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Today's article may not be considered quite ordinary, since we will compare Kia Sportage and Volkswagen Tiguan. What is so unusual about it? Interest Ask. The thing is that motorists are accustomed to the prevailing stereotype: “European crossovers are basic,” and today the role of the basic one is played by a Korean SUV.

Kia Sportage is considered the first full-fledged Korean crossover. For the first time they started talking about the model in 1992, and two years later the car was lit up on the world market. Sportage was considered the successor of Mazda Bongo, but at first it could not even come close to the success of its predecessor. The situation was saved by the fact that the Koreans developed a modification of the Sportage in the back of a pickup truck, and began supplying the SUV to the US market. We didn't have to wait long for success.

In 2004, the second generation Sportage was presented in Paris, based on the same module as the Hyundai Tussan. By the way, a crossover in Kaliningrad for some time. But the car had one big drawback - a weak security system. Fortunately, the situation was corrected in the third generation model, which was presented to the public in 2010 in Geneva.

In 2015, the fourth generation Sportage was presented in Frankfurt, which was later recognized as the most stylish crossover.

The German SUV Volkswagen Tiguan, based on the Golf Plus platform, was first presented to the public in 2007. The production of the model is concentrated at factories in Wolfsburg and Kaluga. After the stunning debut of the model, the level of its sales dropped slightly and the developers carried out a restyling in 2011. By the way, in 2009, Tiguan entered the top 10 safest crossovers.

In the fall of 2015, the Germans presented the second generation of their model. Of the innovations, I would like to highlight modernized system safety and, as a result, Tiguan was recognized as the safest compact crossover in 2016.

What's better - Kia sportage or Volkswagen tiguan? Considering the number of cars sold, this is of course Tiguan.


As many experts note, the Kia company is one of those companies that reflects the mentality of their country in the design of cars. It is difficult to disagree with this, since the exterior of the Sportage looks very laconic and conservative, but in the latest version this mix is ​​also diluted with stylish and progressive design.

As for the appearance of Tiguan, here the situation is very similar - all the main features are concentrated on the exterior of the car. lineup making it look very stylish and aggressive.

At the front, the Tiguan is equipped with a wide frontal window and a long, even hood. His opponent has the same shape and size "lobovuha" and a smooth relief hood with lateral longitudinal airflows. The bow of the Tiguan looks very strict and practical. It features a signature radiator grille and a pair of small concept headlights.

In turn, the Sportage boasts a large false radiator grille and high-mounted LED lights. The bottom of the bumper looks more powerful in the Korean crossover, but most likely this is only a visual sensation that arises from the increased air intake in the Sportage.

On the side, the cars are exactly the same, if you do not take into account a few insignificant points, for example, such as the absence of side stampings for the Tiguan and the more voluminous wheel arches for the Sportage. Behind the cars are also very similar, but I want to give a slight advantage to the "German".

Purely visually, the exterior of the Kia Sportage looks more attractive.


As for the interior, here you can immediately identify the leader - this is Tiguan. The interior of the car shows German pedantry and European conservatism. But the Sportage salon looks not quite ordinary as for Asian models, and this is due to the wealth of equipment, which in this case played a cruel joke with it.

It should be noted that dashboard each of the crossovers is at an angle relative to the driver. In terms of finishing, the German crossover is better. But the spaciousness of the cabin is greater in the Sportage.


Since the latest generations of models were not equipped with motors of the same volume, for comparison, we chose the two most equal options: Tiguan 1.4 and Sportage 1.6. Among the general points, I would like to note that both units run on gasoline and a robotic transmission is connected to them.

The German crossover is heavier than its opponent - 1534 kg / 1621 kg. As for dimensions, the Tiguan body is shorter by 54 mm and higher by 58 mm. The wheelbase is also larger for the Sportage - 2670 mm / 2604 mm. The ground clearance is 18 mm higher for the Volkswagen Tiguan. Given the size advantage of the Korean crossover, it should come as no surprise that it has 21kg more spacious trunk... As rims 16-inch elements are installed on the Tiguan, and 19-inch elements on the Sportage.

Now let's talk directly about the motors themselves. So, each one is equipped with a high-tech turbine supercharger, but given the difference in displacement, it should come as no surprise that they differ in power. The Tiguan engine produces 150 Horse power, and his Korean counterpart - 27 more horses. Naturally, the "Korean" has better dynamics. For example, to disperse a Sportage from zero to a hundred, you need to spend 9.1 s, and his opponent - 9.3 s.

In terms of, as expected, the European car is more economical - 7.1 l / 7.5 l. It is also worth noting that the Tiguan is front-wheel drive, while its opponent is all-wheel drive.


For the car modifications presented above, you need to pay: - 2,090,000 rubles, Volkswagen Tiguan 2017 - 1,445,000 rubles. According to experts, this is a rare case when a German crossover is cheaper than a Korean one, and this must be taken advantage of, because this may not happen again.

Volkswagen Tiguan and 3-4 generation Kia Sportage - crossovers, already eighth year stubbornly competing with each other. Often, when choosing a compact SUV, buyers consider these particular models a priority. On the one hand, the German quality and strict appearance of Tiguan urge motorists to buy it, but on the other hand, the innovation and originality of the Sportage baffles them when choosing. Having considered crossovers from all sides - we present to you today's comparison of those and an analysis of which car is better.


In order to answer the question as correctly as possible - "Which is better: Tiguan or Sportage?" - one simply cannot but turn to a detailed study technical characteristics cars. We will consider indicators of the most relevant models for today, namely, crossovers produced in 2015-2016. For the convenience of their perception, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following comparative table:

As you can see, the technical indicators are equal. There is nothing surprising in this, because the concept of building most crossovers is extremely similar. Tiguan and Sportage were no exception, therefore, in terms of cross-country ability, and in terms of the overall technical picture, they are, if not twins, then loyal brothers.

Important! Both cars are assembled with high quality, therefore, in terms of reliability, they are not inferior to each other.


Having dealt with the previous paragraph of the article, it was clearly defined - on paper, the Volkswagen Tiguan and Kia Sportage are absolutely equal, but is this really the case? Let's find out by analyzing the actual performance of the crossovers. First, let's consider the economy of the models. With regard to fuel consumption, the situation “on paper” is completely similar to reality. Of course, the numbers are slightly different, but the same amount of fuel is consumed by the crossover from Kia and the crossover from Volkswagen in the same amount - about 11-18 liters per 100 kilometers of driving in the combined cycle.

Regarding the repair of models and their general content, there is a similar equality. Owners of these models will not have to spend much money on taxes or on going through MOT - that's it price tags at an affordable level. In general, the models are absolutely equal in terms of efficiency.

The speed and maneuverability of crossovers are equally important in an operational sense. In this indicator, frankly, Tiguan has a slight advantage. This model has at least better start from a place and general "agility" of movement, albeit on maximum speed it is the Sportage that takes the small one up. Regarding maneuverability and controllability, both "Korean" and "German" are very good and are approximately at the same high level. The cross-country ability, as mentioned earlier, is also the same, because the torque, suspension concept and weight of the crossovers are very similar. Despite the total equality in some of the comparison components, in this context of consideration, we will give the advantage, albeit small, to the Volkswagen Tiguan.

In terms of configurations and general functional equipment in the question - "Tiguan or Sportage?", Once again, it was not possible to identify the winner. The fact is that both models are equipped with approximately equal trim levels, the cost of which is:

  • from Tiguan - from 900,000-1,900,000 rubles;
  • at Sportage - from 1,000,000-2,200,000 rubles.

As you can see, the equality is absolute.

The exterior and interior of the models should be considered separately. Relatively appearance crossovers to say something is difficult - definitely a matter of taste, but the interior can be appreciated. In general terms, the Volkswagen Tiguan interior is more competently thought out, more comfortable and more solid, the Sportage, of course, the situation is not depressing, but the interior of the "Japanese" clearly does not reach the level of a competitor (less comfortable, not so high quality, etc.) ...


At the end of today's material, it is necessary to somehow summarize the comparison between Tiguan and Sportage. First, let's summarize the main advantages, disadvantages and parity provisions regarding the considered crossovers in the following table, formed taking into account more than 200 reviews of the owners of these models:

Benefits of Tiguan

Benefits of Sportage

Model parity

more frisky at the start

has a great "maximum"

cross-country ability and controllability

interior and trunk capacity

more comfortable in terms of operation

cost, price of insurance, maintenance, taxes and other nuances of service

more popular


fuel consumption

complete range and options presented in variations


Despite the small number of advantages, Kia Sportage is also relevant in the Russian car market. This is largely due to its innovative design, good reliability and speed characteristics... However, the "Korean" still failed to knock off the dominant positions in the crossover segment Volkswagen Tiguan, which for the last couple of years has been the sales leader in its area of ​​specialization. Of course, in general german car looks more interesting than its current competitor, but the final choice between them is still up to everyone.

Our resource hopes that the material presented above has given you some "food" for thought and, in general, was useful. Good luck on the road and in your choice!

Video comparison Tiguan and Sportage:

However, the new Tiguan inside is almost a Touareg. And no matter how good the KIA finishing materials look, the "German" has them even better. In terms of the amount of hard and soft plastic, our rivals are approximately equal, but the texture of Volkswagen is more refined, the keys and levers are made of better quality, and you can't find fault with ergonomics.

Here and the center armrest adjustable in reach and height (in the Sportage it is fixed), and better visibility (especially to the back), and a more intuitive interface with perfect graphics. And the heated steering wheel and seats are turned on with one button - it's convenient. There is also a USB input, but there is only one socket. Plus, when boarding (or disembarking) the Tiguan, trousers stay clean, even in the worst weather, because the doors completely cover the sills. At the Korean crossover, the thresholds are open, and clothes get dirty in slush almost instantly.

Landing in the German crossover is higher than that of the "Korean", and wheel located "in a bus" slope. The seats have an anatomically adjusted profile and dense padding. But the Sportage seats are even denser, and the high dashboard combined with the low seating position gives the driver a lightweight feel. The seat profile in the KIA is also good, but still slightly inferior to the Volkswagen one.

In terms of space in the second row, our rivals are practically equal. If a person is 180cm tall adjust front seat under him and sits back, then there will be about 15 cm of free space in front of his knees, and there will be a gap of 5-6 cm above his head. Moreover, both competitors had an optional panoramic roof. That is, in terms of measurements, "German" and "Korean" are completely identical. But there are more amenities in the Tiguan. There are tables in the backs of the front seats, an outlet, a comfortable center armrest with cup holders, and even optional climate control, albeit one-zone. The sofa is heated and has an adjustable backrest tilt. However, of the above, the Sportage does not only have tables and an air conditioning system, and besides the outlet, it also offers a USB input for rear riders.

Luggage compartments both are well planned. In Volkswagen, the volume is greater thanks to the low floor, under which the "dock" is located. In KIA, the luggage should be "thrown" a little higher, but in the underground lies a full-size spare wheel, which in our (Russian) conditions is a definite plus. When folding rear sofas both cars boast a flat floor. As an option, the fifth door on both the Sportage and the Tiguan can be equipped with an electric drive. There is a removable flashlight in the left wall of the German crossover.

"National" features

The turbo diesel of the Korean crossover noticeably rumbles on idle, but there are almost no vibrations. Acceleration is smooth, as are the reactions to pressing the accelerator pedal. Automatic transmission gets along well with the "torque" engine, as there is enough traction even in high gears. The engine is very quiet while driving. There are more than enough speakers for driving both in the city and on the highway. True, at times it is required to turn on the "sport" mode, since the "automatic" reluctantly switches down when trying to accelerate sharply.

The curb weight of the Tiguan is slightly higher than that of the Korean rival, but the sensations during acceleration are as if the "German" weighs almost half as much. Volkswagen has a lighter and more lively accelerator pedal, when pressed, the crossover rushes forward like a feather. Although, when driving in traffic jams, you need to get used to the sensitive "gas" because of too harsh reactions. The petrol turbo engine works quietly at any speed, and robotic box The driver knows better which gear should be engaged. And even in traffic jams, the transmission works smoothly, without jerks typical for "robots".

The Tiguan also brakes easily, as if at the behest of the driver's thought. The Sportage has a heavier pedal, but there are no complaints about deceleration control in this case.

Volkswagen is driven almost perfectly. It changes direction at lightning speed, obeying the sharp, optional variable-cut steering (just two-and-a-half turns from lock to lock). The steering wheel is the standard of accuracy and information content in this class. At low speeds, the steering wheel is light, not at the expense of feedback, but at high speeds, it is filled with pleasant weight.

The new Tiguan keeps the straights confidently, not reacting at all to irregularities or rutting. And rushes into corners without hesitation, practically showing no understeer. If you enter bends at high speed, rolls appear, but they do not interfere, but, on the contrary, load the external rear wheel, thereby helping to better "bite" into the trajectory.

However, the Sportage doesn't look like a whipping boy at all. The Korean crossover rides heavily, as if ironing the roadway. His steering not as sharp as that of the opponent (2.75 revolutions from lock to lock), but there are no problems with accuracy, information content and speed of reactions to control actions. The reactive action is more intense here.

By motorway korean car rushes almost as confidently as the German rival, except that in the presence of rut, it scours slightly from side to side. At the entrance to the turn, the crossover rests slightly, but, having risen on the arc, it holds firmly on it. At the same time, the roll of the Sportage is less than that of the Tiguan. In general, this KIA is driving performance German rather than Korean. And it feels more sports car than the rival, although in extreme modes the Tiguan is slightly better balanced.

The Tiguan is also among the leaders in terms of smoothness, although in this parameter it falls short of the standard - it is harsh. All road trifles "German" neutralizes, but large irregularities are given to the fifth points of riders with sharp jerks. But the sound insulation is excellent - we have never seen such a quiet car in this class. The insulation of the wheel arches is particularly impressive. However, all other noises are perfectly drowned out.

The "Korean" is noisier, but this is mainly due to the more distinct hum of the tires. And its suspension scrupulously counts all the pimples and cracks in the asphalt. However, there is a silver lining - the Sportage has excellent energy capacity. On a broken dirt road, he rides better than his opponent, stoically withstanding the blows that bring the Tiguan's suspension to a breakdown.

According to the results of the test, the championship goes to the Volkswagen Tiguan. He has, perhaps, only one drawback - too "nervous" parking sensors, panicking when driving around yards at a great distance from obstacles. Otherwise, he remains the segment leader. compact crossovers, which, in general, was to be expected. But Sportage also performed excellently. Despite the fact that Volkswagen set a very high bar, KIA went almost head to head with it throughout the comparison, giving way only in terms of smoothness and sound insulation. So Korean engineers have a lot to be proud of. How, however, and what to strive for.

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VW Tiguan 2.0 TSI VW Golf V 1.4 TSI.


Four-wheel drive and good ground clearance are its main advantages.

Weak sides:

I will not describe the shortcomings - the owners of the Zhiguli will find it funny.

Review Volkswagen Tiguan 2.0 TSI (Volkswagen Tiguan) 2011 Part 2

So my friends, the mileage is moving towards a hundred, and the car continues to present surprises. The joy ended when the Focus2 was replaced by the Honda CRV. I will not compare with her, because, forgive me, VAG-o phyla. CRV with motor 2, 4 is better in everything. She has already run almost 50 tyk. Because it is more pleasant to ride on it. Tobish, if where to dalnyak, then Honda rolls, and VAG smokes on the sidelines. VAG it is purely for short stable distances in Moscow, and it is also a controversial point, because the consumption on the Tiguan grows terribly as it ages, and dealers and other skilled workers say that this is the norm.

So let's start in order. Forgive me, but in this class of SUVs I will be comparing it with the RCV, since I have and use these two cars.

In previous reviews, if you remember, I talked about the problems associated with Tiga. So I want to draw your attention to what I did not have time to write. There is one very important nuance when changing timing chains; when disassembling, it is necessary to frequently inspect each bolt in the chain tensioning system. Since they are pricked from high loads and, accordingly, their remains can get inside, and this, accordingly, gets into the repair of the engine, which, if guaranteed, does not care, but we don’t name it for very decent money.


Pure German, with all that it implies !!!

Weak sides:

There are nuances, and there are a lot of them compared to Asians.

The Japanese and Koreans are utterly reliable in everything

Review of Volkswagen Tiguan 2.0 TSI (Volkswagen Tiguan) 2011

Hello, friends! Exactly one year has passed since the start of ownership VW Tiguan 2.0 TSI ... During this year, he wound exactly 10,000 km on its wheels. Now you can write something about him. I will compare with my favorite car VW Golf V 1.4 TSI.

I bought the car exactly one year ago, quite spontaneously. It's just that every winter on Golf at least a couple of times, but I'll get stuck in some snow-ice hole so that without a tie, neither here nor there. And last winter, in a strange yard, I was once again stuck so that I spent a whole hour, unable to ask anyone to push (a banal situation - well, there were no passers-by, and that's it!). Suddenly I see - the old man is driving on Padzherik; Well, I asked him to hook it (especially since I already had a tie at the ready). Padzherik pulled off my plane without straining at all. As soon as I said goodbye to the old man, thanking him for his help, I immediately got stuck ten meters from my previous standing, and for another half hour. A passer-by helped push out. As soon as I arrived home, I immediately stumbled on the Internet, trying to find something all-wheel drive. I looked closely at Tiguan before, but I did not really see the need for it, although the car was quite attractive to me. Along the way, I looked at competitors.

Once, for informational purposes, my wife and I drove through the city salons to look at the crossovers. I liked the Peugeot 3008 very much, but it is a mono drive. In Toyota RAV 4, both sat down and left - not mine. I watched Renoshki Duster and Koleos. Well what can I say? I have ridden the Golf for several years now. If it were not for him, maybe Koleos could somehow like him. But Golf was. I also watched the Chevrolet Captiva and Opel Mokku and Antara. The captiva is not mine. Mocha too (I wouldn't take it even because of the name). Antara was more or less to my liking (it is very similar to a German car in almost everything, but still simpler). Just in case, I had it in mind, but did not like the size - too big. I will say right away - I do not like big cars, and my ideal could well be an all-wheel drive Golf. Even when I had a Transporter, I was very happy to change into my VAZ "four" when I had to go somewhere far away. Well, I'm just crazy about Golf. Therefore, I also looked at the Skoda Yeti, but even in the most expensive configuration inside it was simpler than my Golf Trendline, besides, for some reason, I could not find a comfortable position for myself while driving. Nevertheless, I had in mind this car too, but my wife categorically did not like it.


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