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Minerals- this is that part of the mineral resources that can be profitably used in the economy. For example, an iron ore deposit is most profitable to develop if the iron content in it is more than 50%. And platinum or gold is mined, even if their content in the rock is very small. People in their history have found a lot of mineral deposits and have already worked out a lot, and often causing harm to the environment. But production requires more and more raw materials and energy, so the work of geologists does not stop. Specialists from various industries are looking for new technologies for the extraction and processing of minerals located in hard-to-reach places or containing a not too high proportion of useful minerals.

Comparing a map showing mineral deposits with a map of the structure of the earth's crust (Fig. 23), one can see, firstly, that minerals have been found on all continents, as well as at the bottom of the seas near the coasts; secondly, the fact that minerals are distributed unevenly and their set on different territories is different.

Rice. 23. The structure of the earth's crust

For example, in Africa, which is an ancient platform with numerous basement outcrops, there is a huge amount of minerals. Deposits of ores of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals (name which ones, having studied the legend of the map), as well as gold and diamonds, are confined to the shields of the platform.

Ore minerals are most often confined to shields of ancient platforms and ancient folded areas.

Place of Birth oil And natural gas associated with plates of ancient and young platforms, sea shelves, foothills or intermountain depressions.material from the site

Comparing the location of the shields of ancient platforms and the location of ore minerals on other continents, one can find approximately the same picture. In addition, ore minerals, of course, are in the mountains - igneous and metamorphic rocks also occur there. Mining is carried out mainly in the more ancient ruined mountains, because those igneous and metamorphic rocks that contain ore minerals are located closer to the surface. However, in the Andes, the richest deposits of non-ferrous metals are being developed, primarily copper and tin.

The value of fuel minerals - gas, oil, coal - in the modern world is colossal. Areas of the world rich in oil and gas reserves: Western Siberia, the North Sea, the Caspian Sea, the coast of the Gulf of Mexico in North America, the Caribbean coast in South America, foothill troughs of the Andes and the Ural Mountains.

The variety of conditions in which the formation of minerals took place led to their uneven distribution over the Earth. However, a certain regularity in their distribution still exists. A thick layer of sedimentary rocks accumulates on the flat areas formed on the platform's inactive areas, and conditions are created for the formation of minerals of sedimentary origin, including energy ones: gas, oil, coal. In folded areas, earthquakes and volcanism result in the formation of igneous minerals. You already know about the existence of such a pattern in the distribution of minerals. However, you must remember that violations of this pattern are quite often observed: in the mountains, in addition to ore minerals, coal, oil and gas are found, and on the plains - iron ore, non-ferrous metal ores.

Combustible minerals are confined to the sedimentary cover of the platforms, foothill troughs, intermountain depressions and shelf sedimentary strata. Different metals are confined, as a rule, to folded areas and to ledges of the crystalline basement within platform areas. Each epoch of folding is characterized by its own type of ore deposits. There are non-metallic minerals both on the plains and in the mountains.

Russia is among the top ten countries in terms of reserves of natural gas, oil, amber, gold, nickel, iron, potash and table salt, platinum, and diamonds. But one thing is large reserves, and another is the level of mining, which depends on a number of factors: the availability of the deposit, the need, the technical conditions of production, the availability of financial resources. Therefore, reserves and production are two different numbers, and a country can lead in terms of reserves of some mineral, but lag behind in its production or not develop it at all.

In the European part, there are mainly non-metallic and combustible minerals: coals of the Pechora and Donets basins, oil and gas in the foothills of the Urals and in the Middle Volga region, table salt and sulfur in the Lower Volga region, phosphorites near Moscow. A lot of various building materials (sand, clay, limestone, dolomite). Iron (KMA), iron and copper-nickel ores are confined to the ledges of the crystalline basement in Karelia and on the Kola Peninsula. In the North Caucasus, in the foothill part, there are deposits of fossil fuels and polymetallic ore deposits in the mountainous part.

The Urals is famous for its ornamental and precious stones (malachite, jasper, amethysts, corundum, beryls) and various metals (iron, nickel, copper, manganese, gold, platinum), including rare earths. In the Middle Ob - oil deposits, in the south of Western Siberia - coal. Deposits of non-ferrous and precious metals are concentrated in Eastern and North-Eastern Siberia (copper-nickel ores with platinoids of Norilsk, gold of the Aldan shield and Transbaikalia, tin of the Yano-Indigirskaya lowland, uranium of the Chita region, diamonds of Yakutia). In the Far East, mainly metallic minerals are concentrated: tin ores and polymetals in Primorye, gold in Chukotka, Kolyma, the Lower Amur region, copper-nickel ores in Kamchatka, platinum in the Khabarovsk Territory. In the intermountain depressions there are small deposits of coal. On the shelf of the Okhotsk and Bering Seas - oil (industrial production is carried out off the coast of Sakhalin). Sulfur sources have been discovered in Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. Large oil reserves on the shelf of the Caspian, Barents and Kara Seas.

Extraction and primary processing of mineral resources is included in the primary sector of the economy (mining and processing industry). Consumers are industries such as metallurgy, fuel industry, chemistry and petrochemistry, construction industry.

Mineral resources are non-renewable, so they must be used rationally: extract as many useful components from ore as possible, reduce losses during mining and processing.

Oil and gas fields (Volga-Ural oil and gas region, fields in Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, Great Britain, underwater fields of the North Sea); a number of oil fields are confined to the Neogene deposits of foothill and intermountain troughs - Romania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Italy, etc.

Large deposits in Transcaucasia, on the West Siberian Plain, on the Cheleken Peninsula, Nebit-Dag, etc.; in areas adjacent to the coast of the Persian Gulf contains about 1/2 of the total oil reserves of foreign countries (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq, southwest Iran). In addition, oil is produced in China, Indonesia, India, Brunei. There are deposits of combustible gas in Uzbekistan, on the West Siberian Plain in the countries of the Near and Middle East.

In tectonic depressions filled with strata of sedimentary rocks, deposits of coal, various salts, oil and gas strata were formed. This is the "Carboniferous axis of Europe" - the coal basins of Russia, deposits on the Great Chinese Plain, in the depressions of Mongolia, Hindustan and some other areas of the mainland.

Deposits of hard and brown coal are being developed - Donetsk, Lvov-Volyn, Moscow, Pechersk, Upper Silesian, Ruhr, Welsh basins, Karaganda basin, Mangyshlak peninsula, Caspian lowland, Sakhalin, Siberia (Kuznetsk, Minusinsk, Tunguska basin), eastern parts of China, Korea and the eastern regions of the Hindustan peninsula.

Powerful iron ore deposits are being developed in the Urals, Ukraine, the Kola Peninsula, great importance have deposits in Sweden. A large deposit of manganese ores is located in the Nikopol region. There are deposits in Kazakhstan, in the Angaro-Ilimsk region of the Siberian platform, within the Aldan shield; in China, North Korea and India.

Bauxite deposits are known in the Urals and in the regions of the East European Platform, India, Burma, and Indonesia.

Rich deposits of apatite-nepheline ores are being developed on the Kola Peninsula.

Large salt-bearing deposits of Permian and Triassic age are confined to the territories of Denmark, Germany, Poland, and France. Salt deposits are found in the Cambrian deposits of the Siberian Platform, Pakistan, and southern Iran, as well as in the Permian deposits of the Caspian Lowland.

Yakut and Indian diamonds are associated with volcanism that manifested itself on ancient platforms. Diamonds are found in the crystalline basement of ancient platforms that fell into the compression zone of the lithosphere. Squeezed, the platforms split, and the mantle substance penetrated into the cracks in the foundation. This process is called trap magmatism (or volcanism). Very high pressure in the fractures led to the formation of concentric structures - explosion pipes, or kimberlite pipes. And in them - diamonds - the hardest minerals on Earth.

The distribution of mineral resources is subject to geological laws. Minerals of sedimentary origin are found within the sedimentary cover of platforms, in foothill and marginal troughs. Igneous minerals - in folded areas, places where the crystalline basement of ancient platforms comes to the surface (or close to the surface). Fuels are of sedimentary origin, form coal and oil and gas basins (the cover of ancient platforms, their internal and marginal troughs). The largest coal basins are located on the territory of Russia, the USA, Germany and other countries. Oil and gas are intensively produced in the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Mexico, and Western Siberia.

Ore minerals include metal ores, they are confined to the foundations and shields of ancient platforms, and are also found in folded areas. Countries that stand out in terms of iron ore reserves are Russia, Brazil, Canada, the USA, Australia, and others. Often the presence of ore minerals determines the specialization of regions and countries.

Non-metallic minerals are widespread. These include: apatites, sulfur, potassium salts, limestones, dolomites, etc.

For economic development, territorial combinations of minerals are most beneficial, which facilitate the complex processing of raw materials and the formation of large territorial production complexes. The rational use of resources is important - extracting the maximum possible amount of resources, more complete processing, integrated use of raw materials, etc.

Minerals have been formed throughout the history of the development of the earth's crust, as a result of endogenous and exogenous processes. The substances necessary for the formation of minerals come in magmatic melts, liquid and gaseous solutions from the upper mantle, the earth's crust, and the earth's surface.
Magmatogenic (endogenous) deposits are divided into several groups. So, when implemented in the earth's crust and cooling of magmatic melts, magmatic deposits are formed.

Ores of chromium, iron, titanium, nickel, copper, cobalt, platinum metal groups, etc. are associated with intrusions of basic composition; ores of phosphorus, tantalum, niobium, zirconium and rare earths are confined to alkaline massifs of igneous rocks. Deposits of mica, feldspars, precious stones, ores of beryllium, lithium, and cesium are genetically related to granite pegmatites. niobium, tantalum, part of tin, uranium and rare earths. Carbonatites associated with ultrabasic - alkaline rocks are an important type of deposits in which ores of iron, copper, niobium, tantalum, rare earths, as well as apatite and micas accumulate.

Minerals. Photo: Rodrigo Gomez Sanz

Sedimentary deposits are formed at the bottom of seas, lakes, rivers and swamps, forming stratified deposits in the sedimentary rocks that contain them. Placers containing valuable minerals (gold, platinum, diamonds, etc.) accumulate in coastal deposits of oceans and seas, as well as in river and lake deposits, and on valley slopes. The weathering deposits are associated with the ancient and modern weathering crust, which is characterized by infiltration deposits of ores of uranium, copper, native sulfur and residual deposits of nickel, iron, manganese, bauxite, magnesite, and kaolin.

In the setting high pressures and temperatures that prevail in deep interiors, pre-existing deposits are transformed with the appearance of metamorphogenic deposits (for example, iron ore of the Krivoy Rog basin and the Kursk magnetic anomaly, gold and uranium ores of South Africa) or are formed again in the process of metamorphism of rocks (deposits of marble, andalusite, kyanite, graphite, etc.).

Our country is rich in various minerals. Certain regularities can be traced in their distribution throughout the territory. Ores were formed mainly from magma and hot aqueous solutions released from it. Magma rose from the bowels of the Earth along faults and solidified in the thickness of rocks at various depths. Usually, the intrusion of magma occurred during periods of active tectonic movements, therefore, ore minerals are associated with folded areas of mountains. On the platform plains, they are confined to the lower tier - the folded foundation.

Different metals have different melting points. Consequently, the composition of ore accumulations also depends on the temperature of the magma that has intruded into the rock layers.
Large accumulations of ores are of industrial importance. They are called deposits.
Groups of closely spaced deposits of the same mineral are called mineral pools.

The richness of ores, their reserves and the depth of occurrence in different deposits are not the same. In the young mountains, many deposits are located under the thickness of sedimentary rocks crumpled into folds and it can be difficult to detect them.

With the destruction of mountains, accumulations of ore minerals are gradually exposed and are near the surface of the earth. It is easier and cheaper to get them here.

Deposits of iron ores (Western Sayan) and polymetallic ores (Eastern Transbaikalia), gold (highlands of Northern Transbaikalia), mercury (Altai), etc. are confined to the ancient folded regions.

The Urals are especially rich in various ore minerals, precious and semi-precious stones. There is a deposit of iron and copper, chromium and nickel, platinum and gold.
In the mountains of northeastern Siberia and the Far East, deposits of tin and tungsten, gold are concentrated, in the Caucasus - polymetallic ores.
Minerals platforms.

On platforms, ore deposits are confined to shields or to those parts of the plates where the thickness of the sedimentary cover is small and the foundation comes close to the surface. Iron ore basins are located here: the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA), the deposit of South Yakutia (Aldan Shield). On the Kola Peninsula there are deposits of apatite - the most important raw material for the production of phosphate fertilizers.
However, for platforms, fossils of sedimentary origin are most characteristic, concentrated in the rocks of the platform cover. Mostly these are non-metallic mineral resources. The leading role among them is played by fossil fuels: gas, coal, oil shale.
They were formed from the remains of plants and animals accumulated in the coastal parts of shallow seas and lacustrine-marsh land conditions. These abundant organic remains could accumulate only in sufficiently humid and warm conditions favorable for the increased development of vegetation.

The largest coal basins in Russia are:
- Tunguska, Lena, South Yakutsk (central Siberia)
- Kuznetsk, Kansk-Achinsk (in the marginal parts of the mountains of Southern Siberia)
- Pechorsky, Podmoskovny (on the Russian Plain)

Oil and gas fields are concentrated in the Ural part of the Russian Plain. From the Barents coast to the Caspian Sea, in Ciscaucasia.
But the largest oil reserves - in the bowels of the central part of Western Siberia - Samotlor and other gas - in its northern regions (Urengoy, Yamburg, etc.)
In hot dry conditions, salts accumulated in shallow seas and coastal lagoons. In the Cis-Urals, in the Caspian region and in the southern part of Western Siberia, there are large deposits of them.

1. Lithospheric plates, platforms and geosynclines.

2. Orogenic folding:

– Baikal folding;

– Paleozoic (Caledonian, Hercynian) folding;

– Cimmerian (Mesozoic) folding;

- Cenozoic folding.

3. Minerals.

Lithospheric plates, platforms and geosynclines

Most of the territory of Russia is located within the lithospheric Eurasian plate. The largest plains of Russia lie on it: the East European (Russian), West Siberian and Central Siberian plateaus. Mountains are located along the outskirts of the lithospheric plate, in the east the Eurasian plate is bordered by the North American plate, which has recently joined it, and the now breaking off Sea of ​​Okhotsk and Amur plates. These three lithospheric plates separate the Eurasian plate proper from the Pacific one, with which it interacts (subduction zone).

If we compare the physical map of Russia with the tectonic one, it can be seen that the plains correspond to platforms, and the mountain systems correspond to areas of folding. Strictly speaking, there are no areas on the territory of Russia that would not undergo folding. But in some places, folding ended long ago (in the Archean or Proterozoic), and such territories are ancient platforms. In other places, folding proceeded later - in the Paleozoic, and young platforms formed there. In the third regions, folding has not ended even now; these areas are called geosynclines.

Platforms are stable vast areas of the earth's crust, with small elevation fluctuations and relatively little mobility. On the territory of Russia there are two ancient platforms: the East European (Russian) and the Siberian platform. Both platforms, as usual, have a two-tier structure: a crystalline basement and a sedimentary cover.

The East European Platform is bounded in the east by Paleozoic folding, in the south by the young Scythian Plate, in the north it reaches the shelf of the Barents Sea, in the west it extends beyond Russia. In the north-west and west of the platform, the foundation itself comes to the surface, forming shields: the Baltic Shield and the Ukrainian Shield (which lies outside Russia).

The platform space without shields is called the Russian plate. The thickest sedimentary cover lies on the Caspian syneclise (trough) - up to 15-20 km, and the smallest thickness of the cover is in the region of the Voronezh anticlise (the thickness of the sedimentary cover is several hundred meters).

The Siberian platform lies entirely within Russia and, within its boundaries, almost completely corresponds to the Central Siberian Plateau. The ancient foundation of the Siberian platform also comes to the surface in two places in the form of the Anabar shield and the vast Aldan shield in the southeast. The rest of the platform is represented by the Lena-Yenisei plate, the thickest sedimentary cover reaches in the Tunguska and Vilyui syneclises (the thickness of sediments is 8-12 km). In addition, in the area of ​​the Tunguska syneclise and its neighboring territory, platform trap magmatism, represented by lava covers (Yakutian traps), manifested itself in the Permian, and then in the Triassic.

Geosynclines are linearly elongated areas of high mobility, strongly dissected, with active volcanism and a thick layer of marine sediments. All continents in their development have passed the stage of geosynclines. At the final stage of development, folding took place, accompanied by vertical movements, intrusions, and, in some places, volcanism. The most ancient folded areas were formed in the Archean and Proterozoic and now represent a rigid crystalline foundation of ancient platforms.

Orogenic folding

Baikal folding

Baikal folding occurred in the Late Proterozoic. The structures created by her were partly included in the foundation of the platforms and are adjacent to the outskirts of the ancient platforms. They outline the Siberian platform from the north, west and south: the Taimyr-Severozemelskaya, Baikal-Vitim and Yenisei-East-Sayan regions. The Timan-Pechora region is located on the northeastern outskirts of the East European Platform.

Paleozoic (Caledonian, Hercynian) folding

Caledonian folding appeared in the early Paleozoic. As a result of the Caledonian folding, structures were created in the Western Sayan, Kuznetsk Alatau, Salair and Altai.

The Hercynian folding appeared in the Late Paleozoic. It was the final one in the vast expanse of Western Siberia, and later formed into a young plate with a Meso-Cenozoic cover. The thickness of the cover ranges from several hundred meters to 8-12 km in the north of the plate. The Ural-Novaya Zemlya region, as well as the Mongolian-Okhotsk zone, formed into the Hercynian folding.

Cimmerian (Mesozoic) folding

This folding was formed in the Mesozoic. It created the Verkhoyansk-Chukotka folded region (Verkhoyansky Ridge, Chersky Ridge, Kolyma Upland, Koryak Upland, Chukotka Upland), as well as the structures of the Amur Region and Sikhote-Alin.

Cenozoic folding

Cenozoic, or Alpine, folding proceeded in the Cenozoic and is not widespread in Russia. These are the mountain structures of Sakhalin, Kamchatka and Kurile Islands. This zone is characterized by intense volcanic activity and increased seismicity. The Cenozoic folding also includes the Caucasus and the Crimean Mountains, which are part of a single Alpine-Himalayan fold belt, which was formed when the Eurasian plate approached the African-Arabian plate.


Mineral deposits are connected with the history of the geological development of the territory. Ore minerals were formed mainly from magma that penetrated into the earth's crust. Accordingly, ore minerals are confined mainly to folded areas (mountain belts). Where magmatic activity manifested itself in the early stages of the development of the belt, basic and ultrabasic igneous rocks predominate: copper-nickel, titanium-magnetite, cobalt, chromite ores and platinum. At the final stage of development, granitoid magma is formed: lead-zinc ores, rare-metal (tungsten-molybdenum), tin, etc., as well as gold and silver. Mercury ores are associated with deep faults. The most rich in ores are the regions of the Ural-Mongolian belt (especially the Urals), the Pacific belt and the Mediterranean (in particular, the Caucasus) belt.

Within the platforms, ore minerals are confined to the folded base; foundation. Therefore, their deposits are known in the areas of shields and some anticlises: the Baltic shield, the Aldan shield, the Voronezh anticlise. These are mainly iron ores and gold. With platforms, more precisely, with their sedimentary covers, mainly combustible minerals are associated: oil, gas, coal and brown coal, oil shale. Huge reserves of natural gas and oil are confined to the sedimentary cover of the West Siberian Plate, coal - to the cover of the Siberian Platform. Deposits of rock and potassium salts, phosphorites, as well as bauxites of iron and manganese ores are associated with the sedimentary cover of the platforms. During the period of marine transgressions (sea advances), iron and manganese ores and phosphorites were formed. With a stable position of the sea, the formation of oil, gas, limestones took place. During regressions (retreats of the sea), salt strata accumulated in areas of arid regions, and coals formed on wetlands in humid conditions.

In terms of reserves of coal, oil, natural gas, iron ore, rock salt, Russia occupies one of the leading places in the world. The main oil and gas reserves are located in the West Siberian oil and gas province (Tyumen and Tomsk regions), in the Volga-Ural province (the republics of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Udmurtia, Perm Territory, Saratov, Samara, Orenburg and some other regions), the Timan-Pechora province (Komi Republic, including the shelf of the Barents and Kara Seas), as well as in the oil and gas region of the North Caucasus a (Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Chechnya) and Eastern Siberia, including the Far East (Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Vilyui River basin (Republic of Sakha) and Sakhalin Island).

The main coal basins in Russia are: the Kuznetsk basin (Kemerovo region), the Kansk-Achinsk basin (Kemerovo region and Krasnoyarsk Territory), the Pechora basin (Komi Republic), the South Yakutsk basin (Sakha Republic). In addition, there is coal in the Rostov region (eastern part of the Donbass), in the southern Urals, in the Irkutsk region, on Sakhalin, brown coal in the Moscow region.

Iron ores are mainly concentrated in the European part and in the Urals. The largest is the KMA basin (Kursk, Belgorod, Voronezh regions). Iron ores, magnetite and titanomagnetite are found in the Murmansk region and in Karelia, in the Urals (Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk regions, Perm Territory). In the Urals, iron ore deposits have developed significantly. In Western Siberia, there are iron ore deposits in Gornaya Shoria (Kemerovo region) and Gorny Altai, Eastern Siberia (in the Angara region, Kuznetsk Alatau, Khakassia and Transbaikalia). Iron ore is also known in the south of Yakutia and the south of the Far East.

Large deposits of copper ores have been explored in the Urals, the North Caucasus, Eastern Siberia (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Chita Region), and in the Murmansk Region.

Lead-zinc (polymetallic) ores are concentrated in Western Siberia ( Altai region), Eastern Siberia (Transbaikalia), in Primorsky Krai.

Nickel deposits are located in the Murmansk region, in the Urals (Chelyabinsk and Orenburg regions) and in the Norilsk region. Tin is concentrated in the Far East (ridges - Lesser Khingan, Sikhote-Alin, southern Primorye, the Yana River).

Aluminum ores (bauxites, nephelines, alunites) are located in the Urals, in the Leningrad, Arkhangelsk regions, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republic of Buryatia, in the Murmansk, Kemerovo, Irkutsk regions.

Magnesium ores are found in the Urals and in the Eastern Sayans.

Gold deposits - the Urals, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Irkutsk and Magadan regions, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), etc. Platinum ores are located on the Kola Peninsula, in the Urals, in the Norilsk ore region.

Diamonds are concentrated mainly in Yakutia.

Phosphorites and apatites are located on the Kola Peninsula. There are phosphorites in the Kirov, Moscow, Leningrad regions, in Gornaya Shoria, in the Far East.

Potassium salts occur in the Perm Territory.

There is sulfur in the Samara region, Dagestan, the Khabarovsk Territory, in the Urals.

Table salt is available in the Urals, in the Lower Volga region, in the Irkutsk region.

Asbestos occurs in the Urals, in Buryatia.

Our country occupies one of the first places in the world in terms of reserves of many minerals (and first in terms of natural gas reserves). In the case of the ancient platform, there are various minerals of sedimentary origin. Limestone, glass and construction sand, chalk, gypsum and others are mined on the Central Russian and Volga Uplands. and oil is produced in the basin (Komi Republic). There are in (to the west and south of Moscow) and (including phosphorites).

They are confined to the crystalline foundation of ancient platforms. Their reserves are especially large in the area of ​​the Kursk magnetic anomaly, where ore High Quality mined in quarries.

A variety of ores are confined to the shield. These are (in the Murmansk region - Olenegorskoe and Kovdorskoe, and in - Kostomukshskoe), copper-nickel ores (in the Murmansk region - Monchegorskoe). There are also deposits of non-metallic minerals - apatite-nepheline ores (near Kirovsk).

It still remains one of the important iron ore regions of Russia, although its reserves are already heavily depleted. Siberia and are rich in iron ores.

Deposits of copper ores are concentrated mainly in the Urals, on (copper ores), as well as in the mountains of southern Siberia. In the area of ​​development of deposits of copper-nickel ores, as well as cobalt, platinum and other metals in the north, a large city of the Arctic - Norilsk has grown.

Siberia and the Far East are exceptionally rich in ore and non-ore regions of the Russian Federation.

The granite intrusions of the Aldan shield are associated with reserves of gold (placer deposits in the basins of the Vitim and Aldan rivers) and iron ores, mica, asbestos and a number of rare metals.

Industrial diamond mining is organized in Yakutia. Tin ores are represented in the Yanek Highlands, in the Pevek region, in the Kolyma Highlands, in the Far East (Dalnegorsk). Polymetallic ores are widely represented (Dalnegorsk, Nerchinsk deposits, etc.), copper-lead-zinc ores (in Ore Altai), etc.

Deposits of non-ferrous metals are also found in the Sadonskoye lead-pink deposit (Republic of North Ossetia) and tungsten-molybdenum in Tyrnyauz (Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria).

Of the deposits and areas of distribution of raw materials for (non-metallic) it should be noted: Kingiseppskoye in the Leningrad region and Vyatka-Kamaskoye in the Kirov region (phosphorites), in the lakes Elton, Baskunchak and Kulundinskoye, as well as in Usolye-Sibirskoye (table salt), Verkhnekamskoye deposit - Solikamsk, Berezniki (potash salt) and others.

In the 1940s, oil and gas fields and the Cis-Urals began to be developed (Romashkinskoye, Arlanskoye, Tuymazinskoye, Buguruslanskoye, Ishimbaiskoye, Mukhanovskoye, etc.), and then the deposits of the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province in the north-east of European Russia (Usinskoye, Pashninskoye, gas condensate - Voyvozhskoye, Vuktylskoye). It was only in the 1960s that the deposits of the West Siberian Basin, which is now the largest region of oil and gas production in Russia, began to be quickly developed.

The largest gas fields of Russia (Yamburgskoye, Urengoyskoye, Medvezhye, Balakhninskoye, Kharasaveyskoye, etc.) are concentrated in the north of Western Siberia (Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug), and oil fields (Samotlorskoye, Megionskoye, Ust-Balykskoye, Surgutskoye and other fields) are concentrated in the middle part of the West Siberian region (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug). From here, oil and gas are supplied through pipelines to other regions of Russia, neighboring countries, as well as to states.

There is also oil in Yakutia, it is being produced on the island of Sakhalin.

IN last years new fields were discovered in the Russian Federation: natural gas on the shelf (Shtokmanovskoye), gas condensate - on the shelf (Leningradskoye), oil - on the shelf of the Pechora Bay, etc.

In Russia there are almost all types of minerals.


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