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Patriots domestic auto industry they often face a problem: the VAZ 2110 injector starts up for a long time. Let's make a reservation right away - in most cases this is not caused by design features car, and low level prevention by car owners.

As the saying goes, "thunder will not strike ...", in other words - our compatriots prefer to heroically and selflessly eliminate breakdowns, rather than prevent them.


How long does it take for a VAZ 2110 injector to start? There may be several reasons, below they will be considered in sufficient detail. Let's list the main:

  • failure of the timing belt;
  • insulation wear;
  • breakdown of the temperature sensor;
  • interruptions in the operation of the ignition module (its failure).

The list is not exhaustive, but it identifies the main causes of problems with starting the engine. The analysis provides the only sure way to avoid problems - it is enough to timely carry out preventive examinations and replace questionable components (for example, sensors are guaranteed to serve for 60.000 km mileage). Of course, this advice is not able to console those who have already encountered a breakdown, but for the future ...

Let's talk about the listed breakdowns in a little more detail. As for the timing belt, everything is clear here - it must be replaced as it wears out.

Wire insulation can be violated during the operation of the car - for example, the wire of the ignition module often melts from high temperatures (it is located in the immediate vicinity of the block head, and it regularly overheats).

There may be other reasons for the violation of the integrity of the insulation. The resulting short circuits prevent the engine from starting - and this disadvantage can occur periodically.

Temperature sensor... In case of malfunctions in this part (and even more so, if it fails), problems arise with testing on-board computer- he is not able to correctly determine the temperature of the engine and, accordingly, the required amount of the fuel mixture. The only (and least expensive) way to "cure" is to replace the sensor. You can, of course, test it for performance, but this requires special equipment.

For a beginner, the best way out is complete replacement kit, people who are not alien to technical skills can try to "revive" the candles - wipe them thoroughly, heat them with a blowtorch, etc. If, after replacing, the candles are re-filled, then there is a high probability of violation of the integrity of the insulation in high-voltage wires.

By the way, with the help of a working candle, it is easy to check for the presence of a spark: you need to put the candle on the mass of the car with a metal surface and start the starter. The absence of a spark indicates problems with the power supply, in the positive case, you need to continue the diagnosis.

We will mention one more reason for the malfunction.

Asks: Baranov Ivan.
Essence of the question: Does the VAZ-2112 car not start on a cold one? What to do?

Good afternoon, I have a VAZ-2112 of 2005, from 16 valve motor... And not so long ago, on a cold one, I began to experience difficulties with launching it. At the same time, he may simply not start, and sometimes it is difficult to start. Tell me what could be wrong?

There can be many reasons that after a night parking a motorist is faced with a difficult engine start. This also applies to those situations when the car was started in the evening without any defects, and already in the morning there were problems, as they say on the face.

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All my life I've been surrounded by cars! At first, in the village, in the first grade, I was running around on a tractor through the fields, then there was JAWA, after a penny. Now I am a third-year student of the "Polytechnic" at the automotive department. I work as a car mechanic, helping to repair cars to all my friends.

In this article, we will analyze what the most basic reasons affect the difficult start of the VAZ-2112 with a cold engine and how you can quickly solve them.

The video above shows a standard example of how a VAZ-2112 cannot start on a cold one.

Start principle

In order to know why the engine does not start, you need to know exactly how it works. The basis for starting the engine, which depends on the ignition system and the fuel-air mixture, which is supplied in certain proportions. Therefore, if any of these components does not work as it should, the launch becomes difficult, or simply impossible.

Main reasons

Among all the reasons why starting the engine can be difficult, there are the main ones that stand out in the poor start of a cold engine:

  • Low battery battery - this reason most often occurs during the cold season, when the ambient temperature is significantly below 0 degrees Celsius. Since in such conditions a planted car battery can lose its charge very quickly. This problem can be solved by simply replacing the battery with a new one, or by periodically servicing the old one to recharge it.

    The battery was running out on the editorial machine. True, it was an 8-valve VAZ-2112. But the meaning is the same.

  • Examining the ignition system further, pay attention to condition of individual coils and spark plugs... Check them for cracks and visible signs of wear. Also pay special attention to the condition of the working surface of the candles, as their condition can tell a lot.

    The dismantling order does not matter.

  • Check the fuel rail pressure on how to do it correctly.

    Actually, the ramp is under pressure

  • although not the main one, it can also be the reason for the difficult starting of the engine. ...

    Throttle valve before and after cleaning

  • Air filter and mass air flow sensor air filter must be clean so that all the necessary air mass passes into the cylinders and mixes with the required amount of fuel. What to do, if .

    We connect the probes of the measuring device: red to yellow, and black to green (to the mass of the sensor).

Insufficient oil pressure in the engine

This reason is characteristic precisely on a cold engine, since thickened oil with insufficient pressure it is much more difficult to get through to the main components and assemblies of the engine. In this case, it is possible to notice. However, as follows from practice, such problems are not common.

As you can see, problems with starting the engine on a cold are not uncommon and there may be various reasons for this. They should be solved from the least difficult to the most. Since even a minor problem in a small unit can serve as a failure to start the entire engine.

How easy it is to start in a cold winter

Advice! In order to make starting the engine in the cold season much easier, we recommend installing an alarm on the car in the auto start.

Warming up every certain time. Fuel consumption will suffer, but the likelihood of starting in severe frost will increase

If the temperature drops below 20 degrees with minus, then you can set up automatic engine start every three hours. This will allow not only getting into a warm car in winter, but also preventing the oil from thickening during severe night frosts, which will certainly have a beneficial effect on the condition of the engine as a whole.

Among the existing reasons due to which the engine starts poorly, several must be highlighted:

  1. Discharged battery. This is a common cause and usually occurs in winter, when the air temperature is much below freezing. In such conditions, a weak car battery loses its residual charge very dynamically. This problem can be solved quickly enough. You need to change the battery to a new one or charge the old one well.
  2. Fuel pump. The vehicle will still not start with normal starting battery power. The second reason for the appearance of the problem probably lies in fuel pump... Your car engine may not start due to a lack of gasoline in the fuel system... This may be due to an inoperative petrol pump supplying fuel from the petrol tank. It is quite simple to check this malfunction. If there is a spark in the candles, but the engine does not start, then the reason for the downtime is the gas pump.
  3. Sensors. The next, no less common cause can be crankshaft sensors or camshaft... These devices are similar, but they are located in different places: above and below the car. If the battery is fully charged, and the fuel pump is in order, then you need to check the condition of the sensors. You can diagnose the condition of the sensors at the service station or on your own. Check if there is a spark on the spark plugs when you turn on the ignition. If there is no spark, the cause may be an inoperative sensor.
  4. Candles. They are responsible for supplying the spark, which is necessary to ignite the air-fuel mixture. The candles under constant load fail, become dirty, and become covered with carbon deposits. Therefore, you need to check their condition, remove carbon deposits and rinse. But it is better to replace them with new ones at the time of checking. If the engine starts, leave them in place. If not, keep looking for the problem area.
  5. Signaling. In some cases, it happens that a faulty alarm affects the operation of the ignition system. If the cause of the breakdown was not found in the previous elements of the car, you need to check this option. The reason a car doesn't start well is rarely related to the alarm, but it's still worth checking out.
  6. Gas distribution mechanism. It is difficult to diagnose the injection VAZ-2110 on your own, therefore it is better if this work is performed by service station specialists on the necessary equipment. To prevent malfunctions of the gas distribution mechanism, do not fill the gas tank with fuel with a low octane number. Best option for a VAZ-2110 with an injector, this is the AI-95, or in the extreme case, the AI-92.
  7. Ignition. Perhaps your car is simply out of ignition, which makes it difficult to start. In this case, the fault will be early or late ignition, which appears due to vibration. Over time, the distributor cover on the car rotates slightly, as a result of which the spark is unevenly supplied. This leads to incomplete combustion of fuel in the cylinders, and the engine begins to triple. You can get rid of this problem by rotating the distributor cover counterclockwise.

To understand why the car does not start well when hot, the VAZ 2110 injector, you should know that this vehicle it is necessary to create optimal working conditions. Otherwise, system interruptions may occur, which lead to this result.

It starts well on a cold, but badly on a hot one - the main reasons

Often, in the morning, a cold car starts up well, but a hot one doesn't show any signs at all. In this case, there are many reasons for the malfunction. They need to be eliminated quickly, because they can become sources of more serious damage.

The first reason why the car does not start well when hot, the VAZ 2110 injector is often low-quality fuel. The engine is started for a long time, but this does not bring results. To eliminate this problem, you should change the fuel.

A large number of additives have a bad effect on the engine:

  1. The supplied fuel does not meet the requirements of the engine, therefore it is perceived poorly.
  2. The filters are clogged with foreign additives. The pump is unable to supply sufficient fuel.
  3. Engine settings are lost. The supply of a combustible mixture in a hot state is insufficient.

Basic technical requirements for fuel characteristics

Fuel characteristic (gasoline)unit of measurementAutomotive regulations
ecological class 2ecological class 3ecological class 4
Lead concentration, no moremg / dm³10 5 0
Sulfur concentration, no moremg / ct500 150 50
Volume fraction of hydrocarbons, no more:percent
aromatic not installed42 35
olefinic not installed18 18
Volume fraction of benzene, no morepercent5 1 1
Mass fraction of oxygen, no morepercentnot installed2,7 2.7
Saturated vapor pressure, taking into account climatic conditions:kPa
in summer 45-80 45-80 45-80
in winter 50-100 50-100 50-100
Intake valve deposits not installedcompliance with European gasoline for automotive

Volatility classes of motor gasoline according to DSTU 4839: 2007

IndicatorsValue for volatility classes
AVC / C1 D / D,E / E 1F / F 1
1. Pressure of saturated vapors, kPa, (TNP) within45,0-60,0 45,0-70,0 50,0-80,0 60,0-90,0 65,0-95,0 70,0-100,0
2. Fractional composition:
evaporates at a temperature of 70 ° C,% (vol.), (B70), within20,0-48,0 20,0-48,0 22,0-50,0 22,0-50,0 22,0-50,0 22,0-50,0
evaporates at a temperature of 100 ° C,% (vol.), (B100), within46,0-71,0 46,0-71,0 46,0-71,0 46,0-71,0 46,0-71,0 46,0-71,0
evaporates at a temperature of 150 ° C,% (vol.), (B150), within75,0 75,0 75,0 75,0 75,0 75,0
end of boiling, ° С, not higher210 210 210 210 210 210
the remainder in the flask,% (vol.), no more2 2 2 2 2 2
3. Vapor lock index (IPP)- - C 1D 1E 1F 1
no more (IPP = 10-DNP + 7-B70)- - 1050 1150 1200 1250

Note. For gasoline of classes A, B, C, D, E, F, the vapor lock index is not standardized.

Often, the VAZ 2110 injector does not start well when hot, due to overheating of the fuel pump. Moreover, the engine does not just not start, but stops on the move. This unit is cooled only by cold fuel passing through it. In hot weather, the balance is disturbed. The gas pump stops working.

In this case, you need to carry out the following actions:

  1. Take a rag and soak it in cold water.
  2. Place it on top of the fuel pump housing.
  3. Wait a while and try to start the car.

If there is no cold water at hand, then the car should be placed in the shade and the hood should be opened. As soon as the car cools down, it will start immediately.

However, you should be aware that an overheated fuel pump must be replaced, since it will no longer work normally in the previous mode.

The reason why the car does not start well when hot, the VAZ 2110 injector can be a position sensor crankshaft... Its failure is associated with an increase in engine temperature. If this happens, then its replacement is urgently required, because if the sensor is faulty, the car will not work. This is due to the fact that there is incorrect information about the position of the crankshaft. As a result, the flow of the fuel mixture will be biased.

You can replace this device at the station or yourself using a set of screwdrivers.

If the VAZ 2110 injector does not start well when hot, then this mass air flow sensor is one of the first to be checked. The reason for its failure is the negative environment. Starting a hot engine is very difficult. Even if the car starts up, the motor runs unstable. When you press the gas pedal, it can choke or sharply increase the speed.

This is due to the fact that the proportion is violated in the ratio: gasoline - air. The sensor is responsible for supplying this information.

If the check high-voltage wires causes certain difficulties, then the BB wires are checked by devices:

  • tester;
  • a multimeter.

The resistance of these elements should be 5 ohms.


If it starts up badly on hot vaz 2110 injector 8 valves, then the reason may lie in the starter. For its normal operation, an additional relay is installed. After connecting it to the starter, it helps him in his work and there are no problems with starting the engine.

The video clearly shows where you need to install such a relay.

If an engine running on diesel fuel does not start well on a hot VAZ 2110, then the reason may lie in the high-pressure fuel pump.

Breakdowns of the following nature happen:

  1. Bushings and oil seals are worn out. Due to this, there is a constant air leak. As a result, the required pressure is not generated in the plunger chamber. Replacement of bushings and oil seals is required.
  2. The injector pressure sensor is out of order. As a result, the fuel injection angle changes.

The gas system may malfunction after a short period of inactivity. This is due to the fact that overpressure is created in the tank due to the expansion of the gas. As a result, the proportion of air mixture and gas is violated. This makes it difficult to start the engine hot.

Poor hot start of the VAZ2110 engine refers to complex breakdowns. If there is an obvious reason, the elimination is done by hand. But it is always possible. Often breakages do not lie on the surface. To establish them, special devices are required.


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