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In addition to the cost of the trailer itself and the installation of a towbar (hitch or tow hitch), it is necessary to take into account the increase in gasoline consumption during towing, and maintenance costs, and a number of others. And in some cases, a separate category of management rights will be required. You may have to spend money on the procedure for obtaining a new registration certificate after installing such a component on your car. About whether it is necessary to formalize the towbar in the traffic police officially, what documents will be required for this and whether it is possible not to register it, we will talk in this article.

Is it possible to save money and not register the installation of a towbar in the traffic police?

Yes, you can. But the situation is: Today I installed the towing device, and tomorrow we'll see what its installation will result in"- in 2020, it should be excluded both from a financial point of view and from the point of view of winding nerves on the part of traffic police officers. And therefore it is important to understand the relevant provisions of the technical regulation On the safety of wheeled vehicles (hereinafter referred to as "TR") in order to be prepared for possible risks In the event of a stop on the road, the traffic police inspector may ask a question about the legality of installing a towbar, and you must answer it correctly.

Can a hitch be installed on my car?

The main question here is whether installing a towbar is making changes to the design?

First of all, it should be said that any complex mechanism, including a car, is accompanied by operational documentation, in which we are interested in two main documents:

  1. Manual.
  2. Catalog of parts and assembly units.

The towbar can be provided by the design

If the drawbar is mentioned in these documents, then you are in luck.

It is quite normal when the towbar itself is drawn in the catalog, and its part number is indicated next to the figure, but it was not installed on the car from the factory - its installation is not provided for by this particular configuration. Then you just need to contact the official dealer or supplier of spare parts, and according to the part number they will send you a towbar, which will stand up like a native in a place prepared for it in advance.

In this case, the hitch is component vehicle supplied to the assembly plant or as a spare part. Its installation according to the technical regulations does not affect the safety of the car and is not a design change (paragraph 20 of the TR).

The situation is similar, if the instruction manual describes in detail the steps and with the diagram how you can mount the tow hitch on your car.

But even if it is not provided, in some cases it is not necessary to issue it separately.

All other work on the installation of the towbar is a change in the design.

The appearance of any new device inside or outside the car is likely to affect its safety. A decrease in security is unacceptable. Therefore, it is necessary to document that the new elements of the car will not affect its safe operation. The necessary document you certainly can be on hand. Your task is to understand its importance and keep it, or better yet, make a copy and carry it with you to satisfy the mental activity of traffic police inspectors.

And then, according to paragraph 77 of the TR, it is not necessary to register the changes made with the traffic police.

This is the certificate that comes with the tow hitch, proving that the tow bar has been tested for safe use with the type and model of your vehicle. Naturally, the certificate is accompanied by a diagram and a list of works on how to properly mount the towbar on the car.

The easiest way is to contact the official dealer of the trailer manufacturer.

During a consultation before buying a trailer, you will be told not only which trailer can be used with your car, but also whether it is possible to install a tow bar that will not need to be subsequently registered with the MREO traffic police.

Even if you buy a trailer from your hands, it is better to purchase a trailer with a certificate from the officials.

Agree that it is easier to buy and install a new towbar with a certificate. After all, the price of a towbar is 3-6 thousand rubles for domestic cars and 5-10 thousand rubles for imported ones.

In what cases will the tow bar never be registered?

If the car was not originally designed to tow a trailer.

Finding out if you can put a towbar on your car is easy. The manufacturer's plate is attached to the car in a secluded place. On the first line it shows the manufacturer, on the second line the VIN number of the vehicle, then the maximum permissible weight, and finally the weight of the vehicle with a trailer, if it can be towed. If the fourth line on the plate is blank, then your machine is not designed to tow a trailer. The order of the lines may differ depending on the make and model of the machine.

I strongly do not advise the question of the legality of installing a towbar to let it drift!

As he warned at the beginning of the article, sooner or later an attentive inspector will ask about a towbar sticking out from behind, which is not marked on the registration certificate. If you have learned the content of the article, then you will give the inspector one of 3 answers:

  1. the towbar even has a part number - delivery from the car manufacturer,
  2. everything is done according to the instruction manual,
  3. here is a copy of the certificate for the trailer hitch.

If there is nothing to answer, then the inspector will issue a decision on part 1 of article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses with a subsequent fine of 500 rubles for making changes to the design of the vehicle without the permission of the traffic police - paragraph 7.14 of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation.

At the same time, the inspector in writing will offer to drive the car to the traffic police without a towbar in 10 days, so that the traffic police have the opportunity to make sure that you are no longer violating the rules. If the car is not presented for inspection, then the registration will be canceled, and the numbers will be put on the wanted list with all the ensuing consequences.

The fine for installing a towbar on a car is incomprehensible to many drivers. For them, a towing device is a necessity, but traffic police inspectors require dismantling or payment of a certain amount. Some owners don't even know if it's legal. So you need to study the requirements, understanding the reason for their appearance and the amount of administrative responsibility.

What is a towbar?

Towbar - a device for a trailer. It is installed under the rear bumper, but such changes are treated as unauthorized. Traffic rules do not allow them, as they create a danger during traffic. This concept may seem strange, because complex models of towbars are specially made for a passenger car.

If the design of the machine does not provide for a factory method of attaching a trailer, additional documents are needed.

Practice shows that difficulties are encountered at every step. The traffic police quickly fines drivers, not allowing any denials and persuasion.

Why fine for the device?

The traffic rules prohibit the installation of additional structures. In accordance with the rules, the vehicle must remain in the factory, and any elements that could create a dangerous situation must be removed. This interpretation suggests that it is necessary to pay a fine.

How does the trailed structure create a danger to the surrounding machines? You can make changes, but within the established dimensions. If they do not meet the standard indicators, movement becomes impossible. The towbar partially protrudes beyond the rear bumper, so even with a minor collision, it causes serious damage to the second car. This explains why it is necessary to take care of registering the changes that have been made.

How to protect yourself from liability?

Modifications to the design of the vehicle are not allowed. In 2016, the provisions of the Federal Law appeared, which indicated administrative responsibility. The changes led to controversy, although experienced drivers quickly figured out how to get around the problem. Is it safe to drive on the roads? What to do for this?

  • Factory equipment;
  • Issuance of a permit.

When you need to install a trailer hitch on a car, you should consider these two rules. This is the only way to achieve the smooth rides that the new law says. So it is worth considering the changes so as not to make mistakes.

Factory equipment

Do I need to register the hitch specified in the factory? No, it is allowed as it is not a design change. The car is prepared in advance for the transportation of goods, so it does not create a danger while driving. Such a statement is incomprehensible, because manufacturers do not always correctly take into account the dimensions.

The paradox remains silly, because the vehicle remains dangerous, but the presence of a formalized transformation suggests otherwise. A great example is the huge SUVs that inexperienced drivers try to bypass. Some people think that a large tax is the reason for connivance. It has to be paid in any case, so the extra expenses are unnecessary.

Issuance of a permit

The latest change in the rules suggests the mandatory design of a tow hitch. Otherwise, traffic police inspectors have the right to fine drivers on all roads. There are no exceptions, therefore, before transporting goods by car, you should go to the office.

The owners had a question: “I have been driving my car for a long time, but only now I found out that a trailer permit is required.” The latest provisions have appeared recently, so now it is necessary to draw up transformations without fail. You can purchase only ready-made factory models of towbars that meet all requirements. Otherwise, technical expertise will be required, which rarely gives consent to travel on the roads.

Amount of the fine

How much will the driver have to pay? In accordance with the rules, it is only 500 rubles, but repeated violations entail new administrative responsibility. This problem remains the main one, because you have to regularly give considerable amounts.

Under the new legislation, the owner can be fined at any post. This suggests that it is much easier to drop the transformations. Most often they are not so important, so you can freely find an alternative. Although, if necessary, official paperwork is always available, which does not take much time.

Additional difficulties

You also need to register the trailer. It is a vehicle with a full package of documents. Few car owners who are accustomed to the old rules know about this. Previously, they were able to simply purchase a structure "from hand" or make it according to a personal project, but such a solution is no longer available today.

Experts note that a large package of papers will be required for the transportation of goods. The hitch and trailer must be presented to the department for expert verification. Yes, if everything was purchased in a store, the necessary documentation will be obtained without problems. Otherwise, dismantling will certainly be required, which will only lead to unnecessary difficulties.


In recent years, motorists are constantly interested in an alternative. Are there designs that can replace a trailer? This issue has remained the main one for people who do not want to face administrative responsibility, but some types of freight transportation remain mandatory for them.

  • Racks;
  • Special trailers.

Roof rack is a great alternative to a towbar

Today, professionals say that obsolete designs can be disposed of. Gradually, the need for them disappears, as it is always possible to find excellent replacements. They will be a simple solution that will save you from unnecessary clashes with traffic police inspectors.


The most interesting are the racks. They are mounted on the roof of the vehicle, allowing you to transport skis, snowboards and even bicycles without restrictions. In such cases, no changes are made to the design, so you do not have to worry about fines. The only question is the dimensions of the car, because they are strictly specified in the rules. Among them, the maximum height is noted, but the factory design may exceed it. After installation, the indicators increase, although they remain acceptable. Moreover, the documents can be obtained immediately, and in the future collisions with inspectors are excluded.

Roof rack

If you often have to transport things, you can abandon the trailer. Manufacturers offer unique designs with a large capacity. When a person thinks about how to properly pack for a vacation, he should think about a roof rack. Such a solution turns out to be simple and reliable, protecting things from bad weather. The costs are 100% justified, which makes you seriously think about an affordable purchase.

Special trailers

Special trailers are made for motorcycles, scooters, boats and other vehicles. There are many of them, but each of them meets stringent requirements and is installed without additional registration in the state traffic inspectorate. For this reason, it is easier for car owners to take advantage of such an offer than to face endless bureaucracy again.

The use of trailers has long been a habit for motorists. Today, the rules have changed a lot, so it’s better not to leave with loads on the road without executed papers. Otherwise, a fine will be issued at the next post, which will have to be paid without delay, and then the device will be dismantled.

The towbar is a towing device (TSU) , which is set on the car for the purpose of connecting a trailer to it.

The towbar can be installed in the regular places provided for it in the service center or independently, if this does not require violating the design of the machine. That is, welding, drilling, etc. are not used.

Effective January 1, 2015Technical regulation "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" TR TS 018/2011 (hereinafter referred to as the Technical Regulations). It regulates the process of making structural changes to the structure of the car.

The installation of a towbar does not apply to such changes if the manufacturer has provided places for its fastening and has included it in the list of additional equipment for this car model.

In the absence of data on the TSU in the type approval of the vehicle (OTTS) and the manufacturer's documentation, its installation will be a change in the design of the machine. In this case, permission to install it is given by the traffic police. This is evidenced by clause 7.18 of the SDA and the Law "On Road Safety" No. 196-FZ of 12/10/1995.

Important. If the car is not in use, no one has the right to fine the owner for his conversion.

When operating a machine with a towing device (TSU), the following papers must be available:

1. Passport (installation instructions) of the towbar with a car service mark on its installation.

2. A copy of the TSU certificate.

3. Act of work done.

Do I need to register a towbar with the traffic police: new rules for installing a towbar on a car

Many drivers are concerned about the question:how to legally install a traction device?

You need to register with the traffic police any changes made to the design of the car. Installation of a tow bar on almost all car models is allowed by the manufacturer. This is indicated in the user manual.

Mounting of the TSU does not apply to structural changes to the vehicle.

The towbar does not need to be registered with the traffic police in the following cases:

1. TSU installation is provided by the manufacturer.

2. The towbar has a passport and a certificate of conformity.

3. The device for the trailer is installed according to the instructions given in the passport, i.e. the design of the machine has not been changed.

When installing a towbar on a car, you should be guided by the information from the operational documents for the car. If they reflect that the installed TSU is certified for use as part of this vehicle, then it is not necessary to register the changes.

The new rules establish: TSU is not checked and not approved by the traffic police (clause 77 of the Technical Regulations) in the following cases:

1. The hitch is designed for this car.

2. An assessment of the compliance of the TSU with the car was made, there are supporting documents.

3. Installation is provided by the manufacturer.

Information about whether this vehicle is allowed to tow a trailer is indicated in itsload table. It is located on the right middle pillar of the car or under the hood. It informs about the possibility of connecting a trailer.

If the corresponding line contains no data,hitch must be registered with the traffic police .

Requires registration of the TSU, attached by bolts or welded to the power elements of the machine, and necessary for serious traction loads.

When installing the towbar with your own hands, the following rules should be observed:

1. Selecting a device suitable for a specific make and model of car.

2. Reading the instructions for the TSU.

3. Preparing the necessary tools.

4. Dismantling the bumper and its amplifier.

5. Installation of beams and brackets to the side members of the body according to the scheme specified in the instructions.

6. Fastening the socket box to the beam; connecting the wiring harness to the beam with plastic cords.

7. Pulling the harness through the opening in the rear panel.

8. Wiring, a connector for it is on the car diagram.

9. Connection of two blocks.

10. Installation of removed parts of the machine.

Attention! The bolts connecting the TSU elements with the body must be carefully tightened. If the attachment points are rusted, they should be treated with anticorrosive.

Competent installation of TSU will ensure the duration of its operation, reliability in transit and trouble-free operation.

What documents are needed to register a towbar in the traffic police?

To register the TSU in the traffic police and obtain a certificate, you first need to pass a technical examination.

Stage 1. Preliminary inspection in the traffic police

The car owner must visit the traffic police and write an application for a preliminary examination of the design of the car, submit documents to the window and receive a decision after a certain period.

The following documents must be submitted to the Inspector:

1. Application of the established form (issued by the traffic police).

2. PTS (two-sided copy).

3. Documents for the hitch.

4. Registration certificate passenger car cars.

Stage 2. Examination after changes with a safety assessment

A TSU is installed on the car.

The work must be carried out by a specialized center that will issue supporting documents: an act of work performed, an application-declaration, a copy of the certificate of conformity.

The owner drives the car for inspection, where they check the safety of design changes and draw up a diagnostic card.

Then the technical examination is carried out by the traffic police and a certificate is issued.

To obtain it, the car owner provides:

1. Diagnostic card.

2. TSU purchase agreement and other documents.

3. Towbar certificate.

4. Declaration from the car service.

5. Application and decision rendered by the preliminary examination.

When installing a towbar on a passenger car is prohibited - the amount of the fine

Legislation prohibits installing a towbar on a machine if it is not listed as an option in the OTTS.

A copy of the document can be requested from the dealership or from the car manufacturer. It is received by firms that produce or import cars in the Russian Federation.

Equip a car with a hitchnot allowed if it is prohibited to use a trailer.

Yes, havingcategory "B" , driving with a trailer is legal if its weight is not higher than the maximum curb weight of the car. And the permitted masses of the car and trailer in total are not higher than 3.5 tons.

In other cases, or for the use of a heavy trailer, it is necessary category "E" .

When inspecting a car with a towbar, the inspector may issue a fine if the tow hitch:

1. Non-standard or defective.

2. Closes license plate or optics.

3. Installed in places not specified by the manufacturer.

If you encounter problems when registering a car due to the presence of a towbar, you should ask the traffic police officer for a written explanation of why he imposed a ban on registration.

Based on the clarifications received, one can writecomplaint addressed to the head of traffic police .

Fine for TSU provides for Part 1 of Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Its size is 500 rubles. It can be paid with 50% discount. This is permitted by Art. 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. This can be done within 20 days from the date of issue.

Important. Driving without registering structural changes to a car implies administrative responsibility and increases the danger to the life and health of road users.

Is it possible to avoid a fine for a towbar without registering it with the traffic police?

Is it possible to avoid administrative punishment?

The car owner can prevent the issuance of a fine for the presence of a towing devicein several ways:

1. First, you should have a dialogue with the inspector that everything will be fixed in the near future

Ask him to confine himself to a warning. The legitimacy of this is confirmed by Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

This tactic is especially effective if the driver has not violated traffic rules in the last 6 months or a year.

2. Using a detachable tow bar

At the same time, it is difficult to logically state that these design changes will affect the likelihood and outcome of an accident.

Any reasonable inspector will accept this point of view, since there is no protruding element.

3. The towing hitch is installed at the factory, or there are fasteners for it

At the same time, the towbar is not a constructive change to the car.

4. Reference to paragraph 77 of the Technical Regulations

If the requirements of this document for a car are met - the hitch is certified for the car on which it is installed - it means that the traction device has been evaluated and you can drive with it.

So, if there is a towbar, it needs a certificate of conformity with the Technical Regulations. Thanks to the certificate, the traffic police officer will not be able to fine the car owner.

If the installation of the TSU does not provide for structural changes to the machine, does not cover the license plate , you can install it yourself. Additional registration in the traffic police is not required.

A tow hitch (tow bar) is a coupling link between a motor vehicle and a tug, caravan and/or trailer.
If a towbar was not initially welded into the car, but there is a need for it, then it is advisable to purchase a coupling device of the brand that is provided for this machine. Then you do not need to make extra holes, cut something off.

Stationary towbar

  1. Fixed (stationary). The fixed hitch is one piece with the car body.
  2. Removable. The part is easy to detach.
  3. Flanged. Fastening is carried out with bolts to a specific site. It is intended for transportation of heavy and bulky cargoes. It is the most versatile, it is possible to adjust the height.

Registration of a tow hitch for a passenger car

Registration with the traffic police is needed for individual changes in the design of the machine, according to the list, which contains an item about the tow hitch.

Car owners know for sure that any vehicles and any trailers must be registered with the traffic police. But not everyone has information that there are new requirements for trailers for cars. Therefore, registration with the traffic police is necessary for certain modifications in the design of the car, according to the existing list in the traffic police. And just in this list there is an item that you need to register a tow hitch on a car.
In order to safely drive with an installed towbar and not receive fines for a tow hitch in a car, the driver must have the following documents:

Removable towbar

  1. Certificate for a tow hitch for a passenger car.
  2. Passport for a towbar (issued upon purchase of a part, upon purchase of a car, upon installation of a towbar in a technical center).
  3. Documents certified with a blue seal: a certificate of an auto center and an act of work performed.

If the towing device is already installed, then you need to contact a certified auto center (TC) to diagnose the machine.

How to legalize a tow hitch for a car if it is already installed? In this case, you must contact a certified auto center to diagnose the machine, in particular the TSU. Permissive performance of the towbar, its operation is determined. Further, a package of documents is issued.
A permit for a tow hitch for cars is issued by the traffic police. But before you get a certificate, you need to pass a technical examination. To do this, you must provide the following documents to the traffic police:

  • application of the established form (issued by the traffic police);
  • a package of documents for a towbar;
  • vehicle registration certificate.

Then a tow hitch for the car is installed on the machine. Registration takes place after the following steps have been completed:

Flanged hitch

  • checking the safety of design changes;
  • registration of a diagnostic card;
  • conducting technical expertise.

The installation of a towing device is only permitted on machines designed for towing trailers.

  • diagnostic card;
  • TSU purchase agreement;
  • towbar certificate;
  • declaration from a car service;
  • statement;
  • expert solution.

Note! Not all cars are allowed to install a towbar. The law on the installation of a tow hitch for a car prohibits the use of a tow bar on machines not designed for.

Rules for installing a tow hitch on a passenger car

For such work, you will need a jack or a viewing hole. Then you need to follow the following guidelines:

Do not exceed the static sheer load on the ball and the largest mass of the trailer specified in the passport.

  1. Select the device of the desired brand.
  2. Carefully read the instructions for the TSU.
  3. Prepare the necessary tools.
  4. Unplug the car.
  5. Empty the luggage compartment.
  6. Remove upholstery and spare.
  7. Mark the location of the tow bar. The fit must be tight.
  8. Secure the hitch with clamps, beams and clamps.
  9. Dismantle both the bumper and its amplifier.
  10. Drill holes for mounting the device with a drill and treat them with an anti-corrosion liquid.
  11. Tighten with bolts, washers and nuts.
  12. Strictly according to the scheme in the instructions, mount the beams and brackets to the side members of the body.
  13. Securely attach the socket to the beam; connect the wiring harness to the beam with plastic cords.
  14. Pull the harness through the opening in the rear panel.
  15. Carry out wiring according to the scheme.
  16. Connect two blocks.
  17. Reinstall the removed machine parts.

Attention! It is impossible to increase the static sheer load on the ball and the largest mass of the trailer indicated in the passport. Otherwise, the towbar may not withstand and break.

Homemade towing device for a car

First you need to prepare the following materials:

  1. Steel pipe, the length of which is slightly over one and a half meters, section 50 x 50 mm.
  2. Sheet from steel of thicknesses. 5 mm, 300 x 70 mm - 2 pcs. and 200 x 70 mm - 2 pcs.
  3. Sheet from steel of thicknesses. 2 mm, 120x120 mm to socket bracket.
  4. Bolt M 10x1.25 long. 80 mm with nut - 2 pcs.
  5. Bolt M 12x1.25 long. 50 mm with nut - 6 pcs.
  6. Nuts with screws for fastening the socket (M 3 or M 4 length approx. 40 mm).
  7. Power socket.
  8. Insulated copper wires of different colors, PVC electrical tape.

  1. Remove bumper. There are a couple of holes under the bumper mount.
  2. Measure the distance between the outer edges of the holes inside the side members.
  3. Cut off a part equal to this distance from the steel pipe.
  4. Make a mark in the middle of this segment.
  5. Drill to make holes 5 x 5 cm on the edges of the strips for dl. 20 cm
  6. Put on the strips with holes to the middle of the pipe.
  7. Weld the strips to the pipe with a welding machine at a distance that allows you to mount a hook for a trailer with a ball between them.
  8. With a drill, drill holes for fasteners in the plates, similar to the holes in the hook.
  9. Fasten the trailer hook with 10 bolts and nuts.
  10. It is necessary to follow the safety rules: when working with a grinder, wear goggles, when welding - a mask.

  11. Weld strips of length to the ends of the pipe. 30 cm opposite to the direction of the hook at right angles to its bracket.
  12. Insert welded strips inside the spars.
  13. Outside, drill three holes D 12.5 mm in the rear side members.
  14. Try on a bumper. The hook must be positioned so as not to interfere with the bumper to get into place, and also not to touch the road.
  15. Remove the device, make a chamfer on both sides of the holes.
  16. Weld nuts M 12 to the plates opposite each hole on the side of the drill entry, having previously screwed them with bolts.
  17. To install the socket, in a 3 mm thick plate, make holes for the connector contacts, and a few smaller ones for fastening.
  18. Weld the plate to the hook bracket parallel to the pipe.
  19. To strengthen the spar, it is worth installing a corner with nuts. Thus, you get a removable towbar.
  20. With the help of headlights, it is permissible to supply power to the towbar, and the socket - using a connector.
  21. It is advisable to equip a device for attaching safety chains.


  • butt welding is not recommended. To attach steel strips to the edges of the beam, cut holes in them according to the size of the pipe section, put them on its ends, and scald;
  • observe safety rules: when working with a grinder, wear goggles, when welding - a mask;
  • before painting the towbar, it should be treated with an anti-rust agent with. Sand the surface with sandpaper. Wash waste with water. Dry well. Cover with adhesive primer, dry. Sand with #400 sandpaper and water, dry. Degrease with alcohol or petrol (do not use solvent).

Homemade towing device for the car is ready.


This article describes the towbar in great detail and in an accessible way: how and where to register a tow hitch on a car, is there a penalty for not registering. What documents are required if you have a towbar. How to make a towbar yourself, and how to install it on your car yourself. This article is intended to reveal as much as possible all the nuances in these matters.


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