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Elena Shakurova
Didactic game for the development of speech "Pick a rhyme"

mice are very fond of. (cheese).

in the blue sea. (ships).

shines in the night sky. (moon).

mom got burned. (pie).

Mom and I washed. (floors).

bring sand to us. (truck).

trumpets us with a trunk. (elephant).

go to nursery. (babies)

hanging pear. (high)


I'm not vaccinated. (I'm afraid).


sat down on the ship. (stranded).


buzzing outside the window. (bumblebee).

I got milky. (tooth).

wags its tail. (puppy).

on a big hill. (house)

I sharpened. (pencil).


We're going tomorrow with dad. (circus).

cuts very sharply. (knife).

sped off into the distance my sonorous. (ball)

good with pancakes. (sour cream).

red from frost. (nose).

at a red light, of course. (stop)

give us a cough. (syrup)

soared into the air. (ball)

fragrant bloomed in the forest. (lily of the valley).

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Target:form an idea of ​​rhyme


Clarify the concept of tongue twister.

Develop diction in children.

Introduce the concept of "rhyme".

Learn to come up with the simplest rhymes for words.

Learn to work together, together, together.

Materials and equipment: ball, cards from the book “Speech games game library. Issue 11. We play rhymes. Games for the development of phonemic perception»

1. Speech warm-up

Dictionary exercise: pronounce intonation, highlighting the highlighted word in turn:

We are playing with words- compose together

We play with words compose together,

Our meetings are good, we have fun from the heart!

We play with words - we compose together,

Our meetings are good, have fun from the heart!

Children with teachers remember what a tongue twister is and why it is needed. Then they, at will, pronounce any tongue twisters.

And learn new ones:

Buying a parrot

Buy without fear:

Parrots with a fright

Wake up the whole neighborhood. (Heinrich Wardenga)

There was a drama at the ball:

noble cavalier

From under the nose of a noble lady

He stole one eclair.

And another eclair

And another eclair

And another eclair -

Here's your cavalier. (Peter Sinyavsky)

2. Speech situation


Educator: Have you ever tried to become an echo? How does echo respond to questions? I'll ask, "What time is it now?" And is it for me?

Children: Time! Hour!

Educator: That's right, "Hour!" That's how you are: if you become an echo, then answer the questions as it is. And to make it more fun, clap your hands when answering. The answer is two claps at the same time.

Educator (children)

Get it together, kids! (ra-ra)

The game starts! (ra-ra)

Yes, do not spare your hands (lei-lei)

Hit your hands more fun (lei-lei)

What time is it now (hour-hour)

What time will it be in an hour (hour-hour)

And it's not true, there will be two (two-two)

Think, think, head (wah-wah)

How the rooster sings in the village (uh-uh)

Yes, not an owl, but a rooster (uh-uh)

Are you sure so (so-so)

But really how? (how how)

What is twice two? (two-two)

The head is spinning! (wah-wah)

Is it an ear or a nose? (nose-nose)

(leader holds his ear)

Or maybe some hay? (carriage-carriage)

Is it an elbow or an eye? (eye-eye)

(leader points to the elbow)

But this is what we have? (us-us)

(leader points to nose)

You are always good (yes-yes)

Or just sometimes (yeah yeah)

Do not get tired of answering (chat-chat) when answering "no" fine

Please be quiet (-)

Game over. And those who have "blundered" and gave their phantom to the presenter are waiting for a fun task to be completed.

Educator: Since ancient times, people, writing proverbs, riddles, tongue twisters, tried to decorate these oral works. folk art rhyming the ends of the lines.

Thanks to rhyme, poems are collapsible. Rhyme is when words end the same way. For example, a cat - a spoon, a bump-mouse, a spruce-strand, a rose-mimosa, a sideboard-stool, an owl-head, a river-stove, etc. These words sound like the last syllables. Such ends of words are called rhymes.

Rhyme is the consonance of the ends of poetic lines.

After that, the children find the rhyme in the poems "Firs" And "Vanechka is a shepherd"


Ate on the edge-

To the top of the sky -

Listen, they are silent

Look at grandchildren.

And grandchildren - Christmas trees,

thin needles -

At the forest gate

They lead a round dance. (Irina Tokmakova)

Vanya the shepherd

Sheep are standing in the meadow

The wool is twisted into rings,

And plays for the sheep

On the flute man.

This is Vanechka, the shepherd!

He has good hearing.

He hates the wolf too

And won't hurt the lamb

Doesn't hurt at all.

Be Vanyusha a violinist! (Yunna Moritz)

Game "Think of a rhyme"

Educator: Guys, I have a rhyming ball in my hands. Let's play rhyming words.

I ask the word, throw the ball, and whoever catches picks up the rhyme.

Friend (bow), crow (crown), business (boldly), barn (loaf), house (gnome), sleep (ringing), pillow (frog, bun, cheesecake, toy, girlfriend), path (bast basket, potatoes, cover , okroshka), pencil (jumble, hut, gouache, mirage, crew) ...

Game "Find a Pair"

Educator: Now look carefully at the pictures in front of you and find the words that rhyme with each other.

Educator: There is another game for you.

I'll start the verse now

I'll start and you finish

Answer in unison.

Gray wolf in dense forest

I met a redhead ... (fox).

Where did the sparrow eat?

In the zoo at ... (animals).

A rooster with a prickly hedgehog

They cut fat with a sharp ... (knife).

Not prickly, light blue,

Hung in the bushes ... (hoarfrost).

In winter, there are apples on the branches!

Collect quickly!

And suddenly - apples fluttered.

After all, this is ... (bullfinches).

Game "Suggest a word" based on a poem by John Ciardi.

About amazing birds

On the street


I saw yesterday.

He carried a box

On the box

Written: "Game".

I am two blocks

Followed him

(Believe me, I'm not lying).

And finally

Asked him:

How to play

In Game?

He smiled


Then he answered me:


What is a game

You haven't met yet.

Two birds


It is in my box.

And if you want

That's with you

We will play together.

And so that we

Could start

You must remember

What do dissimilar

These birds



Such funny pichuga -

A very difficult job.

No wonder people


Their rhymes

My name is.


Birds are nimble

From a big box

Suddenly started

pull out


After the word, the word.

One got

The word NAIL,

Another immediately -


One got

The word SAD

Another phrase:


One got


Master class on the theme "Rhymes".

(For children of preschool and primary school age)

    Dramatization of an excerpt from the work of N. Nosov "Dunno in the Sunny City".

Dunno decided to become a poet and write poetry. He had a familiar poet who lived on Oduvanchikov Street. This poet was really called Pudik, but, as you know, all poets are very fond of beautiful names. Therefore, when Pudik began to write poetry, he chose a different name for himself and began to be called Tsvetik.

Once Dunno came to Tsvetik and said:

    Listen, Tsvetik, teach me how to compose poetry. I also want to be a poet.

    Do you have abilities? - asked Flower.

    Of course have. I am very capable, Dunno answered.

    This must be checked, - said Tsvetik. - Do you know what rhyme is?

    Rhyme? No, I do not know.

    Rhyme is when two words end in the same way, explained Tsvetik. For example: duck is a joke, shortbread is walrus. Understood?


    Well, say a rhyme for the word "stick".

    Herring, Dunno answered.

    What kind of rhyme is this: a stick is a herring? There is no rhyme in these words.

    Why not? They do end the same way.

    This is not enough, - said Tsvetik. - It is necessary that the words be similar, so that it turns out smoothly. Listen: a stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle, a book is a bump.

    Got it, got it! - Dunno shouted. - A stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle, a book is a bump! That's great! Ha ha ha!

- Well, come up with a rhyme for the word "tow," said Tsvetik.

    Shmaklya, Dunno answered.

    What scumbag? - Tsvetik was surprised. - Is there such a word?

Isn't there?

Of course not.

Well, then rvakla.

What kind of rvakla is this? Blossom was surprised again.

    Well, it’s when they tear something, that’s how it turns out to be rvakla, Dunno explained.

    You're lying, - said Tsvetik, - such a word does not exist. It is necessary to choose such words that exist, and not to invent.

    What if I can't find another word?

    So you have no talent for poetry.

    Well, then figure out what kind of rhyme it is, Dunno answered.

Now, agreed Tsvetik.

He stopped in the middle of the room, folded his arms, tilted his head to one side, and began to think. Then he lifted his head up and began to think, looking at the ceiling. Then he clutched his own chin with his hands and began to think, looking at the floor. Having done all this, he began to wander around the room and slowly muttered to himself:

    Tow, baklya, waklya, daklya, daklya, maklya ... - He muttered for a long time, then said: - Ugh! What is this word? It's a word that doesn't rhyme.

    Here you go! - Dunno was delighted. - He himself sets such words for which there is no rhyme, and also says that I am incapable.

    Well, capable, capable, just leave me alone! - said Tsvetik. - My head ached. Compose in such a way that there is meaning and rhyme, here are the verses for you.

    Is it really that simple? - Dunno was surprised.

    Of course, it's simple. The main thing is the ability to have.

Dunno came home and immediately began to compose poetry. All day long he walked about the room, looking first at the floor, then at the ceiling, holding his chin in his hands and muttering something to himself.

At last the verses were ready, and he said:

    Listen, brothers, what verses I composed.

    Well, well, well, what are these poems about? - everyone was interested.

    I wrote this about you, Dunno admitted. - Here, first, poems about Znayka:

Znayka went for a walk on the river,

Jumped over the sheep.

    What? Znayka shouted. “When did I jump over a sheep?”

Well, it’s only in poetry that it says so, for rhyme, Dunno explained.

So, because of the rhyme, will you make up all sorts of lies about me? - Boiled Znayka.

    Of course, Dunno answered. Why should I write the truth? There is nothing to compose the truth, it already exists.

    Try again, you'll find out! - Znayka threatened. - Well, read what you wrote about others there?

    Here, listen to Toropyzhka, Dunno said.

Toropyzhka was hungry,

I swallowed a cold iron.

Brothers! shouted Toropyzhka. “What is he making up about me? I did not swallow any cold iron.

    Yes, don’t shout, Dunno answered. It was just for rhyme that I said that the iron was cold.

    So I didn’t swallow any iron in my life, neither cold nor hot! shouted Toropyzhka.

    And I'm not saying that you swallowed hot, so you can calm down, Dunno answered. -Here, listen to the verses about Avoska:

At Avoska under the pillow

Sweet cheesecake lies.

Avoska went up to his bed, looked under the pillow and said:

    Bullshit! There is no cheesecake here.

    You don't understand anything in poetry, - Dunno answered. - It's only for rhyme that they say that it lies, but in fact it doesn't. Here I also wrote about Pilyulkin.

    Brothers! - Dr. Pilyulkin shouted. - We must stop this mockery! Are we really going to calmly listen that Dunno is lying about all of us here?

    Enough! they all shouted. "We don't want to listen anymore!" These are not poems, but some kind of teasing.

    All right, brothers, I won’t,” agreed Dunno. “Just don’t be angry with me.

Since then, Dunno decided not to write poetry anymore.

    Master class "We select and compose rhymes."

1). "We select rhymes."

flower: Do you guys understand what rhyme is? Rhyme is not easy

words that end in the same. This is not enough. More importantly,

to connect these rhyming words with other words

in the meaning of the poem.

Dunno: Can you guys write rhymes? Let's try this

do. Tsvetik and I will read quatrains, and

your task is to finish them, choosing the right ones according to the meaning


Quatrains are read, and the guys must finish it, using the correct rhyme.

2). "Composing rhymes"

    Find as many rhyming words as possible for this word.

Snowball -

    Match these words with rhymes.

Lesson -

chalk -

Book -

Day -

Branch -

Teacher -

    Write lines of poetry according to the given rhymes.


…………………… lesson






…………………… window



    Try to compose poems yourself, remembering that they should have rhyme, rhythm and meaning.

3. Game "Fairytale Races"

The presenter says that now all the guys will take part in the races - they will move one after another at about arm's length.

But these races will not be simple, but literary. During the game, all the guys will turn into heroes of different fairy tales - people, animals, magical characters.

In order to indicate how the race route will go, two chairs must be placed at a distance of about 4-7 meters from each other. Thus, the leader, who will stand at the head of the line of children, will go from one chair to another, go around it and go to the first chair. But in this case, it will be necessary to go not straight, but obliquely, that is, the race route will pass in the form of a "eight", encircling both chairs.

First, the host explains, all participants in the game walk at a normal pace. But you have to be careful and listen to the leader's command. Because, at his command, the players must imagine themselves as the hero whose name he named, and go further "in the image" - the way this fairy-tale character could walk.

Here are the commands the host can give, and how they can "materialize" in book races:

Host Commands

Motor incarnation

Ivan Tsarevich rides Sivka-Burka

The Firebird is flying

Walking on tiptoe Vasilisa the Beautiful

Harlequin walks from the puppet theater of Karabas-Barabas

Walking through the forest bear clumsy

Flying swan geese

The giants are walking

Gnomes are walking in small steps

Jumping frog frog

Walking tin soldier

Hands stretched forward, as if holding a horse's bridle, jumping in a half crouch

Arms stretched up, making smooth waves

The body is maximally extended, the head is raised, the eyes are lowered, the hands are on the belt.

Arms bent at the elbows, fingers spread out

Head down, arms rounded, feet turned inward, waddle

Light running on half toes,

arms outstretched to the sides, making smooth strokes, neck forward

Tiptoe walking with large arms

Hands pressed to the body, small step

The fingers are outstretched,

eyes are rounded, jumping forward or walking with a turn of the body to the right and left. Can be accompanied by croaking

Clear military move

    Summing up - awarding the winners.

Analysis of the event.

The master class "Playing with Dunno in rhymes" was held on February 13, 2009 in secondary and senior groups Syntul kindergarten and in the lower grades of the Syntul secondary school.

The purpose of this event was: to develop the creative abilities of kindergarten students and elementary school students, to give the concepts of poetic rhyme and rhythm; develop imaginative thinking; help students to fulfill themselves in various creative tasks.

On preparatory stage material for the performance was selected: an excerpt from the work of N. Nosov "Dunno in the Sunny City", quatrains, an interesting game, creative tasks were invented.

The performance was very interesting for both preschool and school age children. They looked at it with enthusiasm, then they were asked to play rhymes, pick up rhyming words for other words, write poetic lines for ready-made rhymes, try to write their own little rhymes, which they did with pleasure. After the master class, the children played the game "Fairytale Heroes", which became a kind of warm-up.

At the end of the event, the results were summed up and certificates were awarded. The guys had to draw in the guest book, on the sheets of which the houses of the Sunny City are drawn, either a flower if they liked the event, or a cactus if they didn’t like the event.

Target. To teach children to correctly characterize spatial relationships, to select rhyming words.

Lesson progress

The teacher draws the attention of the children to sheets of paper and “washers” (chips) lying in front of each of them.

Have you forgotten the game of hockey? the teacher is interested. And he clarifies: “The impact and where can the puck be?”

He listens to the answers of the children, suggests the direction of the flight of the puck, for example: "The puck flies over the gate, to the left of them."

The teacher calls a child who wants to report from the hockey field (the child answers from the spot). Then another child comments on the training of hockey players. The exercise is repeated 3-4 times.

The teacher, standing behind the backs of the children, observes who moves the puck on a piece of paper in order to work out with some of the children individually later.

“Today I will not treat you to coffee, as we will play the game “Tell me a word” (“Pick up a rhyme”), says the teacher. - A very famous poetess Elena Blaginina composed cunning poems. Listen to them carefully."

The teacher reads a poem by E. Blaginina “There is still a game ...”:

It's snowing outside,
Holiday coming soon...
- New Year.

Softly glowing needles
Coniferous spirit comes from…
- Christmas trees!

Branches gently rustle
Beads are bright...
- Shine.

(“Maybe they spark? Hiss?”)

And the toys swing
Flags, stars...
- Flappers!

(“Not cuckoos? Not frogs? And, of course, not ears?”)

Threads of colorful tinsel,
- Balls!

("Orbs or gifts?")

Fish fragile figurines,
Birds, skiers...
- Snow Maidens!

White-bearded and red-nosed,
Under the branches of Grandfather ...
- Freezing!


Lesson 1. Conversation on the topic: “I dreamed ...” Didactic game “Pick up a rhyme”

Target. To teach children to participate in a collective conversation, helping them construct meaningful statements.

Lesson progress

“Today we will again learn to speak correctly,” the teacher begins the lesson. Let's talk about New Year's Eve. All people, adults and children, were waiting for the New Year: gifts, guests, travel, beautiful Christmas trees. Tell us what you dreamed about before the New Year and how you spent the New Year holidays.

The teacher listens to the story of the child, makes the necessary corrections, asks clarifying questions. Then he evaluates the answer, noting its logic, expressiveness (unusual comparisons, emotionality).

Calls 2-3 more guys. He tries to listen to the stories of those children who spent the New Year holidays differently.

It is also desirable to listen to a child experiencing various kinds of difficulties in mastering his native language. But this child must be prepared in advance and together with the children rejoice at his success.

In order to add variety to the conversation, to please the children, you can spend didactic game"Pick up a rhyme" using the following works:

The puppy looked in the window:
- What does ... (cat) eat?

- All sorts of people go here, oh!
- Looks evil at the cat ... (mouse).

- Maybe enough, mouse, get angry?
- Tweeted ... (titmouse).

Didn't say anything
Sleeping under the bed ... (dog).

E. Lavrentieva "Pick up a rhyme"

* * *
My dear children!
I am writing you a letter:
I ask you to wash more often
Your hands and ... (face).

My dear children!
Very, very much I ask you:
Wash clean, wash more often -
I'm dirty ... (I can't stand it).

Y. Tuvim. "Letter to all children on one very important matter", trans. from Polish S. Mikhalkov

on the merry
On the green
horizon islands,
According to scientists,
Everyone walks ... (on their heads).
Over the mountains
On a scooter
Ride there
Gobies ... (in a tomato)!
And one scientist cat
Even drives ... (helicopter).

I. Bezheva. "On the Horizon Islands", trans. from Polish B. Zakhoder

Lesson 2. Reading the story of S. Georgiev "I saved Santa Claus"

Target. To introduce children to a new work of art, to help understand why this is a story and not a fairy tale.

Preliminary work. Having replenished the corner of the book with new collections of works, the teacher invites the children to find fairy tales, stories, poems. You can divide the children into three groups. The first group will select fairy tales, the second - stories, the third - poems. Groups of children will work in rotation, with each successive group looking at the books of the previous group(s) to determine if they have any of the items they want to select.

Lesson progress

The teacher evaluates the work of children (their diligence and conscientiousness). Then he looks through the first stack of books. It is better to start with collections of poems. Often children attribute fairy tales by A. Pushkin, K. Chukovsky to poetry. The teacher finds out whether this is legal, and to which group of works this or that book still belongs.

“This is a fairy tale in verse,” the teacher explains.

The next group of children proves that the books they have chosen are fairy tales (stories).

Having assessed the knowledge and ingenuity of the children, the teacher reads to them the story of S. Georgiev “I saved Santa Claus” (see Appendix). Then he is interested in whether they liked the new work, and whether it is a fairy tale or a story.

Session 3: Teaching storytelling

based on the painting "Winter Entertainment"

Target. To teach children purposeful viewing of the picture (targeted perception, sequential examination of individual independent episodes, evaluation of the depicted); develop the ability to compose a logical, emotional and meaningful story.

Lesson progress

The teacher asks what time of the year it is, what month of winter is now.

After listening to the children's answers, the teacher continues: “Winter is a wonderful time of the year, isn't it? Children do not want to go home from a walk, because the street is interesting. You can ski and skate, play hockey, build fortresses out of snow. Books and pictures have been written about this time of the year. Didn't it seem strange to you that I said "the pictures are painted"? I was not mistaken - it is customary to say: the artist painted (not painted) a picture.

The teacher demonstrates the painting "Winter Entertainment" (series "Four Seasons", author O. Solovyova (M .: Education)). (Children should be seated as close to the easel as possible.)

"What is the name of the painting? the teacher asks. What time of year and what time of day is depicted in the picture? What was the weather like that winter day? How do you determine that the day is warm and sunny?

One day, on a warm sunny winter day, the children went for a walk. Everyone found something to their liking. You agree with me? How can you confirm this?

The child begins to talk about children rolling down the hill.

“Let's take a closer look at what is happening on the hill,” the teacher suggests.

Listens and evaluates children's statements. Asks the child to talk about how the children ride down the hill.

Then the teacher begins the story: “One day on a warm winter day, the children ran out to the site. One child immediately ran up the hill ... ”- the teacher passes the word to the child.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the snowman. One of the children summarizes the result of observations in a short story.

“Look, if the kids have forgotten about their feathered friends,” the teacher reminds.

Children talk about what birds are shown in the picture, who feeds them.

Listen to 2-3 stories. The teacher evaluates the stories. Praises the child who managed to avoid repetition in the story. Emphasizes that this is achieved by a consistent description of the completed parts of the picture (rolling down the hill, at the snowman, near the bird feeder). Draws the attention of children to successfully found comparisons, descriptions.

In conclusion, the teacher offers his sample of the story to the attention of the children (if the children told well, the sample can be omitted): “On a sunny winter day, the guys ran out to the site. Everyone found something to their liking. There were especially many children on the hill. Not everyone manages to safely roll off it. A boy in a black coat overturned the sled. And from above they are already shouting something to him. Probably, they are asking to clear the way as soon as possible.

Next to the hill - a big snowman . It must have been a thaw, and the snowman's buttons fell off, which the boy and girl are reattaching.

The children did not forget about their feathered friends. The mountain ash brought some more food in a bucket.

“Don’t be afraid, birds, we won’t offend,” says a boy in a coat with a fur collar, holding out a rowan branch to the birds.

In conclusion, the teacher reads S. Cherny's poem "The Wolf" and "gives" the children a new winter riddle:

Yashka came -
White shirt,
Where does he run?
Covers with carpet.

Game "Rhymes" Add-ons.

We played rhymes - we picked up words.

Now let's play with you.

Show the picture and tell the word -

Which one will we take with us?

I'll say an accordion, and you tell me ... (potato),

I'm holding a shirt, you see ... (bug),

I took the basket, you bought ... (picture).

I see: a ram is grazing on the field,

And the little boy carries - ... (drum),

An ant crawls along the path with a reed,

And after him flies ... (sparrow).

Concerts on "Encore" gives us a violinist,

Children are amused in the circus ... (Circus performer),

In spring, rooks come from the south,

All our children are treated by our ... (doctors).

Game "Good Elephant".

A good elephant lived in the world,

He wrote stories.

He wrote good books

And gave them to friends.

He loved to play with rhymes,

To not get bored with friends.

Here is a picture, here ... (basket, car, etc.),

Here is a chamomile, here ... (a bug, a piece of paper),

Here is my house, here is yours ... (volume, catfish),

Here is the gun, here it is ... (fly, drying, mug),

Here's a donut for you, but ... (book, mouse, lid),

Here is a neighbor, but ... (lunch, clarinet, vinaigrette).

So that we don't get bored

We will choose rhymes.

(The game can continue indefinitely until the child gets bored.)

Game "Gifts".

Monkey has a birthday

Everyone congratulates:

The cockerel brought her a gun,

And the horse - ... (clapperboard, rattle, turntable, etc.).

White bear - chocolate,

And the Hedgehog - ... (marmalade, lemonade, etc.)

The game "We play - we select rhymes."

Monkey and cuckoo, cockerel and cat

We decided to play rhymes with the kids a little:

The cuckoo echoed: a coil, ...

The cat also purred: palm, ...

Cockerel crowed: bag, ....

Task: Pick up rhymes. Children are offered pictures: bear, bump, donut, boy, reel, rattle, pillow, feeder, palm, potato, accordion, midge, bag, gorshok, strap, top. They choose a picture and substitute a word for a poem.

  1. "Superfluous word" . You pronounce the words and invite the child to name a word that is not like the others: poppy, tank, so, banana; catfish, com, turkey, house; lemon, wagon, cat, bud; poppy, tank, broom, cancer; scoop, gnome, wreath, ice rink; heel, fleece, lemon, tub; branch, sofa, cage, mesh; skating rink, skein, house, stream, etc.
  2. "Come up with a word". The child is called a word and is instructed to come up with words that sound similar (mouse-bowl, bear, lid, bump, donut, chip; goat-spit, wasp, fox, etc.).

A game. There are 6 pictures in an envelope. You need to decompose them in pairs to get rhymes. The children are called. Then the child turns away and remembers, repeats his rhymes.

A game. The speech therapist presents the pictures to the children, they, in turn, explain what each picture means (python, loaf, bud, concrete, peony, can). Then the speech therapist explains each word, and the children call it. Then the children choose a picture and lay out the word scheme. Find the same pattern. There is no match for the word peony.

A game. Pick up a rhyme by pantomime. The speech therapist calls the word, for example, "love", and the child depicts a similar word "litter". The rest of the children guess the similar word by showing it.

A game. Selection of words according to the description. Beautiful is contagious.


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