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This collection contains a variety of plants that have one thing in common: the presence of amazing, one might say exclusive, qualities. Some of them are dangerous to humans, others just look very strange.

Laughter flower

In the vast territory of Asia from the Caspian Sea to China there is a plant called the "Flower of Laughter". Its seeds, the size of a pea, can cause a person to laugh for no reason for half an hour, after which the person calmly and serenely falls asleep. The scientific name of this plant is "Indian Datura".

Doll eyes

This plant is called the white raven, although it is often called "doll eyes" among the people. This plant does not possess any unusual properties, which cannot be said about its appearance. And it looks as if some maniac planted the eyes of his victims on a creepy red snag.

Devil's Claw

Devil's Claw, or, in scientific terms, Harpagophytum is a plant that is distributed mainly in South and South-West Africa. Its fruits are somewhat similar in properties to our burdock. They are also prickly, and are also able to cling to passing animals and people's clothes. The difference is in appearance. The devil's claw is like some kind of evil spider, ready to pounce on you at any moment.

Jericho rose

An amazing plant common in the North American Chihuahua Desert. It is famous for the fact that for a long time, up to several years, it can be in "sleep mode" - a dried state in the form of a dense ball. However, when water appears, the plant instantly "wakes up" and it looks like real magic.


Ash or Diktamnus is a very unusual poisonous plant. Flowers and boxes with seeds are dangerous: in no case should you touch them, let alone smell them. At the moment of touch, a person does not feel anything, but after about a day there are signs of burns with the formation of blisters. After a while, they burst, revealing the exposed meat. What substances in this plant cause burns is still unclear. The burns will heal over time, but they will not disappear without a trace, there will be little aesthetic scars and scars, extensive dark spots that last for about a year. But it is even more strange that all this happens exclusively in sunny weather, on a cloudy day the ash tree is safe.

African Hydnora

Carnivorous plant found on all continents except Antarctica. The sundew secretes small droplets of mucus, with the help of which it catches insects and eats them.

Nepentes Attenborough

Carnivorous plants are not uncommon, there are many types of them. But Nepentes Attenborough is perhaps the most unusual of them all. It was first discovered in 2000 on the slopes of Mount Victoria on the island of Palawan (Philippines). The plant has a pitcher-shaped trap, into which its victims fall. The largest of the found "jugs" of plants of this species had a volume of 1.5 liters. And although the plant is nominally considered insectivorous, there are cases when it ate even small rodents.

Bloody tooth

The official name of this mushroom is Hydnellum Peka, but more often it is called "Bloody Tooth". However, it looks more like used chewing gum dripping with blood. And what makes it even more unusual is that, for some reason, it smells like strawberries. There is no need to eat this mushroom, because it is one of the most poisonous in the world. Even just licking it can get serious poisoning.

Chinese mouse

Perhaps one of the most disgusting looking plants imaginable. The plant got its name for its unusual black flowers, reminiscent of the shape of bats hanging upside down. The flowers reach 30 centimeters in diameter, and the long black "mustaches" that grow from them are 70 centimeters or more.

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There are many people in China with clear heads and straight arms. And crazy enough to invent really unusual things - even though "Made in China" was a curse 15 years ago, and today China is treated like one big global factory. Here are dozens of interesting examples!

Zhang Wui is one of the most successful inventors on our list. He not only invented a personal submarine, but also set up its production, having already sold seven individual submarines. Vehicle... The price of each is almost 16 thousand US dollars.

The inventor spent 10 years creating this electric scooter suitcase, which reaches a speed of about 20 km / h and can travel up to 50 kilometers on a single charge.

A craftsman built this remote controlled robot from various gadgets he bought at secondary market... The total project budget was $ 49,037. The only problem is that the inventor did not immediately realize that the robot turns out to be too big to be taken out, carried out or pushed out into the street.

The two-meter motorcycle cost its creator, Abulajon, $ 1,300. It weighs 270 kilograms and can accelerate to 40 km / h.

This submarine was built by an ordinary Chinese farmer (ok, unusual) in just five months. His belief in his invention turned out to be so strong that the craftsman fearlessly plunged to a depth of 10 meters and surfaced successfully - all in front of numerous spectators.

This tractor-cleaner is capable of carrying 12 "ordinary broom" -class debris destruction devices on board. He works in the city of Mohe in Heilongjiang province.

Plastic water pipes plus an old bike make it an unusual form of transportation. The inventor did not forget about the state flag. Chinese craftsmen, as you will see below, are generally distinguished by patriotism.

The former farmer and Marine of the PRC Army spent $ 6.5 thousand to create this miniature personal tank. Nothing is reported about the installed weapons. Probably classified information.

This stylish electric car can reach speeds of up to 35 km / h. And yes, its body is finished with natural wood not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

The terrifying appearance of this submarine is easy to explain - its "tentacles" are mini vacuum cleaners that are used to harvest sea cucumbers on an industrial scale.

The weight of this personal mini-bomb shelter is 5.5 tons and the photo captures the moment when the inventor of the “gadget”, which is supposed to protect people from heat, water and external influences, shows that he survived the descent from the mountain quite successfully.

Personal unicycle? On the streets of Shanghai you will not see that!

The idea of ​​combining ground and air vehicles has been exciting the minds of mankind for more than a decade. This inventor decided to cross not a car and an airplane, but a motorcycle and an airplane.

Someone can boast of having personally reinvented the helicopter? This 55-year-old blacksmith from Shenyang can.

Dentures are too expensive for ordinary Chinese people. This farmer lost his arms 32 years ago in a failed fishing trip with dynamite. Later, the nephews of the former fisherman, under his careful guidance, created these wonderful, albeit simple, prostheses.

Another robot, this time on wheels. Its creator is a 49-year-old electrician who introduced himself simply as Wu.

Some Chinese inventions are simple - for example, a comb and a musical instrument at the same time.

The thrust to fly is ineradicable - Icarus and Daedalus, that is, Li Zhinchun and one of his family members, are working on creating their own aircraft, the hallmark of which is patriotic notes in the finish.

Another giant motorcycle, on which three people can sit in comfortable chairs and about 15 more Chinese on the back sofa.

When the traditional forms of airplanes and helicopters do not suit, a flight of fancy comes to the rescue - this giant "octacopter" is actually able to lift its creator into the air.

However, the business of the Wright brothers lives in the remote Chinese provinces.

One of the few young inventors on our list, he invented the bicycle. Water.

This homemade submarine features a movable fishtail.

If the enemy knocks on the gates of the Great Wall of China, farmer Yang Yude will have something to answer him - a homemade installation that will bring hail on anyone.

Rickshaw robots - only in China (at least for now). The key drawback of the "horse" is low speed movement.

Not all plants make us feel touched and admire their beauty. Nature has endowed some of them with several other qualities, amazing and even exclusive. Some are dangerous to humans or other living beings, others have an unusually strange and unique appearance. In any case, getting to know them and learning more about them is always very interesting.

Laughter flower

This Asian flower, which spread from the Caspian to China, got its name due to the fact that the use of its seeds causes a fit of unreasonable laughter in a person, which lasts about 30 minutes. After this time, people under the influence of the flower fall into a restful sleep.

Doll eyes

The scientific name of this plant is the White Voronet, but people called it "doll eyes" for its extremely unusual appearance. It looks like eyes set on a blood-red branch.

Devil's Claw

Harpagophytum plant, which is more suitable popular name The Devil's Claw is primarily found in South and South West Africa. Its thorns, like a burdock, cling to the clothes of people and animals passing by.

Jericho rose

This amazing plant is widespread in the Chihuahua Desert (North America) and it is surprising that it can be dry without water, in other words, in a kind of "dormant mode", for several years. When moisture appears, the plant comes to life as if by magic.


Diktamnus or, as it is also called, Yasenets is a beautiful-looking plant that should never be touched or even sniffed. Literally a day later, the person in contact with him develops serious burns and blisters. The burns are so severe that they leave behind scars and dark spots.

African Hydnora


This carnivorous plant secretes droplets of viscous mucus and with their help catches insects for lunch.

Nepentes Attenborough

Another unusual carnivorous plant that was discovered on the slopes of Mount Victoria (New Guinea) as recently as 2000. It has a water lily-shaped trap with a volume of up to 1.5 liters. The plant eats insects and small rodents.

Bloody tooth

The Gidnellum Pek mushroom is popularly nicknamed the bloody tooth. Despite the fact that it smells like strawberries, it cannot be eaten as it is one of the most poisonous mushrooms in the world.

Chinese mouse

It is named so because of its impartial appearance looking like bats hanging upside down.

In our world, you can see very unusual specimens in nature, which can arouse the interest of even the most sophisticated boredom. Of course, they are all quite rare, but this is what makes them so interesting. Let's look at a few examples of such unique things, thanks to which nature is able to surprise us over and over again.

Hummingbirds are so small they can make a nest on a peach. On a peach!

A strip of quartz divides the stone perfectly in two.

This cat has one more leg on its paw.

And on the back of the cicada you can see the McDonald's badge

Blondes are also found among raccoons.

Such grapes are definitely not worth biting, because this is a mineral, although it looks very appetizing.

This cat is so cool that nature gave him an A. On the side

How do you know that plants love you? They themselves will let you know!

If you look closely, you can see a lion wearing glasses on the belly of this grasshopper.

Rainbow eucalyptus trees in Maui

The circles on the back of this ladybug broke a little and turned into squares

“You thought I was a pumpkin? But no, you got caught, I'm a pepper! "

The lizard decided not to waste time on trifles and grow two new tails at once.

Just a very joyful cactus that meets the daredevils who climbed the mountain

A frog that can be seen through

Some of this guy's eyelashes are not black, but white.

Little hedgehogs don't look very cute

Either this giant fork or it's a mini leaf

A toilet bowl in the shape of the famous Apple Apple, a bathtub for lovers, a shower head in the shape of a rapana - these are not all items that will make the interior of a bathroom exceptional. We reviewed the most unusual and interesting things that can transform a bathroom and a toilet!

A regular toilet lid is boring! So thinks designer Jammin "Johns. He creates unusual decorations for the toilet in the form of musical instruments - guitars and pianos. They look really original and do not look like thousands of other covers.

Invention by designer Jammin "Johns

Regia's designers went further and modernized the design of the conventional washbasin. They took as a basis classic model sinks and combined it with a real bike in a retro style, complemented the design with a basket for laundry and hygiene items, as well as a laconic table top.

According to Milos Paripovic, the real highlight of the bathroom is the toilet. It must be unique in design and performance. That is why Milos presented a unique sanitary art piece made in the shape of an apple from Apple. The designer named his invention iPoo and adorned it with the same thin metal used to make famous laptops.

Many married couples love to take a bath together, though plumbing standard sizes does not always allow you to do this with comfort. Another thing is the invention of the German company Trautwein. The double bath for lovers is equipped with colored lighting, convenient water tanks, and special champagne stands.

When it seems that an ordinary sink looks very boring and trite, you need to look for other original solutions. For example, a sink, made in the form of an aquarium. Real fish can live in it, beautiful algae can swim or snails can crawl. This sink will be a stylish decoration for any bathroom!

A bathtub made of natural wood looks even more unusual. It will look great in a luxury interior and will make the atmosphere incredibly cozy. They make such beauty in the Swiss company Alegna from hard and soft wood.

What really looks cool in the bathroom interior is the unusual tile in the form of soap bubbles. Of course, finding one is a whole business, but the result will be worth it!

It is pleasant to admire such a sink, it will delight the eye and amaze guests. Unusual and stylish, it will easily fit into a modern interior.

It is not only unique tiles or a creative toilet lid that can make the interior of a bathroom special. Even a toilet paper holder is capable of this, if it has an unusual design.
The marine style in the interior of the shower is most appropriate. To make it as realistic as possible, to bring yourself closer to the sea, it will turn out with the help of an unusual shower head in the form of a rapan shell.

It is no less interesting to look at . There really is something to see here!


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