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Sometimes in any, due to breakage or wear of some part, a leak of various liquids can form. Any car enthusiast with sufficient experience has encountered a leak or other car fluids. Many of us, when a leak is found, try to determine what fluid is leaking by examining the car to determine the location of the leak. But unfortunately, this one causes a certain difficulty, since if the leak was not detected at the initial stage, then the place of the initial leak can be hidden due to the fact that the liquid has left traces everywhere, making it difficult to detect a breakdown.

How, then, can you determine the location of the leak in order to determine which fluid is flowing? There is a simple way to find out what kind of liquid is leaking out, due to the sealing of a certain part of the car. There are three things to consider in order to pinpoint the location of the oil leak as accurately as possible - the color, consistency and location of the leak (rear, front or center).

If there is a leak, then in any case, the liquid will end up on the road surface. In total, there are 6 types of fluid that can leak onto the road due to breakdown. By location, by viscosity (by consistency), by color and other parameters, any driver can determine what kind of liquid it is, in order to know exactly where to look for a breakdown.

To make it easy for you to determine what kind of liquid is flowing out, to the place where you found drops, put a piece of foil on the road and, leaving it under the car overnight, determine the purpose of the liquid in the morning. By the color and location of the leak detection, you can determine what kind of liquid it is. For example, if you find that the color of the fluid is reddish or light brown and is under the hood, then it is most likely a hydro-booster fluid. If the fluid has the same color, but the leak is fixed in the center of the car, then it is very likely that the oil is from the gearbox.

Below, our online edition offers you detailed description all 6 liquids, so that you can determine what kind of liquid flows out of. Remember that fluid leakage is a dangerous breakdown that can lead to costly vehicle breakdowns if not eliminated in time.

Attention!!! The most dangerous leak in a car is brake fluid, as a result of which the brakes can disappear in the car, which will lead to an imminent accident and possible death of the driver and passengers.

If you find a brown, smooth fluid under your car that is more slippery than engine or transmission oil, it is more likely to be brake fluid. In this case, you need to call a tow truck, which must take your car to a car repair shop for more accurate diagnostics and repairs.

Remember that you must not operate a vehicle with suspected brake fluid leaks. This is dangerous.

Fortunately, brake fluid leaks are rare. However, leaks do occur occasionally. In new modern cars usually on dashboard there is a fluid pressure sensor in brake system... If the brakes are depressurized, a warning sign will appear on the dashboard.

Another type of low brake fluid warning icon.

*If the yellow brake system icon on the dashboard is illuminated, then the fluid level is below the specified minimum and the system is still in working order. If it is red, then the brake system is in an emergency state. Remember that an indication on the dashboard that indicates a problem with the braking system, which is usually associated with low level fluid in the brake system can be not only due to fluid leakage, but also due to a decrease in the volume of fluid associated with the operation of the vehicle.

See also:

So, be careful and pay attention to the icons on the instrument panel. Also, in the event of a brake fluid leak in modern cars, the brake oil does not leak under the car, but is found on the brake or wheel rims and is also sometimes found under the brake pedal.

6 car fluids

(difference in color and viscosity)

* Click to enlarge

Engine oil

If you find under the front of the car a light brown or black fluid of medium consistency (viscosity), then it is most likely engine oil. Most likely, the oil leak is associated with the engine gasket or oil filter, which has become unusable over time.

This is the most common leakage problem. engine oil... If the leak is not significant, then it does not require urgent repair, however, a more accurate diagnosis by specialists is needed in the near future.

Transmission oil

If a reddish, light brown or black liquid of low consistency (viscosity) or high viscosity is found under the car and the leak is fixed in the center of the car, then despite the color of this liquid may be similar to engine oil, it has nothing to do with it. does not have. Most likely it is transmission oil that flows out of.

Please note that traditionally the oil in most cases has a reddish tint and has a low viscosity compared to engine oil, when, as in mechanical transmission more often the oil is a brown or black liquid, but viscosity less than engine oil. A common cause of oil leakage from the transmission is damage to the transmission housing gasket or one of the transmission shaft seal. In order to avoid damage to the gearbox, it is advisable to urgently contact a specialized car service for an accurate diagnosis of the leak and the necessary repair of the malfunction.

Brake fluid

A detected leak of a colorless, gray, purple or amber fluid is almost always indicative of a brake fluid leak. The difference in color of the fluid is due to the brand of brake fluid used and the age of its use. If the car is new or the brake fluid has been replaced quite recently, then its color will correspond to the color of the mineral engine oil or light brown.

During the operation of the car, the brake fluid becomes darker due to the appearance of rust particles in the brake system and other contaminants associated with temperature differences. Difference from engine oil or gear oil in viscosity. Brake fluid has a low viscosity and can be easily distinguished from engine and transmission oils, which have a much higher consistency.

A sign on the dashboard that warns of problems in the brakes

Brake fluid is more slippery to the touch than mineral or synthetic motor oil. The leakage of this fluid indicates that the tightness of the hydraulic brake system is broken, which, in good condition, must be under a certain pressure. Due to the leakage of brake fluid, the pressure in the system is disturbed, which can lead to a partial loss of brake force, or to a complete failure of the entire brake system.

If you find a leak that indicates the braking system, you cannot postpone diagnostics and repairs, since this is related to your and the safety of your passengers, as well as people who are road users

Power steering fluid

A reddish or light brown tint of fluid found to be leaking under the front end could most certainly indicate a power steering fluid leak. The fluid poured into the hydraulic booster is similar in its characteristics to the oil used in automatic boxes gear. These fluids have almost the same viscosity.

* Old liquid on the left / New on the right

But in this case, the question arises. How to determine where the fluid is leaking from, from the box or from the power steering? Everything is very simple. If you find fluid in or near the center, it is most likely from the transmission. But if you find a leak under the hood of a car, which is similar in properties and color to transmission oil, then this is a leak from the power steering system.


* The photo shows one of the types of liquids

The easiest way to determine by the color of the leak is the coolant, which is difficult to confuse with other fluids used in cars. As a rule, the most widespread are liquids of the following colors: yellow, red (pink), blue and green. All other liquids have a shade of the basic colors of antifreeze (coolant) similar in overall tone.

Coolant leaks are less common. The cooling system is hermetically sealed and has a long service life. If, for some reason, you find a liquid of red (pink), green, blue or yellow color (viscosity almost like water) under the front of the car, then most likely the cooling system has depressurized. There can be many reasons, ranging from damage to the cooling radiator to failure of the water pump (pump). Antifreeze leaks can also be detected inside the vehicle interior, which can be found under the front car mats. In this case, the likely cause of the leak is damage to the radiator of the car's cabin stove.


Often, especially on hot days, we use an air conditioner to cool the interior of the car, as a result of which a puddle of liquid forms under the car (if the car has been parked for some time). Many of us who are not familiar with this are often frightened, fearing that this liquid is a sign of a car breakdown.

The thing is that condensation (water) forms from the operation of the air conditioner, which, through a special hose, takes it out into the street, as a result of which a small puddle of water may form. If you touch this liquid with your finger, you will see that it is not oily and almost transparent, does not leave unnecessary marks on the fingers, as it is simple water.

No, of course we are not talking about a puddle that formed after the rain. Although we do not recommend parking the car in a deep pothole - you can earn a water hammer from the engine. But today is not about that. And about the stain that you found in the morning under the body of your car. Now we will tell you in what cases you will have to take emergency measures, and when you can not panic.

In any car, all systems work precisely at the expense of various fluids - brake, cooling, engine and transmission oil, fuel, anti-freeze and many others. So in the event of a leak, any of them could be under the car. To find out what exactly "escapes" from your car, you need to remember that all liquids differ in color, smell and consistency. Well, and taste, of course. But it’s better not to try - it’s very dangerous and harmful. Moreover, it may turn out to be a vain experiment if it turns out that the puddle was under your car even before your arrival, and you simply did not notice this fact.

What will most drivers do in this case? That's right, turn on the flashlight on the phone and climb under the hood to inspect the car. Most likely, you will be able to visually determine whether the formed puddle is really the work of your car or not. However, if you do not want to crawl on the asphalt (especially for the fair sex), find a dry place so that there are no extraneous spots on it, and park your car there. After a few hours, it will become clear if this is your problem.

Water is not a reason to panic

If liquid does drip from your vehicle, don't panic right away. The most common stain under the hood of any car is ordinary water, condensation from the operation of the air conditioner. We have already written about the air conditioner device earlier. The unit dries up the absorbed air, and the vapors formed from the evaporation of excess moisture go outside in the form of condensation. Water stains can usually be found under the hood, although if the car is on a slope, a trickle of water can form anywhere. To the touch, the liquid is not oily, colorless, does not give off any smell and does not leave marks on the hands. However, what are we telling? Does everyone know what ordinary water looks like? :)

It's another matter if your car does not have an air conditioning system installed or is broken. Well, or you haven't turned it on lately. Then the water under the hood may be the liquid that you poured into the glass washer reservoir. In such a situation, of course, it is important to check if cracks have formed in the tank or in the connecting pipes. However, there may not be a breakdown, and the water simply accumulated in the drainage channels of the hood and did not flow out immediately. If the leak cannot be found here, the next step is to check the headlight washer.

Also, a small spot of water can be observed near exhaust pipe car. This is not a cause for concern, as is the case with the condensation of the air conditioner. For the most curious: why is this happening, you can read.

Size matters

To identify other breakdowns, we first need to determine the color, texture and smell of the liquid. Here, unnecessary rags, napkins, pieces of paper or cardboard that are gathering dust in the trunk and waiting in the wings will come to your aid. The time has come!

By the way, you need to sound the alarm if the stain under the car is larger than a matchbox. A puddle is generally a reason for panic. But small specks (if it is, of course, not brake fluid) can not significantly affect the operation of the car, but you should still carefully monitor the level of fluids in the car, and also do not postpone a visit to the car repair shop until the problem turns into critical.

Brakes failed

So, let's start with the most serious fluid leak from the car - with the "brake". If, leaving for work in the morning, you notice a yellow-brown, viscous stain under the car that has a metallic smell or gives off alcohol, and the car begins to react differently to pressing the brake pedal, stop urgently and call a tow truck. You have a brake fluid leak, and with this, as you know, the jokes are bad - here it is not far from the accident. And if you hit a pedestrian? It is better not to risk trying to slowly get to the nearest car service. Human life is dearer than any money.

Great news: on modern vehicles depressurization of the brake system is quite rare. Plus, there is usually a sensor on the dashboard that shows the level of fluid pressure in the brake system. If the brake fluid starts to "run away", the driver will know about it by the illuminated signal.

It should be noted that brake fluid can be found not only under the car body, but also on the brake discs and sometimes even under the brake pedal!

Oil stain

It is much more likely that you will find a dark (dark brown or even black) stain under the hood that emits gasoline (or diesel). No, this is not fuel. A stain indicates that engine oil is leaking from the vehicle. Often the problem is associated with a worn out engine gasket or oil filter... Another reason is the loss of tightness of the crankshaft oil seals, gearbox or gearbox axle shafts rear axle... This problem can be easily solved: you just need to tighten the fastening bolts. If the oil continues to leak, you will have to spend money on a new gasket or install an old one, after applying sealant on both sides of it.

After repairs, remember to check the engine oil level in the vehicle and top up if necessary. It's easy to do, the main thing is to know where the dipstick is. :)

The steering wheel does not turn

It is much more dangerous if under the hood of your car you notice oily stains of a light brown or reddish (depending on the time of use) shade. This is leaking fluid from the power steering. If you try to turn the steering wheel without this fluid, the power steering pump will make a low whining sound, and at low speed it will become very difficult to turn the steering wheel. You need to go to a car service immediately, otherwise this breakdown can lead to a complete loss of steering. It is very dangerous.

The likely cause of the defect is most likely a strong wear on the steering rack seals. They also need to be replaced in a car repair shop.

The problem of the "machine"

In many ways, transmission oil is very similar to power steering fluid. Typically liquid automatic transmission has a deep red color, as well as a rather pungent smell, which is best described by the words: "I have not smelled anything like this before." So you shouldn't be wrong. Besides characteristic feature leakage of liquid from the "machine" is the location of the spot - clearly in the center of the car.

The most common cause of transmission oil leaks is damage to the transmission housing gasket or one of the transmission shaft seals. If the malfunction is not eliminated in time, in the future your gears will begin to slip, and everything will end with the car not being able to drive at all.

Prevent motor overheating

The easiest thing is to detect the coolant leak. Remember what color antifreeze or antifreeze you poured into the tank. The coolant is pink, green, blue, or yellow. It has a sweetish odor and is almost water-viscous in terms of viscosity. A puddle usually occurs under the hood. The cause of a leak in the cooling system is usually damage to the radiator or the pipes located behind the grill at the front of the machine.

Leaking coolant is dangerous not only for the engine, which can overheat because of this, but also for animals that can lick the stain under the car (they are probably attracted by the smell) and die due to the large amount of toxins.

To eliminate the leak, it is enough to tighten the pipes or apply a tourniquet to the resulting crack. A hole in the radiator can be repaired using "cold welding" in a car service. Remember to replenish coolant supplies after repairs.

Run out of fuel

Finally, sometimes a small puddle under the car may indicate a fuel leak. It is easy to distinguish it from other automotive fluids - it has a specific pungent odor, is almost transparent and evaporates quickly. Most likely, you have cracked fuel hoses or pipes, loosened clamps or a hole directly in fuel tank... Contact a car service. A specialist will remedy the malfunction using "cold welding".

This concludes the review of automotive fluids :) Be careful!

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All of us were taught that in the market it is imperative to look for fresh meat, and before frying it, you need to thoroughly wash it under the tap. But is this true?

site collected for you 5 popular myths about meat, which are high time to debunk.

Washing does not remove bacteria from meat

It is generally accepted that washing removes harmful bacteria from the surface of the meat. In fact, even the strongest jet of water will not kill dangerous microorganisms, but the risk of "splashing" them onto the surface of the sink and infecting other products is very high. However, you can remove the fragments of bones left after cutting the carcass by just washing the meat.

Inside the cut, the meat is absolutely sterile, and the high temperature required for cooking easily destroys all possible bacteria living on the surface of the piece.

Fluid Leaking From Meat Is Not Blood

Despite the red color, the liquid flowing out of the meat is mostly water. The color is given to it by the protein myoglobin, which is responsible for color. It is myoglobin that changes the color of meat during cooking: the iron contained in it is oxidized and the cooked steak turns gray.

Steamed meat is not the best

If you cook the meat immediately after cutting the carcass, then it will turn out tough and, as they say, rubber. For the steak to be juicy and soft, the meat must be aged for at least 2–4 hours: during this time, the muscle fibers will soften.

Veal is not in every way healthier than beef


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