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When buying a car, especially a used one, it is useful to check not only the history of the car, but also the reliability of the seller. The most convenient way to do this is at home, when viewing ads. But how to check the seller's trustworthiness? Is he a reseller? How has the price of the vehicle he sells changed recently? Let's consider all these questions in this article.

How to check a seller?

The easiest way to check the seller is by his phone number. So, the number left for communication should be copied and pasted into the check form on the AvInfo website (you must first register on the website). Based on the results of the check, the site will give information about all other advertisements for the sale of vehicles, where the same number is indicated. At the same time, the service analyzes information from more than 20 sites with advertisements for the sale of cars. These include,,,,, etc. Information on AvInfo has been stored since 2012. When checking, you can see the total number of ads in which this number was indicated.

If for some reason it is not possible to register on the site (registration is available only when specifying a Russian phone number), you can download the Telegram mobile messenger. There, in the list of contacts through the search, you need to find AVinfoBot and ask him for a username and password to enter the site. Also, through the same AVinfoBot in Telegram, you can check the seller by phone number.

Alternative information search

In addition to information about the seller and the number of advertisements for the sale of vehicles posted by him, no more data can be obtained using the phone number. But on the AvInfo website, a check is available by license plate numbers and by the VIN code of the car. And if the latter can only be learned from the seller, then registration plates often remain open when placing a photo in an ad for sale. With their help, you can find out:

  • Information about vehicle inspection;
  • Information on the availability of the OSAGO policy;
  • Information about the participation of a car in an accident;
  • Information about the debts of the owner of the vehicle to the bailiff service.

There are several third-party services that provide information on the vehicle and its owner when specifying the full name of the vehicle owner, VIN number, registration plates, registration certificate data, OSAGO insurance policy data. These services include: the official website of the traffic police, the official website of the RSA, the official website of the Federal Notary Chamber, the official website of the Federal Customs Service, etc.


The mobile number makes it possible to get some minimal information about the seller of the vehicle, but with its help nothing specific about the car itself cannot be found out. The AvInfo website, when entering only a mobile number, allows you to track changes in the price of a car and determine the presence of other ads on other Internet sites with the same number.

Looking to buy a used car? The risk that you will encounter scammers is quite high. The market is full of people who want to rip off money when selling a car fraudulently. You should carefully review the announcement, and when you continue talking on the phone, you should know what to focus on. Here are the most common techniques used by dishonest sellers.

Car trade is, contrary to popular belief, far from being a tidbit: there is a lot of competition, prices today are far from the highest, and demand is moderate. To be successful in this market, the seller must work hard and undertake, including various tricks to extract benefits. Some of the techniques are legal, while others are clearly illegal. Below we will show in what situations the red light should come on for you when buying a car.

Car salesman tricks

  • Not broken... For the seller, this is a car on which traces of repair are not visible at first glance, and it is unlikely that someone died in it before. Another interpretation of the phrase: the previous owner did not say that the car had an accident.
  • Garage storage... The term that is often found in ads does not say anything about the car! Not for discussion.
  • Guarantee... In the case of used cars, this is additional insurance, which may ultimately cover some of the costs of possible elimination of certain malfunctions. At the same time, the conditions are rather harsh. For example, it does not work if something happened to the car after the purchase.
  • The air conditioner needs to be filled... The air conditioner is defective. Maybe it will start working for a while after refueling. However, the refrigerant will go away quickly. If everything were in order with the Klima, the seller would definitely refuel it before the sale, since the procedure costs very little money.
  • Painted wing... was executed so poorly that its traces are visible from afar. If the painting was of high quality, see the item "Not broken".
  • New gas installation... Two options are possible here: either the owner installed a gas installation in the car, and it caused such problems that even mechanics are difficult to cope with (a question of a considerable amount of money for repairs), or the seller installed the cheapest equipment before selling it, just to sell a voracious car.
  • Served... Each car is serviced in one way or another. It is necessary to find out where and when the maintenance was carried out.

Car dealership tricks and scams

There are many pitfalls on the Internet associated with buying a car. Most of them hide various fraud options.

How might it look like? An ad appears on the site with a very lucrative offer. Usually written in broken Russian. It is clear from the content of the ad that the foreign owner is selling the car due to the fact that he is moving back to another country. The car is registered in Russia, and it makes no sense for him to take the car with him. It is impossible to see the car in real life, since the owner is now just away. The ad, however, is accompanied by photographs, including documents. The fake seller proposes, and then he will send you the car through the shipping company. He also willingly sends scans of "documents".

A characteristic feature of such ads is the absence of a phone number in them; it is suggested to contact the seller via e-mail. Criminals have excellent tactics: for example, if the victim makes a deposit, he receives an email with a link to a fake expeditionary company, which can track the delivery of the car. All this is done so that the deceived buyer understands that something is wrong only after a few days. During this time, the scammers will cover their tracks.

Be careful!

Thanks to the Internet, the sphere of buying and selling is developing at an unprecedented speed. People buy used cell phones, cars and apartments. The more serious the purchase, the greater the risk of falling for the trick of scammers. Checking the seller by phone number will help determine that everything is in order with the goods, otherwise, after the transaction is completed, you will have to deal with it through the courts.

Why do you need to search for an ad by phone number?

In the field of trade, a search by phone number may be needed to check the seller for good faith. This is especially true when buying a car, real estate, or renting an apartment. There may be simpler goals: not to check the seller by phone number, but simply to find a lost ad that they forgot to bookmark, and a set of numbers is the only known information. You can find such information on the Internet very quickly.

How to find an ad by phone number

There are sites on the network with which you can find an ad by phone number. To search for Avito, regardless of whether you buy a mobile phone or rent an apartment, use the Mirror. If you are interested in information about a car, AvtoInfo, Akham and the official website of the traffic police (there is a database of all wanted cars, which can be viewed online), will help to find the fraudster. For any cases, an indispensable assistant is a search engine (Google, Yandex or others).

On Avito

To search for ads by phone number, use the Avita Mirror website. The field with the input of the initial data is located on the main page. Type the numbers into it and click "Search". Mirror of Avita searches not only up-to-date, but also completed and deleted ads. Sometimes users complain that a phone number search didn't return anything when it should have. In most cases, the method works.

Search engines

The two most popular search engines in Russia are Google and Yandex. If one did not find the information, be sure to try another. The search rules are the same:

  • experiment with the format of the number (purely a set of numbers, numbers separated by a hyphen, etc.);
  • enclose the query in quotation marks so that the system searches for an exact match;
  • try searching with and without an international code;
  • pay special attention to sites with blacklists of scammers (you can go to them and search directly there).

Outbid check

The risk is especially great for those who buy a used car from their hands. In addition to scammers who are trying to sell a stolen car, there are many dealers in this area. Cooperation with such persons is fraught with the fact that you will overpay for a car, which will very quickly come out of a satisfactory state. The outbid scheme is “take cheaper - sell more expensive”, and it rarely happens that a good car is given for a low price (unless the owner urgently needs money).

In fact, these are practically inoperative machines, which were hastily painted and new glasses inserted into them. It can also be auto-"drowned" (time bomb) or those whose rental was artificially reduced. To avoid unpleasant surprises, you need to check very well both the product itself and the seller for good faith. One way is to poke your phone on the Internet for other similar ads.

Avinfo website for checking the vehicle and identifying a reseller

The AutoInfo database contains information from the most popular services where cars are put up for sale. The Avinfo resource has its own telegram bot, which simplifies the search procedure. Thanks to this, you can not only check the seller, but also find out more about the condition of the car, the restrictions imposed on it, and track the change in value. Instructions for use:

  1. Go to the Avinfo website.
  2. Please login and login.
  3. From the main page go to "Check the car by owner's number".
  4. Enter your phone.
  5. Click "Search".

Through the service, they search not only for mobile, but also for the license plate of cars. This allows you to learn more about the vehicle. Even resellers do not cover up numbers on product photos, otherwise it will look suspicious. The search is performed, including by uploading an image, the official telegram bot AutoInfo works according to the same principle. The result is provided in the form of a report in the response message of the messenger.


On almost all ad sites, you can filter by seller: company or private trader. By choosing only private ads, you will definitely weed out the salons of official dealers, but single dealers and unofficial salons will most likely pretend to be private traders to the last. So do not relax.

Usually private traders always sign with their real name and write it with a capital letter. Outbids and "gray" car dealerships, as a rule, write "seller", "owner", "private person" and so on.

2. Pay attention to the place of inspection

Another indicator is the place of inspection. Private traders always indicate the exact address, or at least the area in which the inspection will take place, or the metro station. Dealers, however, are limited to just the city.

3. Read the description

Dealers and even more so car dealers write very poorly, without details. This is immediately apparent. Their favorite phrases are: "The car is in excellent condition", "All questions on the phone" and so on. Often resellers write general information about the model: "An excellent family car, economical, practical, never let down." Or they simply list options, separated by commas.

It is quite easy to distinguish a car dealership that pretends to be a private owner from a real private owner from photographs. Car dealerships often take pictures of cars against the background of a white wall, against the background of the wall of a car service or their own car dealership. Sometimes there are even photographs against the background of the brand wall.

Also, the car dealership will issue a key tag, tires treated with ink, removed license plates, crystal-clear interior, protective paper on carpets, a washed engine compartment.

And car dealerships rarely post more than seven photos. Moreover, the posted pictures were taken, as a rule, from traditional angles: front, back, several photographs with a three-quarter view, a photo of the salon. There will never be detailed photos of problem areas or any peculiarities. This is easily explained by the fact that the managers of car dealerships simply have no time to understand the little things, and they have put photography on stream.

It is more difficult to distinguish private dealers who have only one or two cars in circulation. Sometimes it is impossible to do this without calling. Nevertheless, I found out for myself the following pattern: if a car is photographed against the background of a gas station, then with a probability of 80% it is a reseller. I don't know why, just experience. And one more thing: dealers cover up the license plates of the cars. And although private traders also often do this, the numbers of dealers are always painted over more accurately.

For example, I made several screenshots of the ads, which immediately show that they are from resellers. I want to draw your attention to the fact that conclusions about whether an advertisement is from a reseller or not should be made only on the basis of a few signs. If nothing embarrassed or embarrassed you in the ad, but you are in doubt, then it's time to call.

There are four signs at once that the ad is from a reseller:

  1. Instead of a name, it is not clear what.
  2. Instead of the address of the inspection, just the city is indicated.
  3. The rooms in the photo are covered with a neat white plate.
  4. The description does not contain any specifics at all, only what can be said about the car at a glance and from the documents is indicated.

There are two obvious signs that a reseller is selling the car:

  1. In the field "Seller" it says "by solaris". This immediately makes it clear that the reseller has several cars in stock at the same time.
  2. In the seller's comments, there are again no specifics, no punctuation marks, almost everything with a small letter. Private traders usually try to accurately arrange ads.

5. Call by phone

Never delay the bell, do it right away. When I call, I usually say something like the following: "Hello, I'm calling about a car."

If they ask you which car you are calling about, you can immediately hang up: this is a reseller.

If the ad contains a female name, for example Natalya, call and deliberately change the name. Start a conversation, for example, like this: “Hello, Olga. I'm calling about the car. " If the girl does not correct you, then, most likely, this is a call center operator of some "gray" car dealership. There are exceptions, though.

And here is another scenario. In the ad, a man's name is indicated as a seller, and a woman answers the call. She says that she is a sister, wife or daughter, that she can tell about the car, but for an inspection, they say, the owner will come. Most often, this is again a call center operator. To check, ask her when it will be possible to call in order to speak with the owner (with the man indicated in the ad). If she doesn't answer you exactly, you can end the conversation.

6. Ask questions

For some reason, many are ashamed to ask questions over the phone. Do not be shy. The more you find out over the phone, the better for both you and the seller (unless, of course, this is a reseller).

Ask specific things. For example, where the inspection was carried out, what was the last time in the car, what problems and jambs there are, what alarm is installed, what additional options are there in the car. It is best, if you call a lot of ads, write down the answers so that you can check them in person (this will give you the basis to believe or not to believe the seller as a whole).

Be sure to ask whether the owner is talking to you or just an assistant for the sale (brother, matchmaker, son, husband, friend, intermediary). About how many owners of the TCP, whether the TCP is original or a duplicate. Feel free to ask what is already written in the ad.

The importance of this stage is that the dealers talk as if reluctantly. They, as a rule, do not know everything about the car, so you rarely hear specifics from them. Often they say: "Come for a checkup, I will tell you everything" or "Everything is written in the ad."

A private trader will almost always patiently answer all your even the most stupid and banal questions.

At the same time, many, answering one question, immediately go into details that you did not ask about: where and what nut did they change, what they said in the car service, what kind of oil they filled in, and so on and so forth. It is with such sellers that you need to make an appointment.

When purchasing a vehicle, the new owner wants to get as much information as possible about the car - how many owners it had, how it was serviced, whether there are any hidden defects in it, whether there are any restrictions on the car that will not be able to draw up the transaction documentation. To break through the outbid by phone number is one of the most effective ways to obtain such information, which allows you to find out for free a list of data both on the reliability of the seller and on the performance of the vehicle being sold.

What is the reason for the emergence of the need to identify a reseller of cars or to obtain additional information? Such situations are associated with the fact that at present there are quite a few fraudsters who clearly inflate the price of a sold car, try to hide flaws, sell cars on which there are restrictions that do not allow registering a transaction in a legal manner.

There are the following ways to check the seller of the car:

  1. Check by phone number... For this method of verification, you will need to take a mobile number from a car advertisement. It will be possible to check it using special services that systematize and summarize data provided by third parties or those taken from other sites for the sale of cars or other ads. In particular, by checking the seller's phone number, you are accessing the database, which takes information on the main ad portals on Drome, Avito, Automotive News, etc.

It is worth noting that such databases contain information for a long period of time (five years or more), in this regard, the data obtained helps to calculate whether the reseller is the seller or the owner of the car. An example of such applications is the site, where data acquisition is completely free. Such a site also allows you to get information about how and how much the cost of a car has changed since the announcement of the sale was posted, as well as its presence in the search bases or restrictions. In the event that you have data not only on the phone number, but also on the state. car number (it is often present in photographs), the list of information that you will receive will be much wider.

  1. Outbid check via mobile application... You can find information about the person who sells a particular car using Telegram adding Avinfobot to your contacts... This method is a so-called generator that summarizes data on vehicles that were in use and sold at a certain point in time. In order to use this service, you must first download the Telegram program to your phone. Next, you will need to send a message either with the seller's phone number or with the state car number. If there is a photo of a car, on which the numbers are clearly visible, you can simply send its photo, according to which the necessary information will be selected. The data will be presented in the format of a list of sites on which the ads of this seller are also posted.

In parallel with such methods, buyers try to find information through Yandex, simply by entering information on a car in the search box. Of course, this method can give some results, but all specialized services will give you much more value and data.

Dangerous moments of buying a car from a reseller

If you determine that a car seller is a reseller, you need to be aware of the main tricks and illegal actions of such persons that can be applied to buyers:

  • Providing information that the person who submitted the ad is the owner of the vehicle, although in fact this is not true;
  • Specifying a later year of manufacture - this is done in order to set a deliberately higher price for the car being sold. Even with the opening of such a fact, the reseller can argue that there is just a typo in the documents for the car;
  • Reflection of false information about the condition of the vehicle. In fact, the car could take part in an accident, be a bat, but dealers sometimes hide such information. In addition, there may be other defects that are discovered after the car is purchased and the new owner starts to operate it;
  • Incorrect (knowingly false) data on vehicle mileage. When deciding whether to buy a car, people are guided by the mileage - how many kilometers a car has traveled since it left the factory may depend on its current state. By winding up the values ​​of the device, resellers thereby mislead buyers by selling a car that has slightly worse technical characteristics than stated;
  • Implementation of drowned machines, which were in the water for a while, because of which their technical condition may sharply deteriorate at any time;
  • Implementation of machines that were operated while working in a taxi or courier delivery service, which is fraught with high mileage and deterioration of units and parts.

6 ways to calculate an ad from a car dealership

When choosing a used car, it is very important not to run into a reseller. Here are some small tricks that will allow you to track down such a seller from the comfort of your home.

Automotive blogger, journalist and writer. Author of the book "Secrets of AutoFit".

On almost all ad sites, you can filter by seller: company or private trader. By choosing only private ads, you will definitely weed out the salons of official dealers, but single dealers and unofficial salons will most likely pretend to be private traders to the last. So do not relax.

Usually private traders always sign with their real name and write it with a capital letter. Outbids and "gray" car dealerships, as a rule, write "seller", "owner", "private person" and so on.

2. Pay attention to the place of inspection

Another indicator is the place of inspection. Private traders always indicate the exact address, or at least the area in which the inspection will take place, or the metro station. Dealers, however, are limited to just the city.

3. Read the description

Dealers and even more so car dealers write very poorly, without details. This is immediately apparent. Their favorite phrases are: "The car is in excellent condition", "All questions on the phone" and so on. Often resellers write general information about the model: "An excellent family car, economical, practical, never let down." Or they simply list options, separated by commas.

It is quite easy to distinguish a car dealership that pretends to be a private owner from a real private owner from photographs. Car dealerships often take pictures of cars against the background of a white wall, against the background of the wall of a car service or their own car dealership. Sometimes there are even photographs against the background of the brand wall.

Also, the car dealership will issue a key tag, tires treated with ink, removed license plates, crystal-clear interior, protective paper on carpets, a washed engine compartment.

And car dealerships rarely post more than seven photos. Moreover, the posted pictures were taken, as a rule, from traditional angles: front, back, several photographs with a three-quarter view, a photo of the salon. There will never be detailed photos of problem areas or any peculiarities. This is easily explained by the fact that the managers of car dealerships simply have no time to understand the little things, and they have put photography on stream.

It is more difficult to distinguish private dealers who have only one or two cars in circulation. Sometimes it is impossible to do this without calling. Nevertheless, I found out for myself the following pattern: if a car is photographed against the background of a gas station, then with a probability of 80% it is a reseller. I don't know why, just experience. And one more thing: dealers cover up the license plates of the cars. And although private traders also often do this, the numbers of dealers are always painted over more accurately.

For example, I made several screenshots of the ads, which immediately show that they are from resellers. I want to draw your attention to the fact that conclusions about whether an advertisement is from a reseller or not should be made only on the basis of a few signs. If nothing embarrassed or embarrassed you in the ad, but you are in doubt, then it's time to call.

There are four signs at once that the ad is from a reseller:

  1. Instead of a name, it is not clear what.
  2. Instead of the address of the inspection, just the city is indicated.
  3. The rooms in the photo are covered with a neat white plate.
  4. The description does not contain any specifics at all, only what can be said about the car at a glance and from the documents is indicated.

There are two obvious signs that a reseller is selling the car:

  1. In the field "Seller" it says "by solaris". This immediately makes it clear that the reseller has several cars in stock at the same time.
  2. In the seller's comments, there are again no specifics, no punctuation marks, almost everything with a small letter. Private traders usually try to accurately arrange ads.

5. Call by phone

Never delay the bell, do it right away. When I call, I usually say something like the following: "Hello, I'm calling about a car."

If they ask you which car you are calling about, you can immediately hang up: this is a reseller.

If the ad contains a female name, for example Natalya, call and deliberately change the name. Start a conversation, for example, like this: “Hello, Olga. I'm calling about the car. " If the girl does not correct you, then, most likely, this is a call center operator of some "gray" car dealership. There are exceptions, though.

And here is another scenario. In the ad, a man's name is indicated as a seller, and a woman answers the call. She says that she is a sister, wife or daughter, that she can tell about the car, but for an inspection, they say, the owner will come. Most often, this is again a call center operator. To check, ask her when it will be possible to call in order to speak with the owner (with the man indicated in the ad). If she doesn't answer you exactly, you can end the conversation.

6. Ask questions

For some reason, many are ashamed to ask questions over the phone. Do not be shy. The more you find out over the phone, the better for both you and the seller (unless, of course, this is a reseller).

Ask specific things. For example, where the inspection was carried out, what was the last time in the car, what problems and jambs there are, what alarm is installed, what additional options are there in the car. It is best, if you call a lot of ads, write down the answers so that you can check them in person (this will give you the basis to believe or not to believe the seller as a whole).

Be sure to ask whether the owner is talking to you or just an assistant for the sale (brother, matchmaker, son, husband, friend, intermediary). About how many owners of the TCP, whether the TCP is original or a duplicate. Feel free to ask what is already written in the ad.

The importance of this stage is that the dealers talk as if reluctantly. They, as a rule, do not know everything about the car, so you rarely hear specifics from them. Often they say: "Come for a checkup, I will tell you everything" or "Everything is written in the ad."

A private trader will almost always patiently answer all your even the most stupid and banal questions.

At the same time, many, answering one question, immediately go into details that you did not ask about: where and what nut did they change, what they said in the car service, what kind of oil they filled in, and so on and so forth. It is with such sellers that you need to make an appointment.

potter27 ›Blog› Instructions for bribes, as well as for those who do not want to contact them.

You know, I have a lot of questions on the topic to look at some ad on or avito. A ransom there or not, a divorce or a rascal, etc. The most interesting thing is that they write me and bribes, with questions about how I "break through" them. In fact, everything is simple enough, but not always free of charge. I have already touched on this topic in previous posts, today I will tell you all about it in detail.

A year ago I wrote this post: Tags of resellers and scammers in auto sales ads
For a year, little has changed, now I would add something, but not the essence. The fact is that on the Internet there are several services that help not to ride sometimes at the far end of the earth in order to see the next car and hear another ridiculous story about the car from a ransom. All you need is a phone number of the seller and the license plate of the car. You can check it in two ways: either go to the site, this site is free, or download the Telegram messenger, this is an analog Whatsapp and Viber, find the contact Avinfobot in the search. Directly send a bot to the phone number or state number of the car, and you can even send just a photo of the car with a license plate, and in return you will receive a report, just a second.

While others spend money on the phone to ask tricky questions to the seller, and some then spend money and time on stupid trips, I spend a few seconds and not a penny of money. Of course, this is not a panacea for all occasions, however, it is easy to gather maximum information for a minimum of time about the seller and his car and certainly will not be superfluous. How it works? Here's a simple example, we see in the photo of the ad number of the car and send it to the bot:

As you can see, the answer is quite interesting information, including VIN, and the number of sv-va about registration. Now you can check the car by auto-code ( Well, I wonder? 🙂

And, on there is an opportunity to cover number when submitting an advertisement. It is important! Т e, if photos are downloaded with unmarked numbers, then, by "punching" the seller by phone number, you will also learn the state number. The rule works, if something gets to the Internet, it stays there forever 🙂 That’s how numbers look smeared on

And here’s the way to paint:

What can I do? Under the link above, you can also look at other vendor ads, draw the appropriate conclusions. In the end, try simply "Google" phone number, sometimes it works. And then only then call the seller, if you find it necessary. What questions to ask, I will not tell you. It's just that there are no secrets, ask what you are interested in. Personally, I immediately cause suspicions of the description of ads in which the answers to all my questions have already been written. Do not know why? 🙂

Now about the overbought. The funniest thing is that the bribes themselves just fall into the bribes, and regularly. And in the same way they spit or buy trash from each other. This is how the crap cycle of the auto-hood circulates in the regions. The easiest way to avoid getting caught is to simply weed out their ads. Unfortunately, (and maybe fortunately) it will not work for free. But, resale of cars is a profitable business, and any profitable business requires investments. And buy a rebuff and just resell it after pouring a tube of polish on the car - it's a Lohov business, excuse me. Yes, and to be first, you need to see ads before they appear on or avito.
On the screen, I marked the time for the announcement to be published before posting on the ads, the number of other ads from this phone number, as well as the deviation from the average price:

When I search for a car, I go first to the aggregator, exposing all the necessary search filters and from there I turn to the ads I like. However, I do not have the task of buying a cheap car, I need a good one. But, who needs "hot" options for resale, they need to sit and wait at the monitor. Also, the telegram-bot provides the opportunity to receive newsletters about the recently published ads according to your criteria. Our age is an age of technology, not to use them - just silly, you need to keep up to date 🙂

So everything is simple, it would seem. But of all the rules there are exceptions. Do not take it as a pill that solves all problems. The most important is experience, I share with you. Of course, as in the recipe of a good cook, there are small nuances about which he will not tell, the same is with me.

All about the telegram AvInfo, how to receive notifications to the phone about the new announcements.

How to save on the services of auto-pickers

Car check by state. number

Find out the history of the car before buying quickly and easily offers Autocode! In this case, you do not need to search for vin - just indicate the state number of the car. A search database based on data from the traffic police will give reliable information and avoid difficulties in the further use of the car.

What the check by car number will tell you about

A complete report is generated within 5 minutes! From it you will learn:

  • Brief description of the car
  • TCP data
  • History of registration actions
  • Real mileage
  • Accident participation data
  • Real vin machines
  • Traffic police restrictions
  • Theft information
  • Being pledged
  • Working in a taxi
  • Disposal data
  • Information about those. inspection and fines

You can check a car by state number without leaving your home. In addition to online information, you will receive an exact copy of the detailed report by mail.

Why is it important to check the car according to the state. number

- Victim, did you recognize the one who stole your car?

“Your Honor, after his lawyer spoke, I doubt at all that I had a car.

Evgeny Loginov, auto expert, head of the project "My Expert - Yekaterinburg"

In our work, we often encounter the fact that sellers do not agree and sell cars after an accident, with corrected mileage, problem engines and gearboxes. It happens even worse - you can run into intermediaries in the sale, or, more simply, outbid. These comrades alter the steering wheels, overtighten the interior, restore the vehicle after the most serious accidents, when the geometry of the cars is broken or the airbags are deployed.

Buying such a car, to put it mildly, "not a clean history", you not only risk getting to expensive repairs of the engine, gearbox, and other elements, but also simply risk your life! In case of a repeated accident on such a car, the airbags are unlikely to go off ...

Another important aspect of buying a used car is the legal component. No matter how good a car is, if it has problems with documents, there are restrictions on registration or it is stolen, you will not put such a car on the register! The most harmless thing is simply a restriction in registration due to a fine that the former owner did not pay. Much more serious - if the VIN number of the car is broken, the frame number is unreadable or the frame number is erased, the engine number is missing "

What will happen if you do not pierce the car before buying

- Honey, my car broke down.

Real stories of the victims:


“A year ago my wife and I bought a used car. When buying, no errors were found. In addition, on the recommendation of the seller, we went to the nearest service, where we were assured that the car was in perfect order. How to check the car in other ways, we did not think. In general, we took our word for it and seriously missed it. Because when registering with the traffic police, it turned out that the car was restored after a major accident. A lot of expensive parts were missing for the machine to work properly. What can I say? I was able to sell only for spare parts. "


“Several years ago I bought a car from a private person, together we took it off the register and registered it in my name. A few months later, the police came to me and took the vehicle for examination of the signatures, and then the car itself. It turned out that the first owner turned to scammers to sell a car, after which he did not see them again. All this time, the car was on the wanted list, and I was neither sleep nor spirit. The seller was never found. I had neither a receipt for the transfer of money, nor the real details of the seller. Left without everything, in short. Now he is triple attentive. "

How to break through a car in the state. number

On the Autocode portal you can check any car by state number. To get a full report, you need to pay 349 rubles. Information on more than 45 million vehicles is contained in our database and is available to you 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

The algorithm for checking actions on the Autocode website is simple. Follow the points:

  • Enter the registration number of the car in the search bar
  • Having accepted a brief description of the vehicle, pay for the full service ("Buy" button)
  • A few minutes later, a report with detailed information will be sent to your email inbox.

To punch a car with a state number, you do not need to go anywhere, look for vin and other data. The check is carried out in 3 steps!

How we create reports

We collect information especially for you from all sources available to us. They include both state (traffic police base) and commercial structures, including insurance companies. From a huge amount of data, we form a single, most informative report for each vehicle. You will receive vehicle data online, and a copy of the report will also be sent to your email.

Why is it better to check a car through Autocode

With Autocode, it is possible to check the car by state number online quickly and efficiently. Checking allows you to trace the car on the base literally from the conveyor to the point of sale. The necessary information is requested from Autocode not only by individuals, but also by specialized salons.

Why choose Autocode website:

  • Reliability and quality of reports checked against the traffic police database
  • The ability to check a car by registration number
  • Check result in 5 minutes!
  • Apps for Iphone and Android to check online
  • Checking Japanese cars without a vin code is a unique service opportunity!

After checking the car in the state. the number you will know exactly what the car is. Using these facts, you can fairly reduce the purchase price.

Autocode is a site for checking a car by state number, which allows you to find out the real data about a car right at the time of purchase and protect yourself from an unwanted transaction.

Anti-redemption - Auto Check

Anti-redemption - Auto Check... Millions of cars are bought and sold every day. According to statistics, 48% of cars have had an accident at least once, 19% are running out of mileage and 1-2% were used in a taxi. How to avoid becoming a victim of scammers and buy a “clean” car? It is enough to install our application to check the car on different bases.

With the help of "Anti-Outbid" you can check the following information on the car of interest:

  • 1. Checking the history of registration in the traffic police. Obtaining basic information about the vehicle and the periods of its registration with the traffic police for various owners
  • 2. Check for participation in road accidents. Obtaining information about road accidents involving a vehicle with the specified VIN identification number (VIN) that have occurred since the beginning of 2015.
  • 3. Verification of being on the wanted list. Obtaining information about the federal search for a vehicle by law enforcement agencies.
  • 4. Checking for restrictions. Obtaining information about the presence of restrictions on registration actions in the traffic police with a vehicle.
  • 5. Search for VIN of the car and photos by state number. It will help you find the VIN code of the car, I only know its state registration plate. To search for photographs, the service is used.
  • 6. Checking the seller in the FSSP database (federal bailiff service). This check will let you know if the seller has any debts that could complicate the purchase of a car.
  • 7. Checking the OSAGO policy. Allows you to find out if the OSAGO policy is active. Usually, resellers do not issue a policy, trying to save money.
  • 8. Search in the EAISTO database. It will allow you to find out if the car has passed a technical inspection (MOT). Also, there is a possibility that the old car number will be found, by which you can additionally search for information about the car. It happens that you can even find photographs by number.
  • 9. Search in the register of pledges. Will let you know if there is any information in the federal notary chamber about the car. There may be restrictions on the vehicle you are interested in. This will keep you safe when buying a car.
  • 10. Search by phone number among popular ad sites (avito, drom, am). Allows you to identify sellers who have had a lot of auto sales. Allows you to find a reseller.
  • 11. Checking the seller's fines. Allows you to find fines by state number and car registration certificate number. You don't want to pay someone else's fine, do you? 😉

To obtain information, you need the (VIN) VIN number of the car, the number of the CTP policy, the seller's data.

VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), colloquially BODY NUMBER, is a combination of characters assigned to a vehicle by the manufacturer in order to identify it.

Where is the VIN code?

The VIN code is easiest to find on the identification plate. It is usually located on the outside of the front instrument panel, immediately next to the door, or at the end of the front door, or on the windshield in the corner in a special window.

Download Anti-Buy - Car Checker app free for Android you can follow the link below.

Developer: Navis Apps
Platform: Android 4.0.3 and above
Interface language: Russian (RUS)
Condition: Free
Root: Not Needed

The article was written based on materials from the sites:,,,,


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