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There is a debate among motorists about how much pressure should be on the car "Lada Kalina", "Grant" or any other model of this Russian manufacturer. Some look in the passport and inflate the tires in accordance with the standard values, others try several options for the pressure in the wheels.

It can be said unambiguously that the pressure in the tires "Grants", "Kalina" or "Priora" affects undercarriage, affects fuel consumption, and also promotes or prevents rapid tire wear.

Standard values ​​of pressure in wheels

There are 3 options for the state of the wheel pressure in the "Lada":

  • underestimated. There is an increase in the contact of the surface of the "Grants", "Priora" or "Kalina" wheels with the road surface, which accelerates the wear of the product. Fuel is consumed faster and braking distance is longer;
  • overpriced. The wheels of the car are less in contact with the road surface, which increases the likelihood of a quick repair of the chassis. The wheel wear rate also increases. At the same time, the vehicle's handling at high speed deteriorates or sharp turns... Passengers and the driver feel that travel in the car becomes less comfortable - the car bounces even on small bumps;
  • normal. Under such pressure is meant an indicator that is in the range of 5-15% of what is indicated on the car or in the passport. In this case, the tires wear out evenly. Being in the car while driving on uneven road surfaces or off-road is comfortable.

Features of wheel pumping

To ensure comfortable and safe driving "Kalina" in winter and summer, it is necessary to measure the degree of inflation of the wheels with a mechanical or electronic pressure gauge.

Permissible air pressure in the tires of Lada Priora cars

You will also see the optimal inflation mode in the table given by each tire manufacturer. The values ​​in it are adjusted depending on:

  • the number of passengers, luggage;
  • car model (indicators of "Grants", "Priors" and other models of "Lada" differ depending on their weight).

Remember to maintain the same pressure in both winter and summer.

Recommended tire pressure of Lada Granta cars

However, there is a nuance: if Lada Kalina has been in a warm garage or service station for a long time, get ready for a slight decrease in wheel pumping after driving out into the cold.

Thus, you will have to pump up the tires of your car more often in the cold season.

The standard value of the pressure indicator in the front and rear wheels for the "Lada Kalina" should be as follows:

  • for the VAZ-1117 model - 1.9 atm on the front and rear wheels at partial load, as well as 1.9 / 2.1 on the front and rear wheels at full load;
  • for the VAZ-1118 model - 1.9 or 2 atm at partial load, as well as from 1.9 to 2.2 atm at full load on the front and rear wheels, respectively;
  • for the VAZ-1119 model - 2 atm at partial and 2 / 2.2 atm at full load on the front and rear wheels, respectively.

Permissible air pressure in the tires of Lada-Kalina

Experts call the presence of up to 3 people in the cabin of the car as partial loading of "Priora", "Grants" or another Lada model, provided that the trunk is not loaded. Full load - the maximum possible number of passengers in the car and cargo in the trunk (weighing less than 50 kg).

If you want to know the inflation rates of the wheels, wait until they cool down (after a long trip or being in the sun). This will make the gauge readings more accurate.

Sizes of tires Lada-Kalina

Wheel rubber manufacturers

For "Priora", "Grants" (liftback) or other Lada model on the market, you can find the following types of rubber:

  • Matador 175/70 R13 Nordicca MP 52 82T. Used for driving in the cold season. The product performed well on dry and damp surfaces, ice and snow. If you are going to use products for "Grants" (sedan or liftback), inflate the wheels to 2 atm according to the manufacturer's instructions;
  • Bridgestone 175/70 R13 Blizzak Revo GZ 82s. It is a group of non-studded winter wheels with a soft tread compound. Equipped with a large number of slats. For "Priora", a pressure value from 2 to 2.5 atm is suitable, which is allowed by the characteristics of the product of this company;

Winter Bridgestone tires Blizzak
  • Kleber 175/70 R13 Viaxer 82T. The improved rubber compound is designed for travel in the warm season. Possesses control accuracy, is supplied with drainage channels. The optimal pumping value for such products is 2.2 atm;
  • Nokian 175/70 R13 Hakkapeliitta R2 82R. It has a herringbone pattern and is equipped with lamellas. It is characterized by soft rubber in the tread and does not accumulate snow in the patch of contact with the road surface. Inflated from 2 ATM, which is suitable for Grants;

Winter tires Nokian Hakkapeliitta
  • Fulda 175/70 R13 Ecocontrol 82T. Designed for summer use, made in Poland. The manufacturer allows tire inflation up to 2.5 atm;
  • Barum 175/70 R13 Brillantis 2 82T. Recommended for use on "Grant", "Priora" and other types of Lada in terms of price and quality ratio.

VAZ cars can be considered one of the most famous brands in the post-Soviet space. Today you can find both old VAZ-2106 and 2107 models. The Samara 2109 and 21099 are quite common. Fans domestic auto industry today they buy more modern models: VAZ 2110, 2112, 2114 and 2115... This suggests that even with the appearance on the market of a large number of affordable foreign cars, the cars of the Volzhsky plant did not cease to be in demand among motorists.

It is important to always know the tire pressure of the vehicle.

In order for the service life of the car to be long enough, it is necessary to strictly adhere to all conditions correct operation... Among the various factors that determine the correct use of the machine, tire pressure is very important and significant.

Car tire pressure, how important is it?

However, it should not be forgotten that it also depends on load distribution, ambient temperature and other factors.

Control measurement of pressure in the tire of a car VAZ 2106

With over-pumped wheels, we observe the following:

  • decrease in the coefficient of resistance;
  • a lower degree of deformation;
  • smaller size of the contact patch with the road;
  • decrease in shock absorption;
  • increased controllability.

With under-inflated wheels, the following phenomena are observed:

  • an increase in the size of the contact patch with the road;
  • increasing the coefficient of resistance;
  • increased fuel consumption;
  • increasing the smoothness of the course;
  • deterioration in vehicle handling.

Automotive pressure gauge - dial and electronic with LCD screen

In both the first and second cases, the wear of the protectors increases. In the first case, the middle of the tread deteriorates, in the second - the sidewalls.

How does the type of rubber affect the pressure?

You should be aware that the tire diameter does not affect the pressure indicators - for rubber r13, r14 and r15 it will be the same. The degree of load on the wheels plays a role here.

It should be borne in mind that with a temperature difference, for example, if you drive from heat to cold, the tire pressure may become lower. In summer, they should have about 1.9 atmospheres with an average workload. If the car is fully loaded, the rubber should be inflated to 2.1 atmospheres.

Tire pressure table for different models of a VAZ car

The table below shows what should be the tire pressure for various models of VAZ cars. We provide an incomplete list, older types, like the VAZ-21099, and newer cars: VAZ-2110, 21111 and 21112.

Recommended tire pressure table for VAZ cars

In winter, it is customary to lower the wheels a little, although it is officially stated that the degree of their inflation does not depend on the season. However, flat wheels provide the following benefits:

  • better stability on slippery roads;
  • smooth running of the car;
  • reduction of braking distance and reduction of the likelihood of an emergency.

Check your car tire pressure regularly

Owners of VAZ cars, like any other brands, are recommended to regularly check the degree of wheel inflation - at least once a month. Practice shows that over the course of a month, the pressure decreases by 0.4 atmospheres. In this case, it is necessary to pump up the wheels.

It is not necessary to constantly drive to the station to measure. Maintenance- you can do it yourself using a pressure gauge. We do it this way:

  1. We reset the readings of the device.
  2. Remove the cover from the spool.
  3. We put the fitting of the device on the nipple and press.
  4. We take readings of the device.

Check your car's tire pressure regularly

Since the temperature can significantly affect the readings, it is necessary to take them before leaving the garage on "cold" tires. Remember that regular monitoring is the key to your safety and long service life. vehicle.


For many years, cars of the VAZ brand have remained the most famous and popular variety of products of the domestic automobile industry among consumers. They are not considered as prestigious as in the old days, but they honestly serve faithfully for several generations of motorists.

One of the important factors that determines the literacy of car operation is the tire pressure. The manufacturer insists that the owner of the car is obliged to ensure its value, recommended in special tables. This affects factors such as vehicle handling, fuel consumption, ride comfort and the safety of the driver and passengers.

Foot pump with pressure gauge ННУ-500

Tire pressure depends on car model, rubber type and load index. By checking the tabular data, each driver can determine optimal value for your car.

Regular monitoring of indicators is also a prerequisite for the correct operation of the car, its long service life, as well as your safety on the road.

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More is less (tire pressure deviation)

Our interest in tire pressure is by no means idle. Its applied component is the relationship with fuel consumption. Do we lose rubles and how much, having deviated "down" by 0.5 atm from the recommended pressure, and do we gain by pumping the tire? What are the consequences of controlling the pressure on the peephole? After all, it is almost impossible to visually detect a deviation in one direction or another by half an atmosphere. And are those who deliberately depressurize tires to improve ride comfort, or pump them to save gas, right?

And one more thing: if the influence of pressure on rolling resistance is significant, can this dependence be used for good? And at the same time, we will find out how the change in tire pressure is reflected on other qualities of the car.

These are, in fact, the tasks for which we once again took up the car, tires and measuring equipment. Car - "Lada-112" on Kleber Viaxer tires with dimensions 175 / 70R13. Load - the driver and operator of the Vbox measuring complex.


We start with a base pressure of 2.0 atm, taking it as a reference point. We warm up the tires with a ten-kilometer run, accelerate and measure the run-out at a speed of 80 km / h. It turns out 1175 meters - by no means an outstanding result for the "Lada-112", but we are interested not so much in the value itself, as in its deviations when the pressure changes. The same applies to the maximum speed on the "rearrangement" - we got 65.9 km / h. The next objective test: the length of the braking distance on the verge of wheel blocking. On dry asphalt, the car freezes after exactly 46 meters.

Moving on to the estimates: handling, directional stability, ride smoothness - all parameters did not cause any complaints or special enthusiasm. Therefore, the marks in each exercise are "norm", that is, 8 points.


We let the car settle so that the temperature in the tires drops to the initial one, and we release the pressure to 1.5 atm. The first differences in the behavior of the car are noticeable already during the warming up of the tires - the road seems to have become smoother, and the cracks on it have diminished. No, of course, the tires just became softer, which had a positive effect on the smoothness of the ride. But the directional stability on a straight line worsened: the car began to walk along the lane, reacting to the slightest lateral disturbance - whether it be a road bump, a slight lateral slope or a slight gust of wind. The marks are 9 and 7 points, respectively.

The runout was reduced to 1108 meters - we “lost” almost 70 meters (5.7 percent). At the same time, consumption increased slightly, only about 2 percent.

On the "rearrangement" the speed decreased slightly. The reason, I think, is clear - controllability has deteriorated. It has become much more difficult to get into the second corridor of the "rearrangement" - the car strives to jump to the right or to the left. Score no more than 6 points.

But the braking distance decreased - they won back more than a meter from the "normal pressure". A decrease in pressure caused an increase in the contact patch, and most of the microroughness of the road relief entered into the work on braking. The braking control also became more pleasant: in this case, it is easier to dose the effort on the pedals (to control the initial phase of wheel blocking). And the results of measurements of braking "lay down more closely".


Before the final stage - a short break. While the tires are cooling, we raise the pressure to 2.5 atm.

The road is well known, directional stability is very close to the initial state (8 points), but the ride smoothness has become worse - it seems as if all the road patches and small seams are swollen, and the pumped-over tires, slapping on them, vigorously shake the car. We write down 6 points.

The runout of 1232 m is the difference with the previous state of more than 200 meters, and with the initial state - 52 m or 4.9 percent. The effect is slightly less than when the pressure is reduced by the same 0.5 atm. And they manage to save only 1.6 percent of gasoline.

But on the "rearrangement" the speed is record - almost 67 km / h. But there are some remarks to the handling - in comparison with the norm, the steering feeling has noticeably deteriorated. Over-inflated tires have practically lost drifts, and this, oddly enough, harms the "understanding" of the car, especially in critical modes. No more than 7 points.

The braking distance has hardly changed - only the spread of results has slightly increased, but it has become more difficult to stay on the verge of skidding. For the convenience of braking control, we put a seven.


Now let's calculate what pressure games give us. We focus on the average fuel consumption of 8 l / 100 km and the price of gasoline 18.5 rubles / l AI-95. At reduced pressure, fuel consumption increases by 2 percent, that is, increases to 8.16 l / 100 km. In monetary terms, it turns out 29.6 rubles per 1000 km. A vacation trip of 4,000 km will receive a supplement of 118.4 rubles. - the figure is not impressive at all.

And now let's weigh the savings from tire "hypertension" - 8 liters minus 1.6 percent gives 2.4 rubles per 100 km - for the same vacation it will be possible to "get rich" by 94 rubles. Even if you add up the "won" money with possible losses, then we get a very modest economic effect - 214 rubles.

But a decrease in pressure by half an atmosphere below the recommended, in addition to increasing fuel consumption, worsens handling and directional stability. Although there is some benefit - the "brakes" are slightly better, the ride is more smooth.

Tires pumped over the same "half point" allow to win back almost one and a half percent of the fuel and increase the speed of extreme maneuvers by 1 km / h. True, at the cost of a decrease in ride comfort and some deterioration in handling.

Over-inflated tires wear primarily in the center of the treadmill, while under-inflated tires tend to wear out at the edges.


Conclusions, frankly speaking, are unexpected - the deviation of tire pressure in one direction or another does not so much affect the rolling resistance (read, fuel consumption), but destroy the balance of consumer qualities of the car! In addition, at any abnormal pressure, the tread wears out unevenly. With flat tires, the edges are more intensely chipped - the shoulder area, and with inflated tires - middle part protector. It turns out that the tires should be maintained at the pressure recommended by the car manufacturer. Nevertheless, the deviation "down" is fraught with more unpleasant consequences than "up".

Test: 13-inch summer tires Cold snacks - traditional winter tire test 14 "

More is less (tire pressure deviation)

Our interest in tire pressure is by no means idle. Its applied component is the relationship with fuel consumption. Do we lose rubles and how much, having deviated "down" by 0.5 atm from the recommended pressure, and do we gain by pumping the tire? What are the consequences of controlling the pressure on the peephole? After all, it is almost impossible to visually detect a deviation in one direction or another by half an atmosphere. And are those who deliberately depressurize tires to improve ride comfort, or pump them to save gas, right?

And one more thing: if the influence of pressure on rolling resistance is significant, can this dependence be used for good? And at the same time, we will find out how the change in tire pressure is reflected on other qualities of the car.

These are, in fact, the tasks for which we once again took up the car, tires and measuring equipment. Car - "Lada-112" on Kleber Viaxer tires with dimensions 175 / 70R13. Load - the driver and operator of the Vbox measuring complex.


We start with a base pressure of 2.0 atm, taking it as a reference point. We warm up the tires with a ten-kilometer run, accelerate and measure the run-out at a speed of 80 km / h. It turns out 1175 meters - by no means an outstanding result for the "Lada-112", but we are interested not so much in the value itself, as in its deviations when the pressure changes. The same applies to the maximum speed on the "rearrangement" - we got 65.9 km / h. The next objective test: the length of the braking distance on the verge of wheel blocking. On dry asphalt, the car freezes after exactly 46 meters.

Moving on to the estimates: handling, directional stability, ride smoothness - all parameters did not cause any complaints or special enthusiasm. Therefore, the marks in each exercise are "norm", that is, 8 points.


We let the car settle so that the temperature in the tires drops to the initial one, and we release the pressure to 1.5 atm. The first differences in the behavior of the car are noticeable already during the warming up of the tires - the road seems to have become smoother, and the cracks on it have diminished. No, of course, the tires just became softer, which had a positive effect on the smoothness of the ride. But the directional stability on a straight line worsened: the car began to walk along the lane, reacting to the slightest lateral disturbance - whether it be a road bump, a slight lateral slope or a slight gust of wind. The marks are 9 and 7 points, respectively.

The runout was reduced to 1108 meters - we “lost” almost 70 meters (5.7 percent). At the same time, consumption increased slightly, only about 2 percent.

On the "rearrangement" the speed decreased slightly. The reason, I think, is clear - controllability has deteriorated. It has become much more difficult to get into the second corridor of the "rearrangement" - the car strives to jump to the right or to the left. Score no more than 6 points.

But the braking distance decreased - they won back more than a meter from the "normal pressure". A decrease in pressure caused an increase in the contact patch, and most of the microroughness of the road relief entered into the work on braking. The braking control also became more pleasant: in this case, it is easier to dose the effort on the pedals (to control the initial phase of wheel blocking). And the results of measurements of braking "lay down more closely".


Before the final stage - a short break. While the tires are cooling, we raise the pressure to 2.5 atm.

The road is well known, directional stability is very close to the initial state (8 points), but the ride smoothness has become worse - it seems as if all the road patches and small seams are swollen, and the pumped-over tires, slapping on them, vigorously shake the car. We write down 6 points.

The runout of 1232 m is the difference with the previous state of more than 200 meters, and with the initial state - 52 m or 4.9 percent. The effect is slightly less than when the pressure is reduced by the same 0.5 atm. And they manage to save only 1.6 percent of gasoline.

But on the "rearrangement" the speed is record - almost 67 km / h. But there are some remarks to the handling - in comparison with the norm, the steering feeling has noticeably deteriorated. Over-inflated tires have practically lost drifts, and this, oddly enough, harms the "understanding" of the car, especially in critical modes. No more than 7 points.

The braking distance has hardly changed - only the spread of results has slightly increased, but it has become more difficult to stay on the verge of skidding. For the convenience of braking control, we put a seven.


Now let's calculate what pressure games give us. We focus on the average fuel consumption of 8 l / 100 km and the price of gasoline 18.5 rubles / l AI-95. At reduced pressure, fuel consumption increases by 2 percent, that is, increases to 8.16 l / 100 km. In monetary terms, it turns out 29.6 rubles per 1000 km. A vacation trip of 4,000 km will receive a supplement of 118.4 rubles. - the figure is not impressive at all.

And now let's weigh the savings from tire "hypertension" - 8 liters minus 1.6 percent gives 2.4 rubles per 100 km - for the same vacation it will be possible to "get rich" by 94 rubles. Even if we add up the “won” money with possible losses, we get a very modest economic effect - 214 rubles.

But a decrease in pressure by half an atmosphere below the recommended, in addition to increasing fuel consumption, worsens handling and directional stability. Although there is some benefit - the "brakes" are slightly better, the ride is more smooth.

Tires pumped over the same "half point" allow to win back almost one and a half percent of the fuel and increase the speed of extreme maneuvers by 1 km / h. True, at the cost of a decrease in ride comfort and some deterioration in handling.

Over-inflated tires wear primarily in the center of the treadmill, while under-inflated tires tend to wear out at the edges.


Conclusions, frankly speaking, are unexpected - the deviation of tire pressure in one direction or another does not so much affect the rolling resistance (read, fuel consumption), but destroy the balance of consumer qualities of the car! In addition, at any abnormal pressure, the tread wears out unevenly. With flat tires, the edges are more intensely chipped - the shoulder area, and with inflated tires - the middle part of the tread. It turns out that the tires should be maintained at the pressure recommended by the car manufacturer. Nevertheless, the deviation "down" is fraught with more unpleasant consequences than "up".


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