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Modern car models have a special indicator on their dashboard or, which translated into Russian means "Check the engine". She signals that in power plant car or other components and assemblies, a malfunction has occurred that may negatively affect the quality and safety of traffic. Let's take a closer look at what it means Check Engine and what actions should be taken when such a signal appears.

A lit Check Engine icon indicates a problem.

Purpose of the diagnostic system

When the Check Engine light is on, this indicates that the electronic engine control unit has detected an error in the functioning of any of the engine components. The following parameters are subject to control using this system:

  • engine speed,
  • operation of petrol injection and exhaust system sensors,
  • functioning of the ignition and much more.

Considering the number of monitored nodes, the reasons for Check indicator Engine can be quite a lot. And to identify them, you need some knowledge and skills, and in some cases - special equipment.

Action when an alarm is detected

Consider what to do if Check Engine lights up? It should be noted right away that the blinking of this light does not always mean a breakdown. If it flared up when the engine was started and instantly went out, no need to worry. But if it worked while the car was moving and blinks for a long time, you should pay attention to this and take measures to detect the problem.

The reasons why this happens can be divided into 2 groups: easily fixable and more critical for the operation of the machine. In the latter case, you must immediately go to the service to diagnose and fix the breakdown. In many other cases, you can cope with the trouble yourself.

Reasons for the indicator

In most cases, the reasons that the Check Engine light comes on are:

  1. Opened fuel tank cap. It can be badly twisted or lost while driving. It affects the pressure inside fuel system, it deviates from the norm, which is what the indicator informs the driver about. To fix the problem, you need to close the tank more tightly or buy a new cap.
  2. Ingress of moisture. The indicator can light up during rain or after washing the engine, when water gets on the spark plug wires, causing short circuits, which are perceived by the monitoring system as a malfunction. In such situations, you need to be more careful and after washing, ask the employee to dry the high-voltage wire connections with a stream of air.
  3. Poor quality gasoline. Even a small amount of impurities in gasoline interferes with spark plugs, causing them to malfunction. The presence of carbon deposits on them helps to identify this. If the reason for the indicator's operation is this, it is recommended to drain the low-quality fuel and replace it with another one.
  4. Insufficient oil level. When the CheckEngine lamp flashes while driving, you need to stop, open the hood and listen to the noises and sounds made by the engine. If you do not hear any suspicious and alarming sounds, and the inspection of the motor did not reveal any visual defects and smudges, it is necessary.

However, sometimes this signal can be the result of more serious problems:

  1. Faulty spark plugs. Inspection may reveal a large gap between the electrodes or a crack in the insulator. In the first case, set the gap to no more than 1.3 mm, in the second, replace the candles.
  2. Ignition coil defective. It is necessary to figure out whether a spark is emitted, and also to measure the value of resistance at the terminals of the coil. If there is no spark or the multimeter shows a large deviation from the nominal value, the part must be replaced.
  3. Breakage - lambda probe. The failure of this element often entails the activation of the Check Engine light. If the check has confirmed this, the best way out of this situation is to replace the damaged part.
  4. Catalyst problems. The catalyst is checked for defects and, in the event of a malfunction, is replaced with a new one.
  5. Problems with injectors. If you suspect that they are not working correctly, you need to check if they are clogged and clean. If this measure did not help, it is necessary to replace the nozzles with new ones.
  6. Improper operation of the fuel pump or fuel filter... You can eliminate the malfunction by replacing the defective or worn-out part.
  7. Low rail pressure. It is necessary to check that this indicator is at least three atmospheres. Otherwise, clean the filter or change the fuel pump.
  8. Defective high-voltage wires. To check them, you need to follow these steps. In a pan made of aluminum or stainless steel, pour a salt solution based on the proportion of 1 liter of water 1 tablespoon of salt. Lower the wire there so that the tips are above the water. Attach a megohmmeter to one tip, and fasten the other to the pan. If the indicator is less than 500 kΩ, then the resistance is insufficient and the wires should be replaced.

Diagnosing the problem using a dedicated computer

Many drivers are faced with a situation where the Check Engine is on, but there is no car in the car that would indicate a specific problem. Then it is necessary to use a diagnostic scanner, which, when connected to the on-board system of the car, gains access to the electronic engine control unit and issues a breakdown code.

The Check Engine computer program with a special adapter allows the car driver to use a regular PDA, mobile phone, laptop or Car PC as a diagnostic device that can determine the cause of the indicator.

With the help of the mentioned hardware and software complex, you can:

  • read, decode and delete fault codes according to the information of the car manufacturer;
  • monitor the parameters of the functioning of the motor, such as speed, temperature, state of sensors, and so on;
  • control gasoline consumption;
  • take into account the distance, time, average speed and other parameters of the movement of the machine.

How to remove an error from the dashboard

After eliminating the malfunction, the indicator itself is on dashboard does not go out. Therefore, consider how to remove Check error Engine after completed repairs.

It can be removed from on-board computer manually, but only after you have checked for the above reasons for the indicator to work and have eliminated the problems that have arisen. If nothing has been done, it is better to contact a car service to a specialist so as not to harm the car even more.

If you carefully monitor the Check Engine indicator, respond to its signals in time and correctly, identify possible causes of its operation and quickly eliminate them, then your car will serve you for a long time without the need for major repairs.

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On the dashboard of almost every modern car there is a Check Engine warning light, the name of which translates as "Check the engine". And if this indicator lights up, it means that some malfunctions have been noticed in the operation of the system. At first - back in the distant 80s - cars were equipped with small computers designed to control the carburetor. But today the capabilities of these units have expanded - now they monitor not only the composition of the fuel mixture, but also the engine speed, ignition, as well as a number of other parameters (including gear shifting in the manual transmission).

The seemingly harmless inscription "Check the engine" causes serious concern among drivers, since it may indicate both the need for a banal replacement of high-voltage wires, and the failure of the motor. Finding out the exact reason why the ill-fated inscription is burning, without having at hand special equipment, is quite difficult, but possible.

What to do if Check Engine lights up?

There is one important thing to understand first: this indicator lights up immediately after starting the engine, even if it works properly, but immediately goes out... But if it continues to burn, then take this into account. The reason may be harmless - for example, the loss of a gas tank cap - so as soon as possible, analyze the condition of the vehicle directly from the passenger compartment.

  1. If the Check Engine blinks while driving, then don't panic. Stop, listen to the engine running noise, then check the oil level and replace if necessary. Also examine the engine for visible damage or defects. If the car does not work well, then the problem most likely lies in the failure of one of the spark plugs or a misfire.
  2. If the initial diagnostics did not give any results, then go to the nearest car service, where specialists will conduct a professional examination of the car.

The problem with candles (especially iridium) is more typical for domestic roads, since the quality of gasoline sold in Russia is not at the highest level.

But nevertheless, there can be many reasons provoking the blinking of the light bulb, because the computer that gives these signals controls a large number of systems. And sometimes you can identify the problem yourself.

Learn about the main features boxer engines v .

Common Causes of Check Engine Light On

Let's get acquainted with the most common causes of the Check Engine lettering that you can identify and eliminate with your own hands.

High voltage wires, candles

In the event of a malfunctioning spark plug, the spark for petrol ignition is not supplied correctly. We can talk about an incorrect supply interval or the absence of a spark in principle, which affects the functioning of the engine. This is especially true when accelerating - you may feel slight jolts.

Why is this happening?
Most of the spark plugs produced before 1996 need to be replaced every 25-30 thousand kilometers. In newer models, the service life can reach 150 thousand. But regardless of the "age" of the candles, the timing of their planned replacement may change due to a number of factors, including driving style and the quality of gasoline.
What to do?
If the candles are old, and failures are felt in the operation of the motor, then an urgent replacement is required. It is not worth saving, because the replacement will cost a small amount, but after that the functionality will improve, and the fuel consumption will decrease. You can replace the candles yourself as they are usually easily accessible. Use a regular spark plug wrench to unscrew them from the engine.

Also, periodically check the condition of the high-voltage wires, because they also wear out and can pass an electric current, which, in turn, is transmitted to the candles and reduces the strength of the spark.

Mass air flow sensor

A malfunction of this sensor, which regulates the volume of air supplied to the gasoline mixture, increases the consumption and reduces the power of the car. Because of this, the inscription "Check Engine" may light up. Visually, the problem can be identified by a decrease in ride smoothness and low acceleration dynamics.

Why is this happening?
Often the reason lies in improper installation. air filter during its next replacement. Although even with a planned replacement, corresponding to the maintenance regulations, it can still fail.
What to do?
With a broken sensor, you can drive for a long time - up to several months - but the consumption will constantly increase. A new sensor costs from 6 to 14 thousand rubles (it all depends on whether it is original or not), and you can replace it both in a service center (the service is inexpensive) or with your own hand.

Exhaust catalyst

Thanks to this device, the exhaust gases become more environmentally friendly. If the catalyst fails, you will notice this not only by the inscription that appears, but also by the car's power that has halved.

Why is this happening?
The reason for the breakdown of the sewer may lie in the irregular replacement of spark plugs or a failed oxygen sensor. As a result, carbon monoxide is no longer converted into harmless substances, which leads to overheating of the catalyst.

What to do?
Replacing the catalyst is quite expensive, but this is the only way out, because with a broken device, consumption will increase, the engine will not function correctly, and there will be no traction. You cannot make the replacement yourself without being a professional mechanic.

Replacing the catalyst with a flame arrester is considered an alternative, but this still does not give a 100% guarantee.

Lambda probe

This is a special sensor that controls the supply of oxygen to the combustion chamber. If it is faulty, then the computer receives incorrect data, which may reduce engine power and increase fuel consumption.

Why is this happening?
During operation, the sensor is covered with a layer of oily soot and "working off", which reduces the accuracy of its indicators.

What to do?
Replace the probe, otherwise the catalyst may fail, which will significantly increase the cost of repairs (it can reach 90 thousand rubles). This, by the way, can be done independently, since there are detailed instructions in the operating manuals of many models.

Other possible causes

The "Check Engine" inscription can also light up for other reasons:

  1. Poor fuel quality ... The solution to the problem is to drain the bad gasoline and fill it with better quality.
  2. No spark from the ignition coil ... Install a new coil if necessary.
  3. Injectors ... Deposits on the surface of the injectors can also cause errors, especially if low quality fuel is used.
  4. Bezonasos ... To check it, measure the pressure in the rail - it should be more than 3 atmospheres. Replace the pump if necessary. In some cases, cleaning the fuel filter helps.

If the problem is really related to a filter or a gasoline pump, then before the inscription lights up, you should feel a deterioration in the dynamics of the engine, instability of its operation, and so on.

If all these actions have not brought any result, and the Check Engine still continues to burn, then the only way out is to visit service center in order to diagnose and eliminate the error. There is no need to hesitate, as it can be costly for both you and your car engine.

If the sign "Check Engin" lit up on the road, but you are not sure about own forces, it is better not to make any attempt to eliminate the problem.

Go to the nearest service station, but on the way, be sure to observe the following requirements:

  • Drive during the day as working headlights create additional stress;
  • do not overload the engine;
  • drive smoothly, do not brake / accelerate too sharply;
  • adhere to a constant speed, but not more than 60 km / h;
  • if possible, reduce the load (turn off the air conditioner, multimedia system, other additional devices that you can do without);
  • control the revolutions (the indicator should not exceed 2,500 revolutions per minute).

As a result, we note that the Check Engine can light up at any minute, but this is not a reason to panic - the indicator can only warn of possible malfunctions. On the other hand, this should not be ignored, because the consequences of such neglect can be very serious.

It is common knowledge that modern cars They have gone a long way from their predecessors, not only in terms of design and comfort, but also in terms of electronics.

The latter factor can hardly be considered an advantage in terms of reliability, but a fact is a fact, and a modern car enthusiast has to put up with it. However, the injection system in power units, which came to replace the traditional carburetor for the sake of ecology, also has a significant convenience - a self-diagnosis system, thanks to which you can find out about the occurrence of engine malfunctions.

On most vehicles, the activation of this system is characterized by the inclusion of the Check Engine indicator on the instrument panel. About what is this system and from what the indicator lights up, we will talk in this publication.

Check Engine translation

The indicator with the inscription Check Engine, which in translation from English into Russian means "Check the engine", is designed to signal about possible malfunction in the power unit of the car.

It is displayed if the electronic engine control unit (ECU) has detected an error in the operation of one of the components and assemblies. In order to better understand how this happens, you should briefly dwell on the operation of the entire self-diagnosis system of modern cars.

So, the auto diagnostic system includes the following components:

  • an ignition control unit that processes information from sensors and regulates the fuel supply in accordance with the received data;
  • emergency display system that notifies the driver about possible problems in the operation of certain nodes fixed by the sensors (it is she, in fact, that lights the "Check" on the dashboard).

Thus, a lit Check Engine can mean, in theory, any malfunction or failure of the sensor.

As a matter of fact, the owners of cars without an on-board computer are faced with just such a situation - the car through the indicator informs its owner about the problem, but it is not possible to find out how serious it is without connecting a diagnostic scanner.

Such a scanner allows you to access the memory of the electronic control unit and read the malfunction code, according to which you can determine the cause of the malfunction with high accuracy.

I must say that many cars with an on-board computer also have this feature, which is certainly much more convenient.

Engine malfunction light comes on - possible causes

There are quite a few reasons for the Check Engine light bulb on the dashboard to go off. Let's try to tell about them in decreasing order of probability:

  • Poor fuel quality (in this case, the purity of the exhaust is disturbed, which leads to malfunctions in the operation of the lambda probe and the output of a warning signal).
  • Failure of one or more sensors.
  • Violation of the composition of the fuel mixture due to the failure of individual components of the system.
  • Failure in electronics.
  • Clogged nozzles.
  • Disruption of fuel supply to the engine.

Video - Chek lit engine malfunction:

As you can see, serious engine malfunctions associated with mechanical failure of components and assemblies are far from the main reason for the appearance of an alarm signal.

What to do if the CHECK of engine malfunction is lit

In the event that the Check Engine caught fire, you should, first of all, determine the severity of the breakdown. This requires:

  • Observe the "behavior" of the vehicle and determine if the malfunction affects the operation of the power unit. In particular, pay attention to the stability of its work on idle, cravings, etc. That is, to understand whether the operation of the motor has changed since the appearance of the signal.
  • If the car is equipped with an on-board computer, view the error code, and then relate it to the code map, which can be found in the literature on the repair of your car or on the Internet. This method, in fact, will allow you to determine the problem with a high degree of accuracy.
  • If there is no on-board computer in the car, you can try to throw off the burning "Check" yourself. Indeed, often the cause of its appearance can be a software or electrical malfunction. To do this, open the hood and disconnect the terminal battery for 10 minutes, completely de-energizing the vehicle. There is a possibility that when you reconnect the terminal and start the engine, the list of temporary errors in the ECU will reset to zero and the alarm will disappear.
  • If there are malfunctions in the operation of the motor, and the "Check" itself does not disappear after the power is turned off, it makes sense to diagnose the motor using an external scanner under service conditions. Wizards "take" readings of the ECU and will be able to determine the error code. This procedure can be performed independently, but for its implementation you will need a service scanner or a special cable for connecting a PC to the car's service connector, as well as specialized software. Since both options are quite expensive, such a purchase is justified only if you plan to do diagnostics professionally. Buying such equipment for personal use is unlikely to be economically justified.

It is worth telling about one more feature. The fact is that the Check Engine warning lamp may not always be on constantly. It is not uncommon for the car owner to notice that Check Engine lights up on the dashboard and goes out. These "floating" faults are often indicative of

If the engine lamp is on on the VAZ 2110, then many reasons can contribute to this. We will consider in our article why the engine light is on on the VAZ 2110 and what needs to be done in this case.

What is this light for?

It is simply impossible to imagine modern cars without special sensors. It is they who signal the appearance of problems and various malfunctions.
If earlier the owner of the car had to independently, so to speak "manually" detect malfunctions, but today it is not so. Electronics took care of all the worries and there are quite a few such sensors on the VAZ 2110.
Check Engine is a special lamp that usually glows yellow and by which the driver determines the operation of the car's engine. In normal mode, this very lamp lights up for a few seconds and immediately goes out as soon as the engine picks up speed.
What to do when the light is on and does not go out, even while the car is moving?

Note. As soon as the owner of the VAZ 2110 discovers that the engine lamp is on constantly and does not go out, he should immediately drive up to a service station, if it is nearby. If not, then the engine must be turned off and a tow truck called in, as you can simply destroy the engine.

Let's go back to the beginning of the 90s, when car owners knew that this sensor or lamp, in a simple way, can only report malfunctions in the carburetor or insufficient oil in the engine.
Today the situation is fundamentally different and if the lamp does not stop burning, then anything is possible: incorrect engine speed, ignition problems, problems with automatic transmission, etc. In short, today this very sensor controls many parameters.


Let's consider the most famous ones.


  • An insufficient amount of lubricant in the engine is the most well-known reason, which is not known, except perhaps the most remote person from technology.

  • The car must be stopped urgently and the engine must be listened to. It is necessary to be able to determine by ear whether there are extraneous noises. In addition, you should visually inspect for any damage to the case or smudges.
  • If the above points were found, then they must be eliminated immediately, in a service station or in your own garage.

Low-quality fuel

  • Yes, don't be surprised. It is the quality of fuel, which today, to put it mildly, in big doubts, is the number one reason. Due to the diluted fuel, carbon deposits accumulate on it. As a consequence, the candles, or one of them, are not able to deliver a normal spark. The engine starts to "triple" and the sensor does not stop sounding the alarm.
  • In this case, there is only one treatment: drain the dirty fuel from the tank into some container (in the future, this semi-gasoline can be used as a detergent for spare parts) and fill it with a new one at a trusted refueller.


  • The spark plugs themselves may be defective.
  • The solution to this problem is very simple: you need to check all the candles and replace the old ones.
  • Spark plugs are the main components for igniting the fuel mixture. If they are faulty, then the spark is not supplied correctly.

Advice. It is also possible to identify faulty candles while the VAZ 2110 is moving. During acceleration of the car, especially from a standstill, small jolts are felt. Note. It is imperative to monitor the gap between the spark plugs between the electrode, which should not exceed 1.3 mm.


  • The lamp may indicate a problem in the ignition coil.
  • It is necessary to check whether the coil gives a current, whether the contacts are loose, check the resistance at the outputs. Spark spread should also not exceed 1-4 and 2-3.

Oxygen regulator

  • Often it becomes the cause of the engine light bulb.
  • It is not difficult to check this sensor, and in case of its malfunction, you need to install a new one and discard the old one.

Note. If you do not replace this sensor, which, as you know, is the oxygen regulator in the car and part of the development system exhaust gases, there will be problems with fuel consumption.
The very malfunction of this sensor will mean that the on-board computer receives incorrect data, which will significantly increase not only fuel consumption, but also significantly reduce engine power.

  • The reason that it becomes unusable can be considered the fact that this sensor eventually becomes covered with a layer of used oil. This, in turn, reduces the accuracy of the regulator's readings.

  • If you do not change this sensor, which has become unusable, for a long time, this can lead to additional problems. The VAZ 2110 catalyst may fail (just burst). And this threatens with expensive repairs.


  • It can also cause the Check Engine to catch fire.
  • The solution is one: replace the catalyst, of course, before checking it.

Note. This element helps to make the exhaust gas environmentally friendly. This is a prerequisite for recent years. The catalyst is responsible for converting carbon monoxide and other harmful substances into harmless compounds.

  • If the catalyst is out of order, then you can notice this not only when the engine icon appears, but also long before that. For example, if the power of the VAZ 2110 power unit drops by 2 times, then this may indicate a malfunction. In addition, a damaged catalyst will prevent the car from accelerating well.

Note. Usually, the catalyst does not fail if the car owner regularly carries out maintenance. The owner should pay special attention to the oxygen sensor and replace the faulty one in time so that the problem does not spread to the catalyst. In addition, you need to monitor the spark plugs, which must be replaced after the end of their service life.


  • If the Check Engine sensor lights up due to the injectors, then they will need to be cleaned or replaced.

Gas pump or filter

  • The light may come on due to a malfunction.
  • Treatment involves the following list of actions: the pressure in the rail is measured. The value should not be lower than three atmospheres.

  • In addition, you need to check the mesh, pump filter and try to clean it.

Tank cap

  • Yes it is. It would seem that such an insignificant component as a cover can cause the engine light to light up.
    The fact is that such a cover violates the tightness of the entire system. So the engine icon appears.

  • It is understood that a leak in the entire fuel system leads to an increase in the vehicle. The VAZ 2110 diagnostics immediately reacts to this, issuing an engine error through the light bulb.
  • In this case, the solution to the problem comes down to checking the cover and its tightness. If it has cracks, then it is better to replace it with a new one.

Mass air flow regulator

  • As mentioned above, the modern modification of the VAZ 2110 is endowed with many different sensors, one of which is this one. It is responsible for supplying the required amount of air to the gasoline mixture in order to create optimal fuel ignition.

  • This sensor constantly informs the on-board computer how much air is being supplied.
  • If the sensor is faulty, then the fuel consumption increases, the engine power decreases.

Note. If this sensor malfunctions during the cold season, it will be difficult to start the car.

  • The reason for the failure of this regulator can be attributed to incorrect installation.
  • With a broken sensor, you can drive for a long time, but fuel consumption will constantly increase.
  • Regulator replacement usually does not require large funds... And you can do the replacement yourself.

High voltage wires

  • It is also a well-known and common cause of light bulb lighting.
  • The solution is the same as in the previous cases: check and replace.

Note. High-voltage wires can cause a number of special problems for the motorist, the owner of the VAZ 2110, therefore, a separate chapter is given to this component.


  • It is necessary to pour water into the pot. Dishes must be made of stainless steel.
  • Add a little salt there (about a tablespoon).
  • Take a megohmmeter. Dip the wires into this water so that the ends are on the surface of the liquid.
  • We connect the device to the first handpiece using a clamp for this operation.
  • With the second clamp, we hook the dishes with water, where the wires themselves are located.

Note. Insulation (with a resistance value greater than a megohm) of 500 kΩ or more is considered normal. If the value is lower, the wires must be replaced, as they pass current.

The above reasons for the light bulb to come on are the most common. Inspection and replacement of damaged parts can be done by hand, thereby saving the cost of services in the service station.
The main thing is to do everything according to the instructions, studying photo and video materials in the process.

Almost every modern foreign car has a light bulb, strange for some - a check engine, the meaning of which some learn when it lights up and get a lot of unpleasant problems along with their knowledge, and some may drive their whole life, but never see how check engine is on.

So what is check engine and why he is so unpleasant for the modern motorist, today I will try to give answers to these and many other questions. The check engine indicator light in literal translation from English means - "Check the engine", it is located. If the check engine lights up, this means that the control unit has detected certain malfunctions in the engine. The first "Check Engines" were equipped with mini-computers, and their main task was to control the carburetor, but over time, the "duties" of the light bulb increased, and the field of action expanded significantly.

Modern check engine control units relate to: the composition of the combustible mixture, engine speed, ignition and many other parameters. As a result of the reasons why check engine fired up it has become a lot and without certain knowledge and skills, and in some cases and equipment, it is quite difficult to find out the cause of the sunburn.

What to do if the check engine is on?

First of all, it is necessary to understand when the indicator light is considered normal, and when it indicates engine malfunctions. If the light comes on when the engine starts and then goes out - there is no reason for concern, the engine is working properly. If check engine light lit up and does not go out for a long time, most likely there are malfunctions in the motor, but you should not immediately despair, since they may not be serious. However, you shouldn't even "wave your hand" to signaling, because breakdowns can be critical.

Check engine caught fire - possible reasons

If the check engine only lights up while the vehicle is in motion, the cause may be a low oil level. Stop the car and listen to the operation of the engine, whether it has any extraneous knocking or noise, make a visual inspection for damage to the body and smudges. If you find any of the above, eliminate it upon arrival home, if visual inspection found nothing, go "armed" with special equipment quickly and accurately establish the cause of the "Cheka" fire.

If the operation of the motor is "smooth", while check engine is on, perhaps the problem lies in the spark plugs, one of them may have a misfire. The reason for the ignition of "Check Engine" is often poor-quality fuel, which is quite important for gas stations in our country.

As I said, the reasons why check engine light quite a lot lights up, since the signal comes directly from the on-board computer, the task of which is to monitor a huge number of systems: carburetor, ignition, automatic transmission, engine as a whole, and much more, in some cases you can try to diagnose the malfunction yourself.

Below I give a number of possible reasons why the check engine may light up, as well as ways to solve them:

  1. Low quality fuel. Treatment: drain the bad fuel and fill it with good quality fuel.
  2. Defective spark plugs (wrong gap, cracked insulator). Solved: by checking and, if necessary, replacing. The gap between the electrode should not exceed 1.3 mm.
  3. Ignition coil. Check if there is a spark, check the resistance at the coil terminals, the spread should not exceed more than 1-4 and 2-3.
  4. Lambda probe - quite often it becomes the reason for the check engine to catch fire. Treatment: checking the sensor's functionality, in case of malfunction - replace it.
  5. Catalyst. Solution: replacement.
  6. Injectors. If the problem is in the nozzles, they will need to be cleaned or replaced.
  7. Gasoline pump or. It is treated: by measuring the pressure in the rail, the value should not be lower than 3 atmospheres, if necessary, try to clean the filter or mesh in the gas tank, or.
  8. High voltage wires. Often the reason when check engine fired up become exactly high voltage wires... The solution to this problem is similar to the previous ones, as in all cases it is necessary to check and replace if necessary.

How to check high voltage wires

Checking high-voltage wires is carried out as follows. Pour water into a stainless steel pot, add a tablespoon of salt to the water. Take a megohmmeter and dip the wires into the water, with the ends on the surface. Connect the device to the first ferrule using a clamp, install the second clamp on the container in which the wires themselves are located. Insulation counts in good condition when the resistance is more than a megohm, a value of more than 500 kOhm is allowed, if the resistance is less, the wires need to be replaced.

If the above diagnostic methods and remedies did not help you and the panel is still check engine is on, I recommend that you immediately seek help from specialists, otherwise more serious repairs may be required.


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