- this is in English to go, go, fly, and indeed - the main verb of movement. When specifying the type of transport, you should use the preposition "by" after the verb: "go by ship", "go by plane", "go by car", etc. The exceptions are the expressions “ride a horse” and “walk” (on feet). The preposition "on" should be used here: "go on foot", "go on horse". The synonymous verb for "go" is "travel". It can also be used in these phrases with prepositions.

If we are talking about "riding" - on a bicycle, horse or motorcycle, then you should use the verb " ride":" Ride a horse "," ride a bike "," ride a bicycle. "

In the case when you are driving a car, use the verb “ drive":" To drive a car. "

Are you planning to fly an airplane? In English " take off"(Take off) and" land"(To land).

When talking about movement on water, you should use the verbs “ sail"(To sail, sail) and" dock"(Moor, moor).

With all types of transport, you can use the verbs: “ arrive"(To arrive)," depart"(To sail off, to depart)," leave"(To leave, to leave)," take»(Use any kind of transport, go by something). For example:

  • The train arrives at 7p.m.- The train arrives at 7pm.
  • The plane departed on time.- The plane left on time.
  • We want to leave ASAP.- We want to leave as early as possible.
  • I don’t want to go on foot, let’s take a bus instead.“I don’t want to walk, let's take the bus instead.

To be more specific, use the verbs “ get on"(Sit down) and" get off"(Get off):" get on the plane "," get off the bus ". But in the case of a car or a taxi, use the prepositions "in" and "out of" instead of "on" "off":

  • Hurry up! Get in the car!- Quicker! Get in the car!
  • No, I don’t want to get out of the taxi.- No, I don't want to get out of the taxi.

And finally, we would like to introduce you to the very popular expression “ take a ride", Which translates as" ride, ride ":

  • Mr. Anderson, let’s take a ride.- Mr. Anderson, let's take a ride.

After you've familiarized yourself with the basic vocabulary, see some other words that might be helpful.

In the airoport

departure- departure
exit- output
check-in desk- registration desk
arrival- arrival
nursery- room for mother and child
baggage carousel- baggage claim track
boarding- landing
boarding pass- boarding pass
carry-on bag / hand luggage- carry-on baggage
ticket- ticket
passport- passport
reservation- reservation
flight- flight
overweight- overweight
waiting room- passenger lounge, waiting room
gate- output
customs supervision- customs control
destination- destination

At the train station

booking/ticket office- ticket office for the sale and booking of tickets
trolley- luggage trolley
porter- porter
compartment- compartment
restaurant / buffet / dining car- dining car, restaurant car
timetable / indicator board- train schedule
seat- a place
penalty fare- penalty for unpaid travel
carriage- railway carriage
railway line- rails
railway station- passenger station
express train- express train
ticket barrier- turnstile

On the ship

life belt /boat / jacket- lifebuoy / boat / vest
harbor- harbor
deck- deck
cruise- cruise
car deck- car compartment
crossing- sea voyage, crossing
crew- ship crew
rough/calm sea- storm / calm
cabin / cuddy- cabin / cabin on a small ship
seasick- nausea associated with motion sickness
to embark / disembark- get on / off the ship

After studying this article, you can not only say "plane" in English, but you can easily ask about the time of departure / arrival, flight number, and so on. Feel free to travel and expand your boundaries with EnglishDom. Still have questions? Then write to our online tutors urgently! They will not only help you find a way out of the situation, but will also be happy to share their travel experiences.

See you soon and have a nice trip! But don "t trip;)

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

TRANSPORT, noun. Uncountable the same as transportation; transportation, delivery from one place to another of goods or passengers

TRANSPORT, noun. Uncountable one type or another, a set of vehicles; branch of the national economy associated with the transportation of people and goods

TRANSPORT, noun. Consignment of shipped, transported or received goods delivered at the same time

TRANSPORT, noun. Military. convoy or collection of special purpose vehicles

TRANSPORT, noun. Military., Sea. sea ​​cargo or passenger ship

TRANSPORT, noun. Spec., Comp. an instant messaging service that allows messages to pass between different networks

TRANSPORT, noun. Bukhg. the same as the report; transferring an amount to another page

TRANSPORT, noun. (transport) jarg., card argo transferring a bet to another card in gambling

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

TRANSPORT, transport, m. (From Latin transporto - transfer). 1. (transport) only units. Action by verb. to transport; transportation, delivery (cargo, passengers, etc.) from one place to another. Transport of bread by rail. Continuous transport of goods. 2. (transport) only units. One or another type of conveyance. City transport (cars, trams). Underground transport (eg in mines). Railway transport... Water transport. Cartage transport. Air Transport. Automobile transport... Transport driver. || The branch of the national economy serving different kinds transportation. Transport work. The growth of Soviet transport. 3. (transport). Consignment of goods delivered at the same time. Large transports of bread. 4. (transport). A wagon train or a set of special-purpose vehicles (military). Sanitary transport. Artillery transport. Divisional transport. 5. (transport). A ship (navy) for the transport of goods or people (naval). Mine transport. 6. (transport). transfer of the amount to another page, the same as the report in 2 digits. (accounting). 7. (transport). In gambling - transferring a bet to another card (card argo). He recognized some banknotes, which passed from hand to hand several times by corners and transports. L. Tolstoy.

Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

TRANSPORT FR. transportation of goods, delivery. | Wagon train, goods or supplies by train. | Transportable, state-owned cargo ship. | Transfer of total, in ledgers, from page to page. | In gambling. games: transferring the bet to another card. Transport, to transport different. meaning related. A protractor, a protractor, a projectile for drawing angles, by degrees, on paper. - rubbing corners.

Modern explanatory dictionary

"TRANSPORT", publishing house, Moscow. Created in 1964 on the basis of the publishing houses Transzheldorizdat (founded in 1923), Avtotransizdat (1953), Sea Transport, and River Transport (both in 1954). Literature on all types of transport, educational literature, information and reference publications for passengers, magazines, posters, etc.

TRANSPORTATION (from lat. Transporto - move), a branch of material production that transports people and goods. Distinguish between land, water and air transport. Ground types: railway, road and pipeline; aquatic - sea and river; air - aviation. Transport is divided into public transport serving the sphere of circulation and the population, non-public transport (intra-industrial movement of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products, etc.), as well as personal transport. It is also divided into passenger and cargo.

Words of wisdom

Incorrect use of words leads to errors in the field of thought and then in practical life.

Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev


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