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The road was and remains an area of ​​increased danger to human life and health. The expression "war on the roads" has almost ceased to be a metaphor: the data on the victims of road accidents often resemble reports from the battlefield. To rectify the situation, rules are tightened in Russia road traffic and introduce harsher penalties for their violations. In general, in recent years, there has been a change in landmarks - if earlier they tried to instill the habit of accurate driving with the help of harsh penalties, now experts are trying to understand the psychology of drivers and pedestrians and "force" them to be polite and accurate.

Traffic accidents are the most dangerous threat to human health worldwide. The damage from road traffic accidents exceeds the damage from all other traffic accidents (airplanes, ships, trains, etc.) combined. Road traffic accidents are one of the most important global threats to human health and life. The problem is aggravated by the fact that the victims of the accidents are, as a rule, young and healthy (before the accident) people. According to the WHO, 1.2 million people die annually in road accidents worldwide and about 50 million are injured. More than 35,000 die on Russian roads, and over 40,000 on US roads.

Drivers complain about each other and about pedestrians. Pedestrians complain about drivers. Everyone is interested in why people on the dozhlrog and in cars behave this way and not otherwise. How can one explain the rudeness, irresponsibility, unrestrained striving for self-affirmation, which often lead to tragedy? Specialists - engineers, designers, psychologists, culturologists and sociologists - are also trying to answer these questions. Such problems are even dealt with by an extensive area of ​​modern psychology - the psychology of driving and traffic.

Experts in driving culture and psychology not only study the behavior of people behind the wheel, but also propose various innovative projects. For example, many people feel that most modern cities do not have the best relationship between drivers and pedestrians. The advantage remains with the drivers, while pedestrians only have to adapt.

The guys in our class also cannot be indifferent to what is happening on the roads and therefore decided to provide their assistance to drivers, pedestrians and everyone, everyone who is interested in solving the problem of traffic. Everyone expressed their opinion and attitude to the problem.

We hope that our opinion will be important to other people, and on the roads, drivers and pedestrians will respect each other.

Students of 6 "B" grade

Dear driver!

I wish you more travel companions and health to endure all this. Be careful, don't drink, be careful on the road! Do not break the traffic rules! Do not forget your family! Look at the road and remember that there may be DPSniks in the bushes !!!

Rovensky Alexander

Perelstein Lisa

Fursova Dasha

Blanco Diana

Dear driver!

I want to ask you not to park the car in the yard because it is impossible to walk or drive, especially for mothers with strollers. And if any emergency happens, then neither the fire, nor Ambulance, neither the police nor MOSGORGAZ will be able to help people, they will not be able to drive up. And once, sneaking near your car, I even fell and got dirty on your dirty car and came to school dirty. It would be nice if you didn't park your car in the yard and wash it more often. And in the evening in the yard it is impossible to play outdoor games, because there are cars, cars, cars…. If you can, do not park the car in the yard, and if you do, then park it so that we, mothers with strollers and all other residents of the yard, can pass! Hope you don't fail and become a cultured driver who respects pedestrians and neighbors!

Savelieva Irina

Davrishyan Edgar

Dear driver!

this is my own verse

Drive, driver, but be careful

And maybe this measure will save your life and people’s lives.

Don't drive fast, don't drive on the red, slow down.

You let people pass and you help them!

After all, as soon as you get out of the car,

And immediately you become the same pedestrian

Which I did not notice, Which I did not help!

Be polite on the road you!

Rizaev Ruslan

Driver honey give me a ride home

But wait at the red light!

If you drive hard, I won't see my home!

But, nevertheless, you go quickly,

The house is calling quickly.

Let's drive, drive along the highway

There are no traffic lights at all.

Here is the driver well done,

Ahead there is a traffic police post.

Then the driver slowed down.

You driver listen

Wait at the red light, let the pedestrians pass

And don't cross the solid line!

Trifonov Ilya

Zakharova Masha

Biserova Nastya

Novak Anya


Thus, we, students of grade 6 "B", decided not to sit still, but to repeat carefully all the rules of the road, get acquainted with situational tasks, write a script for the class hour "About traffic ..." and conduct it in our class and at 2 -th class "B", in our sponsored. If we ourselves become literate pedestrians, then we will not create dangerous situations on the roads and will try to teach this to our kids. And at home, together with our parents, we will always discuss important problematic topics about traffic situations!

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school of the Solidarity settlement

Eletsky municipal district of Lipetsk region

Letter to the driver

from a student of grade 5B Dzhangutaeva Anna.

Hello dear driver!

I beg you, stop for a few minutes and read those my little letter.

My name is Ann. I am only ten years old. There are many interesting things ahead. I dream of finishing school, getting a specialty, creating my own family. I also dream of visiting many countries of the world. My dreams and the dreams of your children will come true, if trouble does not happen.

According to experts, in ten years, the main cause of death will be death in road traffic accidents. Statistics confirm this prediction. According to the traffic police, 200 thousand road accidents occur annually in Russia, in which 27 thousand people die (1300 of them are children).

Your friends and children may turn out to be in the place of a person accidentally hit by a car. Take care of them! My mom and dad walk the roads where you drive. I ask you to save them for me! I don't even want to imagine my life without them. It’s very scary to think about it.

Do not exceed the speed, do not violate the traffic rules!

If we, pedestrians and drivers, are disciplined and polite, empathetic and attentive to each other, then there will be no accidents on the roads.

We children sometimes fail to be attentive. When we go to school or from school, we often dream of something.

Save the lives of children.

It's not easy to be born like that,

so that under the wheels of the car

lose it in an instant.

Driver, be attentive! Please skip us. I ask you not to drive at high speed. Even if you are in a hurry, you still need to follow the traffic rules. Don't be distracted by conversations with friends sitting next to you or a phone call.

The most common traffic violations include: drunk driving, driving with an unfastened seat belt, transporting children under 12 on the spot next to the driver, crossing a double solid line, driving at a red traffic light, and much more.

I ask you, dear driver, do not take the driving process lightly! Violating traffic rules, you harm yourself and others. Eighty percent of all road accidents are caused by drivers.

Be wiser, smarter and more prudent, do not consider traffic police inspectors as enemies, because they are assistants to drivers and pedestrians.

We walk along the same streets, along the same roads. I ask you to never forget this. I, too, will someday become a driver and will definitely follow the rules of the road.

I hope that the letters written by children will become an effective reminder to all drivers of the importance of observing traffic regulations on the roads: too much depends on these simple, but somehow difficult for many of us, rules.

Goodbye driver!
Good dear to you!

Best regards, Anna Dzhangutaeva.

The "Traffic Light" club has existed in our school since the beginning of the school year. During that time, many interesting competitions took place. Another competition offered to students of our school - "Letter to the driver" - was held in April. The guys from our school took an active part. Many letters were written with various wishes to the drivers. The results of the competition were summed up by all the participants of the circle. For a long time they could not come to a common opinion: all the letters were very interesting and important. All the guys wrote about what they thought was important. But I had to make a choice and determine the places in the competition. 1st place was taken by pupils of the 3rd grade Yu.Sergey and L.Andrey. 2nd place went to D. Polina - 2nd grade student and K. Kirill - 3rd grade student. We awarded the 3rd place to the pupils of the 2nd grade - K. Dasha and I. Yaroslav. The awards were presented to the winners at the general school assembly, which is held at our school every Monday. Thanks to such contests, we can say with confidence that our children are not indifferent to the situation on the roads. We will hope that over time, when all these guys grow up, they will not forget about their letters and will follow the rules of the road in the same way as the drivers advised about it.

Students MBOU "Pachinskaya secondary school

Yashkinsky municipal district "

V. Dasha, S. Nastya.

Winners' Letters

Letter to the driver.

It's good when I laugh, smile at the sun and flowers. It's good that I have parents. I am a very happy person. But in one second all this may not be ... Therefore, I decided to write a letter to the driver.

Dear uncle driver! I want to tell you how much I love my family: mom and dad. Waking up every morning I think about how great it is that I have them, everyone is alive and well, and I sincerely rejoice at my successes and victories.

Being a driver is very responsible! Be careful on the road, do not drive while intoxicated. My mom and dad walk the same roads with you. Save them for me! After all, you also have relatives and friends who are in a hurry to go somewhere every day. I think you will understand me ... Be polite to your passengers and other road users. Do not be distracted by talking on your cell phone, be sure to fasten your seat belts. I am not asking for the impossible, I just want to urge you to observe the Rules of the Road and remember that because of your carelessness someone's life can be cut short. And it’s very scary if this is the life of a child !!!

Uncle is a driver, after all you are probably a parent too? And your child has a dream like any of us, pedestrian and passenger! Be attentive and careful, do not deprive us and your child of this dream.

Let's ensure safety not only for ourselves, but also for those around us, we will comply with the Traffic Rules, because someone loves us all and waits at home !!!

D. Polina, 2nd grade.

We're on the road.

Once my brother Yura and I were going to school. From around the corner our friend and neighbor Kirill ran up to us. Let's go quickly, or we'll be late for school. I said, guys, wait, there is a car going, but they did not listen to me and ran across the road. I shouted look, car, car, they ran over. When I crossed the street, I told them what are you doing? You could have been knocked down. All of us, children and adults, and especially drivers, must obey the traffic rules. If they are violated, then pedestrians and drivers can get into trouble.

I would never want this to happen, so I will try to follow the traffic rules !!!

Yuri Sergei, grade 3.

Dear drivers!

First of all, I want to wish you that you do not drive a car while intoxicated. After all, life is dear to us children and other people. And I also ask you not to violate the traffic rules, and to be more attentive. Pay attention to everything road signs... In general, being behind the wheel is a lot of work. When I grow up, I also want to be a driver, and I will try not to violate traffic rules.

K. Kirill, grade 3.

Children's wishes to drivers.

Children get into an accident in different ways. But even in the case when a child gets on the road without looking around, adults are to blame.

The road is a threat to the lives of children, remember this driver!

Dear drivers! Remember the traffic rules and obey them. Don't break the laws, because safety comes first. The car can be repaired ... The child can not be repaired!

Remember! Only by following all the established rules and requirements can you save the life and health of children!

L. Andrey, grade 3.

Dear driver!

I ask you, please, obey the rules of the road, because your life depends on you, and the lives of many people. Stop at a red traffic light. Make way for pedestrians crossing the crosswalk. Do not drive if you are very tired or drunk. Always be careful! Let us all follow the rules of behavior on the road, then the streets will become calm.

I. Yaroslava, 2nd grade.

Dear driver!

You drive a car and at the same time you have to be careful on the road, because you are not one participant in the movement, the same people are going next to you and pedestrians are walking. They, like you, rush to work, and the children to school and Kindergarten... Therefore, I ask you to follow the Traffic Rules! Do not jeopardize your life, and the life of the people around you !!!

Central city library named after A.S. Pushkin held an action "May the road be good."
According to the organizers - employees of the Central Children's Library, even though all children will know and follow the Rules of the Road, there will be no result from this knowledge and skills if the drivers themselves do not follow the rules. So the librarians decided to contribute to the “ordering” of the child-road-driver relationship.
The organizers of the event hope that the letters written by the children will become an effective reminder to all of us about the importance of observing traffic regulations on the roads: too much depends on these simple, but somehow difficult for many of us, rules.

Children on the safety streets

In the center of a big city
There are a lot of roads.
And, of course, it is important that
Everyone could pass them.
And so I came up with
Someone rules, friends.
These traffic rules
And walking and driving
There is no way to forget.

Every day we meet our noisy, unstable, but at the same time interesting street. Cars rush along its carriageway. There are many pedestrians on the sidewalks. They cross the street by pedestrian crossings... In order to be safe on the streets, you must follow the rules of the road. These rules should be known to drivers and pedestrians.
From childhood, we must cultivate the habit of being attentive on the streets, careful and prudent.
The ABC of behavior on city streets is a special science, and we must study it very well. Traffic accidents are often caused by the children themselves, who have little regard for the real dangers on the road. In this regard, a great responsibility lies with the drivers. They need to be especially careful where there may be not just pedestrians, but pedestrians-children.
Dear drivers! I am asking you to follow the rules of the road. We children sometimes fail to be attentive. When we go to school or from school, we often dream of something. Drivers! Be careful! Please skip us. I also ask you not to drive at high speed. Take care of us, because we are your children. Remember us, the little pedestrians.
Drivers! Even if you are in a hurry, you still need to follow the traffic rules.
Don't overspeed! And we, in turn, will also try to study and comply with the rules of the road.

Nikita Krechun

Children on the safety streets You are driving today
be careful in everything!
And still be calm
more fun keep your way.
The traffic light is your friend
will wink at you sometimes.
Respect pedestrians
do not fall asleep while driving!
Know the rules of the road
Observe them diligently!

Ekaterina Koltsova

Dear aunts and uncles - drivers!

The future driver, Ekaterina, is writing to you, and now just Katya, a student of 2nd A class. I want to address you and tell you a little ...
Children are happiness, children are joy, children are unpredictability!
If you are driving down the street, be careful, be vigilant!
If the sign was seen "Caution, children" - these are the children here! So you need to be extremely careful! It is necessary to reduce the speed and quietly say: "I, too, was once a boy!" "I, too, was once a girl!" Clever people invented the signs! They serve as a clue to us in life! If we observe all the signs, we will live and not know grief!
Hope you read my letter!

Ekaterina Sukhorukova

To the driver Don't rush along the road
Be strictly friends with signs.
Stop, miss, make sure
Someone's life depends on you.
You just can't kill her -
After all, she is both yours and mine!
Cherish what is not given by you -
Anyone on the road!
You follow the rules
Always skip pedestrians on the zebra crossing!

Gorbenko Roman

Hello dear driver. We children are very inattentive. But it is worse when you, my dear driver, are distracted by talking with friends sitting next to you, or by a phone call. At this moment, the worst can happen on the road. Just be careful on the road! In the place of a person who accidentally fell under a car, there may be your relatives, relatives, friends, children ... I am very worried about my loved ones. After all, my mother, my dad and my grandmother walk on the roads where you drive. Take care of them for me! I can't imagine my life without them, or rather, I don't want to imagine and think about it. Just follow all that is written in the traffic rules ... Let's be friends! If we, pedestrians and drivers, are disciplined and polite, empathetic and attentive to each other, then there will be no accidents on the roads.
Goodbye driver!
Good dear to you!

Letter to the driver from Arman Sahakyan

The Grodno State Automobile Inspectorate decided to fight the malicious violators of traffic rules using children's methods. The inspectors announced a competition among schoolchildren for the best letter to the driver.
Personally, I was touched by ... a lot of letters and drawings ...

The traffic police received about two thousand letters from primary school students in the Grodno region. All of them were varied in manner, style, form, expressed in simple words and imbued with childhood experiences about the non-observance of the rules of the road by drivers. Thus, the kids wanted to express their attitude towards those who endanger them, the lives of friends, relatives, loved ones.

It should be noted that over the past five years, the lives of 53 young road users have been cut off on the roads of the region.

The competition has already ended, the traffic police have identified twenty winners, but letters continue to arrive in whole bundles.

All letters were sent by mail to systematic violators, among them there are many of those who repeatedly got drunk driving, endangering the lives of others.

... It's good when I laugh, smile at the sun, flowers. It's good that I have parents. I am a very happy person. But in one second all this may not be ... Therefore, I decided to write a letter to the driver. Uncle driver! The student of 4th "B" class Svishchuk Nastya is writing to you ... "

“… Dear driver! The student of the 3rd "G" class of the secondary school №2 in Ashmyany, Voynyush Anton, is writing to you. I want to tell you how much I love my family: mom, dad and my sister Lisa. Waking up every morning, I think about how great it is that I have them, everyone is alive and well and sincerely rejoicing at my successes and victories. And now I want to ask you, uncle driver, please, be careful on the road! After all, my daddy goes along the same road with you, my sister and mom walk along the same road. Save them for me. Save our family .... "

“… Dear driver! The student of 3 "B" class of Dudo Milan is writing to you. I am already 9 years old and I often go to school by bus. Every morning my mother reminds me to cross the road correctly: look to the left, then look to the right. I try to do everything right. But my mother is still very worried, because everything on the road depends not only on me ... Therefore, I ask you, the driver, do not violate the traffic rules ... "

The mouths of children speak the truth ... Be careful on the roads! And never drive drunk (or under something else)

Happy spring to all!)


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