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It is very important that children develop love and respect for the personality of the great poet from a very early age. Gabdulla Tukay is not just a great poet, but a symbol of the history and fate of the entire Tatar people. Even today he teaches us and our children to understand this complex world with all its troubles and concerns.



Pedagogical project “Creativity of G. Tukay”

Relevance of the project:Today the question of what to read to children is especially relevant. The child's reading range must be correctly formed.

It is the creativity of Gabdulla Tukay that will help solve this problem. Tukay left a huge creative legacy, and poetry occupies the largest and most important place in it.

The inexhaustible interest of children, teachers and me personally in his poetic and fairy-tale creativity prompted me to create the project “Creativity of G. Tukay”. The project “Creativity of G. Tukay” is aimed at introducing preschoolers to the work of G. Tukay, increasing the reading culture of children, parents and educators. He considers access to the cultural heritage of the Tatar poet G. Tukay. In his works you can find answers to many questions of today.

It is valuable that Tukay’s works are imbued with a deep love for his native land, its nature, his creative heritage from generation to generation instills in children love and respect for their home, their native land, teaches them to value hard work, patience, and lays the foundations for an aesthetic perception of the world. It is impossible not to note the pedagogical and educational motivation in the poetry of G. Tukay, associated with children's literature.

It is important that through his works children learn the traditions of the Tatar people, their foundations: deference, respect for elders, kindness and responsiveness. They contribute to the formation in children of such valuable character qualities as hard work, honesty, courage, modesty, responsibility, and instill an interest in school and knowledge.

It is also important to promote the poet’s work and cultivate a caring and reverent attitude towards the native language.

1. working with children,

2. work with teachers,

3. work with parents.

Project participants:children of middle and senior preschool age (from 4 to 7 years), teachers (educators, music directors, Tatar language teacher), parents of pupils.

Implementation period: month of April.

Project type : educational, creative.



  • introduce children to the life and work of Gabdulla Tukay;
  • cultivate love and respect for the works of Gabdulla Tukay;
  • to form in children honesty, truthfulness, kindness and responsiveness, love for the Motherland through the works of Gabdulla Tukay;
  • teach to understand and feel the figurative language of poems and fairy tales by Gabdulla Tukay;
  • expand parents’ ideas about Tatar children’s literature and involve them in family reading of literary works.

Expected results:

  • creating the necessary conditions in a kindergarten, group, family to familiarize preschoolers with the works of Gabdulla Tukay;
  • development of children's curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity, and communication skills;
  • active participation of parents;
  • Parents' understanding of the importance of family reading.

Project implementation stages:

Stage 1 preparatory

  • discussion of the goals and objectives of the project; literature search;
  • creating the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project;
  • approaches to interaction with teachers and parents.

Stage 2 main

  • improving the subject-development environment in preschool educational institutions (book corners, information stands);
  • conducting educational activities with children to familiarize them with the life and work of Tukay;
  • work with parents;
  • creating conditions for implementation;
  • accumulation and development of teaching materials.

Stage 3 final

  • a holiday dedicated to the work of G. Tukay.

Plan for working with children





Organize a library in the group “G. Tukay, everything about him"

Develop interest in the books of Gabdulla Tukay.

1 Week


Evening readings “Journey through the books of Tukay”

Introduce children to the books of G. Tukay

1-4 week


Reading the works of Tukay

“Mother Tongue”, “Baby and the Moth”, “Funny Student”, “Poor Hare”.

Encourage children's interest in fiction. Learn to understand the idea of ​​the work.

2 week


Musical activities: learning songs “Tugan Tel”, “Karlygach”.

Develop song creativity, listen to each other;

1-4 week

Music leader, Tatar language teacher

Artistic creativity (drawing) based on the works of G. Tukay “My favorite fairy-tale hero”

Fix the work of G. Tukay. Evoke a feeling of joy and desire to make the composition colorful. Develop the ability to work together.

3 week

Teachers, parents

The action “We read the poems of Gabdulla Tukay” is a recitation competition.

To cultivate in children such qualities as: hard work, responsiveness, respect through educational poems and fairy tales by G. Tukay.

3 week

Viewing cartoons based on the works of G. Tukay.

To stimulate children's interest in Tatar cartoons.

1-4 week


Listening to audio recordings of G. Tukay’s fairy tales.

To instill in children an interest in the works of G. Tukay. Learn to perceive the figurative content of works.

1-4 week


A holiday dedicated to the work of G. Tukay

Summarize children's knowledge of the works of Gabdulla Tukay.

4 week

Teachers, music leader, teacher of the Tatar language

Plan for working with educators.





Discussion with teachers

Discuss the goals and objectives of the project. Generate interest in creating conditions for the implementation of the project.

1 Week

Teachers, parents

Methodical piggy bank

Development and accumulation of methodological materials, developments, recommendations for introducing children to the works of G. Tukay

1-4 week

Teachers, Tatar language teacher

Selection of books on the works of Tukay.

To develop children's interest in Tukay's works.

1 Week

Teachers, librarians

Consultation for educators “How to introduce children to the life and work of G. Tukay”

Introducing children to the works of Tukay

1 Week

Tat language teacher

Campaign “We Read Books”


To attract children's attention to the books of Gabdulla Tukay and to reading.

2 week


Exhibition “All about Gabdulla Tukai”

Summarize and demonstrate the material accumulated in the work.

3 week


Working with parents





Questioning of parents on the study of reading books by Gabdulla Tukay

Explain whether parents read books to their children. What children like to listen to.

1 Week


Consultations: “What do Tatar cartoons teach?” “We recommend reading books by G. Tukay”

Parent education.

3 week


Campaign “Reading Tukay’s books”

To attract parents to the books of G. Tukay and to reading.

2 week

Teachers, parents

Memo “How we make friends with books”

Keep parents interested.

4 week

Teachers, librarians

Final event:

A holiday dedicated to the work of Gabdulla Tukay.

Target: Increasing the effectiveness of work to introduce children to the works of Gabdulla Tukay.

Tasks: Introduce children to the life and work of G. Tukay. To develop honesty, truthfulness, kindness and responsiveness in children through the works of G. Tukay. Learn to understand and feel the figurative language of poems and fairy tales by G. Tukay. To cultivate love and respect for the works of G. Tukay and the ability to enjoy the artistic word, the ability to use it in one’s own speech.

Hall decoration:portrait of G. Tukay, flowers.

Quotes in Tatar and Russian:

“Oh, my native, melodious language! Oh parent speech!

The children enter the hall to the music.

Leading: Many, many years ago, on one sunny spring day, on April 26, 1886, the great Tatar poet G. Tukay was born. Today we have gathered to remember and honor the memory of the Tatar poet G. Tukay.

1 child: Oh, my native, melodious language! Oh, parent speech!

What else in the world did I know, what did I manage to save?

2nd child: Oh, my tongue, we are forever inseparable friends.

Since childhood, your joy and sadness have become clear to me!

Leading: The song “Tugan Tel” is the folk anthem of the entire Tatar people.

Children sing the song “Tugan Tel” in the Tatar language.

Leading: The fate of Tukai was difficult. He was orphaned very early and wandered from his loved one to another. His childhood was very difficult. But Tukay grew up as a smart, diligent child; he learned to write, read and compose poetry early.

A child sings the song “Elli-belly beu” (lyrics by G. Tukay)

Leading: G. Tukay urged us to love our Motherland, our native language, our people. He said that the Tatar people would find their happiness only in the land of their fathers, in unity with the Russian people.

Child: We sang songs with the people

There is something common in our everyday life and morality.

Our friendship cannot be broken forever

We are strung together to be one.

Russian dance

Music sounds and Shurale enters the hall.

Shurale: My fingers hurt

I pinched them a year ago.

Oh, I’m going to die - such a disaster

I'm not happy with my life.

Leading: Shurale, you wanted to do evil, so you were punished.

Shurale: I won’t touch anyone now - I swear on your soul.

Leading: Play with us and your pain will go away.

Shurale: Do you children really want to play with me?

Game "Shurale" (caught children recite poems: “Funny Student”, “Gali and the Goat”)

Shurale: Thank you! In my forest they said that only children could help me. And it turned out to be true. I will never offend anyone again. And now it’s time for me to return to the forest, my friends are waiting for me there.

Leading: In one village there lived one woman. She had a large farm. There were a lot of hens and chickens in it.

"Chick Dance"

Leading: This woman had a son. My son loved to go fishing. One day he took a fishing rod and went fishing.

Boy: Will there be a catch or not?

Song "Bala belen kubelek"

Boy: Ugh, it's hot! We need to take a swim.

Leading: The boy begins to undress, at this time, Vodyana appears on the bridge. She sits and combs her hair with a golden comb. The boy hides behind the bushes and looks out with fear. The water girl sings a song and jumps into the water. The boy, looking around, approaches the bridge and grabs the comb and runs away.

Water: Stop, stop! Give me my golden comb. Why did you take it? After all, he is not yours!

The boy runs to the village, and the merman runs away.

Boy: Mom mom! Look, I found a golden comb, beautiful.

Mother: Why did you take it? He's not yours!

Leading: The sun has set. Okay, let's go to bed, the day has died down. Knock, knock!

Someone is knocking on our window.

Mother: Who's there? Who doesn't let you sleep at night?

Water: It's me! During the day, your thief son stole my golden comb.

Mom throws the comb out the window.

Mother: Oh son, what have you done?

Boy: Forgive me mom, I won't do this again.

Water: You cannot take other people's things without permission. How does this sound in a fairy tale?

Boy: Whether there is an owner or not, I won’t take someone else’s forever.

Tatar dance.

Leading: With this, the holiday dedicated to G. Tukay came to an end. Love your Motherland, read Tukay’s poems and fairy tales.

Song "Sunny Land"

Author of the project

Khairullina Tanzilya Tagirovna

Project name

"Gabdulla Tukay - 125th anniversary of the great Tatar poet"

Project business card

Brief summary of the project

In order to perpetuate the memory and creative heritage, in honor of the 125th anniversary of the great Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukay, the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov on February 11 signed a Decree declaring 2011 the Year of Gabdulla Tukay in the Republic of Tatarstan. Today the question of what to read to children is especially relevant. The child's reading range must be correctly formed. It is the creativity of Gabdulla Tukay that will help solve this problem. Tukay left a huge creative legacy, and poetry occupies the largest and most important place in it. April 26, 2011 marks the 125th anniversary of the great Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukai. The inexhaustible interest of children, teachers and me personally in his poetic and fairy-tale creativity prompted me to create a project. Goals and objectives of the project: To introduce children to the life and work of Gabdulla Tukay. To cultivate love and respect for the works of Gabdulla Tukay. To develop honesty, truthfulness, kindness and responsiveness in children through the works of Gabdulla Tukay. To cultivate the ability to enjoy the artistic word, the ability to use it in one’s own speech (proverbs, sayings, folk sayings). Learn to feel and understand the figurative language of poems and fairy tales by Gabdulla Tukay. Expand parents’ ideas about Tatar children’s literature and involve them in family reading of literary works.

Fundamental question, problematic issues of the project

How can someone live outside of time (experience their time)? In what form have the works of the great Tatar poet G. Tukai reached us? How deeply did the poet’s work influence modern Tatar literature?

Project plan

Introductory presentation; Distribution of students into groups; Questionnaire; Project presentation; Exhibition of books by G. Tukay; Collective reading of the poet's works; Carrying out the test.

Teacher Introductory Presentation

Tukay’s creations inspired artists, musicians, poets, and writers to create works of art. His poems became truly popular, the lines formed the basis of catchphrases and aphorisms. They, along with the suras of the Koran, carried their Word in shamails, turned into music, personifying “mon” - the soul of the people... Every nation in one era or another gives birth to its own Poet, whose mission is to become the personification of its genius, soul. In Ancient Greece he was Homer, in medieval Italy - Dante, in England - Shakespeare, in Germany - Goethe, in Russia - Pushkin. For the Tatar people, Tukai became such a poet, whose poetry sounded in unison with the strings of the people's soul. Tukay went down in the history of Tatar literature as a great poet who laid the foundation for a new national poetry, as one of the founders of the modern Tatar language. The poet's creative activity lasted only eight years. He died at the age of 27, leaving behind over 10 thousand poetic lines (more than 400 poems, 9 poems), about 50 sheets of prose (350 stories, essays and memoirs). Tukay. Gabdulla Tukaev. Who is he for us? This is a folk poet who, it seems, entered our consciousness almost with mother’s milk. The Tatars recognize him so early. But it is close not only to the Tatars: to all Turkic peoples. both Russia and the whole world revere him as their poet. Tukay's poems and poems have been published in dozens of languages ​​of different continents.

For the Tatars, the work of this poet is what the work of A.S. Pushkin is for the Russians. True, in recent years they have spoken and written more about the work of the heroic Musa Jalil. Of course, his creations are very valuable to us. But he is a poet of his era - Soviet, Bolshevik. We were brought up on the works of Soviet proletarian writers and poets: A. Tvardovsky, M. Sholokhov, M. Jalil and many others. They shaped our mentality. Tukay is more multifaceted and extensive. He is not only a poet and writer, but also a publicist. His work is imbued with the classics of medieval Tatar and world poetry of the 19th century, politics and philosophy of the era of the early 20th century.

Tukay died in 1913 very young, having lived only 27 years. But each of his years would be worth 10 years of the life of another poet. He was so hardworking and fruitful. How much more he would have created if he had lived longer!

And he was born in the village of Kushlavych, Kazan province in 1886. He was orphaned very early and was raised either by distant relatives or even by complete strangers. It would be unnecessary to remind how many hardships in life the boy experienced, deprived of his mother’s love and father’s care and protection from early childhood. Wasn't this one of the reasons for his early death? Nevertheless, thanks to his insatiable desire to know the world, he managed to graduate from a madrasah, equivalent to a university, and get an education at a Russian school, which was a rarity for Tatar youth at that time.

Reading his works, getting acquainted with his work, you understand that life treated him so harshly that he matured very early, and by the age of 17-18 he had already become not only a poet, but also a Citizen with an established worldview, with his own views and thoughts about society. Moreover, a citizen who actively influences the minds and feelings of people through his poems, poems and journalism.

What did Tukay write about? His works contain, of course, lyrics, including love, and satire on everything that happened in the life of Russia and the city of Kazan at that time, and much more. He boldly exposed and ridiculed everyone whom he considered hypocrites and tricksters because they turned their calling and activities for the revival of the Tatar nation into a personal business.

It is surprising that “Mr. Tukaev,” as this very young poet was called, had the outlook of a mature man, a politician, a statesman. He reacted sensitively to the fateful events of the turbulent times of 1905-13. This era of the birth of democracy in Russia and the emergence of parliamentarism. And then the years of reaction that followed. All the facts of those days are reflected in his poems, passing through the prism of Tukaev’s special worldview.

Tukai also touched on the national issue in his works, rightly complaining about the bitter fate of the Tatar people. Bitterness and pain for his people are present in his poems: “Shurale”, “Par at”, “Alluki” and others. It is not without reason that people have composed numerous songs based on his poems. And the song “Tugan Tel” is actually the national anthem of the Tatars. In general, national themes occupied a significant place in the work of Gabdulla Tukay.

However, the globalism of mentality did not allow Gabdulla Tukai to “get hung up” only on nationalism, albeit good and fair, he rose to the height of understanding of all-Russian and world problems. Here is what he writes about this in the poem “The Hopes of the People in Connection with the Great Jubilee,” dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty: ...Here in Russia we are noticeable, There is our mark.

Purely our mirror of fate,

There are no stains.

Sang with the Russians

Your life like a nightingale,

Power changed and kings

With a spear, with a club...

(all quoted passages of poetry are translated by the author of this material).

He is concerned about the same problems as all Russians, all of humanity: the unsettled life of people, poverty, overcrowding, and so on. His words about injustice and the sad fate of people cannot but shock:

…Autumn. Night. Can't sleep. Wind

Howls and cries outside the window.

No, not the wind: people are crying,

Feeling hunger, death all around.

There are rich old women there

Drowning in gold

But in someone else's.

Here is a hungry girl

Crying over a piece of rye...

(verse “Spring Winds”)

The political events of the early 20th century are reflected in many of his poems. As an example, we give a fragment of the poem “To the State Duma” (it was sung among the people to the melody of one comic song). It conveys the feeling of disappointment of the Russian people in the work of the first parliament of Russia, which never set itself the task of improving the lives of ordinary people:

...The most important general

I showed you the cookie.

Oh, cutie, - Duma, Duma,

It turns out you are sitting in vain.

She promised freedom, land,

Where is the freedom, where is the allotment?!

Oh you, Duma deputy,

Why are you so shy?...

Isn’t it true, dear Reader, these words of his are very relevant for today’s reality in Russia.

Like most talented people, the fate of the great poet was extremely tragic. He never had his own home or family. For several years before his death he lived alone in a tiny unheated room in the Bolgar rooms in Kazan, actually warming himself next to the potbelly stove. Tukai most likely rarely ate his fill. Nothing worked out for him in his personal life, even his ardent love for the girl was unrequited.

However, it seems that he did not achieve anything for himself personally. But, probably, he was happy that he served his people until the last minute of his life, until he fell dead in a fit of consumptive cough in the Klyachkin hospital in the city of Kazan. No wonder Tatars from all over the city gathered for the funeral of “Mr. Tukaev”.

Project work

Topic: Methodological development for the national-regional component " G. Tukay In our hearts » in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Performed):Vakhitova G.A.

Kazan, 2015

Subject: “G. Tukay is in our hearts” ( NRC)

Target: Expand and generalize children's knowledge about the great Tatar poet G. Tukai - through different types of activities.

Tasks :

    Create conditions for the development of cognitive interest in children.

    Introduce children to the life and work of G. Tukay. Recall familiar works by this author..Reading, learning and dramatizing his works.

    Improve gaming skills and creative independence through the production of theatrical fairy tales.

    Develop coherent speech and enrich children's active vocabulary.

    Cultivate an interest in literature.Through games, fairy tale songsto cultivate feelings of patriotism, love for the native land, respect for its cultural heritage.

Project duration: long-term, creative

Children's age: 5-6 (senior group)

Relevance of the project: In our modern world, thanks to the media and connections, all peoples are getting closer to each other. They are learning more and more about the national traditions and culture of both their own and other peoples.

One of the brightest representatives of Tatar literature is the great Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukai. April 2016 marks the 130th anniversary of

his birth. Over the years, we realize more deeply the importance of creativity and the greatness of Tukay’s personality.

It is very important that children develop love and respect for the personality of the great poet from a very early age. Gabdulla Tukay is not just a great poet, but a symbol of the history and fate of the entire Tatar people. Even today he teaches us and our children to understand this complex world with all its troubles and concerns. Teaches you to live and scream, laugh and cry, appreciate and cherish the love for your loved ones in the everyday chaos of today's existence. The more emotional, expressive impressions a child receives in childhood, through the works of a poet, the more bright, creative personality, possessing high spiritual and moral qualities he will become in the future.

Thus, all this once again emphasizes the importance and necessity of studying the work of Gabdulla Tukay.

Expected results.

This project will provide knowledge about the life and work of the Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukay.

The interest of project participants in further acquaintance with the poet’s works will increase.

Creation of a piggy bank of cognitive information.

Demonstration of children's creative abilities in different types of activities.

Project participants:

1. Children.


    Teacher 3

    Teacher teaching Tatar language to children.

    Musical director

Project stages.

Stage I Preparatory.

Stage II .Basic. Implementation of the main activities of the project.

Preliminary work: Reading the works of G. Tukay.

View the film based on the works of G. Tukay.

Memorizing poems by G. Tukay.

Staging of works by G. Tukay.

Stage III .Final. Event dedicated to G. Tukay.

IV stage. Final.

Working with parents.

Joint activities of children and parents. Design of their works on the topic “Byfairy tales by G. Tukay" (drawings, applications, modeling, wall newspapers, etc.)

Events involving employees.

Learning the song “Tugan Tel” - resp. musical director.

Consultation for educators on introducing children to the poet’s work.

Outdoor games. « Shүrәle”, “Altyn tarak”-rep. educators.

- View the film based on the works of G. Tukay - resp. educators.

- Joint activities of children and parents. educators 4

Project progress:

In groups, discuss the goals and objectives of the project.

Educators create conditions in groups for the implementation of the project.

Tatar language teacher for children, educators


2.Main stage.

Thematic classes dedicated to the life of G. Tukay

To help children understand the significance of G. Tukay’s creativity and the greatness of his personality

Teacher teaching Tatar language to children


Familiarization with the works of the poet by age group (reading works, watching cartoons based on the works of G. Tukay.

Help children understand the content and essence of the works. Foster a good attitude towards their heroes


3. Final stage .

Events dedicated to G. Tukay.

Competition for the best drawing based on the works of the poet

Convey in your drawings your attitude to the content and actions of the characters

Educators,Tatar language teacher for children, parents


Competition for the best reading of poetry by G. Tukay

Improve expressive poetry reading skills


Staging of works

G. Tukay – theatrical competition

Develop creative abilities in theatrical activities. To develop the ability to distinguish fairy-tale situations from real ones

Educators, Tatar language teacher for children, music director


Listening to musical works based on poems by G. Tukay

Through musical works, instill interest in the work of G. Tukay, develop aesthetic taste.

musical director


Celebration dedicated to the poet’s anniversary (in two languages

Use your moral potential. works by G. Tukay. Awaken in the child’s soul feelings of love for nature, work, feelings of friendship

Musical director, Tatar language teacher for children


Scenarioholiday dedicated to the poet's anniversary

Presenter:Hello guys! Isanmesez balalar! Today is a holiday in our kindergarten, the birthday of the great Tatar poet - Gabdulla Tukay!

April and Tukai are inseparable, because it was on April 26 that the great poet of the Tatar people, Gabdulla Tukai, was born! A difficult fate befell the poet. He was only 5 months old when his father died. Leaving the baby in his native village, the mother remarried, but soon the mother also dies...Who will take the boy in to raise him? How often did little Apush hear this?(that’s what they called Gabdulla at home). A fragile, sickly boy passes from hand to hand. And he had the opportunity to meet humiliation with both need and kindness. Apush was 6 years old when he was brought to Sagdi’s house by abzyy, a peasant from the village of Kyrlay, a kind-hearted person. Until he was nine years old, Gabdulla lived in this village. He ran to the river and fishing with the village boys... Gabdulla lived in Kyrlay for only 3 years, but the years spent there became special. For the rest of his life he fell in love with the inhabitants of Kyrlay, its forests and fields. Here he learned to read and write, listened to fairy tales and legends.

He would like to live and live here, in this “wonderful land”, together with good people who replaced his father and mother. But his aunt, who lived in Uralsk and was married to a merchant, remembered him. They needed an assistant... And so Gabdulla was taken to Uralsk. The boy found himself in a new environment, but did not get along in this environment. They began to often reproach him with a piece of bread, scold him, and humiliate him. Proud and proud

the boy could not stand the humiliation and reproaches and went to live in a madrasah. There was life

very difficult, and in order not to die of hunger, he had to combine his studies with the work of a water carrier and watchman.

During these years, Gabdulla was lucky enough to attend a Russian class at the madrasah. Here he read the poems of Pushkin and Lermontov for the first time... The works of these writers affirmed the human right to a free life and called not to put up with evil, but to fight it.

From an early age, Gabdulla loved to listen to poetry and folk songs, and he himself sang well. While studying at the madrasah, Tukay begins to write poetry himself. Day after day, the poet’s skill grows and he becomes known among the Tatars as a talented poet. Tukay moves to Kazan, where he creates his wonderful works: poetry, fairy tales, poems.

Tukai never forgot his native village, this vast impoverished region, the Tatar villages where he grew up as an orphan. He glorifies his land and native language in his poems: “Native Village”("Tugan avyl"), "Native language"("Tugan tel"). The purity and melodiousness of his native speech penetrated his soul. Gabdulla Tukay’s life ended early. He died when he was twenty-seven years old. April 1886 and April 1913. Born in the spring and passed away in the spring...

The image of the immortal Tukay is embodied in poetry, prose, and drama. Hundreds of poems have been written about him, performances have been staged, poems have been created, stories and novels have been written, television and feature films have been made.

Now the children will show us a sketch based on Tukay’s work “Esh betk”ә h, uinarga ardent" (after work you can play).

There is a knock. Shurr comes to the musicә le).

Shurale: Isanmesez balalar! Isanmesez apalar!Kupme monda balalar! Kilegez bire, uynyk bergә keti-keti. 8

Today I heard what will happen hereTukay holiday. ,Idecided that I shouldenbe sure to come to your holiday. Did you find out who I am?


Presenter:Guys, from which Tukay fairy tale did Shurale come to us?

Children answer from the fairy tale “Shurale”

Presenter. Shurale we youWe're afraid you're evil.

Shurale: Don’t be afraid, I’m kind today, I came to play with you. The game is called “Igtibarly bul” or “Be careful.” I will name the part of the body that I will tickle, and you must hide it from me: like this.( A game« Igtibarly Blvd") .

Presenter:shurele, what do you have inbag?

Shurale:a lot of interesting things. Do you want to know? Everything that is in this bag is connected with the name of Gabdulla Tukay.

Shulele takes out the goat.For whatthere is a goat in the bagMe andI don’t remember why I put the goat in the bag?

Presenter: You probably wanted to hear Tukay’s poem “Gali and the Goat.”

Shurale: Әye, dores. How many of you know Tukay’s poem “Gali and Koza”

Leading: What else do you have in your bag of interesting things?

Shuraletakes a butterfly out of the bag.

Bu nәrsә?

Children's answers.

Presenter: Which work of Tukay is this moth from?

Children answer from the poem “Baby and the Moth”

Please tell us this poem. 9

(Children recite the poem “Baby and the Moth”)

Presenter:Guys, let's ask togethershureleWhat's in the bag?

Kapchykta nәrsә bar?

Shuralegets the dog

Bu nәrsә?

Children:this is the dog Akbay

shurele: Your guys probably know Tukay’s poem about Akbay.

Presenter:They will not only tell, but also show an interesting and instructive poem “The Funny Student”

Dramatization of the poem"Funny Student"

Shuraletakes out a golden comb.

Leading:Guys, what fairy tale is this comb from Tukay?

Children answer from the fairy tale “Su Anasy”

Shurale:Guys, I know the game with a comb.

Shurale: We will now stand in a circle and while the music is playing we will pass the comb from hand to hand, when the music stops, the one who has the comb in his hands will have to fulfill my instructions: recite a poem,sing,dance.( Comb game)

I'm leadingspeaker: Gabdulla Tukay loved his native language very much and sang its beauty.

Mother tongue is the holy language, the language of father and mother,

How beautiful you are! I have comprehended the whole world in your wealth!

Rocking my cradle, my mother sang quietly, quietly

Growing up, I began to understand my grandmother’s fairy tales. 10

Guys, let's sing a beautiful song written to the words of Gabdulla Tukay about our native language “Tugan Tel!”

Presenter:Our children not only know how to play, dance, read poetry, but they also draw well. Look at the work they have done.

(Shurale praises the children for their drawings.)

Shurale:It was so interesting for me to meet with you, thank you

Shurale:The time has come, guys, to part with meI really liked the holiday dedicated to Gabdulla Tukay. You know his fairy tales and poems. I am very glad that you are interested in the work of Gabdulla Tukay.To meit was fun and interesting with you. Next year I will definitely come again to the holiday dedicated to Gabdulla Tukai! Until next year. Sau bulygyz!

Children say goodbye

The final stage . demonstration of an exhibition of drawings and crafts for kindergarten children; awards; project analysis.

Working with parents: Awarding children and parents in the nominations “Best Speaker”, “Most Original”work”, “The best scene”, etc.

Conclusion: As a result of working on the project, the children consolidated their knowledge of the work of the great Tatar poet G. Tukay. All children of the senior group and their parents were involved in working on the project. One of the forms of interaction and cooperation with the family is the joint organization and holding of exhibitions of joint works of parents and children in kindergarten. Such events bring children and adults together, captivating them in joint activities. For a kindergarten, such exhibitions have their own significance - it becomes possible not only to attract parents to participate in the activities of the kindergarten, but also to give the opportunity to many parents to become one themselves.

participants. Carrying out such events contributes to the education

the child has moral values, instills a love for his hometown, country, and folk culture. Together with their parents, the children studied more information about the poet’s work.

“Esh betkәch, uynarga ardent”
“Kyzykly shekert”
“Bala belan kubalak”

Gabdulla Tukay- a great Tatar poet, and as Mintimer Shaimiev said: “Truly, Gabdulla Tukai is the sun of Tatar poetry, which, once rising over our great land, will never set.”


It is the creativity of Gabdulla Tukay that will help solve this problem. Tukay left a huge creative legacy, and poetry occupies the largest and most important place in it.
April 26, 2011 marks the 125th anniversary of the great Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukai.

The inexhaustible interest of children, teachers and me personally in his poetic and fairy-tale creativity prompted me to create the project “A Journey through the Books of Gabdulla Tukay.”
The project “Journey through Tukay’s books” is aimed at introducing preschoolers to the works of G. Tukay, increasing the reading culture of children, parents and educators. He considers access to the cultural heritage of the Tatar poet G. Tukay. In his works you can find answers to many questions of today.

It is valuable that Tukay’s works are imbued with a deep love for his native land, its nature, his creative heritage from generation to generation instills in children love and respect for their home, their native land, teaches them to value hard work, patience, and lays the foundations for an aesthetic perception of the world. It is impossible not to note the pedagogical and educational motivation in the poetry of G. Tukay, associated with children's literature. It is through the poems and fairy tales of G. Tukay that a child learns about the world around him.

It is important that through his works children learn the traditions of the Tatar people, their foundations: deference, respect for elders, kindness and responsiveness. They contribute to the formation in children of such valuable character qualities as hard work, honesty, courage, modesty, responsibility, and instill an interest in school and knowledge.

It is also important to promote the poet’s work and cultivate a caring and reverent attitude towards the native language.

  • work with children
  • working with teachers
  • working with parents

in collaboration with the library and the Tatar gymnasium.

A long-term plan has been developed in these areas. The schedules of project activities define the activities, the goals of the activities, the timing and responsibility.
The project was reviewed by the leading bibliographer of the Yelabuga Central Library, Valentina Aleksandrovna Mukhsinova.

I took part in the regional competition of pedagogical excellence “Success Platform 2010”, where I presented the project “Journey through the books of Gabdulla Tukay” and received a 1st degree diploma.

During the implementation of the project, various forms of work are used: book exhibitions, game quizzes, classes, search activities, excursions, theatrical activities, presentation of books, creation of bookmarks, booklets advertising the work of G. Tukay.
Project participants are preschool children (from 4 to 7 years old), parents, educators, librarians and primary school teachers.
Work on a project can be specially organized and also integrated into regular planned forms of work.

Implementation period- month of April.

Target: Increasing the effectiveness of work to introduce children to the works of Gabdulla Tukay.


  • Introduce children to the life and work of Gabdulla Tukay.
  • To cultivate love and respect for the works of Gabdulla Tukay.
  • To develop honesty, truthfulness, kindness and responsiveness in children through the works of Gabdulla Tukay.
  • To cultivate the ability to enjoy the artistic word, the ability to use it in one’s own speech (proverbs, sayings, folk sayings).
  • Learn to feel and understand the figurative language of poems and fairy tales by Gabdulla Tukay.
  • Expand parents’ ideas about Tatar children’s literature and involve them in family reading of literary works.

Expected results of the project:

  • Creating the necessary conditions in a kindergarten, group, family, library to familiarize preschoolers with the works of Gabdulla Tukay.
  • The attitude of 80% of children to the works of Gabdulla Tukay not only as entertainment, but as a source of educational interests.
  • Development of curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity, and communication skills in children.
  • The ability of 25% of children to express ideas and suggestions.
  • Creation of a system of work to familiarize children with the works of Gabdulla Tukay.
  • Active participation of approximately 80% of parents in the implementation of the project.
  • Parents' understanding of the importance of family reading.

The significance of the project “Journey through the books of Gabdulla Tukay” The fact is that thanks to the project, the interaction of the preschool educational institution has expanded, new directions have emerged in joint cooperation with the family, the library, and the Tatar gymnasium to introduce children to the wonderful world of poems and fairy tales by G. Tukay.

Project implementation stages

Stages The content of the work Term Responsible
Stage I – preparatory – Questioning parents on the problem
– Discussion of the goals and objectives of the project with participants
– “Bank of Ideas” (search, study of effective technologies and methods in the field of introducing children to the works of G. Tukay)
– Creation of conditions necessary for the implementation of the project
– Development of educational routes for project participants
– Approaches to interaction with library staff, parents, and the Tatar gymnasium
– Justification, prediction of ways to implement the project.
1st week
1st week
1st week

1st week
1st week
1st week
1st week



Stage II – basic (practical) – Introduction into the educational process of effective methods and techniques for introducing children to the works of G. Tukay
– Improving the subject-development environment in preschool educational institutions (book corners, creating a library, information stands)
– Conducting classes with children to familiarize themselves with the life and work of G. Tukay

– Parental comprehensive education (educating parents on familiarization with the works of G. Tukay)
– Creation of the necessary conditions in kindergarten, group, family, library to familiarize children with the works of G. Tukay
– Development and accumulation of methodological materials, developments, recommendations on the problem

– Literary kaleidoscope with the presentation of a certificate “The best friend of Gabdulla Tukay’s books”

– Monitoring the implementation of the project

During the project implementation
During the project implementation
During the project implementation
During the project implementation
During the project implementation
During the project implementation
4th week
During the project implementation
Teachers, librarians



Teachers, parents, librarians
Teachers, librarians

Teachers, librarians


Project Manager

Stage III – final – Development of results for the project implementation
– Presentation of the project at the workshop “The importance of oral folk art in the speech development of children” at a preschool educational institution
– Presentation of the project at the zonal professional skills competition “Platform for Pedagogical Success 2010”
4th week
4th week
Project Manager
Project Manager

Project Manager

Schedule of project activities for children

Events Goals Deadlines Responsible
1. Organize a mobile library “All about Tukai” in the group Create conditions for the implementation of the project. Develop interest in the books of Gabdulla Tukay. Educators
2 1st week Evening loud readings “A Journey into the World of Books Full of Wonders by G. Tukay” Introduce children to the books of Gabdulla Tukay. Educators
3 1-4 weeks Book exhibition for children in the library “Tukai for Children” To introduce preschoolers to books by G. Tukay and about him, to encourage them to read. 2nd week
4 Teachers, librarian
Meetings with a librarian in kindergarten:
Middle group (from 4 to 5 years)
– “A Journey through the Books of Gabdulla Tukay”
Senior group (from 5 to 6 years old)
– “What the books of Gabdulla Tukay tell us about” Develop interest in the books of Gabdulla Tukay. 2nd week
5 Continue to introduce children to the life and work of the Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukay.
“I created for everyone, but more for children” (jointly children of the preparatory group and parents)
Continue to introduce children to the works of G. Tukay and the rules of conduct in public places. Clarify children's ideas about the library. Develop an interest in the written word. Cultivate a caring attitude towards books. To introduce preschoolers to books by G. Tukay and about him, to encourage them to read.
6 Compiling cards (proverbs, sayings, folk signs based on the works of G. Tukay) Form search activities when working with literature. Help broaden children's horizons
development of cognitive interest.
To introduce preschoolers to books by G. Tukay and about him, to encourage them to read.
7 Reading the works of Gabdulla Tukay: “Mother Tongue”, “Baby and the Moth”, “Mischievous Kitten”, “Poor Hare”, “Funny Student” Arouse and maintain children's interest in fiction. Learn to understand the idea of ​​the work. Develop the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes. To introduce preschoolers to books by G. Tukay and about him, to encourage them to read. Educators
8 Morning 5-minutes “A story about a book read by Gabdulla Tukay” To develop preschoolers’ interest in Tukay’s books; Learn to write stories about what you read. Introduce children to the books of Gabdulla Tukay. Educators
9 Musical activities: learning songs “Tukai Abyi”, “Tugan Tel”, listening to “Tukai March” Develop song creativity, listen to each other; learn to listen carefully to a work and determine which genre it belongs to. Introduce children to the books of Gabdulla Tukay. Music director, native language teacher
10 Modeling based on the work “Funny Student” Fix the work of Gabdulla Tukay in modeling. The ability to create human and dog figures in children. To introduce preschoolers to books by G. Tukay and about him, to encourage them to read. Educators
11 Application based on the work “Baby and the Moth” (senior group) Attach the work to the application. To introduce preschoolers to books by G. Tukay and about him, to encourage them to read. Educators
12 Evoke a feeling of joy and desire to make the composition colorful, colorful work; develop the ability to work together. Dramatization game “Finished the job - walk boldly” Teach children to emotionally perceive the figurative content of the work, convey the characteristic features of the characters, and cultivate the desire to complete the work they have started.
13 3rd week Native language teacher, music director Dramatization game “Finished the job - walk boldly” Literary game “Journey into the world of poetry by G. Tukay” (senior and preparatory groups)
14 To cultivate in children such qualities as: hard work, responsiveness, respect for elders, through educational poems and fairy tales of Gabdulla Tukay. Teachers, native language teacher Dramatization game “Finished the job - walk boldly” Teachers, parents
15 Competition of children's drawings based on the works of Tukay “What I read, what I saw, I drew on paper” Convey scenes from works you like in drawings. Develop imagination and creativity. Dramatization game “Finished the job - walk boldly” Literary game “Journey into the world of poetry by G. Tukay” (senior and preparatory groups)
16 Exhibition of children's crafts based on the works of Tukay “My Favorite Hero” (together with parents) To promote the development of children's skills in creative and manual labor, the development of imagination. Activate joint creativity between children and parents. Dramatization game “Finished the job - walk boldly” Teachers, parents
17 Presentation of children's stories “My favorite book by Gabdulla Tukay” To develop children's creative activity in the process of composing short stories based on the books they read. Dramatization game “Finished the job - walk boldly” Teachers, parents
18 Drawing “Let’s play, Shurale!” (collective work based on the work of G. Tukay) (preparatory group) To teach artistic perception, to distinguish between the real and the fabulous in illustrations; Educators
19 learn to identify the characteristic features of images, their relationships; select episode; develop imagination, cultivate interest and respect for Tatar folk art. 4th week To teach artistic perception, to distinguish between the real and the fabulous in illustrations; Theatrical performance “Theater of one poem by Tukay”
20 To develop children's theatrical and artistic activities, to teach children to choose a role at will, to convey the characteristic features of the characters, to evoke a joyful, emotional mood, and to stimulate the desire to participate. Teachers, music director To teach artistic perception, to distinguish between the real and the fabulous in illustrations; Literary kaleidoscope with the presentation of a certificate “The best friend of the books of Gabdulla Tukay”, the use of a multimedia presentation (jointly children of the preparatory group, 1st grade students of the Tatar gymnasium and parents)

Summarize children's knowledge of the works of Gabdulla Tukay.

Events Goals Deadlines Responsible
1 Mother tongue teacher, primary school teacher, parents Schedule of project activities for educators Develop interest in the books of Gabdulla Tukay. Teachers, parents
2 Methodical piggy bank "Round table" with the participation of educators and parents. Introduce children to the books of Gabdulla Tukay. Literary game “Journey into the world of poetry by G. Tukay” (senior and preparatory groups)
3 Discuss the goals and objectives of the project. Generate interest in creating conditions for the implementation of the project Develop interest in the books of Gabdulla Tukay. Development and accumulation of methodological materials, developments, recommendations for introducing children to the works of Gabdulla Tukay.
4 Consultation “How to introduce preschoolers to the life and work of G. Tukay” Introducing children to the work of the Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukay. Native language teacher Literary game “Journey into the world of poetry by G. Tukay” (senior and preparatory groups)
5 Design of the parent corner: posting articles, consultations, recommendations on the topic of the project Educating parents on familiarization with the works of Gabdulla Tukay Develop interest in the books of Gabdulla Tukay. Teachers, librarians
6 1-2 weeks To introduce preschoolers to books by G. Tukay and about him, to encourage them to read. Educators
7 Selection of books by G. Tukay for group libraries To develop children's interest in the works of Gabdulla Tukay.
To draw attention to the books of Gabdulla Tukay and to reading.
Workshop “The importance of oral folk art in the speech development of children” Senior educator, educators, librarians, teachers
8 Exhibition “All about Gabdulla Tukai” Summarize and demonstrate the material accumulated while working on the project. To teach artistic perception, to distinguish between the real and the fabulous in illustrations; Educators

Schedule of project activities for parents:

Events Goals Dates Responsible
1 Questioning of parents on the study of reading books by Gabdulla Tukay To determine whether parents read books to their children, what children prefer to listen to. Develop interest in the books of Gabdulla Tukay. Educators
2 “Round table” with the participation of educators, parents and children Discuss the goals and objectives of the project. Develop interest in the books of Gabdulla Tukay. Teachers, parents
3 Generate interest among parents in creating conditions for the implementation of the project Campaign “Give a book by Gabdulla Tukay to a kindergarten” Develop interest in the books of Gabdulla Tukay. Replenish the libraries in groups with books by G. Tukay. Continue to create a desire among parents and children to take part in the project
4 Parents
– “How to get a child interested in reading Tukay’s books”;
– “We recommend reading the books of Gabdulla Tukay” Native language teacher Educators
5 Educating parents on introducing children to the creativity of G. Tukay. Targeted excursion to the library “Created for everyone, but more for children” (jointly children of the preparatory group and parents) To introduce preschoolers to books by G. Tukay and about him, to encourage them to read. Continue to introduce children to the works of Gabdulla Tukay. Clarify children's ideas about the library. Develop an interest in the written word. Cultivate a caring attitude towards books.
6 Teachers, native language teacher, parents Campaign “Reading books by Gabdulla Tukay” To introduce preschoolers to books by G. Tukay and about him, to encourage them to read. Teachers, parents
7 To attract the attention of parents to the books of G. Tukay and to reading. Parents’ club “Let’s be friends with Tukay’s books with the whole family” To teach artistic perception, to distinguish between the real and the fabulous in illustrations; Provide parents with the opportunity to communicate with each other, share family experiences in introducing children to the works of G. Tukay.
8 Library ri, educators Memo “How to make friends with Tukay’s books” To teach artistic perception, to distinguish between the real and the fabulous in illustrations; To maintain parents' interest in reading books by Gabdulla Tukay.


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