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Many modern cars have an SRS system, but not many know what it is and what this abbreviation means, so in this article we will try to figure out what SRS is in a car and what needs to be done if the SRS indicator on dashboard.

Decoding what is the SRS system in a car

SRS (short for Supplementary Restraint System) Is a safety system for the driver and passengers in the car, which is triggered in emergency situation(in case of a frontal or side collision of the vehicle with a moving or static object).

The SRS includes the following components to ensure the safety of the driver and passengers:

  • SRS system module;
  • Special sensors and sensors that track the speed of the car, fix the moment of impact in a collision, the position of people in the car, etc .;
  • Frontal and side airbags;
  • Special seat belt tensioners.

Note: the SRS safety system in a car helps to preserve the health, and sometimes the life of the driver and passengers in accidents, while the system is triggered at a vehicle speed of more than 50 km / h about head-on and side impacts.

Also, do not forget that SRS will not work in a collision with soft objects (for example, when entering a snowdrift), as well as in a rear impact (for example, if another car crashed into your car from behind).

What if the dashboard SRS light is on?

Drawing conclusions from what was written above, it immediately becomes clear that it is imperative to monitor the state of the SRS system (SRS) in the car, since your safety depends on it.

If an error starts to appear (a signal is triggered on the dashboard with the SRS icon), then it is better to contact the car service specialists faster so that they can diagnose and fix this problem.

The SRS safety system is good in that it does not need to be serviced often, it is enough to carry out its full diagnostics once every 9-10 years to make sure that it is working properly, but it is important not to forget that the airbags and squibs for them are disposable and if they are triggered in an emergency, their complete replacement is required.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing what SRS means in a car and how important this system, in the future you will closely monitor its condition. Your reviews and useful tips on the topic of what is SRS in the car, we leave it in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

At the moment, almost everyone, when buying a new car, can order an optional installation of any system from a dealer. It has become quite commonplace. But there are options that are already included in the package, and you do not need to pay extra for them.

Among these is the SRS system. What is it and what components are included in it? You will find out the answers to these questions in the course of our today's article.


SRS - what is it? This system is a complex of elements installed in a car that can reduce the consequences of road accidents for the driver and passengers. According to its classification, SRS Airbag belongs to the structural elements of safety. This means that all its components are not installed optionally (as may be the case with an air conditioner), but without fail. And it doesn't matter if it is a top-end configuration or a "base", all the same, both machines will contain the same set of devices passive safety.

Thus, the SRS is a set of structural elements that are used to protect passengers and the driver from injury in an accident.

System components

An SRS system can include the following components:

  1. Seat belt (usually three-point and is installed on each passenger and driver's seat).
  2. Belt tensioners.
  3. Emergency battery disconnector.
  4. (in the 90s, they were considered an invisible luxury for motorists).
  5. Active head restraints.

Depending on the make and model of the machine, the SRS may include a number of other devices. For example, it can be a rollover protection system (like on convertibles), additional attachments for child seats, etc.

Recently, many vehicles have begun to be equipped with pedestrian protection elements. Some models even have an emergency call system.

SRS Passive Safety Management

We have already found out what kind of system it is, now let's look at how it is controlled. But not everything is so simple here. All items listed above have electronic control, which allows the various components of the SRS to interact effectively. What does it mean? Structurally, this system is a set of various measuring sensors and actuators. The first ones perform the function of fixing the parameters at which an emergency situation occurs, and convert them into short electrical signals. These can be the seating positions of the front row of seats and 3-point lock switches.As a rule, the car manufacturer installs 2 such devices on each side, reacting to impacts. Also, these sensors are closely associated with active head restraints, which, when given a signal, go into active mode.

Thus, each of the components of the passive safety system closely interacts with certain sensors and, using special pulses, in a matter of milliseconds, it allows the Airbag and its other components to be inflated through the SRS unit.

Executing devices

Among the executing devices in the car, the following should be noted:

The activation of each of these components occurs in accordance with the software provided by the manufacturer.

What devices can be triggered in a frontal impact?

In a frontal collision, the SRS can activate several safety elements at once, depending on its strength. These can be both tensioners and pillows (possibly all together).

In a frontal-diagonal collision, depending on the angle and scale of the impact force in the system, the following are activated:

  1. Belt tensioners.
  2. Front airbags.
  3. Cushions together with tensioners.
  4. Left or Right Airbag.

In some cases (usually at speeds over 60 kilometers per hour), the system can activate all of the above elements, thereby ensuring maximum safety and minimum risk of injury to passengers in both rows of seats, as well as to the driver himself.

What devices can be triggered in a side impact?

In this case, depending on the equipment of the vehicle, either the belt tensioners or the side airbags can be triggered. The latter are usually installed on cars of the middle and more prestigious classes. Budget cars are equipped only with tensioners, which are triggered on impact, fixing the human body in the seat.

Also, depending on the force of the impact in the machine, a breaker is triggered battery... Thus, in the event of a collision, the risk of short circuits or sparks is reduced altogether. This reduces the possibility of unauthorized ignition. vehicle as a result of a hole in the gas tank or other deformations of body parts.

What are active head restraints?

These elements began to be completed on cars much later than the classic seat belt tensioners. Typically, active head restraints are installed on the backrests of the seats in the front and rear rows in the passenger compartment. Due to the presence of such elements, the risk of fracture in the cervical region during a posterior impact is reduced to a minimum (and this is the area that is one of the most vulnerable to fractures). Thus, active head restraints significantly increase the chances of life, even with seemingly fatal blows. The first copies of such devices were installed on German Mercedes. By their design, these head restraints are divided into two groups and can be either active or fixed. In the first case, the headrest can be adjusted in height and angle. Stationary analogs are rigidly built into the seat backs. However, even such head restraints do an excellent job with their main function - reducing the risk of injury when different types collisions.

So, we found out what the SRS system is in a car and how it works in various collisions.

Airbag literally translated from English is an air bag, but in Russian the name airbag is stuck behind the SRS passive safety system, which consists of many components.

System SRS - Supplemental Restraint System literally translated from of English language The Supplemental Restraint System consists of many different devices, mechanisms, electronic sensors and sensors. Any airbag system consists of front and side impact sensors, an SRS control unit, squibs and gas generators. The operation of all sensors and devices is interconnected with each other. It is important that in the event of an accident, not all devices are triggered at the same time, but only the necessary pillows and belts. Sensors located in different parts of the car body record the impact, the direction of the impact, its force, the contacts of the sensors are closed and electronic pulses from the sensor are sent to the control unit.

The SRS control unit receives information from the shock sensors and sends electrical signals to trigger various actuators: air bags, seat belt squibs. For example, the airbag is deployed in conjunction with the seat belt, reducing the likelihood of injury to the driver and front passenger on any part of the car body. In many car models, the airbag will not work if the passenger or driver is not wearing a seatbelt. But lately, with some drivers, various safety lock plugs are especially popular. Most often they are bought when they are too lazy to fasten, and the constant buzzer of the warning device of not fastened seat belts bothers with its squeak. It is prohibited to operate a vehicle equipped with an AIRbag with a driver or passenger not wearing a seatbelt. In the event of an accident in a frontal impact, an unfastened driver or passenger can be hit in the head by an airbag much stronger than against the dashboard. The deployment speed of the airbag can reach 300 km / h. Maximum safety and effectiveness from deployed airbags in a collision is only possible when the driver and front passenger are wearing seat belts.

The deployment speed of the airbag can reach 300 km / h

The SRS control unit, in addition to ensuring safety while driving, also performs the function of self-diagnosis of the safety system. When starting the car engine, the SRS unit diagnoses the integrity of the actuators, the health of the airbags, the integrity of the electrical circuits and elements. If there is no contact in the seat belt squib connector, there is an open circuit, the airbag was previously deployed or simply removed, an indicator lamp on the dashboard lights up, warning the driver about a problem with the AIRbag system.

The main reasons why the AIRBAG indicator on the dashboard may light up:

- Violation of the integrity of one of the elements of the system (sensor, device, mechanism)

- Lack of signal in the electrical circuit of the system

- Disconnected or poor contact in one of the connectors

- Damage to wiring due to short circuit

- Damage to the impact sensors in the doors or in the car body

- Blown fuse

- Resetting the memory of the SRS unit when trying to reflash after an accident

Arbitration Court of the Murmansk Region

st. Knipovich, 20, Murmansk, 183049

In the name of the Russian Federation


Case No. А42-547 / 2015
Murmansk city
April 28, 2015

Judge of the Arbitration Court of the Murmansk Region Tatyana Viktorovna Panfilova, while keeping the minutes of the court session by the secretary of the court session Mozokhina E.A., having considered the case at the court session at the request of the open joint-stock company "Oboronenergo" (OGRN 1097746264230) on establishing a fact of legal significance,

interested party: Rosreestr Office for the Murmansk region,

with the participation in the meeting of representatives:

from the applicant - Derban A.The. by proxy;

from the person concerned - did not participate, was notified,


Open Joint Stock Company "Oboronenergo" (location: 119160, Moscow, Znamenka Street, 19, OGRN 1097746264230, TIN 7704726225) applied to the Arbitration Court of the Murmansk Region with a statement to establish the fact of ownership and use as its own facility SRS-VS-warehouse No. 4, located in Polyarny, Komsomolskaya st., 3, inventory number 4798, with a total area of ​​295.2 m2.

In support of the claims, the applicant (hereinafter referred to as the Company) refers to paragraph 1 of Article of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - acquisitive prescription, indicating that he has in good faith, openly and continuously owns real estate as his own for more than fifteen years.

In response to court inquiries, the Ministry of Property Relations of the Murmansk Region, the Municipal Property Management of the ZATO Aleksandrovsk, the Territorial Office of the Federal Agency for State Property Management in the Murmansk Region reported that there was no registration in the register of state property, municipal property of the ZATO Aleksandrovsk, federal property of the real estate object - construction of the SRS -VS-warehouse No. 4, located in the city of Polyarny, Komsomolskaya st., 3, inventory number 4798, with a total area of ​​295.2 m2. The State Unitary Enterprise for Technical Inventory of the Murmansk Region reported that no registration of ownership was made in relation to this object.

The Office of Rosreestr in the Murmansk Region, in its response to the application, reported that there were no records in the Unified State Register of registration of ownership and other rights to the disputed real estate object. A court decision on establishing the legal fact of ownership by the Company of the disputed real estate as its own in accordance with Art. will appear by virtue of paragraph 3 of Art. Federal Law No. 122-FZ dated July 21, 1997. "On state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it" as the basis for registering ownership of the applicant, asks to consider the case in the absence of his representative. There are no objections to the stated requirements.

At the hearing the applicant's representative supported the claims on the grounds set out in the application.

In accordance with Art. Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the court considered the case in the absence of a representative of the interested person on the available case materials.

As follows from the materials of the case, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "111 Electric Network of the Navy" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was created in accordance with the directive of the General Staff of the Navy No. FSUE "11111 Electrical network of the Navy"), which since 1993. owns and uses the construction of SRS-VS-warehouse No. 4, located in the city of Polyarny, Komsomolskaya str., 3 (l.d. 138).

On the basis of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 177 dated 04/16/2009 "On the conditions for the privatization of the federal state unitary enterprise" 111 Electric network of the Navy "Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation", the federal state unitary enterprise "111 Electric network of the Navy" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was reorganized in the form of joining into an open joint-stock company "111 Electric Network".

31.08.2011 in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, an entry was made on the termination of the activities of OJSC 111 Electric Network, due to the reorganization of the company by merging with OJSC Oboronenergo, which became the legal successor of OJSC 111 ES for all property rights and obligations of the latter in accordance with the transfer act dated 09.06.2011 ...

Oboronenergo, OJSC, considering that it became the owner of the construction of SRS-VS-warehouse No. 4 by virtue of acquisitive prescription, filed this application with the court.

Having heard the representative of the applicant, having examined the materials of the case, the court considers the application to be satisfied.

Construction SRS-VS-warehouse No. 4 is recorded on the balance sheet of Oboronenergo, JSC, which is a legal entity, owns property and bears independent responsibility for its obligations.

Technical passport with inv. No. 4798 and the inventory card of the fixed assets item No. 865120172 dated November 30, 2014, it is confirmed that Construction SRS-VS-warehouse No. 4 is currently on the balance sheet of the Company.

The applicant points out that the State registration of the right by the legal predecessors and the applicant was not made due to the lack of title documents.

In accordance with the article of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a person - a citizen or a legal entity - who is not the owner of the property, but who in good faith, openly and continuously owns both his own real estate for fifteen years, acquires the right of ownership to this property (acquisitive prescription).

The fact of continuous possession and use by the Company of the building SRS-VS-warehouse No. 4, inventory number 4798, with a total area of ​​295.2 m2, for more than 15 years at the time of the decision is confirmed by the case materials and the court established, the persons involved in the case are not contested.

In accordance with Art. Of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the protection of civil rights is carried out, inter alia, by the recognition of rights.

According to the clarifications in clause 19 of the resolution of the Plenum of the RF Armed Forces and the RF Supreme Arbitration Court No. 10/22 dated 04/29/2010. the possibility of going to court with a claim for the recognition of property rights by virtue of acquisitive prescription follows from Articles and. Therefore, a person who believes that he has become the owner of the property due to acquisitive prescription has the right to apply to the court with a claim for the recognition of ownership. The lack of state registration of ownership of immovable property is not an obstacle to the recognition of ownership of this property after the expiration of the acquisition limitation period (clause 20).

By virtue of para. 2 p. 21 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the RF Armed Forces and the RF Supreme Arbitration Court No. 10/22 of 29.04.2010. The decision of the court to establish the fact of bona fide, open and continuous ownership of property as its own during the period of acquisitive prescription is also the basis for registering ownership in the Unified State Register.

The dispute over the ownership of the building - the construction of the SRS-VS-warehouse No. 4 is actually absent, information about other rightholders in the course of the court proceedings was also not established. In the registers of federal property, property of state and municipal property of the Murmansk region, the construction of SRS-VS-warehouse No. 4 is not taken into account.

After evaluating the applicant's arguments and the evidence presented in the case file confirming the expiration of the fifteen-year period of acquisitive prescription, open and bona fide ownership of the building - the construction of SRS-VS-warehouse No. 4 on the day the court made a decision on this case and provided that there were no claims of other persons on that date, the court considers that the requirement to establish the fact of possession and use as their own specified immovable property is subject to satisfaction.

The applicant, when submitting an application to the court by payment order No. 4067 dated 08.12.2014, paid the state fee in the amount of 2,000 rubles. According to Art. Of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation from 01/01/2015 on cases considered by arbitration courts, the state fee when filing an application for the establishment of facts of legal significance is paid in the amount of 3,000 rubles. Consequently, the applicant must pay a state fee to the federal budget in the amount of 1,000 rubles for the consideration of his application.

Guided by articles, -, the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the court


The application of the open joint-stock company "Oboronenergo" shall be satisfied.

Establish the fact of ownership and use of the Oboronenergo open joint-stock company building - Construction SRS-VS-warehouse No. 4, inventory number 4798, with a total area of ​​295.2 sq.m., located at the address: Murmansk region, Polyarny city, Komsomolskaya street, 3 as your own.

To collect from the open joint stock company "Oboronenergo" in the federal budget 1000 rubles. state duty.

The decision can be appealed on appeal within a month from the date of adoption.

Judge T.V. Panfilova


AS of the Murmansk region


OJSC "Oboronenergo"

Judicial practice on:

Acquisitive prescription

Judicial practice on the application of the norm of Art. 234 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Security systems that are equipped with modern cars are divided into two main categories - active and passive. It all started with the installation, which is still one of the main security tools. Belts belong to. The second most important passive means are airbags.

They are part of the Supplemental Restraint System (SRS), which includes a number of other devices and mechanisms.

Initially, the pillows were positioned as an alternative to the belts, which were not very comfortable to use in the past. But practice has shown that only the complex use of these two means provides maximum injury safety.

The belts are now much more convenient to use, they provide good fixation of the torso, but they have not given up pillows either. And if earlier they were installed only on premium cars, now they are also available on cars of the budget segment. And the number of pillows is only increasing.

Main building blocks

The airbag system has three main components:

  1. Shock sensors
  2. Control block
  3. Gas generators

More modern systems include additional sensors and mechanisms that make certain adjustments to the operation of the safety device.

Shock sensors

Impact sensors are elements on which the operation of the entire system depends. It is they who determine that a collision has occurred, due to which the pillows are deployed. At first, only front sensors were used. Previously, the number of pillows was not large and their task was to increase injury safety in frontal collisions. Now, many cars are equipped with side devices, so the number of sensors has increased.

An example of the location of the shock sensors of the SRS system

The operation of the entire system is built in such a way that in the event of an accident, only the necessary pillows are triggered, and not all at once. And for this it is necessary to determine the force of the blow, its direction, character. This is provided by sensors installed in different parts of the body - in the front, doors, pillars.

Electromechanical type sensors are considered traditional. They are quite simple in design, but at the same time they are quite effective. The main elements of such a sensor are a ball and a spring of a certain stiffness. It works like this: upon impact, inertia forces the ball to move, overcoming the force of the spring, as a result, the contacts close and the pulse from the sensor goes to the control unit.

Electromechanical view of the strip spring sensor

It is worth noting that the spring rate is significant. This eliminates false alarms of the system, for example, during emergency braking, a slight impact with an obstacle. So, in a collision while driving at low speed (up to 20 km / h), the airbag will not work, since the inertial force will simply not be enough to overcome the spring force.

In addition to electromechanical sensors, electronic types are also used on cars, the main element of which is an acceleration sensor (capacitor, inertial, pressure). Also, the design of the electronic components includes a signal processing unit from the acceleration sensor.

Inertial sensor device

The principle of operation of a capacitor acceleration sensor is reduced to a change in capacitance due to displacement of the plates. And this is achieved by separating the capacitor plates and fixing them on different bases, one of which is stationary, the second is mobile. Upon impact, the same inertial force displaces the movable base with the plates relative to the stationary one. As a result, the capacitance of the capacitor sensor changes. This fixes the processing unit, verifies the received data with the tabular data and, on the basis of this, generates a signal to the control unit.

Acceleration capacitor sensor

Other types of sensors work according to this principle, the only difference comes down to their device. All of them, due to inertia, change any parameters, which is the basis for signal generation by the processing unit.

Note that the shock sensors are configured based on their installation location. Thus, lateral elements are usually more sensitive than frontal ones.

To detect a blow to the door area, sensors can be installed that record changes in atmospheric pressure in the car doors. They are piezoelectric or capacitive. The first type is based on the piezoelectric effect, and the second on the principle of a capacitor sensor.

Shock sensors detecting pressure changes

The response speed of each type of sensor is also taken into account, therefore, several types of them can be installed in a car at the same time. For example, pressure sensors are fast-acting, so they are often installed on the sides (in doors, pillars).

The main advantage of electronic sensors is to determine the nature of the impact - force, direction. This is achieved due to the embedded tabular data in the processing unit.

Control block

The control unit receives information from the shock sensors and, on the basis of them, sends signals to the required airbags. In fact, it is a distributor that directs the signal from the sensor to a specific pillow. But since a modern system often includes additional means, this unit processes information from them, and also gives commands to trigger certain mechanisms.

The control unit is also involved in system diagnostics. After starting the engine, it sends control signals to the actuators, determining the integrity of the electrical circuit and the state of the working elements. For example, if there is an open circuit, or the airbags have already been deployed, the unit will determine this, and a warning lamp on the dashboard will light up, indicating that there is a problem in the security system.

Note that it is not difficult to "bypass" the diagnostic mode, which is often used by motorists, in whose cars the pillows are faulty or triggered.

Gas generator

The main component of this system is an actuator - a gas generator. Its task is to generate a large amount of gas in a short time, which then fills the pillow itself.

The gas generator includes several constituent elements- a squib, a charge of a substance that emits gas and directly the pillow itself.

Gas generator in steering wheel

The igniter is designed to ignite the charge. He can do this in two ways - by melting a wire placed in the combustion chamber, or by means of a capsule that creates a flame front in the chamber with a charge. It's simple - an electrical signal from the control unit is fed to the igniter, which leads to melting of the wiring or ignition of the capsule.

The combustion chamber of the gas generator is filled with a substance that can completely burn out in the shortest possible time, while releasing a large volume of gas that is safe for humans. Sodium azide (which, by the way, is poisonous) is usually used as such a substance. But in the process of combustion, it breaks down into non-hazardous substances - nitrogen (45% of the total), water, carbon dioxide, solid particles.

It should be noted that sodium azide completely burns out very quickly (30-50 milliseconds, depending on the amount of substance), while the combustion is controlled, not explosive.

The resulting gas through special channels leaves the gas generator and enters the fabric bag. Before that, it is filtered through a special metal filter that removes solid particles and also cools the gas.

Hybrid gas generator with charge and gas

Another type is a hybrid gas generator, the main substance in which is gas under pressure (argon - 98%, helium - 2%). It also contains a squib and a small amount of propelling charge. When it is triggered, the gas supply channel to the pillow is opened. Hybrid gas generators differ in the design of the channel opening, due to the piston displaced by the charge at the moment the washer (membrane) is triggered or destroyed. There are other rarer designs as well.

Hybrid pressurized gas generator

The bag is usually made of nylon. For ease of deployment when inflating, the surface of the fabric is covered with talcum powder, starch. The pillow must have perforation. The holes made in the bag are designed to deflate after triggering, and also quickly (1-2 seconds). This eliminates suffocation and trapping of passengers in the car.

Airbag deployment

Often on modern cars, the airbag device includes a two-chamber gas generator, in which there are two squibs and two combustion chambers. The peculiarity of such a generator is the sequential activation of the squibs.

On impact, the charge in the main chamber is ignited first. In this case, the filling of the pillow is 80%. That is, the bag is softer than when completely filled, which reduces trauma when a person comes into contact with the pillow. After a certain period of time, the auxiliary chamber igniter is triggered, and the pillow is refilled with gas, but after it has taken a hit from the body.

Additional funds

The SRS system device may additionally include a sensor for detecting the presence of a passenger, an emergency lowering mechanism for door windows. The control unit can also control the operation of the belt pretensioners (with igniters).

The sensor for detecting the presence of a passenger is needed so that the control unit does not activate the front passenger airbag if there is no one on the side seat. Previously, disabling this pillow was done manually, which was not very convenient. Installing the sensor solved the problem with the forgotten enabled or disabled passenger airbag.

Passenger seat device

The emergency glass lowering mechanism is designed to eliminate pneumatic impact. When the windows are closed, the deployment of the pillows leads to a rapid decrease in the volume of the cabin (it is filled with bags). As a result, the air pressure in the cabin rises sharply and a pneumatic shock is formed, and it is powerful enough and passengers can easily get damage to the ear membranes. The mechanism of the emergency lowering of the side windows excludes an increase in pressure and the appearance of a pneumatic shock.

The seat belts of many cars are now equipped with pretensioners, which provide short-term belt tension in the event of an accident, ensuring body fixation and eliminating its inertial movement. Moreover, the pretensioners are equipped with squibs, which are triggered by an impulse supplied from the airbag control unit.

Principle of operation

Knowing the design and functioning of all the constituent elements, it is not difficult to understand the principle of the airbag: in a collision, the sensors catch the impact and send a signal to the control unit. That, in turn, redirects the impulse to the desired gas generator. At the same time, the unit detects the presence of a passenger and decides whether to use the passenger airbag, as well as activates the pretensioner squibs (if any) and activates the window lowering mechanism (if any).

The signal from the unit to the gas generator triggers the igniter and the chemical charge ignites. The released gas enters the bag, it unfolds and then immediately descends due to perforation.

SRS system diagram of Audi A3

Note that the main disadvantage of pillows is their disposability. That is, they only work once, after which they need to be changed. And the replacement is very expensive, so the car owners, on which they worked, use the "trick" so that the system is normally diagnosed when the engine is started and does not get bored with a constantly burning warning lamp.


Modern cars use different types airbags. The main ones are:

  • Frontal driver's and passenger's (installed in the steering wheel and front panel);
  • Side (mounted in the front seat backs);
  • Head, they are curtains (placed in the side racks or roof).

These types of airbags are fitted on many models, including budget options. Frontal ones are designed to reduce injuries in frontal impacts, the other two types - in side impacts. Moreover, the side ones protect the torso, and the curtains protect the head. It is noteworthy that the front and side airbags are usually designed only to provide injury protection to the driver and front passenger. But the curtains can be installed in the rear of the passenger compartment to reduce injury to passengers in the back seat.

There are other types of airbags, but they are much less common. These include knee and center. The former are located under the front panel and provide foot protection. The center airbag pops up between the front seats and is aimed at preventing injury in a collision between the driver and passenger.

Airbags have proven to be really effective, so systems are now being actively developed that are aimed at reducing injury to pedestrians in a collision with a car. To do this, pillows are installed in the front of the car (in the bumper and in front of the windshield) to soften the force of the pedestrian's impact on the structural elements of the car.



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