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Night mode in Windows 10 will solve the problems caused by bright monitor light in the evening and at night. The bright light of the screen negatively affects vision and the state of the nervous system.

Windows 10 has a new "night light" feature, after turning it on, the user can independently adjust the night mode of the screen, choosing the brightness of the computer monitor, which is most suitable for the eyes of a particular person.

Included night mode Windows 10 in settings operating system called "Night light"... I think many of you will take advantage of this useful feature, which became available in the Windows 10 Creators Update.

How to enable night mode in Windows 10

Night light can be turned on in the operating system settings.

Enter the menu "Start" then in "Options" , Further "System" ... And the first from the list will open the parameter "Screen" .

Here in the setup "Colour" can be turned on immediately "Night light" , or follow the link in "Night light parameters" for further monitor night light settings.

How to set up "NIGHT LIGHT" in Windows 10

In tinctures "Night light parameters" there is a button "Switch on now" to enable night mode. The screens emit a blue color that makes it difficult to fall asleep at night. When enabled "Night Light" warmer tones are displayed.

By default, the night mode is turned off until sunset (21:00), and then it will turn on and work until sunrise (7:00).

Using the slider, moving it along the scale "Color temperature at night" , experimentally adjust and select the most suitable option for the monitor night light.

You can schedule the time yourself when the night light will turn on, and when, on the contrary, turn off. To do this, in the setting "Schedule" need to turn on the switch "Scheduling night light" .

If a location service is running on your computer, then the system can automatically turn on night mode at certain times, depending on where you live.

If, for some reason, you do not want to enable the setting of the operating system for determining the location, you can independently set the time to enable and disable the night mode.

Click on the numbers with the mouse cursor, select the appropriate hours and minutes to turn the function on and off "Night Light" .

To turn off night mode, then go to "Parameters" - "System" - "Screen" and in setting "Night light" put the switch to the mode "Disabled" .

In conclusion…

Using night mode in Windows 10 will save your eyesight, reduce the effect of bright light in the dark on the user's eyes, since in the "Night light" mode, the characteristics of the color emission of the monitor screen change.

VIDEO: NIGHT MODE in Windows 10

Well, that's all for today! Please write in the comments if you have night light function in Windows 10 and are you going to use it?

By the way, in addition to the night light mode in Windows 10, you can also. This is done by installing the Dark Reader extension.

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Sometimes even the minimum display brightness is excessive for reading in the dark. The screen still continues to dazzle and tire the eyes a lot. How to set up the so-called night mode for reading, browsing websites, or working with other applications at night, read below.

In some modified assemblies of Android, as well as Blackberry and iOS, there is a so-called inverted mode, which, as the name implies, inverts colors to opposite ones, or in other words, creates a negative image.

If we proceed from the fact that the text on sites and in general, as a rule, is placed on a light background, then inverting, in principle, should work like a night mode. The problem with this mode becomes apparent when it also inverts the dark color to white and therefore creates new bright zones on the screen that interfere with the use of the device in the dark.

Inverted mode usually also inverts images, which is why they often change beyond recognition.

Perfect night mode

Ideally, the night mode should invert only light tones into dark ones, and leave only text on the page with white, and at the same time ignore the pictures, and dim them if possible (perhaps even converting them into monotonous images).

In practice, we have both the complete absence of such a mode in most versions of Android, and its incorrect implementation, when the usual “negative” is used instead of smart inversion.

Of course for different types activities (reading, browsing, etc.), you can individually select applications that have a night mode, but this is long, not always possible, and does not solve problems with the interface of Android itself, which will blind your eyes when you minimize applications.

This is what the desktop looks like after turning on the inverted mode. Too bright for the dark.

Screen Filter - decrease the brightness below the minimum system level

Before using real night mode, you can try more simple options such as lowering the screen brightness further.

With the Screen Filter, the brightness can be reduced to values ​​much lower than the system allows. Moreover, somewhere at values ​​of 10% and below, the brightness becomes so low that nothing can be discerned on the screen even in complete darkness.

Protection against an inaccurate decrease in brightness is almost the same as when changing the resolution on video cards. If after 10 seconds the selected value is not confirmed, the brightness will be reset to the previous value.

At about 40%, the Screen Filter makes it much easier to work with the tablet in a dark room.

But at lower values, there may already be problems with contrast. The screen brightness continues to decrease, however, with it, the text stands out against the general background, which makes it harder to read.

Convenient control can also be added to the advantages of Screen Filter. One click on the icon and the brightness decreases, another click returns to the system value. Parameters are configured in the notification panel.

As a bonus, lowering brightness also increases battery life. True, different screens react differently to changing this parameter. Apparently, devices with Amoled screens will benefit most in this regard.

CF.lumen - night mode and color inversion

CF.lumen requires root to run and it is one of the few programs to enable inverted mode on Android at the system level.

By default, the program uses an automatic mode for adjusting the screen color (not only brightness, but also warmth) depending on the time of day. To do this, the program needs to set the location of the device. We do not need the automatic mode, but the coordinates will still have to be specified. To do this, you need to turn on the GPS, wait for the automatic determination of coordinates, or specify them manually on the World map.

After that, you can go to the Master filter mode section, in which the color inversion mode is available. However, as the test showed, it is not the most convenient for reading, for the reasons already listed above: inverting pictures and black tones.

This is how it looks in practice. Perhaps the bottom and top panels are not immediately striking, but they are white and shine very strongly in the dark.

As it turned out, to work with the device in the dark, the so-called “red” mode is perceived much better by the eyes. In this mode, a red layer is superimposed on top of the image, which, together with the reduced brightness, is perceived by the eyes better than all other modes that I have tested.

Perhaps in the screenshot, the abundance of red causes rejection, and when viewing the picture, you yourself have similar sensations, but in the dark it is in this mode that it is much more pleasant to look at the screen: your eyes do not hurt from bright light, you do not need to squint, the text is perceived well, and not low-contrast.

Red light is often used for illumination at night when night vision needs to be maintained. This explains its mild effect on the eyes.

CF.lumen has the ability to adjust the brightness parameter, but not lower than the system values, so it is advisable to use the program simultaneously with Screen Filter. Perhaps not the most convenient option (although launching two programs is not at all difficult), however, there seems to be no other equally correct and universal night mode for Android.

CF.lumen + Screen Filter in action. You can look at such a picture in almost complete darkness from a normal angle without covering your eyes.

The CF.lumen application installs its own driver for color correction and the developer warns that it is highly recommended to uninstall the driver when updating the system. A similar program in the Play Market, which also requires root rights, warns that the device may not boot and will have to be reset. CF.lumen seems to be safer in this regard, but do not use the program if you do not know what it is about.

The Night Light feature is one of the new additions to Windows 10, formerly known in insider circles as Redstone 2. The Night Light feature, called Blue Light in early builds, is Microsoft's answer to the advice of physiologists to avoid in the evenings and at night blue spectrum radiation.

According to research by physiologists, the blue spectrum of radiation produced by televisions, monitors, laptop screens and mobile devices, disrupts the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness. The latter are controlled by the hormone in the human body melatonin (the hormone of the night), its increased production in dark time day inclines a person to sleep. Bright room lighting such as the blue spectrum of radiation inhibits the production of melatonin, respectively, interferes with the natural desire to sleep and leads to negative consequences of disturbed human biorhythms. Whereas lighting in the spectrum of warm shades inhibits the production of melatonin to a lesser extent.

Previously, the radical mechanism for combating the blue spectrum of radiation in the form of turning off the display, which existed in Windows, will now have a more flexible alternative in the form of the "Night light" function - adjusting the color spectrum emitted by displays towards warm shades, so that computer users who want to stay awake at night are exposed to less harm, and did not interfere with those who are in the same room with them, but prefer to sleep at night.

You can manually activate the Night Light feature using the button in the Windows 10 Creators Update Notification Center. The function is manually disabled with the same button.

"Night light" can work in automatic mode... To automatically activate the function, schedule the time for its activation, as well as adjust the color spectrum of the radiation, you need to go to the "Settings" application, and in it go through the path: System - Screen

Access to this section of settings, by the way, is realized when you call on the button "Night light" in the Notification Center of the context menu - a menu with a single item "Go to parameters".

In the Settings app, the On / Off switch we can set up automatic activation of "Night light".

Night light function

By default, the function is active around the clock. You can change the 24-hour period of activity, as well as adjust the color spectrum of the radiation by clicking the link "Night light settings". Here, by moving the slider of the color spectrum scale, we can select more or less warm shades to be emitted by the display.

Color temperature setting

And, having selected in the column “Schedule” the item “Set the clock”, we will get access to the choice of the start and end times for activating the function “Night light”.

Planning to activate the night light in Windows 10

During this period of time, for example, from 22.00 pm to 7.00 am, the computer display will automatically switch to the spectrum of warm shades of radiation.

Have a great day!

The blue spectrum of light is said to be harmful to the eyes, especially at night, when you are more likely to use your device in the dark. It allegedly leads to poor sleep, which leads to poor health. Few people know, but you can turn on the Android device night mode.

On your computer, you can use an application called f.lux. IOS also has a Night Mode feature. These methods add a red tint to your screen to remove the blue spectrum, which has a positive effect on the eyes. Android device night mode may seem awkward at first, but soon you will get used to such an image.

Unfortunately, Android devices do not have a built-in means to enable night mode, at least it is not so obvious. Android Nougat has a hidden version of Night Mode that can be opened using third-party apps. This method does not work on devices with Android version below Nougat, so we will also consider some alternatives that can be downloaded from the Google Play Store.

How to enable Android Nougat night mode

Night mode was hidden in the beta version of Android Nougat, but in the release it was simply removed. The menu still exists, but you won't be able to access it as easily as before.

First you need to enable System UI Tuner. To do this, pull down the notification bar two times and press and hold the gear icon. After a few seconds, you can release it and it will start spinning. An icon will appear next to the gear, which means that UI Tuner is enabled.

Now that UI Tuner is enabled, you need to install Night Mode Enabler from Google Play.

After the application is installed, launch it and click on the "Enable Night Mode" button. A new menu should open with a pop-up message that says "Yay, you should now have a quick toggle for Night Mode available." (Hooray, now you can switch to night mode).

Before adding the quick switch, you can turn on Android night mode to understand how it works. If you cannot turn on the night mode with the switch on the right, then try clicking on the word "On", which is on the upper left. The screen should turn yellow.

To use night mode more effectively, turn on the Auto-enable switch. This feature will allow you to use your location and turn on the Android device night mode when it gets dark outside. You can also use night mode to adjust the brightness, just slide the switch.

How to enable night mode on Android devices below Nougat

Users of devices running Android below Nougat want to take advantage of Night Mode too. There are several methods that we will tell you about.

There are three popular apps available on Google Play: CF.lumen, f.lux, and Twilight.

It is worth noting that CF.lumen and f.lux require root rights, Twilight does without them. But CF.lumen and f.lux have more different settings than Twilight.

There are many different studies that show that filtering blue on your device can help you sleep. It would be nice if TV and other device manufacturers add Night Mode to their devices.


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