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Dukan's diet is followed by millions of people. It has become extremely popular since the publication of the book “I Can’t Lose Weight”, stars and ordinary citizens are losing weight on it. The unspoken motto of this diet is “Eat as much as you want, but choose the right foods.” With regard to sports on this diet, expert opinions are divided. Many quote Dr. Pierre, who suggests that patients limit themselves to ordinary physical activity like walking, while others believe that playing sports on a high-protein diet speeds up the result several times. So is it possible or not to exercise on the Dukan diet?

Dukan diet and strength training

The only restriction concerns the "Attack!" If you simultaneously begin to switch to an exclusively protein diet and engage in heavy strength exercises, the body can experience significant stress, and excessive production of cortisol does not help to speed up the metabolism. As a result, your result will be even less significant than that of those who do nothing. Perhaps even a slight increase in volume due to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles.

If you are just starting to exercise, do not combine the initial stage of the diet and strength training in the gym or at home with free weights. If you want to strengthen your muscles, stop for now at Pilates, Callanetics, Oxysize or Bodyflex. These gymnastics will give you tone without an extra increase in volume.

At the second stage of the diet, you can add strength exercises in the “for weight loss” mode - no more than 2-3 times a week for an hour, a large number of repetitions, small or average weight weights. At the same time, the vegetable days of the Dukan diet are best combined with aerobic rather than strength exercises. Try to keep strength training on protein days, plan lunch or dinner immediately after training, and you will not break the diet and lose weight faster due to active muscle recovery.

Dukan diet and aerobic training

Dr. Pierre recommends long, low-intensity activities such as walking, swimming, cycling. You can start these workouts from the first day of the “attack”, they do not significantly affect appetite and cortisol levels. Your main task is to focus on the duration of the workout and maintain a moderate intensity. To achieve the effect of burning fat, you should walk for at least half an hour a day. It is better if you do this an hour before meals, keeping before that an hour interval from eating to starting a workout. Low-intensity aerobic training can be done on both protein and vegetable days of the diet.

High-intensity cardio like interval training is only "good" if you're not new to fitness and can combine active training and diet. It is best to do an intense workout on a protein day, so you can not only save calories, but also recover well.

So, don't believe that the Dukan diet literally forces you to do without sports, train according to your fitness level, and you will definitely find a beautiful figure.

It took the famous French nutritionist Pierre Dukan for 40 years to develop an effective method of losing weight.

To date, thousands of people have tried it on themselves, it is gaining more and more popularity. However, the Dukan diet has disadvantages and contraindications, because of which it is not suitable for everyone.

To understand the basics of the diet, let's start with the features that distinguish it from other methods of losing weight.

Features of the Dukan diet

Perhaps the main distinguishing feature of the diet is the loss of more than 5 kilograms of excess weight in the first two weeks. The basis of the technique is the transition to protein nutrition, which excludes the usual amount of carbohydrates and fats from entering the body. Fractional nutrition speeds up the metabolic process, which contributes to faster burning of body fat.

However, such a result can lead to exhaustion of the body and deterioration of a person's well-being. Therefore, Dukan himself recommends that you first consult a doctor who can assess the preparation of the body, and only then test his diet on yourself.

Main advantages

All weight loss methods developed by nutritionists have their advantages, disadvantages and contraindications, and also show different effectiveness. First, let's look at the benefits of the Dukan diet.

The main advantages of this diet are:

  • Fast action that is visible to the naked eye. Starting from the first stage of nutrition, a person will lose kilograms literally before our eyes due to a special diet, which we will discuss below.
  • Long term results. Unlike the short-term Japanese diet or the six-petal technique, P. Dukan offers several stages, which in combination can last about a year, depending on the desired results. In addition, upon completion of the course, a person rebuilds his own diet to new way which can be followed in the future.
  • There are no restrictions on the amount of food consumed. Each stage implies a set of certain products that you can eat. However, in almost all cases, there are no doses or servings that would dictate the total amount of food that can be consumed during the day.

The above advantages of the diet speak for themselves and are quite attractive. Next, consider the contraindications of this method of losing weight.

Disadvantages and contraindications

We can distinguish the following shortcomings, which are spoken not only by critics, but also by the author of the diet himself:

  1. Weakened immunity.
  2. Possible malfunctions digestive system.
  3. In some cases, there were problems with the kidneys, difficulty breathing.

The above negative aspects of the diet arise mainly due to the fact that the diet that must be observed is far from the concept of a balanced diet. In this regard, the body constantly lacks some nutrients, including the required amount of vitamins and minerals.

In order for the Dukan diet not to do more harm than good, consult your doctor about the readiness of the body for such a load.

Expected results

At the first stage of the diet, you can lose about 5 kg of weight. Of course, the lion's share of this figure is water that will leave the body. However, this will be the first prerequisite for fat to be burned for energy.

If a person successfully passes all the stages of the methodology, then he can count on -20 or even -30 kg from the initial weight. The results obtained can be saved if, at the end of the course of the diet, adhere to its basic principles.

Of course, these results depend on the individual characteristics of the organism, as well as the general state of health.

Diet Rules

You must adhere to the following rules:

  • drink at least 1.5 liters of plain water daily;
  • use oat bran in the amount that is necessary for a particular stage;
  • every day to walk in the fresh air for 20-30 minutes;
  • give up alcohol, cigarettes and other bad habits;
  • observe fractional nutrition;
  • give the body a light physical load.

Regarding the last point, it is worth noting that at the first stage it is highly undesirable to actively engage in sports, since the body will experience severe carbohydrate starvation. During this period, it will be quite enough to do exercises for morning exercises.

First stage: Attack

So, we have come to the consideration of each of the four stages that the Dukan diet implies. The first one is "Attack". It lays the foundations that will be maintained throughout the methodology with minor changes. Not everyone can successfully pass this step. In most cases, this is due to a huge stress for the body, which abruptly begins to receive only protein foods.

"Attack" can last from 1 to 10 days. The term depends on how many pounds you want to lose. For example, 1-2 days is enough for 5 extra pounds, and 10 days is enough for 10 or more kilos. During this period of time, a feeling of dryness and lightness is possible. bad smell from mouth.

You can use the following products:

  • dairy products (fat-free);
  • chicken or turkey breast;
  • lean varieties of any meat (except beef and pork);
  • any kind of fish;
  • 2 eggs per day (if you eat only protein, then without limitation in quantity);
  • sometimes you can afford a small amount of crab sticks.

All dishes prepared from the above products must be prepared without the addition of any type of oil. Sugar is strictly prohibited. If you really want sweets, then in some cases you can afford to drink a glass of water with one spoon of honey. It is allowed to add spices and seasonings of natural origin, lemon juice to food.

Also mark those products that are under bans:

  1. Cereals, beans.
  2. Fruits.
  3. Flour products.
  4. Cheeses with a fat content of more than 5%.
  5. Smoked products.
  6. Canned food.

Breakfast- boiled eggs, fat-free yogurt or milk;

Lunch- 1-1.5 tablespoons oat bran;

Dinner- chicken broth with pieces of meat;

Dinner- chicken breast cutlets, cheese, a glass of kefir.

Stage two: Cruise

The duration of the phase depends on how quickly you reach your ideal weight and can vary from two to six months. "Cruise" involves eating protein in different forms and vegetables. The amount of bran rises to two tablespoons per day. The restriction in products is the same as in the first stage. Everything is possible from vegetables.

The menu might look like this:

Breakfast- oatmeal, scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs;

Lunch- 2 tablespoons of oat bran, fish cakes;

Dinner- vegetable soup with meat;

afternoon tea- salmon, tea;

Dinner- meatloaf or baked meat, yogurt.

Third stage: Consolidation

This stage involves consolidating the results and a gradual return to the usual diet. When a person reaches "Consolidation", his body is already in a rather exhausted state.

Therefore, it is necessary to gather all the will into a fist and not succumb to the temptation to suspend the diet or break the rules. Fruit, bran bread, as well as foods containing starch and fiber are added to the menu.

In order not to break loose during the "Consolidation" period, Dukan recommends having a "belly holiday" several times, that is, eating your favorite treats.

The duration of the stage depends on the number of kilograms dropped. To consolidate a weight loss of 5 kg, 50 days are needed, 10 kg - 100 days, etc.

Fourth stage: Stabilization

In this phase, you have to choose: either you eat again, as usual, and the lost kilograms will return to you in a few months, or you will continue to adhere to the principles of nutrition, while maintaining a figure. If you still chose the second, then you will have to deny yourself high-calorie foods that contain unhealthy fats and fast carbohydrates.

It is necessary to increase the amount of oat bran consumed to 3 tablespoons per day. It is worth limiting the consumption of flour products. Once a week, eat exclusively protein foods. You can afford up to 2 glasses of red wine 1-2 times a week.

During the "Attack" phase, physical activity is mandatory. You need to walk at least 20 minutes a day. When body weight significantly exceeds the norm and it is difficult for the body to cope with the loads, it is necessary to do 2 sets of 10 minutes each.

During the "Alternation" phase, the duration of walking should be increased to 30 minutes per day. At this time, the body is already accustomed to the introduced diet and begins to resist the process of losing weight. Therefore, if the weight has stopped, then you need to walk a day for at least an hour and continue to eat protein foods. If difficulties arise, you can break an hour of walking into two sets of 30 minutes each.

For walking to give positive results, you need to follow the recommendations that Dukan developed for his followers:

    It is necessary to observe a fast pace while walking. The usual walking step is not suitable, as it will not allow you to strain your muscles properly.

    Hiking is best after the next meal. This will allow you to spend extra kilocalories and improve the process of digesting food.

    It is necessary to try while walking to strain the muscles of the body as much as possible in order to feel them.

    It is important to watch your posture. The back should remain straight.

So that after getting rid of extra pounds, the skin does not sag and does not become flabby, you need to tighten it. This allows you to make strong and inflated muscles. Therefore, Dukan recommends going through the so-called "drying the body." Thanks to specially selected exercises, muscle mass will be preserved, and the fat layer will go away.

So, in order for the body to be toned and the skin to become elastic, the following 4 exercises should be performed:

This exercise can be performed immediately after sleep, or after a person has breakfast. Starting position: lying on your back in bed with a pillow or roller placed under the upper body.

Legs should be bent at the knees and held with your hands. From this position, the torso is lifted up by the force of the abdominal muscles. Hands do not strain and do not involve. Then you need to go down on the pillow again and go up again. 15 lifts are done in this way. Then you should lift the torso from the roller 15 more times, but already with biceps tension.

In total, 30 lifts are obtained. In the evening, the exercise must be repeated. Thus, a person will perform 60 body lifts, which will strengthen the abdominal wall and arm muscles.

To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, you need to add 1-2 body lifts daily. By the end of the first week, the number of rises will be equal to 36 in the morning and 36 in the evening. After the first month of training, you need to reach 140 lifts per day, and later, up to 200 (100 in the morning and 100 in the evening).

You need to lie on the roller, and stretch your arms along the body. They must be tense. This exercise should be performed immediately after the first exercise is completed.

The legs are bent at the knees, the feet are brought together. Exhaling, you need to raise your hips up to get a bridge. The body must be straight. You need to stay in this position for a few seconds. The muscles of the buttocks should remain in tension. Then you need to get down on the bed. Repeat the exercise 30 times in the morning and 30 in the evening before going to bed.

Sometimes it happens that a person fails to lift the pelvis up. This indicates that his muscles are very weak and need to be exercised. You should not worry about the fact that it is not possible to complete 30 lifts the first time. The load should be increased gradually. Over time, the muscles will get stronger and will work at full strength. No matter how hard it is, you need to do at least 10 body lifts in the morning and evening. Every day, 1 body lift should be added, gradually bringing them up to 100. Having reached such indicators, it will be possible to make sure that the muscles of the pelvis and abdominals have become more elastic and strong.

This exercise is aimed at working out the quadriceps femoris. To perform it, you need to stand in front of the mirror, not spreading your legs too much, straightening your shoulders and holding on to the edge of the table. From this position, you need to slowly sit down until the buttocks touch the heels. Then you need to go up. This exercise should be repeated 15 times, adding 1 squat each day. Having reached 30 squats in the morning and evening, you can feel how much more elastic the thigh muscles have become.

Thanks to such squats, you can tighten the body, burn extra kilocalories and prevent sagging skin.

It is aimed at working out the muscles of the hands in their upper part. To complete the exercise, you will need a 1.5 liter bottle of water.

You need to stand up straight and bend your arm with the load until the load is at shoulder level. The palm should be facing inward when the bottle is down. During lifting, the palm should be twisted so that by the time it is raised it is turned up. Then you need to slowly lower your hand. The number of repetitions is 15 times for the right and for the left hand.

After 7 days of training, you need to start doing 20 lifts for each arm, and after another week - 25 lifts. By the end of the first month of classes, it is necessary to bring the number of lifts to 30.

It should be understood that it will be possible to tighten the skin qualitatively only after six months of training. An instant result cannot be achieved. However, the effect of the classes will certainly be noticeable, so they should not be abandoned.

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University N. I. Pirogov, specialty "Medicine" (2004). Residency at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

Four exercises for vulnerable areas of a slimming body

Dr. Pierre Ducane is a French nutritionist, author of 19 books, including the famous bestseller "I Can't Lose Weight" in which he, already a well-known specialist in France, summarized the results of his many years of practice and outlined in detail the theory of his system. This book has been sold all over the world, in more than 10 million copies, but it has only now reached Russia. Chapter from the book "I Can't Lose Weight":

  • weight loss by the widest range of muscle sectors and the intensity of calorie burning due to their work.
  • how to prevent sagging skin after weight loss, as many patients who have lost weight often complain of sagging and sagging skin in the abdomen, arms, buttocks and thighs.

Four Vulnerable Zones of a Slimming Body With a weight loss of 8 kg, a competition begins between burning fat and shrinking skin. Indeed, the fat melts faster than the skin can shrink, and there is not a very attractive picture. This problem is more common in areas where the skin is thinner. There are 4 problem areas that women complain about most often (loss of elasticity and excess skin):

  • abdominal area (flabby hanging belly). When you lose weight, the loss of weight and adipose tissue affects both the outer part of the fat just under the skin and the inner part surrounding the muscles. When the fat is gone, the muscles are less tense, and as a result, the skin on the abdomen becomes lethargic and flabby, and the stomach itself protrudes a little forward. And when the external fat melts, it is the skin that suffers, losing its firmness and elasticity. After losing weight, the skin recovers, but very slowly, it takes 6 months to reach the best tone. Do not hope for quick improvements and do not do anything radical for this. As for the belly, which protrudes a little forward, this is due to the weakening of the muscular wall. In order to tone it up and regain a flat and muscular stomach, you need to work on the abdominal muscles, pumping the press.
  • hands. It is women with large, large hands who complain about their softening when losing weight. After weight loss, the arms become less voluminous and the skin sags on them.
  • saggy and loose buttocks. A city dweller leading a sedentary life, losing weight, very quickly loses the fat pad of the gluteal muscles. As a result, he acquires soft and saggy buttocks, which deprive him of sexual attractiveness;
  • relaxed hips. This applies mainly to women, whose excess weight is concentrated mainly at the bottom of the body, in the hips and knees. When weight loss is significant, thinner thighs are less elastic, the same can be said about the skin.

Exercise No. 1 I invented this exercise first for myself and have been using it for 20 years. For the last 3 years I have been prescribing it to my patients, most of them have already taken it. In addition to walking, you have only one mandatory exercise to do, and I urge you to include it in your daily activities. Why? Because it's simple and easy to do. This makes it very easy to include it in everyday life. Short and quick, it can be done in bed in the morning after waking up or in the evening before going to bed, it allows you to use a very wide range of muscle groups: abdominals, hips and arms. Starting position - lying in bed after waking up or having breakfast. Use a roller or pillow to create a comfortable slope. Lie on your back with this roll under your torso. 1. Bend your knees, lifting them up, and keep your hands at your knees, supporting them. 2. In this position, bring the torso to a vertical position with the help of the abdominal press, without using the hands. 3. Then lower yourself onto a pillow or roller. Repeat this exercise 15 times without using your hands. 4. Do 15 more times, straining the biceps. Total - 30 times. In the evening, repeat the same series - this will give you 60 movements, and from the first day you will acquire the basis of the stability of your abdominal wall and your biceps. Every day try to do a little more, adding 1-2 movements to the abdominals and arms in the morning and the same in the evening, that is, 31 + 31 on the 2nd day, 32 + 32 on the 3rd day and 36 + 36 at the end of the first week . The goal is to get to 70 + 70 by the end of the first month and over time - to 100 in the morning and 100 in the evening. At this point, 200 repetitions will only take 3 minutes of your time. You can see for yourself that this is not a very burdensome task. You will understand how effective this exercise is by examining your stomach in a month, which will become elastic and flat instead of flabby and protruding. Exercise number 2 - for the gluteal muscles This exercise has become another of my reflexes, I also perform it every day immediately after the first, bed after waking up, it is a logical complement to the first. It activates not only the back muscles of the thighs, but also the femoral-gluteal muscles, as well as the muscles of the arms. Starting position - take a roller or pillow, lying on it, place tense arms along the body on the bed. 1. Bend your knees. Put your feet and knees together. As you exhale, lift your hips up to form a bridge. The hull in the bridge should form a straight line. 2. Hold this position for a few seconds, lifting your buttocks up.

3. Then lower yourself to the starting position to quickly rise again and take the same position, trying to make the bridge straight. Repeat the exercise 30 times. Repeat this series of exercises in the evening before going to bed. This will add you another 60 exercises per day, that is, no more than 1.5 minutes. If you are unable to complete these 30 exercises, then you have a very heavy pelvis and insufficient muscle base, atrophied by a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, don't worry: reduce the number of movements and know that these muscles will adapt over time and you will be able to do the exercise as expected. Try to still do at least 10 exercises in the morning and evening, as you really need it. Then, as for the previous exercise, try to add one set each day so that one day you reach 100 in the morning and 100 in the evening. At this stage, you will find that your torso and pelvis, having lost weight, will gain elasticity.

Exercise #3 - Hips This exercise is of double interest, as it burns the most calories and mobilizes the largest muscle, the quadriceps, which, as its name indicates, consists of four muscle bundles. On the other hand, cellulite is most often seen over this muscle, and even the slightest weight loss can easily reduce it. The goal of this exercise is to simultaneously burn calories and gain firm and toned muscles after weight loss. It involves all the muscles of the thighs, which is a lot for one exercise. Starting position - stand on your feet, if possible, in front of a mirror. 1. Grasp the edge of a table or sink, spread your legs slightly and straighten your shoulders. 2. Slowly begin to squat, bending your legs until your buttocks touch your heels. 3. Then rise to the starting position. This is a difficult exercise, but extremely highly effective. It depends on your weight, its localization and the degree of your fitness. If you weigh more than 100 kg, it will be difficult for you to do even one such exercise. In this case, do what you can, and you will see that, gradually losing weight with the help of a diet, you can reach one, then two, three or more squats a day. By the time you do a series of 15 squats, you will be close to your optimal weight.

Remember to add one set each day. When you get to a series of 15 exercises, aim for 30, but don't worry - you have time. Having reached 30, you will feel that you have gained more elastic hips, and in the meantime, 8 muscle bundles will continue their work, gradually burning calories day and night. Exercise number 4 - for the hands The female hand is a very sensitive indicator of overweight and skin condition. There is symmetry in the distribution of cellulite on the thighs and arms. Most women with cellulite on their thighs also have very powerful arms. When they lose weight, they lose fat more easily in the arms than in the thighs. Because of this, their thinner hands lose their tone and become flabby, and women take it very hard. There are not many solutions in this area - surgery is contraindicated, as it leaves too much scarring. But there is a huge selection of physical exercises. I have chosen one of them and present it to you. This exercise is my favorite as it is very simple and effective. This exercise has the advantage of working two muscles: the biceps on the front of the arm and the triceps on the back, in order to strengthen the muscles and tighten the skin in the fleshy part of the arm. Starting position - take a 1.5-liter bottle of water or one dumbbell of the same weight.

1. Bend your arm with the dumbbell or bottle until the dumbbell is near your shoulders. Start with the palm facing inward. As you lift the dumbbell, rotate your hand so that your palm is facing up. 2. Slowly lower the dumbbell and repeat. This exercise should be performed 15 times for each arm in order to achieve sufficient muscle growth and get rid of sagging skin. Try to reach the limit of your abilities and, if you feel capable, boldly go further. When you do 15 movements for each arm daily for a week, try to complete a series of 20 times, after a week - already 25, to reach 30 movements at the end of the first month. On the other hand, remember that the skin of a thinner person needs 6 months before it tightens again, so do not expect miracles right away. continue on. 2) It is especially important to include walking during the weight fixation stage, when the risk of a plateau effect is very high, since the introduction of physical activity will give you additional reserves of the body to burn calories. 3) Enter the 4 simple exercises that you learned about in this chapter, and you will quickly get not only your ideal weight, but also elastic hips, buttocks and slender arms. published by

The author of 19 books, including the famous bestseller "I Can't Lose Weight" in which, already being a well-known specialist in France, he summarized the results of his many years of practice and outlined in detail the theory of his system. This book has been sold all over the world in more than 10 million copies, but it has only now reached Russia. The EKSMO publishing house provides an opportunity to read a chapter from the book "I Can't Lose Weight".


Too many choices make it difficult to choose

Throughout my medical practice, I have found that reliable and authoritative yet simple and specific instructions without ambiguity improve control and make them easier to follow. Therefore, I have selected 4 effective exercises that are most adapted to solving the following problems:

First problem: weight loss by the widest range of muscle sectors and the intensity of calorie burning due to their work.

AND second problem: how to prevent sagging skin after losing weight, as many patients who have lost weight often complain of sagging and sagging skin in the abdomen, arms, buttocks and thighs.

Four vulnerable zones of a slimming body

With a weight loss of 8 kg, a competition begins between burning fat and shrinking skin. Indeed, the fat melts faster than the skin can shrink, and there is not a very attractive picture. This problem is more common in areas where the skin is thinner.
There are 4 problem areas that women complain about most often (loss of elasticity and excess skin):

- abdominal area(flabby hanging belly). When you lose weight, the loss of weight and adipose tissue affects both the outer part of the fat just under the skin and the inner part surrounding the muscles. When the fat is gone, the muscles are less tense, and as a result, the skin on the abdomen becomes lethargic and flabby, and the stomach itself protrudes a little forward. And when the external fat melts, it is the skin that suffers, losing its firmness and elasticity. After losing weight, the skin recovers, but very slowly, it takes 6 months to reach the best tone. Do not hope for quick improvements and do not do anything radical for this. As for the belly, which protrudes a little forward, this is due to the weakening of the muscular wall. To tone it up and regain a flat and muscular stomach, you need to work on the abdominal muscles, pumping press.

- hands. It is women with large, large hands who complain about their softening when losing weight. After weight loss, the arms become less voluminous and the skin sags on them.

- saggy and loose buttocks. A city dweller leading a sedentary life, losing weight, very quickly loses the fat pad of the gluteal muscles. As a result, he acquires soft and saggy buttocks, which deprive him of sexual attractiveness;

- relaxed hips. This applies mainly to women, whose excess weight is concentrated mainly at the bottom of the body, in the hips and knees. When weight loss is significant, thinner thighs are less elastic, the same can be said about the skin.

Exercise #1

I first invented this exercise for myself and have been using it for 20 years. For the last 3 years I have been prescribing it to my patients, most of them have already taken it. In addition to walking, you have only one mandatory exercise to do, and I urge you to include it in your daily activities. Why? Because it's simple and easy to do. This makes it very easy to incorporate it into your daily life. Short and quick, it can be done in bed in the morning after waking up or in the evening before going to bed. It is exceptionally efficient. And finally, it allows you to use a very wide range of muscle groups: abdominals, hips and arms. See for yourself!

You can use physical activity as a tool to quickly return to the starting point of the diet: 20 minutes of walking allows you to neutralize, for example, a glass of wine or 3 pieces of chocolate.

Starting position - lying in bed after waking up or having breakfast. Use a roller or pillow to create a comfortable slope. Lie on your back with this roll under your torso.

1) Bend your knees, lifting them up, and keep your hands at your knees, supporting them.
2) In this position, bring the torso to a vertical position with the help of the abdominal press, without using the hands.
3) Then sit down on a pillow or roller. Repeat this exercise 15 times without using your hands.
4) Do 15 more times, tensing the biceps.

Total - 30 times. In the evening, repeat the same series - this will give you 60 movements, and from the first day you will acquire the basis of the stability of your abdominal wall and your biceps.

Every day try to do a little more, adding 1-2 movements to the abdominals and arms in the morning and the same in the evening, that is, 31 + 31 on the 2nd day, 32 + 32 on the 3rd day and 36 + 36 at the end of the first week .
The goal is to get to 70 + 70 by the end of the first month and over time - to 100 in the morning and 100 in the evening. At this point, 200 repetitions will only take 3 minutes of your time. You can see for yourself that this is not a very burdensome task.

You will understand how effective this exercise is by examining your stomach in a month, which, instead of flabby and bulging, will become elastic and flat.

Exercise number 2 - for the gluteal muscles

This exercise has become another of my reflexes, I also do it every day immediately after the first, in bed after waking up, it is a logical complement to the first. It is amazingly effective, every morning and every evening I feel its instant result. With such exercises front side my hips warm up very quickly, very strongly and I can feel how all the major muscles are being toned. It activates not only the back muscles of the thighs, but also the femoral-gluteal, as well as the muscles of the arms. Let's try.

Starting position - take a roller or pillow, lying on it, place tense arms along the body on the bed.

1) Bend your knees. Put your feet and knees together. As you exhale, lift your hips up to form a bridge. The hull in the bridge should form a straight line.
2) Hold this position for a few seconds, lifting your buttocks up.
3) Then lower yourself to the starting position to rise again quickly and take the same position, trying to make the bridge straight. Repeat the exercise 30 times.

Repeat this series of exercises in the evening before going to bed. This will add you another 60 exercises per day, that is, no more than 1.5 minutes. If you are unable to complete these 30 exercises, then you have a very heavy pelvis and insufficient muscle base, atrophied by a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, don't worry: reduce the number of movements and know that these muscles will adapt over time and you will be able to do the exercise as expected. Try to still do at least 10 exercises in the morning and evening, as you really need it. Then, as for the previous exercise, try to add one set each day so that one day you reach 100 in the morning and 100 in the evening. At this stage, you will find that your torso and pelvis, having lost weight, will gain elasticity.

Our society tends to tolerate general overweight.
Of course, you hear ministers, dignitaries, warning against overeating and sedentary lifestyles, but they do nothing to prevent it.

Exercise number 3 - for the hips

This exercise is of double interest, since it is the one that burns the most calories and mobilizes the largest muscle, the quadriceps, which, as its name indicates, consists of four muscle bundles. On the other hand, cellulite is most often seen over this muscle, and even the slightest weight loss can easily reduce it.

The goal of this exercise is to simultaneously burn calories and gain firm and toned muscles after weight loss. It involves all the muscles of the thighs, which is a lot for one exercise.

Starting position - stand on your feet, if possible, in front of a mirror.

1) Grasp the edge of a table or washbasin, spread your legs slightly and straighten your shoulders.
2) Slowly begin to squat, bending your legs until your buttocks touch your heels.
3) Then rise to the starting position.

This is a difficult exercise, but extremely highly efficient. It depends on your weight, its localization and the degree of your fitness. If you weigh more than 100 kg, it will be difficult for you to do even one such exercise. In this case, do what you can, and you will see that, gradually losing weight with the help of a diet, you can reach one, then two, three or more squats a day. By the time you do a series of 15 squats, you will be close to your optimal weight.

Remember to add one set each day. When you get to a series of 15 exercises, aim for 30, but don't worry - you have time. When you reach 30, you will feel that you have found more elastic hips, and in the meantime, 8 muscle bundles will continue to work, gradually burning calories day and night.


Exercise number 4 - for hands

A woman's hand is a very sensitive indicator of overweight and skin condition. There is symmetry in the distribution of cellulite on the thighs and arms. Most women with cellulite on their thighs also have very powerful arms. When they lose weight, they lose fat more easily in the arms than in the thighs. Because of this, their thinner hands lose their tone and become flabby, and women take it very hard. There are not many solutions in this area - surgery is contraindicated, as it leaves too much scarring. But there is a huge selection of physical exercises. I have chosen one of them and present it to you. This exercise is my favorite as it is very simple and effective.
This exercise has the advantage of working two muscles, the biceps on the front of the arm and the triceps on the back, to strengthen the muscles and tighten the skin in the fleshy part of the arm.

Starting position - take a 1.5-liter bottle of water or one dumbbell of the same weight.

1) Bend your arm with the dumbbell or bottle until the dumbbell is near your shoulders. Start with the palm facing inward. As you lift the dumbbell, rotate your hand so that your palm is facing up.
2) Slowly lower the dumbbell and repeat.

This exercise should be performed 15 times for each arm in order to achieve sufficient muscle growth and get rid of sagging skin.
Try to reach the limit of your abilities and, if you feel capable, boldly go further.

When you do 15 movements for each arm daily for a week, try to complete a series of 20 times, after a week - already 25, to reach 30 movements at the end of the first month. On the other hand, remember that the skin of a thinner person needs 6 months before it tightens up again, so do not expect miracles right away.



1) Don't forget the wonderful benefits of simply walking, even 20 minutes a day will speed up weight loss and give you an incentive to keep going.

2) It is especially important to include walking during the weight fixation stage, when the risk of a plateau effect is very high, since the introduction of physical activity will give you additional reserves of the body to burn calories.

3) Enter the 4 simple exercises that you learned about in this chapter, and you will quickly get not only your ideal weight, but also elastic hips, buttocks and slender arms.


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