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If you decide to make a motor home yourself, you will need some basic knowledge, tools, a lot of patience and even more free time. And, of course, a reliable vehicle for building a camper.

In this article there are some photos of a home on wheels, built with your own hands on the basis of Volkswagen car... Most of the advice can be applied when building motorhomes based on other vehicles.

It is very important to read the next point before you start!

IMPORTANT! Before starting to create a camper with your own hands, it is necessary to legalize the implementation of such a procedure. In this case, you can prevent various legal difficulties. The rules differ depending on the country, so we cannot publish uniform recommendations on this matter.

The first steps

Do-it-yourself mobile home construction consists of the following steps:

  • Outdoor work
  • Internal work
  • Water supply works
  • Gas and electricity
  • Furniture
  • Other

If the van is operated by only two people, there will be really a lot of space. If you are planning a trip of 3 or more people, you need to think over the number of seats. Remember to equip seats with appropriate seat belts.

How many sleeping places do you need? One of the options is the arrangement of a bunk bed for children. If you have enough space under the roof, you can make a "drop-down" bed.

At this stage, you should have a clear plan for the way forward. Sure, you can improvise, but it's much easier to have a well thought out plan on paper.

Outdoor work

The first thing to do when preparing a basic vehicle, Is a thorough cleaning of the inside of the car.

At this stage, you also need to think about the shape of the body as a whole. It's time to deal with body damage, rust. Will help local or full painting auto.

Typically, vans do not have windows, so you might want to consider installing them. They are needed to provide fresh air and sunlight inside the RV. Windows come in different shapes and sizes, the choice depends on your preferences and body characteristics.

During the construction of a mobile home, you will have to make several holes in the body of the car. These are openings for ventilation, gas outlet (in case of a leak), exhaust gases heater, water fillers, etc. Some of them can be done later, but it is much easier to resolve the issue now if you know exactly where they will be.

Remember to apply a primer wherever bare metal appears to prevent corrosion.

Build your own motorhome the right way!

Internal work

The van will most likely have a bulkhead behind the front seats. Some partitions are fixed with screws, others are welded to the body. The "Bulgarian" will help to solve the problem.

Remember to use protective equipment. Sparks can leave nasty stains on glass that cannot be removed.

The fun begins. The insulating layer is very important as it will protect your camper from outside noise and temperature. There are many materials that can be used. The choice is entirely up to you.

In this case, we used Armaflex material... It should be cut into pieces and glued. The main point is moisture protection. If the insulating material does not protect against moisture ingress, do not use it.

It is necessary to prepare insulation material, lightweight and waterproof plywood, and soft and flexible carpet.

Thicker plywood should be used for the side covers, since furniture will be installed on them in the future.

Use a wide temperature range adhesive or sealant to attach the insulation and carpet to the sidewalls. Because the camper van will be exposed to both freezing temperatures and the hot summer sun. Heating operation will also affect. In the case of using low-quality glue, the work will have to be redone again after a while.

Where to begin? Start covering the RV from the roof to the flooring. First, we mount the insulation and cladding layers on the ceiling, then move on to the side panels.

Use wooden planks on the floor to provide enough insulation space. The battens are fixed to the floor with a suitable sealant. Then a layer of insulation is laid, after which it must be covered with plywood. Plywood is fixed with sealant or screws.

Remember the water supply and the need for electrical cables and gas pipes. Wires and hoses can be routed through insulation or under plywood covers if you already know where all the fixtures will be installed.

Water supply works

A mobile home must have a cold running water supply. For this, two canisters of water are installed under the sink. A submersible pump supplies water to the tap.

If you need warm water, an extra sink or shower, the system will be more complex. Large water tanks can be installed elsewhere, for example, under the van. Hoses will be needed to connect the entire system.

When you make a motorhome yourself, you are only limited by your imagination.

Don't forget about waste water. You can install a suitable tank under the car, or run a hose through the floor to drain water into a portable tank or bucket.

Remember, used water smells bad in summer and freezes in winter. Therefore, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible, so a bucket may be the perfect solution.

How about a toilet? You can install one of the handy portable toilets.

Gas and electricity

IMPORTANT! Gas hoses and electrical wiring must only be installed by qualified personnel! They can pose a serious hazard if incorrectly installed. Build a motorhome yourself, but don't put other people at risk.

Propane in the camper can be used for cooking, heating, as well as connecting the refrigerator. You can do without it by using an electric stove and refrigerator, as well as an autonomous Webasto heater.

The gas cylinder must be stored in a separate place with openings in the bottom. Why should there be holes at the bottom? Because propane is heavier than air, so it will always go down.

It is even possible to make a valve to connect the gas stove outside the vehicle for future cooking outside the van.

Again, build the camper correctly for your own safety!

Electricity is necessary to start all devices designed for 12V. The system consists of a battery, charger / converter, control panel and many wires.

Do not forget about the external connector for charging the motorhome's battery from a regular power supply (110V or 220V). You can also use it at home by charging the battery during winter storage.

In order to determine how much battery capacity you need, you will have to perform simple calculations. Let's say you would use the following:

  • Halogen lamps: 2 × 20W 2 hours a day = 80 Wh
  • Refrigerator: 45W 12 hours a day = 540 Wh

The total power consumption is 620 Wh per day. Now divide 620 Wh by 12V and you get 52Ah. This is your daily power consumption. Typically, a 100Ah battery will last about two days of battery life.

Make calculations taking into account the energy consumers you are using. This will help you get the average daily electricity consumption figures.

Gas and electricity are very important issues to consider when building a camper. If you plan to operate a motorhome for traveling far from civilization, autonomy should be maximized. Take your time, think carefully and calculate everything.


In this matter, you are also not limited. You can safely realize your dreams. There are many ways to make and install furniture.

Sometimes quite suitable furniture is found at various disassembly, we advise you to search. Quite good offers sometimes appear at online auctions, and furniture is sometimes sold at an affordable price.

You can also design everything from scratch. Some firms sell ready-to-install parts covered with veneer. All you have to do is apply varnish (if necessary) and install furniture. You can also contact a professional who will help you in this matter.

A mobile home is a type of vehicle that combines a means of transportation and living space. This type of housing became widespread in the middle of the last century.

The motorhome can accommodate up to eight people. Each inhabitant of the dwelling can sleep on a separately equipped sleeping place. There is also a small kitchen built into the mobile home. Of course, the availability of equipment and functionality varies depending on the model of the house, but many have:

  • gas stove,
  • oven,
  • sink,
  • cupboards for cutlery and crockery.
Interior layout and construction of a mobile home

In more luxurious models there is also a microwave oven and a grill.

Furnishing of a mobile home

A mobile home can be equipped with a bathroom. As a rule, it is represented by a dry closet, shower and washbasin. Later models of RVs are equipped with a separate shower cubicle.

In a RV, the driver's and passenger's seats have a movable base. Thus, during parking, these places become part of the living space. The RV can also accommodate a room, most often it has U-shaped upholstered furniture located in the “tail”.

Mobile home model with alcove superstructure above the driver's cab

Mobile homes can be divided into several types. For example, by the type of construction, they can be trailed, with living quarters in a van, or combined with the vehicle itself. They can also be divided into motorhomes, which are used for travel or for permanent residence. Mobile homes are more equipped and comfortable. Travel homes rarely have built-in toilets and showers and are not subdivided into living quarters and cabins.

A bit of history

The beginnings of a mobile home go back to last century... Although, as the researchers believe, there were previously homemade versions of movable houses. These were mobile wagons in carts for people who were engaged in cattle breeding and horse breeding. In 1938, Jennings introduced the RV to the world by installing living quarters on the chassis of a conventional car.


RVs can be roughly divided into 3 categories:

  1. C-class.

These American mobile homes do not have a lot of space and are intended for short travel. They are produced on the basis of large SUVs. For example, the driver's cab transforms into a double bed during an overnight stay.

2.B-class semi-integrated.

The design of such a mobile home is very similar to the C-class. The berth is fixed and located at the rear of the vehicle. This mobile home is very popular with couples.

Shared body with cab (integrated)

3. A-class integrated.

This type of mobile home, which looks like a bus, is the most comfortable. It is built on a full-fledged chassis trucks, and due to the large mass it is assigned to transport category"WITH". These motorhomes are the most expensive mobile homes.

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Construction of houses from sawdust concrete

The house has a fixed driver's seat with a large windshield for better view road and surrounding landscape. Internal walls can be pulled out, thus forming different zones or additional sleeping places.

Diagram of the device of the A-class mobile home

These mobile homes are autonomous and have large supplies of water, gas and a generator, which makes them a full-fledged living place for their inhabitants.

There are also:

  • Hybrid trailers. Outside, they are equipped with retractable tents for resting or sleeping while parking on specially equipped areas.
  • Trailer trailers. This is usually a small, drop-shaped trailer. The main advantage of such mobile homes is the ability to move the trailer with motorcycle equipment.

  • Theveswil trailer. A trailer that is little more than a trailer trailer. Such a mobile home must be transported by a vehicle equipped with a special coupling device.

Other names for mobile homes

The term “camper” refers to the classes “B” and “C”, and the term “motorhome” itself is applied only to the class “A”.

Campers especially popular in America

In some countries, the term "vinebago" refers to all mobile homes, regardless of their class or type.

Luxury mobile home

Exclusive models have no competitors either in comfort or in price. Their design has become a new concept, making this mobile home the most functional and most comfortable. This motorhome has enough spacious salon from best views finishing materials.

Mobile home with all conveniences

In such a house, a handmade bathroom is covered with glass tiles. The bathroom fixtures are made of copper and the handles are made of crystal. The shower cabin is made of onyx. The ceiling of the driver's cab and the seats are covered with mother-of-pearl Italian leather, dashboard made of natural African wood. The living area has a sofa with two electrical modules. The salon is equipped with a bar. The dining area features a stunning onyx table.

In the residential part, there is a small office with a laptop, the monitor of which is a 17-inch wall-mounted screen. Also in the office there is a multifunction printer and a lot of boxes for various purposes.

The ceilings along the entire length of the mobile home are covered with all kinds of sculptures made of copper sheets, and the lamp is decorated with beautiful crystals, which is a nice addition to the comfort of the dining area.

To fully appreciate the exceptional character of this motorhome, you need to see it with your own eyes. The description simply cannot convey all its luxury.

The interior of these RVs

Perhaps there are very few people who would not like to travel and at the same time spend the night at home without using the services of hotels or hotels. Many will say that this is impossible and every trip is accompanied by a hotel room. Nevertheless, there is a solution - a motorhome or a motorhome. You've probably seen such movable structures in foreign films. And this is not strange, because, say, in America, according to statistics, every 3 residents have a home on wheels.

Such a house is not only convenient and comfortable, but also significantly saves money, since the question of finding a place to live disappears. You can talk about the advantages of a motorhome for a long time, and there are really a lot of them. However, there is one drawback - a car-home on wheels is not a cheap pleasure. But if you have patience and hard work, there is a way out - to build a mobile home on wheels with your own hands.

The main need for such a house is travel, which you can safely send with your family and even small children. The motorhome is also useful for business trips, you don't have to look for hotels, book rooms, collect luggage and carry it with you.

The main thing is that the driver is experienced, with good driving experience and, of course, with a positive attitude towards this type of transport.

Mobile home: what you need for comfort

Although the house will be in the form of mobile housing, this does not mean that it should not be comfortable and meet the minimum needs of the owners.

Home lighting

To supply light to a mobile home you will need:

  • rechargeable battery;
  • charger;
  • wiring system for subsequent wiring;
  • panel for controlling the supply of electricity.

Heating for home

Several types of heaters can be used to heat a home, it can be a stand-alone type and a gas cylinder. It is preferable to use gas, since, in addition to heat, it will provide an opportunity for cooking.

If you have chosen heating with gas, then here you will have to contact a specialist for help. Of course, building everything with your own hands from start to finish is commendable, but you should remember about the safety of passengers.

Air (ventilation) for home

Ventilation is very important, especially when using gas. In this case, there should be several holes, and one of them will be as low as possible.

For comfort: water, bathroom, kitchen

No home will be comfortable if it lacks basic amenities. Think carefully about where the kitchen, mini-size portable dry closet and shower will be. Also, do not forget about water tanks and pumps for it.

It is better to send the water that will drain into a large bucket under the body. To do this, you can use a special hose that should be laid in the floor.

RV Furniture

Certain difficulties may arise with furniture, since it should be as compact as possible. For such housing, folding furniture is used, it is attached to the walls. In most cases, such furniture can only be purchased on order, which is quite expensive. But if there is an opportunity to do it yourself, then this will significantly save money.

Optional: doors, windows

As for the windows, it is better to do at least 2, so you can save energy and not turn on the light during the day.

It should be borne in mind that if the house is being built from a trailer, then the width and height, of course, should not exceed the dimensions of the car.

We build a motorhome from "GAZelle"

If you are the owner of a domestic minibus that has not been to your liking for a long time, then you can safely use it as the main material for mobile housing. First, you need to thoroughly clean it, remove unnecessary seats, a jet of upholstery, get rid of all that is superfluous. After clearing, you can start making the necessary holes (for windows, ventilation, wires).

The metal part, which is inside, is well coated with a primer mixture to protect it from moisture and rust. Next, you can move on to covering the floor and walls with thermal insulation material. Make sure that the material itself is laid flat and tight. Then you can start finishing the interior of the house with plywood or another coating.

It is very important to pay attention to the quality of thermal insulation and subsequent coating. All materials must be of high quality and meet all standards. This is how your gazelle and mobile home will last a long time.

The next important step will be the supply of electricity and gas. When these two points are successfully completed, then you can start installing water tanks, a bathroom and furniture.

On this, we can say that the trailer - RV is ready. Now you can safely go on a trip with convenience and comfort.

Building a mobile home from a trailer

Let's not deny that building a caravan from a trailer is no more difficult than from a Gazelle. The main difficulty is that the walls and ceiling have to be built from scratch, unlike a minibus.

The first step is to clean the trailer, chassis, and paint to prevent corrosion. Then we cover the frame with a thick layer of plywood. We drill holes: frame, timber, plywood and fasten with bolts.

Many lovers of free rest dream of traveling in a mobile home, so as not to be dependent on purchasing tickets, booking hotels and being tied to one point during the entire vacation. A mobile home is both a home and a vehicle. It allows you to travel with maximum comfort and stop wherever you want on the road. In addition, it can be used as a dwelling in the country or during the construction of a house.

A mobile home today can be purchased ready-made, although it is quite an expensive pleasure. But it is much more interesting and cheaper to make it with your own hands from an old vehicle, re-equipping its interior or making such a motorhome practically from scratch, not counting the basics. For this, in addition to the "wheels" themselves, you will need not only funds for re-equipment and a variety of tools, but also certain skills of such work, as well as a lot of effort and free time.

Attention! Before investing in the re-equipment of a vehicle, you need to find out all the nuances of its registration in the relevant authorities in order to avoid any problems during registration. Otherwise, it is unlikely that it will be possible to use such transport for travel, and it will settle as a dead weight somewhere in the country.

A decent-sized mobile home can come from a large van, but such a mobile home is too expensive a vehicle. Among the budget options that are quite suitable for those who like to craft whatever they want with their own hands, there are three most convenient. So, a mobile home can be made from:

  • Gazelles;
  • old bus;
  • trailer with a sturdy chassis.

House from the car Gazelle

To implement any of these three options, in addition to the presence of the vehicle itself, which will be taken as a basis, a plan for the future motorhome will be required, at least in a schematic form. Such a plan will take into account all the design features and plan living area with maximum comfort for being there. It can be simply drawn on paper or done on a computer, if that's more convenient.

Internal communications of a mobile home

Without electricity, water supply and gas, it is difficult to name life in mobile home comfortable. To provide the premises with electricity, they are usually used accumulator battery and Charger... The wiring inside must be thought out in advance. Do not forget about the external connector to charge the battery, which are of different capacities. The most suitable battery capacity also needs to be calculated in advance, taking into account the load and the travel distance.

Interior design of a mobile home

Gas cylinders are often used to heat a room. Gas will also be convenient for cooking, which is much more profitable in terms of consumption than a stove from electricity. The presence of a kitchen in such a house implies the installation of a hood over the stove in it and the organization common system ventilation, which is especially important when using propane.

Advice. You should not undertake independent gasification and power supply of the premises in the absence of the necessary knowledge and experience, it is better to entrust such work to professionals. The safety of people in the motorhome directly depends on how competently they are carried out.

The kitchen will not be able to function without water, which is usually stored in containers, where a submersible pump is lowered to supply it to the tap. To drain the used water, a reservoir is also used, which is attached either indoors or outside. If desired, the mobile home can also be equipped with a small shower. But the usual bathroom in a mobile home cannot be made; a dry closet is used in this capacity.

RV kitchen area

As for furniture, it is better if all of it in a mobile home is practical and compact, because there is not too much space for placing it. Variants of reclining berths, sliding tables and the like organization of space can be used. And all this must be securely fastened to the walls in order to ensure safety when moving. Furniture for arrangement can be purchased ready-made, but for a person with hands it is easy to make it yourself, taking into account the size of the room, and make a sofa and chairs, for example, from car seats.

It is quite possible to equip the interior space in a mobile home, and all this can be done on your own. But before that you need to prepare the room. Depending on which option is taken - a minibus or a trailer, there will be differences in the stages of work required for the conversion.

Mobile home from Gazelle or old bus

Re-equipment of a minibus begins with cleaning the body from upholstery and seats, after which various holes are made - for windows, ventilation, for gas supply.

Mobile house from the bus

Then work on the arrangement of the residential area is performed in the following sequence:

  • even out the dents on the inner surface, then primer all open metal parts of the body to prevent corrosion on them;
  • the inner surface of the future house, including walls, floor and ceiling, is covered with thermal insulation;
  • on top of the insulating material, starting from the ceiling, moisture-resistant plywood or carpet is laid.

Upon completion of these works, electrification and gasification of the premises, kitchen and bathroom equipment, furniture installation are carried out. For reliable installation of furniture, plywood is attached to the walls bigger size in thickness than on the floor or ceiling, or separate reinforced strips are placed to fix it. And, of course, if necessary, you need to put in order undercarriage and the engine of a Gazelle or an old bus, then such a house will become truly mobile.

Trailer-based mobile home

Here, unlike a house made from a minibus, the work is somewhat different. First you need to protect the chassis from corrosion by cleaning and painting them. Then you will have to build the floor, walls, ceiling and roof, acting in the following sequence:

  • put plywood of sufficient thickness on the frame, surround the outer edge with a bar and fasten with bolts;

Trailer-based home flooring
  • lay the beams on the floor, fixing heat-insulating material between them and close it all on top with plywood;
  • for the construction of walls, timber and lining are used, not forgetting in the process of work to make openings for windows and doors, as well as technological holes for the entrance and exit of various communications;
  • for the construction of the roof, install the rafters, sheathe them with plywood, covering them with moisture-resistant material on top;

Building walls
  • after laying the electrical wiring, make thermal insulation of the walls, then closing the fiberboard on top;
  • to protect wooden walls, prime them inside and out, and then paint them in two layers;
  • install a door and windows, additional interior decoration may be required.

Upon completion of these works, you can also think about gasification, water supply, organizing a kitchen and a bathroom, installing furniture. Then all that remains is to put on the fenders and headlights that the trailer comes with, and the mobile home is ready to travel.

Be sure to obtain permits before setting off in your RV

Traveling in a mobile home, of course, is very convenient. However, before starting construction, decide for yourself whether you can independently master all the work, because they will require quite a lot of effort, money and skills.

DIY mobile home: video

The original design of movable houses was developed at the dawn of the last century. Thanks to its functionality, the idea of ​​equipping housing on wheels has also migrated to domestic spaces.

The device of housing on wheels

If standards are adhered to, a mobile mobile home should be able to sleep eight people and have a compact kitchen. The rest of the benefits of civilization provided for in traditional housing vary depending on the model chosen. Most of the designs include:

  • sink and gas stove;
  • shelves and cabinets;
  • oven.

Adherents of comfortable living conditions are offered luxury models of housing on wheels, equipped with:

  • grill and microwave;
  • a bathroom made on the basis of a dry closet;
  • washbasin and shower.

With a sufficient area of ​​the structure, the tail section is equipped with a separate room with U-shaped furniture.

Remark! The spaces for the driver and passenger in the RV are movable, which provides additional space when parked.

The ancestors of unconventional mobile housing are considered to be vans, whose design was subordinated to the needs of pastoralists; the mass production of mobile homes began in 1938.

Motorhome classification

Before proceeding with the implementation of the plan to make a house on wheels with your own hands, you should study their gradation and choose the optimal design, which are:

  • van;
  • trailed;
  • houses combined with the driver's cab.

The duration or frequency of use also plays a role. What is the goal of becoming the owner of a mobile home:

  • the ability to travel without resorting to hotel services;
  • have original housing for permanent or long-term residence.

A long stay in a mobile home necessitates the need to worry about increased comfort conditions, which is not required for short-term travel.

The classification of mobile homes, based on the degree of integration, includes the following categories:

  • The A-class value is assigned to fully integrated structures. Appearance These mobile homes are reminiscent of a traditional bus, are characterized by high levels of comfort and represent an elite category of mobile housing. Indispensable attributes of a category A mobile home: large windshield, a stationary driver's seat, the presence of retractable partitions that allow you to competently divide the internal space of a mobile home on wheels. A generator, gas cylinders and compact containers with a sufficient supply of water allow to ensure an autonomous existence.
  • Category B has a significantly simplified design. A distinctive feature from the most elementary models of housing on wheels is a stationary berth installed in the rear of the vehicle. The most common use of mid-range mobile homes in the Americas is young couples.
  • The C-class is represented by small houses that provide owners with living space during short trips. Often they are converted from SUVs; you can get a double bed in them thanks to the transformation of the driver's and passenger's seats.

There are combination caravans that are difficult to categorize, including:

  • Hybrid trailers equipped with retractable tents on the outside. They allow you to organize short-term vacations on rental sites.
  • Small-sized drop-shaped trailers provide the ability to move a mini caravan by means of a motor vehicle.
  • The trailer, which is larger than the standard wheeled housing, is called the Fibswil trailer. Its transportation is carried out by a car with the obligatory presence of a special coupling mechanism.

Car conversion

The task of making a homemade mobile home is preceded by careful preparation. You will need a large arsenal of tools and equipment, a supply of time and effort.

Important ! A preliminary study of the legal framework will help avoid unpleasant situations upon completion of construction. The mode of transport, the size of housing on wheels must comply with the current regulations.

At the initial stage, the number of residents for whom the mobile structure of the house will be intended is determined. Based on this number, transport and interior decoration are selected. You can draw up a detailed plan on paper. Specialized computer programs will help simplify the implementation of a mobile home project.

Then they go directly to the vehicle, most often they use the body of a truck for mobile housing, less often they re-equip the bus. So:

  • All foreign objects are removed from the body, dents are straightened, peeling paint is cleaned.
  • The structure of housing on wheels cannot be imagined without windows, therefore, in the initial absence of them, openings for lighting and air ventilation are prepared in the building.
  • If a mobile structure is planned for long-term housing, gas valves and vents are indispensable.
  • Bare areas of metal structures are treated with a primer, this will prevent premature corrosion of housing on wheels as a result of aggressive environmental influences.
  • Thermal insulation of a motor home - important point construction work. Mineral wool, plywood or foam foam will perfectly cope with this function. In addition to thermal insulation, they prevent condensation in the mobile home.

When purchasing metal fasteners, take care that they are made of a material similar to the vehicle body. This will create an additional barrier to corrosion processes.

The interior decoration is designed to create a cozy atmosphere in the construction of housing on wheels. In addition to moisture-resistant plywood, carpet is used for these purposes.

For the side walls of the mobile home, thickened panels are prepared, equipped with strips for fixing the furniture. Experts with experience in equipping housing structures on wheels recommend that prior to installation work with side surfaces, align the ceiling.

After finishing the walls, they move on to installing furniture in the house.

After completing the home improvement with a vacation spot, you can switch to technical equipment mobile home designs. For water supply, you will need to install small pumps under the sink, supplemented with cans of water. If you want to equip housing on wheels with increased comfort, you will need large containers for taking a shower.

Attention ! The mobile home's water supply is inextricably linked to wastewater, so worry about having an extra reservoir. A traditional garden design is suitable for arranging a toilet.

Propane gas will help heat the structure of mobile housing and create conditions for cooking. The container with it is fixed in the lower part of the vehicle, and an additional ventilation opening is also equipped there. This will protect the RV from a leakage accident as the propane weighs more than the air. The best option for the power supply of the housing structure on wheels, a powerful rechargeable battery is considered, which will require an equipped external outlet during the recharging process.

Trailer conversion process

Having decided to become the owner of a mobile home on wheels, you can purchase a trailer-trailer, which will cost about half a million rubles. Having the desire to travel without overnight stays in roadside hotels and possessing the skills of assembling woodwork, it is quite feasible to re-equip an ordinary car trailer, having received at the exit comfortable house on wheels. To do this, you will need:

  • trailer with a sturdy chassis;
  • wooden lining, slats and bars;
  • metal profile for arranging the roof;
  • plywood sheets;
  • fittings for finishing;
  • tools for working with wood and metal.

Such a trailer on wheels for housing does not have a luxurious setting, but a compact bunk bed for a night's sleep is present. The structure is installed at the rear of the house, it is optimal to build it over the entire width of the trailer by connecting the side walls. This will increase the rigidity of the entire housing structure on wheels. The door is made of two halves, it is preferable to make a bay window and a little later.

The whole process of creating a mobile housing from a trailer includes the following steps:

  • The old structure is disassembled to strip the chassis and coat them with anti-corrosion paint. The frame is made of pine boards, props are prepared in the right places.
  • For the frame, slats of 2x2 cm are required, additional strengthening of the future mobile home is provided by oak slats with a section of 3x3 cm, fixed on the sides. From above, the frame structure is tied horizontally with a rail.
  • The installation of the side walls of future housing on wheels is performed from a lining with a thickness of 6 mm; it is recommended to use a material with a thickness of 19 mm for the front and rear walls.

    Advice! The thermal insulation of mobile housing will be increased by laying the material in two layers.

  • Plywood sheets are used for installation work on equipment in the RV floor.
  • Poplar beams are suitable as roof structures for mobile homes. They are fastened at intervals of 30 cm. Then the beams are alternately covered with plywood, waterproofing material and a small-section metal profile.
  • The caravan body is equipped with a single window, which is located at the rear above the bed. Experts recommend making a window opening in the form of a bay window.
  • For convenience and additional light, the door of the mobile home is equipped with a compact casement window. The castle is located at the bottom, if desired, the structure contains two locks.
  • The lower space of the bed of the mobile shelter is used in two versions: under it you can equip a pull-out table or make an extra bed.

We build a cellar with our own hands


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