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My phone rang.
- Who's talking?
- Elephant.
- Where?
- From a camel.
- What do you need?
- Chocolate.
- For whom?
- For my son.

- How much to send?
- Yes that way five pounds
Or six:
He can't eat anymore,
I’m still small!

And then I called
And with tears he asked:
- My dear, good,
Send me galoshes
And me, and my wife, and Totoshe.
- Wait, don't you
Last week
I sent two pairs
Excellent galoshes?

Ah, the ones that you sent
Last week,
We have eaten long ago

And we wait, we can't wait
When will you send again
For our dinner
A dozen
New and sweet galoshes!

And then the bunnies called:
- Could you send gloves?

And then the monkeys called:
- Please send the books!

And then the bear called
Yes, as he began, as he began to roar.

- Wait, bear, do not roar,
Explain what you want?
But he's only "moo" da "moo"
And why, why -
I don’t understand!
- Hang up, please!
And then the herons called:
- Please send drops:

We ate too many frogs today,
And our stomachs ached!
And then the pig called:
- Send the nightingale to me.
Today we are alone with a nightingale
We will sing a wonderful song.

- No no! Nightingale
Doesn't sing for pigs!
You better call a crow!
And again the bear:
- Oh, save the walrus!
Yesterday he swallowed a sea urchin!
And such rubbish
All day:

Now the seal will call, then the deer.

A funny poem that gave the world a lot of catch phrases. The author has a phone call all day. These are animals calling and asking to fulfill various requests. An elephant needs chocolate, crocodiles need galoshes, a pig needs a nightingale, monkeys need books. And so all day there is no rest and rest ...

Phone read

My phone rang.
- Who's talking?

From a camel.

What do you need?


For whom?

For my son.

How much to send?

Yes, that way five pounds.

Or six:

He can't eat anymore,

I’m still small!

And then I called


And with tears he asked:

My dear, good

Send me galoshes

And me, and my wife, and Totoshe.

Wait, won't you

Last week

I sent two pairs

Excellent galoshes?

Ah, the ones that you sent

Last week,

We ate a long time ago

And we can't wait

When will you send again

For our dinner

New and sweet galoshes!

And then the bunnies called:

Could you send gloves?

And then the monkeys called:

Please send your books!

And then the bear called

Yes, as he began, as he began to roar.

Wait, bear, do not roar,

Explain what you want?

But he's only "moo" da "moo"

And why, why -

I don’t understand!

Please hang up the phone!

And then the herons called:

Please send drops:

We ate too many frogs today,

And our stomachs ached!

And then the pig called:

Send the nightingale to me.

We are together today

With a nightingale

Wonderful song

No no! Nightingale

Doesn't sing for pigs!

You better call a crow!

And again the bear:

Oh, save the walrus!

Yesterday he swallowed a sea urchin!

And such rubbish

All day:




Now the seal will call, then the deer.

And recently, two gazelles

They called and sang:



All burned out


Ah, are you in mind, gazelles?

The merry-go-rounds did not burn out,

And the swing survived!

You, gazelles, do not make noise,

And next week

Would gallop up and sit down

On the swing carousel!

But they didn't listen to the gazelles

And they still rattled:



All swing

Are you burnt out?

What a stupid gazelle!

And yesterday morning

Isn't this Moydodyr's apartment?

I got angry but like a scream:

No! This is someone else's apartment !!!

Where is Moidodyr?

I can't tell you ...

Call one hundred twenty five.

I haven't slept for three nights

I would fall asleep


But only I lay down -

Who is speaking?



Trouble! Trouble!

Run here quickly!

What's the matter?



Our hippopotamus fell into the swamp ...
hippo in the swamp

Failed into the swamp?

And neither here nor there!

Oh, if you don't come -

He will drown, he will drown in a swamp

Will die, disappear


Okay! I'm running! I'm running!

If I can, I will help!

Ox, this is not an easy job -

Drag a hippopotamus out of the swamp!

(Ill. V. Suteeva)

Posted by: Mishkoy 04.02.2018 11:00 24.05.2019

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The famous fairy tale by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky "Telephone". Almost all Soviet children know the first lines of the tale. This is the work that is read to children in the garden, at school and at home. Easy, interesting, funny, children like it very much. Learn a passage with your child, this will develop his speech, vocabulary, memory. At the bottom of the page, there is a huge number of illustrations for the fairy tale.

Tale "Telephone" by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

My phone rang.
- Who's talking?
- Elephant.
- Where?
- From a camel.
- What do you need?
- Chocolate.
- For whom?
- For my son.
- How much to send?
- Yes, that way five pounds.
Or six:
He can't eat anymore,
I’m still small!

And then I called
And with tears he asked:
- My dear, good,
Send me galoshes
And me, and my wife, and Totoshe.

- Wait, don't you
Last week
I sent two pairs
Excellent galoshes?

- Ah, the ones that you sent
Last week,
We ate a long time ago
And we can't wait
When will you send again
For our dinner
A dozen
New and sweet galoshes!

And then the bunnies called:
- Could you send gloves?

And then the monkeys called:
- Please send the books!

And then the bear called
Yes, as he began, as he began to roar.

- Wait, bear, do not roar,
Explain what you want?

But he's only "moo" da "moo"
And why, why -
I don’t understand!

- Hang up, please!

And then the herons called:
- Please send drops:
We ate too many frogs today,
And our stomachs ached!
And then the pig called:
- Send the nightingale to me.
We are together today
With a nightingale
Wonderful song
Let's sing.
- No no! Nightingale
Doesn't sing for pigs!
You better call a crow!

And again the bear:
- Oh, save the walrus!
Yesterday he swallowed a sea urchin!

And such rubbish
All day:
Now the seal will call, then the deer.

And recently, two gazelles
They called and sang:
- Really
All burned out

- Ah, are you in mind, gazelles?
The merry-go-rounds did not burn out,
And the swing survived!
You, gazelles, do not make noise,
And next week
Would gallop up and sit down
On the swing carousel!

But they didn't listen to the gazelles
And they still rattled:
- Really
All swing
Are you burnt out?
What a stupid gazelle!
And yesterday morning
- Isn't this Moydodyr's apartment?
I got angry but like a scream:
- No! This is someone else's apartment !!!
- And where ?
- I can't tell you ...
Call one hundred twenty five.
I haven't slept for three nights
I'm tired.
I would fall asleep
But only I lay down -
- Who's talking?
- Rhinoceros.
- What?
- Trouble! Trouble!
Run here quickly!
- What's the matter?
- Save!
- Whom?
- Hippo!

Our hippopotamus fell into the swamp ...
- Failed into the swamp?
And neither here nor there!
Oh, if you don't come -
He will drown, he will drown in a swamp
Will die, disappear

- Okay! I'm running! I'm running!
If I can, I will help!

Ox, this is not an easy job -
Drag a hippopotamus out of the swamp!

Tale "Telephone" Kornei Ivanovich Chukovsky wrote in 1926. The tale is written in the form of a dialogue. Someone constantly calls the main character and asks for help. And, of course, either Doctor Aibolit, or Chukovsky himself does not refuse anyone, but helps everyone. Almost all requests, except for the last one (saving the hippopotamus), seem ridiculous and ridiculous to an adult. But Chukovsky wrote for children. First of all, according to the author, a fairy tale should be interesting and understandable for children. Events must develop very quickly so that the little reader (or listener) does not get bored in any way.

“I haven't slept for three nights,
I'm tired.
I would fall asleep
But only I lay down -
Call! "

Kornei Ivanovich Chukovsky

Aibolit - Barmaley - Stolen sun - Moidodyr - Fly-Tsokotukha - Confusion - Twisted song - Cockroach - Phone - Fedorin's grief - What did Mura do when she ... - Miracle tree

PHONE My phone rang. - Who's talking? - Elephant. - Where? - From a camel. - What do you need? - Chocolate. - For whom? - For my son. - How much to send? - Yes, that way five or six poods: He can't eat anymore, He's still small!

And then Crocodile called And with tears he asked: - My dear, good, Send me galoshes, And me, and my wife, and Totoshe.

Wait, won't you. Last week I sent out two pairs of Great Galoshes? - Ah, those that you sent Last week, We ate a long time ago And we are waiting, we will not wait, When will you again send a Dozen new and sweet galoshes to our supper!

And then the bunnies called: - Could you send gloves?

And then the monkeys called: - Send, please, books!

And then the bear called Yes, as he began, as he began to roar.

Wait, bear, don't cry, Explain what you want?

But he is only "mu" yes "mu", And why, why I don’t understand!

Please hang up the phone!

And then the herons called: - Please send the drops:

We ate too many frogs today, And our stomachs ached!

And such rubbish All day: Ding-di-laziness, Ding-di-laziness, Ding-di-laziness! Now the seal will call, then the deer.

And recently, two gazelles called and sang: - Is it really All the carousels burned down?

Ah, are you in mind, gazelles? The merry-go-round did not burn out, And the swing survived! You, gazelles, do not make noise, And next week Ride and sit On the swing-carousel!

But they didn’t listen to the gazelles, And they still rattled: - Is it really All the swing burnt out? What a stupid gazelle!

And yesterday morning Kangaroo: 1000 Isn't this Moidodyr's apartment? I got angry, but like a scream: - No! This is someone else's apartment !!! - And where is Moidodyr? - I can't tell you ... Call one hundred twenty-five.

I haven't slept for three nights, I'm tired. I would like to fall asleep, Relax ... But as soon as I lay down Call! - Who's talking? - Rhinoceros. - What? - Trouble! Trouble! Run here quickly! - What's the matter? - Save! - Whom? - Hippo! Our hippopotamus fell into a swamp ... - Failed into a swamp? - Yes! And neither here nor there! Oh, if you do not come He will drown, drown in the swamp, The Behemoth will die, the Behemoth will disappear !!!

Okay! I'm running! I'm running! If I can, I will help!

Oh, this is not an easy job To drag a hippopotamus out of the swamp! 1924 Thought armed with rhymes. ed. 2e. Poetic anthology on the history of Russian verse. Compiled by V.E. Kholshevnikov. Leningrad, Leningrad University Publishing House, 1967.


Has run away, the sheet has flown away,

And a pillow

Like a frog, Galloped away from me.

I'm for a candle, Candle - in the stove! I’m for a book, That - to run And skip Under the bed!

I want to drink some tea, I run up to the samovar, But the pot-bellied man ran away from me like from fire.

God, God, what happened? Why, then, Everything around Spun, Spun And rushed a wheel?

boots, boots

pies, pies

irons, Kocherga

sash Everything spins, And spins, And rushes somersaults.

Suddenly, from my mother's bedroom, Bow-legged and lame, Runs out the washstand And shakes his head:

"Oh you nasty, oh you dirty

Unwashed pig! You are blacker than a chimney sweep

Admire yourself: You have wax on your neck,

You have a blot under your nose, you have such hands

That even the trousers ran away, Even the trousers, even the trousers ran away from you.

Early in the morning at dawn

Mice are washing, and kittens and ducklings,

Both bugs and spiders.

You haven't washed your face alone

And remained muddy, and ran away from the muddy

And stockings and shoes.

I am the Great Washbasin, the Famous Moidodyr, the Chief of Washbasins And the Commander of the washcloths!

If I stamp my foot, I will call my soldiers, Wash basins will fly into this room in a crowd, And they will bark and howl, And they will knock with their feet, And they will give you a head wash, Unwashed, They will give you Directly into the Sink, Directly into the Sink With their heads dipped! "

He struck a copper basin And cried out: "Kara-baras!"

And now the brushes, brushes Cracked like ratchets, And let's rub me, Sentence:

"Mine, my chimney sweep Clean, clean, clean, clean! It will be, there will be a chimney sweep Clean, clean, clean, clean!"

And then the soap jumped And grabbed the hair, And whirled, and washed, And bit like a wasp.

And from the mad washcloth I rushed as if from a stick, And she followed me, after me Along Sadovaya, along Sennaya.

I went to the Tauride Garden, I jumped over the fence, And she rushes after me And bites like a she-wolf.

Suddenly, my good, my beloved Crocodile is meeting. He walked along the alley with Totosha and Kokosha

And a loofah, like a jackdaw, Like a jackdaw, swallowed.

And then how it growls

On me, as it kicks

To me: "You go home,

Says, Wash your face,

Says, But not how I will get it,

He says I'll trample and swallow! "

How I started down the street

run, I ran to the washstand

Soap, soap

With soap, soap I washed myself endlessly,

Washed away and wax

And ink From an unwashed face.

And now pants, pants So they jumped into my hands.

And behind them is a pie: "Well, eat me, friend!"

And after him and a sandwich: Jumped up - and right in your mouth!

So the book came back, The notebook was turned over, And the grammar began to dance With arithmetic.

Then the Great Washbasin, the Famous Moidodyr, the Washbasin Chief And the Washcloths Commander, ran up to me, dancing, And kissing, said:

"Now I love you, Now I praise you! Finally, you, you filthy fellow, please Moidodyr!"

It is necessary, it is necessary to wash in the mornings and evenings,

And unclean

Chimney sweeps

Shame and disgrace!

Shame and disgrace!

Long live fragrant soap,

And a towel pusher 1000 that,

And tooth powder

And a thick scallop!

Let's wash, splash, Swim, dive, somersault In a tub, in a trough, in a tub, In a river, in a stream, in the ocean,

And in the bath, and in the bath,

Anytime and anywhere

Eternal glory to the water! K. Chukovsky. Fairy tales. Moscow: Rosman, 1996.

FLY-Tsokotukha Fly, Fly-Tsokotukha, Gilded belly!

The fly went across the field, the Fly found the money.

Fly went to the market and bought a samovar:

"Come, cockroaches, I will treat you to tea!"

Cockroaches came running, all the glasses drank,

And the insects Three cups each With milk And a pretzel: Today Fly-Tsokotukha Birthday girl!

And recently, two gazelles
They called and sang:
- Really
All burned out

Ah, are you in mind, gazelles?
The merry-go-rounds did not burn out,
And the swing survived!
You, gazelles, do not make noise,
And next week
Would gallop up and sit down
On the swing carousel!

But they didn't listen to the gazelles
And they still rattled:
- Really
All swing
Are you burnt out?
What a stupid gazelle!
And yesterday morning
- Isn't this an apartment

I got angry, but like a scream:
- No! This is someone else's apartment !!!
- And where is Moidodyr?
- I can't tell you ...
Call the number
One hundred twenty five.

I haven't slept for three nights
I'm tired.
I would fall asleep
But only I lay down -
- Who's talking?
- Rhinoceros.

- What?
- Trouble! Trouble!
Run here quickly!
- What's the matter?
- Save!
- Whom?
- Hippo!
Our hippopotamus fell into the swamp ...
- Failed into the swamp?
- Yes!
And neither here nor there!

Oh, if you don't come -
He will drown, he will drown in a swamp
Will die, disappear

Okay! I'm running! I'm running!
If I can, I will help!
Oh, this is not an easy job -
Drag a hippopotamus out of the swamp!


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