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Why is it so important to use only properly inflated tires? The condition of the wheelbase affects not only fuel consumption, but also the safety of the driver and passengers while driving. The pressure in the tires "Renault Duster", "Logan" or "Sandero" must always be within the normal range. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates such indicators on the car itself - in the area of ​​the door on the driver's side or in the place of the refueling tank.

Car tire pressure measurement

In addition to the fact that with correctly inflated tires, the car will be correctly and carefully operated, the correct use of the entire chassis of your Renault Logan or Duster will be ensured. By the way, this rule applies to all vehicles.

Renault Logan auto tire pressure table

How to measure pressure correctly

Tire pressures cannot be determined by eye. Outwardly, you can only notice any deformation on the tire itself. This will only work if the vehicle is systematically used with the wrong air / tire ratio. Then a variety of deformations are formed on the tread.

It is possible to accurately measure the pressure in the chassis of a Renault Logan or Duster (this can also include Sandero and Scenic) only with the help of special pressure gauges. By the mechanism of operation, the following types of this equipment are distinguished:

  • turnout;
  • electronic.

Mechanical tire pressure gauge for car

The most accurate among these devices are considered to be electronic. The error here is no more than 0.05 bar. If you do not plan to perform such procedures systematically, you can use a mechanical type of apparatus. True, such devices can be called accurate only at a stretch.

Recommended literature for the repair and maintenance of Renault Logan 2:

RENAULT LOGAN II petrol from 2014 onwards, repair manual

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RENAULT LOGAN 2 petrol from 2014 onwards, repair manual

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RENAULT LOGAN 2 / DACIA LOGAN 2 / LOGAN MCV petrol / diesel since 2012

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RENAULT LOGAN gasoline since 2005, + restyling 2010

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Please note that in winter it is better to measure the pressure only with an electronic pressure gauge. Other types of devices may show incorrect results.

Standard pressure in the wheels of a Renault Sandero car

Pressure standards for Renault

This vehicle brand is quite distinctive. It is impossible to inflate tires "for all occasions" here. Based on the requirements that are spelled out in the operating manual. The pressure in the tires "Renault Logan" ("Duster", "Scenic") should be as follows:

  • if the diameter of the discs is 14 cm - 2.0 kgf / cm²;
  • with a diameter of 15 cm - 2.1 kgf / cm²;
  • at maximum load, add 0.2 kgf / cm² to the indicators;
  • when using a loaded trailer - increase by 0.8 kgf / cm²;
  • when driving on sandy terrain, the pressure must be reduced, but not more than to 1 kgf / cm².

Table with standard tire pressure for Renault Scenic cars

You should also take into account that when moving on snow or wet road indicators should not change.

Specialists at the service station will not only check correct pressure in the tires of your "Logan" or "Duster", but also pump up or lower it to an optimal state. There you can also find out exactly what pressure is correct for a particular brand of car.

If you plan to travel long distances, it is better to measure the pressure before the start of the trip or after at least 3 hours have passed since the vehicle has come to a complete stop.

Correct pressure measurement

It is necessary to measure the pressure on Renault Logan (this also applies to Duster, Scenic). Taking into account the following conditions:

  • only in the "cold" state of the car (for the last 3 hours, the mileage is not more than 1.5 km);
  • the tires must be cold.

Also note that you need to take readings from all 4 wheels. Spare wheel must also be systematically tested.

Table with standard tire pressure for Renault Duster cars

Measurement process:

  • the protective cap is removed from the pressure gauge;
  • by means of a special button, the readings on the device are reset;
  • the device is installed on the bus;
  • by pressing the valve, readings are taken.

Based on the readings on the pressure gauge, the tire is inflated or deflated.

Checking the tire pressure of the car

The consequences of improper pressure

Why is it so important to maintain the correct tire air volume ratio? If the pressure is systematically in an incorrect state. Such negative consequences are possible:

  • fuel will be consumed inappropriately;
  • adhesion to the road surface will significantly deteriorate;
  • there is a risk that the tire will burst while driving, leading to an accident.

In addition, the chassis of the car simply deteriorates. Agree, repairing almost the entire wheelbase of a Logan or Duster will be much more expensive than buying a monometer.

If you do not have the opportunity to perform such operations yourself, you should carry out regular technical inspections of Renault Duster at the service station. The better you treat your vehicle, the longer it will last you.


In this article, we will answer the question: what are the wheels on Renault Duster... Car manufacturers have big choice... Initially, tires were chosen for this car. Viatti Bosco A / T, but then the suppliers began to change.

Standard tire size 215 / 65R16 at 685.9 mm... They are specially designed for compact crossovers, which is what the car is. Many owners expressed their opinion, and, as it turned out, the standard tires suited almost everyone, mostly there were only positive reviews... If you decide to buy a Duster, then you can be calm - "native" tires will not let you down.


The rubber compound for tires is made using a special technology called ViaMIX, which ensures excellent performance while driving a car. As mentioned above, the wheel size is 215 / 65R16... And the dimensions standard disks are: 16 × 6.5 ET50 PSD 114.3 × 5 DIA 66.1 mm.

Viatti Bosco A / T tires combine both quietness and comfort, which is a good indicator - driving better and easier.

Wheel pressure

Pressure in Renault tires Duster in the city should be 2.0, on the highway 2.1-2.2, but not more. Better to keep 2.0 all the time while having a comfortable chassis.

Other wheel sizes

When buying a car, tires and wheels are good, but if you decide to change for others, then a certain dimension will do:

  • 215 / 60R17 (689.8);
  • 215 / 70R15 (682);
  • 225 / 65R16 (698.90);
  • 235 / 60R16 (688.40);
  • 225 / 70R15 (696);
  • 225 / 60R17 (701);
  • 215 / 75R15 (703);
  • 215 / 70R16 (707).

But what about disks, then you need to select 6.5 × 15, Offset 50, PCD 5 × 114.3 with a central hole of 66.1 mm... If you are interested in the question of protecting the wheels from theft, then you can put a lock. For the price, they are not expensive and it is not difficult to install them. The spare wheel is located either inside or under the bottom of the body, outside. It depends on whether

Many of us think about tire pressure twice a year. When a tire changer, when replacing winter wheels with summer ones (or vice versa), suddenly asks: "How to swing?" How much? Everything seems to be simple - any car has a special sticker on the fuel filler flap, in the driver's door opening or on its end. She gives recommendations for almost all occasions: how much to inflate the tires depending on their size, vehicle load, and often on the season.

But it is no coincidence that the master asked for your opinion. After all, since Soviet times, "life hacks" from experienced people have been walking around garages. Rumor has it that if you pump up the tires harder, the car will roll easier and eat less fuel. Saving! And if comfort is important, so the tires need to be inflated a little, then without any tuning of the suspension the ride will become smoother.

However, for those riders who do not care about pressure at all, the "soft" option is obtained automatically. Especially now, in the offseason. Let's say you pumped up a tire in warm room or in the sun, and at night it is almost frosty now. The air in the tire "shrinks", the pressure drops. Plus, it gradually evaporates through the micropores of the rubber, especially if the wheel is not the first freshness. And the quality of the installation plays a role: the tire does not fit tightly to the rim of the disc, the valve is installed crookedly - that's the leak.

That is why automakers recommend that the driver periodically check the tire pressure himself. But there is a catch here too. Usually in the instructions you can find a very vague wording: "check regularly." And "regularly" is how? Every day? Or maybe once a month?

How often should the tire pressure be checked?

The popular in Russia Renault Duster crossover, which is undergoing a long test at the Auto Mail.Ru editorial office, acts as a guinea pig. To begin with, we drive the car to the underground office parking lot, where it stands all day at a temperature of plus 20 degrees. In the evening before leaving, we check the pressure with an accurate digital pressure gauge. Exactly 2 atm - as prescribed by the manufacturer. But Duster spent the night in an open parking lot at the entrance. In the early autumn morning, the thermometer outside the window showed only plus 7 degrees. We go out into the street, again we do froze. 1.8 atm in all wheels - a drop of two "tens"! And if the frost?

Well, well, we pumped up the tires for the season and ... forgot? Checking. Duster remains alone for a week, and when, after 7 days, the pressure gauge again stuck to the tire valves, the display showed the numbers 1.9 - 1.95 atm. In other words, regardless of temperature changes, there are losses, albeit very small.

Output. When the weather is stable, you shouldn't worry about tire pressure every day. It is quite enough to control it once every 2-3 weeks, depending on the condition and age of the wheels. But in the offseason, it is better not to lose vigilance. With warming and cold snaps, it would be nice"Check the file cabinet" more often. Let's say weekly.

This raises a reasonable question - are we driving a nuclear reactor? Why such thoroughness? Just think, 2-3 "tens" ... You won't even notice by eye. The second part of our experiment is about whether this little thing can affect the characteristics of the car.

If the tire pressure is correct

In order to assess the behavior of the car on normal, slightly deflated and over-pumped wheels, we laid a route about 80 km long in the Moscow region. At the same time, they built it with the expectation that on the way we came across a highway, and ordinary country roads, and winding sections, and city ​​traffic... We left in the afternoon, when the traffic is more even. Refueled to control fuel consumption always at the same filling station. And even at a strictly defined column - exactly to the neck.

The first circle is at the correct pressure of 2 atm. Therefore, I will not paint the habits of "Duster" again. Everything is exactly the same as it was during the first test in Romania and with the features that we managed to notice during the run across the Russian expanses. And the results are as follows. At a distance of 82.2 km, Duster, according to the onboard computer, showed an average consumption of 6.5 liters. But at the same time, 5.8 liters of diesel fuel entered the tank, that is, the electronics slightly lied, and in fact the crossover ate 7.01 l / 100 km. We will take this figure as a reference point.

If the tires are slightly flat

Now let the tires cool down and release 0.3 atm. Wow! The road is the same, but the Duster drove unsteadily. Acceleration is stringy and long, like a car pulls a trailer behind it. The steering wheel is wadded and damped - you guess the position of the front wheels rather than feel. Duster on flat tires began to keep its course worse, sway more and jump sharply away from gusts of side wind. And in the bundles of bends, I wanted to spit on everything, get out and, finally, pump up the unfortunate tires so that the car got rid of this dumb "gait".

The difference in pressure between the tires on the left and right is 0.6 atm. It is almost imperceptible to the eye, but the behavior of the car changes very seriously

But the benefits from the loss of pressure were also found. The smoothness of the ride has increased significantly. Duster already has elastic undercarriage, and here in general it turned into a featherbed - it was as if they walked along the tracks with an iron: not a seam, not a joint. In addition, nasty bumps on the steering wheel are a thing of the past.

While we were completing the previous lap, repairs began at one of the interchanges, so the second time we had to take a detour and the total mileage increased to 85. Disappointing figures are displayed on the screen of the onboard computer - 6.9 l / 100 km. "Some 3 dozen" at once increased the expense by 6.2%! True, the actual topping up showed a slightly more optimistic result. The tank included 6.3 liters of diesel fuel, that is, the real average consumption was 7.41 l / 100 km - plus 5.7%. But still, estimate the scale of the disaster. Engineers go to unthinkable tricks to make modern models more economical, but here just an oversight of tire pressure negates their efforts.

If the tires are a little inflated

The third run - we drive the extra 0.3 atm into the tires. By the way, some automakers recommend doing this when driving at high speed or at full load. Now it's clear why. The "Duster" regained its former agility during acceleration, the buildup went away, and during maneuvers, the crossover surprised with its liveliness of response. But the shaking became prohibitive, vibrations appeared on the body and seats. And the noise level rose to unpleasant, as if the restyled Duster was magically changed to the previous one. There was an error during boot.

Five conclusions from "Auto Mail.Ru"

  1. The manufacturer's recommended tire pressure is a compromise. But the trade-off is a reasonable one that should be trusted in most situations.
  2. Even small fluctuations in tire pressure have a significant effect on fuel consumption.
  3. The greater the temperature difference outside, the more often it is worth checking the tire pressure. Don't forget the spare tire! Take measurements before riding on cold wheels.
  4. Lowering the tires slightly makes sense if you have to drive on uneven roads. Do not forget to bring the pressure back to normal later!
  5. Inflated tires - for "grand tourism" on highways and for the transportation of heavy loads. There are savings in fuel, but the cost of repairing the suspension is unlikely to pay off.

How the tires are inflated affects not only ride quality, but also safety. That is why it is required to regularly check the tire pressure of Renault Duster, like any car. Obviously, driving off-road on wheels with unfilled tires can end badly. That is why it is important to know what is the tire pressure on the Renault Duster.

Which is correct

There is no framework for what is permissible, the criteria are clear. Renault Duster tire pressure should be equal to 2 atmospheres. It is also important to consider that the indicator in all wheels must be the same. Only in this case is the car considered fit for normal driving.

When wondering what pressure will be optimal, some forget about the spare wheel. Meanwhile, it should also have exactly 2 atmospheres. Knowing what pressure should be in Renault Duster tires, the car enthusiast will not get into a situation where the car, seemingly for no reason, goes out of control at the most inopportune moment.

This is not to say that this is the only option. Of course, such an indicator was set by the manufacturer, and therefore it must be reckoned with. At the same time, there are already quite a few people who make the pressure a little higher and have not yet gotten into unpleasant situations because of this. But, of course, Renault knows better what the optimal indicator should be.

Speaking about the correct pressure, it should be noted that the most important thing is that there is no difference between the right and left wheels. It is this mistake that is often the most dangerous. However, this does not mean that all other verification and adjustment rules should not be taken into account.

When to measure the level in the wheels

Correctly check before riding. Or, they do it when an hour or two has passed after that. Check the tire pressure and when the climatic conditions change, namely the air temperature. That is, in the middle lane, where the alternation of the seasons is pronounced, of course, it is necessary to check this indicator in the car tire both with the onset of cold weather and with a thaw. Then Renault Duster will always delight with handling.

An important point - check only on cooled tires. If you look at it on tires immediately after the trip, the indicator will be higher and you cannot be guided by it. It is not for nothing that automakers, when they indicate the required level in their instructions, expect that measurements will be carried out on cold tires. And Renault in this regard followed the general trend.

It is best to do this: measure, firstly, when circumstances favor it, and secondly, periodically, regardless of the presence or absence of such factors.

Even if nothing like this has happened in the external environment, this does not mean that the tires are in good condition.

It is quite possible that the car ran into a sharp object, and the driver did not even notice it. In this case, the tire could receive very minor damage, which, however, in the future may lead to a gradual decrease in the level. And this must be taken into account.

How to measure pressure correctly

It is important to know how to measure. In the case when cold weather sets in, the pressure in the wheels drops, while when the temperature of the medium rises, it will increase. Given this, it is clear what they are preparing for. With a cold snap, you will definitely have to take measures, because low pressure from any point of view is unacceptable.

Before you start measuring pressure, you must read the instruction manual. There, as on the door, you can find the standard value, which for Renault Duster, as already mentioned, is 2 atmospheres.

Now you need to perform a number of simple manipulations:

  1. Unscrew the cap from the nipple.
  2. Check the pressure in the wheel with a pressure gauge.
  3. Screw the cap onto the nipple.

At the end, a decision is made on whether to inflate the tires, leave everything as it is, or, conversely, reduce the pressure. It is better not to save on a pressure gauge, because the quality of the check will also depend on the cost and brand.

The measurements taken in the Duster are essentially the same as in most other vehicles.

It is very important that the level on all four wheels is exactly the same. Otherwise, the car will start to skid, or at least move to the side. Therefore, it is advisable to check the pressure between the wheels several times and make sure that it corresponds to normal. If you need to inflate tires, then they often do it in the open air.

Why raise the pressure on Duster

I must say right away that increasing the indicator above the norm is a controversial practice. It should be understood that over-inflated tires have worse contact with the asphalt compared to tires where the pressure is correct. And as a result, the car can get into an accident, since its braking distance can increase by several meters.

Nevertheless, there is a point of view that it is still possible to slightly increase the pressure of the Duster. The question immediately arises, why do this. The motivation is as follows: for those who have a two-liter model, with pumped tires, gasoline is saved by 5%.

This is the only reason why the owners of such cars increase the rate. It is unlikely that Renault would approve of this approach, and one must understand that, in principle, this is wrong, since safety on the road should be paramount.

However, situations are different, and if for some reason a person had to slightly increase the pressure, well, you should at least do it very carefully. It should be borne in mind that many drive with a level equal to 2.2 atmospheres, so it is better not to raise it above this indicator.

When setting up yourself, it is important not to forget about the principle of uniformity. This is true for Duster 4x4, and for models not with four-wheel drive... Not only the difference between the left and right wheels will be critical, but also between the rear and front wheels. And in no case should you postpone the pumping of the spare wheel for later, because otherwise there is a risk of simply forgetting about it and putting on a tire that does not match at all in pressure.

Correctly measured and corrected tire pressure will allow you to drive normally both in summer and winter. Autumn and spring time can be especially insidious if there is a sharp change in temperature, for example, fluctuations with a large amplitude. In such a situation, you need to check the condition of the tires every time, and this should not be done the next day after the thought of checking, but immediately.

It is necessary to measure and correct the pressure as in summer tires and in winter tires... Then the Duster will always be easy to control, and the machine will not cause the hassle and anxiety that could arise with the wrong pressure.

There is one more important point- you must always pay attention to the labeling of the tires. It talks about what the maximum load can be, and what is possible at the same time. maximum speed... It is clear that it is better to select the most durable tires, otherwise even ideal pressure may not save you.

Summing up

To summarize, with the tires flat, the car skids when braking and it is possible that the wheel will be unlocked. With over-pumped tires, there is a risk of not being able to brake in time. Finally, if the level in different tires is different, the car will not handle properly on the road, for example, it will constantly deviate from the course. At first, this may be imperceptible or very slightly, but even in this case, you need to immediately take action.

Finally, it is worth saying that the tire pressure in Renault Duster must be checked regularly. In this case, it will be possible to avoid dangerous and tragic situations on the road, which can easily arise if this simple but so important rule is not followed. If the pressure in the Duster tires is below normal, you need to immediately fix it and until that moment it is better not to drive a crossover.



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