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Homemade from the engine from washing machine(video selection, photos, diagrams)

1. How to connect a motor from an old washing machine with or without a condenser

Not all "washing" motors will operate with a capacitor.

There are 2 main types of engines:
- with capacitor start (permanently switched on capacitor)
- with a starting relay.
As a rule, "capacitor" motors have three winding leads, power 100 -120 W and speed 2700 - 2850 (washing machine centrifuge motors).

And motors with a "start relay" have 4 outputs, power 180 W and revolutions 1370 - 1450 (washing machine activator drive)

Connecting a "capacitor" motor via the start button may result in a loss of power.
And the use of a permanently switched capacitor in a motor designed for a starting relay can lead to burnout of the windings!

2. Homemade emery from the engine washing machine

Today we will talk about converting an asynchronous electric motor from a washing machine to a generator. In general, I have been interested in this issue for a long time, but there was no particular desire for reworking the electric motor, since at that time I did not see the scope of the generator. Since the beginning of the year, work has been underway on new model ski lift. It's a good thing to have your own lift, but it's much more fun to ride with music, so I quickly got the idea to make such a generator so that I could use it to charge the battery on the slope in winter.

I had three electric motors from the washing machine in store, and two of them are absolutely serviceable. I decided to convert one of these asynchronous electric motors into a generator.

Running a little ahead, I will say that the idea is not mine and not new. I will only describe the process of converting an induction motor into a generator.

It was based on the 180-watt electric motor of a washing machine made in China in the early 90s of the last century.

I ordered magnets from NPK Magnets and Systems LLC, before I had already bought magnets during the construction of a wind farm. Neodymium magnets, magnets size 20x10x5. The cost of 32 pieces of magnets with delivery is 1240 rubles.

Alteration of the rotor consisted in removing the core layer (deepening). In the resulting recess, neodymium magnets will be installed. At the beginning, a 2 mm core was removed on a lathe - a protrusion above the side cheeks. Then a 5 mm recess was made for the neodymium magnets. The result of the rotor alteration can be seen in the photo.

Having measured the circumference of the resulting rotor, the necessary calculations were made, after which a strip template was made of tin. Using a template, the rotor was divided into equal parts. Then neodymium magnets will be glued between the risks.

8 magnets were used per pole. In total, there are 4 poles on the rotor. With a compass and a marker, all magnets have been marked for convenience. The magnets were glued to the rotor with “Superglue”. I will say that this is a painstaking business. The magnets are very strong, you had to hold them tight when gluing them. There were moments when the magnets came off, pinched fingers, and glue flew into the eyes. Therefore, you need to glue the magnets using protective glasses.

I decided to fill the cavity between the magnets with epoxy resin. For this, the rotor with magnets was wrapped in several layers of paper. The paper is secured with tape. The ends are plastered with plasticine for additional sealing. A hole has been cut in the shell. A neck is made around the hole made of plasticine. Epoxy resin was poured into the shell hole.

After the epoxy cured, the sheathing was removed. The rotor is clamped into a drill chuck for further processing. Sanding was carried out with medium grit sandpaper.

4 wires came out of the electric motor. I found a working winding, and cut the wires from the starting winding. I installed new bearings, since the old ones were spinning a little. The bolts tightening the body are also installed new.

The rectifier is assembled on D242 diodes, the “SOLAR” controller purchased several years ago on Ebay is used as a charging controller.

You can watch the tests of the generator in the video.

To charge the battery, 3-5 turns of the generator are enough. At maximum speed of the drill, 273 Volts were squeezed out of the generator. Alas, the sticking is decent, so it makes no sense to put such a generator on a windmill. Unless the wind turbine will be with a large propeller or gearbox.

The generator will stand on the ski lift. Tests in field conditions already this winter.


4. Connecting and adjusting the speed of the collector motor from the automatic washing machine

Regulator manufacturing:

Controller setting:

Regulator test:

The regulator on the grinder:


5. Potter's wheel from the washing machine

6. Lathe from washing machine automatic machine

How to make a wood lathe headstock from a washing machine motor. and a speed control with maintaining power.

7. Wood splitter with a washing machine motor

The smallest single-phase, screw splitter with a 600 W washing machine motor. with speed stabilizer
Working speed: 1000-8000 rpm.

8. Homemade concrete mixer

A simple home-made concrete mixer, consists of: a 200 liter barrel, an engine from a washing machine, a disc from a classic Zhiguli, a gearbox made of a Zaporozhets generator, a large pulley driven by a fairy washing machine, small self-grinding pulleys, a drum pulley made of the same disk.

Prepared and put together by: Maximan

Hello everyone! Washing machines often fail and are thrown into landfills. But some of the machine parts and parts can still serve and bring a lot of benefits. A classic example is emery and a washing machine.
Today I will tell and show you how to properly connect Electrical engine from a modern washing machine to the network alternating current voltage of 220 V.
I would like to say right away that such motors do not need a starting capacitor. Just the right connection is enough and the engine will spin in the direction you need.

Washing machine motors are collector. In my case, the connection block has six wires, yours can only have four.
This is what it looks like. We do not need the first, white two wires. This is the output from the engine speed sensor. We exclude them mentally or even bite off with nippers.

Next are the wires: red and brown - these are the wires from the stator windings.

The last two wires, gray and green, are the wires from the rotor brushes.

Everything seems to be clear. Now about the inclusion of all windings in a single circuit.


Motor winding diagram. The stator windings are connected in series with each other, so two wires come out of them.

Connection to the 220 V network

We just need to include the stator and rotor windings in series. Yes, everything turns out to be very, very simple.

We connect, check.

Rotate the motor shaft to the left.

How do I change the direction of rotation?

You just need to swap the wires of the rotor brushes with each other and that's it. This is how it will look on the diagram:

Spin the other way.

You can also make a reverse switch and change the direction of rotation of the shaft when needed.More detailed instructions for connecting the engine to a 220 V network, see the video.

Most washing machines have an electric commutator motor. The reverse takes place due to a change in the commutation of the rotor and stator windings, which are alternately connected in different directions. In this case, the parameter of the rotation speed depends directly on the power and is regulated by the size of the angular cutoff of the voltage.

The principle of operation of the electric collector motor

For those who understand the principle of operation of a collector motor, starting it will not seem like an overwhelming task. But we will tell you briefly to understand the essence of the problem.

Electric motor manifold has how many sections. This is a copper drum, broken by insulating bridges into even rows. All sections have leads installed clearly on opposite sides, that is, both brushes fit here. During operation, one section receives power, and a field appears in the coil. Let's take a look at what this process leads to.

Direct connection of rotor and stator

In this case the field is distributed so that the shaft rotates clockwise. Charges of the same polarity of the rotor and stator are repelled, and different charges are attracted. When a section passes a certain distance in a circle, the brushes move to the next section, and it is already working. And so on, as long as there is power.

If the brushes connect towards the stator, then the arrangement of charges on the rotor will change to the opposite. In this case, the motor shaft rotates counterclockwise. As in the first case, the same charges are attracted, and different ones leave.

As a rule, to change the rotation of the washing machine electric motor, set special power relays or contactors. If necessary, the rotor is connected towards the stator, due to which a reverse appears. For us, this means one thing: when the shaft does not rotate as needed, then it is necessary to change the direction of connecting the windings.

What does an electric motor connector or connector look like?

Often motor connector washing machine is similar to that ordinary plastic connector that is very familiar to computer scientists. It is quite easy to connect, but it is almost impossible to disconnect it back. As a rule, for this purpose, they help themselves with a slotted screwdriver. Both halves usually have 10 contacts, while a certain part of them is most often not involved.

Two for stator and rotor, 4 terminals represent the end of the connector coil. Also, the middle is often removed from the fixed part. This makes it possible to implement various modes of engine operation. Typically, speed is controlled by varying the angular voltage cutoff. What does this mean?

Rotational speed of the electric motor

As for the speed of rotation, it can be estimated tachogenerator(it's even more a tachometer). It is, by and large, a source of impulses that follow simultaneously with the shaft, and it has at least two connector outputs. But there is one small problem: there are moving parts in the tachogenerator circuit. And this is a huge disadvantage in terms of equipment reliability.

Therefore, as a rule, it is used Hall Sensor... This is a so-called planchette made of sensitive material, which reacts to the approach of a magnetic electric field. The pulse transmission frequency changes with respect to the shaft rotation speed. In this case, the planchette can last almost forever, since there is no mechanical contact here, as well as moving elements. The Hall sensor is installed not only to regulate the speed of rotation of the shaft for the purpose of the washing function, it is also involved in weighing the laundry.

The point is that after soaking, things get wet, and the speed of rotation of the drum will depend on the weight received. According to the given formulas and schemes, the washing machine determines weight of laundry... Do not forget that a Hall sensor usually has three outputs:

  • two outputs are power supply;
  • third output - removes impulses.

overheat protection

Many electric motors have overheating protection. As a rule, it is implemented using the simplest thermal fuse... When overheating occurs, the fuse simply fails. It has two outputs. They are necessary to regulate the integrity of the electrical circuit. This can be controlled by the main processor.

The thermal fuse itself is often installed on the motor housing of the machine. Typically, for washing machines, the motor is made in such a way that something similar to a magnetic wire (a set of metal plates) appears along the contour. The thermal fuse can be located either there or under the insulation of the windings. For our task, it is not very important, if, of course, you are not afraid that the electric motor will burn out. In fact, it is with this circuit that the equipment must be connected. The thermal fuse must be in series with the windings.

Electric motor connection

Now you need to understand where and what to connect in the circuit. Generally the easiest to find contacts of brushes... You just need to ring them from the side of the graphite rods. In this case, the brushes must be removed. Then comes the turn of the stator winding. There should be a resistance of 12-35 Ohm, or in this limit. In the place where the thermal fuse is located, this cannot be in principle: either a break or a short circuit. As for the tachometer, the situation will be similar. The principle of operation of this element is usually very simple.

Is there a way to find out exactly where the stator is located? If you have a complete copy of a washing machine at hand, then you can already say a lot by the diameter of the wires. The connection of the washing machine motor is done with a thick cable. In this case, thin cords are used for the sensors. The next feature is the relation to the relay, which controls the direction of rotation of the shaft. Determine the direction of the wiring. In addition, you can learn a lot by the color of the cambric (braid). So, when a color enters the stator, then, most likely, this is the winding.

We would also advise looking for a thermal fuse if installed. As a rule, its elongated body is hidden in the cambric, and the side contacts are brought out. There are other designs, but the point is that with the help of the tester, you can easily determine the desired pins on the connector. And this will greatly facilitate the task. In any case, do not forget that only 6 contacts are required, these are:

  • 2 pieces for tachometer (Hall sensor, 3 pieces);
  • 2 each for the brush and stator windings.

A thermal cutout is just an option, but it is usually available as well. Also, as accurately as possible, deal with the layout, since supplying 220 volts to the speed sensor is not a good idea.

Washing machine asynchronous motor

In this case, you need to know that most often the control takes place using the switching of the windings, but in a fundamentally different way than was described above. As a rule, it falls on a separate branch for washing and spinning, but the starting coil for two directions is one. That is, here is an approximate set of contacts for the case of an induction motor in a washing machine:

That is, there may be more contacts in this version. When evaluating the arrangement of the circuit elements, do not forget that the resistance of the starting windings will certainly exceed the operating resistance. And the reverse and forward wash values ​​will be the same. The engine is connected through 220 Volts (unless otherwise indicated in the instructions), changing the direction and speed of movement is done by setting the power commutation. In this case, use asynchronous motor easier, until there is a need to adjust the number of revolutions.

The engine is the heart of the washing machine. This device rotates the drum during washing. In the first models of machines, belts were attached to the drum, which acted as drives and provided the movement of the container filled with laundry. Since then, the developers have significantly improved this unit, which is responsible for converting electricity into mechanical work.

Currently, three types of motors are used in the manufacture of washing equipment.



Motors of this type consist of two parts - a stationary element (stator), which serves as a supporting structure and serves as a magnetic circuit, and a rotating rotor, which drives the drum. The motor rotates as a result of the interaction of the alternating magnetic field of the stator and the rotor. This type of device was called asynchronous because it is not able to achieve the synchronous speed of a rotating magnetic field, but follows it, as if catching up.

Asynchronous motors are found in two versions: they can be two- and three-phase. Two-phase samples are rare today, since at the threshold of the third millennium their production practically ceased.

The weak point of such an engine is the weakening of the torque. Outwardly, this is manifested in a violation of the trajectory of the drum - it sways without making a full turn.

The undoubted advantages of asynchronous type devices are the simplicity of the design and ease of maintenance, which consists in the timely lubrication of the motor and the replacement of failed bearings. The induction motor works quietly, but it is quite cheap.

The disadvantages of the device include large size and low efficiency.

Usually these engines are equipped with simple and inexpensive models that do not differ in high power.


Collector motors have replaced two-phase asynchronous devices. Three quarters of household appliances are equipped with this type of motor. Their feature is the ability to operate on both AC and DC power.

To understand the principle of operation of such an engine, we will briefly describe its structure. The collector is a copper drum divided into even rows (sections) by insulating “baffles”. The places of contacts of these sections with external electrical circuits (the term "leads" is used to designate such sections in electrics) are located diametrically, on opposite sides of the circle. Both brushes are in contact with the leads - sliding contacts that ensure the interaction of the rotor with the motor, one on each side. As soon as any section is powered, a magnetic field appears in the coil.

When the stator and rotor are turned on directly, the magnetic field begins to rotate the motor shaft clockwise. This is due to the interaction of charges: the same charges repel, different ones attract (for more clarity, remember the "behavior" of ordinary magnets). The brushes gradually move from one section to another - and the movement continues. This process will not be interrupted as long as there is voltage in the network.

To turn the shaft counterclockwise, the charge distribution on the rotor must be changed. For this, the brushes are turned on in the opposite direction - towards the stator. Usually, miniature electromagnetic starters (power relays) are used for this.

Among the advantages of a collector motor are high rotation speed, smooth change in speed, which depends on voltage changes, independence from the frequency of oscillations of the mains, large starting torque and compactness of the device. Among its disadvantages, a relatively short service life is noted due to the rapid wear of the brushes and the collector. Friction causes a significant increase in temperature, as a result of which the layer that insulates the collector contacts is destroyed. For the same reason, an interturn short circuit can occur in the winding, which can cause a weakening of the magnetic field. An external manifestation of such a problem will be a complete stop of the drum.

Inverter (brushless)

An inverter motor is a direct drive motor. This invention is just over 10 years old. Developed by a well-known Korean concern, it quickly gained popularity due to its long service life, reliability, durability and its very modest dimensions.

The rotor and stator are also components of this type of motor, but the fundamental difference is that the motor is directly attached to the drum, without the use of connecting elements that fail in the first place.

Among the undoubted advantages of inverter motors are simplicity, the absence of parts subject to rapid wear, convenient placement in the machine body, low level noise and vibration, compactness.

The disadvantage of such a motor is labor intensity - its production requires a lot of effort and expense, which is noticeably reflected in the price of inverter machines.

Connection diagram of the motor to the network

Modern washing machine

When connecting the engine of a modern washing device to a 220V network, it is necessary to take into account its main features:

  • it works without a starting winding;
  • the motor does not need a starting capacitor to start.

To start the engine, the wire leading from it must be connected to the network in a certain way. Below are the connection diagrams of the collector and brushless electric motors.

First of all, define the "scope of work" by excluding the contacts that come from the tachogenerator and do not participate in the connection. They are recognized by a tester operating in ohmmeter mode. After fixing the tool on one of the contacts, find the pin that is paired to it with the other probe. The resistance value of the tachogenerator wires is about 70 ohms. To find pairs of the remaining contacts, call them in the same way.

Now we pass to the most important stage of work. Connect the 220V wire to one of the winding outputs. Its second outlet needs to be connected to the first brush. The second brush connects to the remaining 220-volt wire. Plug in the motor to test its operation *. If you don't make any mistakes, the rotor will start to rotate. Keep in mind that when connected like this, it will only move in one direction. If the test run was completed without linings, the device is ready for operation.

To change the direction of movement of the motor to the opposite, the connection of the brushes should be reversed: now the first will be connected to the network, and the second is connected to the output of the winding. Check the readiness of the motor for operation as described above.

You can clearly see the connection process in the following video.

Old model washing machine

Connecting the engine in old-style cars is more complicated.

First, identify two matching lead pairs. To do this, use a tester (aka a multimeter). Having fixed the tool on one of the winding leads, find the lead paired to it with the other probe. The remaining contacts will automatically form a second pair.

The electric motor is often called almost the heart, which is installed in household appliances. And this is not in vain, because it is thanks to the electric motor that the drum installed in the washing machine rotates. Many people doubt whether it is possible to connect the engine from the washing machine to another device with your own hands?

Electric motor from a broken washing machine

What can be done with the washer engine

It is quite possible to fulfill this, even if you practically do not understand such issues. For example, your Indesit washing machine is out of order, while the engine (its power is 430 W, and the developing speed reaches 11,500 rpm) is still in working order, and its motor resource is still normal. In this case, it can come in handy on the farm.

Here are some ideas to help you apply or connect the software. new engine installed in a washing machine that is out of order:

  1. An elementary option would be to create a grinding machine. In every house, knives and scissors that need to be sharpened are periodically grinded and blunt. To do this, it is necessary to carefully fix the electric motor on a stable surface, attach a special stone to the shaft for sharpening or grinding wheel and plug it into the network.
  2. A good option is the manufacture of paving slabs. You can also make cinder blocks, and if there is a private sector, then a great idea is a vibrating table.
  3. For villagers who are engaged in raising birds, you can construct a grinder and a grass mill from a washing machine engine.

Features of the motor are the key to successful work

Today, there are more than enough different options for how you can give new life to an old motor from a washing machine, if it is still running. And all these ideas are based on the peculiarities of the motor to rotate various attachments or to provide the movement of additional mechanisms. You can come up with an even more original version of using the removed engine, but in order to bring your idea to life, you need to understand exactly how the engine is connected from the washing machine.

When connecting the engine that remained from your old washing machine to another device, you need to keep in mind several important nuances of this process:

  • motors are not connected with a capacitor;
    no starting winding required.

On transfer case there are wires of various colors, which you just need to deal with:

  • 2 white wires - when connected, they will not be useful, since they are responsible for ensuring that the tachogenerator works normally;
  • red and brown are intended so that it is possible to wind the stator, as well as the rotor;
  • green and gray - for connecting to special brushes made of graphite (most often the same can be said about the brushes of the motor of the Indesit washing machine, in the case when they need to be replaced).

Correct connection of wires is the key to the successful operation of the motor

Please be aware that different models motors can have wires of different colors, but the principle of their connection is the same in all cases. To detect pairs, it is necessary to ring the wires in turn (those that are intended for the tachogenerator must have a resistance of 60 to 70 ohms). It is better to glue these wires with electrical tape away from others so as not to get confused. The remaining wires also need to ring to identify pairs.

As you can find out in our article.

Connection diagram

To continue working, you need to carefully study all the nuances electrical circuit connections. Basically, it is made in great detail and is understandable even for the home craftsman who is the most distant from the world of electrical engineering.

Connecting the engine from the washer

Connecting or replacing a washing machine motor is actually quite simple. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the wires that will be used for the rotor, as well as for the stator. Make a special jumper that should be limited with electrical tape. Those two wires that remain are connected directly to the network.

Remember! When you connect the motor that remained from the old washing machine to 220, the device immediately begins to actively rotate. Therefore, before starting work, make sure that the motor is firmly on one surface or another.

Connection diagram of the old engine to the 220 network

If it is necessary to change the direction of rotation, it will be enough that you put a jumper on the contacts that remain. To turn the device on and off, it is necessary to connect special buttons to the circuit. In order to do this, you need to use the appropriate schemes, which can easily be found on special sites.

Now we know exactly how to connect the motor so that it can still be used for a long time. How can you improve the resulting device?

Speed ​​control

For proper operation, you need a speed controller

The washing machine motor is characterized by a fairly high rotation speed, so it is advisable to make a special regulator so that the hammer motor works in different speed modes without overheating. For this purpose, you can use a conventional light intensity relay, but slightly modified.

It is necessary to remove the triac from the "washing machine" together with the radiator - the so-called semiconductor device (in the control of electrons, it functions as a controlled switch).
Then it is necessary to solder this device into the relay microcircuit, replacing the parts with low power. If you do not know all the nuances of this procedure, it is better to ask for the help of a specialist (electronics or computer technician).

There are times when the engine does new work without the aid of the speed controller.

Engine types

Varieties of engines from washers

Asynchronous. It can only be removed together with the condenser, which are completely different for each model of the washing machine. It is not recommended to break the connection of such a motor to the battery if its case is sealed and formed of various metal or plastic.

Attention! Asynchronous motor remove from the washing machine only when the capacitor is completely discharged, as this can avoid electric shock.

Asynchronous motor

Low-voltage motor of the collector type. It is characterized by the presence of regular magnets on the stator, which are alternately connected to a constant voltage current. On the body of such a motor there is a sticker on which the figure for the maximum allowable voltage is placed.
Electronic engine. This type of device must be disconnected only together with an electronic power supply unit (ECU); a sticker with the value of the maximum allowable connection voltage is placed on its body. Pay attention to the polarity, because motors with this operating principle do not have the desired reverse.

Frequent breakdowns: what you can face

How to connect an electric motor from an old washing machine is now known. But there are situations when the motor does not start. What are the reasons and solutions to such a nuisance?

Try to check the state of heating of the motor after three minutes of operation. In such a short time, all parts cannot heat up equally, so you have the opportunity to identify the fault location that will be too hot. This can be a bearing assembly, a stator, etc.

Various engine malfunctions

The main reasons why a particular part is too hot may be the following:

  • clogged or failed bearing;
  • excessively expanded capacitance.

Correct engine connection

For the correct connection of the motor, which was left from the old washing machine, a minimum amount of knowledge and a little effort is enough. Also for this purpose, a winding using a multimer is used. To find the right wires, it is required to ring the winding. This will allow you to select the correct pairs for connection. Everything is done very simply. The multimeter is connected to one wire, and the other end of the device should be touched in turn to the other wires in order to find the desired pair. It is also worth fixing in advance what the value of the winding resistance is. This information will be useful in the future. After the end of the ringing procedure, you should have 2 windings, which would have different resistance values.

These windings are divided into two completely different types. One has an indicator of working resistance. The second type of winding is one of the starting parts. It is known that the value of the resistance of the working winding should be less than the starting one. In order for the motor from the washing machine to work fully, you need to use either a button or a special starting relay. As a button, you can even take the one that is installed for the doorbell. The main thing is that she does not have a fixed contact.

New life of an old motor - use for other purposes

The process of connecting the engine, which was left from the old washing machine, is incredibly simple and easy. It is enough to find a correct and useful application for it. Then he can serve you for a while. You can experiment and make some really useful equipment that will make your life easier in other areas. A little imagination and skill is enough to make everything work out.


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