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In this article we will tell you about the updated rules for passing the very first part of practical driving - exercises on the race track. Starting from September 1, 2016, the list of exercises for the exam at the race track will include several new exercises that will be installed for all categories of vehicles.

The updated rules for conducting exams are described by the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for conducting an exam for the right to drive a vehicle and issuing driver's license.

Let's look at new exercises on the race track when passing the driving test.

New exercises for the exam at the race track - categories “B”, “C”, “D”, subcategories “B1”, “C1”, “D1”

First, let's recall the exercises that were done before:

So, the exam includes 4 of the 5 old exercises. These exercises are already familiar and we will not dwell on them in more detail in this article. You can find out more about them in the ““ section.

New exercises for the exam on the race track:

Rotates 90 degrees. This exercise is completely new. Its purpose is for the candidate to make a left turn and then a right turn. The situation is complicated by the fact that the space for maneuvering is limited.

New snake. This exercise replaces the “old” snake, which is well known to drivers. The diagram shows that the new exercise includes only one turn to the left and to the right. Such turns need to be performed along a smooth, smooth trajectory.

Driving through a controlled intersection. This innovation will only be available for exams at automated race tracks. You will need to drive up to a controlled intersection and continue driving in the indicated direction. It is clear that during maneuvers it will be necessary to coordinate the movement with traffic lights.

Until September 2016, the inspector can choose three exercises out of five when passing the exam at the circuit. Starting September 1, this rule will change.

In order to successfully pass the exam, the driver must complete the following exercises:

  • Entering the box in reverse;
  • Stopping/starting movement when climbing;
  • Parallel parking;

In addition to these exercises, the inspector will choose two more exercises out of three:

  • New snake;
  • Turning around in confined spaces;
  • Rotates 90 degrees;

If the exam takes place on an automated racing track, you will need to go through one more exercise here:

  • Driving through a controlled intersection.

This means that from September 1, 2016, the exam on the racing track includes 5 exercises or 6 for the automated racing track.

New exercises for the exam at the race track - categories “A”, “M”, subcategory “A1”

The list of exercises has also been updated for two-wheeled vehicles:

  • Maneuvering in confined spaces, braking/stopping when moving at different speeds, including emergency stopping;
  • Parking, leaving the parking lot;
  • Stop for safe disembarkation/embarkation of passengers.

Note that all exercises used before September 2016 are combined into exercise 1:

The first exercise will consist of four parts:

  • Dimensional corridor;
  • Dimensional eight;
  • High-speed maneuvering;
  • Snake.

A specific feature of the speed maneuvering exercise is that it must be completed in a maximum of 35 seconds.

The second exercise is aimed at parking two-wheelers in reverse. Due to the fact that the motorcycle does not have a reverse gear, the driver will need to dismount when parking.

The third exercise challenges the motorcyclist to park near a curb. In this exercise, the distance to the curb should be no more than 30 centimeters.

The second and third exercises are completely new and have not been used in exams before.

New exercises for the exam on the racing track - category “E”

Significant changes have occurred with the list of exercises in categories BE, CE, C1E, DE, D1E. Let us recall that before the innovations it was necessary to complete only 2 exercises to obtain rights in these categories:

  • Positioning with the rear side to the platform;
  • Straight forward movement in reverse.
  • Reversing, maneuvering in reverse, entering the pit in reverse;
  • Coupling/uncoupling of trailer and tractor;
  • Maneuvering in confined spaces, stopping to safely disembark/embark passengers;
  • Parking the car, leaving the parking lot, parking on the loading ramp for loading.

Coupling/uncoupling of trailer and tractor (not shown in the picture). In this exercise, the driver must demonstrate that he knows how to hitch. This also includes connecting electrical equipment and connecting brakes.

Maneuvering in confined spaces, stopping to safely disembark/embark passengers involves turning the vehicle 90 degrees and stopping near the curb at a distance of no more than one meter. In such a situation, of course, you cannot drive onto the curb.

Reversing, maneuvering in reverse, entering the pit in reverse. This exercise is similar to the “Entering Boxing” exercise for category “B”. But there are also some peculiarities here:

  1. First: the box for cars of category “E” is much wider.
  2. Second: the car should be stopped from the right wall at a distance of no more than 1.5 meters and at a distance of no more than 1.5 meters from the rear (rear) wall.

Parking, leaving the parking lot, parking on the loading ramp for loading. The exercise is similar to “Parallel parking” in category “B”. The difference is that the trailer itself is parked at the loading dock. This means that the distance between the tailgate and the racks should be no more than 1 meter (for categories BE/C1E/D1E) or no more than 1.5 meters (for categories CE/DE).

In general, passing the exam at the race track in category “E” will also become more difficult. But the control skills developed during such exercises should significantly simplify the driver’s work in the future.

With this, we have covered all the updated exercises for passing the motor racing exam.

It is no coincidence that practical driving tests begin at the race track. It is important for the inspector to understand that the applicant for a driver’s license has sufficient training to drive on public roads.

That is why driving on a racetrack for beginners contains such difficult tasks as “overpass”, parallel parking and entering the pit in reverse.

Unconfident control of a training car on a race track leads to emergency situations in city conditions. Driving on the circuit eliminates those who are not ready for the next part of the test, which entails a re-exam. Experienced “old school” instructors advise sticking to a few practical advice for successful mastery of the elements:

  • Train consistently, perfecting exercises one after another. If the instructor does not teach you using the original method, explain to him that it is easier for you. Consistent presentation of material is always absorbed better and faster.
  • Comment on your actions out loud. Do not hesitate to voice upcoming or ongoing actions. You will feel the effect immediately.
  • Observe other students carefully. Notice mistakes, visualize. Ask your friends to film your training process. In a calm environment at home, review and note your pros and cons.
  • Repeat one exercise many times until it becomes completely automatic. Start with the easiest ones and gradually move on to more complex exercises.
  • Divide and conquer. This is how you start mastering the exercises, first practice individual elements, and then gradually combine them into one whole.

Important aspects of driving on the circuit

Driving on a racetrack for beginners contains an important aspect of meaningful action. The sequence of the exercise and each turn of the bullet wheel should be clear to the student. To do this, you need to theoretically analyze each exercise element by element and meaningfully remember the sequence of its implementation. This is best achieved by drawing exercises on a piece of paper and writing down the algorithm of actions when performing it.

Having perfected the sequence, you can move on to the practical implementation of the elements. The instructor must monitor the process and note all errors. Inaction reduces the effectiveness of training to zero, and the lack of information forms erroneous skills in a novice driver. The student must be aware of each of his mistakes and make efforts to correct them.

If possible, change machines during practice sessions. This will help you learn to quickly get comfortable in an unusual environment and will significantly help you in the exam.

Clothes for practical training

An important aspect is clothing for training or taking exams at the race track. Shoes should be comfortable and without heels, and the sole should be thin - this will allow you to more accurately control the degree of pressure on the car pedals. It is better to choose a compact shape for boots or sneakers, without “bells and whistles” and unnecessary edgings and straps, in order to eliminate the possibility of “clinging” to the car mats or pedals.

An ideal option would be replacement driving shoes. Outer clothing must be removed in the car. The main thing for you on the race track is not appearance, but comfort and tranquility. Wear comfortable and practical things. Try turning off your mobile phone or set it to airplane mode - this will help you fully concentrate on driving.

Exercises on the circuit

The new regulations for the practical driving test on a racing track for beginners include seven elements, of which six are taken on the automated test site, and only five on the regular test site. Literally from the first lessons at the race track you will be able to understand which exercises are easier for a novice driver and which ones are more difficult.

The scheme for passing practical driving on a motor racing track contains three mandatory exercises, the rest of the elements are chosen by the examiner at his own discretion. Required elements are:

  • Overpass – stopping and starting movement on an ascent.
  • Maneuvering in reverse - entering the pit.
  • Parking a car and leaving a parking space is parallel parking.

Confined maneuvers contain three elements:

  • The new snake consists of two smooth sequential turns: left and right. Rotate 90 degrees – new element, includes two turns.
  • A turn in which reverse gear is engaged only once.
  • You must drive through a controlled intersection following the traffic lights. This exercise can only be taken on an automated platform.

Useful video, practicing all the exercises according to the new regulations at the race track, be sure to watch:

Parallel parking,



And entering the box in reverse.

When passing the traffic police exam, you only need to pass 3 exercises. Three exercises out of three that the traffic police inspector will choose. And he can choose the following schemes:

Parallel parking - snake - overpass,

Parallel parking - U-turn - overpass,

Snake - overpass - enter the box in reverse.

To pass successfully, you must be able to perform all the exercises very well, one might say, with your eyes closed. We'll talk about this in future articles.


The platform is an overpass, i.e. an inclined surface on which the car must be stopped and then set off.

The length of the inclined surface is equal to the length of the car + 2 meters. At a distance of 1 m from the top plane of the overpass there is a stop line. When passing the exercise to the examiner, an additional chip will be installed behind the car at a distance of 0.3 meters.

What should be done:

  1. (line in front of the overpass).
  2. Drive up to the "Stop" line on the overpass and stop.
  3. Start off on an uphill slope.
  4. Drive up to the "Stop" line (the line after the overpass), stop.

Table of penalty points for the exercise "Overpass":


2. Did not fix the vehicle in a stationary state on an inclined section 5

3. Allowed a rollback when starting on an inclined section of more than 0.3 meters 5

4. Crossed the “Stop” line according to the projection of the front clearance of the vehicle 5


6. Crossed the “Stop-1? when stopping on a slope 3

7. Did not engage neutral gear after stopping with the engine running 3

8. Didn't turn it on parking brake after stopping before the stop line 3

Procedure for completing the “Overpass” exercise

2. We get moving and slowly move towards the first stop line. We stop approximately at the line. You may not get there, you cannot move.

3. When we stopped, we fix the car using the hand brake. Release the brake pedal.

4. The clutch pedal is depressed. Press the gas pedal with your right foot. At the same time, look at the tachometer on the instrument panel.

5. When the tachometer needle approaches 3000 rpm, fix the gas pedal. We begin to slowly release the clutch pedal. We look at the tachometer.

6. When the tachometer needle approaches 1000-1200 rpm, fix the clutch pedal.

7. Without changing the position of your legs, release the handbrake. Legs need to be fixed! The car starts and slowly drives towards the stop line behind the overpass.

8. We stop at the stop line behind the overpass.

The exercise is completed.

Bugs and problems:

Options in which you can don't pass"Overpass": allow the car to roll back and knock down a pole, crossing the stop line. Follow the above instructions and pass this exercise in your pocket.

Possible problem: They stalled on the climb.
Solution: Start the car and continue the exercise.

Possible problem: If you fix the car with the brake pedal, then you will not have enough dexterity and reaction speed to move your foot from the brake pedal to the gas pedal. Usually, during the transfer, the car rolls away and knocks down the pole.
Solution: Use the handbrake. This will allow you to perform the exercise calmly and steadily. Using the brake pedal is an inappropriate show-off.

Possible problem: The car began to roll away.
Solution: In this case, you need to press the brake pedal as soon as possible. After this, secure the car with the handbrake and return to step 4.


Description of the snake exercise.

The exercise area is a rectangle consisting of 4 identical sections. The length of each section is equal to 1.5 car lengths + 0.5 meters, the width is the length of the car.

When performing, you need to drive through all sections of the site along a trajectory reminiscent of the movement of a crawling snake (hence the name - "snake").

What should be done:

  1. Drive up to the "Start" line and stop.
  2. Cross the site along the path shown in the figure on the right.

Table of penalty points for the Snake exercise:

1. Knocked down elements of marking equipment or crossed the horizontal marking line of the site 5

2. Crossed the “Stop” line according to the projection of the front clearance of the vehicle 5

3. Did not engage neutral gear after stopping with the engine running 3

4. Did not apply the parking brake after stopping before the “Stop” line 3

5. The engine stalled while performing the exercise. 1

The procedure for completing the snake exercise.

First I'll give you one advice, which will significantly simplify the passing of this exercise, and the others too.

To move along the "snake" you do not need to use the gas pedal. You just need to release the clutch pedal before the start line, and press it again when approaching the stop line.

With this approach, the car will drive evenly along the snake, and all you have to do is turn the steering wheel. Agree, it is convenient and not difficult. If your car does not move only on the clutch, then there will be more problems.

Now let's talk about order of completing the exercise.

  1. We approach the start line and stop. It is better to approach the line at a right angle, because... this will make it easier to bypass the first chip.
  2. Release the clutch pedal all the way. Let's start moving. The steering wheel is not turned.
  3. In position 2 (see figure), i.e. when the chip is in the middle of the left front door of the car, you need to turn the steering wheel to the left all the way (turn it as fast as we can).
  4. In position 3 (see figure), when the right front corner of the car is level with the pole that we are going around, turn the steering wheel to the right all the way (also as quickly as possible).
  5. In position 4, when the left front corner of the car is at the same level as the pole being driven around, turn the steering wheel all the way to the left.
  6. In position 5 we do the same as in point 4.
  7. in position 6 (choose a place yourself where it will be more convenient) turn the steering wheel to the left enough to approach the stop line. We press the clutch and drive towards the stop line by inertia.
  8. We stop at the stop line.

Bugs and problems:

Options in which you can don't pass“Snake”: knock down the poles that are being driven around.

To avoid this problem, the car must move evenly. In our case, this is achieved by the fact that we do not use the gas pedal, but move with the clutch. If you press the clutch in the middle of the exercise, you can catch the pole (due to the car slowing down).

The exercise is completed.


The exercise area is shown in the following figure:

It imitates a section of the road on which 2 cars are parked below (at the side of the road), between which we need to carefully park our car using parallel parking.

At the same time, the distance between standing cars small - only 2 lengths of our car. Therefore, you won't be able to park in front.

To get out of this situation, the authors of the exam exercises suggest using a method that is officially called “parallel parking in reverse.”

note that parallel parking can be useful not only when passing the traffic police exam, but also on the real road, in the case described above. Well, given the ever-growing number personal cars and a chronic lack of parking spaces, in practice this exercise has to be performed very often.

Let's look at what needs to be achieved as a result of parallel parking:

1. Drive up to the “Start” line and stop.

2. Drive between imaginary cars.

3. Stop.

As you can see, the method of parking the car in the selected parking space is not regulated here. However, the only possible way taking into account the size of the exercise area - parallel parking.

Penalty points when parallel parking in reverse

When performing parallel parking, a candidate driver may be penalized for the following violations:

How to parallel park correctly?

Let's look at how to do parallel parking correctly:

1. We approach the start line and stop.

2. We get underway and begin to move forward.

At this stage, our task is to drive the right side of the car as close as possible to chip number 1. Moreover, we should approach the chip in such a way that it is located next to the rear right wheel of our car. You can check the position of the cone through the right rear view mirror.

3. We stop at the chip. Engage reverse gear.

If we missed the mark, then we drive back a little without changing the position of the steering wheel.

4. Turn the steering wheel all the way to the right.

5. We start moving in reverse. Let's look in the left mirror! At the same time, the car turns towards the parking space. You need to move exactly until chip number 2 appears in the mirror (the position is shown in the figure below).

6. As soon as we saw the chip, we stop.

7. Turn the steering wheel so that the car moves straight, i.e. return it to its original position.

8. We start moving in reverse. We look in the left mirror at the broken marking line and our rear wheel. As soon as we crossed the line (we only need to cross it a little), we stop.

9. Turn the steering wheel all the way to the left.

10. We start moving in reverse. The car finishes entering the parking pocket.

In this case, you should carefully look at the chips located in front of the car. You can no longer pay attention to the rearview mirrors. As soon as the car takes a position parallel to the edge of the imaginary roadway, we stop.

After this, the parallel parking exercise is successfully completed.

Bugs and problems:

Options in which you can don't pass“parallel parking in reverse”: knock down poles 3 or 4, stop the car on the broken marking line (if after completing the exercise the car wheel is on the broken marking line or, for example, the rear-view mirror hangs over it).

Knock down the poles This is possible if, before stopping in a parking zone, you try to turn the steering wheel back while driving, as some driving instructors require. This should not be done. You can turn the steering wheel after stopping without risking failing the exam.

Cross a broken line possible in two cases. The first is to try to turn the steering wheel while driving before stopping in a parking zone. The second is if you start turning the steering wheel to the left early, when the wheel has not yet crossed the broken line.

If you feel that you don’t fit into the traffic police exam, don’t wait for the hit on the chip and the examiner’s response. Immediately engage first gear, drive forward, and then reverse again and correct your mistake. In this case, 3 penalty points will be awarded for the exercise, which is not critical for the driver candidate.

Application of parallel parking in the city

The parallel parking exercise is primarily designed to successfully park in the city.

However, when performing this exercise on city streets, problems may arise that are not simulated on site. The main one is: when you stop next to a parking space before parallel parking, the car behind you is behind you. In this case, parking cannot be performed. And since the number of cars is growing by leaps and bounds, on busy streets it is better to look for places for quick parking in front.

Although you still need to know and be able to parallel park. This skill will significantly expand the list of potential parking spaces.


Good afternoon, dear reader.

In the second article in the series " Pass the race track in half a kick"we will talk about high-quality and error-free execution of the exercise turning in a confined space.

In my opinion, this exercise is the simplest, which is why it will be described first. In addition, in practice, driver candidates rarely experience problems when making a U-turn.

I would like to note that after finishing driving school you will have to repeatedly make turns in a confined space on real roads, so you should take the study of this exercise very responsibly.

First, a few words about what a turn in a confined space is and what the meaning of this exercise is.

Exercise area has a length equal to two lengths of the car body and the same width:

Performing a turn exercise

Let's look at what a driver candidate must do to successfully complete the exercise:

  1. Drive up to the "Start" line and stop.
  2. Turn around within the outlined square while engaging reverse gear once.
  3. Drive to the stop line and stop.

In general, nothing complicated.

How to make a U-turn in a confined space?

The optimal order for performing the exercise is as follows:

1. We approach the start line and stop. The question arises: “for how long to stop?” It doesn't really matter, the main thing is to stop. (see picture above)

2. We set off and slowly move in the direction of cone 1. At this stage, our task is to get as close as possible to this cone with the front right wheel. When we arrived, we stopped.

3. Stand still and turn the steering wheel all the way to the left (in the direction of the turn).

4. We begin to move towards cone 2. We move until we approach the cone or a solid marking line. We stop.

5. Stand still and turn the steering wheel all the way to the right.

6. We move in reverse until there is enough space in front of the car to move to the stop line. Attention! No need to go to the cones! Why take another risk?

7. We calmly approach the stop line. It is not necessary to approach at a right angle. More precisely, you don’t need to do this! The main thing is not to cross this very stop line!

The exercise was successfully completed.

Possible errors and problems

Options in which you can don't pass"U-turn": hit cone 2 when turning left, hit cone 1 when reversing, cross the stop line. Be careful and you will definitely pass the exercise!

Possible problem: There is not enough space to reverse (you can’t fit in).

Solution: Drive forward and engage reverse gear a second time. (For this, the traffic police officer will give you 3 points, but you will still pass the exercise.) Do not neglect this advice when taking the exam.


Description of the exercise “entering the box in reverse”.

Exercise area:

The platform is an imaginary box into which you need to drive the car in reverse. In practice, this can be not only a garage, but also any parking space. Accordingly, you need to drive into the garage without hitting its walls.

Although in practice, garages can be larger than the width of the car + 1 m by the length of the car + 1 m. The maneuver must be performed on a strip width equal to two car lengths. I don’t think there’s any need to explain why in this case you need to park backwards.

What should be done:

  1. Drive up to the "Start" line and stop.
  2. Drive into the garage.
  3. Stay.

Table of penalty points for the exercise “Entering the box in reverse”:

1. Knocked down elements of marking equipment or crossed the horizontal marking line of the site 5

2. Crossed the “Stop” line (according to the projection of the front clearance of the vehicle) 5

3. Could not turn around when engaging reverse gear once 3

4. Did not engage neutral gear after stopping with the engine running 3

5. Did not apply the parking brake after stopping in a parking zone 3

The procedure for completing the exercise “Entering the box in reverse.”

1. We approach the start line and stop.

2. We get underway and begin to move forward. At this stage, our task is to drive the right rear view mirror as close as possible to chip number 1. The closer we get, the easier it will be to enter.

3. We stop at the chip. Turn the steering wheel all the way to the left.

4. We begin to move to the left. Keep the steering wheel in the extreme left position. At the same time, look in the right rearview mirror! In this mirror we need to catch chip number 2. Moreover, in such a way that there is a small gap (10 centimeters) in the mirror between the chip and the car.

5. We stop. Turn the steering wheel so that the car drives straight. Let's engage reverse gear!

6. We begin to move in reverse, while keeping the steering wheel straight. Turning back over your right shoulder, we watch as the rear of the car enters the garage. When chip number 2 appears in the area of ​​the rear right door, we stop.

7. Turn the steering wheel all the way to the right.

8. We begin to level the car in the garage (using the rear view mirrors).

9. As soon as the car is parallel to the edges of the garage, we stop.

10. Make the steering wheel straight.

11. We calmly drive to the garage. We stop.

This is the order of actions. In practice, it provides 100 percent pass rate. Only driver candidates who confuse left and right can fail.

Bugs and problems:

Options in which you can don't pass“entering the garage in reverse”: knock down milestones 1, 2, 3 or 4, and fail to enter the garage.

You can knock down pole 1 if you start leveling the car in the garage too late. 2 and 3 can be knocked down if you start leveling early. Well, 4 - if you go too far with the entry. I can advise you to be careful. The poles are usually knocked off by rear view mirrors. If you see that you are about to hit a pole, do not continue to drive in reverse. Engage first gear, level the car and drive away. This will result in a penalty of 3 points, after which the exercise will be credited to you.

Not getting to the garage enough, I don’t even know how that could happen. You can always go a little further.

ed. from 09/06/2017

Exercise No. 4 “Stopping and starting on an incline”

16. Driver candidate:

Stops the vehicle in front of the "STOP-1" line, without crossing the front clearance of the vehicle with its projection, so that all wheels are on the lifting section (Figure 7);

At the examiner’s command, continues to move in a forward direction, preventing the vehicle from rolling back more than 0.3 m;

Stops in front of the "STOP-2" line at a distance of no more than 1 m and fixes the vehicle in a stationary state;

Leaves the exercise area, crossing the “STOP-2” line.

17. The magnitude of the rollback is recorded by the examiner by placing a control stand at least 1 m high at a distance of 0.3 m from the projection of the rear marker after the vehicle stops in front of the "STOP-1" line or by an automated system for monitoring and assessing the vehicle driving skills of driver candidates.

Figure 7. Scheme and dimensions of exercise N 4

Exercise No. 5 "Maneuvering in confined spaces"

18. The exercise consists of 3 elements: “90 degree turns”, “Turn in a confined space” and “Snake”.

The examiner determines for the examination 2 of the 3 elements that are part of this exercise, taking into account the existing conditions for performing the exercise, including the possibility of simultaneous placement of exercise elements, the traffic management scheme used on a race track, an automated race track or an enclosed area.


The driver candidate alternately makes left and right turns or right and left turns along a given trajectory, depending on the traffic management scheme used at the race track, automated race track or closed area (Figure 8).


Figure 8. Diagram and dimensions of exercise element N 5 - “90 degree turns”


The driver candidate makes a U-turn along a given trajectory, using reverse gear once (Figure 9).


Figure 9. Diagram and dimensions of exercise element No. 5 - “turn in a confined space”

18.3. The candidate driver alternately makes left and right turns or right and left turns along a given trajectory, depending on the traffic management scheme used at the race track, automated race track or closed area (Figure 10).


Figure 10. Diagram and dimensions of exercise element N 5 - “Snake”

Exercise No. 6 "Moving and maneuvering in reverse, entering the box in reverse"

19. Driver candidate:

Enters the exercise area (Figure 11);

Maneuvering in reverse while engaging reverse gear once, places the vehicle in the box so that the projection of the vehicle's front dimensions crosses the reference line;

Fixes the vehicle in a stationary state;

Leaves the box and crosses the end line of the exercise.

Depending on the traffic management scheme used on a racing track, automated racing track or closed area, the exercise can be performed either on the left or on the right side of the box.


Figure 11. Scheme and dimensions of exercise N 6

Exercise No. 7 “Parking a vehicle and leaving a parking space, parking for loading (unloading) on ​​a loading ramp (platform), stopping for the safe boarding or disembarking of passengers”

20. Driver candidate:

After crossing the line for starting the exercise, fixes the vehicle in a stationary state;

Places the vehicle in the parking space, moving in reverse when reverse gear is engaged once so that the projection of the left side of the vehicle crosses the control line (Figure 12);

Fixes the vehicle in a stationary state, and then leaves the parking space.


Figure 12. Scheme and dimensions of exercise N 7

Exercise No. 8 “Driving through a controlled intersection” (for automated racing tracks)

21. Driver candidate:

Passing by signalized intersection according to the traffic management scheme of the automated circuit, observing the requirements of traffic lights (Figure 13);

When the traffic light turns on the prohibiting signal, stops the vehicle in front of the "STOP" line;

When the traffic light turns on, the intersection is driven in the specified direction.

Depending on the traffic pattern used on the automated circuit, a T-shaped intersection may be used to perform the exercise.


Figure 13. Scheme and dimensions of exercise N 8

The first stage of the practical exam for the right to drive vehicles (TC)
categories "B", "C" and "D" and subcategories "B1", "C1" and "D1",
valid from September 1, 2016

The time has come to figure out what tests await all those suffering to obtain a license for the categories listed above when passing the exam at the traffic police or traffic police (by the way, the second abbreviation has not yet fallen out of use among drivers).

Where possible, we replaced long official names with generally accepted names, or used abbreviations. That's why “The first stage of the practical exam for the right to drive vehicles of categories “B”, “C” and “D” and subcategories “B1”, “C1” and “D1”” further in the text we will simply call it:


Let us remind you that the new rules for conducting and assessing the exam came into effect from September 1, 2016

Let's start the conversation with analysis general rules conducting the first stage of the practical exam, then we will consider in detail the exercises for the exam, then we will analyze the mistakes, then we will say a few words and at the end we will answer

What do you need to know before the practical exam on the SITE?

The first stage of the practical exam of traffic police (traffic police) is carried out on an equipped racing track (including an automated one) or in a closed area. ? >>

At the stage of the practical exam “SITE” you must complete FIVE test exercises:

  • "Stopping and starting on an uphill slope";
  • Element of the exercise "Maneuvering in a confined space";*
  • Element of the exercise "Maneuvering in a confined space";
  • “Moving and maneuvering in reverse, entering the box in reverse”;
  • "Parking a vehicle and leaving a parking space."

On automated racing tracks, ONE more exercise is performed:

  • "Crossroads".

* - Exercise "Maneuvering in a confined space" consists of 3 elements: "Turns 90 degrees", "Turn in a confined space" and "Snake". During the examination, TWO of the 3 elements included in this exercise are performed.

Usually, the entire set of exam exercises is taken at once. That is, once you get behind the wheel, you consistently perform the ENTIRE SET OF REQUIRED EXERCISES within the ALLOWED TIME. But it is also not prohibited to perform the exercises one by one, i.e. one exercise at a time. The second option is used if there are no conditions for sequential execution of exercises.

The beginning of the exercises is carried out at the command of the examiner.

Exercises can be performed in any order. More precisely, the sequence of their implementation depends on the traffic pattern on the autodrome (closed area) or is determined by the examiner during the traffic police exam.

The progress of the exercises and the ERRORS made are monitored by the examiner, which are then recorded in the TIME spent on performing a particular exercise and the TOTAL TIME for performing the exercises as a whole.

After completing the entire set of mandatory exercises on the SITE, the examiner issues a FINAL SCORE of the traffic police exam result on initial vehicle driving skills.

How is the exam scored? List of blunders

The traffic police exam is assessed according to the following system: positive assessment- “PASSED”, negative - “DID NOT PASS”.

Those. After conducting a practical traffic police exam, the following score will appear in the corresponding column:

EXAM RESULT(passed/failed) Passed or Fail.

First, familiarize yourself with the main mistakes that should be avoided in every possible way during the traffic police exam.


  • go< behind 30 seconds! The exam will be considered failed if the driver candidate does not begin performing the test exercise within 30 seconds after receiving the command (signal) to begin performing it.
  • Complete in 2 minutes! No more than 2 minutes are allotted to perform one exercise.


  • Check in in one try! Only one attempt is given to complete the exercise! It is not allowed to deviate from the given trajectory of movement and re-engage the reverse gear during the traffic police exam.
  • “Stall” ≤ 2 times! The exam will be considered failed if the engine stops 3 or more times while performing the ENTIRE SET OF exercises.
  • Do not go outside the CONTINUOUS! It is not allowed to travel beyond the boundaries of the exercises marked with solid marking lines during the traffic police exam.

* - If you make at least one listed mistake or exceed the given time limit, the traffic police exam will not be passed. But the list of errors does not end there; the full list is given below.

Sequence of the traffic police exam “SITE” (sample scenario).

First, the examiner gathers the entire group of test takers and introduces them to the rules for passing the exam: the sequence of exercises, the time allotted, unacceptable mistakes, the peculiarities of using the controls of the examination vehicle and other nuances. Answers the questions.

After it’s your turn to take the exam, the examiner, upon presentation of your passport, makes sure that you are you and offers to take a seat behind the wheel. Next, the traffic police exam takes place according to the following scenario.

1. You take the driver's seat in the test car, adjust the rear-view mirrors, start the engine (if it has not been started), and fasten your seat belt. When ready to start, turn on the low beam headlights (if the headlights were not turned on, or, if there is an agreement, then do not turn on the headlights).

2. The examiner asks a question about your readiness and, having received an affirmative answer, gives the command to start the exam and immediately starts the stopwatch.

3. You start the movement and perform all the exercises sequentially. Although in some examination divisions of the traffic police it is first necessary to completely complete one examination exercise, then, having gone beyond the dotted line of its completion, wait for the next command of the examiner. Having received the command, perform the next exercise and so on.

Although in some examination departments of the traffic police, you first completely complete one exercise, then, having driven beyond the dotted line of its completion, you wait for the next command of the examiner. Then, after waiting for the command, perform the next exercise and so on.

Although in some examination departments of the traffic police you will perform one exercise, go beyond the dotted line at the end of the exercise and wait for the next command from the examiner. Then, after waiting for the command, perform the next exercise and so on.

4. After completing the entire set of exercises, you drive up to the agreed upon end point of the exam.

5. Get acquainted with the assessment of the exam and the mistakes made, marked by the inspector in the form, sign it and leave the car.

Either this, or something like this, will be the way the traffic police exam will be held, unless, of course, you make serious mistakes during the exercises and complete it ahead of schedule.

* - When performing exercises sequentially, the start point of the first exercise is indicated by the “START” line, the end point of the last exercise is indicated by the “FINISH” or “STOP” line.
(According to Appendix No. 7 to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision public services on conducting examinations for the right to drive vehicles and issuing driver's licenses. Approved Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated October 20, 2015 N 995).

Exercises for the exam for the right to drive a vehicle
categories "B", "C" and "D" and subcategories "B1", "C1" and "D1"

Under the official name of each examination exercise in accordance with the Regulations, common unofficial names are given in CAPITAL letters.

Exercise “Stopping and starting on a hill”
or "Overpass"

The sequence of performing the exercise “Overpass”:

  1. Stop on the rise before the “STOP-1” line;
  2. Install “HANDBRAKE”;
  3. Start moving rolling back no more than 30 cm*, cross the “overpass”;
  4. Stay before line "STOP-2" at a distance no more than 1 meter;
  5. Set the “HANDBRAKE” (and “NEUTRAL”, on a manual transmission).

* - The rollback value is fixed by an additional stand installed at a distance of 30 cm from the projection of the vehicle’s rear marker after stopping. The amount of rollback can also be recorded by an automated control system, if available.

Exercise “Maneuvering in confined spaces”

The Maneuvering in Confined Space exercise includes three elements:

  • "Rotates 90 degrees";
  • "Turning in a confined space";
  • "Snake".

In the traffic police exam, you are required to complete TWO of the three elements given!

Exactly which elements you will have to perform during the exam depend on the conditions for performing the exercises, the traffic organization scheme on the site or race track. In general, whichever TWO elements the examiner points out, those are the ones you will get. :)

Element of the exercise “Turns by 90 degrees”

The sequence of performing the exercise “RIGHT ANGLE TURN”:

  1. Drive beyond the start line of the exercise;

Element of the exercise “Turn in a confined space”

The sequence of performing the exercise “TURN IN THREE STEPS”:

  1. Drive beyond the start line of the exercise;
  2. Perform a turn along a given trajectory using reverse gear (according to the diagram);
  3. Cross the end line of the exercise.

Element of the exercise “Snake”
or “NEW S-shaped SNAKE”

The sequence of performing the exercise “NEW SNAKE”:

  1. Drive beyond the start line of the exercise;
  2. Make alternate left and then right turns along the given trajectory;
  3. Cross the end line of the exercise.

Exercise “Moving and maneuvering in reverse, entering the box in reverse”

Sequence of performing the exercise “ENTRY INTO BOXING”:

  1. Drive into the exercise area;
  2. Maneuvering in reverse, enter the pit. In this case, the vehicle must , (according to the diagram);
  3. Leave the box and cross the end line of the exercise.

* - The box can be located on either the left or right side, depending on the traffic pattern on the site.

Exercise “Parking a vehicle and leaving a parking space, parking for loading (unloading) on ​​a loading ramp (platform), stopping for safe boarding or disembarking of passengers”

The sequence of performing the exercise “PARALLEL PARKING IN REVERSE”:

  1. Drive into the designated exercise area;
  2. Engage reverse gear and enter the parking space. In this case, the vehicle must completely cross the control line, (according to the diagram);
  3. Turn on “NEUTRAL” on the gearbox and “HANDBRAKE”;
  4. Leave the parking space and cross the end line of the exercise.

Exercise “Passing through a controlled intersection”

The sequence of performing the exercise “CROSSING”:

Drive through a controlled intersection, following the requirements of the traffic lights:

  • at a prohibitory traffic light, stop in front of the "STOP" line;
  • When the traffic light gives permission, drive through the intersection in the given direction.

* - This exercise is performed ONLY on an AUTOMATED CIRCUIT. A T-junction may also be used to perform the exercise, depending on the traffic pattern used at the circuit.

ERRORS, after which the traffic police exam will NOT BE PASSED!

Remember the list of mistakes below and try not to make them under any circumstances.

The traffic police exam will NOT be PASSED if:

  • Start performing the test exercise 30 seconds after receiving the command (signal) to start performing it.
  • GO beyond the boundaries of exercise areas marked solid marking lines.
  • RUN the wheel onto the solid marking line marking the boundaries of the exercises or KNOCK down the cone (stand) 3 times or more.
  • Deviate from the given trajectory of movement.
  • Engage reverse gear if this is not provided by the Regulations.
  • CROSS the STOP line even with the edge of the front bumper.
  • Do not drive completely beyond the control line after reversing.
  • “Stop the engine” (allow it to stop) 3 times or more.
  • On the inclined section of the “Overpass”, allow a rollback of more than 30 cm.
  • Stop more than 1 meter before the “STOP-2” marking line for the “Overpass” exercise.
  • Violate the rules for driving through an intersection (on an automated racing track)
  • Exceed the total time for performing test exercises.
  • Leave the exam or refuse to do the exercise.

We have analyzed in detail the mistakes that are prohibited to be made during the traffic police exam “PLATFORM”, but now, based on the table of errors in the Regulations, we will analyze what actions are allowed and will not affect the exam result, i.e. are not considered errors. But also do not forget that most of them are on the verge of what is permitted!

What is not considered an ERROR in the traffic police exam?

The “PASS” rating is given if the candidate driver:

  • Started performing the test exercise before 29 seconds had elapsed after receiving the command (signal) to begin performing it. (Based on clause 113.1 of the Regulations).
  • Drive your wheel onto the marking line marking the boundaries of the test exercise areas, or knock over the marking equipment ONE or TWO times. (Based on clause 113.2 of the Regulations).
  • Allowed the engine to stall ONE or TWO times. (Based on clause 113.7 of the Regulations).
  • When performing the exercise “Stopping and starting to move on an incline,” the vehicle rolled back on an incline by less than 0.3 m (Based on clause 113.13 of the Regulations).

According to the Regulations, a candidate driver who has not passed the traffic police exam at the “SITE” is explained the mistakes made, the procedure and timing for retaking the exam.

We hope this doesn't happen to you :)

Where is the practical exam score recorded?

As we have already mentioned, the progress of the entire exam is recorded in the examination sheet, where the examiner records the mistakes made, the time spent and the final result of the exam.

Examination sheet
conducting an exam on initial vehicle driving skills (example).

List of errors (numbers of subparagraphs)

Exercise number

Didn't start the exercise ()

I ran my wheel over the marking line marking the boundaries of the exercise areas, or knocked over the marking equipment ()

Traveled outside the boundaries of the exercise areas ()

Did not cross the control line ()

Deviated from the specified trajectory ()

Allowed the engine to stop ()

Stopped before the marking line at a distance exceeding the control value ()

Moved in reverse ()

10 clause 113.10)

Exam result (pass/fail)

About the exam car

Of course, the examination vehicle must be in full working order and comply Basic provisions for admitting a vehicle to operation, and is also equipped in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to the Rules for conducting examinations for the right to drive vehicles and issuing driver’s licenses.

To list briefly, the car must be equipped with duplicate pedals, an additional mirror for the examiner, “U” signs and all other required equipment, including audio and video recording equipment.

In practice, the examination car in which you will take the exam will most often be provided by a driving school assigned to a specific traffic police department, or it will be a car used by a traffic police department, which is less common.

Initially, be prepared for the fact that a car for the traffic police exam can be of any brand, but it must be of the category (subcategory) and with the type of transmission (manual or automatic transmission) for which you are taking the test.

Therefore, if at a driving school they told you that you will take the traffic police exam in the car you studied in, this is, to put it mildly, a publicity stunt, because cars, at a minimum, tend to break down and the instructor to get sick. Traffic police inspectors are simply too lazy to change from car to car during the traffic police exam. They will usually, at a minimum, have to rearrange and configure audio and video recording equipment.

According to the requirements of the Regulations, before the start of the exam, the vehicle engine must be warmed up and turned off, the gearshift lever must be in the neutral position (for automatic transmission in the “P” position), the parking brake - “HANDBRAKE” must be turned on, audio and video recording equipment must be turned on.

Traffic police exam on paper and in life. Are there any differences?

Despite the clearly stated requirements, quite often you will find some discrepancies during the actual exam. Let's call them “local amendments”*.

The details of the exam are discussed by the examiner before the exam begins, so try to listen carefully to the introductory part, where the traffic police inspector introduces all those taking the exam to the basic requirements of the exam.

Quite often, when passing the “SITE”, inspectors give the go-ahead not to fasten your seat belt, not to turn on low beam headlights, and not to “turn off” the engine after the end of the exam.

For this reason, after the previous test taker has passed the exam, the vehicle’s engine may remain running! Therefore, before turning the ignition key of the vehicle, try to hear either the noise of the running engine, or lightly press the gas pedal to finally make sure that you need to start the car.

Don’t even try to start the running engine of your car!

Otherwise, it will turn out at least not beautifully; you came to get your license to drive a car and is trying to start the running engine.

* - The described deviations from the accepted rules for passing the exam in the traffic police, of course, are not always accepted and not everywhere, but they still take place.

Note: This section discusses the examination requirements for obtaining a driving license. vehicle categories “B-C-D” and subcategories “B1-C1-D1”.



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