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Types of child car seats

As many people know, children's car seats are divided into five groups. Each of them corresponds to a certain weight of the child. There is an opinion that groups are clearly tied to the age of children, but this is not entirely true. Although most children at a certain age fit into very specific weight limits, there are always non-standard cases. Therefore, when choosing a child car seat, you must be guided by many parameters: weight, age, height, etc.

According to European standards, which Russian legislation in the field of child car safety is currently guided by, there are the following categories of car seats:

  • group 0 - for children weighing up to 10 kg and under one year of age;
  • group 0+ - for children weighing up to 13 kg and up to one and a half years old;
  • group 1 - for children weighing from 9 to 18 kg and ages from one to four years;
  • group 2 - for children weighing from 15 to 25 kg and ages from three to seven years;
  • group 3 - for children weighing from 22 to 36 kg and aged six years and older.

As you can see, there are no clear boundaries between groups. This is due to the need to individually select a child car seat. In addition, there are universal chairs that can match the characteristics of several groups at once. In this case, their category is indicated by several numbers separated by a comma or hyphen, for example, group 0.0+ or ​​group 1-2-3.

The problem of choosing a seat for a child is complicated by the fact that there is a special terminology. Some types of car seats have their own names. You can even say that the term “car seat” refers to a whole class of special child restraint devices, many of which, in fact, are not seats at all. It is this terminology that will be discussed in the article. I hope that once you understand how one type of car seat differs from another, it will be easier for you to choose the most suitable model for your child.

Car seats

A car seat is a restraint device for very young children. Most often it belongs to group 0, less often you can find models corresponding to group 0+. You can also see more universal infant carriers of type 0.0+ on sale.

The special feature of the car seat is that it is designed for transporting small children in a horizontal position. Formally, a car seat is not a seat, but it belongs to special child restraint devices. Transporting children in such a device is not only permitted, but also mandatory.

Car seats can be installed both in the back seat of a car and in the front seat. In any case, they must be secured strictly against the direction of travel. This is explained by the fact that a child under the age of one year has a disproportionately heavy head and a weak neck. Therefore, if the infant carrier is installed in the direction of travel, the child may be injured in a frontal impact. There are also models designed for installation only in the rear seat, perpendicular to the direction of travel.

The car seat may have a molded plastic body. It may also have a metal frame. An integral part of this device is the soft upholstery, which not only makes the ride more comfortable for the baby, but also additionally protects it in the event of an impact. This cradle is attached to the seat using standard seat belts, and in order to better protect the baby, it has additional belts.

The car seat can also be used outside the car. It can be used as a carrier (for this purpose the cradle can be equipped with built-in or removable handles) or a cradle that can be rocked; The car seat can also be installed on the chassis, after which it turns into a stroller. Therefore, when buying a car cradle for a baby, you need to keep in mind that a model that is too heavy will be uncomfortable to carry in your hands.


Carriers most often fall into the 0+ category and are designed for babies who can already sit up independently. This device is similar to a car seat in that it can be used independently of the car. But, as is clear from the name itself, the carrier is not intended to be attached to a chassis and turned into a stroller. It can only be carried by hand. Often such a car seat has an arched base, thanks to which it can easily turn into a kind of rocking chair for a small child. Many models are equipped with a reclining backrest with adjustable tilt.

On sale you can find both universal carriers that are secured using standard seat belts, and models designed for installation using the Isofix (European standard) and LATCH (American standard) systems. Also, the carrier must be equipped with additional internal seat belts. The universal car carrier can be installed on both the front and back seats. But in any case, it must be secured only against the direction of the vehicle. If there are no other adults in the car besides the driver, it is more appropriate to place the carrier in the front seat. This will make it easier for the driver to look after the baby.

When using this type of car seat, you need to remember that it is not healthy for small children to sit for long periods of time. It is advisable that the travel time in a carrier chair does not exceed 1.5 hours. If the trip is expected to be longer, it is better to use a car seat.

Car seats

In a narrow sense, a car seat is a special child restraint device equipped with a backrest. Car seats are designed for children who can sit up independently. These devices belong to groups 1, 2, 3.

A classic car seat is usually designed to protect against a frontal impact. Since many accidents on the road are associated with side impacts, a number of manufacturers produce car seats equipped with additional protection: armrests, head protection. For many models, the backrest can be adjusted. The device with an adjustable back allows you to provide the child with significant greater comfort Unlike a regular car seat, the backrest of which is not adjustable. In such a chair, for example, a child can sleep peacefully during a long trip.

The classic car seat is installed on backseat car, although if necessary, car seats of groups 1 and 2 can be placed on front seat. They should only be installed facing the direction of travel. In most cases, the seat is secured using standard seat belts. There are also special fastening systems that some cars are equipped with: these are the already mentioned Isofix and LATCH.

Group 1 seats are equipped with internal belts that secure the child. A table can also be used, which is simultaneously used for play purposes and holds the child in a chair. In models belonging to groups 2 and 3, there are no internal belts; standard seat belts are used to protect the child. It is for this reason that most devices of the second and third groups are combined into a single group. In this case, they are labeled as car seats 2 and 3.


Many parents complain that they have to buy a car seat more than once. Children grow, their weight increases with age. This means that sooner or later, a moment will come when a child grows out of an old chair in the same way as he grows out of old clothes. Therefore, parents throw away their used child seat and go to choose a new one. The choice is not always easy, and besides, the child also does not want to part with the seat to which he is accustomed. In addition, some children do not perceive the very fact of riding in a chair well, and you have to spend time and nerves accustoming them to a new acquisition.

To save money and not quarrel with your child by forcing him to endure a new, unusual car seat, you can go the other way. There are transformable children's car seats. They differ from regular models in that their sizes can be adjusted. The transformer will grow with the child until he reaches the age at which he can completely stop using any child restraint devices.

To ensure that children continue to feel comfortable as they grow up, several methods are used. Firstly, the chair may have a special insert that is simply removed when the child grows out of it. Secondly, there may be a backrest that can be adjusted in height. You can also adjust the height of the headrest, remove the side protection, and unfasten the armrests. By the way, adjusting the size of a transforming chair can serve a good purpose in winter, when the child is wearing a lot of warm clothes.


It’s also difficult to call a booster a chair, since it consists of one seat without a backrest. It is usually used for older children. It is quite difficult to unequivocally answer the question of when a child can be transferred from a regular car seat to a booster seat. The following criteria can be specified:

  • The top of the child's head is high above the back of the car seat;
  • The child is able to sit with his back parallel to the back of a standard car seat and not slide down.

A booster seat is an additional seat that is installed in the back seat of a car. It is secured with a standard seat belt in such a way as to lift the child. In turn, the same standard seat belt is placed on the child’s chest. If the belt goes above the chest (for example, across the throat), this is a clear sign that the child is not yet old enough to use the booster. Some models have a special lock with which the seat belt is adjusted.

There are models of transformable car seats that, if necessary, turn into a booster. To do this, simply disconnect the backrest.

The main disadvantage of the booster, which is why many do not recommend using it, is that it is not designed for a side impact. A seat belt holding a child will only protect him from a frontal impact, since the booster has no backrest, side protection, or head protection. The only thing a child seat can be equipped with is armrests, but their purpose is only to increase comfort. No protective function they don't carry.

It is also worth considering that not all children are able to sleep while sitting on a booster. So these devices are not very suitable for long trips. The exception is vehicles that have a reclining rear seat backrest.

Unlike many other types of car seats, a booster seat is relatively lightweight. It is easy to install, you can take it out of the car and hide it in the trunk. Fun fact: It is often noted that, unlike traditional car seats, booster seats rarely attract burglars.

Often, parents suddenly find out that in winter the child, dressed in many warm clothes, does not fit into the car seat that fit him in warmer weather. In this case, the booster can also become in a good way solve this problem.

And, of course, the average booster seat costs significantly less than the average car seat.

Car seat – simple and reliable way keep your child safe while traveling by car.
Since all cars are designed for adults, small passengers require safety aids, which are car seats.

Their importance is difficult to overestimate, and numerous crash tests, as well as experience from real accidents, prove that car seats are really capable of protecting a child during an accident.

The law requires the use of a car seat until the age of 12.

However, for a car seat to effectively fulfill its role, it must be chosen correctly. Car seats are divided into groups according to the age and weight of the child.

There are 6 main groups car seats:

  • 0 (0-10 kg),
  • 0+ (0-13 kg),
  • 1 (9-18 kg),
  • 2 (15-25 kg),
  • 2/3 (15-36 kg),
  • 3 – boosters(22-36 kg)

They can be combined and form 3 more subgroups:

  • 0/1 (0-18 kg),
  • 1/2 (9-25 kg),
  • 1/2/3 (9-36 kg)

Combined categories differ from the main ones in that they are able to transform, adapting to the parameters of a growing child. However, the choice of a specific car seat depends on the preferences of the parents, since each of these groups has its own characteristics.

Category 0

This bassinets-car seats, which are intended for babies from birth to about one year or until they reach a weight of 10 kg.
Suitable for premature babies, because they have a flat, hard bottom.

Car seats are always installed in the back seat.
The baby is secured in the cradle with internal five-point seat belts, and the cradle itself is secured with standard car harnesses.

This position is the safest for a child during a road trip.

Category 0+

Car seats in this category also perform carry function, as they are equipped with a comfortable handle.
They are often included in 3-in-1 strollers and can be attached to the chassis of the stroller of the corresponding model. Car seats of zero group facing the direction of the car.

To ensure that the chair is fixed as securely as possible, it is better to use a special database, and not just standard car belts. Car seat base provides effective fixation and makes installation and removal of the car seat easier.

In car seats “zero plus”, as a rule, Provides a soft insert for the baby, which contributes to additional protection of the child.

Car seat 0+ has a convenient carrying handle

Category 1

Car seats that belong to group 1 are intended for babies from 1 year when the child can already sit independently, up to 3-4 years. These models are already chairs, and not cradles or carriers.

When purchasing a single car seat, make sure that its backrest is adjustable in several positions: In addition to “sitting,” there should also be “reclining” and lying down.”, especially if you have to travel with your child often and far.

“Units” are also installed in the back seat of the car, but in the direction of travel.
Internal 3- or 5-point harnesses hold the child, and standard seat belts hold the seat itself.

Category 2

Armchairs designed for children from 3 years to 7, however, this model is not very popular and is extremely rare, since car seat manufacturers combine “two” and “three”.

Category 2/3

It is especially popular because it is intended for children from 3-3.5 years to 12.

2/3 are convertible car seats
Gradually, the headrest of the chair rises and the side protection extends so that the child can feel free and comfortable.

In addition, this group does not have internal belts and child wearing a car seat belt.

The seat height of the car seat ensures the correct passage of the seat belt - over the shoulder and chest of the small passenger.

This is very important, because as the child grows, the belts pass through the stomach and neck, which poses a danger during movement.

A group 2/3 car seat is installed at the rear in the direction of travel of the car.

Installation on the front seat is acceptable, provided that the airbag is disabled, but this does not apply to all models, so first of all, carefully read the instructions.

Category 3

This category does not include car seats, but special seat cushions - boosters.

Some chairs of group 2/3 can be transformed into boosters: the back is removed and only the lower part remains, but there are a sufficient number of boosters.

It is believed that they can be used from 4 years old, however, this is not advisable because they do not provide sufficient security.

It is best to install a booster after the child no longer fits in a group 2/3 car seat.

The boosters have a rigid body and small armrests for a comfortable fit.. The child is held in place by standard car seat belts.

A booster seat, or category 3 car seat, is intended for teenagers. Ensures seat belts are positioned correctly

Car seats that belong to the combined categories, as already mentioned, are transformers. Combining the characteristics of several groups allows use the car seat for a long time, which is much more practical and convenient than buying a car seat of a specific category. But the choice in any case remains with the parents.

Car seats that fall into combination categories are transformers, which adapt to the parameters of a growing child.

When buying a car seat, you should pay attention, in addition to the group, to several important factors that are common to all these safety devices.

Fixation in the car

All car seats are secured with standard seat belts, but they are considered the safest models equipped with Isofix system.

These are special retractable arms that connect to the corresponding mounts in the car. Isofix is ​​not available in every car, but this system can be installed in specialized showrooms. It provides simple, and most importantly correct installation car seats.

The Isofix system ensures a secure fit of the car seat and makes installation easier

For seats not equipped with Isofix, it is advisable to use special bases. Some models have an additional support on the floor for the most reliable fixation of the safety device.

For ease of installation of the car seat, you can use a special base


Car seats should not only be safe, but also practical.

Make sure the material the case is made from is hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly.
Also important, so that the fabric is breathable and provides natural air circulation– this is necessary so that the child does not get hot during the trip. It's good if the cover is removable and can be washed.


To ensure maximum child safety, the seat should be equipped with reinforced side protection for the head and torso, and for kids also have additional inserts.

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The body of the chair is usually made made of durable, impact-resistant plastic or metal.

Before purchasing a chair, look crash test results: They will help to create a clear picture about a specific model.

Adjusting the car seat

To make the little passenger comfortable, The following must be adjusted in the car seat: the backrest angle, belt tension, and in transformers also change the height of the headrest and the width of the seat.

In the right position The child's head is in the center of the headrest, a few centimeters below the top edge.
Belt tension is important so that the child does not slip out from under them and is not too constrained, especially in winter, when clothes are thicker. Make sure that the straps had soft shoulder pads.

There is a safety device on the children's goods market that is positioned as an alternative to car seats 2/3 – seat belt adapter.

This is a device that allows you to place the belts in the correct position, that is, across the chest and stomach.
However, in reality, adapters cannot be considered full-fledged security devices; moreover, they are considered dangerous for children.
They are not able to absorb the impact and keep the child in one place during a collision, which can lead to internal injuries, so it is better to choose a car seat of the appropriate group.

The adapter allows you to fix the seat belts in the correct position

The range of car seats is very wide and varies not only characteristics, but also prices.

Expensive brands include Recaro, BeSafe, Romer.
The middle is car seats from companies Jane, Bebe Confort, Kiddy,
and the most affordable products are Lorelli, Nania, Baby Design.

As you know, inexpensive does not always mean bad, so do not rush to immediately give preference to expensive brands, but remember that You can’t skimp on the safety of your own child..

Car seat - Category 0
Car seat - Category 0+ Car seat carrier – Category 0+

Child car seat - Category 1
Children's car seat - transformable
Child car seat - Category 2

Child car seat - Category 2

Nowadays, almost every family has a car. With the birth of a child, for his safety, it is urgent to purchase a car seat. This requirement is provided for by the rules traffic, but every parent will in any case take care of the safe trips of their beloved child and purchase the appropriate device.

I don’t want to think about bad things, but forewarned is forearmed. According to statistics, keeping a child in a car seat triples the chances of surviving an accident. In addition, seat belts reliably keep the baby from pranks that a concentrated driver cannot keep track of.

Car seats are attached to the car seat in two ways: using special belts, and a special rigid fastening system.

The first method is not very convenient. However, its advantage is that it can be installed on absolutely all car models. The disadvantage is the complexity of installation, weak fixation of the chair, and the impossibility of creating a durable system.

The second method is considered more reliable. The seat is installed clearly and simply using special fasteners, resulting in an ideal “car-seat” system. However, the car must be capable of installing a car seat using the ISOFIX system.

A standard classification of child car seats has been developed for different weight and age categories. To some extent, it is conditional, since children of the same age have different weights, so you need to focus on the weight indicator.

Groups of child car seats

  • Groups 0 Designed for a child weighing up to 10 kg and up to one year old. A representative of this category is a comfortable car seat from the Spanish manufacturer CasualPlay Prima Fix .

The model has an ISOFIX mount, which ensures reliable installation of the seat on the car. The backrest has four levels of inclination, which is very convenient for a growing child. The sides are covered with compacted upholstery with a shockproof effect, and the cradle handle has different positions for installation in a car, on a stroller and for hand carrying.

The seat is installed backwards, and the three-point harness reliably ensures the safety of the baby. For street walks, a voluminous visor and a waterproof cape are provided, which reliably protect the baby from rain and wind.

  • Groups 0+ and 1 chairs designed for children weighing up to 18 kg, and ages from one to four years . A representative of this group is a wonderful chair from the Italian manufacturer Chicco Oasys 1 .

This model is installed on the car using belts, that is, it is suitable for cars that are not equipped with a special system for attaching a car seat. The internal five-point seat belts have soft pads that provide the child with comfort and safety.

The comfortable headrest has six adjustable head positions, adapting to the growing baby. The backrest is adjustable with five angles and provides comfort for the child while traveling. A removable cover made of high-quality fabric provides air ventilation, which is very convenient when traveling in hot weather. The stylish Chicco Oasys 1 car seat is designed for daily trips over short distances, as well as for long trips.

  • Groups 2, 3 designed for children from three to ten years weighing up to 36 kg. However, there are universal transforming models that can be used from a year to ten years. One of the representatives of the group is the Sparco 1, 2, 3 velor car seat . This model is installed in the car using belts. The advantage of Sparco is its low weight (9 kg) and the presence of a voluminous orthopedic pillow for the health and comfort of the child.

The model has a removable cover, an adjustable headrest, and five-point seat belts. Thanks to the thick headrest and armrests, the car seat has excellent lateral protection. Modern design and three colors will allow you to choose a car seat to suit every taste.

After reviewing the range of car seats, you can decide for yourself which model to choose. However, in any case, this accessory must be of high quality, have tight sidewalls, reliable latches and buckles for seat belts, since we are talking about the health of the child. High-quality models from well-known manufacturers have special designations (ECE R44/03, R44/04), confirming European safety standards.

Baby car seat- one of the first purchases that will be needed immediately after the birth of the baby. According to Russian legislation, a child from 0 to 12 years old must be in a special seat that is suitable for his age and weight while the car is moving.

All child car seats have side protection, five-point seat belts and a special headrest. With the help of belts, parents can easily fasten and unbuckle their child without causing him discomfort. At the same time, he will not be able to get out of the chair on his own.

The headrest secures the head in the desired position. When a child sits in a car seat, his head is protected and his neck does not get tired. The lower back is well supported and the legs do not become numb. The belt holds the baby on the hips without pinching anything or injuring him.

Categories of car seats for children

The main disadvantage of car seats is their short service life. As a rule, up to the age of 12, the chair has to be changed 3-4 times, but not because it breaks, but because your baby quickly grows out of it.

Depending on the age and weight of the child, car seats are divided into the following categories:

  • Seats 0 or 0+ (from 0 to 13 kg) – a baby car seat with a handle, which is usually used up to 1 year. It is convenient to carry it from the car without waking the child. It is installed on a special platform, or simply placed on the back seat and secured with standard belts. Seats for newborns should always be installed facing the direction of the vehicle. Otherwise, the baby may injure his neck during sudden braking.
  • Group 1 (weight from 9 to 18 kg) – this chair for children from 1 year to 4 years can be used when the child learns to sit confidently. It can be installed in either a sitting or lying position. You can use the same platform that you used earlier, but before purchasing, make sure that the platform matches the model of the new chair. These seats are installed facing the direction of travel.
  • Group 2-3 (from 15 to 36 kg) - seats for an older child from 5 to 12 years old are larger in size, the child is fastened in them with car seat belts - if the child weighs more than 15 kg, the five-point belts can break.
  • Group 3 (from 22 to 36 kg) – this category is intended for children from 6 to 10 years old.

For those who are not ready to change child seats so often, there are universal models that can be used from 1 year to 12 years. But their main drawback– this is a small angle of inclination, that is, the child will be forced to ride in approximately the same position all this time. And if, while moving, you want to change the position of the chair, raise or lower it, it will be quite difficult. This option is suitable for children who do not sleep in the car, but will be inconvenient when driving long distances.

In addition, there are universal restraints that can be adjusted to the desired size as the child grows up.

If at the age of 12 a child is already cramped in a seat, then it is better to use a booster, a version of a child’s car seat without a backrest. It can be equipped with the same Isofix system or secured with standard belts. Sometimes boosters say that they can carry children over 4 years old. This is unacceptable - such models are intended only for adult children.

What should be the safest seat for a child?

Unfortunately, a high-quality and safe car seat cannot be cheap. Nice chair on average it will cost 10 thousand rubles. Car seats made in Japan and Germany are considered to be of the highest quality. Cheap ones (from 2 to 3 thousand rubles) will be too light. The plastic from which such unreliable models are made is usually of low quality. Already when purchasing, you will notice how much it bends, which means it will not protect your child in the event of a collision.

A high-quality chair should have an ergonomic shape, high sides that provide additional security. They are made of impact-resistant plastic.

The most reliable system seat mountings - isofix. It allows you to securely and firmly fasten the chair to the car seat. In this case, no seat belts are required. The seat is inserted into a special rear seat fastener.

When buying a chair, it is better to take your child with you. Place your baby in the chair and check how comfortable he is in it. The top of the head should not be higher than the headrest. If in your model, the child is fastened to the seat using a car seat belt, adjust the height of the headrest and pass the belt through special guides. The chair should not be too big, otherwise the belt will pinch your neck. It is better to tighten the straps so that two fingers fit between the baby’s shoulder and the belt.

Before placing your child in a car seat, make sure it is properly secured in the car. When installing a seat in the front seat, it is important to ensure that the vehicle does not have a front airbag. Still, remember that the safest place is the back seat on the right.


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