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Today is the day of the agricultural worker, so it's time to write about some agricultural equipment - for example, about combines. Recently, in a report I mentioned about a rare specimen of the SKD-5 "Sibiryak" combine that was found. The same name, "Sibiryak", was borne by the next model of the Krasnoyarsk Combine Plant - SKD-6, which differs from its predecessor by a different engine, a new spacious cabin and a number of other improvements. Combines SKD-6 were produced for a short time, only 4 years - from 1981 to 1985, and to date there are not very many of them, especially in working order. This combine harvester of 1984, standing idle in one of the villages of the Sargat region, looks almost complete, not counting rear wheel, but at this place he stood for a long time, and it is not known whether he left the field again.

And this SKD-6 from Chapaevo is quite ready to fight for the harvest when the snow melts. :) The harvester even has a modern "tractor" type license plate and technical inspection, though it is overdue. By the way, in Soviet times, numbers on combines, unlike tractors, were not often set, but now Gostekhnadzor monitors this.

A big surprise for me was the discovery in 2009 in Bolshiye Uki of a rare tracked (!) Modification of the Sibiryak, bearing the SKD-6R index. The letter "P" stands for "rice harvesting", so the machine also has a caterpillar drive - for work in flooded rice fields. How such a harvester got to the Omsk region is not clear, perhaps this is due to the work in swampy areas, there are a lot of swamps in our north.

In 1985, the Krasnoyarsk Combine Plant switched to the production of a new model - Yenisei-1200, the Sibiryak brand was no longer used from that time, and the plant still produces various Yenisei, including modern modifications of the 1200 model.

When buying bread in a store, people very often do not even think about how hard and responsible work it is to grow this very bread. Centuries go by, and bread invariably occupies a dominant place in the diet. How many expressions, aphorisms and wisdom are associated with this product. And today we will talk about one of the tools that plays a crucial role in the production of bread.


Self-propelled harvester, 3rd model. Soviet grain harvester, which was created by GSKB for self-propelled grain harvesters and cotton harvesting machines in the city of Taganrog. The project was supervised by Canaan Ilyich Isakson. The car was produced from 1958 to 1964. A total of 169 thousand combines were created. It was the first Soviet combine harvester equipped with hydraulic power steering. SK-3 was also awarded a diploma from the Brussels Exhibition.


Self-propelled harvester, 4th model. As you might guess, came to replace more old model- SK-3. The car was produced from 1964 to 1974 at the Taganrog Combine Plant, as well as in Rostselmash. The combine harvester has received an award from the Leipzig International Trade Fair as well as awards from trade fairs in Brno and Budapest. The team-developer of the machine under the leadership of Kh. I. Izakson was awarded the Lenin Prize.

3. SKD-6 "Sibiryak"

A two-drum Soviet combine, which was produced in the period from 1981 to 1984 at the Krasnoyarsk Combine Plant. The machine was a product of a deep modification SKD-5 "Sibiryak", which had been produced since 1969 and, despite its high reliability, was morally obsolete by the 80s of the XX century. The machine had many "special" modifications, including for harvesting rice, working in areas without black soil, a model with an extended track.

4. Yenisei 1200

Even young people should remember the combine with the beautiful name "Yenisei" from their childhood. The fact is that the production of the car began in 1985. The harvester was suitable for harvesting a wide variety of crops, including sunflowers, grasses, legumes and cereals. The machine was also able to harvest crops in “hard-to-reach” areas of the field.

5. Don-1500

Perhaps the most popular combine in the CIS after the collapse Soviet Union... The car began mass production in 1986. For objective reasons, the car was used for a very long time in the former republics of the union. The widespread abandonment of the combine harvester began only in 2006, when more advanced imported and domestic models rushed to replace it.

6. KSG-F-70

A very interesting sample. Soviet harvester on tracked base, which was developed specifically for work on waterlogged soils. For the most part, the machine worked with forage crops: grass and corn. The harvester "Donselmash" was produced in the city of Birobidzhan. Most of these machines were in service with the Far Eastern farms.

7. SK-5 "Niva"

Soviet harvester, produced since 1970 by the Rostselmash enterprise. Isakson Canaan Ilyich supervised the development. The machine is notable for the fact that it could become the hallmark of the Soviet combine harvester industry. There is nothing surprising in this, the car was one of the most widespread in the USSR for all time.

Continuing the topic, the story about and helped to promote science.

There was no production of harvesters in pre-revolutionary Russia. In the USSR, K. emerged in the late 1920's and early 1930's. In 1930, the Kommunar plant (Zaporozhye) began production of Kommunar combines. In 1932 the production of these combines was organized in Saratov. In 1931–32, the Rostselmash plant began production of S-1 trailed grain harvesters. They passed through the thresher 2.5 kg of grain per second and harvested, in addition to grain, sunflower, corn, millet and other crops. During the pre-war years, combine plants of the USSR (mainly Rostselmash and Zaporizhzhya Kommunar) provided agriculture with almost 200 thousand combines, which played an important role in the mechanization of harvesting.

Combine harvester building reached a new and powerful development in the USSR after the Great Patriotic War of 1941–45. A clearer specialization of agricultural engineering plants was carried out; The main enterprise of the Soviet combine harvester building was the Rostselmash plant, which produced trailed combines S-6 and RSM-8. From 1947 to 1956, Taganrog, Tula and some other factories manufactured S-4 self-propelled harvesters, and in 1956-58 - modernized S-4M harvesters. In 1958, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution to stop the production of trailed grain harvesters and to organize the production of more productive self-propelled combines. By this time, a model of the SK-Z self-propelled combine was created and the production of combines began at the Rostselmash plant and the Taganrog combine plant. Since 1962, these factories began to produce self-propelled harvesters.

Here are the most widespread options:


At one time it became a real breakthrough.

Self-propelled harvester, 3rd model. Soviet grain harvester, which was created by GSKB for self-propelled grain harvesters and cotton harvesting machines in the city of Taganrog. The project was supervised by Canaan Ilyich Isakson. The car was produced from 1958 to 1964. A total of 169 thousand combines were created. It was the first Soviet combine harvester equipped with hydraulic power steering. SK-3 was also awarded a diploma from the Brussels Exhibition.


Received worldwide recognition.

Self-propelled harvester, 4th model. As you might guess, it replaced the older model - SK-3. The car was produced from 1964 to 1974 at the Taganrog Combine Plant, as well as in Rostselmash. The combine harvester has received an award from the Leipzig International Trade Fair as well as awards from trade fairs in Brno and Budapest. The team-developer of the machine under the leadership of Kh. I. Izakson was awarded the Lenin Prize.

3. SKD-6 "Sibiryak"

It was a great car.

A two-drum Soviet combine, which was produced in the period from 1981 to 1984 at the Krasnoyarsk Combine Plant. The machine was a product of a deep modification SKD-5 "Sibiryak", which had been produced since 1969 and, despite its high reliability, was morally obsolete by the 80s of the XX century. The machine had many "special" modifications, including for harvesting rice, working in areas without black soil, a model with an extended track.

4. Yenisei 1200

Reliable and durable cleaner.

Even young people should remember the combine with the beautiful name "Yenisei" from their childhood. The fact is that the production of the car began in 1985. The harvester was suitable for harvesting a wide variety of crops, including sunflowers, grasses, legumes and cereals. The machine was also able to harvest crops in “hard-to-reach” areas of the field.

5. Don-1500

Everyone remembers this harvester.

Perhaps the most popular combine in the CIS after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The car began mass production in 1986. For objective reasons, the car was used for a very long time in the former republics of the union. The widespread abandonment of the combine harvester began only in 2006, when more advanced imported and domestic models rushed to replace it.

6. KSG-F-70

Heavy-duty machine.

A very interesting sample. A Soviet track-based harvester, which was developed specifically for work on waterlogged soils. For the most part, the machine worked with forage crops: grass and corn. The harvester "Donselmash" was produced in the city of Birobidzhan. Most of these machines were in service with the Far Eastern farms.

7. SK-5 "Niva"

When buying bread in a store, people very often do not even think about how hard and responsible work it is to grow this very bread. Centuries go by, and bread invariably occupies a dominant place in the diet. How many expressions, aphorisms and wisdom are associated with this product. And today we will talk about one of the tools that plays a crucial role in the production of bread.


Self-propelled harvester, 3rd model. Soviet grain harvester, which was created by GSKB for self-propelled grain harvesters and cotton harvesting machines in the city of Taganrog. The project was supervised by Canaan Ilyich Isakson. The car was produced from 1958 to 1964. A total of 169 thousand combines were created. It was the first Soviet combine harvester equipped with hydraulic power steering. SK-3 was also awarded a diploma from the Brussels Exhibition.


Self-propelled harvester, 4th model. As you might guess, it replaced the older model - SK-3. The car was produced from 1964 to 1974 at the Taganrog Combine Plant, as well as in Rostselmash. The combine harvester has received an award from the Leipzig International Trade Fair as well as awards from trade fairs in Brno and Budapest. The team-developer of the machine under the leadership of Kh. I. Izakson was awarded the Lenin Prize.

3. SKD-6 "Sibiryak"

A two-drum Soviet combine, which was produced in the period from 1981 to 1984 at the Krasnoyarsk Combine Plant. The machine was a product of a deep modification SKD-5 "Sibiryak", which had been produced since 1969 and, despite its high reliability, was morally obsolete by the 80s of the XX century. The machine had many "special" modifications, including for harvesting rice, working in areas without black soil, a model with an extended track.

4. Yenisei 1200

Even young people should remember the combine with the beautiful name "Yenisei" from their childhood. The fact is that the production of the car began in 1985. The harvester was suitable for harvesting a wide variety of crops, including sunflowers, grasses, legumes and cereals. The machine was also able to harvest crops in “hard-to-reach” areas of the field.

5. Don-1500

Perhaps the most popular combine in the CIS after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The car began mass production in 1986. For objective reasons, the car was used for a very long time in the former republics of the union. The widespread abandonment of the combine harvester began only in 2006, when more advanced imported and domestic models rushed to replace it.

6. KSG-F-70

A very interesting sample. A Soviet track-based harvester, which was developed specifically for work on waterlogged soils. For the most part, the machine worked with forage crops: grass and corn. The harvester "Donselmash" was produced in the city of Birobidzhan. Most of these machines were in service with the Far Eastern farms.

7. SK-5 "Niva"

Soviet harvester, produced since 1970 by the Rostselmash enterprise. Isakson Canaan Ilyich supervised the development. The machine is notable for the fact that it could become the hallmark of the Soviet combine harvester industry. There is nothing surprising in this, the car was one of the most widespread in the USSR for all time.

Combines Sibiryak have been produced by the plant located in Krasnoyarsk since 1969. The equipment is designed for harvesting grain crops and legumes. When installing additional equipment used to harvest sunflower and cereal plants.

Model Description

Basic modifications of SKD combines were equipped with a wheeled chassis with pneumatic tires. There were versions designed for rice harvesting that had a caterpillar undercarriage... This design provided increased cross-country ability and reduced ground pressure.

A header is installed on the front of the machine, which consists of a header and an inclined chute. The header body is mounted on the tray via pivot bearings and counterbalance springs. This joint design ensures that the ground contour is copied during operation in the longitudinal and transverse directions. The header body is designed for the installation of the cutting tool, reel and auger mechanism.

The machines use an eccentric reel.

The drive is carried out by a chain reducer. The collected material passes through the mechanisms of the header, and then enters the feeder chamber, which is equipped with a lamellar conveyor belt. The cut stalks fall into threshing drums, after which a straw and grain separator is installed. The machine has an air blower that additionally cleans the grain from impurities.

Waste is discharged to the surface of the ground through a stacker, and the grain is stored in an on-board storage hopper. The unit has an automatic signaling device that is triggered when it is full.


The machines used a 4-cylinder diesel engine SMD-18KN with a capacity of 100 liters. with. The engine was equipped with a turbocharger without a compressed air cooling system. The power unit is equipped with a 1-disc dry clutch with a mechanical pedal drive located in the operator's cab. The transmission includes a 3-speed gearbox integrated into the drive axle. The torque is transmitted to the axle shafts through a bevel gearbox equipped with a differential. Additional planetary gearboxes are installed in the hubs.

See " The most popular Russian harvesters from Soviet times to the present day

The steering on early cars is mechanical, later there was a hydraulic booster. Drum brakes with hydraulic drive installed on the drive axle only. A mechanically operated band brake is used to keep the harvester parked.

Machine Specifications:

  • working speed - 1.2-8.46 km / h;
  • productivity (hourly) - 7.6 t;
  • travel speed - 21 km / h;
  • stacker chamber capacity - 9 m³;
  • length - 9.8-11.19 m;
  • height - 4.0 m;
  • width (in working order) - 3.5-4.92 m;
  • curb weight - 7450 kg.

There was a modification of the SKD-5M, which was distinguished by the use of a number of units unified with the Neva combine. The machine used a modified cab and a larger grain tank. The entire structure of the combine has undergone improvements, which has become more reliable and more productive.


The harvester is a modernized machine of the SKD-5 model, on which a header with a working width of 5 m was used. power unit... The vehicle used a 140-strong diesel engine SMD-20.


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