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Tatiana Goryacheva

Dear Colleagues! Today the whole world celebrates the Day without a car. This environmental action calls on the inhabitants of the planet to stop traveling by car on this day.

A day without a car

And may the air be cleaner

Will be all over the world.

Let the breeze be fresh

Flies by the planet.

And he will say "Thank you"

She is for it.

In our kindergarten there was a thematic day dedicated to this action. Together with the children, we made a poster - a collage "On September 22, give up the car for one day! Make way for the children!"

Today I present to your attention children's master class for making a poster.

The purpose of this master class: to consolidate the ability to use various visual materials in work, to use scissors, to foster a desire to protect the environment.

Materials: 1/2 sheet of whatman paper, gouache paints of gray and blue, sponges, car contours of different colors, black squares, daisies and yellow centers, contours for clouds, a circle outline for the sun and yellow stripes, glue-carnadash, scissors, wax crayons, printed lettering, cut-out butterflies.

At the first stage, the girl painted over half of the sheet with a sponge in blue, and half in gray.

A group of boys cut out the outlines of cars, wheels. Then the wheels were glued to car blanks.

Another group of boys glued the strips - rays of the sun, cut out circles.

Thus, 2 suns were made - one cheerful, smiling, and the other sad.

The girls glued the yellow centers to the daisies, and the flowers themselves to the poster.

Cutting butterflies "sat" on daisies!

The next stage: the boys glue the cars and paint the smoke from the exhaust pipes with wax pencils.

We glue the suns: on the blue background - smiling, and on the gray - sad.

We glue the clouds and the inscription.

With the help of a brush, I applied gray strokes to the sun and clouds on a gray background.

Our poster is ready!

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Human life is very fragile. It can break off at any time because every day every one of us is in danger on the roads.

Now on the Internet, on television, you can find out what a significant date a particular day has. It's very cool and interesting. You can usefully.

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I would like to bring to your attention a children's master class for making a "Chamomile" postcard for the action held within the framework of the thematic day "Day.

Yuri Gagarin. In a space rocket With the name "Vostok" He was the first on the planet to Ascend to the stars. Sings about this song Spring drops :.

More recently, more and more countries have celebrated World Car Free Day every year. What is the reason for the appearance of this date and what events take place in different countries? We will watch how this day is spent in different parts of the country and the world.

Promotion history

In 1973, at the height of the fuel crisis, the Swiss authorities invited citizens to spend one day without a car, using bicycles and public transport. A few years later, the idea came up to make an annual campaign calling for less use of personal vehicles. The idea was picked up by different cities: Reykjavik, Bath, La Rochelle and others. The action was gaining popularity due to the environmental situation and as a way "Give up the car for at least one day, improve your health by walking or cycling, use public transport and reduce the flow of cars" - this is how car owners were encouraged to participate in the events.

In 1994, it was proposed to hold on September 22 World Car Free Day, this initiative was supported by many countries of the European Union. In Russia, such an action was first held in 2008.

World Car Free Day in different countries

As part of the Car-Free Day, countries are offering various promotions that motivate drivers to leave their "iron horses" at home for at least one day a year. In many cities, the cost of travel is reduced by public transport, the cost of metro fares is almost halved.

Following the example of San Francisco, more and more countries are holding bicycle demonstrations on September 22: cyclists in bright suits ride along the city streets along with cars, demonstrating that this method of transportation is more environmentally friendly and beneficial to health, and besides, it does not interfere with motorists in the least.

Many countries on this day restrict the entry of cars into the city, forcing their owners to walk on foot.

With the development of social networks, support for the action with the help of photos is gaining popularity. It is suggested that you take a picture of yourself walking or riding a bicycle and post it on the network with a hashtag, for example, "#densauto" (each country has its own options).

In Russia, the action is more popular in provincial cities than in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but the number of fans of the Car Free Day is growing every year.

Media coverage of the action

World Car Free Day is becoming more and more popular every year. How do supporters of the action draw attention to it?

First of all, of course, with the help of a healthy lifestyle is now in vogue, and the stories of doctors from TV screens or pages of magazines remind us of what harm a huge number of cars cause to humanity. This and harmful effect exhaust gases, and weakening of muscles due to low mobility, and disorder of the nervous system due to constant traffic jams and numerous accidents.

The articles on the net make and argue from an economic point of view. Car maintenance is the purchase of gasoline, repairs, technical inspections, various gadgets. Even one day of travel by public transport will significantly save your budget. And if you go on foot or by bike, it's completely free.

Environmentalists, concerned about the dire environmental conditions that are exacerbated by exhaust emissions, have conducted motivational research. It turns out that in Moscow alone, thanks to the fact that the World Car-Free Day was held in 2014 on September 22, the air became 15% cleaner!

Working with the younger generation

For several years now, special events have been held in Russian schools calling for vehicles at least once a year. World Car Free Day at School features interesting wall newspapers, cycling competitions, races and hikes. Medical workers are invited to the children, who tell them how much healthier it is for the body, for example, to walk to school than to go by car.

In many cities, they tell what is World Car Free Day in kindergarten. Educators tell children how a car can harm, conduct outdoor games, and also encourage parents to join the action.

Public opinion

World Car Free Day has both fans and ardent opponents. Someone gladly refuses personal transport for one day, someone does not consider it possible. Of course, every inhabitant of the Earth is concerned about environmental problems and understands that millions of tons of exhaust gases worsen the situation every day. They calculate everything and the money that is spent on the maintenance and service of even the most simple car.

But according to surveys, only a small part of drivers are ready to give up personal vehicle just for one day, not to mention making it a lifestyle. A car is an opportunity to get from one part of the city to another in the shortest possible time. For parents with children, their own car is an indispensable assistant, thanks to which you can be in time for kindergarten, school, work, and numerous circles and sections.

Still, the idea that in some cases it is possible to do without a car deserves attention. And I want to hope that giving up personal car at least one day a year will become a tradition that will benefit people and help solve environmental problems.

What is the quality of life indicator today? The list can consist of as many items as you like, but the presence of a car will be indispensable. However, this characteristic of a wealthy life has a downside: traffic jams, air pollution, human casualties ...

Today the situation is approaching critical. In order to prevent a collapse on the roads and to draw attention to the costs of technical progress, there has been a special date in the calendar since recently. What is it? We'll find out right now.

The history of the car abandonment holiday

World Day Without Car, or World Day Without Car, is an event for the general public, celebrated annually on 22 September. Its goal is to bring to the minds of people alternative modes of transportation such as walking, cycling and public transportation instead of using a car.

Why is the iron friend with fiery motor instead of a heart fell into such a disgrace? Here ecologists are "guilty", who at one point began to calculate the amount of harmful emissions from cars into the atmosphere - and were horrified. And with them - and the whole world. Judge for yourself: one machine for a year of active work generously shares with the environment almost half a ton of spent fuel substances, which make the main contribution to the formation of the so-called "greenhouse effect". Add to this the regular reports on the deaths on the roads under the wheels of cars, and it becomes clear: such a day was simply bound to appear on the calendar.

In 1997, the British for the first time showed an example to everyone that they should refuse “ iron horse"Is a feasible task even for a metropolis. The following year, about 20 cities have already supported this tradition. The urgency of the problem of using machines and the desire to look for ways to solve them is evidenced by the fact that today thousands of cities from more than 35 world powers are participating in this action.

In Russia, the day of abandonment of the car was first celebrated in Moscow in 2003, and large-scale actions within the entire state began to be carried out in 2008.

How to celebrate

Many of our compatriots consider the problem of using cars far-fetched. However, in Europe, the attitude towards this date is very serious, as well as on weekdays. For example, in France on September 22, it is customary to block the historic center of the capital, and bicycles, which are offered completely free of charge, help all those in need to get from point A to point B faster - it is enough to present identity documents.

Rome and Berlin, active participants in the annual campaign, on this day provide the opportunity to ride free on public transport.

American Washington prefers to think about the problem of personal transport not only once a year, but constantly. WITH light hand government, the city has organized many green parks and cycle paths, and electric transporters, rented out, metro, water transport act as an alternative to the usual car. A similar approach is also shared by Amsterdam, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo, Toronto, Colombian Bogotá and Brazilian Curitiba.
The Japanese, on the other hand, are seriously concerned about the development of a fuel that is less harmful to the environment than modern motor fuels.
However, the decisions of the authorities are only a drop in the sea of ​​a global problem in which cars are to blame. Improving the environmental situation depends on the personal contribution of each driver to the common good.

In Russia, the day of abandonment of the car has not yet become as widespread as abroad. In order to bring consciousness to the masses, many leaders and officials on September 22, by personal example, call not to ignore this important date. So it is more than real to see a deputy or director of a large enterprise sitting next to a bus or walking down the street.

However, not everything is so sad. Among compatriots there are a dozen or two thousand ordinary people who understand the importance of the world date and are ready to meet it fully armed.

If you want to join a holiday on a planetary scale and "cultivate" your regular car ride, it is as easy as shelling pears to do it. For example, it is worth spending time and adjusting the engine of the car: with the help of such a simple manipulation, you can reduce harmful emissions by 8-10%. Or turn off the engine during forced stops. Also consider giving up business trips within walking distance and organizing “fasting days” when you deliberately abandon the “iron horse” in favor of a bus or walking. And please, dear motorists, let's respect those who live side by side with you: pedestrians, cyclists, rollers ... These comrades are already unofficial supporters of the September 22 celebration, so you shouldn't discourage them from making the world cleaner and yourself healthier ...

A car has long ceased to be an attribute of luxury; nowadays for many people it is the most comfortable means of transportation. Today almost every family has one or even two cars.

Purpose of the holiday

The presence of the "iron horse" relieves a person of the need to adjust to the schedule of public transport, to experience a crush during rush hours, getting to work and home. Personal vehicles make it possible to comfortably make various trips, freely organize any activities related to movement.

In addition to the pluses that people are used to getting using their "iron friend", there are disadvantages of using it. First of all, it is air pollution from exhaust gases. Experts have calculated that if Moscow residents refuse to use their personal cars for one day, then hazardous waste into the atmosphere will be reduced by 2,700 tons.

Constant traffic jams are another significant disadvantage of using a car. They not only steal drivers' time, but also negatively affect the state of their nervous system. The physical inactivity that car lovers suffer also negatively affects their health. The statistics, which provide sad facts of the increase in the death rate of people in car accidents, are not encouraging.

World Car Free Day is intended to draw public attention to the problem of the negative impact of cars on nature and human health. He urges to stop using cars at least once a year and choose alternative modes of transportation: bicycle, public transport or walking.



The very first country to have a Car-Free Day was Switzerland. It was there, in 1973, that the government of the country, in connection with the fuel crisis, urged residents to stop using personal vehicles for 4 days. After that, similar actions took place around the world for the next 2.5 decades.

In 1997, an action to stop using a car took place in England. The following year, France held a Car-Free Day.

In Russia, Belgorod became the first city to hold a one-day rejection of the use of personal vehicles. It happened in 2005. The following year, this initiative was supported by Nizhny Novgorod. Moscow has become a permanent participant in this action since 2008.

Holiday traditions

Traditionally, on this holiday, people use alternative modes of transportation: by bicycle, public transport, on foot. In Moscow, on this day, travel on public transport is half the price.

On this day, bicycle demonstrations are held in many cities of the world: cyclists dressed in bright suits ride around the city on a par with motorists.

Mass media in every possible way support the action without a car. Doctors from the TV screen broadcast not only about the harmful effects of exhaust gases, but also note the harm caused to the nervous system as a result of constant traffic jams and accidents, talk about the negative impact of physical inactivity on people's health. There is also an economic benefit in case of refusal to use a car: you do not need to spend money on gasoline, repairs, technical inspection, car insurance. Of course, a complete rejection of the machine is unthinkable for most people, but even a one-day maintenance of the promotion will help keep the budget.

Unfortunately, Car-Free Day is currently not very popular. But I would like to hope that over time, people will appreciate the holiday and will support its traditions.

Children 5-6 years old

Physical culture project Such fascinating Classics

Hiking with children in the preschool educational institution

Children go for a walk, they are met by a physical education instructor.
Instructor: Guys, there are many interesting holidays in our calendar, name what holidays you know.
Children's answers.
Instructor: Well done, we have named many holidays, and I will introduce you to one more holiday, it is called "Day without a car". This holiday encourages us to give up traveling by car and think about the harm that daily car travel does to the environment and to each of us. This is pollution of the air we breathe, exhaust gases, accidents that bring a lot of troubles. Every year on this day all over the world the inhabitants of the planet refuse to travel by car for at least one day. And every year there are more of them. On this day, many go on a hiking trip. Such trips are very beneficial for health, and also, passing by even familiar places, you can learn a lot of interesting things, see what you do not notice rushing at high speed in a car. I'm about to take a tour of the territory kindergarten do you want to go with me?
The children agree.

A day without a car -
Will add strength to all of us!
On foot today we will walk -
Let's return to real life!
Instructor: Collective hikes have their own rules. Now I will introduce you to them.
1. Before the hike, be sure to count to know how many people went on the trip
2. Can't keep up with the group
3. Travel in a good mood

I will count the guys
To find out which squad
Going on a journey
So that no one gets lost

Children are being calculated


To have fun on the way
I need to find a pair for myself

The game "Find yourself a mate" is being held

After lining up, they follow the instructor

We don't get bored on the road
Together we sing the song

Children whipping the song "Walking Fun Together"

Children follow the instructor to a large blooming flower bed.

Guys, let's stop and see what wonderful flowers have grown in our flower bed. How good it is to breathe fresh air. What are the flowers that you recognize?
Children remember the names of flowers.
In order for the flowers to please everyone with their appearance in summer and autumn, we worked hard in the spring.
Let's remember how we worked in the flowerbed.
Children imitate movements:

  • digging the ground
  • loosened the ground with a rake
  • planted seeds and seedlings
  • watered flowers

Take a close look at what else our flower bed is decorated with. There is a garden sculpture "The Merry Dwarf" on the flowerbed. Perhaps the Gnome is guarding the flowerbed when everyone leaves the kindergarten.
Let's thank the Gnome and dance a fun dance for him.
Children perform rhythmic movements to the musical accompaniment "Cheerful Gnome"

Instructor: Let's continue our exciting walk.
Children go to the site of the preparatory group.

Look, guys, how interesting it is here, some cells are drawn right on the asphalt, what do you think, why they were drawn here

Children's answers

The conversation is led to the fact that these cells are drawn for the game of classics. The classics are painted on an asphalt road, but it's safe to play them here, because cars don't drive here. The instructor invites the children to come up with jumping movements on their own or repeat movements invented by other children.
Outdoor game "Classics"
After the "Classics" game, the instructor draws the children’s attention to the playground where children from another group are playing. Offers to visit them.

The children are met by the educator of the preparatory group, asks where and for what purpose the children are going.

Children say that on a Car-Free Day, they walk around the kindergarten, breathe fresh air and have already seen a lot of interesting things.

Educator of the preparatory group: there are also many interesting things on our site, he offers to walk around the site and see the plants and buildings. The guys have prepared an interesting game for you and will be happy to play with you.

The game "Don't get caught" is being played

Game description: The older children are divided into groups of 4, join hands, forming a "trap", the younger children scatter around the playground, trying to avoid the "traps", the caught children drop out of the game.

The instructor thanks the children of the preparatory group for their hospitality and suggests continuing the walk.
Children get up in pairs, walk through the territory of the kindergarten, go to the sports ground.
Instructor: this place is familiar to everyone, what are you doing here?

Children's answers.

Today, on the Car-Free Day, we will definitely play our favorite outdoor games here. Outdoor games are very healthy.
There are 2 outdoor games at the request of children
The instructor praises the children and suggests continuing the walk.
Children go to the garden area. The instructor examines the crop that has grown in the garden, vegetables grow away from the road, they are safe and healthy. Invites children to tell how they worked in the garden in verse.
1 child:
If drought is in vogue
Hose and watering cans in the garden.
We water everything
Each vegetable is happy with moisture.

2 child:

If it rains all week
We will make grooves
To make extra water
I ran to the pond.

3 child:

Mixed rain and sun -
Grace to the garden!
We play on the court
You can just relax.

The instructor offers the game "Name a vegetable"

Game description: Children stand in front of the garden along the wall, the instructor takes turns throwing the ball to the children, the child must throw the ball to the instructor, naming any vegetable, the game can be diversified with riddles.

After the game, the children are built in pairs, the instructor does not forget to count them, no one lagged behind?
Everyone returns to the main entrance.

Children walked merrily
We learned a lot.
Let's summarize:
The planet must breathe
At least a day should be given to her.
Abandon cars
And everyone can walk on foot.

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