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To lose weight after the holidays, you need willpower and good motivation. Moreover, Russian cuisine is replete with fatty and heavy foods. First you need to cleanse your body of toxins and toxins that have accumulated during all the feasts. You can make several fasting days on kefir or water. If it's hard for you, then add apples or dried fruits. You can unload your body from one to three days. Be sure to drink plenty of water, tea without sugar. The amount of water should be at least 1.5 liters per day. It is not recommended to drink liquids at night, as this will provoke swelling. After fasting days, you will immediately feel lightness throughout the body. But it's still water coming out.

Another option for fasting days can be a buckwheat diet. In this case, stamina is required, so not everyone is capable of eating buckwheat for a long time. If you are a big fan of buckwheat, then feel free to proceed. At night, steam 500 grams of buckwheat with boiling water. During the night, it will swell and you will get crumbly buckwheat porridge, which is better not to salt. You can add some soy sauce. Eat steamed buckwheat in small portions every day. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids with this diet. You will see the results of the buckwheat diet quickly enough. Extra pounds rarely come back after a buckwheat diet.

After cleansing the body, it is important to build your diet correctly. Include only healthy foods in your diet. If you want to lose weight, then watch the amount of protein. It should be more than carbohydrates and starches. Athletes have such a thing as "drying the body." That is, your daily diet should consist of proteins and starchy foods. Carbohydrates are completely excluded. However, this measure is temporary and is not suitable for everyone due to a number of medical contraindications. Before "drying the body" be sure to consult a doctor.

It is best to balance your diet so that you eat carbohydrates until 12 noon, proteins and starches for lunch, and only proteins for dinner. You need to cook food either steamed or baked in the oven. Of all types of meat, choose chicken breast. Low-fat varieties of fish have a good effect on weight loss. Product compatibility is also important. Proteins are best combined with green vegetables. It is strongly not recommended to mix proteins and carbohydrates. So you just load your digestive system. Perhaps you will feel weak during the restructuring of the body to a different diet. In this case, it is useful to take a complex of vitamins or every morning on an empty stomach a spoonful of flaxseed, washed down with clean water.

Over time, your body will get used to eating like this, and those extra pounds will gradually melt away. Permissible weight loss is no more than 1 kilogram per week. With the right approach to the problem of losing weight after the holidays, you can achieve sustainable results.

Gained kilograms invariably upset women after the plentiful feasts that accompany numerous New Year holidays. How difficult it is to resist when the tables of hospitable hosts are bursting with culinary delights, and the tradition of meeting New Year and Christmas with tasting all sorts of delicacies, but no one has yet been able to cancel with their favorite cocktails and champagne.

The problem of the accumulated layer of fat on the waist and hips is also faced by those who arrived from holidays in Turkish, Egyptian and other open spaces. Bought vouchers from the category "all inclusive" turn into excess weight due to the inability to refuse the excesses generously offered by hotel restaurants. Therefore, in the middle of winter, in the minds of most ladies who are well “torn off” in delicacies, a reasonable question arises, but how to quickly lose weight, bring the body back to normal and get rid of extra centimeters?

Experienced nutritionists and “slenderness specialists” advise not to delay emergency measures. If thoughtful steps are not taken urgently to reduce body weight, then fat deposits can firmly settle on your figure and continue their rapid growth, and this threatens with emotional upheavals and a complete change of wardrobe in the near future. After all, you don’t want to become a charming hippo by the summer, do you? Therefore, we begin to lose weight immediately after the end of the holidays. You don't need anything super complicated.

Fasting days

The best way to activate metabolism, relieve swelling, cleanse the intestines of fecal blockages, get rid of toxins, toxins and alcohol breakdown products is a fasting day.

Mononutrition, when only one type of food is taken during the day, plus an enhanced drinking regime, lead to a decrease in body weight by 0.5-1.5 kg, depending on the characteristics of the body.

Unloading day on buckwheat porridge

Plan to unload right after the holidays. As the main product, it is best to use buckwheat. For a day you will need 6 tablespoons of buckwheat. It is steamed in a thermos for 2 hours with boiling water, and then consumed throughout the day, divided into 5-6 doses. No salt, no sugar, no butter is added to the porridge.

Buckwheat is rich in fiber, vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements. Porridge has a diuretic effect and the ability to remove excess fluid, so get ready for the fact that you will go to the toilet much more often.

To increase the effectiveness of unloading, drink rosehip infusion between meals, which also enhances diuresis. Rose hips are a storehouse of fatty and organic acids, antioxidants, ascorbic acid, carotenoids and vitamins of groups E, B, D.

During the day, you should drink 2-3 glasses of rosehip drink, which is prepared in a thermos in the evening. 2 tablespoons of fruits crushed in a coffee grinder are taken per liter container, it takes at least 12 hours to insist a nutritious elixir, only in this way the maximum concentration of useful substances will accumulate in it.

Be sure to drink extra clean water(at least 5 glasses), which helps to remove toxins from the body and activate the processes of burning subcutaneous fat. The energy value of a fasting day is 450 kcal.

Unloading day on kefir

Another popular product option for a fasting day is kefir. It is not necessary to purchase a low-fat fermented milk drink. Ordinary kefir with a fat content of up to 2.5% is also suitable. During the day they drink from 1.2 to 1.5 liters of kefir (5-6 glasses). The interval between taking a drink is 2-3 hours.

Additionally, drink clean water, such as melted water or spring water (at least 3 glasses). The daily calorie content of unloading is from 500 to 700 kcal (it depends on the fat content of the fermented milk product).

Unloading is recommended to be done at intervals of 3-4 days. More frequent express diets can harm the body. On other days, give up flour, sweet, salty, smoked, potatoes, rice and do not have dinner later than 19-00. At night, drink a glass of natural yogurt, bio-ryazhenka, curdled milk or kefir with probiotics. This will help improve bowel function and cleanse it of accumulated metabolites through a morning bowel movement.

In addition to mono-nutrition, experts advise applying a regime of enhanced physical activity. It is not necessary to pore on the simulators in the fitness center for several hours. Well activates the metabolism of fast intensive walking in the fresh air for 45-60 minutes.

If you have a dog living in your house, then instead of walking, you can play active half-hour games with your pet in the mornings and evenings. This is useful for stabilizing the emotional state of the hostess, and for the harmony of her body, and for the most four-legged friend.

A special set of exercises will help burn fat in problem areas. It will take only 10 minutes of your time and even a woman with minimal physical training can do it. The whole gymnastics consists of 3 exercises: 25 squats, 20 straight leg lifts from the “lying on the back” position and the bar on the elbows for 100 seconds. If you did it faster than 10 minutes, then repeat the whole sequence again.

Continue to do such exercises until your body acquires its usual shape. In combination with fasting days, you can return the figure to harmony in 14-20 days maximum. If you smoke, then either get rid of this habit, or minimize the number of cigarettes smoked per day. Nicotine slows down the fat burning process and makes it difficult to lose weight.

And how do you struggle with extra pounds after the New Year holidays? Share your experience in the comments so that our readers are always in shape! A beautiful figure for you at any age and at any time of the year!

Christmas holidays are behind us, and now it's time to get in shape. Having enough of high-calorie dishes, start limiting yourself in products that you could afford in the old year. But now, to lose weight after the holidays, you need to try even harder. A diet and a set of exercises will help you get in shape in just a week.

After the holidays, the body is weakened, this is caused by overeating, alcohol (toxins), and nocturnal wakefulness. Unfortunately, not the best form remained in the memory of the meeting of the new year. The beginning of January will not be as vigorous as the preparation for it - it will be easier, since the body still needs to rebuild. That's why the main thing that is emphasized during this period is diet.

The meal plan should be tough, but short-term. For a short period of holidays, fats in large quantities, fortunately, did not have time to accumulate. Improper nutrition contributed to the increase in volume, which led to edema - retention of excess fluid.

The new diet should contain a sufficient amount of fiber obtained from cereals and vegetables. Solid fibers will cleanse the body without exceeding the daily calorie content. That's why the main goals of the diet are the removal of retained water, toxins and reduced daily calories.

Menu for the week

Attention! As a snack, when hunger strikes, you can drink a glass of 1.5% kefir, also at bedtime.

Day 1 (strength training)

  1. Breakfast - oatmeal, apple, yogurt.
  2. Lunch - unpolished rice, vegetables of your choice.
  3. Dinner - boiled beef, greens.

Day 2 (cardio)

  1. Breakfast - scrambled eggs with herbs, yogurt.
  2. Lunch - wheat porridge, vegetable salad.
  3. Dinner - turkey fillet with lemon juice, lettuce.

Day 3 (strength training)

  1. Breakfast - oatmeal with berries.
  2. Lunch - rice with vegetables.
  3. Dinner - vegetable salad with tuna.

Day 4

  1. Breakfast - cottage cheese, yogurt.
  2. Lunch - buckwheat with chicken cutlets.
  3. Dinner - cod liver with fresh vegetables.

Day 5 (strength training)

  1. Breakfast - oatmeal, grapefruit, yogurt without sugar.
  2. Lunch - chicken broth, potatoes, greens.
  3. Dinner - shrimp salad.

Day 6 (cardio)

  1. Breakfast - scrambled eggs with cottage cheese, an apple.
  2. Lunch - boiled chicken fillet, cucumber and cabbage salad with butter.
  3. Dinner - boiled squid with egg, herbs.

Day 7

  1. Breakfast - oatmeal with milk, grapefruit.
  2. Lunch - broth with pieces of chicken fillet, with vegetables.
  3. Dinner - steam liver cutlets, vegetables.

Workout for weight loss after the holiday for a week

To quickly lose weight after the new year - you need to train. The goal of training will be a regular load, without harm to the heart and digestive organs. The training system will help increase strength, tone, muscle endurance and improve well-being after the holidays. Do not perform heavy loads for hours, being in the gym every day. Classes will spur the body to lose weight, and diet will provide the main calorie deficit.

After the new year, start training smoothly, without heavy loads. Focus your energy on circuit training at a fast pace with light weights. Also include in the training process.

  • Exercises in this complex perform without pauses, at the end of the circle, rest no more than 2 minutes.
  • Do every exercise 20-25 times, and so 3-4 circles.
  • Start with a warm-up within 7-10 minutes, and in the same way, perform after the complex at a moderate pace. At the end of your workout, stretch your muscles.

Day 1

  1. Stepping onto the bench.
  2. Walking up the hill

    Bent over with a barbell

    Horizontal block pull

  3. (rear delta).
  4. Breeding hands in the simulator "butterfly"

    Incline bench crunches

    Hanging leg raise

Day 2

  1. with a wide setting.
  2. One leg squats

    Breeding legs sitting in the simulator

    Reduction of legs sitting in the simulator

    Reverse push-ups from the bench

    Extension of the arms in the block

    Boom lift

    Dumbbell Raise - Hammer

    Twisting - "bike"

Day 3

  1. medium setting.
  2. Leg press in the simulator

    Scissor Lunges on the Smith Machine

    Dumbbell bench press

    Reduction of hands in the simulator

  3. Seated dumbbell press.
  4. Seated Dumbbell Press

    Mahi dumbbells in front of you

  5. Twisting in the simulator or Roman chair.
  6. Twisting in the simulator

    Bench leg raise

Cardio day

Cardio workout in progress 2 times per week. Its goal is to restore muscles during aerobic exercise that promotes fat burning, within 45-60 minutes. Choose any convenient simulator, set an individual program, monitor the heart rate range (50-70% of the maximum heart rate). A moderate pace of exercise will prolong the duration of fat burning and prevent wear on the cardiovascular system.

Recommendations for girls: lose weight quickly after the holidays

It may also be that after the holidays, not only the strength, but also no desire for training will arise. No matter how effective a diet for weight loss is, it definitely won’t add energy, and you need to take strength for training somewhere. One way to speed up weight loss is to use sports nutrition supplements. These include - caffeine and.

These supplements differ in composition and mode of action, but the main function that unites them is to increase energy for training.

Products are safe, but you should not exceed their daily dosage.

  • Caffeine- is the most famous power engineer in the world. By increasing energy with the help of a supplement, the overall endurance of the body also increases. It will be much easier to transfer the load, and the duration of the workout will noticeably increase.
  • L-carnitine- a vitamin-like substance, the purpose of which is to transport fatty acids into cells, where they are processed for energy. Therefore, the additional energy substrate allows the muscles to work more efficiently and for longer. This action of L-carnitine contributes to an increase in energy in general, improves the quality of training and accelerates the use of fat as fuel.


In order to shorten the weight loss time after the new year, without resorting to strict diets and exhausting workouts, keep track of nutrition during the festive meal. Classical dishes, such as Olivier salad, herring under a fur coat and others, lead to severe swelling and a set of extra centimeters. Alcohol also contributes to this, especially sparkling wine. Therefore, eat as few junk foods as possible, thereby making it easier for yourself to return to your former shape.

Text: Olga Sergeeva

Any coin has two sides, and often the fun of a series of New Year's parties turns into a need to take a sober look at yourself and realize that some part of the cakes, salads and portions of the roast is looking back from the mirror. Unloading after the holidays will help you get in shape and mitigate the consequences of a winter gastronomic spree: it will save you a few extra pounds, improve your well-being and reconcile with the need to return to everyday life.

Unloading after the New Year: real results and empty hopes

The New Year holidays, rich in feasts, radically change the diet: we eat a lot of sweet, fatty, spicy and incompatible. The festive table is rich in fatty meats, sauces, potato dishes, confectionery sweets - these are the original traditions of the main winter holiday. Hospitality, generosity and abundance are undoubtedly good for a pleasant pastime in the company of relatives and friends, but, alas, often have sad consequences for the figure. The main danger of the New Year is that gatherings follow gatherings, heavy food provokes bouts of hunger, the schedule of sleep and rest is hopelessly shifted, and it is possible to wake up only on the verge of returning to working days.

Unloading after the holidays is also important for its psychological effect: turning to it, we seem to draw a line, put an imaginary but decisive point in food excesses. Competently and on time carried out "cleansing" activities really help the metabolism return to its normal mode of operation, but just in case, do not expect magic. If during the New Year holidays you were “lucky” to significantly move the arrow of the scales forward, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of everything and immediately in a day or even a week.

Fasting days after the New Year holidays will have little effect on newly acquired body fat, but will definitely help get rid of:

  • an excess of fluid retained in the tissues (“stuck” by salty and spicy snacks, as well as simple carbohydrates that retain water);

  • residues in the lower intestines (an unbalanced diet with an excess of proteins and a lack of fresh plant and sour-milk foods often provokes their formation. As well as a lack of movement, alas, characteristic of holiday leisure).

These substances can insidiously add you from 2 to 5 kg! It is getting rid of water and food debris that allows fasting days to give an encouraging effect in a short time. For some, this particular weight was superfluous, and someone else will have to work on themselves in the coming new year. In any case, the main thing is to decide and start.

Choose the most effective fasting day that's right for you, or make your own plan by learning what foods your body needs most after the holiday marathon. And be sure to assess the risks - fasting days are not recommended for those suffering from any chronic diseases, with exacerbation of ulcers and gastritis, with a tendency to allergies, and also if you are expecting a baby or breastfeeding.

Fruit unloading after the holidays: a bit of summer in January

Unloading on a single product is a popular means of quickly and effectively getting rid of surpluses both at the waist and in the refrigerator. Surely you stocked up on fruits - here they will come in handy.

"Dutch Unloading"

For her, you will need fragrant orange tangerines - apparently, the mini-diet owes its catchy name to the color. During the day, you should eat these fruits without any limitation in quantity and volume, adding only plain non-carbonated water to a modest menu - you need to drink at least two liters of it.

Unloading on apples

Choose strong green apples with a total weight of 2 kg, divide them into 6 parts and eat, measuring equal intervals between meals. Drink water in between and a glass after each meal. If desired, 1 kg of apples can be "converted" into 1 liter of low-fat kefir; that is, your unloading after the holidays will consist of 1 kg of apples and a liter package of fresh kefir.

kiwi day

On this day, it is allowed to eat puree from the pulp of an exotic kiwi fruit and drink water without restrictions. Attention, watch the ripeness of kiwi - only fully ripe, soft and fragrant fruits should be eaten.

potassium day

During the day, you can eat 500 grams of dried apricots soaked in water or 5 large bananas. And be sure to drink 2 liters of plain water without gas.

halloween diet

All Saints Day in January? Why not, if it helps! This discharge after the holidays will require 1 kg of peeled pumpkin pulp, 50 grams of dry peeled pumpkin seeds and 2 liters of alkaline mineral water without gas. Pumpkin should be divided into 5 servings and steamed (immediately or just before eating). The seeds can be eaten with the pulp or saved for a snack. Drink water separately from food.

Cereal unloading after the holidays: chicken grain by grain...

Unloading on cereals is liked by those for whom fruits do not cause a feeling of fullness in the stomach, but only provoke stronger hunger. It's all about the individual characteristics of metabolism. Any cereal for a fasting day is prepared and consumed without salt, oil and other additives.

Rice cleaning

A fasting day on rice is recommended by many nutritionists - this product is easy to purchase and prepare, in addition, it has the properties of an enterosorbent, literally absorbing toxins. Of all types of rice diets for rice cleaning, choose brown rice, it is the most useful.

To carry out unloading on rice, soak 250 g of rice overnight, and in the morning drain the water, pour boiling water over the cereal and cook until tender. Divide the resulting amount into 6 meals with equal intervals. Once you can add a few pieces of finely chopped dried apricots to the rice. Drink non-carbonated clean water throughout the day.

Unloading on greek and kefir

For a fasting day on buckwheat and kefir, steam 250 g of washed buckwheat for the night with two glasses of boiling water (in a thermal dish or a tightly closed saucepan. Divide the resulting porridge into 5 meals, alternating them with mineral water without gas (2 liters per day) and kefir (500 ml) Unloading after the holidays is guaranteed!

Trace elements that will help you lose weight after the holiday revelry


We learned about the benefits of potassium in food and the dangers of its deficiency only a few decades ago. The emergence of interest in the importance of this element in everyday nutrition was facilitated by the spread of fast food and convenience foods, "famous" for their high content of sodium chloride (table salt), and the popularity of strict diets. A meager diet, as well as increased consumption of coffee, alcoholic beverages and confectionery sweets, directly and clearly affect potassium deficiency. Potassium deficiency causes muscle pain and severe weakness, but most importantly, it provokes the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Potassium is an invited guest at the post-holiday unloading party: products containing it help to remove excess salt and fluid, allowing you to change for the better literally before your eyes. Potassium reduces swelling, normalizes the activity of the internal secretion organs, improves brain function. Foods containing a lot of potassium: carrots, tomatoes, oatmeal, bananas, honey, apple cider vinegar, dried fruits, nuts.

Magnesium and magnesia

Magnesium is the "satellite planet" of potassium. Many processes in the body are their joint projects, for example, potassium is necessary for muscle contractions, and magnesium is necessary for muscle relaxation. Magnesium in food, as a rule, “works in pairs” with potassium, but magnesium also has its own specific properties that your unloading after the holidays will appreciate.

Magnesium is essential for transportation nutrients, normal functioning of the nervous system, metabolism of fats and glucose, lowering the level of "bad" cholesterol. It is a powerful detoxifier and fighter against stress and overwork. Lack of magnesium can be expressed in the inability to fall asleep even with a strong feeling of fatigue, and stress and alcohol consumption contribute to its consumption and removal from the body. The unpleasant consequences of the New Year's separation are partly due to the lack of magnesium. To replenish its reserves, eat whole grains, pumpkin and pumpkin seeds, buckwheat, seaweed, nuts (especially pine nuts), and beans.

When fighting a hangover and other consequences of alcohol detoxification, Epsom salts, magnesia (pharmacy magnesium sulfate) can be a good help. If your therapist has found no contraindications to taking magnesium, it will not only cope with a throbbing headache, but also reduce the load on the liver and have an antidepressant effect. In addition, magnesium in moderate doses has a mild laxative effect, which can be very useful when you need to unload after the holidays.

Zinc, selenium

These microelements are magical antioxidants, as necessary for women as air. In the period when unloading is needed after the holidays, they become a truly indispensable tool.

Selenium, the very name of which is reminiscent of the Moon, the patroness of the fair sex, is necessary to protect fragile cell membranes and produce new red blood cells, as well as protect against the effects of adverse environmental conditions and prevent premature aging. Zinc supports the immune system in a healthy state, and also helps tissues to properly absorb glucose and lipids. Chronic fatigue, blurred vision, dull skin and hair, lack of interest in love life are corrected by controlling the intake of these important trace elements. Unloading after the New Year holidays will become even more effective if you add foods rich in selenium and zinc to the menu: sprouted grains, shrimp, oysters, offal of animals and birds, hard cheeses, milk.

Vitamin C

Vitally important for any person, vitamin C is usually associated with a joyful orange color - probably because citrus fruits are especially high in its content. Unloading after the holidays really requires vitamin C: it improves mood and well-being, increases efficiency, is effective against drowsiness and weakness, and also helps the body absorb iron, which is important for blood formation and the prevention of anemia. This vitamin is recognized as one of the most powerful fighters against oxidative processes.

Everyone who follows beauty knows that a sufficient intake of vitamin C helps not only to experience a surge of vivacity, but also to make the complexion healthier and more attractive. It is believed that a lack of vitamin C not only leads to lethargy and a feeling of loss of strength, but also impairs immunity and inhibits function. thyroid gland. It is important to remember that vitamin C found in foods is easily destroyed by light, oxygen and heat treatment. Therefore, you need to get it from fresh products: berries (especially rose hips), oranges, tangerines, kiwi, pineapples, apples, parsley, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, bell peppers.

Foods that lower cortisol levels

Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands that is actively involved in carbohydrate metabolism. Moreover, participation is far from always pleasant: an increase in cortisol levels not only gives the body the command to “let everyone in, not let anyone out” and accumulate glycogen in the liver and fat on the hips, but also increases uncontrollable cravings for sweet and salty. Cortisol is called the “stress hormone”: its purpose is to save the body’s resources and “fill the pantries” with new reserves at the slightest sign of mental and physical stress.

By itself, the production of cortisol is a normal part of the general background: if this hormone is produced in moderation, then there is nothing to worry about. However, poor-quality and short night sleep, alternating periods of hunger and overeating, physical overload, emotional experiences (in a word, a significant part of the New Year holidays) provoke a sharp increase in its production. That's why cortisol-boosting foods are a must-have part of your post-holiday deload plan. These include: protein foods (especially sea fish with its valuable unsaturated acids), foods rich in vitamin C, dark chocolate, black tea, spinach. And don't forget to laugh and take a deep breath - this also helps to bring down the cortisol arrogance.

"Three happy days": unloading plans

For those who expect a more serious result or simply do not believe in the effect of a one-day unloading, you can use a three-day unloading nutrition plan. For the strong in spirit!

"Water" express diet for 3 days
  • Day 1, "input": you can not eat animal proteins and fats, as well as cereals. You can (4 times during the day) - herbal tea, freshly squeezed juice, fruits, dried fruits, herbs, vegetables, nuts. The last meal is no later than seven in the evening. Be sure to drink water.

  • Day 2, "water": during the day - only water, about 3-4 liters (a glass every 40 minutes). 2 times a day you can drink the following drink: for 1 glass of warm water ½ teaspoon of honey and a spoonful of lemon juice.

  • Day 3, "day off": in the morning - herbal tea, all day grated fresh carrots with honey and lemon juice dressing or coleslaw with carrots and lemon juice. Salad can be eaten until 7 pm a day without looking at the volume. To drink a lot of water.
"Military Diet"

The new original unloading plan from the USA works thanks to calorie restriction. It is ideal for those who are discouraged by the usual unloading plans due to the monotony of the diet. On the "military" all drinks should be consumed without sugar and milk, and dishes - without salt and seasonings. Water can and should be drunk without restrictions, and more.

  • Day 1: Breakfast - half a grapefruit, coffee or tea, 1 whole grain toast with a thin layer of peanut butter (can be replaced with urbach, almond butter or tahini). Lunch - ½ can of tuna in its own juice or a small grilled salmon steak, 1 whole grain toast, coffee or tea. Dinner - 100 grams of grilled chicken or beef, a serving of green beans, ½ banana, a small apple, a small glass of vanilla ice cream.

  • Day 2: Breakfast - 1 boiled egg, 1 whole grain toast, ½ banana. Lunch - a small package of grained cottage cheese, 1 boiled egg, 5 small unsweetened crackers. Dinner - 100 grams of grilled chicken or beef, a serving of broccoli and some carrots (all steamed), ½ banana, half a cup of vanilla ice cream.

  • Day 3: Breakfast - 5 small unsweetened crackers, 1 slice of hard cheese, 1 small apple. Lunch - 1 boiled egg, 1 toast. Dinner - 1 can of tuna in its own juice or a small grilled salmon steak, ½ banana, 1 cup of vanilla ice cream.

Rules for unloading after the New Year holidays

  • 1 Do not start unloading on the principle of "from the ship to the ball." An abrupt change in eating style (hunger after a week of gluttony) is a great tragedy for the body, which can behave unpredictably. Get ready for unloading, at least a day or two giving up fatty, sweet, salty and moderating portions.
  • 2 Do not abuse the unloading effect. The optimal duration of strict "cleansing therapy" is 1 day, the maximum is 3 days. Staying on a minimum diet for longer, you risk earning a deficiency of vital nutrients, starting muscular dystrophy and even getting dehydrated (even if you drink water instead of food - a puzzled body that does not receive a balanced diet will not be able to keep it). And on the weight and appearance, which is the most offensive, all these risks can practically not affect.
  • 3 Do not use chemicals and drugs that promote rapid weight loss: side effects and the consequences of such funds are usually greater than the benefits, in addition, not all of them are fully researched and even certified.
  • 4 Do not finish unloading immediately before going to work: even the calmest first working day after the New Year holidays becomes stressful, do not overload the body, give it at least one day off to recover after the “cleansing”. Of course, you should not overeat this weekend - use it to just relax, take a walk, eat light healthy food in small portions. Do not forget that unloading after the holidays is needed not so much for the loss of "eaten food", but for the normalization of metabolic processes and a good dietary start in the new year.

After long and magnificent winter festive feasts, people go back to work. And almost everyone feels not rested and vigorous, but lethargic and tired. Abnormally warm weather this winter disrupted all biorhythms human body. The main reserves of vitamins, made in the fall, are practically spent. Metabolism during this period is already slow, and you still have to cope with toxins and waste products formed as a result of excessive consumption of alcohol and fatty foods.

The load on the liver and pancreas is simply colossal. They do not always cope with their functions. And ahead is the “traditional” epidemic of influenza, SARS and other viruses that undermine the already weakened body.

How to help the body in the shortest possible time to be cleansed of toxins, toxins and lose weight, without harm to health?

Cleansing the body

There are many ways to cleanse the body and lose weight. We suggest using them after the holidays. They are conditionally divided into three groups:

  • Reception of substances that absorb and remove toxins from the body within 1-2 days. These substances include activated charcoal. It is sold in any pharmacy without a prescription. Take the tablets half an hour before meals for 3-4 days. The dose of the drug is calculated individually: 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight. You should not get too carried away with taking activated charcoal, since, together with toxins, it is able to absorb some vitamins. The second popular drug, similar to activated carbon actions - Ankir-B. These are vegetable cellulose tablets. They not only cleanse the body of toxins and metabolic products, but also suppress hunger, reduce the amount of food consumed.
  • Eating foods that stimulate the bowel. Such products are: raw vegetables, boiled, in the form of salads (cabbage, carrots, beets, garlic are especially useful); cereal cereals; dairy products. From drinks: juices, green tea, dried fruit compote. The combination of carrot and beet juice is considered the most useful for the body. These products contain a large amount of fiber and pectins, minerals and vitamins.
  • Reception of pharmacy vitamin and mineral complexes. Nicotine and alcohol significantly reduce the level of vitamins in the body, especially ascorbic acid. Therefore, after the holidays, it is recommended to take 4-5 tablets up to four times a day (after meals) during the week. Well replenish the supply of vitamins specially designed complexes: "Komplevit", "Vitrum" or the usual "Revit".

These methods of cleansing and restoring the body can be carried out separately or combined.

Ways to lose weight

It is strictly forbidden to start any strict diet immediately after the holiday. Nutritionists warn that this will lead not to weight loss, but to serious (sometimes irreversible) health problems. Fasting after hearty holidays leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes in the body. Because of this, the weight gained does not go away, but, on the contrary, is fixed. It will not work to reduce body weight by resorting to a strict diet, but it is quite possible to earn serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is better to approach the issue of losing weight thoughtfully. Do not be upset if the extra pounds go slowly. This will help maintain health and achieve a more stable result of losing weight.

Post-holiday diet

In winter, the body experiences a great need for nutrients and vitamins. Therefore, the diet after the New Year holidays should be sparing. A sharp reduction in the amount of food consumed, and with it nutrients, leads to the development of:

  • beriberi;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • loss of strength, deterioration of the emotional and physical condition.

How easy is it to lose weight after the holidays? To easily lose extra pounds without compromising health, the diet should include foods that promote digestion. In this regard, the following are considered ideal: kefir, yogurt, vegetables, fruits, muesli.

An important point of losing weight, nutritionists call an increase in fluid intake. It can be not only water, but also herbal decoctions. The liquid helps to release the body from harmful substances accumulated during the holidays. Proper, balanced nutrition will speed up metabolism and contribute to weight loss.

To get rid of extra pounds, nutritionists recommend increasing the intake of protein foods. The more protein gets into the body, the less desire to eat something sweet, containing a large amount of carbohydrates.

The daily diet of those who want to lose weight should include: lean meat (turkey, rabbit, chicken), eggs, fish, legumes.

Nutritionists remind about the importance of a morning breakfast, during which you need to consume 400 kilocalories (in extreme cases, at least 300 kilocalories). And to eat less, before eating, you should drink a glass of warm water. This activates the digestion process. At the same time, salt intake should be reduced. It retains fluid in the body and also increases appetite.

If a lot of salty things were eaten in the afternoon, the next morning you need to drink a few cups of green tea. It will help rid the body of excess fluid. For lunch on this day, a portion of rice (brown or plain white) is suitable.

And, of course, to lose weight accumulated during the holidays, you need to give up sweets for at least a few weeks. If sugar cannot be completely eliminated from the diet, it should be replaced with more healthy honey.

In addition, a prerequisite for losing weight is the rejection of fried, fatty, smoked, pickled foods, high-calorie sauces and alcohol.

Food during the diet period must be baked, boiled or steamed.

You will find a low-calorie menu for every day in this article.

Fasting day

To give the body a little time to rest, cleanse and restore the intestinal microflora, nutritionists recommend fasting days.

A fasting day is usually carried out after a large or long-lasting feast. It implies the introduction of some restrictions in the diet. After a fasting day, you can start a light, sparing diet for weight loss.

To establish the full functioning of the digestive organs, you can reduce the use of products that contain:

  • animal fats;
  • salt;
  • carbohydrates.

Meals on the fasting day are organized as follows:

  • Observe the mode of eating. It is better to plan the menu in advance and prepare the necessary products (lean meat, vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products).
  • It is better to eat in small portions, but often. A regular serving can be split in half and eaten twice.
  • Drink enough liquid.

To return to your ideal weight, it is recommended to carry out a fasting day at least once a week.

After cleansing the body, you can proceed to light diet and proper nutrition.

In addition, the introduction to the daily diet will help to lose weight after the holiday:

  • vegetable oil;
  • apples
  • cabbage;
  • vegetable salads;
  • turkey, chicken or rabbit fillet;
  • whole grain bread;
  • low-fat kefir;
  • vegetable and fruit juices.

Compliance with the drinking regime

Water is an important substance in the human body. Weight loss without drinking enough fluids is simply not possible, since water is involved in lipid metabolism. An adult, in order to lose weight, must drink at least two or two and a half liters of fluid daily. The need for fluid increases with increased physical activity, unbalanced nutrition, intoxication and during hot weather.

In order to lose weight, they drink water half an hour before meals and a couple of hours after. This will speed up digestion and make the flow of metabolic processes more intense.

If the liquid is taken with meals, it will dilute the gastric juices. This leads to a violation of the digestive process and an increase in the volume of the contents of the stomach, and this in turn is harmful to the body. The stomach fully works if it is filled no more than 2/3.

Of course, you can restore, cleanse the body and lose extra pounds after long holidays. But sudden changes in the diet and diet are stressful for him. Therefore, even during large feasts, it is important to observe the measure in everything.


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