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In the spring of 2015, Tesla showed the public a new battery for the home. At its core, it represents a new stage in the development of a corporation. This battery is the next step towards creating a smart home that will not depend on external communications.

History of creation

The production and consumption of electrical energy in the 21st century is one of the most important problems. The prospects of all mankind largely depend on it. Traditionally, electricity is generated in two ways:

  1. commercial (processing of coal, oil, gas, nuclear energy, the use of water and solar energy);
  2. non-commercial (processing industrial waste, firewood, use of muscle strength).

Moreover, commercial sources account for more than 90% of all electricity production. This trend has been observed for more than a dozen years, despite the significant crisis of fuel resources and atmospheric pollution. If you do not begin to correct the situation, then either an energy crisis or a global environmental catastrophe may occur. Therefore, Tesla decided to contribute to the improvement of systems for the production and use of electricity by developing an innovative battery.

The project to create this unique Tesla battery was led by Elon Musk himself, who can be considered a revolutionary in the field of information technology. Indeed, even 10 years ago, almost no one believed in the success of electric vehicles. However, through the efforts of Elon Musk, it was possible to create a popular high-quality electric Tesla Model S that every motorist would want to buy. It turned out that despite the monopoly of internal combustion engines, an alternative to liquid fuel had been found long ago. It's just that no one dared to change the established traditions. Following the success of electric vehicles, Tesla decided to develop a household battery.

The decision was presented on April 30 by Elon Musk himself. Such a revolutionary development should not only have a positive effect on the environment, but also on the economy as a whole. The new battery is named Tesla Powerwall. It will enable you to reduce your carbon footprint and significantly reduce your energy costs. That is, in fact, the Tesla company began to continue the idea of ​​autonomous provision of houses, which is no longer something unique. Already today, many country house owners are covering the roofs of their homes with solar panels powered by lead-acid batteries. Tesla's new battery should be much more efficient and cost effective.

Powerwall Battery Features

The Powerwall battery can draw energy from both solar panels and other energy sources. The system can have a capacity of 7 and 10 kW. Accordingly, the first option is suitable for daily use, and the second for creating energy reserves. Experts estimate that the average American family living in a detached house with three bedrooms, which will operate a Tesla battery, consumes about 3,200 kWh. Therefore, a fully charged battery can supply such a house for about 4-5 hours.

It is assumed that the installation of Tesla batteries will be carried out in conjunction with the firm Solar City. This company is engaged in the manufacture and installation of solar panels, and its largest shareholder is also the brilliant Elon Musk. In the future, it is planned to involve other partners who will participate in the development of the project. According to financial experts, the sale of new batteries could bring Tesla almost $ 4.5 billion. This is due to the fact that many large firms will be able to use the new batteries for their own purposes. It is for them that the Powerpack system will be developed, which will include a whole set of battery packs with a capacity of 100 kW per hour. For industrial purposes, these batteries can be combined into a common system with a capacity of 10 MW per hour or more. Tesla has already announced that the equipment has already begun testing at American firms Walmart and Cargill.

Tesla Powerwall Battery Benefits

Applications of lithium-ion battery cells

The use of lithium-ion batteries is an important innovation that was taken as the basis for the creation of the Powerwall battery, which significantly outperforms traditional lead acid products. Thus, a lead-acid battery has no more than 800 discharge and charge cycles. At the same time, the lithium-ion battery has 1000-1200 charge and discharge cycles. In addition, a lithium-ion battery is several times better than a lead-acid battery in terms of weight and capacity.

Nice design

It is thanks to its small size that Tesla's battery has received a beautiful and stylish design. Tesla Powerwall's developers decided that this product should create a pleasant first impression, which in the end could become defining. This product features rounded edges and relatively thinner than the competition. In addition, the creators offer a wide variety of colors for these rechargeable batteries. Therefore, even without considering the technical characteristics, Tesla Powerwall is sure to grab your attention. This device can be mounted directly to the wall, where it will take up a minimum of space.

Holistic eco-structure

The new Powerwall battery is presented in two modifications, each of which has a capacity of 7 and 10 kW per hour. Their cost is 3 thousand and 3.5 thousand dollars, respectively. In principle, if for some reason the consumer does not have enough capacity, he can add several more batteries to the system, increasing the total capacity to 90 kW per hour. That is, the maximum you can connect up to 9 batteries. In order to connect these batteries, you do not need to thoroughly study the principles of building electrical networks. Here you can solve all problems with one cable.

Effective solution for business and industry

In parallel with the Powerwall, another system was presented, which is designed to provide electricity to industrial facilities. This new product is called Tesla Powerpack. The peculiarity of this battery lies in the possibility of an infinite increase in potential capacity, reaching several Gigawatts per hour. This battery was created under the leadership of Elon Musk, who is used to thinking big. Therefore, this battery was presented not so much for individual users as for the entire electrification system as a whole. In order to provide the entire planet with energy, Tesla is going to create more than 900 million Powerpacks.

This system will take care of the environment, which will completely eliminate the industrial production of electricity using fossil resources. All this will reduce the release of external substances into the environment. In addition, the Tesla Powerpack battery will allow you to achieve full autonomy for any industrial facility.

Payback calculation in Russia

Before purchasing a Tesla battery, you should understand whether it will be beneficial for you. If we take the amount of energy consumed per day for 10 kW per hour, then this will be equal to the use of the full capacity of the battery per day. The price of a Tesla Powerwall battery is 3.5 thousand, which at the current exchange rate is about 175 thousand rubles. In addition, do not forget about the need to purchase an inverter, which by modern standards costs 1.5 thousand dollars. Also, do not forget about the losses that can occur in an electrical circuit consisting of a battery, a current converter and an inverter. At the same time, the total efficiency of the Tesla battery is approximately 87%. Therefore, the user receives not all 10 kW per hour, but only 8.7 kW per hour.

Taking into account the two-zone tariffication, the daily energy consumption is 5 kW per hour, which is 57% of the maximum resource of the Tesla Powerwall equipment. All the rest of the energy is used for evening consumption. With such a calculation, per day of using the power grid, the costs for the year will be about 22 thousand rubles per year in the United States and more than a third less in Russia. Further, you need to take into account that a conventional lithium-ion battery traditionally loses about 6% of its original capacity within a year. Therefore, over time, the capacity of the battery will gradually decrease, and after a few years you will not be able to cope with one Tesla Powerwall battery.

It turns out that taking into account all the costs, the Tesla Powerwall battery in our country does not pay for itself even in 15 years. The total cost of the equipment, even without solar panels, is about 250 thousand rubles.

Reflections on the topic

According to many experts, the new development of the company is an interesting option for achieving energy independence. This device will allow you to look forward to a future devoid of harmful emissions and constant depletion of natural resources. However, today the cost of this equipment is too high to be profitable in our country. In addition, if you add the price of the converter, inverter and solar panels to the cost, then the situation will turn out to be even less rosy. At the same time, many are ready to invest in their future now in order to create a green planet in this way. For this purpose, Tesla Powerwall is best suited. In addition, you can count on further reductions in the cost of Tesla batteries in the future.

Of course, Elon Musk's idea is not completely innovative, as there are many options for home batteries in the world today. However, according to Musk, all these batteries are too expensive, inconvenient and not very reliable. Therefore, the main goal of Tesla is to popularize these batteries and reduce their price.

According to experts, the new Powerwall batteries should appeal to those families and businesses that already have solar panels installed on their roofs. Musk himself believes that in California alone, there are at least 300 private homes that are equipped with solar systems. Therefore, all of them can be safely equipped with Tesla batteries. Also, such batteries will be an excellent option for buildings that need constant uninterruptible power supply. This applies to hospitals, military organizations, and so on. Thanks to the accumulation of solar energy, solar panels can be made more efficient and in demand. For example, if earlier many abandoned solar panels, since they worked only in bright sunlight, now the situation may change. By using rechargeable batteries, energy can be stored during the day and used in the evening, which is more efficient.


The key disadvantage of a Tesla battery is its high cost. In addition, a few thousand dollars will have to be paid additionally to install the battery. Agree that not every family can afford such a luxury. Therefore, according to Elon Musk, it is necessary to show people that with the help of this device you can significantly save money. For this, it is supposed to reduce the initial cost of the device by about 30%. This will be possible when the construction of Tesla's new plant in Nevada is completed. On the whole, the experts are optimistic, since, in their opinion, over the past few decades, the cost of electricity has generally been falling and there are no prerequisites for an increase in this price in the near future. That is why Tesla's development in the form of a unique home battery will soon become really popular and in demand.

Traction lithium-ion batteriesTesla, what is inside?

Tesla Motors is the creator of truly revolutionary eco-cars - electric vehicles that are not only mass-produced, but also have unique characteristics that allow them to be used literally every day. Today we take a look inside the traction battery of the Tesla Model S electric vehicle, learn how it works and uncover the magic of this battery's success.

The delivery of batteries to customers is carried out in such boxes from OSB.

The largest and most expensive part for a Tesla Model S is the traction battery pack.

The traction battery unit is located in the bottom of the car (in fact, it is the floor of an electric car - a car), due to which the Tesla Model S has a very low center of gravity and excellent handling. The battery is attached to the power part of the body using powerful brackets (see photo below) or acts as a power-carrying part of the car body.

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a single charge of a Tesla 400V DC, 85 kWh traction lithium-ion battery pack is enough for 265 miles (426 km) to cover the longest distance among similar electric vehicles. At the same time, such a car accelerates from 0 to 100 km / h in just 4.4 seconds.

The secret of the Tesla Model S's success is high-efficiency cylindrical high-energy lithium-ion batteries, the supplier of basic elements is the well-known Japanese company Panasonic. There are a lot of rumors around these batteries.

Odean fromthem isdanger! Keep out!

One of the owners and enthusiasts of Tesla Model S from the United States decided to completely disassemble the used battery for the Tesla Model S with an energy capacity of 85 kWh in order to study its design in detail. By the way, its cost as a spare part in the USA is 12,000 USD.

On top of the battery block there is a heat and sound insulating cover, which is covered with a thick plastic wrap. We remove this covering, in the form of a carpet and prepare for disassembly. To work with the battery, you must have an insulated tool and use rubber boots and rubber protective gloves.

Tesla battery. We disassemble!

Tesla traction battery (traction battery pack) consists of 16 battery modules, each with a rated voltage of 25V (battery pack version - IP56). Sixteen battery modules are connected in series to form a battery with a nominal voltage of 400V. Each battery module consists of 444 cells (batteries) 18650 Panasonic (the weight of one battery is 46 g), which are connected according to the 6s74p scheme (6 cells in series and 74 such groups in parallel). There are 7104 such cells (accumulators) in the Tesla traction battery. The battery is protected from the environment by using a metal case with an aluminum cover. On the inner side of the common aluminum cover there are plastic overlays in the form of a film. The common aluminum cover is fixed with screws with metal and rubber gaskets, which are sealed, additionally with silicone sealant. The traction battery block is divided into 14 compartments, each compartment contains a battery module. Each compartment contains sheets of pressed mica at the top and bottom of the battery modules. Mica sheets provide good insulation of the battery, electric and thermal, from the body of an electric vehicle. Separately in front of the battery under its cover are two of the same battery modules. Each of the 16 battery modules has a built-in BMU, which is connected to a common BMS system, which controls the operation, monitors the parameters, and also protects the entire battery. The common output terminals (terminal) are located at the rear of the traction battery block.

Before completely disassembling it, the electrical voltage was measured (it was about 313.8V), which indicates that the battery is discharged, but is in working order.

The battery modules are characterized by a high density of cells (accumulators) Panasonic 18650, which are located there and the accuracy of fitting parts. The entire assembly process at the Tesla factory takes place in a completely sterile room, using robots, even a certain temperature and humidity are maintained.

Each battery module consists of 444 cells (accumulators), which in appearance are very similar to simple finger-type batteries - these are 18650 lithium-ion cylindrical batteries, manufactured by Panasonic. The energy capacity of each battery module of these cells is 5.3 kWh.

In 18650 Panasonic batteries, the positive electrode is graphite and the negative electrode is nickel, cobalt and aluminum oxide.

Tesla's traction battery weighs 540 kg and measures 210 cm long, 150 cm wide, and 15 cm thick. The amount of energy (5.3 kWh) generated by just one unit (of 16 battery modules) is equal to the amount produced by a hundred batteries from 100 laptop computers. A wire (external current limiter) is soldered to the minus of each element (battery) as a connector, which, when the current is exceeded (or in case of a short circuit), burns out and protects the circuit, while only the group (of 6 batteries) in which this element was located does not work , all other batteries continue to work.

Tesla's traction battery is cooled and heated by an antifreeze-based fluid system.

When assembling its batteries, Tesla uses cells (accumulators) manufactured by Panasonic in various countries such as India, China and Mexico. Final revision and placement in the battery compartment, produced in the United States. Tesla provides warranty service for its products (including the battery) for up to 8 years.

In the photo (above), the cells are 18650 Panasonic batteries (rolling at the cells from the plus side "+").

Thus, we learned what the Tesla Model S traction battery consists of.

Thank you for your attention!

Powered exclusively by electricity stored in batteries.

Since the beginning of production, Tesla has installed batteries with a capacity of 40 to 100 kWh on its Model S electric cars, and later on Model X, each of which consists of 8, 12 or 16 sections.

Each section is an interconnected small Panasonic finger-type battery, slightly larger than standard AA batteries. Tesla cylindrical batteries are 18mm in diameter and 65mm high. It is also worth noting that their advantage lies in durability, reliability and performance in harsh automotive conditions.

1 - storage battery; 2 - Voltage converter (DC / DC); 3 - High voltage cable (orange); 4 - Main on-board charger 10 kW; 5 - Additional charger 10 kW (option); 6 - Charging connector; 7 - Drive module;

Battery 40 kWh

The 40-kilowatt battery comes in two types: a 40-kilowatt battery with 8 sections (segments / cells) (based on the Toyota RAV4 EV battery), and a 60-kilowatt battery that had 12 cells and was programmed to charge up to 40 kilowatts. ...

Tesla Model S 40 kWh were not popular, so their production was soon completed.

Battery 60 kWh

The 60 kW battery consisted of 12 or 16 sections. The 12-cell battery was installed on the Model S40, the 16-cell battery was designated "NEW" and was radically modified.

Battery 70/75 kWh

In addition to the fact that this battery was installed on the Model S60 (S60D), it was also installed on the S70 (S70D) and S75 (S75D), but with
advanced features.

The 60 kWh battery for the 60th model was distinguished by the absence of 77 AA batteries; for the 70s Model S, all 16 sections were completely filled with batteries, thereby increasing the total battery capacity.

Battery 85/90 kWh

Tesla battery 85, 90 and 100 kWh consists of 16 sections. Each cell consists of 444 "finger" batteries and has its own BMS board, which controls the balancing of all cells.

The most popular battery supplied by Tesla (85 kWh) contains 7104 18650 batteries.

In 2015, Panasonic redesigned the anode, increasing the battery capacity by about 6%, allowing the battery packs to store up to 90 kW of energy. As a result, between the 90-kilowatt battery it differs from the 85-kilowatt one in terms of capacity:

  • firstly, the capacity of a Panasonic 18650 battery in an 85-kilowatt battery has a weight of 46 grams, in a 90-kilowatt battery the same battery weighs 48.5 grams;
  • secondly, the current output in the 85th battery is 10C, in the 90th - 25C (for this reason, the Ludicrous mode is available only on Tesla with a 90 and 100 kWh battery, since the technical capabilities allow the car to give a faster dynamics);

Battery 100 kWh

The most powerful Tesla battery. The internal battery cells have been reconfigured to accommodate 516 18650 batteries per module.

A total of 8,256 Panasonic batteries were placed in the 100-kilowatt battery, capable of storing just over 100 kWh of energy and allowing Tesla's electric cars to travel more than 500 kilometers.

This battery has a current output of 25C and represents the "state of the art" in battery engineering from Tesla.

And even this development and improvement does not stop. To further improve battery efficiency and lower costs, Tesla has built a large battery factory in Sparks, Nevada called Gigafactory 1.

The factory produces a new battery design called the 2170. It has a diameter of 21mm and a height of 70mm, and was originally used in the Tesla Powerwall and Powerpack, as well as the new Tesla Model 3 sedan, which is smaller and cheaper from the Model S.

The 2170 battery is 46% larger in volume than the 18650 and 10-15% more energy efficient than the 18650.

It is very important to charge the battery correctly, namely with a proper charger - original or from a quality manufacturer, as the battery overheats from homemade chargers, poor contacts and poor current quality, as a result of which greatly affects the capacity and longevity of the battery.

During operation, the manufacturer strongly recommends not exposing the car to continuous exposure to temperatures above + 60C or below -30C for more than 24 hours

It is recommended not to completely discharge the battery. If the car is not in use, energy is gradually consumed to power the on-board electronics (the battery is discharged by an average of 1% every day).

To prevent a full discharge, it is recommended to put the car into an energy-saving mode, in which the power to the on-board electronics is turned off, which will reduce the discharge to 4% per month. It is also worth noting that in the energy-saving mode, the 12-volt battery stops charging, which will lead to a full discharge within 12 hours. Therefore, in this case, you will need to connect to an external starting battery or replace it.

But, do not forget that when activating the energy saving mode, you must connect the car to a power source for 2 months to prevent a complete discharge of the Tesla battery.

Tesla unveiled home batteries at the end of April. What is this: another revolution from an American corporation or a logical link on the way to building a smart and independent home? Let's figure it out together.

Elon Musk can rightfully be called a revolutionary in the world of technology. Even 10 years ago, few believed that electric cars would hit the mass market, and today the Tesla Model S is a sedan that every car enthusiast would love to own. An alternative to the gasoline engine was found long ago, but for a long time no one dared to “break the whole industry”.

The issue of production and consumption of electricity in the XXI century is especially acute. Today the existence of humanity literally depends on it. The traditional classification of energy production has two global ramifications:

  • commercial mining: coal, oil shale, oil, gas (in fact, they are the basis of modern energy, covering 90% of the total demands from enterprises and the population), nuclear, hydro, geothermal, solar, wave and tidal stations.
  • mining from non-commercial sources: agricultural and industrial waste, muscle strength, firewood.

Despite the fuel crisis that made headlines in the early 1970s, almost 50 years later, little has changed in the way electricity is produced. The population is growing, the potential need for electricity is growing, and as a result, the planet is becoming more and more polluted. And one can argue about what will come first - an energy crisis or an environmental disaster, but the best way out of this situation is a radical revision of the entire energy-extracting industry and the principles of providing the population with electricity.

Tesla Energy and Infrastructure

On April 30, Elon Musk will present a solution that should have a beneficial effect not only on the environment, but also on the wallets of consumers. Tesla powerwall cares about the environment by dramatically reducing carbon dioxide emissions and eliminating the hefty energy bills. We will deal with the last point a little later, but for now let's look at the world that Tesla offers us.

The idea of ​​accumulating electricity and autonomous supply of houses is not a novelty. Many owners of country cottages have covered the roofs of their homes with solar panels, providing food with the help of lead acid batteries... And here is the first advantage of the Tesla Powerwall.

The number of charge-discharge cycles of a lead-acid battery barely reaches 800, while a lithium-ion battery boasts 1000-1200 cycles. In terms of weight-capacity ratio, a lithium-ion battery is almost 5 times higher than a lead-acid battery. This is what allowed Tesla to create a catchy design for its new product line.

Design and form factor... Yes, a person's opinion about any product depends on its appearance. Rounded edges, minimum thickness (by the standards of competing products) of the case, the availability of an assortment of colors. Without even delving into the principles of the Tesla Powerwall, you begin to think about how it would complement your garage. Tesla Powerwall is wall-mounted and takes up minimal space.

Holistic ecosystem... The presented Tesla Powerwall batteries are supplied in two modifications with a capacity of 7 and 10 kWh at a price of $3000 and $3500 respectively. If the consumer feels a clear lack of capacity, he can always supplement the arsenal of batteries with the purchase of one more, thereby increasing the total capacity up to 90 kW * h (up to 9 batteries can be connected). Connection does not require a thorough study of the principles of building power grids: one cable solves all problems.

Enterprise and business solution... Together with Powerwall, a product was presented that can solve the problem of supplying factories, plants and the whole industry - batteries Tesla powerpack... Their feature is the ability to endlessly build up potential capacity up to several Gigawatt * h.

Plans for a full alternative electrification. Elon Musk is a person who is used to thinking globally. That is why the presentation of Tesla batteries does not pursue the sole purpose of selling the product to a limited circle of interested users. We are talking about large-scale and total electrification of the entire planet Earth using batteries. To supply the entire planet with enough energy from Tesla 900 million batteries Powerpack.

Concern for the environment, a complete rejection of the production of electricity, the source of which will be exhaustible natural resources leading to the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere and complete autonomy of any, even the most remote corner of the planet - all these are the realities of today. But until the moment (if at all) a global transition to electricity drawn from the sun, wind, tides and accumulated in batteries, a potential buyer is interested in the question: is the acquisition of Tesla Powerwall profitable today?

Dry numbers

So let's calculate the economic feasibility of purchasing an innovative product from Tesla. Is it worth it and how will payback behave in the conditions of Russia and the United States?

Payment conditions:

  • Let's take the daily electricity consumption of the Tesla Powerwall owner equal 10 kW, i.e. the full capacity of the battery is enough for a day of consumption;
  • Tesla Powerwall cost - $3 500 , which at the rate current at the time of publication of these calculations is 175,000 rubles(taking into account rounding and at the rate of 50.01 rubles per $ 1);
  • to the cost of Tesla Powerwall we add the need to purchase an inverter, the cost of which is about $ 1,500 - 75,000 rubles;
  • we will take into account the losses when connecting Tesla Powerwall in the chain battery - current converter - inverter... General The system efficiency will be 87%... Those. initially, not 10 kW * h are available to the consumer, but only 8.7.
  • with two-zone tariffication (“day / night” tariffs), we will assume the daily energy consumption at the level of 5 kW * h (57.5% of the maximum Tesla Powerwall resource), and the evening one - at the level of 3.7 kW * h (42.5%) ...

Situation in the USA:

On the territory of the United States there is two-zone tariff on payment of electricity:

    From 14:00 to 19:00 the cost of 1 kW * h of electricity is $ 0.2032 (10.16 rubles).
    From 19:00 to 14:00 the cost drops sharply to $ 0.0463 (2.31 rubles) per 1 kW * h.

With a consumption of 5 kW * h during the day and 3.7 kW * h at the "night" time, the daily costs when using a standard power grid will be:

5 kW * h * 10.16 rubles + 3.7 kW * h * 2.31 rubles = 50.82 rubles + 8.54 rubles = 59.36 rubles / day.
59.34 rubles * 365 days = 21 659 rubles per year.

A standard lithium-ion battery loses about 6% (0.6 kW) of its original capacity (i.e. 10 kW) per year. Every year its capacity will decrease and after 3-4 years only one Tesla Powerwall will not be enough. Here are some rough calculations of how the battery will behave over time.

Years of operation: the maximum battery life is 15 years.
Maximum capacity: decreases by 6% (0.6 kW) of the original capacity every year.
Electricity cost: calculated from the ratio of day / night rates at the above prices.
Saving: how much Tesla Powerwall saves per year.
Waste for additional energy: we agreed that we consume 8.7 kW per day. The lack of electricity (caused by the degradation of the battery) is compensated by the public power grid.

For 15 years of use, even without taking into account the waste on additional energy, Tesla Powerwall doesn't pay off... Considering that the cost of kW * hour of electricity in Russia is about 60% lower, it is hardly worth talking about the advisability of such an acquisition. Let me remind you that the purchase of the Tesla Powerwall kit cost 250,000 rubles, and this does not include solar panels.


Tesla's non-volatile solution is the right vision for a future free of emissions and ruthless use of natural resources. Alas, for the end consumer, the cost declared on the Tesla Powerwall will not be an economically viable acquisition. The purchase of a battery will need to add the "price of incense and candles" in the form of solar panels, a converter and an inverter, and the degradation of lithium-ion batteries is simply will not cover the initial costs... But if you are ready to invest in the future, ready to take a step towards the "green planet" and the price of the issue is not decisive - the time for Tesla Powerwall has already come for you.

And do not forget that disposal of any battery also costs money. Sometimes they are not insignificant.

Tesla Motors is the creator of truly revolutionary eco-vehicles, which are not only mass-produced, but also have unique characteristics that allow them to be used literally every day. Today we take a look inside the battery of a Tesla Model S electric car, find out how it works and reveal the magic of this battery's success.

According to the North American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Model S only needs a single charge of 85 kWh batteries to travel more than 400 km, which is the most significant indicator of any similar vehicle on the specialized market. To accelerate to 100 km / h, the electric car needs only 4.4 seconds.

The key to the success of this model is the availability of lithium-ion batteries, the main components of which are supplied for Tesla by Panasonic. Tesla batteries are steeped in legends. And therefore, one of the owners of such a battery decided to violate its integrity and find out what it is inside. By the way, the cost of such a battery is 45,000 USD.

The battery is located in the underbody, giving Tesla a low center of gravity and excellent handling. It is attached to the body by means of brackets.

Tesla battery. We disassemble

The battery compartment is formed by 16 blocks, which are connected in parallel and shielded from the environment by means of metal plates, as well as a plastic cover that prevents the ingress of water.

Before completely disassembling it, the electrical voltage was measured, confirming the working condition of the battery.

The battery assembly is characterized by high density and precise fit of parts. The entire picking process takes place in a completely clean room, using robots.

Each block consists of 74 cells, very similar in appearance to simple finger-type batteries (Panasonic lithium-ion cells), divided into 6 groups. At the same time, it is almost impossible to find out the scheme of their placement and operation - this is a big secret, which means that it will be extremely difficult to make a replica of this battery. We are unlikely to see a Chinese analogue of the Tesla Model S battery!

The positive electrode is graphite, and the negative one is nickel, cobalt and alumina. ...

The most powerful battery available (its volume is 85 kWh) consists of 7104 such batteries. And it weighs about 540 kg, and its parameters are 210 cm long, 150 cm wide and 15 cm thick. The amount of energy generated by just one unit out of 16 is equal to the amount produced by a hundred batteries from laptop computers.

When assembling its batteries, Tesla uses elements produced in various countries, such as India, China, Mexico, but the final revision and assembly are made in the United States. The company provides warranty service for its products for up to 8 years.

Thus, you learned what the Tesla Model S battery consists of and how it works. Thank you for your attention!


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