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The F14D3 engine, which is installed on the Chevrolet Lacetti, was developed back in the early 2000s. True, "developed" is said loudly. In practice, this is the engine of the Opel company developed in 1996 X14XE, almost all parts are interchangeable, the ratings and parameters of the crank-connecting rod group are identical, but no one really advertises this. Well, God bless him, we, the owners of the Lacetti, are more concerned about the cost of operation - what kind of gasoline to refuel and whether it is possible to switch from AI 95 to AI 92.

The Lacetti engine is capable of digesting 92 gasoline, but it is better to pour 95.

Regular motor gasoline, as the 92nd gasoline is called according to the international European classification.

This means that it is used for medium-duty atmospheric engines with a medium compression ratio. In Europe, both leaded grades and unleaded grades of 92nd gasoline are produced. At the same time, 95th gasoline is classified as Premium motor gasoline ... How big is the difference between the two brands? It is enough for General Motors to recommend the AI-95 for use in accordance with GOST 51105-97 (leaded gasoline).

The numbers that indicate the brands of gasoline are octane number... Therefore, three units of difference are essential. Moreover, until 2009, GM recommended refueling with gasoline at least 92nd. Since then, the engine has been slightly upgraded and the fuel requirements have changed. New technologies for the production of petroleum products have also appeared.

So, AI-95, in fact, is obtained from low-grade gasolines, but with the addition of modern additives (aromatic components, gas gasolines, products of high-temperature processing of distillate). And this is not the 95th that was sold to us 10-15 years ago.

What gasoline to refuel in the Chevrolet Lacetti

While the car is on warranty service, it is strictly forbidden to pour gasoline with an octane number lower than 95 into the tank.

And this is not a whim of GM or a universal conspiracy. If during the warranty period there is a breakdown and as a result of the examination it is found that the engine detonated due to the wrong brand of gasoline, the case will be considered out of warranty and the owner of the car will have to pay for the repair. The main reason for the firm's persistent recommendations is detonation prevention.

Knock sensor and 92 petrol

Many people think that the knock sensor, which is designed to signal the start of the detonation process to the control unit, the ECU will correct the ignition timing.

Yes, it will correct, but within certain limits. The thing is that the constant correction of the ignition timing already suggests that there have already been bursts of detonation in the engine, how quickly the sensor will react, how quickly the ECU will react and within what limits, we can only guess.

Meanwhile, the detonation continues. No one needs to explain how it is destructive to the motor , but we saved a couple of rubles on the octane number of gasoline.


And what is the bottom line: AI-92 or AI-95?

In Europe, by the way, there is no 92 gasoline, there are 91. And the difference between it and 95 is even greater.

It remains to draw a few important conclusions before choosing one of the pistols at the gas station - with the 92nd and 95th gasoline:


Naturally, everyone can draw conclusions for themselves. However, if we want our Lacetti to wave more than one hundred thousand kilometers, it is worth adhering to the manufacturer's recommendations. He will not advise bad. Do not skimp on oils and gasoline and smooth roads to all!

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How to translate the Lacetti to 92 gasoline or, conversely, to 95? Very simple. Here is a photo and video instruction for this simple procedure.

In the world of car enthusiasts, perhaps the most inexhaustible and controversial topic of controversy is which gasoline to use? 92nd or 95th?

Even in our community at the time of this writing, the votes are almost equally divided - 52% for the 95th and 48% for the 92nd.

Moreover, it is practically impossible to convince one or another half. I expressed my opinion on this on

But in fact, the reason for the controversy lies not only in beliefs and religious worship of this or that gasoline.

I would like to consider the other side of the coin. The fact is that very often you can hear from the owners of seemingly identical cars completely different impressions of using fuel with different octane numbers. Someone writes that the car does not go to the 92nd, someone can hear detonation and other nuances. And someone, on the contrary, hates 95th gasoline - like high consumption, the car is stupid, etc.

Why are there such opposite reviews from the owners of the same cars? Of course, everything, as usual, can be attributed to the different quality of fuel in different regions and at different gas stations. But let's leave that for those who have gasoline to blame for all the problems.

Let's try to figure it out according to Feng Shui

The fact is that, despite the same engines, not all engine control units are configured in the same way.

Let's take a closer look at this.

On the first models for the Ukrainian market, special electronic jumpers were installed under the hood. On the diagrams, they got the name, which in translation means - octane switch.

I described this jumper in the article. By default, from the factory, it was set to octane 91.

But, after a while, this jumper was removed, and by default, the ECUs were set to octane 95. Therefore, even in the operating instructions for the car, the Lachevods have different requirements for the fuel used. Someone is not lower than 91, and someone is not lower than 95.

These changes are associated with more stringent environmental requirements, which apparently did not allow the use of octane 91.

From that moment on, the disputes over the fuel used intensified, since some were driving better in 92nd, and in others in 95th.

And some are convinced that there is no difference and all these settings have no effect, and the knock sensor will help to adjust the ECU to any octane number.

What can I say ... Everyone has their own opinion and everyone has the right to think as he wants.

But if you do not think, but look at the real development of events, then you will notice that when the jumper is switched to 95, the starting UOZ actually grows on the diagnostic graphs. And you can also notice that the people made the knock sensor literally a holy and omnipotent sensor capable of correcting almost any situation.

How to translate Lacetti from 95 to 92

Despite the fact that the octane number changeover jumper was removed, this option remained in the engine control unit. And it is not difficult to use it.

Consider this procedure on the SIRIUS D4 ECU, but these options are available on other control units, including the HV-240.

To begin with, let's determine exactly what kind of gasoline your engine control unit is configured for, if you don't know. For work, we need a 10 mm wrench and an ohmmeter (multimeter).

First of all, disconnect the negative terminal from the battery

... and remove the block from the ECU

We need the 27th contact of the ECU block. The last contacts are signed and it is not difficult to calculate the required contact. It turns out to be fourth from the right in the bottom row.

We connect the first probe of the multimeter to it. Not all probes reach the contact, so it is convenient to use a piece of wire

Connect the second probe of the multimeter to ground. The most convenient way to do this is by connecting to a disconnected contact from the battery.

We expose the multimeter to the resistance measurement or "dialing" mode and look at the readings. If the resistance is minimal, then the 27th contact of the ECU is connected to ground, which, in turn, means that the ECU is set to 95th octane.

In the photo below it is. 1.3 Ohm is the resistance of the probes themselves

Clear? I will repeat.

If the 27th contact of the ECU block is shorted to ground, then the ECU understands this as the 95th octane. And if the 27th contact is not shorted to ground, then the ECU understands this as the 91st octane.

This can be done in two ways:

  • Remove the 27th contact from the computer block and leave it unconnected.
  • Cut the wire from pin 27. You can leave it cut, or you can make a switch, or "dad-mom" to quickly switch between the 91st and 95th octane. The choice is yours.

To find the required wire, you need to remove the cover from the connector of the ECU block

Move it forward

We remove the lid and find our fourth wire from the edge from the 27th contact

This wire

Attention! I have a car with an octane switch under the hood, so my wire is blue! On cars without this jumper, the wire will be black with a white stripe! This does not change the essence!

To switch to 92nd gasoline, just cut this wire. And to re-go to the 95th, you need to reconnect this wire.

If you do not want to cut the wire, then you can simply remove the 27th pin from the ECU block.

To do this, pry off a yellow plastic chip from one end.

Then from another

And we extract it.

We are faced with contacts in all their glory. Now you need to squeeze the contact we need with a needle and pull it out of the block

Putting it all back and our car can run normally on 92nd gasoline.

It is also advisable to reset the adaptations using the Chevrolet Explorer program. You can download, configure and learn how to use it in the heading

Here is a video how to convert a Chevrolet Lacetti to 92-gasoline

On my own I will add that I prefer driving on 95th gasoline in the Ron switch 95 position.

Well, what to do for you and decide, in fact, you

Peace and smooth roads to all!

The whole line Chevrolet engines Lacetti is designed with an optimal ratio of economy and liter capacity. Fuel consumption is comparable to competitive models. At the same time, the car provides sufficient dynamism that allows the car owner to feel confident both in city traffic and on the highway.

From gasoline poured into fuel tank stability of work depends power plant and its durability. Therefore, the quality of fuel must be approached with the utmost responsibility and not to fill the gas tank with fuel from dubious gas stations.

If the consumption of gasoline has increased and no external factors have changed, then this means that attention should be paid to the car. The consumption rate set by the automaker, although obtained under ideal conditions, is still a guideline for the normal operation of the power plant. A sharp increase in fuel consumption very often indicates that a unit or part of the power plant or related systems requires repair.

Fuel consumption with different engine sizes

The fuel consumption of the Chevrolet Lacetti depends on how much the power plant has, as well as on the gearbox with which the car is equipped. Consumption per 100 km according to the passport Chevrolet lacetti with engines 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 liters, shown in the table below.

Table - Fuel consumption of Chevrolet Lacetti

Gasoline selection

According to the manufacturer's recommendation, only unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 95 or higher should be poured into the gas tank. Fuel with a lower RON will cause detonation in power unit and can cause damage to the cylinder-piston group.

From the use of low-octane fuel in the power plant, detonation damage appears. They are easy enough to identify. At the same time, the car owner risks losing the free warranty repair... Therefore, if you want to reduce the cost of refueling, there should be no choice between 92 or 95. In more detail the behavior of the car on different types fuel is shown in the table below.

Table - Influence of octane number on driving Chevrolet car Lacetti

Fuel tank volume

The volume of the tank is calculated in such a way that the car can cover up to thousands of kilometers without additional refueling. In more detail, the capacity of the Chevrolet Lacetti gas tank in various bodies is shown in the table below.

Table - Volume Chevrolet gas tank Lacetti

Reviews from car owners indicate that the real capacity allows you to fill up to 65-67 liters before the cut-off. This is due both to the "honesty" of the gas station, and to the fact that the volume of the tank is slightly larger than the standardized one.

Description of the reasons for the high fuel consumption of the Chevrolet Lacetti and their solution

In the event of a worn out engine, valve burnout or ring stuckness, compression may decrease in one or more cylinders. As a result, the fuel burns less efficiently. This impairs vehicle dynamics and requires an increase in fuel consumption to maintain the desired speed mode... Elimination of the problem is possible only by defect detection and replacement of damaged units or parts.

Actual fuel consumption may differ from the norm due to insufficient pressure in wheels. The result is an increased force required to overcome the rolling resistance. To eliminate the problem, it is required to pump up the wheels, controlling the pressure with a pressure gauge.

A common problem with Chevrolet Lacetti is brake jamming. For diagnostics, it is required to check the temperature of the wheel rims after the trip. A jammed brake will heat them up very much. For repairs, it is necessary to replace the culprit of the wedging, and then bleed the brake system.

Fuel consumption may increase due to low quality fuel filling. The engine has to burn more fuel in order to maintain the required dynamics. Very often counterfeits become the reason why they are clogged fuel filter and mesh. The solution to the problem is possible by draining low-grade fuel and flushing the fuel line.

Influence of maintenance on fuel consumption

Untimely replacement of consumables or their poor quality is a common reason why fuel consumption has increased. Thus, the fuel filter directly affects the air supply to form the air-fuel mixture. The drop in its bandwidth degrades specifications power plant and causes high fuel consumption.

Clogged air filter

Spark plug, oil and oil filter also directly affect fuel consumption. They require timely replacement and full adherence to the recommendations of the automaker.

Installing the oil filter


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