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Do I need to fill the engine with oil? A person who asked such a question can be sent immediately to hell, or you can think that he is completely ignorant of technology or just an idiot.
The answer is unequivocal - there must be oil in the engine. What kind of oil to pour into the VAZ 2103 engine?
When is the oil change in the VAZ 2103 engine done?
How to change? Rinse or not?
Not every driver will answer all these questions. But this instruction for changing the oil will completely satisfy with its answers to the above questions.
Here you will find everything you need: oil change video, detailed description DIY oil change process, advice or "how to do it better" and so on. So let's get started.

Types of oil oil

The choice of engine oil for the VAZ 2103:

  • Mineral engine oil
  • Semi-synthetic
  • Tool
  • Change of oil
  • Draining
  • Flushing
  • Filter replacement
  • Fill
  • Engine starting
  • Brief conclusion

The choice of engine oil for the VAZ 2103

What to look for when choosing an oil? Correct WHA 2103, and any other, implies the filling of oil of the same type as that of the same company, preferably.

This is done because the engine is already used to working with this oil and there is less likelihood of harmful deposits, sediments and the like. But you can also switch to another, say, better quality oil.
So which one to choose?
As for the manufacturer's firm, there are no special rules. It all depends on the desire and price of the oil.
If finances allow, it is better to take more expensive, because more expensive means better quality. And the better the oil, the later the engine overhaul is to be done.
You can buy oil of domestic brands or foreign ones - but not a cheap fake - it will only make matters worse!

Mineral engine oil


  • Is mineral oil (simply "mineral water") suitable for a VAZ 2103 car? Yes, it will do. After all, this car was manufactured back in Soviet times, and then, perhaps, only such oil was used.
    We went and rejoiced.
  • But not always “can” means “need”. Yes, it is permissible to use the engine on mineral water, but it is not advised.
    Why? Time will tell - or rather, time will pass, winter will come, frosts will knock and your engine, when you try to start it, will show you, excuse me, a fig!
  • Yes, yes, and all because mineral oil has a very bad property - to solidify at low negative temperatures. This is not the only negative property.
    Mineral water also leaves deposits on engine parts, and also requires frequent replacement.



  • Such oil has already improved properties and characteristics in comparison with mineral water. The service life of semi-synthetics is noticeably longer, respectively - it will better retain its properties up to the necessary replacement in terms of mileage.
    Less negatively affecting the engine than mineral oil.
  • The price of such oil is not that high. It is easy to buy at almost any store.
    In a word, a universal oil, which is often used in Zhiguli cars.


  • This oil is by far the best in existence. It has become widespread due to its high performance properties, good ability to maintain the performance of all engine parts.
  • Synthetics also hold up well at high negative temperatures, which is extremely useful under harsh working conditions.
  • Still, synthetic motor oil is not recommended for use on such cars for several reasons. The main one is expediency.
    The whole point is that the car has been developed for a very long time, when there were no such oils.
  • And the engine parts may well work both on mineral water and on semi-synthetics. And the price for synthetics is simply cosmic.
    So there is simply no need to pour such oil when changing the oil in the VAZ 2103.

Let's summarize! The generally accepted opinion is that a semi-synthetic oil marked 10W-40 or similar in properties is best suited for a VAZ 2103 car.

Oil change intervals and vehicle preparation

How often is the engine oil changed on a VAZ 2103?
Let's pay attention to a few points:

  • If oil was added after overhaul engine, then it should be changed after 1 thousand kilometers. This is done because during the running-in, intensive wear of engine parts occurs - the connecting rod-piston group and other parts.
  • The usual oil change on engines from Zhiguli is carried out in the period of 8-10 thousand km of run or after 2 years, if the car has not been used, the lubricant will simply lose its properties.
  • If mineral motor oil has been added to the engine, it should be replaced earlier.
  • Unsuitable oil has a dark color - black, gray. This indicates that it contains a large amount of carbon deposits and other harmful substances and signals the need for replacement.

What does preparing a car for an oil change include?
Let's look at it in order:

  • Of course, the purchase of oil and filter.
  • Satisfactory condition of your car's engine. If the engine "eats" oil or if traces of smudges are visible on the block, then it will be advisable to first repair the engine in order to eliminate all the shortcomings.
  • Warm up the engine. Hot oil drains better - an indisputable fact.
    Drive it for about 10 kilometers before changing the oil.
  • Find a pit or flyover. If your garage has a pit, that's great.
    If not, then you have to work hard and find these objects. They are most convenient for changing the oil of the VAZ 2103 engine.

  • And, of course, a tool.


What is needed to change the oil.
Here's what:

  • Allen key 12 or key 17
  • Watering can for convenient oil filling

  • The container for draining the oil is an unnecessary old bucket, but whole.
  • Oil filter remover

  • Knife
  • Screwdriver
  • Rag

That's all the accessories. Let's start replacing!

Change of oil

So after choosing quality oil, procurement, elimination of all oil leaks on the engine, blanks the necessary tool and the engine is warming up, the engine oil can be changed.


We drain the old oil.


  • We take away under the car and find a drain plug in the pallet.
  • Usually it is made for a hexagon, but it can be different - a turnkey for 17 usually.
  • We unscrew the drain plug.
  • We substitute the container for oil.
  • Next, you need to wait until all the oil is drained from the engine.
  • Then we screw the drain plug back into the pallet.

Note! The oil can burn your hands, so take care of them. It is best to use thick rubber gloves to keep your hands safe and clean.


Often this item is simply excluded from the list. But in some cases, flushing is best done.


  • If produced for a different type. To put it simply - there was mineral water, we fill in semi-synthetics, which means we do a rinse.
  • We change the marking of the oil to be poured.
    Let's say there remains semi-synthetics, but the new one has a different designation, and, accordingly, other performance indicators. We are doing a flush!
  • And the third option is if the engine has not started for a long time.
    The oil has left deposits on the walls of the parts and must be washed off. We wash the engine.

Flushing can be done in several ways.
Here is some of them:

  • Five minutes. The fluid is simply poured into the engine for 5 minutes and then drained.
    This method is not recommended to be used simply because it makes no sense. This kind of purging simply liquefies the oil and allows it to drain better and faster from the engine, but does not flush it!
  • Special flushing fluids or flushing oil. Here is the procedure for flushing the engine this way.
  • After draining the old oil, flushing is poured into the engine. This is done through filler plug in the cylinder head cover.
  • The engine is then started and allowed to run at low revs for about 10 minutes.
  • The next step is to drain the flushing oil.
  • The engine is flushed and ready to fill with normal oil.

Advice! Flush the engine only in the cases listed above. If you fill in the same oil that you had before the change, then flushing will even be slightly harmful to the engine!

Filter replacement

After flushing, and if we change the oil without it, then after draining the oil, it is necessary to replace the oil filter. Instructions for replacing the oil filter.


  • Removing the oil filter may not require anything. Usually it is simply twisted by the force of the hands.
    For convenience, you can use a rag or gloves.
  • If you cannot twist the filter, then you will need to use a special puller.
  • There are different types of pullers, so let's say in general terms. Clamp the filter in the puller and twist it towards unscrewing.
    Then you can twist it with your hands.
  • If, even with a puller, it is not possible to rip off the filter, then it simply breaks through with a screwdriver and twists out in this way.
  • Pay attention to the seat for the filter. It happens that a rubber O-ring from an old filter remains on it.

  • This ring must be cleaned with a knife, and the seat must be wiped with a rag so that no debris remains there.
  • After preparing the seat, pour some oil into the new filter and lubricate the rubber O-ring.

  • Remember - the filter can only be screwed back on by hand! Otherwise, then you simply do not unscrew it.
  • The filter has been changed.

Advice! Do not forget that in oil filter oil residues are also found. Do not expose your face or hands - you risk getting burned and smeared!


Let's start filling the oil:

  • We open the hood.
  • We unscrew the filler plug. As already mentioned, it is located in the cylinder head cover.
  • Next, we need a watering can. We insert it into the filler neck.
  • Fill in the oil. During the oil filling process, it is important to control the oil level in the engine.

  • To do this, we take out the oil dipstick, wipe it. Then again we lower it into the block, take it out and look at the level.
  • The oil level on the dipstick should be approximately halfway between the two minimum and maximum marks. Do not allow the oil to reach its maximum - this will put unnecessary stress on the engine oil seals and it is more likely that it will leak.

  • After starting the engine, it will still be necessary to add oil to the level.
  • We twist the filler plug back. Pay attention to the condition of the plug.
    It should fit snugly. If her condition is not satisfactory, then oil will leak from under her and she will tremble and make sounds that will annoy you while driving.

Engine starting

After changing the oil, start the engine and check its operation:

  • A few seconds after starting, the oil level light should go out.
  • The engine may run noisy at first, but then everything will be eliminated. It takes time for the oil to enter the system.
  • While the engine is running, check the tightness of the drain plug. If it is not tight enough, oil will leak from there.
  • After running the engine for a few minutes, stop the engine and check the oil level. Top up if necessary.

Brief conclusion

A short parting word in the end:

  • Monitor the condition and cleanliness of your car's engine.
  • Change the engine oil on time!
  • Do not rip off the thread when tightening the drain plug - this sometimes threatens to replace the pallet.
  • Do not overlook the tips that you met here.
  • Choose an oil that has already proven itself in a good light. Beware of cheap imitations.
  • Watch the video on changing the oil to make it even clearer.
  • We hope this article, along with supporting photos, will help you.

Keep track of the condition of your Troika and it will serve you for many years!

As you know, for a number of reasons, the so-called "classic" VAZ models continue to be in demand on the territory of the CIS. As a rule, we are talking about models VAZ 2103, VAZ 2106, etc.

These vehicles are distinguished by their simplicity of design, reliability and affordable price on the used car market, which is the key to their popularity. At the same time, the owners of such cars are trying to minimize the costs of maintenance and service, doing most of the work with their own hands.

Note that such procedures as in the VAZ engine can be performed independently even by novice motorists, and it is not necessary to have any professional skills. Let's take a closer look at the process of changing the lubricant on these "classic" models.

Read in this article

The choice of oil for the VAZ 2103, 2106, 2107 engine: recommendations

First of all, any engine, regardless of the type and country of production, needs a timely change of engine oil. Moreover, as well as in the selection, it is necessary to take into account the seasonality, the condition of the engine and the operating conditions of the vehicle.

As for the frequency of replacement, it is usually used in a VAZ engine. The main advantage of mineral oils is their low price, but they are inferior in terms of service life, detergent and protective properties to more expensive semi-synthetics and synthetic oils.

If we talk about the engines of old VAZs, we immediately note that there is no need for expensive synthetics for these internal combustion engines. Moreover, oil seals and gaskets when using "liquid" synthetic oil may start to flow.

In view of the above, it remains to choose from mineral and semi-synthetic products. At the same time, for the winter, it is better to pour less viscous semi-synthetic oil to facilitate cold starts and minimize powertrain wear. The fact is that in the cold, mineral lubricant noticeably loses its fluidity, the engine may not start or it will experience oil starvation in the first minutes after a cold start.

Why does the oil in the engine need to be changed, when to replace it. What determines the service life of the engine oil, how to choose the right service interval.

  • How to properly change the engine oil in the engine. Oil change procedure without flushing, oil change with engine flushing. Oil change without a pit, tips.
  • The legendary product of the Soviet and Russian car industry VAZ 2103 has not been produced for a long time, but remains popular. And many owners of the troika, after buying, think about what kind of oil to pour into the VAZ 2103 engine.

    If you follow the original operating manual for the car, then for the engine oil of the VAZ 2103 or 2106 engine, the following are suitable:

    • M - 6 / 12G;
    • M - 8 GI;
    • M - 5/10 GI.

    Not all stores will be able to offer engine oil with this mark. Then what kind of oil to pour into the VAZ 2103 engine if you happen to be the proud owner of this car?

    What kind of oil is optimal for pouring into the engine of a VAZ 2103 car

    There are a sufficient number of modern analogues, for example, semi-synthetic 10W40. It is a universal all-season oil that is used in engines of old-style cars, for example, Lada or Zhiguli .. Sellers can offer a choice of:

    All engine oil is bottled in four-liter plastic containers and contains a balanced set of modern additives. The formulations of the oils are patented and are of the highest quality level.

    You can rest assured what kind of oil to put in the engine of the triple, 10W40 is an improved replacement for older brands of oils. Among the benefits of using oil:

    • variance is minimized;
    • reduction of burnout when starting the engine;
    • saving fuel by reducing the coefficient of friction;
    • optimal ratio - price / quality.

    The same applies to filling with oil and "sixes". What is the difference between the VAZ 2103 gearbox and 2106? Only gear ratio gears. We pour the same amount of oil into the engine - 3.5 liters.

    If you have not yet decided which oil to pour into the VAZ 2103 engine, contact the online store site - experts will tell you about the advantages and features of oils from different manufacturers and will help you make the right choice.

    VAZ 2103 engine

    Engine characteristics 2103

    Years of release - (1972 - present)
    Cylinder block material - cast iron
    Power system - carburetor / injector
    Type - in-line
    Number of cylinders - 4
    Valves per cylinder - 2
    Piston stroke - 80 mm
    Cylinder diameter - 76 mm
    Compression ratio - 8.5
    Engine displacement 2103 - 1452 cc
    Engine power 2103 - 71 HP / 5600 rpm
    Torque - 104 Nm / 3400 rpm
    Fuel - AI93
    Fuel consumption - city 9.4l. | track 6.9 liters. | mixed 8.9 l / 100 km
    Oil consumption - 700 g per 1000 km
    Engine weight VAZ 2103 - 121kg

    Overall dimensions of the engine 2103 (LxWxH), mm - 565x541x665
    Mac lo for the vaz 2103 engine:
    How much oil is in the engine 2103: 3.75 liters.
    When replacing, fill in about 3.5 liters.

    Engine resource VAZ 2103:
    1.According to the plant - 125 thousand km
    2. In practice - up to 250 thousand km

    Potential - 200 HP
    Without loss of resource - 80 hp.

    The engine was installed on:
    VAZ 21023
    VAZ 2103
    VAZ 21043
    VAZ 21053
    VAZ 21061
    VAZ 2107

    Malfunctions and repair of the VAZ 2103 engine

    VAZ 2103 1.5 liter engine. carburetor inline 4-cylinder with an overhead camshaft, the timing of the 2103 engine has a chain drive. The engine block of the VAZ 2103 is high, more on that below. The engine resource 2103, with careful operation and timely maintenance, exceeds 125 thousand km established by the plant and reaches 180-200 thousand km.
    The main differences of the 2103 engine from the increased block height by 8.8 mm from 207.1 mm to 215.9 mm for the possibility of installing a crankshaft with an increased piston stroke, due to which the engine volume increased to 1.5 liters.
    As noted in previous articles, there is a problem with camshaft wear in Lada engines. Due to the fact that the chain drive does not have a tensioner - you need to tighten the chain, the engine also needs a constant (every 10 thousand km) adjustment of the valve clearances, this will be prompted by a loud knock in the VAZ 2103 engine when the engine is idling audible from a place driver with the hood closed. Many people have a question, why regulate the valves, the answer is simple - the power will decrease, the fuel consumption will increase, the valve will burn out and many other joys of life. Adjusting the valves of the VAZ 2103 engine should be done either by a master or with his own hand. To other problems, toarburetors Weber and Ozone constantly require CO adjustment and cleaning. It often happens that the engine of the VAZ 2103 is warming up, look for the problem in the pump, 99% this is it. Often when the engine is troit at 2103, there may be a lot of reasons, more often valve burnout, in any case it is necessary to measure the compression and show the car to the master. Many VAZ 2103 engine malfunctions repeat 2101 problems, due to their close relationship. For more complete picture and in order not to miss anything, read about.
    However, n
    about popular opinion, the 2103 engine is the most reliable and unpretentious among the classic line of engines, and given the prices of spare parts for the VAZ 2103 engine, one should not wonder why the classics still drive through our streets.

    VAZ 2103 engine tuning

    Boost engine 2103

    There are a lot of methods for improving the VAZ 2103 engine, like all classics, from boring to a compressor with turbines, but let's start in order. How to boost a VAZ 2103 engine, the cheapestand simple tuning of the VAZ 2103 engine was and remains a cylinder bore of 3 mm under 79 mm piston from a VAZ 21011 or from a VAZ 2106, at the output we have 1.6 liters. Sharpening further, under 82 mm will not work due to the too thin walls of the block.
    To further increase the volume, the piston stroke must be increased to 84 mm. Increasing the volume in this way reduces the maximum operating speed, the downstream engine does not the best choice for racing, but still. To increase the power of the VAZ 2103 engine with a piston stroke, they put the VAZ 2130 crankshaft, and also use the TRT piston, the connecting rods sit up to 134 mm. The disadvantages of TRT pistons are their lower strength compared to standard ones, heat load on the ring and the likelihood of piston burnout.

    Engine boring 2103

    1.6 l. 79x80 ~ 75 hp
    Maximum torque ~ 115Nm @ 3000rpm
    With this configuration, we get exactly the 2106 motor.
    - larger piston, standard stroke
    1.7 l. 79x84 ~ 80 HP
    Torque engine, not racing configuration.

    How to boost a VAZ 2103 engine by fine-tuning the cylinder head

    The cylinder head VAZ 2101 is used on the three-wheel motor, the main disadvantage of which is that it was developed for low-volume units. Accordingly, the passage sections of the channels do not correspond to the increased volume, this must be corrected by boring and polishing the channels.
    Polishing and boring the cylinder head channels of the VAZ 2103 and the manifold will significantly reduce the intake resistance, the engine power in the entire range increases by 10%. How to polish and which shafts to select is described in the article "Tuning VAZ 2101", due to the identity of the motors, all this is applicable to the engine of the three Zhiguli. The revision of the 2103 engine does not end there, correctly selected camshaft at 2103, as well as a modified head capable of showing more than 100 hp.

    Camshaft on VAZ 2103

    The selection rule was simple, in the lower configuration, when the piston stroke is large and it is larger than the cylinder diameter, you need to take the lower shaft with a phase of up to 270, the valve lift is larger. Such an engine will turn out to be quite high-torque, urban and will go much better than the standard, while high revs disappear. Which camshaft to choose for the bottom, Estonian 1, Nivovsky shaft 213 or something similar in terms of parameters will do. In the case of a top configuration, we accordingly select a wide-phase top shaft with a large valve lift.The camshaft Mastermotor 48, OKB Engine 480 and the like will fit into the standard head without modifications. More wide-phase ones will require additional work. The disadvantages of shafts with a wide phase are traction at the bottom, the angrier the shaft, the worse it rides from below and more uneven idling, but losing the bottom we get high power at the top. In which direction to move and whether it is worth moving at all is up to you, the basic and most popular principles of forcing the 2103 engine were presented to you in the most simple and accessible way.

    Compressor for classics

    The compressor for 2103 is an excellent option for inexpensively inflating the Zhiguli, in the stores there are ready-made installation kits with a pressure of 0.5 and 0.7 bar from an autoturbo. Installing a 0.5bar compressor on a classic is quite simple and requires a minimum of modifications, paired with a modified cylinder head, the engine produces more than 125 hp. This method is opposed by the price of all activities.

    Turbo classic

    This is, without a doubt, the most expensive and unprofitable method of forcing a VAZ 2103 engine. The first item of your expenses will be the transfer of the engine to an injector. Then we buy a turbo kit for the classics, prices from $ 1.5 thousand. Most of the whales are built on the basis of the Garrett GT17 turbine, stand up without modification of the piston, but blow up to 0.5 bar. In this case, the classic compressor is more rational. In the case of a total revision of the 2103 engine, replacing the piston, installing the correct turbo shaft (phase 270-280, maximum lift), this kit will give out up to 1.2 bar with a power of more than 140 hp. The cost of such alterations will cost more than the car itself, even without taking into account the chassis, gearbox, brake system and other things 😀


    For the rear-wheel drive sedan VAZ-2103 (LADA 1500) or, in a simple way, the "troika", the domestic manufacturer provided initially a new 2103 engine with a working volume of 1.5 liters, built on the basis of 2101. Also, this model used proven engines from a "penny" to 1 , 2 liters and from the VAZ-21011 by 1.3 liters. VAZ 2106 engines for the third model "Zhiguli" were produced in small circulation.

    VAZ 2103 engine

    Four-cylinder in-line carburetor power unit The 1.5-liter VAZ 2103 received an overhead camshaft, a timing chain drive and a high engine block, which allows you to install a crankshaft with an extended piston stroke.

    Zhiguli engines often “sin” with wear of the camshaft or the absence of a tensioner in the drive chain, which must be tightened every 10 thousand kilometers. If a loud knocking occurs in the engine, it will be necessary to adjust the valve clearances in order to avoid a drop in power, increased consumption fuel, valve burnout and other things.

    Also among the disadvantages of the engine for the "troika" is the need for constant adjustment and purification of CO. If the motor overheats, pay attention to the pump.

    If triple formation occurs, you need to change the compression.

    Engine tuning is possible in a wide range: from boring to compressor and turbines.

    Among motorists, the VAZ-2103 engine is in good standing, compared to other units of the line. The long service life is due to the availability of spare parts and their cheapness. With a careful attitude to the engine and timely maintenance, the VAZ-2103 will travel not 125 thousand km declared by the manufacturer, but all 180-200 thousand kilometers.

    VAZ 2106 engine

    The 1.6-liter VAZ 2106 engine became a continuation of the VAZ 2103 and, as a result, 2101. The main differences from its counterparts are in the piston with a diameter increased to 79 mm, while the engine block remained unchanged.

    There is also an injection unit 21067, which differs in the covered cylinder head from injection motor Niva-21214. Practice has shown that the "six" carburetor is more stable than the injector.

    In general, the VAZ 2106 in-line engine has 4 cylinders, an overhead camshaft and a chain drive. Despite the possible resource of up to 180-200 thousand kilometers among motorists, the VAZ-2106 is considered less reliable than the "treshka". For the safe functioning of the "" six "engine in winter, it has to be heated for at least five minutes at 1500-2000 rpm.

    The disadvantages of the VAZ-2106 include increased requirements for oil, which can affect an increase in the diameter of the cylinders. It often happens that oil consumption is a liter or more per thousand kilometers, which requires replacing rings, valves, or other things.

    Also among the minuses of the "six" is increased wear of the camshaft, engine detonation, engine knocking due to defects in piston pins or connecting rod bearings. In case of unstable operation of the carburetor engine, pay attention to the jets. A stalling engine at idle requires an air damper adjustment.

    When the engine heats up or boils, it is necessary to inspect the thermostat, radiator and the presence of air in the cooler.

    The structure of the 2106 engine is caused by improperly adjusted valves, valve burnout, spent cylinder head gasket and low-octane gasoline.

    Engine vibration is affected by worn 2106 pads, as well as an imbalance in the crankshaft and propeller shaft.

    You can add the power of the VAZ-2106 by squandering the engine by 33 mm under the piston by 82 mm, you cannot bore more, since the walls of the block become thinner.

    VAZ 21011 engine

    The 1.3-liter VAZ 21011 power unit is an improved version of the "penny" engine. The main difference is the increase in the piston diameter to 79 mm, which made it possible to add volume and successfully assemble a short piston stroke and a good cylinder diameter, which guarantee the unit high revs, modest fuel consumption and confidence on the road.

    All disadvantages of 21011 are identical to those of the 2101 engine.

    VAZ 2101 engine

    The 1.2-liter VAZ 2101 power unit has become the basis for the entire VAZ family. Unlike its prototype - the FIAT 124 engine, domestic engineers increased the center-to-center distance, which subsequently made it possible to “play” with the engine displacement, which varied from 1.2 liters to 1.8 liters.

    VAZ 2101 is an in-line carburetor unit with 4 cylinders, an overhead camshaft and a timing chain drive. Engines 1970-74 production turned out to be more reliable, since their production was controlled by FIAT specialists.

    The disadvantages of the VAZ-2101 include increased wear of the camshaft, the need to constantly adjust the valve clearances. Oil consumption on a "kopeck" reaches 0.7 liters per 1000 km.

    Due to defects in the thermostat, the motor often heats up. Overheating of the 2101 motor is also indicated by a fan failure, a pump breakdown, and low-quality fuel.

    Smoke VAZ 2101 caused by burnout piston rings, wear of valve seals, recycling of guide bushings, etc., which will force the car to be handed over for engine overhaul. As noted by experienced owners of cars with a VAZ 2101 engine, the disadvantages of the unit can be listed and repaired endlessly.



    Engine brand

    Years of release



    Cylinder block material

    Supply system

    Carburetor / Injector

    Carburetor / Injector



    Number of cylinders

    Valves per cylinder

    Piston stroke, mm

    Cylinder diameter, mm

    Compression ratio

    Engine displacement, cubic cm

    Engine power, hp / rpm

    Torque, Nm / rpm

    Engine weight, kg

    Fuel consumption, l / 100 km (for Celica GT)
    - town
    - track
    - mixed.

    Oil consumption, gr. / 1000 km

    Engine oil





    How much oil is in the engine

    Engine resource, thousand km
    - according to the plant
    - on practice

    - potential
    - without loss of resource

    The engine was installed

    VAZ 21023
    VAZ 2103
    VAZ 21043
    VAZ 21053
    VAZ 21061
    VAZ 2107

    VAZ 2106
    VAZ 2121 "Niva"
    VAZ 21074

    VAZ 21011
    VAZ 21021
    VAZ 21033
    VAZ 21063

    VAZ 2101
    VAZ 2102
    VAZ 21035
    VAZ 21041
    VAZ 21051

    Report a bug

    Select it and press Ctrl + Enter

    The Chinese car brand Geely, together with the Swedish company Volvo, intend to launch the fifth in the line of crossovers Lynk & Co. Information about this was published on the official portal of the Chinese Ministry of Industry.

    The novelty with the index "06" has already been repeatedly discussed in the media. It was expected to be a large crossover with three rows of seats. As a result, it turns out that the sixth model in the lineup will become very compact.

    Most likely, the new product will be assembled on the CMA platform. The overall dimensions of the new crossover are:

    • length - 4.34 meters;
    • width - 1.82 meters;
    • height - 1.63 meters;
    • wheelbase - 2.64 meters.

    The power unit will be equipped with a 1.5-liter turbo engine with 177 hp. A likely transmission could be a seven-speed robotic gearbox.

    As for the design of the novelty, the corporate identity of the model line is easily guessed here. Among the differences can be noted unless the rear lights and a special "floating" roof.

    In China, the new Lynk & Co 06 will be available in 2020. There is no information about the estimated cost yet.

    As it seemed to you new crossover Swedish-Chinese development? Share your impressions in the comments.

    Former presenter automotive program Top Gear Jeremy Clarkson named the best and worst cars 2019.

    Popular automotive expert Jeremy Clarkson gave examples of the most successful and unsuccessful automotive projects of the current year. At the same time, the choice was not stopped on any particular type of car, Jeremy chose supercars, off-road cars, hot hatches, etc.

    Mr. Clarkson is an in-demand and avid car enthusiast. He is known around the world as the host of the popular Top Gear program, to which he gave a special touch. At least for this reason, his opinion is worth trusting.


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