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Driver's instructions before transporting children

I approve
Head teacher
MKOU "Central secondary school"
___________ G.M. Ponomareva

for the bus driver
according to the rules of safety when transporting children

  1. General safety requirements

1.1. Drivers with continuous three-year or more work experience in automobiles are allowed to transport groups of children. Vehicle ah category "D" and have not violated the current Rules over the past three years traffic.

1.2. The technical condition of the bus (buses) must meet the requirements of the basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation.

1.3. The bus must be equipped with:

  • two easily removable fire extinguishers with a capacity of at least two liters each (one in the driver's cab, the other in the passenger compartment of the bus);
  • square identification marks yellow with a red border (the side of the square is at least 250 mm, the width of the border is 1/10 of the side of the square), with a black image of the symbol road sign 1.21 "Children", which must be installed in front and behind the bus;
  • two first aid kits (car);
  • two anti-recoil stops;
  • emergency stop sign;
  • when traveling in a column - an information plate indicating the place of the bus in the column, which is installed on windshield bus on the right in the direction of travel;
  • buses with more than 20 seats, manufactured after 01.01.98 and used on tourist trips, must be equipped with tachographs - control devices for continuous recording of the distance traveled and the speed of movement, the driver's work and rest time. In this case, the owner of the vehicle is obliged to comply with the requirements of the Rules for the use of tachographs in road transport in the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 07.07.98 N 86.

1.4. The class of the bus must correspond to the type of transportation of children carried out. Each bus must be checked before leaving the line technical condition and compliance of equipment with the requirements established by the Rules of the Road.

A bus for transporting children must also be equipped with buttons for signaling the driver, and means of loud-speaking communication.

1.5. Road transportation groups of children by bus during the day from 23.00 to 05.00, as well as in conditions of insufficient visibility (fog, snowfall, rain, etc.) is prohibited.

1.6. When driving in a convoy (3 or more buses), a senior driver is appointed, who, as a rule, drives the last bus in the convoy.

Drivers carrying out transportation in a convoy must follow the instructions of the elder, if they do not contradict the Rules for the Transportation of Passengers, the Rules of the Road, and are not associated with a change in the route of the bus.

1.7. The driver is obliged not to allow the following hazards to affect people in the passenger compartment of the bus:

  • sudden braking of the bus (except for emergency to prevent an accident);
  • the poisoning effect of carbon monoxide while in a bus with a running engine during long stops or in the event of a malfunction of the exhaust system;
  • the poisoning effect of gasoline vapors during fuel leakage due to a malfunction of the engine power system;
  • exposure to high temperatures and combustion products in the event of a fire.
  1. Safety requirements before the start of transportation

2.1. Bus drivers allowed to transport children must have at least 12 hours of rest between shifts before the trip, and also undergo special training on road safety and the specifics of transporting children (possibly carried out together with accompanying persons).

The authorized person of the Contractor makes a note on the bus waybill that the driver has passed a special briefing.

2.2. Before leaving for a flight, the driver must undergo a medical examination in accordance with the established procedure with a note in the waybill and a corresponding entry in the log of pre-trip medical examinations.

2.3. The driver, in accordance with the established procedure, is obliged to submit the bus for technical inspection before leaving for the flight.

2.4. The driver must have a valid ticket on passing the state technical inspection of the bus.

2.5. When leaving the line to the landing site, the driver must personally check the condition of the bus equipment.

2.6. The driver is obliged to ensure the safe boarding of children on the bus at specially equipped landing sites on the side of the sidewalk or roadside.

2.7. The number of bus passengers must not exceed the number of seats.

2.8. It is allowed to transport children on the bus only according to the approved list with the obligatory escort for the entire period of the trip for each vehicle of an adult escort, and if the number of children transported is more than twenty - two escorts appointed by the relevant order.

The driver is obliged to make sure that the accompanying person has taken a seat in the passenger compartment of the bus at each door of the bus.

Medical workers are allocated to accompany children transported by a convoy of buses.

2.9. Before the bus departs for a flight, the driver (when driving in a column - the head of the column) must personally verify that the number of departing children and those accompanying the number of seats (for seating) is consistent, that there are no things and equipment in the aisles, on storage areas, that the dipped headlights are turned on. The windows in the passenger compartment of the bus must be closed when driving. The upper shelves can hold light personal items.

  1. Safety requirements during transportation

3.1. On the way, the bus (buses) can be stopped only at special sites, and in their absence - outside the road, in order to exclude the sudden exit of the child (children) onto the road.

3.2. Transportation of children by bus is carried out only with the dipped headlights on. Transportation of children is prohibited when road or meteorological conditions pose a threat to the safety of transportation.

3.3. The speed of the bus is chosen by the driver depending on road, meteorological and other conditions, but should not exceed 60 km/h.

3.4. When transporting children, the bus driver is prohibited from:

  • change the route and deviate from the traffic schedule;
  • smoking, talking
  • use a cell phone without special fittings;
  • allow unauthorized persons on the bus;
  • carry in the cabin of the bus in which there are children, any cargo, luggage or equipment, except for hand luggage and personal belongings of children;
  • leave the bus or leave your seat if there are children on the bus;
  • when following in a car column, overtake the bus in front;
  • get out of the bus if there are children on the bus, including when boarding and disembarking children;
  • carry out the movement of the bus in reverse;
  • leave his seat or leave the vehicle, unless he has taken measures to prevent the spontaneous movement of the vehicle or its use in the absence of the driver.

3.5. When driving in an organized convoy, it is prohibited to overtake other vehicles in the convoy.

3.6. To avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, long-term parking of the bus with the engine running is prohibited.

3.7. On the way, the driver must strictly comply with the Rules of the Road, move off smoothly, maintain a distance between the vehicle in front, do not brake sharply without the need, take precautions, and be attentive to the environment.

  1. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In the event of a forced stop of the bus caused by a technical malfunction, the driver must stop the bus so as not to interfere with the movement of other vehicles, turn on the emergency signal, and in its absence or malfunction, place an emergency stop sign behind the bus at a distance of at least 15 meters from the bus in the village and 30 meters - outside the village.

4.2. After stopping the bus in a safe place, disembark passengers, preventing them from entering the carriageway. The eldest gets off the bus first and, located at the front of the bus, directs the disembarkation of children.

Continue driving only after the problem has been eliminated.

4.3. Passengers are not allowed in the towed bus.

4.4. In the event of a child being injured along the way, a sudden illness, bleeding, fainting, etc., the bus driver must immediately take measures to deliver the child to the nearest medical center (institution, hospital) to provide the child with qualified medical care.

4.5. In the event of a traffic accident with injury to children, take measures to provide emergency first aid to the victims and call an ambulance from the nearest point of contact, cellular phone or with the help of passing drivers medical care and report the incident to the traffic police and the administration of the institution.

  1. Safety requirements at the end of transportation

5.1. Upon arrival at the point of disembarkation of children from the bus, the driver must inspect the interior of the bus. If personal belongings of children are found in the cabin, hand them over to the accompanying person.

5.2. If there are any comments (shortcomings) on the organization of traffic, the state highways, streets, railway crossings, ferry crossings, their arrangement, threatening traffic safety, the driver is obliged to inform the head of the educational institution

5.3. Upon arrival from the flight, the driver must:

  • inform the head of the educational institution about the results of the trip;
  • undergo a post-trip medical examination in accordance with the established procedure;
  • spend Maintenance bus and eliminate all identified faults;
  • inform the head of the educational institution about the readiness for the next flight.

Fisenko A.T. is familiar with the instruction.


according to the safety rules when traveling by bus for students, pupils of MBOU secondary school No. 36.

(In accordance with paragraph 7 of the order of the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation I.I. Shuvalov dated February 21, 2014 No. ISH-P-24pr "On the prevention of child road traffic injuries and the preparation of parents" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia together with the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia developed and sends methodological recommendations "On the organization of transportation of students to educational organizations" and a letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 2014 No. 08-988 "On the direction of methodological recommendations")

  • General safety measures.
    • Compliance with this instruction is mandatory for all students using bus transportation.
    • Students who have completed a safety briefing while traveling are allowed to be transported.
    • Students are allowed to travel only if accompanied by a teacher who has been instructed for accompanying persons in safety when organizing student travel on the school route.
    • The bus for the transportation of students must be equipped with special signs indicating that children are transported in it, signs "CHILDREN", fire extinguishers and first-aid kits.

1.5. The number of passengers in the bus should not exceed the number of seats.

2. Safety requirements before starting the trip

2.1.Before the start of the trip, students must:

Take a briefing on t / b when traveling;

Wait for the bus to arrive at a certain collection point;

Calmly, slowly, observing discipline and order, gather at the landing site;

At the order of the escort, make a roll call of the participants in the trip;

Don't walk towards an oncoming bus.

3. Safety requirements during landing

3.1. After a complete stop of the bus, at the command of the attendant, calmly, slowly and without pushing to enter the cabin, take a seat. The oldest of the students are the first to enter the passenger compartment of the bus. They occupy seats in the part of the bus farthest from the driver.

4. Safety requirements while traveling

4.1. During the trip, students are required to observe discipline and order. All shortcomings noted during the trip, they must report to the accompanying person.

4.2 Students are prohibited from:

clutter the aisles with bags, briefcases and other things;

Jump up from your seat, distract the driver by talking and shouting;

Create false panic.

4.3 Students can open windows, vents and ventilation hatches only with the permission of the driver.

5. Safety requirements in emergency situations

5.1. In case of poor health, sudden illness or in case of injury, the student must inform the accompanying person about this.

5.2. In the event of an emergency (technical breakdown, fire, etc.), at the direction of the driver and accompanying students, they must quickly, without panic, leave the bus.

5.3. In the event that the bus is hijacked by terrorists, students must follow all instructions without panic or hysteria.

6. Safety requirements at the end of the trip

At the end of the trip, students must:

6.1 After a complete stop of the bus and with the permission of the attendant, calmly, slowly get off the bus.

6.2 At the same time, the students who take places at the exit from the salon are the first to leave;

By order of the escort, roll call of students;

Do not leave the drop-off point before the departure of the bus.


Chairman of the trade union committee

___________ /___________________/

protocol No. ____ dated "__" ___ 201__


Occupational Safety Manager (Occupational Health Specialist or Engineer)

_________ /________________/

"___" __________20__


Director (Head)

Name of institution

_________ /_____________/

Order No. __ dated "_"._.20__.

for the transportation of pupils studying by car


1. General safety requirements for transportation.

1.1. It is allowed to transport students, pupils by road transport by persons aged 20 years and older who have studied instructions for transporting children by road who have been instructed in labor protection, medical examination, having a driver's license of class 1 or 2, category D, E and continuous work experience as a driver for at least the last three years.

1.2. TO hazards during transportation include:

Getting injured by passing vehicles in case of exit to the roadway during landing, or leaving the bus;

Injury in an accident if traffic rules are violated or when using technically faulty vehicles;

Injury in case of sudden braking of the bus;

Injury in traffic accidents.

1.3. According to standard instruction for transporting children by road children must be accompanied by two adults when transported by bus. Parents of children are not accompanying, they cannot be held responsible for ensuring safety during transportation.

1.4. A bus intended for transporting children must have a warning sign "Children" in front and behind, as well as a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.

1.5. The bus driver must strictly follow these instructions for transporting children by road, as well as the fire safety instructions for motor vehicle.

1.6. In the event of an accident involving children, the responsible person for the transport of children must report to mobile phone, from the nearest point of contact or through passing drivers about the incident to the administration of the institution, to the traffic police and a medical institution. Take urgent measures to evacuate children from the scene of an accident and, if necessary, deliver the injured to the nearest medical facility.

1.7. When transporting students, pupils should strictly adhere to the established procedure for transportation and the rules of personal hygiene.

1.8. Persons who have committed non-compliance or violation of the rules established by this instruction for the transportation of children by road are liable in accordance with the law.

2. Security requirements before leaving.

2.1. Transportation of children is allowed strictly by written order of the head of the institution, the order is communicated to those responsible for transportation against signature.

2.2. Not later than three days before departure, the traffic police authorities are notified in writing in the prescribed form about the transportation of children in order to take measures to ensure the safety of transportation.

2.3. Responsible persons for the transportation of children must undergo a targeted briefing on the rules for transporting children with an entry in the labor safety briefing registration log, have mobile communications, a list of children certified by the head of the educational institution, a copy of the notification of the traffic police about the transportation.

2.4. It is necessary to instruct pupils, students on the rules of conduct during transportation with a mandatory registration entry in the briefing log.

2.5. Make sure the bus is in good working order waybill and inspecting the bus from the outside.

2.6. Make sure that the bus has a warning sign "Children" in front and behind, as well as a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.

2.7. When concluding agreements with travel companies and transport owners, include their responsibility for the safety of transporting children during excursions, their proper control of the conditions for transporting children by buses (having a license from the transport owner, passing technical inspection, etc.).

2.8. To carry out the landing of students, pupils in the bus from the sidewalk or roadside strictly according to the number of seats. Standing in the aisles between seats is prohibited.

3. Safety requirements during the trip.

3.1. During the movement of the vehicle, it is necessary to observe discipline and follow all the instructions of the elders. It is necessary to promptly inform the person responsible for the transportation of children or his deputy about the deterioration of his health or injury.

3.2. When the bus is moving, it is forbidden to stand and walk around the passenger compartment of the bus, it is forbidden to lean out of the windows and put your hands out of the windows.

3.3. The speed of the bus during the transportation of students, pupils should be no more than 60 km / h.

3.4. During daylight hours, the transportation of pupils studying to be carried out with the dipped headlights on.

3.5. It is not allowed to transport unauthorized persons and objects prohibited for transportation (stabbing and cutting, gas cartridges, glass bottles, flammable and combustible substances, pyrotechnic products, etc.) in a motor vehicle.

3.6. To avoid injury in the event of sudden braking of the bus, you should rest your feet on the floor of the passenger compartment and firmly hold on to the handrail in front of the seat in front of you.

3.7. During the trip, observe the provisions of the instructions for the transportation of pupils, students, children by road.

3.8. Before an unregulated railway crossing, stop the vehicle, make sure that it is safe to cross the railway, and then continue moving.

3.9. When transporting pupils studying in two or more buses, the convoy must be accompanied by traffic police, ATC.

3.10. It is forbidden to transport children at night, on ice, in conditions of limited visibility (fog, rain, snowfall, blizzard), with a storm warning, as well as with a justified travel ban by the traffic police.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In the event of a malfunction in the operation of the engine and bus systems, take to the right, pull over to the side of the road, stop and eliminate the problem. The movement of the vehicle should be continued only after the complete elimination of the malfunction.

4.2. In case of injury to children, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim, if necessary, take him to the nearest medical institution and report this to the administration of the institution, as well as to the parents of the victim.

4.3. In the event of a traffic accident, evacuate children from the scene of an accident, provide first aid to the victims, if necessary, send them to the nearest medical facility, report the incident using mobile communications to the traffic police, ambulance and the administration of the institution.

4.4. If the engine or chassis of the vehicle catches fire, immediately stop the bus, evacuate the children to a safe distance and report the incident using mobile communications to the nearest fire department and the administration of the institution.

4.5. When the bus overturns, take all necessary measures to evacuate children from the passenger compartment through emergency exits, windows, hatches, having previously disconnected the mass.

5. Safety requirements at the end of the trip.

5.1. Pull over to the side of the road or drive up to the sidewalk and stop the bus.

5.2. Get off the bus strictly with the permission of the teacher (senior) towards the sidewalk or roadside.

5.4. Check the list for all children.

5.5. Report to the head of the educational institution on the completion of the transportation of children, on the absence of injury to children.

Developed instructions: ______________ /_______________________/

I am familiar with the instruction

"___" _____ 20___ ______________ /_______________________/

1. General safety requirements.

1.1. The organization of transportation of children is carried out in accordance with the "Regulations on ensuringsafety of transportation of passengers by buses”, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport No. 2dated 01/08/1997. Persons aged at least 20 years who have been instructed in labor protection, a medical examination, and do not have contraindications for health reasons are allowed to transport students, pupils by road.driver's license of class 1 or 2, category D, E and continuous work experience as a driver15 over the past three years.

1.2. Pupils during transportation must be accompanied by two adults.

1.3. When transported by road, impact on pupils of the following dangerous facts:

1.4. The bus intended for the transportation of pupils must beequipped front and rear with a warning sign "Children", as well as a fire extinguisher and honey.first aid kit with a set of necessary medicines and dressings.

1.5. When transporting pupils, observe the established procedure for transportation andrules of personal hygiene.

1.6. Persons who have committed non-fulfillment or violation of labor protection instructions subject to disciplinary responsibility in accordance with the rules internal labor regulations and, if necessary, are subjected to an extraordinary test of knowledge of the norms and rules of labor protection.

2. Safety requirements before the start of transportation.

2.1.Transportation of pupils is allowed only by written order. head of the institution.

2.2.Conduct a briefing with the leaders of traffic safety groups and organization of transportation of pupils.

2.3.Instruct pupils on the rules of conduct during transportation with an entry in the briefing log.

2.4.Make sure that the bus is in good working order according to the waybill and by external inspection

2.5.Check that the bus has a warning sign "Children" in front and behind, as well as fire extinguisher and honey. first aid kits.

2.6.Boarding of pupils in the bus is carried out from the sidewalk orroadsides strictly according to the number of seats. Stand in the aisles between seats not allowed.

2.7.Notify the traffic police, ATC in writing about the upcoming transportation of children and the route transport

2.8.At the conclusion of contracts with the tour. firms and transport owners to include them responsibility for the safety of transporting children during excursions and other measures, their control over the state of the conditions of transportation buses (having a license from the owner of the vehicle, passing technical inspection, etc.)

3.Requirement for safety during transportation.

3.1. During transportation, pupils must observe discipline and comply with all instructions from elders.

3.2. While driving, it is not allowed to stand and walk around the passenger compartment of the bus, not to lean out ofwindows and do not put your hands out the window.

3.3. The speed of the bus when transporting pupils should not exceed 60 km / h with the dipped beam on.

3.4.When transporting children in two or more vehicles, the convoy must accompanied by traffic police, ATC.

3.5. In order to avoid injuries during sudden braking of the bus, it is necessary to rest against the floor of the bus body and with the hands of the bus and hands hold on to the handrail in front
located seat.

3.6. It is not allowed to transport pupils to dark time days in ice in conditions of limited visibility.

3.7.Before an unguarded railway crossing, stop the bus, make suresafe passage through the railway and then continue moving.

4.Requirement for safety in emergency situations.

4.1.If a malfunction occurs in the operation of the engine and the bus system, take to the right,pull over to the side of the road and stop the bus. Continue driving only after troubleshooting the problem.

4.2.Provide first aid in the event of an injurythe victim, if necessary, take him to the nearest medical facility.

4.3. When the vehicle rolls over, take all necessary measures to evacuation of children from the bus through emergency exits, window openings, preliminary turning off mass.

4.4. In the event of a traffic accident with injury to children, the person responsible for transportation reports from the nearest point of contact or with the help of passing drivers about the incident to the administration of the institution, to the traffic police and a medical institution.

5.Safety requirement at the end of transportation.

5.1.Pull over to the side of the road or drive up to the sidewalk and stop the bus.

5.2.Pupils get off the bus only with the permission of the elder in sidewalk or side of the road. It is forbidden to enter the carriageway and cross the road.

5.3.Check the list of pupils.

5.4.Report to the head of the institution on the completion of the transportation of children and the absence injury.

Labor protection instruction
when transporting students,
pupils by road

IOT - 026 - 2001

1. General safety requirements

1.1. Persons aged at least 20 years who have been instructed in labor protection, pre-trip medical examination, have no contraindications for health reasons, and have continuous work experience as a driver for at least the last three years are allowed to transport students, pupils by road.
1.2. Students, pupils during transportation must be accompanied by two adults.
1.3. When transported by road, students and pupils may be exposed to the following hazards:
injury by passing vehicles when entering the roadway when boarding or disembarking from the bus;
injuries during sudden braking of the bus;
injuries in traffic accidents in violation of traffic rules or in the operation of technically faulty vehicles.
1.4. The bus intended for the transportation of students, pupils must be equipped in front and behind with a warning sign "Children", as well as a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit with a set of necessary medicines and dressings.
1.5. In the event of a traffic accident with injury to children, the person responsible for transportation reports from the nearest point of contact or with the help of passing drivers about the incident to the administration of the institution, to the traffic police and a medical institution.
1.6. When transporting students, pupils, observe the established procedure for transportation and the rules of personal hygiene.
7. Persons who have failed to comply with or violate the instructions on labor protection are subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with the internal labor regulations and, if necessary, are subjected to an extraordinary examination of knowledge of the norms and rules of labor protection.

2. Safety requirements before the start of transportation

2.1. Transportation of students, pupils is allowed only by written order of the head of the institution.
2.2. Instruct students, pupils according to the rules of introduction during transportation with an entry in the instruction log.
2.3. Make sure the technical serviceability of the bus according to the waybill and by external inspection.
2.4. Check that the bus has a warning sign "Children" in front and behind, as well as a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.
2.5. The boarding of students, pupils in the bus should be carried out from the sidewalk or roadside strictly according to the number of seats. Standing in the aisles between the seats is not allowed.

3. Safety requirements during transportation

3.1. When transporting students, pupils, observe discipline and follow all the instructions of the elders.
3.2. While driving, it is not allowed to stand and walk around the bus, do not lean out of the window and do not put your hands out the window.
3.3. The speed of the bus when transporting students, pupils should not exceed 60 km/h.
3.4. In order to avoid injuries during sudden braking of the bus, it is necessary to rest your feet on the floor of the bus body and hold on to the handrail in front of the seat located with your hands.
3.5. It is not allowed to transport students, pupils at night, on ice, in conditions of limited visibility.
3.6. Before an unguarded railroad crossing, stop the bus, make sure it is safe to cross the railroad, and then continue driving.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. If a malfunction occurs in the operation of the engine and bus systems, turn to the right, pull over to the side of the road and stop the bus. Continue driving only after the problem has been eliminated.
4.2. If a student or pupil receives an injury, provide first aid to the victim, if necessary, deliver him to the nearest medical institution and inform the administration of the institution about this.

5. Safety requirements at the end of transportation

5.1. Pull over to the side of the road or drive up to the sidewalk and stop the bus.
5.2. Students, pupils get off the bus only with the permission of the elder towards the sidewalk or the side of the road. It is forbidden to enter the carriageway and cross the road.
5.3. Check the list for the presence of students, pupils.


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