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A motorcycle in the USSR was a popular vehicle, since not everyone had money to buy a car, and in general there was not enough cars for everyone. Back then, a motorcycle was affordable and inexpensive. And one of them is IZH Jupiter 2.

The first IZH Jupiter rolled off the assembly line of the Izhevsk Motorcycle Plant in 1961. At first he was given the name IZH-58, but then boring numbers were replaced with a fashionable space word. Jupiter was at the top of the factory product range. Why is there a factory one, many motorcyclists considered it the best Soviet motorcycle - powerful and high-speed.

The second generation model is very similar to the first Jupiters. How is it different? Probably nothing. The crew of the then "Izha" was one hundred percent the development of Soviet designers. A tubular frame, a soft telescopic fork, deep mud guards, side glove compartments for all sorts of things - all this went to Jupiter from the 1-cylinder model almost unchanged.

Izh Jupiter 2 received a completely new, 2-stroke, 2-cylinder, air-cooled short-stroke unit with a volume of 350 cc. and a capacity of 18 horsepower. The engine is very reliable. Even after 40 years, it comes to life with a half-turn and pleases with a characteristic ringing sound.

The motor is very responsive to the throttle stick. He has a downright athletic disposition. The first gear is engaged with the clutch, and then, like in the Jawa 350, you can switch without squeezing the handle. The acceleration is so vigorous that it takes your breath away! The sofa chair allows you to almost lie on the tank to accelerate to a top speed of 140 km / h.

Motorcycles IZH Jupiter 2 were produced both with and without sidecars. The speed of the loner was slightly higher than the wheelchair version. Consumption of 6 liters per hundred was considered economical at that time. The engine is powered by a mixture of gasoline and engine oil. In the 60s and 70s, there were columns for selling it.

The second Jupiter had a long life. After the second, the third, fourth and fifth models appeared. Well, and then, like all Soviet motorcycles, funds were required to re-equip the plant. No money was found, and that was the end of it. So IZH Jupiter 2 became history.

In my childhood in the 90s, when the majority did not have computers and spent their free time on the street, there came a time when the owners of mopeds first appeared in the yard. mostly holes with pedals, less often in the Carpathians and Rigi. A year or two later, they already came to the courtyard at Voskhod, Minsk, Izhakh, most often without documents and without category “A” rights. Owning Java, and even more so the latest model at the time, was the height of steepness. But most of my contemporaries 14-16 years old moved on two wheels with pedals and a two-foot drive, envious of the guys in helmets.
The boy of those years could not have a motorcycle for several reasons:
1. Parents do not allow. (and rightly so).
2. There is no money (in the courtyard of the 90s).
3. He himself does not need this, he does not know how and in general it is better to do lessons :).
My option was item number 2.
When the desire to possess a two-wheeled vehicle overcame all possible boundaries, the brain began to think about how to make money on it.
There are not many options at 15 years old. He dragged corn from the fields, cooked and sold it on the market. I have saved 800 rubles in a month!
As a result, the next year, in the spring, I bought an IZH Jupiter 2 with a sidecar for 600 rubles. and paid 100 rubles for the general power of attorney.
Photo of 1999. Here I am 16 years old.

That was the time! Gasoline cost 3-4 rubles a liter, in my pocket there was also no more than 10 rubles. After some time, he unhooked the cradle, drove the motorcycle to the dacha and spent the whole summer and autumn riding it.
In the winter I decided to make a cool sports bike out of it, black and red, with a fire on the tank, with a raised wing. It is not difficult to guess what came of this, and after a year of downtime in the garage, he was sent to the village, where he was revived and exchanged for grain.
Time passed, but the idea to buy IZH Jupiter 2, to restore and drive recalling childhood never left.
Study, the army, marriage, work, a small child, again work and business trips, did not give thoughts and a chance for a motorcycle and free time around it. Finally, approaching 30 years, when my capabilities became a little closer to my desires, I sat down for the Internet in search of Jupiter 2 in good condition and complete set.
But it was not there, for everything that was more or less alive and well, the owners asked for the amount that arose in their heads apparently after a strong blow, motivating by the fact that it was already a rarity and a place for him in the museum, and not like now near a barn ... ...

Once he pushed grandfather and grandmother to the side of the road (he did it very politely).
I say - "Father sell the motorcycle, I will restore it and keep it."
Grandfather - “What are you going to restore in it? He is already in good condition and generally whole. "
- "Well, I'll paint it ... sell it, buy yourself a modern Jupiter."
“I don’t need a modern one, I’ve been on this all my life. I'll die, then I'll sell "
- "But how do I know that you are dead?"
- "I, he says, remembered your numbers, they will tell you"
Grandfather got caught with humor, parted. Such people do not sell their friend, children and grandchildren do it for them afterwards. Either the price tag is for a rarity, or for scrap after being rolled.

As the months passed, it became a habit to watch ads for the sale of motorcycles in the evening. And then somehow it comes across - IZH Jupiter 2 is on sale, the price is 10 thousand rubles. The photo shows a complete motorcycle with good chrome.
There was one thing, but three weeks earlier I bought an IZH-49, around which all my free time spun. The wife looked at the ad
and said - go and take it, then you will regret it, we will ride together. For this I thank her very much, for your understanding and full support.
in my hobby.

Arriving at the place, I found that the motorcycle was assembled on a non-native frame, the right glove compartment from the third series. The price dropped to 6 thousand rubles
and I took him home with pleasure. It was winter, but it was impossible not to pass it, especially since it started up perfectly. All lighting equipment worked, right down to the signal.

In the photo I am 30 years old. Find 10 differences from the photo above))))

The motorcycle stood for a year, the whole time IZH-49 was occupied ... Finally I decided to take it apart. There was already an experience of how to make fewer "unnecessary movements". I expected to take it to the sandblast and paint it in a powder chamber. On order, I picked up a beautiful beige and milk powder color, with a gloss and took black, for the frame and chassis parts, in order to dilute the monotony.

Unfortunately, it didn’t work out the way I wanted it to. The beige powder paint was found to be of poor quality. The result is a matte yellow color, while the black is well and correctly laid down. I had to manually clean off the powder paint again and prepare it for regular painting with cheap auto enamel for drying in the chamber.

I hoped to catch the remains of chrome under a layer of dirt and oil, but the shiny surface of the exhaust pipes is cleaned
bare metal to shine. I decided to paint them in the color of the motorcycle until I got a donor. Should not get burnt, on early IZHs
the whole factory was painted.

After painting. I chose blue. There are no documents for it, so I did not become attached to beige, which I did not particularly like

Quotes! Insulating tape from the first experience with IZH-49 into the furnace! We need masking tape. Car masking tape ZM costs 200 rubles for 5 meters, but you need 20. Found in a hardware store, rough, thick, but alternative at a price of 40 rubles.
I bought a very successful paint, the color from it really gives off chrome, not silver.

Hundreds of blue IZHs roll off the factory assembly line every day. This bike won't be long in coming either. A few more efforts and the machine will come to life.

Motorcycle enthusiasts are well aware of the IZH-Planet and IZH-Jupiter motorcycles. Our plant has been producing them since 1961 - 1962. And since that time, work has been continuously going on to improve them. The reliability of the machines has improved significantly, and thanks to this, the warranty mileage of motorcycles has been increased by 20 percent.

Factory designers are working not only to eliminate the flaws identified during operation, to improve the model on the conveyor. Our design bureau also prepared new, modernized motorcycle models, paying special attention to such qualities as reliability and durability. Now the axis of work on the creation and testing of new machines has been completed. IZH-Planet-2 and IZH-Jupiter-2 are ready for launch.

How do they differ from their well-known predecessors?

The first thing that catches your eye is the appearance. The new machines are more in line with the requirements of modern technical aesthetics. Motorcycles are painted in a single corporate color. Wheel rims, muffler housings are decorative chrome-plated, and carburetor guards and brake caps are hammered enamel. Thanks to polishing, the crankcase covers acquired a mirror-like shine. The saddle cover made of colored textovinite looks quite modern. By the way, the double saddle itself is somewhat wider than the usual and more comfortable shape.

The power of the new "Jupiter" remained the same, but the IZH Planet-2 motorcycle became stronger by more than two horsepower. This made it possible to improve the dynamic qualities of the motorcycle and increase the maximum speed to 105 km / h. Increase in power up to 15.5 liters. with. achieved by reducing the volume of the crank chamber, slightly increasing the compression ratio and using the K-36Zh carburetor with a diffuser diameter increased to 27 mm.

Without dwelling on the design features of the new carburetor, we want to briefly talk about its advantages over the previously used K-28. The scheme of the K-36Zh carburetor with the fuel corrector removed from the diffuser zone provides a more economical composition of the mixture and a decrease in fuel consumption by 4-6 percent. The enrichment of the mixture in the K-36Zh carburetor, in contrast to the K-28, is achieved by rotating the corrector lever clockwise. It is necessary to use the corrector when starting the engine in cold weather and when driving at maximum speed. The flange mount of the K-36Zh carburetor to the intake manifold with two bolts is stronger than the K-28 mount, whose clamps often broke.

The design of the gearbox output shaft bearing has undergone changes. In new roller bearings, the length of the rollers has been increased from 8 mm to 12 mm. However, they are installed without changing the seats in the crankcase. This is especially important for engine repair and spare parts supply. In addition, the barrel shape of the rollers allows for a more even distribution of stresses along the length. Longer, bunched rollers will increase bearing life by more than 1.5 times.

Now a few words about the changes in IZH-Jupiter.

Although the durability of the crankshaft connecting rod bearing

IZH-Yu is quite sufficient and the bearing can withstand over 30 thousand kilometers, there are known cases of its premature failure. This is due to the excess of the permissible travel speeds in each gear or "gas play" at idle during warming up, when the shaft revolutions significantly exceed the maximum power revolutions.

The redesigned connecting rod has now improved the lubrication of the lower head roller bearing. This, in turn, increased several times the durability when the engine was running at high speeds. Changed worm shaft and gear shift forks. This is done for clearer and more durable operation of the shifting mechanism.

Rice. 1. Oil seals protecting wheel bearings: a) felt oil seal used on the IZH-Planet motorcycle, b) rubber motorcycle oil seal

An important innovation that increased the between-overhaul mileage of Planet and Jupiter is a new design of oil seals to protect wheel bearings from dust and moisture. Previously, a felt gland was used for this purpose (Fig. 1, a). It did not provide sufficient sealing and, moreover, required frequent replacement. Rubber seals (Fig. 1, b), which replaced felt ones, increased the service life of the bearings by almost two times.

Rubber O-rings are also installed in the swingarm.

They significantly improve the protection of the fork sleeve bearings and thereby increase their service life.

Rice. 2. Location of the brake light switch: a) brake light switch on the IZH-Planeta frame, b) IZH-Planeta-2 brake light switch in the tool box.

In the spring and autumn, a brake light switch (Fig. 2, a), installed on the frame under the brake lever, caused a lot of trouble for motorists. It was not sealed enough and often failed due to oxidation of the contacts.

The new switch design shown in Fig. 2, b (it is located on the tool box), ensures its reliability in any conditions.

Both models are equipped with new relay regulators. They are distinguished by the best vibration resistance and stability of adjustments, and this is important for the reliable operation of the engine.

On IZH-P2 and IZH-U2, a special polyethylene pallet is supplied under the battery. It protects the toolbox from corrosion caused by electrolyte ingress.

Modernization of motorcycles also affected such important components as brakes. Analyzing the operating experience of tens of thousands of cars, the designers came to the conclusion that with high mileage, the brakes sometimes lose reliability. And the adjustment of the brake system does not help either - the linings and ends of the pads wear out. As a result, when the cam is fully rotated, the pads are weakly pressed against the brake drum. During repairs in such cases, to compensate for wear, steel strips were welded to the end of the pads. The new design of the aluminum cast brake pads includes a special compensator. Now, with a lot of wear, under the steel heel located at the end of the pads, you just need to put a washer, which will be included in the complete set of the motorcycle. Comparing the old stamped-welded and new - cast - pads, it can be noted that the design of the latter is much more rigid. Pressing the steel bush into the seat under the brake cam should make the brake drive more reliable.

Rice. 3. Collapsible muffler IZH-Planet 2 and IZH-Jupiter 2

The exhaust system has also changed. And before, IZH was not considered a "loud" machine. However, the sound of the exhaust and the design of the mufflers did not satisfy the designers. New exhaust mufflers have been developed and tested for the new models (Fig. 3). Their collapsible design allows, without removing the muffler body, to disconnect the tip, remove, clean the "filling" and reassemble the muffler. In addition, the increased volume of the muffler and the optimally matched exhaust flow areas make the motorcycle completely quiet.

Taken together, the design changes that we talked about will increase the guaranteed mileage of the IZH-Planet 2 and IZH-Jupiter 2 motorcycles compared to IZH-Planeta and IZH-Jupiter by 25 percent.

Each motorcycle comes with a set of spare parts. Now it has increased: it additionally includes a clutch cable and a tire pressure gauge, which will make it possible to maintain the required pressure in the chambers. This will ultimately affect tire life. For motorcycles IZH-Jupiter with a side trailer, an asterisk with nineteen teeth is given. It is necessary when driving without a trailer.

And in conclusion - a request to motorists. The plant receives many letters from the owners of Izhevsk motorcycles with comments, suggestions, questions, advice. I would like to receive in these letters and data on the service life of units and parts, indicating the model of the motorcycle, year of manufacture, nature of the malfunction, mileage, operating conditions, load.

Analysis of materials describing the operation of machines in various road and climatic conditions will help the plant to quickly solve problems for their further improvement.

G. PISAREV, V. ABRAMYAN, engineers

Hi! If you are only interested in the electronics of this motorcycle, then you need our section " Motorcycle schemes". Those who are looking for a description with a photo based on reviews and technical characteristics of the Izh Jupiter 2 motorcycle, which you can buy today, then you have come to the right place. The article is devoted to the most important features of this bike, which has survived more than a dozen difficult years Our team tried to fully reveal the advantages and disadvantages of this two- / three-wheeled vehicle.

Description Izh Jupiter Second generation with photo

Of itself, the aforementioned iron horse is a middle-class road bike, the operation of which is designed for roads with a variety of surfaces. The production of this steel horse was mastered at the Izhevsk machine-building enterprise located in distant Udmurtia. This motorcycle became a continuation of the line of medium-weight, miscellaneous moto, produced in Soviet Russia. The very first representatives of the mass series rolled off the assembly line in the middle of the distant 1960s. The steel horse was produced until 1972. The bike became the embodiment of the desire of the design engineers of the USSR to create a two-cylinder motorcycle.

It should be noted that as for the first Udmurt iron horse with such a frisky engine, the motorcycle turned out to be great. He had at his disposal a power of 19 horsepower with a rather modest, as for that time, engine volume of 347 cc. In addition, a very good lead-acid battery was installed on the two / three-wheeled vehicle.

Reviews of the Izh Jupiter 2 motorcycle in the past were mostly positive. However, over time, domestic motorcycle enthusiasts have changed their views on the reliability of the iron horse. It's all the fault of the developers' miscalculations in the electronics of the bike. He often lost the ignition timing. And the bearing under the rotor part of the generator stood out with accelerated wear, which greatly upset the owners. motorcycle... Not every village owner wanted to buy a second-generation Yupak.

It is curious that the aforementioned Izh, despite a short history of production, was produced in a wide variety of modifications. Classic singles, models equipped with a sidecar and even anniversary copies of moto went off the assembly line. In the last year of release, the transition world saw a model that received eighteen-inch wheels, as well as beautiful glove compartments. The latter bore a typical later inscription with the name of the series.

Characteristics of the features of Izh Jupiter 2

Izh Jupiter 2 specifications

The maximum recommended bike speed is 110 km. in hour.
Motor type two-stroke two-cylinder with air cooling system.
The piston diameter is 61.75 mm.
The piston stroke reaches 58 mm.
The volume of the engine is 347 cc.
The compression ratio is 7 to 1.
The type of fuel supply is through the "К36Ж" carburetor.
The proportion of gasoline mixed with oil is 25 to 1 (during break-in - 20 to 1).
Checkpoint - 4 steps.
The type of the main drive of the motorcycle is chain.
The brake system is both front and rear drum type.
The base of the Jupiter 2 motorcycle reaches 1430 mm.
The volume of the fuel tank is 18 liters.
Dry weight


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