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15 most unusual phenomena nature

Most of us have seen these natural phenomena only in films or on the Discovery Channel. I represent detailed description with photographs of the most incredible natural phenomena.
1. Water bloom:

When the ocean, air, and temperature conditions permit, ocean phytoplankton reproduce fairly quickly, creating a thick, visible layer on its surface. This phenomenon, called a water bloom, looks rather unsightly during the day, but in parts of California and other places where there are bioluminescent nightlights, the water bloom is a truly spectacular sight. This species of phytoplankton glows blue when agitated, turning the dark ocean into a giant lava lamp. You can watch the waves begin to glow on impact as they ripple across the sand, and the earth begins to shine under your feet, and if you dive underwater, you will see an amazing radiance in all its glory.

2. Bioluminescence

Bioluminescence does not only occur in water. In late summer, an uncanny glow can be seen in many of the world's forests, where bioluminescent fungi grow on damp, rotting bark. Bioluminescence can be observed in different parts of the world, but the greatest diversity occurs in the tropics, where the moisture in the forests promotes the growth of fungi. A new species of glow-in-the-dark mushroom has been discovered in Sao Paulo, Brazil. If you want to admire this phenomenon, then plan to go to the forest during the wettest period and head away from light sources that can dim the faint glow.

3. Fire rainbow

Another natural phenomenon that occurs in summer is called the fire rainbow, and occurs when sunlight strikes frozen ice crystals in cirrus clouds at high altitude. Since there is no rain during a fiery rainbow, scientists prefer to call it the more accurate name of a near-horizontal arc. Since this phenomenon requires the presence of cirrus clouds, and the sun must be very high in the sky, it can often be observed at latitudes closer to the equator. In Los Angeles, conditions allow you to observe a fiery rainbow for six months of the year, and in London for about two months.

4. Pearly clouds

For those of us who are far from the equator, there are many more reasons to look at the sky. Mother-of-pearl clouds are quite rare, but most often they appear when it is still dark outside before dawn or after sunset. Due to their extremely high altitude, they reflect sunlight from below the horizon, glowing brightly for those who watch them from below. In the lower stratosphere, where mother-of-pearl clouds are located, it is so dry that it often prevents the formation of clouds, but the harsh cold of the polar nights makes it possible to see this most beautiful phenomenon. You can see mother-of-pearl clouds in winter at high latitudes, such as in Iceland, Alaska, northern Canada and very rarely in the UK.

5. Snow rollers

Snow rolls form when a thick layer of snow falls on top of the ice. At certain temperatures and wind speeds, chunks of snow can break loose and begin to curl. As they roll along the ground like winter tumbleweeds, they pick up more snow along the way. The inner layers tend to be more brittle, allowing the wind to easily blow them away, leaving large natural snow donuts. Since a certain temperature and wind speed are needed to create this effect, snow rolls are rare, but can be seen in North America and the UK.

6. Basalt columns

Natural volcanic formation - basalt columns look like they were made by man. The hexagonal columns form naturally when a thick layer of lava cools rapidly, shrinking and creating cracks in the surface of new rock formations. Unusual geological formations can be seen in all corners of the world. The most notable examples of basalt columns are Giant's Causeway in Ireland and the Devil's Postpile National Monument in California.

7. Animal Rain:

While the small town of Yoro in Honduras hosts a Fish Rain Festival every year, there are still quite a few actual eyewitnesses to the phenomenon. However, in general, such a phenomenon has been reported in different parts of the world for many centuries. Most cases of animals falling from the sky have included fish, frogs, or small aquatic animals, although there have been reports of birds, mice, and even chunks of meat falling. Although such a phenomenon is extremely rare, most cases are easily explained. The most obvious explanation is tornadoes, during which a whirlwind lifts small animals from the water, carrying them over long distances until they fall on your head. If you want to witness the rain of animals, then you should go to places close to the water during big storms.

8. Wavy clouds

Recently discovered cloud formations, the so-called wavy clouds (Asperatus clouds) are so rare that they were not included in the classification until 2009. Ominous and stormy, these clouds disintegrate rather quickly before causing a storm. As with most wavy clouds, these clouds form when eddies or oncoming air masses ruthlessly churn the lower layers of clouds, resulting in bizarre shapes and formations. Such clouds are more common on the plains in the US and can be observed in the morning or mid-afternoon during thunderstorms.

9. Green beam

The famous and elusive Green Beam is a rare meteorological phenomenon that occurs during sunrise and sunset. During these periods, the sun's light passes through large layers of the atmosphere, creating a prism effect. Of course, this explanation is not as exciting as the maritime legends that surround this phenomenon. But you can consider yourself lucky if you managed to observe this phenomenon. To see the green beam, try watching the sun rise or set on the horizon on a clear day. An ocean or prairie horizon is best suited for this purpose. The green beam lasts only a fraction of a second, so don't blink. In my opinion, this is very similar to the return of the soul from the other world in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End"

10. False sun

When the sun is near the horizon and there are ice crystals in the air, you may see a few bright rainbow spots on both sides of the sun. Always to the right and left of the sun along the horizon, these halos faithfully follow the sun across the sky. While this atmospheric phenomenon can happen anytime, anywhere, the effect is usually quite subtle. When sunlight passes through cirrus clouds at just the right angle, these patches become as bright as the sun. False suns are most visible when the sun is low in the sky in colder regions where there are many ice crystals in the sky.

11. Double rainbow

The same forces that lead to the formation of an ordinary rainbow can also lead to the creation of a double rainbow. Sometimes, sunlight is reflected in the raindrops not once, but twice, resulting in a second rainbow that is behind the brighter first rainbow. It is best to observe this phenomenon when the sky is still dark and filled with clouds, as the dark background allows you to see the more vague colors of the second rainbow.

12. Striped icebergs

Icebergs, as a rule, are not uniform. Some icebergs in the polar regions are distinguished by their color bands, standing out from the arctic whites and blues. When water on an iceberg melts and refreezes, dirt and other particles can get trapped between the new layers of ice, causing colored streaks to form on their surface. Icebergs may show several colored bands. Blue streaks appear when water enters between layers of ice and freezes so quickly that air bubbles don't have time to form. When an iceberg breaks and falls into the ocean, algae and other materials present in the water can cause green and yellow streaks to appear.

13. Lightning Catatumbo

Quite a mysterious phenomenon, the Catatumbo lightning in Venezuela is known for its continuous discharges. This incessant lightning bolt can be seen from a distance and has often been noted for its ability to aid sailors in navigation. Since Catatumbo lightning strikes about 140-160 nights a year, you have a good chance of seeing them. They occur mainly in one place - above the confluence of the Catatumbo River around Lake Maracaibo.

14. Gravitational wave

Waves occur not only in water, but also in the sky. When the air is pushed up by the more stable layer of the atmosphere, it can cause a ripple effect, just like what happens when you throw a rock into a pond. For a gravitational wave to occur, interference must occur in the atmosphere, such as the updraft of air from a thunderstorm. According to recent research, gravity waves can concentrate and intensify tornadoes, so if you happen to see them, you should first take care of the shelter.

15. Moeraki Boulders

The Moeraki Boulders are spherical stones that were naturally excavated from mudstone, a dense clayey rock on the New Zealand coast. People discovered these giants through erosion, but they acquired their spherical shape for a different reason. It is believed that boulders formed millions of years ago on the ocean floor, much like pearls formed in oysters - layers of sedimentary rocks and materials crystallized around a central core. Over the course of millions of years, they have grown to the gigantic proportions we can see today. Moeraki boulders have been found along the south coast of New Zealand, but they can also be seen in various parts of South America.

Most of us have seen these natural phenomena only in films or on the Discovery Channel. I present a detailed description with photographs of the most incredible natural phenomena. You can read about the phenomena that I talked about earlier by clicking on this one.
1. Water bloom: in more detail we considered neon lakes

When the ocean, air, and temperature conditions permit, ocean phytoplankton reproduce fairly quickly, creating a thick, visible layer on its surface. This phenomenon, called a water bloom, looks rather unsightly during the day, but in parts of California and other places where there are bioluminescent nightlights, the water bloom is a truly spectacular sight. This species of phytoplankton glows blue when agitated, turning the dark ocean into a giant lava lamp. You can watch the waves begin to glow on impact as they ripple across the sand, and the earth begins to shine under your feet, and if you dive underwater, you will see an amazing radiance in all its glory.

2. Bioluminescence

Bioluminescence does not only occur in water. In late summer, an uncanny glow can be seen in many of the world's forests, where bioluminescent fungi grow on damp, rotting bark. Bioluminescence can be observed in different parts of the world, but the greatest diversity occurs in the tropics, where the moisture in the forests promotes the growth of fungi. A new species of glow-in-the-dark mushroom has been discovered in Sao Paulo, Brazil. If you want to admire this phenomenon, then plan to go to the forest during the wettest period and head away from light sources that can dim the faint glow.

3. Fire rainbow

Another natural phenomenon that occurs in summer is called the fire rainbow, and occurs when sunlight strikes frozen ice crystals in cirrus clouds at high altitude. Since there is no rain during a fiery rainbow, scientists prefer to call it the more accurate name of a near-horizontal arc. Since this phenomenon requires the presence of cirrus clouds, and the sun must be very high in the sky, it can often be observed at latitudes closer to the equator. In Los Angeles, conditions allow you to observe a fiery rainbow for six months of the year, and in London for about two months.

4. Pearly clouds

For those of us who are far from the equator, there are many more reasons to look at the sky. Mother-of-pearl clouds are quite rare, but most often they appear when it is still dark outside before dawn or after sunset. Due to their extremely high altitude, they reflect sunlight from below the horizon, glowing brightly for those who watch them from below. In the lower stratosphere, where mother-of-pearl clouds are located, it is so dry that it often prevents the formation of clouds, but the harsh cold of the polar nights makes it possible to see this most beautiful phenomenon. You can see mother-of-pearl clouds in winter at high latitudes, such as in Iceland, Alaska, northern Canada and very rarely in the UK.

5. Snow rollers

Snow rolls form when a thick layer of snow falls on top of the ice. At certain temperatures and wind speeds, chunks of snow can break loose and begin to curl. As they roll along the ground like winter tumbleweeds, they pick up more snow along the way. The inner layers tend to be more brittle, allowing the wind to easily blow them away, leaving large natural snow donuts. Since a certain temperature and wind speed are needed to create this effect, snow rolls are rare, but can be seen in North America and the UK.

6. Basalt columns

Natural volcanic formation - basalt columns look like they were made by man. The hexagonal columns form naturally when a thick layer of lava cools rapidly, shrinking and creating cracks in the surface of new rock formations. Unusual geological formations can be seen in all corners of the world. The most notable examples of basalt columns are Giant's Causeway in Ireland and the Devil's Postpile National Monument in California.

7. Rain of animals: we examined it in more detail

While the small town of Yoro in Honduras hosts a Fish Rain Festival every year, there are still quite a few actual eyewitnesses to the phenomenon. However, in general, such a phenomenon has been reported in different parts of the world for many centuries. Most cases of animals falling from the sky have included fish, frogs, or small aquatic animals, although there have been reports of birds, mice, and even chunks of meat falling. Although such a phenomenon is extremely rare, most cases are easily explained. The most obvious explanation is tornadoes, during which a whirlwind lifts small animals from the water, carrying them over long distances until they fall on your head. If you want to witness the rain of animals, then you should go to places close to the water during big storms.

8. Wavy clouds

Recently discovered cloud formations, the so-called wavy clouds (Asperatus clouds) are so rare that they were not included in the classification until 2009. Ominous and stormy, these clouds disintegrate rather quickly before causing a storm. As with most wavy clouds, these clouds form when eddies or oncoming air masses ruthlessly churn the lower layers of clouds, resulting in bizarre shapes and formations. Such clouds are more common on the plains in the US and can be observed in the morning or mid-afternoon during thunderstorms.

9. Green beam

The famous and elusive Green Beam is a rare meteorological phenomenon that occurs during sunrise and sunset. During these periods, the sun's light passes through large layers of the atmosphere, creating a prism effect. Of course, this explanation is not as exciting as the maritime legends that surround this phenomenon. But you can consider yourself lucky if you managed to observe this phenomenon. To see the green beam, try watching the sun rise or set on the horizon on a clear day. An ocean or prairie horizon is best suited for this purpose. The green beam lasts only a fraction of a second, so don't blink. In my opinion, this is very similar to the return of the soul from the other world in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End"

10. False sun

When the sun is near the horizon and there are ice crystals in the air, you may see a few bright rainbow spots on both sides of the sun. Always to the right and left of the sun along the horizon, these halos faithfully follow the sun across the sky. While this atmospheric phenomenon can happen anytime, anywhere, the effect is usually quite subtle. When sunlight passes through cirrus clouds at just the right angle, these patches become as bright as the sun. False suns are most visible when the sun is low in the sky in colder regions where there are many ice crystals in the sky.

11. Double rainbow

The same forces that lead to the formation of an ordinary rainbow can also lead to the creation of a double rainbow. Sometimes, sunlight is reflected in the raindrops not once, but twice, resulting in a second rainbow that is behind the brighter first rainbow. It is best to observe this phenomenon when the sky is still dark and filled with clouds, as the dark background allows you to see the more vague colors of the second rainbow.

12. Striped icebergs

Icebergs, as a rule, are not uniform. Some icebergs in the polar regions are distinguished by their color bands, standing out from the arctic whites and blues. When water on an iceberg melts and refreezes, dirt and other particles can get trapped between the new layers of ice, causing colored streaks to form on their surface. Icebergs may show several colored bands. Blue streaks appear when water enters between layers of ice and freezes so quickly that air bubbles don't have time to form. When an iceberg breaks and falls into the ocean, algae and other materials present in the water can cause green and yellow streaks to appear.

13. Lightning Catatumbo

Quite a mysterious phenomenon, the Catatumbo lightning in Venezuela is known for its continuous discharges. This incessant lightning bolt can be seen from a distance and has often been noted for its ability to aid sailors in navigation. Since Catatumbo lightning strikes about 140-160 nights a year, you have a good chance of seeing them. They occur mainly in one place - above the confluence of the Catatumbo River around Lake Maracaibo.

14. Gravitational wave

Waves occur not only in water, but also in the sky. When the air is pushed up by the more stable layer of the atmosphere, it can cause a ripple effect, just like what happens when you throw a rock into a pond. For a gravitational wave to occur, interference must occur in the atmosphere, such as the updraft of air from a thunderstorm. According to recent research, gravity waves can concentrate and intensify tornadoes, so if you happen to see them, you should first take care of the shelter.

15. Moeraki Boulders

The Moeraki Boulders are spherical stones that were naturally excavated from mudstone, a dense clayey rock on the New Zealand coast. People discovered these giants through erosion, but they acquired their spherical shape for a different reason. It is believed that boulders formed millions of years ago on the ocean floor, much like pearls formed in oysters - layers of sedimentary rocks and materials crystallized around a central core. Over the course of millions of years, they have grown to the gigantic proportions we can see today. Moeraki boulders have been found along the south coast of New Zealand, but they can also be seen in various parts of South America.

Incredible Facts

Scientists for centuries have been trying to unravel the many secrets of the natural world, however, some phenomena still baffle even the best minds of mankind.

These phenomena, ranging from strange flashes in the sky after earthquakes to rocks that spontaneously move across the ground, seem to have no definite meaning or purpose.

Here are 10 of the most strange, mysterious and incredible phenomena, found in nature.

1. Reports of bright flashes during earthquakes

Light flares that appear in the sky before and after an earthquake

© Malykalexa / Getty Images

One of the most mysterious phenomena is the inexplicable flashes in the sky that accompany earthquakes. What causes them? Why do they exist?

Italian physicist Christiano Feruga collected all observations of outbreaks during earthquakes dating back to 2000 BC. For a long time, scientists were skeptical about this strange phenomenon. But everything changed in 1966, when the first evidence appeared - photographs of the Matsushiro earthquake in Japan.

Now there are a great many such photographs, and the flashes on them are so different colors and shapes that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish a fake.

Among the theories that explain this phenomenon are heat caused by friction, radon gas and the piezoelectric effect- an electrical charge that accumulates in quartz rocks when tectonic plates move.

In 2003, physicist NASA Dr. Friedemann Freund(Friedemann Freund) conducted a laboratory experiment and showed that the flashes may be caused by electrical activity in the rocks.

The shock wave from an earthquake can change the electrical properties of silicon and oxygen-containing minerals, allowing them to conduct current and emit light. However, some believe that the theory may be only one possible explanation.

Huge figures painted in the sand in Peru by ancient people, but no one knows why

© dislentev / Getty Images

The Nazca lines stretching over 450 sq. km of coastal desert, are huge works of art left on the Peruvian plains. Among them are geometric figures, as well as drawings of animals, plants and rarely human figures, which can be seen from the air in the form of huge drawings.

They are believed to have been created by the Nazca people during a 1000 year period between 500 B.C. and 500 AD, but no one knows why.

Despite its World Heritage status, Peruvian authorities have a hard time defending the Nazca Lines from settlers. Meanwhile, archaeologists are trying to study the lines before they are destroyed.

At first it was assumed that these geoglyphs were part of the astronomical calendar, but later this version was refuted. Then the researchers focused their attention on the history and culture of the people who created them. Are the Nazca lines a message to aliens or represent some kind of encrypted message, no one can say.

In 2012, Yamagata University in Japan announced that it would open an on-site research center and aim to study more than 1,000 drawings over 15 years.

Monarch butterflies find their way through thousands of kilometers to certain places

© AmericanWildlife/Getty Images Pro

Every year, millions of North American monarch butterflies migrate over a distance of more than 3000 km south for the winter. For many years no one knew where they were flying.

In the 1950s, zoologists started tagging and tracking the butterflies and found that they were in the mountain forest of Mexico. However, even knowing that the monarchs choose 12 of the 15 mountainous places in Mexico, scientists still can't figure out how they navigate.

According to some studies, they use the position of the Sun to fly south, adjusting to the time of day according to the circadian clock of their antennae. But the Sun gives only a general direction. How they set up is still a mystery.

According to one theory, geomagnetic forces attract them, but this has not been confirmed. Only recently, scientists began to study the features of the navigation system of these butterflies.

Fireballs that appear during or after a thunderstorm

© olgalngs / Getty Images

Nikola Tesla allegedly created ball lightning in his laboratory. In 1904, he wrote that he "never saw fireballs, but he was able to determine their formation and reproduce artificially."

Modern scientists have not been able to reproduce these results.

Moreover, many are still skeptical about the existence of ball lightning. However, many witnesses, starting from the era of Ancient Greece, claim to have observed this phenomenon.

Ball lightning is described as a luminous sphere that appears during or after a thunderstorm. Some claim to have seen ball lightning passes through window panes and down the chimney.

According to one theory, ball lightning is a plasma, according to another, it is a chemiluminescent process - that is, light appears as a result of a chemical reaction.

Stones that slide on the ground under the influence of a mysterious force

© gnagel/Getty Images

In the Racetrack Playa area of ​​Death Valley, California, mysterious forces push heavy rocks across the flat surface of a dry lake when no one is watching.

Scientists have puzzled over this phenomenon since the beginning of the 20th century. Geologists traced 30 stones weighing up to 25 kg, 28 of which moved over a 7-year period more than 200 meters.

Analysis of stone tracks shows that they moved at a speed of 1 m per second and in most cases the stones slid in winter.

There have been speculations that this is to blame wind and ice, as well as algae slime and seismic vibrations.

A 2013 study tried to explain what happens when the water on the surface of a dry lake freezes. According to this theory, the ice on the rocks stays frozen longer than the surrounding ice, as the rock removes heat faster. This reduces the friction force between the stones and the surface, and they are more easily pushed by the wind.

However, no one has yet seen the stones in action, and lately they have become immobile.

An unknown hum that only some people can hear

© alexeys / Getty Images

The so-called "hum" is the name given to the annoying low frequency noise that worries people all over the world. However, few people can hear it, namely only every 20th person.

Scientists attribute "hum" ringing in the ears, distant pounding waves, industrial noise and singing sand dunes.

In 2006, a New Zealand researcher claimed to have recorded this anomalous sound.

Insects that suddenly woke up after 17 years to find a partner

© WerksMedia/Getty Images

In 2013, in the eastern United States, cicadas of the species Magicicada septendecim, which have not been shown since 1996. Scientists don't know how the cicadas knew it was time to leave their underground habitat after 17 year sleep.

Periodic cicadas- These are quiet and lonely insects that are buried underground most of the time. These are long-lived among insects, and they do not mature until they are 17 years old. However, this summer, they woke up en masse to breed.

After 2-3 weeks they die, leaving behind the fruits of their "love". The larvae burrow into the ground and a new life cycle begins.

How do they do it? How, after so many years, will they know it's time to appear?

Interestingly, 17-year-old cicadas appear in the northeastern states, and in the southeastern states, a cicada invasion occurs every 13 years. Scientists have suggested that such a life cycle of cicadas allows them to avoid meeting with their predator enemies.

When different animals like fish and frogs fall from the sky like rain

© Balazs Kovacs / Getty Images

In January 1917 the biologist Waldo McAtee(Waldo McAtee) presented his paper titled "Raining from Organic Matter", which reported on falling salamander larvae, small fish, herring, ants and toads.

Rains of animals have been reported in different parts of the world. So, for example, in Serbia it rained frogs, in Australia perch fell from the sky, and in Japan - toads.

Scientists are skeptical about the rain of their animals. One explanation was proposed by a French physicist back in the 19th century: winds lift animals up and throw them to the ground.

According to a more complex theory, waterspouts suck out aquatic inhabitants, carry them and make them fall in certain places.

However, there has been no scientific research to support this theory.

Giant stone spheres whose purpose is not clear

© Adrian Wojcik / Getty Images

Why the ancient people of Costa Rica decided to create hundreds of large balls of stone is still a mystery.

The stone balls of Costa Rica were discovered in the 1930s by a company United Fruit Company when workers were clearing land for banana plantations. Some of these balls have perfect spherical shape reached 2 meters in diameter.

Stones that the locals call Las Bolas, belonged to 600 - 1000 AD Further complicating the mystery of this phenomenon is the fact that there is no written data about the culture of the people who created them. This happened because the Spanish settlers erased all traces of the cultural heritage of the indigenous population.

Scientists began to study stone balls in 1943, marking their distribution. Later, anthropologist John Hoopes disproved many theories explaining the purpose of the stones, including lost cities and space aliens.

The remains of long-dead creatures that appear in the wrong place

© Andy Dean Photography

Ever since the theory of evolution was announced, scientists have come across discoveries that seemed to challenge it.

One of the most mysterious phenomena has become fossil remains, especially the remains of people who appeared in unexpected places.

Fossilized prints and footprints were found in geographic areas and archaeological time zones to which they did not belong.

Some of these discoveries may provide new information about our origins. Others turned out to be errors or hoaxes.

One example is the 1911 find, when an archaeologist Charles Dawson(Charles Dawson) collected fragments of a supposedly unknown ancient man with a large brain, dated 500,000 years ago. Big head Piltdown man led scientists to believe that he was the "missing link" between humans and apes.

The 10 most unique natural phenomena that are included in the top of this list are ten wonderful wonders created by nature, biology, physics, chemistry and other fields. You can personally see and experience all these wonders. To do this, you just need to go to a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bour beautiful planet, which is called Earth.

In our world there is a huge number of miracles created in natural conditions, some of which can cause an ocean of positive emotions and admiration. 10 natural phenomena and events spread all over the world create an unsurpassed atmosphere, immersed in which, a person experiences great pleasure from the world around him.

(10 photos of natural phenomena and phenomena + video)

One of the most spectacular and unique natural phenomena that can be observed near the North and South Poles (around the Arctic and the Antarctic Circle) is the Northern Lights. It arises from charged atoms and particles in the upper atmosphere, which predominantly originate in these areas of the Earth. To put it simply, this phenomenon occurs when the solar wind comes into contact with magnetic field Earth. Undoubtedly, one of the best places to observe this beautiful phenomenon is Lapland (Northern Finland). In this place you will encounter wild nature, uninhabited areas where clear transparent skies, devoid of city lighting, air pollution and telecommunication signals, create unique conditions for observing this natural phenomenon. The Aurora Borealis is a romantic marvel as it originates at high altitude and is a multicolored (yellow, green, blue, red and purple) river flowing among countless stars.

If you want to plunge into the world of illusions and dreams, feel a sense of inspiration, tubular clouds of an unusual shape will help you with this. The unique shape of these clouds is somewhat like huge pipes with different shades (from white to darker). The color of such clouds depends on their thickness. Tubular clouds can be observed in many places where thunderstorms begin to form. Their indescribable beauty is especially noticeable at sunset, when they are formed into groups of balls with a smooth structure.

The most beautiful creature on Earth is by far the Monarch Butterfly. They can only evoke feelings of love and admiration. These butterflies will show you the bright weaves of black and orange. Most often they are found in Mexico, the USA and Melanesia (northeast Australia). The best place to observe Monarch butterflies is the United States during the time when they migrate from Canada to Mexico and back. Walking through the parks of California, you can witness when the leaves and branches of the trees are painted in black and orange colors, as Monarch butterflies are completely dotted.

Have you ever observed strange formations of snow and ice, which are pillars up to 2 meters high? These amazing pillars are called penitentes. They can be observed in the region of the most elevated places (up to 4,000 meters high) of the central Andes in the territory between Argentina and Chile. You can see these wonderful natural phenomena while hiking in the mountains. Excursions of this kind will help you learn more and explore the peculiar phenomenon of the Andes - penitentes.

In the National Park called "Death Valley" in California, you can observe such a natural phenomenon as moving stones. In this park, among the unusual mountain landscape, you can see one of the most mystical and picturesque dry lakes of Racetrack Playa. The main feature of this lake is the stones moving along its dry bottom. Traces of stones are clearly visible on the surface of the desert. This phenomenon is one of the geological mysteries, which, according to scientists, is created by winds and other natural factors. If you managed to visit this unusual place, surrounded by dramatic mountain peaks, over which shapeless clouds float, you can consider that you are really lucky.

No less striking are the Supercell clouds. These storm clouds can appear almost anywhere where there is a humid climate characterized by frequent thunderstorms. Some of the most famous places to see super clouds are in the central states of the United States, which are part of Tornado Alley. The plains of Nebraska and Dakota will allow you to fully appreciate this natural phenomenon. natural change daylight will enchant you at the moment of watching the Supercells at sunset. Pay attention to the selection of beautiful photographs that reveal wonderful world these clouds.

The most beautiful and graceful fiery phenomenon, which is created with the help of vertical whirlwinds, is a fiery tornado. However, do not forget that the amazing beauty of this natural phenomenon is simultaneously fraught with danger and destruction. This natural phenomenon can be observed in a fire or a burning forest, where a tornado is born, the wind speed of which is over 160 kilometers per hour. This is a rather rare phenomenon, which is both magnificent and tragic. The fiery tornado is an attraction for photographers and extreme enthusiasts.

A natural phenomenon like sandstorms is quite typical for some areas of the Earth. Sandstorms are created by strong winds and storms that prevail in dusty areas with arid climates. During such storms, sand particles are picked up by strong winds, which accelerate their movement in the atmosphere. Some of the most famous places where such natural phenomena can be observed are in northern Africa (Sahara Desert), as well as deserts in Asia. This phenomenon can be called surprising without exaggeration. However, fierce storms are quite dangerous, since small particles of sand penetrate almost everywhere. It is impossible to imagine a more inspiring landscape than watching sandstorms in the area of ​​the Great Pyramids of Egypt.

A natural phenomenon - a rainbow is able to give everyone colorful emotions. Rainbow is one of the most common natural phenomena, which can consist of small arcs with thin multi-colored layers, as well as huge arcs stretching for hundreds of kilometers. The double-arched rainbow is a majestic yet inspiring optical illusion. This natural phenomenon occurs due to small tiny particles of water and the rays of the sun and is most often observed after rain, when water evaporates under the bright rays of the sun. Most often, this natural phenomenon can be observed in the area of ​​​​water basins - lakes, rivers and other reservoirs.

Internet marketer, editor of the site "In an accessible language"
Publication date: 12/18/2017

Each of us has heard such a phrase as “a natural phenomenon” more than once. This phrase often hides a description of such well-known phenomena as rain, hail, fog, or maybe even a volcanic eruption. But today we will not pay attention to ordinary and long-familiar things, today we will tell you about 12 amazing natural phenomena that are rarely found in the World around us.

An unusual geological formation is located in Western Sahara and resembles an eye. Under the influence of rising magma and erosion of the crust, rings gradually appeared on the surface, and the circles differ greatly from each other in mineral composition.

Topographic reconstruction based on satellite photographs.

The age of the object is approximately 500-600 million years. Earlier it was suggested that Rishat is the result of a meteorite fall or a volcanic eruption. By the way, this formation is able to change color, but the phenomenon is explained by a banal change in temperature around it.

2. Moving stones

An amazing phenomenon that strikes the mind has been happening for several decades in Death Valley in the United States. Large boulders seem to crawl along the bottom of Lake Racetrack Playa.

There were no witnesses of how the blocks change their location. The human factor was excluded, because only a trace of a stone remained. At first, this was explained by supernatural forces. The mystics were added by the fact that heavy boulders could roll over and tumble like grains of sand, drawing bizarre patterns on the soil.

It turned out that the stones were set in motion by patches of thin, but very extensive ice that forms during the cold season. When the ice melted, the boulders slid and moved.

3. Cava Ijen

On the Indonesian volcano Kawa Ijen, you can watch a delightful natural spectacle - blue glowing lava. The phenomenon is not only beautiful, but also dangerous.

Being nearby, you must wear a protective mask on your face, because the glow up to 5 meters in height is due to the burning of toxic hydrogen sulfide. A tourist is not recommended to stay here for too long, because the lake in the crater of the volcano is also poisonous and consists of sulfuric acid.

It is these objects in the air that observers often mistake for UFOs. The shape of the cloud, as a rule, resembles the notorious flying saucer. And for the sake of sound skepticism, it is worth noting that certain waves and layers of air give clouds a lenticular shape.

Curiously, lenticular clouds are immobile under the influence of even the strongest winds. This is due to the continuous condensation of water vapor. Clouds seem to be glued to the sky at a height of 2 to 15 km and are harbingers of the approach of an atmospheric front.

The appearance of these Pakistani trees would fit well in some horror movie. Thousands of trunks and crowns resemble huge cocoons. A strange phenomenon occurred after the flood. Spiders, fleeing the flood, found shelter on branches and leaves.

The arthropod creatures have cobwebed the trees so tightly that they have deprived the plants of the normal opportunity to receive sunlight. But the hordes of mosquitoes that carried malaria in the district were exterminated. A frightening and at the same time positive phenomenon continues to this day.

The trunk and branches of the plant are painted in a variety of colors. It all depends on the season, age and thickness of the wood.

At first, the bark has a greenish tint, but over time it becomes purple, orange or burgundy. When the bark ages, it flakes off in brown fragments. Due to the alternation of young and old bark, a bizarre pattern is formed.

Not far from Belize, from a bird's eye view, you can see a dark blue regular circle in the middle of the blue expanse of the Atlantic Ocean. The depth of the funnel exceeds 100 meters and is a favorite place for divers.

The blue hole is practically closed by the same rounded island, as if separating light and dark water areas. Fantastic natural picture!

Thunder and lightning do not occur very often on Earth. But there is a place where an average of 200-300 lightning strikes in the same square kilometer per year.

The Catatumbo River in Venezuela flows into Lake Maracaibo. Powerful air flows from the Andes rush into this area, generating electrical discharges. Local swamps feed lightning with the emitted methane. The natural phenomenon is clearly visible for many kilometers and has been used as a natural beacon since ancient times. Also, Catatumbo lightning is the most powerful ozone generator and may soon fall under the protection of UNESCO.

A mixture of slightly salty ice water and salty ocean water creates a brinicle. The icicle rushes down and can grow along the bottom.

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It turns out a kind of stalactite, only under water. Of course, brinicles only occur in cold waters near the poles. They are like a living ice floe that kills everything in its path. When brinicle touches starfish, fish and algae, it immediately freezes them. This is such deadly beauty.

In the snowless valley of East Antarctica, you can see streams of red water escaping from an underground river network. Microorganisms give the unusual color to the water.

Due to the lack of sunlight, they have to obtain energy through complex chemical reactions, which involve iron oxide and sulfur compounds.

11. Bioluminescence

Perhaps one of the most spectacular natural phenomena. Atmospheric oxygen mixes with emitted light from microorganisms to create mesmerizing blue lights in the ocean waves. It seems as if powerful searchlights were immersed in the water. Bioluminescence appears in all its glory at night.

Photo by catalano82 on

12. Underwater waterfall

The island of Mauritius, located in the Indian Ocean, is amazing in its beauty. Not far from it, you can observe a mysterious and charming phenomenon - an underwater waterfall. Of course, water cannot fall underwater, but such an illusion deserves special attention.

The reason lies in the complex topography of the bottom. Tourists are happy to even agree to fly by helicopter to enjoy the miracle of nature from above.


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