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To pass the exam successfully, the student must complete 17 exercises at the circuit. Two minutes are allocated for each exercise. Further - departure to the city. The time for passing the exam in the city is 30 minutes. We have collected the list of errors and penalty points for them in a separate document, which can be downloaded at the end of the article.

Essential skills for passing the exam

Let's take a look at the basic skills required to pass the exam:

  • be able to use car emergency signals;
  • correctly make a stop maneuver by choosing a suitable place for this;
  • be able to turn around without interfering with third-party road users;
  • overtake and complete it in a timely manner;
  • slow down in advance, and, if the situation requires it, stop in front of the pedestrian crossing;
  • be able to correctly use the sound and light signals of the vehicle;
  • correctly recognize and follow the signals of the traffic controller;
  • correctly drive through an unregulated intersection.

All these requirements are not difficult to fulfill. It is enough just to train and take responsibility for the practical exercises in the driving school.

The nuances of passing the exam

Before passing the exam, prepare the vehicle. The engine first warms up and then turns off. The operation of all devices in the car is also checked.

When the examinee gets into the car, he has time to prepare. He definitely needs to move the driver's seat to a comfortable position, adjust side mirrors as well as a rear-view mirror. After that, the cadet can start moving.

As soon as the car starts to move, the examiner has the right to give commands, control the process of driving the car, and also fix violations, if any. Commands are delivered clearly and in a timely manner.

If it is necessary to make a turning maneuver, the place for the maneuver is chosen by the examinee himself. It is forbidden to rush and provoke a cadet to perform hasty or incorrect actions.

Evaluation rules

After the inspector gives the command to stop, the examinee is obliged to stop at the indicated place or choose a place to stop at his own discretion. Then bring the gearshift lever to the neutral position and put the car on the handbrake to avoid rolling back.

Next comes the calculation of the penalty points received by the cadet during the exam. If the number of penalty points is twenty points or more, the exam is considered not passed. The cadet receives the mark "Not passed."

In case of a favorable outcome, when the number does not exceed twenty points, the cadet receives the mark "Pass". After the announcement of the assessment, the exam is considered fully completed.

Even at the training stage, you can start looking for your first car. Due to the lack of experience, the risk of minor accidents is high, so it is better to buy a used car. We have prepared a series of articles with reviews of used cars in our blog. And in order not to buy a problem car,

Many candidates for drivers will find it useful to have a table of penalty points, which are given for mistakes on a practical exam when passing in the city.

Now, when passing a driving test in the city, a future driver can earn 1, 3 or 5 points. Failure to pass the exam will occur if 5 or more penalty points are accumulated for the entire time of passing.

Penalty points before September 1, 2016

Blunders - 5 points

Typical mistakes Points of traffic rules
1.1. Did not provide an advantage in driving to vehicle drivers who have such a right (created an obstacle) 3.2, 8.1, 8.3-8.5, 8.8, 8.9, 11.7, 13.4-13.6, 13.8, 13.9, 13.11, 13.12, 15.1, 18.1, 18.3
1.2. Did not provide an advantage in movement to pedestrians and (or) cyclists who have such a right 8.3, 13.1, 14.1-14.3, 14.5, 14.6
1.3. I drove into the oncoming lane or tram rails opposite direction 8.6, 9.2, 9.3, 9.6, 9.8
6.2-6.5, 6.7, 6.9, 6.10
1.5. Failed to fulfill the requirements of priority signs, prohibition and prescriptive signs Annex 1
1.6. Crossed the stop line (marking 1.12) with a 2.5 sign or with a prohibiting traffic light (traffic controller) 6.13, Appendix 2
1.7. Violated the rules of overtaking 11.1-11.5
1.8. Broke the reversal rules 8.8, 8.11
1.9. Before turning right, left or making a U-turn, did not take the appropriate position on the carriageway, taking into account clause 8.7 8.5
15.1-15.4, 12.4
1.12. He did not take possible measures to reduce the speed, up to a complete stop, when there was a danger to traffic 10.1
1.13. The action or inaction of the candidate for drivers, which caused the need to intervene in the control process of the examination vehicle in order to prevent the occurrence of an accident

Average errors - 3 points

Minor mistakes - 1 point

Typical mistakes Points of traffic rules
3.1. Didn't fasten your seat belt 2.1.2
3.2. Untimely submitted and turned off the turn signal 8.2
3.3. Violated the rules for the location of the vehicle on the roadway 9.3, 9.4, 9.7-9.10
3.4. I chose the speed of movement without taking into account road and meteorological conditions 10.1
3.5. Moved unnecessarily at too low a speed 10.4
3.6. Braked sharply in the absence of the need to prevent road accidents 10.4
3.7. Violated the rules for using external light devices and sound signals 19.1-19.5, 19.8
3.8. Inattentive towards other vehicles
3.9. Uncertainly uses vehicle controls, does not provide smooth movement and braking
3.10 Does not use rear-view mirrors
3.11 Permitted wheel blocking vehicle when performing emergency braking
3.12. Other traffic violations

Penalty points from September 1, 2016

Blunders - 5 points

Typical mistakes Points of traffic rules
1.1. Did not give way (created a hindrance) to the vehicle that had priority 3.2, 8.1, 8.3-8.5, 8.8, 8.9, 8.12,9.6, 11.7, 13.4-13.6, 13.8, 13.9, 13.11, 13.12, 15.1, 18.1, 18.3
1.2. Did not give way (created an obstacle) to pedestrians who have an advantage 8.3, 13.1, 13.8, 14.1, 14.3, 14.5, 14.6
1.3. Driven into oncoming traffic lane (except in permitted cases) or on tram tracks in opposite direction 8.6, 9.2, 9.3, 9.6, 9.8, 9.12
1.4. Passed on a red light or a traffic controller 6.2-6.4, 6.7, 6.9, 6.10
1.5. Failed to fulfill the requirements of priority signs, prohibition and prescriptive signs, road markings 1.1, 1.3, as well as signs of special instructions Appendices No. 1 and No. 2 to traffic rules
1.6. Crossed the stop line (marking 1.12) when stopping when there is a sign 2.5 or when a traffic light signal (traffic controller) is prohibited 6.13, Appendix No. 2 to traffic rules
1.7. Violated the rules for overtaking 11.1-11.4
1.8. Violated the rules of the turn 8.5-8.7
1.9. Violated the rules for performing a U-turn 8.5, 8.8, 8.11
1.10. Violated traffic rules reverse 8.12
1.11 Has violated the rules of travel at level crossings 15.1-15.4, 12.4
1.12. Exceeded the set speed 10.1-10.4
1.13. He did not take possible measures to reduce the speed up to a complete stop of the vehicle when there was a danger to traffic 10.1
1.14. Violated the rules of advancing vehicles when passing pedestrian crossings 11.5, 14.2
1.15. Performed overtaking a vehicle with special color schemes applied on the outer surfaces with a blue flashing light and a special sound signal turned on, or an accompanying vehicle 3.2
1.16. An action or inaction of a driver candidate, which caused the need to intervene in the process of driving an examination vehicle in order to prevent the occurrence of an accident
1.17. Failed (ignored) the examiner's task

Average errors - 3 points

Typical mistakes Points of traffic rules
2.1. Violated the rules of stopping, parking 12.1-12.5, 12.7, 12.8
2.2. Did not give a signal with a turn signal before starting a movement, changing lanes, turning (making a U-turn) or stopping 8.1
2.3. Failed to comply with road markings (except for markings 1.1, 1.3 and 1.12) Appendices No. 1 and No. 2 to traffic rules
2.4. Did not use hazard warning lights or warning signs in specified cases 7.1, 7.2
2.5. I drove out to an intersection with a congestion, interfering with the movement of the vehicle in the transverse direction 13.2
2.6. Didn't fasten your seat belt 2.1.2
2.7. Violated the rules for the carriage of passengers 22.7
2.8. I used my phone while driving 2.7
2.9. In established cases, did not reduce speed or stop 14.2, 14.7

Minor mistakes - 1 point

Typical mistakes Points of traffic rules
3.1. Untimely gave a turn signal 8.2
3.2. Violated the rules for the location of a vehicle on the road 9.3, 9.4, 9.7-9.10
3.3. I chose the speed of movement without taking into account road and meteorological conditions 10.1
3.4. Moved unnecessarily at too low a speed, interfering with other vehicles 10.5
3.5. Braked sharply in the absence of the need to prevent road accidents 10.5
3.6. Violated the rules of using external light devices and sound signal 19.1-19.5, 19.8, 19.10
3.7. Has committed other traffic violations
3.8. Wrongly assessed the traffic situation
3.9 Didn't use rear-view mirrors
3.10. Uncertainly used the controls of the vehicle, did not ensure smooth movement
3.11 Engine stalled during the exam

City driving is the third, The final stage exam. Only those candidates who have successfully passed the theory and platform are allowed to it. The city begins immediately after delivery.
Dealers take their turn. Usually a driving school instructor takes part in the assignment of candidates to cars. He makes sure that the examinees, if possible, drive the car they were driving in during the training. Externs and those who retake the exam after one or several unsuccessful attempts, as a rule, get a "random" car.

How is the traffic police exam in the city going?

Several candidates get into the car: one is behind the wheel, the rest are on passenger seats... An examiner takes a seat next to the driver. He tells the examinees which route to follow. The list of routes is compiled in advance, information is posted on the stand in the traffic police department.

The candidate drives some segment of the path. For each mistake, the inspector exposes a certain number of points. Points are added up. If the number of penalty points is less than 5, the examinee receives a "passed" mark. If 5 or more points are given, the mark “did not pass” is given.


Re-surrender is allowed no earlier than 7 days later. The theory and circuit results are valid for three months. If the candidate failed to pass the city during this period of time, the first two stages will have to be retaken again.

Examination route

The routes for the exam are usually located in the city center, in areas with sufficient traffic. They do not include sections of the road on which training is prohibited. The routes are designed in such a way that during their passage it was possible to test the knowledge of the rules and practical skills of the examinee.
On the route you may come across bus stops, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, areas with complex markings, all kinds of signs, etc. Get ready for provocations! Inspectors very often ask candidates to take some action that goes against the rules. The instructions are given in a directive tone, the excitement about the exam completes the job - as a result, the test subject does not hesitate to follow the instructions and goes to retake.

Errors and "did not pass"

Most often, the mark "did not pass" is given for the fact that the examinee does not let pedestrians pass, crosses a solid marking line, does not give way to other vehicles, violates the rules for making a turn and U-turn, or exceeds the speed.
Please note that you can score 5 penalty points not only on one major, but also on several minor traffic violations. For example, it will be enough not to fasten the belt (1 point), choose the wrong speed (1 point) and not turn on the turn signal before stopping or changing lanes (3 points).

How to prepare

Basic rule: practice, practice, practice. It is impossible to simultaneously keep in mind the sequence of all movements, assess the traffic situation and critically perceive the instructions of the examiner. This means that it is necessary to free the head from unnecessary "garbage" - that is, to transfer all the basic actions from the conscious sphere into muscle memory.

An average person needs about 32 hours of driving to acquire the minimum driving skill. There are only 20 such hours in the driving school program. Therefore, most of the candidates for drivers need additional lessons. You can agree on these lessons at the driving school, or, if for some reason you are not too happy with the driving school instructor, take a few driving lessons from.
During training, you should pay attention to road markings, signs and other features of the route, the knowledge of which may be useful for the exam. Ideally, you should remember the possible ways of surrender so that you can explain without a map how you can and should move on certain sections of the road.

How to take

In the experience of most test takers, it is best to take early. By the end of the exam, the inspectors get tired and pay more attention to the minor mistakes of the subjects. We do not have verified information on this topic, but they say that examiners have a certain plan for passing. Rumor has it that in order to achieve compliance with the plan and the actual results of the delivery, at the end of the exam, they begin to "bring down" candidates.
Be that as it may, renting among the first is more profitable. You are not yet hungry, tired, or exhausted by the long wait. The examiner is also cheerful and fresh, so the main thing is not to make mistakes.

Remember: the exam does not start when you start driving, but the moment you get into your car. Be sure to complete all preparatory steps. Adjust the seat. Otherwise, it will be simply uncomfortable for you to drive. You will be distracted and you can make mistakes.

  1. Buckle your seat belt.
  2. Adjust the mirrors.
  3. Make sure you sit comfortably and you can see everything.

Keep in mind that your behavior at the start of the exam influences the inspector's opinion of you as a driver.

Don't forget about the handbrake. If the car is parked on a level area, it is removed from hand brake before starting to move. If the machine is on an incline, start off as in the overpass exercise.
Be sure to make sure that you do not interfere with other vehicles when starting to drive. Don't forget to turn the turn signals on and off. Do not rush from row to row unnecessarily. Do not overspeed. Moving too slowly is also not worth it - penalty points are awarded for this.

The "standard" beginner's lane is the right lane. When driving in this lane, pay attention to public transport... Do not line up closely behind buses and trolleybuses. Keep your distance so that when the route vehicle stops, you can change lanes to the left.

When stopping on a slope (at a traffic light, in a traffic jam or on a secondary road), you need to get under way with the parking brake. When the command "stop", you must make sure that the traffic rules are allowed to stop. If stopping at this point is prohibited, you should drive further. Before stopping, do not forget to turn on the turn signal and skip the vehicles following in the right lane. After stopping, turn off the turn signal, raise the handbrake and unfasten the belt.

Everything! The exam is passed. You need to sign the examination sheet and you can go either to the traffic police for driving license, or, if your department issues the license in a few days - home, mark the successful delivery.

Error Point of traffic rules Penalty points
A. Rude
1.1 Did not provide an advantage in driving to vehicle drivers who have such a right (created an obstacle) 3.2, 8.1, 8.3-8.5, 8.8, 8.9, 11.7, 13.4-13.6, 3.8, 13.9, 13.11, 13.12, 15.1, 18.1, 18.3 5
1.2 Did not provide an advantage in movement to pedestrians and (or) cyclists who have such a right 8.3, 13.1, 14.1-14.3, 14.5, 14.6 5
1.3 Enters the oncoming lane or tram tracks in the opposite direction 8.6, 9.2, 9.3, 9.6, 9.8 5
1.4 Passed on a red light or a traffic controller 6.2-6.5, 6.7, 6.9, 6.10 5
1.5 Failed to fulfill the requirements of priority signs, prohibition and prescriptive signs Annex 1 5
1.6 Crossed the stop line (marking 1.12) with a 2.5 sign or with a prohibiting traffic light (traffic controller) 6.13, Appendix 2 5
1.7 Violated the rules of overtaking 11.1-11.5 5
1.8 Broke the reversal rules 8.8, 8.11 5
1.9 Before turning right, left or making a U-turn, did not take the appropriate position on the carriageway, taking into account clause 8.7 8.5 5
1.10 Violated the rules for reversing 8.12 5
1.11 Violated the rules of travel of railway crossings 15.1-15.4, 12.4 5
1.12 He did not take possible measures to reduce the speed, up to a complete stop, when there was a danger to traffic 10.1 5
1.13 The action or inaction of the candidate for drivers, which caused the need to intervene in the control process of the examination vehicle in order to prevent the occurrence of an accident 5
B. Average
2.1 Violated stopping rules 2.1, 12.2, 12.4, 12.7, 12.8 3
2.2 Did not give a signal with a turn signal before starting a movement, changing lanes, turning (turning) 8.1 3
2.3 Failed to comply with the requirements of information and direction signs, road markings (except for markings 1.3, 1.12 of Appendix 2 to the traffic rules) Appendices 1, 2 3
2.4 Did not use hazard warning lights or warning signs in specified cases 7.1, 7.2 3
2.5 I drove out to an intersection with a congestion, creating an obstacle for the vehicle to move in the transverse direction 13.2 3
B. Small
3.1 Didn't fasten your seat belt 2.1.2 1
3.2 Untimely submitted and turned off the turn signal 8.2 1
3.3 Violated the rules for the location of the vehicle on the roadway 9.3, 9.4, 9.7-9.10 1
3.4 I chose the speed of movement without taking into account road and meteorological conditions 10.1 1
3.5 Moved unnecessarily at too low a speed 10.4 1
3.6 Braked sharply in the absence of the need to prevent road accidents 10.4 1
3.7 Violated the rules for using external light devices and sound signals 19.1-19.5, 19.8 1
3.8 Inattentive towards other vehicles 1
3.9 Uncertainly uses vehicle controls, does not provide smooth movement and braking 1
3.10 Doesn't use rear-view mirrors 1
3.11 Allowed blocking of the vehicle wheels when performing emergency braking 1
3.12 Other traffic violations 1

Recently, the deputies introduced a bill to the Duma, which implies the introduction of a banal system of punishments for ordinary drivers and taxi drivers for traffic violations. The State Duma proposes that the traffic police officers will re-accrue points, and the number of points will primarily depend on the amount of fines issued. Car instructors will tell us when and how such a system will be implemented.

Scoring rules

The deputies believe that a special section should be introduced in the Administrative Code, where all punishments for regular violations of traffic rules will be considered. For example, if a driver has committed three or more car crimes, then he gets 150 points. For this, you can lose VU for a period of 12 months. The points will most likely be calculated as follows: one point will be equal to 100 rubles of the fine.

Thus, if the minimum fine is 500 rubles, then there will be five points.

According to the deputies, this a good option stop those who systematically violate traffic rules, and there are many of them among motorists and even driving instructors. There are drivers who have 20 or even 30 fines, which in most cases ends in a tragedy on the road.

Some people wonder why they decided to return such strict rules? But the authors of the bill reassure motorists: it will not be a "funded" system for absolutely all violations, but only for those that pose a danger to society. These include: driving on a red signal, excessive speeding, driving into an “oncoming lane”, etc.

Such offenses as parking or stopping in the wrong place, movement on the lane allocated for special vehicles will not be taken into account.

Are the three holes coming back?

Experienced drivers have not yet forgotten a similar system that operated in our country about 15 years ago. Surely, many remember the rule of "three holes", when after such a number of "punctures" any driver was deprived of his license for a year. A little later there was a transition to a point system. Today, no one, nothing, and will never pierce. However, all violations on the road will be recorded on special electronic media.

If a driver gains 200 points in one in a calendar year (which is equal to a fine in monetary terms of 20 thousand rubles), then the motorist will automatically lose his driving license for a year.

Exceeded the speed limit - lost my license

Another proposal submitted for consideration in the Duma is to deprive a VU for one year of a person who has greatly exceeded the speed, in particular by 80-90 km / h. For such a violation, a fine of five thousand and deprivation of rights, again for a year, will be provided.

In addition to the point system, the new bill provides for the following sanctions for offenders. So, the amount of the minimum fine will increase from one hundred rubles to 500, as already mentioned above. Another innovation concerns drunkenness while driving. So, for driving a vehicle in a state of alcoholic intoxication (the permissible amount per mille is not yet known), a fine of 50 thousand rubles will be charged at once, plus deprivation of the VU for 3 years. Exactly the same punishment (fine and deprivation) threatens those motorists who transfer their car to another drunken person.

Even in the amendments submitted to the State Duma, the fines for driving without a vehicle have been increased. Today we are talking about an increase to 30,000 rubles!

Video about the tightening of punishments for offenses on the road:

We wish you good luck on the road and don't break the rules!

The article uses an image from the site

If the exam does not pass successfully, then the reason in most cases lies precisely in this stage. Inspectors pay great attention even minor trifles when driving in the city, so you need to carefully prepare for it.

The 2019 City Driving Exam is designed to test the driver's skills in driving a vehicle and the ability to find a way out of situations that arise on the road unexpectedly. For certification, a road is selected on which other vehicles are moving in real time.

Certification is complicated by various negative phenomena that drivers do not pay attention to in everyday driving.

The inspector checks the driver's skills and knowledge, in particular, the familiarity with the entire range of traffic rules is assessed. The driver must be good at doing the following:

  1. Use alarms and take any action only after they are connected.
  2. To be able to stop correctly, choosing the optimal place and time for this, as well as to make a U-turn without interfering with the movement of other cars.
  3. Correctly perform all the duties that the driver is assigned when driving.
  4. To be able to overtake and timely make an oncoming siding.
  5. Avoid stops, as well as stop in time at pedestrian crossings.
  6. Correctly apply sound and light signals when the need arises.
  7. To carry out the correct start of movement and be able to maneuver at a significant speed.
  8. Follow traffic signals, accurately maintain the necessary pauses, and also be able to correctly execute the traffic controller's signals.
  9. Carry out a rational crossing of intersections.

How to Prepare?

There are several ways to take the exam. The method is chosen depending on the number of examinees, examiners, and road conditions. Before the exam, the vehicle is checked for compliance technical standards... Be sure to check that the camcorders and various pedals are in good working order.

The exam lasts at least 20 minutes. Sometimes, before this time has passed, the novice driver receives the verdict “DO NOT SENT”. In this case, the route is terminated earlier. It is impossible to conduct an exam if the owner or his representative is not able to provide documents that confirm the right to own the property.

When the exam takes place, the examiner and the examiner, as well as the owner of the vehicle, are in the car, sometimes a legal representative comes instead. It is necessary to provide a seat for the owner of the car where it is possible to drive the car using the alternative system.

It is also impossible to carry out an exam if the chosen route at a particular moment does not meet the basic requirements for ensuring the safety of people in transport while driving.

Order of conduct

The vehicle's engine is warmed up and turned off, and the vehicle itself is set at the beginning of the route. It is imperative to check the connection of the hand brake, and the position of the manual transmission lever is made neutral.

When the movement begins, the examiner has the right to give commands to the examiner, monitor all the features of driving a car, and also write down the mistakes made and fix violations.

All commands issued by the examiner must be given not only in a timely manner, but also clearly.

For the implementation of the maneuver, the place is selected separately by the examiner. It is forbidden to provoke the examiner to carry out incorrect actions. All teams must be neutral and correct. It is also forbidden to smoke in the cabin, listen to music or use a mobile phone.

Evaluation rules

The number of penalty points that the driver received during the exam is calculated. If it exceeds 20 units, the person receives the grade "DO NOT Pass". When the number of penalty points is less than this indicator, the person receives the verdict "SALT". After that, the exam is considered completed.

Gross mistakes Penalty points
Refusal to surrender the road to drivers with such a right. 5
Refusal to allow pedestrians or cyclists to pass through designated areas. 5
Ignoring a traffic signal or traffic control official who prohibits passage. 5
Failure to comply with the requirements that govern counter signs. 5
Driving out of line when you need to stop. 5
Overtaking not according to the rules. 5
Making a U-turn without observing traffic rules. 5
Make a U-turn or turn without going over to the designated side of the road. 5
Reversing without taking into account the rules or certain circumstances on the carriageway. 5
Relocation railway tracks not by established standards. 5
Refusal to reduce speed or stop when a danger appears in further movement in a given direction. 5
Driver behavior that required corrective action or inaction by the examiner to prevent the risk of an accident. 5
Minor mistakes Penalty points
The seat belt was not fastened when starting to drive. 1
The turn signal was turned on, but it was not activated at the correct time. 1
The vehicle is in the wrong position on the road. 1
Travel speed is not optimal for weather and road conditions. 1
The speed when driving is too low, although there are no predisposing factors for this. 1
Braking without the need to take action to avoid an accident. 1
The rules for using devices to turn on light and sound were violated. 1
Inattentive attitude towards vehicles on the roadway. 1
Insufficiently confident application of all vehicle functions. The movement and braking procedure are carried out abruptly, there is no smoothness during the ride. 1
Refusal to use rear-view mirrors. 1
When performing sudden braking, the wheels of the vehicle were blocked. 1
Other minor but significant traffic violations. 1

To pass the driving license exam successfully, you need to be careful on the road and follow all the rules, regardless of the examiner's behavior. You should not react to provocations, and give up at the slightest failure. Prepare for the City Driving Test and follow the steps slowly and thoughtfully.

Questions and answers

The traffic police inspector gave five points in the exam for unsure use of the car. One point for different actions. Is it legal or not?

Yes, the inspector has the right to assess the level of your behavior on the road.

I passed the exam, the bus started to leave from the bus stop. I slowed down to let him pass. For this I was given five penalty points. What can be done?

You can go to the traffic police department and, together with the inspector, discuss what exactly you were given points for. If your car had an auto-recorder, then you can ask to view the record of your driving.

I passed the exam and received eight penalty points, they told me that I did not pass. At the same time, my instructor later told me that I drove according to the rules and did not break anything. What can be done in this situation?

You can file a complaint with the head of this department of the traffic police. Alternatively, you can go to court. You can call your instructor as a witness. Also, a video recorder was to be installed in the car. You can ask the instructor to give you the video and attach it to your complaint for the court.


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