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The past 2015 was rich in innovations in the rules road traffic... What awaits drivers and pedestrians in the coming year?

Get a discount

From January 1, 2016, every offender can receive a 50 percent discount when paying a fine, if this same fine is paid within 20 days from the date of the decision on an administrative offense. From now on, the resolutions will indicate the full amount of the fine and at a discount.

However, not everyone will be able to take advantage of this innovation. Will not be able to take advantage of the "privilege" persistent violators of traffic rules, those who violated traffic rules with consequences for the health of victims, refuseniks from medical examination will also pay in full, drunk drivers and persons who have entrusted them with driving a car, and those who have drunk or have used drugs will also be deprived of the right to discounts. substances after an accident.

If the fine is not paid within 20 days, the discount will be canceled. In the event of an installment plan or a delay in payment of a fine, the discount is canceled.

It turns out that from January 1, the minimum fine of 500 rubles will remain in theory, in practice, 250 rubles will have to be paid for a minor traffic violation.

In addition, the possibility of paying a fine at a discount is now being considered, as they say, without leaving the cash register. But the question of how to do this - with a bank card, online payments using the traffic police inspector's tablet or in some other way - is still open.

What else is new?

For foreign citizens who do not have Russian driver's licenses, the ban on driving commercial vehicles has been postponed until 2017. Therefore, they have time to obtain Russian license.

In the near future, Russian lawmakers will consolidate the concept of "dangerous driving", which is not officially in Russia yet. But in the West, hammam on the road faces criminal liability. This refers to a situation created by some road users when other drivers and pedestrians are in danger. But they will distinguish between situations specially created, and those when the driver was forced to act in a certain way.

It is planned that the boors on the road will be caught by traffic police patrols in cars without identification marks, and information about violators of the order on the roads will be transmitted to the nearest post.

Interfax reports that by the end of the year the government will clarify the requirements for legal entities and individuals involved in cargo and passenger transportation. Trucks and buses are increasingly becoming the culprit in accidents in which people suffer and die.

In addition, during 2016, the liability for drunk driving may be toughened. And the law on compulsory treatment of alcoholics is undergoing public discussion.

According to the "action plan" signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the approved changes should take effect in the first quarter of 2016.

Also, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs were instructed to assess the consequences of the introduction of a multiplying coefficient for drivers who regularly violate traffic rules (from 5 to 9 times a year).

Parents who leave their children in parked cars may also have to fork out, and maybe lose their rights. The law on the sale of beautiful registration plates through an auction, which the State Traffic Inspectorate plans to conduct, is still in line for approval, the website reports.

Let's remember 2015

Let us remind you that many amendments to the traffic rules were made last year as well. So, thanks to changes in traffic rules from July 1, 2015, cyclists can move along dedicated lanes for public transport.

In the past year, criminal liability was introduced for drunk drivers who repeatedly got behind the wheel drunk or refused a medical examination. The maximum punishment for such a violation is 2 years in prison and 3 years without a license.

Until July 1, 2015, the car could be parked either at an angle of 90 degrees to the sidewalk, or parallel. Now a sign has appeared allowing parking in a herringbone pattern - at an acute angle to the sidewalk. But remember, if there are no signs and special markings nearby, then the car can only be parked parallel to the sidewalk.

On Wednesday, July 1, several regulations come into force at once, designed to change the situation on Russian roads. The amendments to the Criminal Code radically tighten the liability for drunk driving. Changes in traffic rules explain in detail to drivers how to use the European protocol, and pedestrians are obliged to wear reflectors at night outside the city. In addition, the CMTPL policy can now be purchased and renewed electronically.

Fighting drunkenness while driving

The main July innovation for drivers is the new edition of the Criminal Code, which Kommersant has already reported about. From now on, repeated drunk driving or repeated refusal of a medical examination will be considered a criminal offense. Repetition means a violation that was committed within a year from the moment the driver's license was returned after the last revocation for drunkenness. For example, a citizen was caught by the traffic police while driving drunk on June 1, 2013; by a court decision, he was deprived of his rights from August 1, 2013 to August 1, 2015 (for two years). Until August 1, 2016, the offender will be considered punished - if during this period he again sits behind the wheel drunk, then he will be judged according to the new articles of the Criminal Code, and not according to the Administrative Code. A similar principle applies to those who were previously convicted under Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Violation of the rules of the road and the operation of vehicles").

Previously, all such violators were brought to administrative responsibility, which means they could be deprived of their rights for a maximum of three years. Now the court can impose a fine of 200-300 thousand rubles, compulsory work for up to 480 hours, or a real term of imprisonment up to two years.

The traffic police say that the problem of drivers who systematically get behind the wheel drunk is quite acute: in Moscow, at the end of 2014, 71 drivers were involved for repeated drunkenness while driving, but much more - 756 - refused medical certification. Why mass drivers refuse to blow into a breathalyzer at the request of inspectors, earlier in an interview with Kommersant, Deputy Head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kuzin explained.

Traffic accidents registration and pedestrian lighting

The next block of changes for road users is laid down in the traffic rules, the new version of which also comes into force tomorrow, July 1. Now the rules describe in detail and more understandable than before, the algorithm for the actions of drivers in case of an accident. In total, there are four scenarios for the development of events.

In the event that an accident occurred with the injured, the driver calls ambulance and police officers, they will draw up documents and give a certificate to the insurance company. If damaged cars blocking the passage, you need to record the accident location in the photo (or schematically), as well as "traces and objects related to the accident", and then free the roadway. However, the day before, representatives of the traffic police at a press conference still did not recommend touching the cars before the arrival of the police (if there are victims in the accident), despite the possibility laid down in the new rules.

Second option: there are no casualties, but the drivers have not decided who is to blame for the accident. In this case, they are obliged, having photographed the scene of the incident, to clear the road (if cars interfere with the passage), and then call the traffic police. An inspector by phone can allow you to register an accident at the nearest post or will come himself.

The third option: the participants in the accident themselves agreed on who is to blame for the incident, after taking a photo, they do not call the inspector, but go to the post themselves.

The fourth scenario, in fact, follows from the third: it is possible only if the damage caused to each of the cars does not exceed 50 thousand rubles. In this case, the police are not needed at all: the drivers themselves draw a diagram of the accident, fill out the accident notification forms (attached to the OSAGO policy) and send the documents to the insurer.

This design is called the Europrotocol - it was for its popularization that changes were made to the traffic rules. According to the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RSA), in 2014 the share of losses settled without certificates from the traffic police amounted to 10.5% (growing by about 1% annually). Most experts, Kommersant previously reported, are inclined to believe that new traffic rules the situation with the European protocol will not be radically changed, because the main reason for its unpopularity is the mutual distrust of insurers and drivers (insurance constantly suspects motorists of fraud, car owners are afraid that they will not be paid anything after an accident). It is for this reason that citizens, even in minor accidents, try to call the traffic police inspectors.

Another block of changes in traffic rules concerns pedestrians. So far, the regulations have recommended that citizens "carry objects with reflective elements" when driving on the side of the road or along the edge of the road in the dark. From July 1, the traffic rules will be clarified: outside the settlement, a pedestrian must be equipped appropriately, choosing a route along the route. It can be clothes with reflective elements or special reflectors in the form of key rings and bracelets on the arm.

Curiously, until now, the authorities have not clearly explained where citizens will take the reflectors. There is some clarity about the outfit of children. The federal target program “Improving road safety” in 2013–2020 even includes 965 million rubles. for the purchase of 15 million "retroreflective devices" for preschoolers and primary school students. Earlier, the traffic police sent to the Ministry of Industry and Trade proposals to change the standard for sewing children's clothing, obliging manufacturers to use reflective fabrics and elements, but the department refused. In the standard for the production of knapsacks, these requirements have already been taken into account, but "they are not particularly fulfilled," Natalya Agre, President of the Movement Without Danger public organization, explained earlier to Kommersant. With adults, the situation remains completely unclear, but the traffic police are counting on propaganda, as well as a fine: the traffic police inspector will now have the right to punish a pedestrian who is poorly visible on the road without a reflector for 500 rubles. Experts believe that this norm will not work in practice, since it is very difficult to prove the guilt of a pedestrian, in addition, traffic police inspectors, in principle, rarely fine pedestrians.

Electronic CTP policy

Finally, the last block of changes concerns the receipt of CMTPL policies in electronic form, via the Internet. According to Art. 15 of the law on OSAGO, individual signs an application for the purchase of insurance with a simple electronic signature, a legal entity - with a strengthened qualified electronic signature, as a result, the buyer is sent an "insurance policy in the form of an electronic document." Thus, it will be possible to purchase insurance without leaving home and not take a paper version of the policy with you on the road. RSA President Igor Yurgens claims that from July 1, you must have either an old-style OSAGO policy, printed on a strict reporting form, or a printout of an electronic policy (by analogy with how tickets are issued in electronic form). Insurers say that the traffic police will be able to check the reliability of the electronic policy using the RSA database, to which the department has already gained access since June 15.

Experts believe that in practice, inspectors will still require paper policies, since this is included in the current traffic rules. “Everything turned out as usual,” Viktor Travin, President of the Moscow Collegium of Legal Protection of Car Owners, explained to Kommersant. Formally, the law has greater legal force than the rules established by the decree of the government of the Russian Federation. In fact, both insurers and traffic cops are right at the same time. As a result, drivers will argue with the inspectors on the road, and then they will be so lucky. According to the mind, it is necessary to make changes to the traffic rules, change the wording, clarify what an insurance policy is. And ideally - to remove the obligation to carry insurance with you altogether: from it there is nothing but trouble. The OSAGO agreement can be checked for a long time using the database ”.

According to Igor Yurgens, selling policies in electronic form is not the obligation of companies, but their right - 22 large insurers have already announced their readiness to use this innovation. “By now, all the necessary pre-launch preparation has been completed for the launch of electronic sales of OSAGO policies, from a technological point of view, RSA has no fears,” said Mr. Yurgens. Earlier, insurers asked the Central Bank to postpone the introduction of the electronic sales system for six months, as Kommersant wrote about, as a result, from July 1, it will only be allowed to prolong the existing contracts. The sale of new policies on the Internet will begin only from October 1.

August 4, 2014 the abduction of a car state sign became a criminal offense: for this you can go to jail or pay a fine of 200 thousand rubles. In order to apply the new punishment, the investigation will have to prove that the license plates were stolen out of “selfish interest”.

April 1, 2014 The traffic police began issuing a new type of driver's license. The document provides seven new driving categories including "M" for scooter owners.

October 15, 2013 new rules for registering cars with the traffic police came into force. To sell the car, you do not need to remove it from the register - you just need to re-register the ownership and get the money. Transit numbers that have existed since the 1990s are a thing of the past: the state sign of the previous owner is now automatically retained by the new owner. It will be possible to register a car in the traffic police of any region.

August 1, 2013 in Moscow on Zvenigorodskoe highway, Marshal Zhukov Avenue and on one of the sections of Leningradsky Avenue, motorists were allowed to accelerate to 80 km / h instead of 60 km / h. In fact, on these roads, they were allowed to develop speeds up to 100 km / h with impunity: the penalty for speeding up to 20 km / h is no longer applied.

Since July 24, 2013 a driver, in whose exhalation the breathalyzer recorded less than 0.16 mg of alcohol, is no longer considered drunk and, therefore, will not be punished. Moreover, from September 1, drivers who were previously deprived of drunkenness will be able to return their rights through the courts. The penalties for almost all traffic violations were also toughened - from driving at a red light, drunk driving to talking while driving on the phone and turning in the wrong place.

July 1, 2013 Amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation came into force: the fine for a truck driving without a pass on the Moscow Ring Road was increased to 5 thousand rubles. For three months, the authorities have methodically increased this sanction from 500 rubles to relieve the traffic on the ring road. As a result, the speed of movement increased by only 3-5 km / h: the vacant space on the roundabout was taken by Cars, heavy trucks now began to clog the roads at night.

January 1, 2012 In Russia, amendments to the Administrative Code entered into force, tightening sanctions for traffic violations. First of all, fines have increased for violations that cause traffic jams: driving at a red light, crossing a stop line with a prohibitive traffic light and entering an intersection during a traffic jam, interfering with the rest of the transport.

Roughly in 2015 regional authorities will be obliged to adjust the rates for the evacuation of vehicles in accordance with a unified methodology developed by the Federal Tariff Service (FTS). The document is intended to eliminate the initiative of the subjects of the federation in matters of pricing: for example, in Moscow the cost of moving depends on the engine power, in Chelyabinsk - on the distance traveled by the tow truck. The FTS wants to use the mass of the vehicle being moved as a base value.

In the same 2015 drivers are likely to be fined again for speeding by 10 km / h. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has already prepared the necessary amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses on behalf of the government. The authors of the bill complain that after the lifting of the corresponding sanction a year ago, the actual speed of traffic in cities has increased and the number of accidents has increased. Human rights activists warn that the innovation will lead to increased discontent among drivers.

From January 1, 2016 drivers will be able to receive a 50 percent discount on the fine if they do so within 20 days of the violation order. The corresponding bill was adopted yesterday by the State Duma in the second reading. Citizens detained for drunk driving and systematically violating traffic rules will not be able to take advantage of the discount.

RF government has already contributed to the State Duma a bill transferring the Moscow authorities the right to fine drivers for 38 types of traffic violations instead of the State Traffic Inspectorate. Until now, the Moscow Administrative Road Inspectorate (MADI) has dealt only with parking offenders. Deputies of the State Duma and representatives of the traffic police are opposed to the transfer of powers, the work of MADI has already caused a lot of criticism from the prosecutor's office. Experts expect in connection with the innovation "mass persecution of drivers."

The driving speed for drivers with less than two years of experience will be limited to 70 km / h. The new limit is fixed by amendments to the traffic rules, the draft of which developed Traffic police on behalf of First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. Experts were skeptical about the initiative: novice drivers need to be adapted to real road conditions rather than restrict rights. At the same time, even supporters of this measure agree, to monitor compliance speed mode will be almost impossible.

To reduce the accident rate demonstrated by novice drivers, the traffic police going to complicate the procedure for passing the exams for driving license. As follows from the draft new regulations, prepared by the State Traffic Inspectorate, the maximum number of questions on the theoretical exam will increase by one and a half times, and the list of tasks on the site will also expand. To test driving skills in urban conditions, the traffic police will apply a more stringent system of penalty points.

Residents of Yaroslavl should remember that changes to the Traffic Rules have already entered into force. The innovations affected the rules for the transportation of children and road markings.

From today - On July 12, 2017, a new edition is in effect. Some have become much tougher, and some, on the contrary, are loyal. The changes concerned the peculiarities of the transportation of children and the rules for overtaking.

New rules and requirements when transporting children: earlier on back seat children under 12 years old had to be transported using car seats, seat belt adapters, in the front - only using car seats. Now a seat or booster is required only if a child under seven is riding in the back seat. Children from seven to 12 years old are allowed to wear regular belts. On the front passenger seat children under the age of 12 should still only be transported in a seat, as they are now.

The penalty for breaking the rules will be 3 thousand rubles.

Children under seven years of age it is now forbidden to leave the car unattended by an adult. For violation of this rule, the driver can receive a warning or a fine of 500 rubles, and in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the fine will be 2.5 thousand rubles.

Also, abandonment is now prohibited. children under seven years old unattended in the parking lot (we are talking about preventing cases when a child sits with closed windows in a car or a car with a child is taken away in a tow truck). The penalty for this violation will be 500 rubles.

Affected by new changes and overtaking rules. On any two-way roads, it is now prohibited to use the lane intended for oncoming traffic if it is separated tram lines or a solid marking line. That is, if the driver went to overtake in a permitted place through a broken line, and ends it through a solid, in a prohibited place,. Previously, the ban applied to driving into the oncoming lane in a prohibited place, now we are talking about a ban on traffic in such a lane.

The changes also affected others types of markup. Intermittent lane markings 1.2.2 have now been removed from the text of the traffic rules. Now only a solid marking line can be used to mark the edge of the carriageway. Also, this solid marking has changed its number. Instead of 1.2.1, it is now called markup 1.2.

The changes also affected the double solid line, now it can be applied:

  • On roads with four lanes or more (as before);
  • On roads with two or three lanes (if the lanes are more than 3.75 m wide).

Previously double solid the markings made it possible to unambiguously understand that you are on a four-lane (or more) road, but now this will not work.

Excluded from the Rules marking by marking 1.7 of the parking zone. Such amendments to the traffic rules were introduced on April 15, 2015. But according to GOST road services could not use it to designate parking lots. This amendment has been canceled as of 12 July 2017.

What do you think about the changes in the Rules of the road? What amendments are missing from your point of view? Share in the comments.

", The essence of which is to make additions to, which begins with the phrase" The driver is prohibited: ".

The list of general prohibitions for drivers now includes the so-called , which is expressed in the repeated commission of one or more consecutive actions (including those contrary to traffic rules), which lead to situations that pose a threat of death or injury to people, damage to vehicles, structures, cargo or other material damage.

These actions include:

  • Failure to comply with the requirement to give way to a vehicle enjoying the priority right of movement when changing lanes ... Ignoring priority (both deliberate and unconscious) is quite common, but the most unpleasant of them is the "undercut" in the flow of cars. Accordingly, the one who is rebuilding gives way.
  • Changing lanes in heavy traffic, when all lanes are occupied, except when turning left or right, making a U-turn, stopping or avoiding an obstacle ... This wording is reflected in and applies to fans of checkers and simply chaotic rebuilding.
  • Failure to maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front ... The expression refers to those who like to "sit on someone else's bumper." From the outside it seems that the motorist is in a hurry somewhere, and that the "front" one is interfering with him. He kind of "pushes" him from behind, and all the time seeks to overtake as soon as the opportunity arises. An accident of several cars with a "locomotive" is a consequence of non-observance of a safe distance.
  • Non-compliance with lateral spacing ... The desire to "squeeze" in the traffic flow inevitably shortens the safe lateral interval. Applies to both car drivers and motorcyclists. The latter, due to the fact that the motorcycle takes up little space on the road, in order to get ahead, can pass between two cars on adjacent rows, as it were between lanes, or between the car and the edge of the roadway. Such maneuvers are often dangerous.
  • Abrupt braking if such braking is not required to prevent an accident (). The ban on this action is addressed to all kinds of "teachers" on the road. For various reasons, emotions sometimes prevail over common sense, and the desire to punish the "offender" takes over. An unsatisfied participant overtakes (outruns), for example, a car that did not give way, and begins to "teach" his driver: he brakes sharply in front of him and accelerates, forcing him and the vehicle driving behind him to slow down. Sometimes this "procedure" is repeated several times.
  • Obstruction of overtaking (). In addition to showing emotions and a stubborn desire to prove that your car is better and can go faster, this action is not explained by anything else. Not every driver can accurately calculate his overtaking trajectory and the required driving mode. How faster car overtaking will leave the oncoming lane, so much the better, and for everyone present. Common sense should prevail.

Directly the very wording of the innovation can be found in (last paragraph). The effective date is June 8, 2016.

There is no punishment for dangerous driving yet, but work in this direction is underway. So this innovation in traffic rules will be followed by changes in the Administrative Code for motorists, and new fines will appear.

In 2016, many innovations in traffic rules await drivers

December 24, 2015. New laws for car owners... In 2016, there will be many changes in the rules of the road for motorists.

Discounts on traffic fines

So, from January 1, 2016, a law comes into force, according to which motorists can receive a 50 percent discount when paying fines for traffic violations. The discount will be valid only if the car owner pays off the debt within 20 days from the date of the order. But this relaxation will not apply to all violations. For example, no benefits are provided for violations such as driving into the oncoming lane, re-driving unregistered vehicle, driving a car in a state of intoxication, re-driving at a red traffic light.


In 2016, the Euro protocol should be fully operational, that is, the registration of an accident without calling traffic police officers. Now this law is not in full force, since July 1, 2015, drivers who have been involved in a minor accident without being injured with minimal material damage can register the accident themselves, but for now, traffic police officers still go to calls. In the coming year, it will be impossible to call the traffic police to register a minor accident.

Ban on Euro-4 fuel

Next year, there will be a ban on Euro-4 fuel. At first, the ban will affect only Moscow, but the full transition to Euro-5 gasoline for all regions of Russia will take place in July 2016.

New rules in driving schools

In 2016, new, stricter rules for passing exams in driving schools will come into force. In the theoretical part, for each wrong answer, the examiner will receive 5 additional questions. That is, the maximum number of questions in the first part of the exam can reach 30. In the practical part of the exam, a novice driver will receive more penalty points for some mistakes, and after passing the theory, the time to prepare for the practical part of the exam will increase from three to six months.

Deprivation of rights for debts

Since January 2016, a law comes into effect, according to which debts for fines of more than 10 thousand rubles and non-payment of alimony may become the basis for the suspension of the driver's license.

By the way, 2015 also brought us some innovations. Thus, a new system "Platon" was introduced, due to which mass protests of truckers began throughout the country.


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