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Cracks in the nails of the hands cause aesthetic discomfort and signal problems in the body. This is a problem faced by both adults and children.

It is important to establish the reason why cracks appeared on the nails in order to choose the most effective ways treatment. To do this, you need to visit a doctor who will conduct diagnostic procedures, revealing pathological changes in the body.


There are various reasons why the splitting of the nail occurred. Often irritants are external factors, which include:

  • regular contact with household chemicals;
  • temperature regime;
  • prolonged contact of hands with water;
  • low-quality cosmetics;
  • dirt under the nails;
  • mechanical damage.

By eliminating irritants, you can effectively and quickly solve the problem.

Other factors

The causes of cracks in the nails of the hands can cause internal irritants:

  • elevated blood glucose levels;
  • hormonal disruptions in the body;
  • the intake of an insufficient amount of minerals and vitamins;
  • liver disease;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • stress, depression, neuroses;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • anemia;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

If on the hands the nail cracks along the plate, the patient is diagnosed with onychorrhexis. This is a pathological disease that is associated with dystrophic processes occurring in the human body. The disease is characterized by cracking of the nail surface only along.

The plate can split into thin, small pieces in one area or break completely along the entire length. This feature can be seen in the photo by searching for information on the Internet. If timely treatment of the disease is not started, severe pain and discomfort appear.

Single cracks on the finger can be corrected with a manicure. If the splitting takes up a large surface of the nail surface, you should immediately visit a doctor.


If the cause is precisely established, it is allowed to treat a cracked nail at home on your own.


If the problem of cracking is associated with a lack of vitamins, it is recommended to drink a vitamin complex in a course. It is important to review your diet. To replenish the body with calcium, it is worth eating: fermented milk products, nuts, oatmeal. With a lack of vitamin A on the table should be present: carrots, apples, squash, peaches.

The lack of iron is replenished with liver, legumes, cereals, herbs, corn. If there is a longitudinal line on the thumb, it is important to consume omega-3 fats. There are many of them in sea fish of fatty varieties and in seafood.

If splitting is associated with disorders in the functioning of the nervous system, vitamin B is needed. It is found in nuts, eggs, dried fruits, and cereals.

Vitamin C plays an important role in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly consume citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, peppers, and cabbage. Do not forget about vitamin E, which is abundant in cereals, sea buckthorn, flaxseed, vegetable oils, in meat.

Folk remedies

A cracked thumbnail is effectively treated with traditional medicine.

Those who do not know how to treat the plate should try the following recipes:

  1. Pour 200 g of water into a container and add 1 tbsp to the liquid. l. sea ​​salt and soda. Mix the components thoroughly. Keep your hands in the bath for 20 minutes. After the procedure, a nourishing cream is applied.
  2. If a fungus has become the cause of cracking, 2 cups of water are poured into the container and 1 tbsp is diluted in it. l. salt and 5 drops of eucalyptus oil. Keep in hands for at least 30 minutes. You can use lavender, tea tree or lemon essential oil.
  3. For small cracks, mix 5 drops of iodine with a little salt. Apply this composition to the nail and fix the gruel with a plaster.
  4. To prevent the crack from growing, it is sealed with wax. It envelops the plate, does not allow the crack to spread further, protects the diseased nail from the aggressive effects of the external environment. To do this, mix cosmetic wax with a small amount of salt. This composition in the form of heat is applied to the nail plate and seal the place of cracking. It is not necessary to remove the composition. The longer it stays on the surface, the faster the healing and growth of a new plate will occur.

The nail as it grows must be carefully trimmed.


If a fungus has become the cause of cracking, you can use medications.

  • Nomidol + - due to the presence of beaver musk in its composition, the nail plate is softened. This contributes to the penetration of oils made on the basis of medicinal plants: fireweed, which eliminates cracks of any size; celandine, which has antiseptic properties; lemon balm, which kills pathogenic microorganisms and fungus; valerian, which relieves irritation; horseradish, string and kombucha, which disinfect the surface of the nail plate.
  • Lac Loceryl is latest development, which is a lacquer coating. The main component of the drug is amorolfine hydrochloride, which helps protect and restore the affected plate. Apply the product every 10 days. Depending on the severity of the disease, the course of treatment ranges from 6 months to a year.
  • Exoderil - this remedy is produced in the form of drops and ointments. The main active ingredient is the antifungal agent naftifine. The drug relieves inflammation, has antibacterial and fungicidal properties. Effectively treats onychomycosis. Apply the drug to the affected areas twice a day.

The minimum course of treatment is 2 weeks, the maximum is 6 months.

Prevention of cracks

  • when using household chemicals or when cleaning, protect your hands with gloves;
  • after contact with water, apply a nourishing cream to the skin of the hands;
  • use products for nail surfaces;
  • keep hands warm in winter and in windy weather;
  • include in the diet foods containing a large amount of vitamins and minerals.


An important component is proper and regular hand care. But if there are problems, do not leave them unattended. By finding out the cause of the appearance of cracks and starting timely treatment, you can avoid serious complications in the future.

If the nail on the big toe is cracked, then this problem is often associated with soreness and discomfort, since the nail plate grows for a long time. That is why it is better to prevent its occurrence and eliminate all factors that provoke the appearance of cracks.

Every day, human legs are subjected to significant loads associated with active movement. However, not only the foot, its joints, muscles and skin, but also the nails suffer from this. It should be noted that the nails of the thumbs and less often others are “under attack”. A cracked big toe is a very painful and long-term problem that should be addressed as soon as it occurs.

Why pay attention to the condition of the nails?

Nail plates, both on the hands and on the legs, can tell a lot about the state of health of their owner. This method has been used in Chinese medicine for a long time. The advantage of this diagnostic method is that it helps to identify most ailments in the early stages, sometimes 2-3 years before their obvious manifestations. A good specialist is very capable of determining when the first disturbances began in the body.

So, if the nail changes its color, begins to turn white, turn yellow or turn black, then this indicates malfunctions in the body that last no more than a month. When the shape, structure, relief of the nail plate changes (longitudinal or transverse cracks, stripes appear), this indicates a serious chronic illness. A healthy nail should be smooth and pink, have a matte texture and a well-defined crescent-shaped lunula. The appearance on such nails of any inclusions, stripes, and even more so cracks, should seriously disturb a person.

What symptoms should I pay special attention to?

Often, cracks in the nails of the hands and feet are accompanied by symptoms such as the unaesthetic appearance of platinum and its detachment. If we are talking about beriberi or water deficiency in the body, then this is manifested by the dullness of the nails and their fragility. When the nail cracks due to its fungal infection, then, as a rule, the following symptoms are noted:

  • darkening and even blackening of the nail;
  • abundance of cracks on the surface of the plate.

Causes of brittle nails and the appearance of cracks on them.

It should be emphasized that purely exfoliating nails will crack. If we consider the structure of the nail plate, then it consists of keratin, whose layers are stacked on top of each other. However, when certain external factors act on them, for example, mechanical, a gap forms between these layers, which serves as the basis for the appearance of cracks in the toes. If something gets into such a gap, it expands, thereby forming a cavity. It is at this stage, as a rule, that the nail cracks.

The reasons for the formation of cracks in the toes are not so few. Here is some of them:

  • the presence of bad habits;
  • highly chlorinated water;
  • ignoring the rules of foot care;
  • prolonged stay of the feet in moisture;
  • painting the plate with low quality varnish;
  • hormonal changes caused by pregnancy;
  • pathology provoked by the development of fungi;
  • the use of low-quality hygiene products (soaps, gels);
  • erroneous and traumatic use of pedicure and manicure accessories;
  • a cracked nail can be caused by mechanical injury to the plate caused by bruising, wearing tight shoes;
  • unbalanced diet, due to which there is a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements;
  • violations of the drinking regime, as a result of which the elasticity of tissues is lost, and the nails become brittle;
  • hypodynamia, due to which the nutrition of the limbs worsens, due to the poor functioning of the circulatory system.

Thus, knowing the reason why a cracked nail appeared, as well as the symptoms, you can understand what should be done next.

Treatment options for the problem

Treatment of both longitudinal and transverse cracks on the thumbnail ideally begins with a visit to the doctor (dermatologist, mycologist) in order to exclude the option of a fungal disease. If the disease is still detected, then you can be sure of the appointment of competent therapy. It should be noted that self-treatment of a disease with a fungus can be not only ineffective, but even dangerous, since the fungus without treatment will only progress, causing pain and suffering to a person. Moreover, these diseases are contagious and can spread among the patient's family. So when there is at least a slight symptom of the fungus (whitening of the nail or if the foot itches), then you need to urgently visit a specialist.

In addition to visiting a doctor, you need to improve your own diet, enrich it with fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts and other products, which will help provide the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals. It is also important to remember support water balance. How much water a person needs is a question that still causes controversy among specialists. However, skin, nail and hair problems are often associated with water-salt imbalance. So if you have problems with your nails, you need to drink more water.

Effective treatment is also impossible without taking vitamin complexes, since they contribute to the normalization of the immune system. And this is especially important when the body has to deal with the destructive action of the fungus. If we consider medicines, which includes the treatment of the disease and its manifestations, then the following drugs are often used:

  • actovegin;
  • d-Panthenol;
  • glad;
  • solcoseryl.

Actovegin and Solcoseryl are used in especially severe cases and deep cracks. Nevertheless, it would be useful to recall that these drugs are prescribed purely by a doctor and all treatment should take place under his close supervision. If the toenails are not affected by the fungus, then you can use such a proven folk remedy as olive oil combined with lemon juice. In general, oils are especially effective for eliminating dry nails. In addition to olive oil, sea buckthorn oil and tea tree oil are used, which are rubbed into the nail plate for several seconds or lotions are made from them.

When nail problems are caused by the use of poor quality cosmetic and hygiene products, they must be replaced with better products. If the crack is caused by mechanical damage, then the only thing you can do to help your own nail is to contact a beauty salon so that specialists can help “patch” the crack. As a rule, this is done by gluing a crack with silk, coating with acrylic, gel or biogel. Then you need to help the cracked plate grow back as soon as possible. An excellent remedy for this would be regular baths with sea salt.

Prevention of cracked nails

Everyone knows the truth: prevention is always better than cure. When it comes to cracked nails, things are the same. What should be done to avoid such a problem?

  1. Do not save on hygiene products. It is recommended to buy high-quality gels, soaps, creams and decorative cosmetics.
  2. In order to protect yourself from fungal diseases, you must strictly adhere to the rules of personal hygiene and, if necessary, use antiseptic sprays and gels.
  3. It is important to choose comfortable shoes that will not squeeze your toes and will not cause peeling or cracking of the nail.
  4. You need to watch your own diet. It must be balanced.
  5. Pedicure should be done with a purely sterile instrument, with minimal injury to the nail plates. It is optimal if a person brings his own tool to the salon or trusts himself only to proven masters.

Recently, the problem of cracks in the nails of the thumbs has become particularly relevant, and it affects not only adults, but also children. However, proper care of the nail plates, prevention of their damage and timely contact with specialists at the first alarming symptoms will help, if not to protect against the problem, then to minimize its manifestations.

The dream of every self-respecting woman is to have beautiful and well-groomed hands. Nails are decoration.

Therefore, when even almost imperceptible cracks appear on them, beauty is lost.

In most cases, cracks in the nails form due to lack of any substance in the human body.

Cracks that appear on the nail plate are one of the many diseases of the nails. They have a form longitudinal or transverse damage, which gradually grow over time and begin to cause unpleasant and rather painful sensations.

Cracked nails are often the cause bleeding.

Longitudinal cracks on the nails, as a rule, they form at the very edge of the plate and after a while their length noticeably increases.

Transverse injury character appear in any area of ​​​​the nail and also grow in size.

One of the most common reasons: dryness of nails. In addition, cracks can appear as a result of infection with a fungus - mycosis of the nail plate.

No less well-known reason experts call regular contact with various the strongest chemicals: cosmetic and household products of poor quality.

In addition, there are many other reasons crack formation:

  1. malnutrition over a long period of time;
  2. sufficiently strong dehydration of the whole organism, because with the loss of a large amount of fluid, the whole organism begins to suffer, including nails;
  3. menopause;
  4. hormonal changes in the body;
  5. incorrect methods of using manicure accessories and careless work with them;
  6. improper nail care;
  7. mechanical damage;
  1. prolonged contact with liquid;
  2. sudden changes in temperature;
  3. use of low quality nail products;
  4. diabetes;
  5. various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  6. diseases associated with impaired liver function;
  7. dermatological diseases: psoriasis, eczema and many others.


Symptoms of the development of cracked nails include signs such as fragility of the plate and delamination. They are the most common. It is also possible to determine the development of cracks due to the appearance of subtle formations, which will slowly grow over time.

Ways to treat cracked nails

If it was possible to immediately correctly determine the cause that led to the appearance and growth of cracks on the nail plates, then it is necessary to immediately take appropriate action to prevent the development of this disease. Thus, many complications can be avoided.

First of all, one should balance your diet, adding to it more products containing a huge amount of vitamin complexes of groups A, B, C, E and mineral trace elements (iron with calcium).

If cracks are caused severe dehydration, then you can constantly lubricate the nail plates with special therapeutic oils. In addition, experts advise regularly making lotions with nourishing oils. Useful properties has olive, sea buckthorn oil, as well as tea tree oil.

For cracks resulting from damage under mechanical action, on long nails, it is necessary to cut off the part of the nail where the crack has formed.

It is also necessary to carry out preventive action:

  • ensure minimal contact with negative environmental phenomena, it is better to wear gloves when performing any work;
  • once every six months, you need to undergo a course of therapy with the intake of a vitamin-mineral complex;
  • drink at least two liters of water per day;
  • regularly disinfect manicure accessories;
  • you need to use either baby or natural and mild soap;
  • lubricate hands with special moisturizing and healing agents;
  • wiping the nail plate;
  • regular baths with saline solution.

How to deal with the problem of folk methods?


Experts in folk methods for treating cracks in the nails advise regularly using a decoction that is being prepared. based on oak bark. The decoction should be prepared in a water bath.

After it cools, a cotton sponge or soft cotton is wetted in it. Then they wrap a finger with subsequent fixation on the hand. Such compresses must be kept throughout the night.

Thanks to modern methods and technologies, it is possible to easy to hide this cosmetic defect. However, it is best to determine the cause of the development of cracks in order to eliminate it, and forever forget about such a nuisance.

The condition of the hands indicates not only the degree of grooming of a person, but also the state of health. Often you can observe cracks in the nails of the hands and this phenomenon may begin due to the influence internal processes or external influence. The treatment of such diseases requires a serious approach, and ignoring them can lead to unpredictable consequences.

A healthy person has smooth nail plates with a pink tint. A variety of cracks, spots can be evidence of a serious malfunction in the body. There are several reasons for their appearance, but also varieties of formations. Varieties are related to the nature of their origin. On the nails, the presence of such cracks as:

  • multiple;
  • transverse;
  • cracking on the inside;
  • longitudinal;
  • single.

The presence of a longitudinal crack may indicate the pathology that led to this phenomenon, primarily onychorrhexis. If multiple cracks appear on the plates, you should immediately contact a specialist for advice. Particular attention to this symptom should be paid if the skin near the nail also cracks.

Often cracked nails occur in children and adolescents. This is due to the constant habit of biting nails and does not pose a danger.

What is this article about?

Causes of cracks

To cure this phenomenon, you need to determine the root cause of its occurrence. A person should reconsider his lifestyle. The condition of the nails is associated with nutrition, activity and regimen. If the diet is not rational enough, then problems can appear not only with nails.

We also note that if there is not enough fluid in the body, then the plates can not only crack, but also exfoliate.

Experts distinguish two groups of causes of the process: pathological and non-pathological.

Non-pathological include improper care, or lack of it. Often for this reason, the appearance of furrows is possible, they can appear when the wrong manicure is carried out, extension.

The same reasons include the impact on the nail plate of chemicals. Such substances are found in every home and are often used for cleaning and washing dishes. It is for this reason that gloves should be worn when handling such liquids.

Another thing is pathological causes, they are associated with more serious things. These include:

  1. Weak immune system. This phenomenon most often affects the nail plate in the first place. There are enough reasons for this: improper food, vitamin deficiency, the presence of neglected diseases, or chronic ones. They significantly worsen the condition of the body and its ability to resist harmful organisms.
  2. The presence of a fungus. The legs are most commonly affected. Especially common is a crack on the nail of the big toe. In most cases, this can affect a man.
  3. Hormonal imbalances can also serve as a trigger for the occurrence of various types of cracks, nails begin to break. The phenomenon may be associated with the period of pregnancy, menopause, diseases.
  4. Lack of fluid in the body.

Why do fingernails crack along? The occurrence of longitudinal cracks is associated with a lack nutrients and metabolic disorders in the body. At first, the plate cracks a little and shallowly, with time the crack becomes larger. The same reason can answer the question: why do the nails on the thumbs crack.

The appearance of horizontal cracks is associated with onychoshisis. Both the thumb and the little finger can suffer from this.

This disease occurs due to a violation of the manicure procedure, constant loads on the plates, as well as injuries.

Treatment by medical and folk methods

Treatment of this phenomenon is carried out both with the help of traditional and traditional medicine. In case of a lack of vitamins, vitamin complexes are prescribed.

When a fungus occurs, drugs are prescribed against this pathology. Among the drugs most often resort to the use of:

  • Lamisil;
  • Nystatin;
  • Zalain;
  • Mycozoral;
  • Loceryl;
  • Clotrimazole.

Such ointments should be prescribed only by a specialist, because they have contraindications. In violation of the hormonal background, other drugs are used. When pregnancy or menopause occurs, the situation does not require intervention.

If there are violations of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to follow a special diet. Often they resort to the use of Motilak, Motilium, Tsekural and Itomed.

In addition to medicines, home treatment is also used. folk ways. Limbs are treated after diagnosis by a doctor. The following methods are valid:

  1. Taking soda baths. This strengthens the plate.
  2. Mask using flour, honey, glycerin. You need to keep this mass for 20 minutes.
  3. The use of clear varnish will not only stop the growth of formations, but also strengthen the plate.

For the treatment of pathology, when a crack occurs, over-the-counter drugs can be used, such as, for example, Radevit and Panthenol.

Prevention of cracked nails

It is possible to avoid the appearance of cracked plates under the condition of constant prevention of concomitant pathologies.

The most important rule is personal hygiene. If this is ignored, the nails will not only lose their appearance, but also become unhealthy.

  • control of vitamin balance in the body;
  • enough water;
  • sterilization of manicure instruments;
  • protection of nails from temperature extremes, aggressive influences;
  • after each contact with the liquid, you need to use a special cream;
  • have only personal hygiene items and do not share them with anyone;
  • avoid damage to the nail plate;
  • systematic visits to the therapist;
  • if you visit manicure masters, then only proven ones.

These rules will help to avoid not only breaking off nails, but also health problems. It should be remembered that the nail problem requires an immediate solution. Therefore, you should not wait until the manifestations of the pathology become strong and the base is affected. It is better to contact a specialist so that he prescribes the correct therapeutic actions.

Nails are a direct projection of the state of health. They reflect a lot. Therefore, it is worth considering if your fingernails are cracking. After all, this may not be just a cosmetic defect.

Why do nails crack?

Why do fingernails crack?

What are the reasons for the violation of the integrity of the nail plate?

1. The most common reason is a lack of vitamins in the body, which can be seasonal or from malnutrition (strict diets).

2. Lack of water in the body - either in everything, or simply increased dryness of the skin of the fingers and the nail itself.

3. Hormonal imbalance - occurs for a number of reasons, most often it is the restructuring of the teenage body, menopause and pregnancy.

These are natural causes of cracking of the nail plate. But in addition to violations of the internal order, there are also external ones. These include the following:

    temperature fluctuations of a sharp nature;

    varnishes, shellacs, gels and other poor quality manicure products;

    the use of caustic cleaning agents without the use of protection (gloves);

    improper manipulation of the nail file;

    common nail injury;

    high humidity of the room or a long stay of hands in the water.

You are now familiar with the reasons. But what should be done when there is a problem?

What to do if nails crack?

First of all, try to determine the source of the cracks. If you have not encountered any of the external sources, then the problem is inside. But such problems should be solved only by a doctor. Contact him for advice and strictly follow his instructions - he will identify the true problem and prescribe everything necessary.

In no case should you treat yourself - it is fraught with major problems.

If cracks appear due to external irritants, then you just need to try not to encounter them: put on rubber gloves when cleaning, wear warm gloves for the weather, go to trusted salons and buy high-quality varnishes and the like, at the same time you should watch video courses on how correctly file your nails if trouble happened because of this.


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