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Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Watermelon- unexpected departure.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

For men, a dreaming watermelon promises trouble, for girls - an early marriage, and for women - the onset of pregnancy.

Esoteric dream book

Sleep signals that the body does not have enough fluids. You need to drink herbal infusions, vitamin teas.

Modern dream book

If in a dream you enjoy watermelon pulp, then in real life you will have troubles, confusion in feelings, disappointments in people. On Friday night, a watermelon dreams that you can’t wait for the fulfillment of your desires.

If a person dreams that he himself cuts a watermelon or sees how others do it, then he will have quarrels and scandals with loved ones. I dreamed of someone who chewed a watermelon - in reality, offense cannot be avoided.

Freud's dream book

It symbolizes the peak of the highest pleasure, that is, orgasm. So, if you dreamed about how you cut a watermelon, it means that in real life you rarely reach the peak and the true pleasure of sex is not available to you. Often you have to pretend so as not to disappoint your partner. It is not your fault what is happening. The responsibility for the fact that you cannot experience a full orgasm lies with your partner. Talk to him frankly and try to figure out together what the problem is. Usually, after this, men begin to pay increased attention to foreplay and ways to stimulate a partner. Picking a watermelon in a dream - a dream suggests that in reality you easily reach orgasm and can easily help your partner experience it. There is a watermelon in a dream - a dream means that soon you will experience extraordinary sensations.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

For women - pregnancy, for men - sadness, for girls - deceit

Unexpected departure.

Your body lacks fluids. Drink herbal infusions, vitamin teas.

Watermelon symbolizes the bulge of the female figure, that is, the chest and buttocks.

Cutting a watermelon symbolizes sexual intercourse with elements of violence, deprivation of innocence.

A piece of watermelon symbolizes numerous love affairs and hobbies.

Eating watermelon symbolizes passionate sex, and being smeared with watermelon juice symbolizes the desire to have children.

The red flesh of a watermelon without a peel symbolizes menstruation.

Ripe sweet watermelon symbolizes passionate love.

An unripe watermelon symbolizes innocence or the memory of it.

To see him- get a rejection from a woman.

Seeing a watermelon in a dream is an obstacle, eating it is a sad adventure, and a sick person is a turning point in the disease.

It is a fruit symbolizing life. The real image means success in life and the pleasure derived from it.

Unexpected departure;

Eat- sadness (for a man), pregnancy (for a woman), deceit (for a girl).

Seeing a watermelon in a dream is a favorable sign.

If in a dream you see watermelons growing on melons, then in real life you achieve everything with your own work and mind.

There is a ripe sugar watermelon - to success. Everything that you spent to achieve your goal will return to you a hundredfold.

If you dreamed that you were buying a watermelon, then in reality you will have a large profit or inheritance.

man- trouble;

woman- pregnancy;

girl- marriage.

How a watermelon dreams - against theft.

If you dream that you eat watermelons, then you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation Feng Shui

Watermelon - to material well-being. Green watermelon at great risk. There is a watermelon itself to a serious illness. A watermelon was stolen from you - failure in your business.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

To see a watermelon - you will receive a refusal from a woman.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Watermelon often symbolizes the peak of the highest pleasure and enjoyment. Eating a watermelon in a dream means that soon you will experience extraordinary sensations. But watermelon is also a burden of life's problems and possible pregnancy. According to Freud, to break a watermelon is to get rid of pregnancy.

Eastern female dream book

Auspicious sign. Do you see watermelons growing on melons? It means that in life you achieve everything with your own work and mind. There is a ripe sugar watermelon - to success.

If you dreamed that you were buying a watermelon, then a large profit or inheritance awaits you.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

watermelon eat- displeasure and sad adventure;

Sow seeds- joy.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

It has approximately the same meaning as an apple (see Apple).

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Primary elements- water, wood, fire, earth. Elements - cold, wind, heat, humidity. Emotions - fear, anger, joy, thoughtfulness. Organs - heart, kidneys, liver.

Watermelon can be considered a symbol of the contradiction between good and pleasant taste. The red core of the watermelon - yang symbolizes fire. The fire of the core overcomes the shell, the symbols of which are wood and water - yin (black and green stripes). Thus yang empties yin (empties the kidneys).

If there is not pulp, but seeds and peels, they replenish the energy of the kidneys (they make medications), but they are usually not eaten (because they are tasteless), they eat the pulp, causing harm to the body (the pulp also absorbs radiation from the environment).

Watermelon- yin-yang berry;

Seeing a watermelon in a dream:

Yin-yang imbalance, troubles, ailments.

Seeing a watermelon in a dream is a sign of internal struggle:

Internal heat is locked up by external cold and tension, fire locked inside destroys inside and does not warm outside (symptoms:

Internal heat, thirst and cold hands and feet, chilliness). Emotionally, this is inner softness, compliance to the point of weakness and external fear of everything unusual, of any struggle. An internal struggle will give rise to an external one:

The almost complete certainty that there is no strength to deal with any situation leads only to a loss.

Sleep is unfavorable:

Exhaustion, troubles of the day. It is necessary to change the behavior and attitude to food and check the kidneys, even if it is not they that hurt, but the heart.

Watermelon seeds to eat / wear a necklace / watermelon peels from them - to realize the starting point of loss and collect your strength.

The dream is favorable, promises recovery, success. Slip on a watermelon peel - recently or in the near future, lose strength:

Strength has already begun to flow from the kidneys, if the consequences are not yet noticeable, then they will affect later.

Watermelon you sow / grow / walk along the melon and see a lot of watermelons - prepare yourself for many troubles and loss of strength. Reconsider your plans, they do not correspond to the possibilities.

Eastern dream book

You see watermelons growing on melons - it means that in life you achieve everything with your own work and mind.

There is a ripe sugar watermelon - to success.

If you dreamed that you were buying a watermelon, a large profit or inheritance awaits you.

Children's dream book

Watermelon- to the news.

Lunar dream book

watermelon eat- a sad adventure.

dream interpreter

Watermelon- in a dream, eating healthy portends the failure of his hopes and sadness.

Dream Interpretation of the Future

Watermelon for women - there will be pregnancy.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

To the news.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Watermelon- a successful marriage.

There is a ripe watermelon - a good home, prosperity and love.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

eat watermelon- for women to pregnancy;

For girls- to deceit, for men - to suffer and grieve.

sour watermelon- to the loss of the family.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Choosing a watermelon at the bazaar - to internal skirmishes at work.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Choosing a watermelon at the bazaar is a new acquaintance that will have pleasant consequences.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Eating a watermelon in a dream for a woman means pregnancy, and for a girl - a deceit or a mistake. Buying or seeing a watermelon in a dream means that in reality you will encounter numerous obstacles on the way to your goal. Carrying a watermelon in your hands - unexpected worries, burdensome and unpleasant. Trading watermelons in a dream is wastefulness, fraught with a lack of money.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

man- trouble;

woman- pregnancy;

girl- marriage.

Aunt's dream book-2012

Watermelon- reflection of hidden desires (not only sexual).

What we don’t dream about throughout our lives, even quite ordinary food can become the center of a dream plot, for example, a watermelon. Interpretations on this subject vary, and the explanation depends on the context in which you saw the watermelon in a dream. Let us consider in more detail whether such a dream is good.

Freud's dream book

In a psychologist, watermelon is associated with female roundness - breasts, buttocks, belly in a pregnant woman and, as usual, is associated with sex.

Eating a watermelon in a dream means soon experiencing the highest, unforgettable pleasure.

When you dream that you are cutting him into pieces, this indicates dissatisfaction in your intimate life.

Picking a watermelon means that you can easily reach the peak of bliss in sex and should try for your sexual partner so that he also experiences this feeling.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

According to the dream book, if you saw that you were eating this big berry, get ready for hard times, but for a patient such a dream prophesies getting rid of the disease.

Why dream a lot of watermelons? Melon, on which there are many berries, promises profit, financial well-being or very good news.

A watermelon for a guy is a symbol of trouble, for a young girl - a forced quick marriage.

Buying it in a dream is a thoughtless act that you will later regret.

Esoteric dream book

This dream book advises you to drink more water, as the body “tells” you about the lack of fluid in the body through sleep.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

If you dreamed that you were eating a watermelon, such a dream predicts trouble, and if you sow seeds, a joyful event awaits you.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Dreaming of eating a watermelon? According to this source, a dream prophesies disappointment in loved ones or sadness. Seeing from the outside how someone regales on a watermelon is an insult. Cutting it into pieces or being present at the same time is a serious disagreement.

Small Velesov dream book

A woman dreams of this berry for an unwanted pregnancy or for the collapse of a relationship with a loved one, for a young girl - for a forced marriage, for a man - for the rejection of her beloved and sadness.

Autumn dream book

A dream in which you choose a watermelon predicts quarrels at work or troubles that are related to work.

Summer dream book

Watermelon predicts acquaintances that can lead to trouble.

Old Russian dream book

This interpreter claims that watermelon dreams of vain hopes. A sick person to see him in a dream - to a speedy recovery.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Why does a young girl dream of a watermelon? The dream promises her deceit. For an adult woman, a dream prophesies the conception of a child, for a man - longing.

A man to see a watermelon in a dream is a sign of great trouble in business. In addition, the refusal of his beloved woman awaits him.

If a woman sees a watermelon in a dream, then soon she may become pregnant. If the watermelon is immature, then her pregnancy may end. ahead of time Or she will have an abortion.

If a girl dreams of a watermelon, then big changes for the better in her personal life await her. If she is prudent enough and abandons her frivolous habits, then she will be able to avoid many mistakes, and then her reputation in the eyes of the young man for whom she has tender feelings will increase dramatically. If the watermelon in her dream turns out to be immature, then she will be deceived and disappointed in love.

A sick person to see a beautiful juicy watermelon in a dream predicts a quick recovery.

There is a watermelon in a dream - a sign of obstacles in business and vain hopes in love and friendship.

Among other things, to see a watermelon in a dream and be surprised is a harbinger of an early and unexpected departure. See interpretation: fruits.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Round and square, giant and dwarf, red, yellow, orange and even black - it's all about watermelons! Do you want to know what the word "watermelon" means, why a watermelon is red, how to grow a square watermelon and other curious facts about these striped fruits? Then this article is for you!

1. Watermelon is 92% water. For comparison, the body of a jellyfish consists of about 95% water, the body of a newborn child is 80%, and the body of an adult is 65-70%.
2. Watermelon pulp contains 5.5-13% easily digestible natural sugars. By the time of ripening, fructose and glucose predominate in it, and sucrose accumulates during the storage of watermelon. The ripe fruit is saturated with fructose, which does not cause insulin stress in the pancreas. Therefore, small doses of watermelon can be used in diabetes.
3. The red color of watermelon pulp comes from the carotenoid pigment lycopene. Its content in watermelon is greater than in any other fresh fruit or vegetable. The red pigment lycopene is also found in large quantities and determines the color of tomatoes, guava, grapefruits. Lycopene is a strong natural antioxidant, it is able to prevent the development of cancerous tumors, helps with male infertility, slows down the aging process, reduces the risk of cancer of the prostate, uterus and esophagus in humans.
4. Russian name watermelon received from the Turkic word χarbuz / karpuz, which was borrowed from the Persian language. The word "harbuza" (arbuza) in Persian means "melon", and the literal meaning of this word is "a huge cucumber" or "a donkey-sized cucumber".
5. Watermelons are native to the Kalahari Desert in South Africa. Wild watermelons are still found there, small in size (the size of a tennis ball) and weighing about 200 grams. More than 4,000 years ago, watermelons began to be grown in ancient Egypt, as evidenced by the images and seeds of watermelons found in Egyptian tombs. Interestingly, the Egyptians often placed watermelons in the tombs of the pharaohs as a source of food in their afterlife. Later, watermelons began to be cultivated in Persia (Iran), Arabia, India and other Asian countries with a dry and hot climate.
6. Watermelons were brought to Western Europe in the era of the Crusades about 700-900 years ago. Watermelons came to Russia from the eastern and southern countries by sea through Astrakhan. But they began to sow them, and not to import them from other countries, only in the middle of the 17th century. At that time, watermelons were not eaten fresh. While watermelons were brought to the royal table from abroad for a long time, they lost their freshness and became unsuitable for fresh consumption. Therefore, watermelons were eaten only after long soaking and boiling in sugar syrup with spices and pepper! Even when watermelons began to be grown in Russia, they were not consumed fresh for a long time, but were served in palaces soaked in sugar syrup.
7. There is an interesting tradition in Vietnam. During the celebration of the Vietnamese New Year (“Tet”), watermelons are always served on the table. It is believed that the red color of watermelon symbolizes good luck. And watermelon seeds are used as a snack.
8. In Ukraine, in the Kherson region (on the highway Dnepropetrovsk - Kherson) there is a monument to watermelon. Kherson watermelons have long been famous throughout Ukraine and beyond.
9. Is watermelon a berry, fruit or vegetable? There is a widespread belief that watermelon is the largest berry known to science. In fact, the fruit of a watermelon is a multi-seeded juicy pumpkin (Latin pepo, peponium). Morphologically (in structure) pumpkin is similar to a berry, but differs from it in a large number of seeds and the structure of the pericarp (the wall of the plant fruit surrounding the seeds). Therefore, from the point of view of botany, calling the fruit of a watermelon a berry is not entirely correct. Common watermelon (lat. Citrúllus lanatus) is an annual herbaceous plant, melon culture of the Cucurbitaceae family.

How to choose watermelon seeds?

Today, there are many different varieties and hybrids of watermelon. Each of them is attractive in its own way. With such a plentiful choice, it seems as if which variety you did not buy - the yield will always be!

Unfortunately, this is not the case and very often it is watermelons that do not produce a crop. How to decide what to buy and how not to make a mistake when buying watermelon seeds?

Pay attention to which seeds are suitable for your region. Depending on the weather conditions, you need to choose the right type of seeds. Watermelon is a very capricious crop and its cultivation must be treated very carefully!

Watermelon seeds can be sown in open ground or seedlings can be grown first and then transplanted into open ground. Therefore, depending on this, you need to choose the appropriate seeds. With the help of seedlings, you can get an earlier harvest than when sowing seeds in open ground.

On an industrial scale, when choosing seeds, the leaders of large farms are guided primarily by the budget allocated per unit area. Depends on the method of cultivation number of seeds per hectare. Yes, at growing watermelon hybrids from 6 to 10 thousand seeds per hectare are needed, varietal watermelon is sown at the rate of 1 kg of seeds per hectare (also the seeding rate depends on the sowing machine).

By the way, the germination of watermelon seeds lasts for 6-8 years.

You can buy high-quality varieties and hybrids of watermelon (and not only!) in our online store website.

In the following articles, we will tell you how to properly sow watermelon seeds and care for your plantings in order to achieve high yields.

Symbol in a dream - Watermelon, watermelon slices, watermelon seeds Good afternoon) I decided to put the symbol of watermelon, watermelon slices and watermelon seeds in a separate topic. The symbol is quite rare. But meets! In my dream, according to the affirmation "Healing", a watermelon ended up on my mother's kitchen table. First, a mug of tea with a sweet bun appeared in front of me, and then a watermelon "floated" in the center of the table. Perfectly round shape (well, this is my personal about the shape...).

In a dream, a clear feeling that the watermelon is only mine. Then the watermelon turned out to be cut and 4 slices appeared on the table, which also feel like mine.

Once there was information that a watermelon - to a rich gentleman. In the dream, there was no husband at all. It seems to me that watermelon slices can symbolize inheritance, material profit or wealth from a rich person (probably, the size of this wealth can be determined by the number of slices and their size), and watermelon seeds - money. Well, depending on the context of the dream, of course... and what they did in the dream with this watermelon and its contents.

1. Affirmation "Meeting" for all newcomers to dreaming together in our project. 2. Prophetic dreams about the future of Ukraine. Dreams are research. 3. Projection into the future "Pink flamingos". 4. Prophetic dreams about the future. A joint dream, the purpose of which is to see certain aspects of the future of your personal life or loved ones. 5. Sleep learning. Affirmations can be used in cases where you need to learn a large amount of information or difficult to digest material. 6. Affirmation "Fertilization". For those who want to conceive a child. 7. Affirmation "Source search". The purpose of affirmation is to find sources of power for the energy body. 8. Research into the Future of Europe.

1.See the future in a dream 2.Dream guide 3.Projection of the future. Affirmation "Pink Flamingos" 4.Affirmation for a dream "Who is causing damage?" 5.Affirmation for the dream "Is there any spoilage?" 6.Affirmation for a dream "How to remove damage from yourself" 7.Affirmation for the dream "Fertilization" 8.Affirmation "Healing" 9. Affirmation "How to see the deceased in a dream?" 10.Affirmation "Soulmate" 11.What to do to stop a person from dreaming? 12.Dream Affirmation "Gift of Clairvoyance" 13.Sleep Affirmation "MY SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS" 14.Sleep affirmation "Prophetic dream about the future" 15. Sleep Affirmation "Best Option" 16. Sleep Affirmation "Healing Children" 17.Affirmation "Dream about another person" 18.Affirmation "How to change the future if you had a bad dream" 19.Sleep affirmation "One of two" - how to get the exact answer in a dream?


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