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When transmitting vehicle the new owner should check with the MREO how to remove the car from the register if it is sold under a sale and purchase agreement. You can place and cancel registration according to a simplified scheme. The package of necessary documents and the process itself will differ depending on the reasons for the removal of the vehicle from the register.

To cancel the registration, the presence of a car on the territory of the MREO is not required. And when registering, it is necessary to have a technically sound machine and the presence of the owner himself. Selling a car under a sale and purchase agreement, without registration at the time of its conclusion, implies direct registration of the vehicle by the new owner.

When to deregister a car

From 15.10.2013, registration must be canceled in 4 situations. Namely:

  • Hijacking. The owner applies to the traffic police with an application for deregistration.
  • Disposal. To be exempted from vehicle tax, you need to cancel your registration.
  • Car sales abroad. When transferring a vehicle to another state, it must be deregistered in the Russian Federation.
  • If the previous owner sold the car and new owner did not register the car within 10 days and the tax came. The owner can contact the State Traffic Inspectorate and remove it from registration. The new owner will not be able to register it on his own without the help of the previous owner.

In other situations, a simple change in the data in the state register of vehicles is carried out. If the new owner has not removed the car from the register within 10 days provided by law, it is better to write a statement to terminate the registration.

Package of documents and application

You can deregister a car on condition that all the requirements stipulated by the current legislation are met. To complete the procedure, traffic police officers will need to submit the following documents:

The statement in each case has a different content. When contacting the traffic police, you should indicate the reason why you need to complete this procedure:

  • export of the car to another state: "due to the transportation of the vehicle abroad";
  • complete disposal: "a certificate for the remaining units is not needed, numbers and documents are attached";
  • partial disassembly: “disposal of a car with obtaining a certificate for a certain part;
  • the sale of the vehicle and the lack of registration by the new owner during the time allotted by law, you can make a request for its destruction, with a note about the loss of documents, state numbers.

The state fee for changing registration data will be 350 rubles. When disposing of a car, you will have to pay another 200 rubles. for obtaining a certificate for numbered spare parts. If the car is planned to be sent abroad, the cost of transit numbers will cost about 1,000 rubles.

Removing a vehicle upon sale

The law stipulates that the new owner of the car, after buying it, must re-register it on his own. Deregistration of a vehicle in the traffic police is carried out in the presence of the following documentation:

  • owner's passports;
  • a request for cancellation of registration;
  • payment document on the payment of state duty;
  • sales contract and its photocopy.

After submitting the papers, the machine is checked for encumbrances. If you have a car loan, the entire loan amount must be repaid by the previous owner. Next, you will need to pay a transport fee, taxes, pay for the services of an appraiser. Based on the results of inspection of the vehicle, reconciliation of the transit number, examination of the vehicle, an inspection certificate is issued.

At the end of the procedure, the owner must receive the main package of documents:

  • registration card;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • transit license plates;
  • a receipt for payment of taxes.

The state number plate belongs to the car itself and can be left behind the vehicle when the owner changes.

Video: How to deregister a car after the sale?

Re-registration of a car without DCT, is it possible or not

All operations to reissue the vehicle, at the legislative level, are called a change in credentials. It is possible to deregister a car after the sale only under a sale and purchase agreement, without this document it is impossible to complete the procedure.

Even if the car is faulty and the owner wants to sell for spare parts, an agreement must still be concluded. Next, the buyer registers the car on his own.

Cancellation of registration in MREO does not depend on the location of the vehicle in the territory of the Russian Federation, from the place of its registration, registration of the owner. This operation can be carried out throughout the country. To speed up the procedure, a simplified version is possible.

But, how to find out if the car is removed from the register after the sale in order to avoid possible problems in future- contact the State Traffic Inspectorate or go to the website of the State Services on the corresponding page of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "registration of cars and trailers to it." After specifying the requested data, the user will receive a response.

It is necessary to remove the vehicle from state registration in the event of its partial or complete disposal, export abroad, theft and if the buyer has promised to re-register the vehicle for himself, but does not register it and it is still registered with the previous owner. The procedure is fully regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and must meet the established requirements.

According to the current rules, it is necessary to remove the car from the register only in case of theft, moving abroad and during disposal.

But when the owner changes, all the hassle of registering the car falls on the new owner.

How to remove a car from the traffic police register, and what documents to submit, we will tell further.

Earlier, until 2014, it was quite simple to deregister a car from the register - this procedure was carried out when concluding a sale and purchase agreement, donation (another transaction that implies a change of ownership).

At the same time, the seller of the vehicle had to independently remove the car from the register, issue all required papers, get transit numbers and pass it on to the buyer.

Most often, the buyer came on the same day and at the same traffic police department and again submitted documents to the inspection officers, to issue a car in his own name. To reduce this procedure to a minimum, a new administrative regulation was approved.

The main innovation of the document is that the seller now does not need to worry wherever possible, since this is the responsibility of the new owner.

When a car is necessarily removed from the register

Nevertheless, in some cases, it is necessary to deregister the vehicle from the traffic police register with obtaining transit numbers:

  • theft - if the car is stolen, the owner must contact the traffic police department with a request to deregister;
  • departure from Russia - if you travel abroad for a long time, then the car is removed from the register to register the vehicle in another country;
  • recycling - if the car owner decided to use the vehicle recycling program and hands over the car to the state, then his main duty is to remove the car from registration with the traffic police so that he does not receive transport tax;
  • new owner I ignored my obligation to register the car. If, after 10 days, the buyer has not applied for registration, the seller is obliged to initiate this procedure on his own.

Deregistration with simultaneous registration

Despite the fact that the seller does not deregister the car, it cannot be said that deregistration is not performed. In fact, the deregistration of the previous owner and the registration of a new one are carried out simultaneously.

In the case of the sale of the car, the seller does not come with the buyer to the traffic police and does not control the entire renewal procedure.

The seller only needs to put his signature on the TCP and conclude a sale and purchase transaction. is carried out in this way:

  1. After the new owner submits documents to the registration window, the traffic police check the car at various bases.
  2. After that, experts inspect the vehicle, all numbers are checked: engine, body, other parts with the data specified in the documents for the car.
  3. Next, a check is made by criminologists, during this procedure it is determined whether he is on the wanted list or is not involved in any criminal schemes.
  4. An automatic verification of the documentation for the car is carried out according to a unified database in the Russian Federation;
  5. After all the above procedures and after checking the data about the buyer, the car is removed from the register, and it is automatically transferred to the register with the data on the new owner.

Consequently, the deregistration has not been canceled, the order of this procedure has simply changed. Deregistering a car is now much easier and faster.

However, it is not possible to sell a car with encumbrances in accordance with the new rules. If the vehicle is subject to a bank arrest or other restrictions, the vehicle will not be reissued.

Removal of the car in connection with disposal

As already noted, when scrapping the vehicle, it must be removed from the traffic police. If your car has fallen into disrepair, then to dispose of it, you first need to find a company that deals with recycling.

After the owner agrees on the disposal, he needs to contact the traffic police to remove the car from the register in connection with the subsequent disposal. If possible, the car should be inspected by the traffic police.

After carrying out all the stages of checking the vehicle and data on the owner, the citizen is issued documents on the removal of the car and within 1 month after the removal from registration it is necessary to dispose of the vehicle.

Remember that after deregistration with the traffic police for disposal, the vehicle cannot be sold, donated or entered into any other deal. The rules for deregistration in connection with the disposal of vehicles have also been slightly simplified.

Earlier, before removing a car from registration for disposal, it was necessary to carry out an examination of the vehicle, however, due to the fact that most of the cars are already non-transportable, the requirement for an examination has now been canceled.

Travel abroad

If the car is transported to another country in connection with leaving for permanent residence, then Russian license plates are surrendered, and the traffic police issues transit numbers. Temporary numbers are valid for 20 days. In this case, the owner needs to carry out the following actions:

  • to deregister, a citizen arrives at the traffic police department. It is allowed to rent a car in any of the traffic inspection offices;
  • traffic police officers should submit documents for the car: registration certificate, title, passport, insurance policy;
  • the owner writes a statement to remove the car from the register for the subsequent export of the car from Russia. The column on the reason for deregistration shall indicate: "in connection with the departure to Romania, Greece, France, etc.";
  • the car is checked for possible encumbrances: fines, arrests, etc.;
  • at the last stage, the traffic police issue permits and transit numbers to the owner of the car.

If necessary, the inspector can find out from the owner the purpose of removing the car, request additional papers. It is also necessary to deregister a car in the event that the vehicle is transported to another country for sale.

It is possible to ride transit numbers only temporarily, if the car owner drives such numbers for more than 20 days, then he can be fined 500-800 rubles. It is best to remove the car from registration immediately before leaving the country.

Removing a car when stolen

When a car is stolen, the car owner needs to apply to the police to initiate a criminal case on this fact. After that, you should also write a statement on deregistration of the traffic police. To deregister in this case, you must submit the following documents:

  • the passport of the owner of the stolen car;
  • notification from the police station;
  • if available, a vehicle registration certificate is submitted;
  • owner's application for deregistration.

If the car is found and handed over to the rightful owner, the vehicle can be registered again. In addition, in some cases, forced deregistration is permitted by law. In particular, this is possible if there is a court decision on the return or transfer of the car to another person.

What to do if the new owner has not registered the car

If the buyer has ignored his obligation to register the car with the traffic police, but, despite this, he operates the car, all fines and transport tax will be charged to the previous owner, since it is his data that is indicated in the traffic police database.

To insure himself, it is best for the seller to keep a copy of the vehicle's passport, which indicates the change in ownership of the car.

In such a situation, the seller must immediately contact the traffic police department and attach the following documents:

  • a statement indicating that the car was sold and is owned by another person;
  • copies of car documentation;
  • copy of the sales and purchase agreement.

When concluding a sale and purchase transaction, a special mark with the signature of the new owner and the date of sale is put in the vehicle's passport about the change of owner. If, within 10 days, the new owner does not contact the traffic police, the seller must inform about the transaction. After that, they will start looking for a new car owner.

If during this time fines and taxes were imposed on the buyer (but issued in the name of the seller), he will not be able to register the car until he has paid all the costs.

Sooner or later, almost every car owner thinks about how to write off a car in the traffic police. Such an operation plays an important role in theft of a vehicle or during the disposal of movable property. But not everyone knows how to act under certain circumstances. Today we will get acquainted with the procedure for removing a car from registration with registration authorities. What do you need to remember about this operation? Under what circumstances is it carried out? What difficulties may arise in the course of solving the problem? The answers to all these questions (and not only) will definitely be found below. As a result, even a person who does not understand anything about paperwork will cope with the task under study. With the right approach, it will deliver a minimum of hassle.

When deregistered

How to write off a car in the traffic police? In 2017, this operation was carried out if:

  • the person left the city / country for a long time;
  • there was a change in the owner of the vehicle;
  • the car was stolen;
  • the vehicle was decided to be sent for recycling.

In the current 2018, nothing has changed - the reasons are the same. But how do you bring the idea to life? In reality, everything is simpler than it seems. But in some cases, you will have to try pretty hard to implement the task.

Where to get the service

How to write off a car in the traffic police? A person can get the appropriate service in different bodies. And this must always be remembered.

In 2018, an applicant can remove a car from the register and register a vehicle:

  • through the traffic police / traffic police;
  • by contacting MREO;
  • by sending a petition to the MFC;
  • on the portal "Gosuslugi".

The last option is a lot of hassle. Especially if you don't prepare for it in advance. We'll look at this scenario in more detail below.

Brief instructions

Write-off personal car in the traffic police in Russia is carried out without much hassle with careful and timely preparation. The main thing is to follow simple directions. Every modern person will be able to master and remember them.

Presenting the process of deregistering a vehicle (under any circumstances), you can see that the guide to implementing the idea into reality will look like this:

  1. Prepare the documentation requested from the registration authorities.
  2. Fill out the application form for car deregistration.
  3. Submit your application to one of the previously indicated locations.
  4. Get in your hands a certificate of successful deregistration of a car. This step is observed mainly when the vehicle is scrapped.

Perhaps that's all. No fees or long waiting times. Everything is extremely simple and straightforward. For clarity, consider all possible options developments in more detail.

When selling

How to write off a car from the traffic police when selling property? This operation is not always required. According to the current legislation, when buying a car from hand, you can simultaneously remove the vehicle from the register and re-register it to the new owner.

For this kind of service, you need to take with you:

  • purchase agreement;
  • a receipt of receipt of money for the transaction by the seller;
  • buyer's ID;
  • PTS for cars;
  • STS machines (if available);
  • car insurance policy (if any);
  • transit numbers (if any).

It is also advisable to bring a copy of the seller's passport. This paper will come in handy when removing the vehicle from the register in case of buying a car from hand.

In addition, the new owner will have to pay:

  • PTS adjustment - 350 rubles;
  • issuance of a new registration certificate - 500 rubles;
  • registration of state numbers for a car - 2,000 rubles.

No more payments will be required. Within 1 hour, the applicant will be given updated certificates for the car.

Important: the vehicle is reissued to a new owner in the same way. Only the type of contract changes. For example, instead of a purchase agreement, there may be a will or deed of gift.

Change of ownership and deregistration by the seller

Sometimes it happens that a person handed over the transport to another person in a documentary manner, but the car has not been re-registered. Under such circumstances, the recipient of the property will not be able to drive the car, and all fines and violations will be "hung" on the former owner of the vehicle.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to understand how to write off a car from the traffic police if you are already without transport. For example, when selling it.

We have already reviewed the procedure for re-registering a vehicle. The new owner is given 10 days for this operation. After that, its former owner will be able to remove the car from registration.

To do this, he will need to take with him:

  • an agreement indicating the fact of transferring the car to another person;
  • title papers for the vehicle (if any);
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

That should be enough. It remains to fill out an application for removing a car from registration and take it to the local traffic police. After the actions taken, the traffic police will write off the vehicle.

Long departure or move

Now it is clear how to write off a car in the traffic police. Through the MFC or the traffic police - this is not so important. The main thing is that we have dealt with the most common situations.

As already mentioned, if a person leaves Russia for a long time or simply moves, he will have to remove the car from the register. This can be done only after collecting such a package of documentation:

  • passport;
  • car insurance;
  • title papers for movable property;
  • an application for deregistration at the State Automobile Inspectorate.


But that's not all. In some cases, car owners think about the final write-off of their movable property. For example, if the car is no longer in motion and cannot be repaired. We are talking about participation in the recycling program. Thanks to her, a person will be able to get a discount when buying a new car.

We already know the procedure for bringing the idea to life. To send a vehicle for recycling, the owner will have to take with him to the traffic police:

  • car;
  • identification;
  • completed application form for participation in the recycling program;
  • technical certificate auto;
  • machine registration certificate;
  • vehicle state numbers.

All this will be enough. The absence of a number of documents (STS, PTS, signs) will not interfere with participation in the car recycling program. All data about the owners of the vehicle are stored in the databases of the traffic police. And therefore, for the implementation of the task, you must definitely have your passport and application with you. They will not be able to refuse the service under such circumstances. This is simply illegal.

If the owner himself is not able to apply for the provision of the service, he can draw up and issue a power of attorney to write off the car at the traffic police. The sample of this paper is standard.

After submitting the application, the owner will be issued a certificate in the prescribed form. It can be restored to the traffic police. The extract will indicate the participation of the applicant's car in the "scrap" program.

Vehicle theft and de-registration

And how to apply to write off a car if it was stolen? This is a fairly common scenario. And few people know how to behave correctly.

The thing is that you first have to draw up and submit an application for theft of the vehicle. He is taken to the local police department. Then the person is given a certificate of the established form (not always). Now you can go to the traffic police at the place of your registration or to the MFC. Further actions will take place in the listed services.

Important: the statement of theft is allowed to be carried immediately to the traffic police. This technique will greatly facilitate the further procedure.

To remove the vehicle from the register, you will have to have:

  • a theft statement;
  • documents for the car;
  • any document proving the identity of a citizen.

After collecting these papers, the traffic police will quickly write off the car due to its theft. From now on, you don't have to worry about fines and violations. It remains only to wait for the fruits of the police work. It is possible that the car and its car thieves can be found.

Without a car and documents

And how to write off a car in the traffic police without documents, if the applicant does not even have the vehicle itself? It would seem that such a situation will cause a lot of trouble. But actually it is not.

The thing is that the absence of documents on the vehicle, as well as the car itself, is not a reason for refusing the service under study. It is enough for the applicant to have a passport with him. If there has been a change in personal data, and the re-registration of the car has not yet taken place, you must take any certificate indicating that the appropriate adjustments have been made.

Important: as we have already said, data on vehicle owners are recorded in the traffic police databases. And therefore, the lack of documents or a car to deregister it is not such a big problem.

Important: if a citizen does not have a car to be written off, he will not be able to take part in the recycling program. In other cases, there shouldn't be any problems.

Through a representative

It's hard to believe, but you can carry out all the described actions through a representative. To do this, it is necessary to draw up and issue a power of attorney to deregister the vehicle.

To obtain such a document, you will need to go with a potential representative to a notary office. Have with you:

  • passports;
  • car documentation;
  • a power of attorney, which describes in detail the operations that a representative can carry out.

After paying for the notary services, the power of attorney will be certified and executed. That is why you will have to prepare at least 3 copies of the corresponding paper.

Important: now the representative will be able to apply for the removal of the car from the register. He will have to collect all the previously listed papers and attach a power of attorney to them along with a copy of the passport of the car owner.

Online write-off

And how to deregister a car through "Gosuslugi"? To cope with this kind of task, a person will need:

  • register on "Gosuslugi";
  • fill out a user profile;
  • verify your identity in any convenient way.

After that, you need to act like this:

  1. Log in to your profile on the website.
  2. Find the section "GosAvtoInspektsiya" - "Vehicle Registration".
  3. Choose a suitable service. For example, "Removing a car from the register".
  4. State the reason for the application.
  5. Fill out an electronic application form.
  6. Upload photos or scans of prepared documents.
  7. Mark the registering authority where you would like to come for documents (if necessary).
  8. Confirm the application process.

It remains to wait for an invitation to the traffic police and, if necessary, pay the fee for re-registration of the car. When paying for services on the portal, users are given a 30% discount.

It is not difficult to fill out an application to the traffic police to write off a car. Neither electronic nor paper.

Let's analyze the typical situations in which you may need to perform this action:

  1. Let's start with the moment of purchasing the car. True, in this case, we are not talking about buying a new car, but about buying a car "from hand", ie. used, respectively, on re-registration. This responsibility falls on the shoulders of the new owner of the vehicle. However, there is a small caveat to this rule. If the re-registration did not take place within 10 days, then the obligation to re-register the car is shifted to the seller. By the way, the fact that the buyer should first re-register the car is not a panacea. This is primarily necessary for the previous car owner. Re-registration relieves him of all responsibility for the further fate of the car, including the payment of transport taxes.
  2. The second case concerns the option of the vehicle owner moving to a new place of residence (permanent or temporary for a long time) to a foreign country.
  3. Unknown villains steal your car. Of course, we are talking about the case if your car cannot be found for a long time (and, most likely, it has already, alas, already become spare parts, or the new owner does not suspect it drives it).
  4. If you choose to take advantage of the federal car recycling program. Moreover, the procedure for passing this procedure can be as complete - that is, the entire car will be scrapped due to unsuitability (all parts of the vehicle that have serial numbers), partial, that is, only some of the elements will be disposed of.

What do you need to deregister a car?

In this section, we will analyze the general procedure for passing this procedure, and a little below we will consider some of the nuances that must be taken into account when passing the appropriate procedure for the above circumstances. Actually - the order of passage:

  1. Step one. We write an application to the traffic police to deregister the car (the standard form is available at the traffic police department, for a fee it will even be filled out for you). Moreover, the application must indicate the reason for the removal of the car from the register.
  2. Step two. We collect and submit the documents necessary for the implementation of this procedure.

These documents include the following:

  • a document proving your identity;
  • a document certifying the fact of ownership of a given vehicle (most often we are talking about a purchase and sale agreement or a donation agreement);
  • power of attorney to represent the interests of the owner, if you and he are different persons;
  • vehicle passport (PTS);
  • vehicle registration certificate (STS);
  • you also need a license plate or an explanation of why it is missing.
  1. After submitting the documents, you receive a receipt for payment of the state duty, and of course, make the payment.
  2. After the above steps are completed, take the collected documents and the receipt to the MREO.
  3. If necessary, undergo a technical inspection of your car.
  4. Next, you are given new license plate, if there is a need for this - PTS, and the inspection report.
  5. After all these procedures, the MREO employee will enter all the data into automatic systems accounting. On this, in principle, the procedure can be considered complete.

Can a car be removed from the register in another city or region?

A very urgent question that continues to excite the minds of car owners, who continue to be captivated by the illusion of the omnipotence of such a social institution as "registration". Fortunately, this relic of the Soviet past is beginning to fade into the past more and more. Currently, you can safely and without any problems go through the re-registration or remove the car from the register at any traffic police department, any settlement or region of our vast Motherland. And we repeat, there are no legitimate reasons for refusing you in this procedure from the traffic police officers. By the way, this aspect concerns not only the deregistration of the car, but also many other things. And if suddenly any not very educated or well-mannered traffic police officer tries to convince you that this is not so, then you, with unshakable confidence in your voice, suggest that he study the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1001 of November 24, 2008 "On the procedure for registering vehicles", where in Article 24.5 in the most detailed way, legislatively, confirms your arguments.

Deregistration on various grounds

Well, now, as mentioned above, we will analyze some of the nuances and features that arise when a car is removed from the register in various situations.


When it comes to recycling, there are a number of advantages. The most important thing is that you do not need to undergo a technical inspection. Also, there is no need to submit documents for cars - STS and PTS. It is only necessary to submit documents confirming the ownership of the this car: sales contract, donation contract, etc. Also a plus is that disposal can be carried out even without a license plate. Instead, it will be necessary to write an explanation for what reason they (numbers) are missing.


In this case, the only nuance that distinguishes the procedure for removing a stolen car from the standard procedure is that, in addition to all documents, you will need to submit a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs that your car is listed in theft. And then the procedure for submitting documents remains the same. If the documents for the car were in the stolen motor vehicle, then, unfortunately, you will have to go through the entire document recovery procedure.


In the event of the sale / purchase of a used car, you will need to undergo an inspection if the deadline is right. Also, if you buy a car and want to change the license plate, you will need to write a separate application about this.

If you sold your car, and the new owner did not register it within ten days, and the documents for the car are with him, then to deregister it, it is enough to contact the MREO with a passport and a purchase / sale agreement.

If the car is being exported or has already been exported, the algorithm for deregistering it does not change to a large extent. In addition, it will be necessary to additionally pay the state duty for registration of the transit number. This is if the departure is only planned.

Some features that relate to the inspection of the car in case of its removal from the register

Let's focus on car inspection. Inspection is not needed if you receive duplicate documents, make changes to registration documents due to changes in your personal data (for example, surname), in a situation when its registration was completed for some time and has already ended. Well, it goes without saying, if recycling takes place. But an inspection is always needed if you plan to make changes to the condition of your car, for example, make external or internal tuning, change the body color.

Removal of the car from the register through the STATE SERVICE portal

The passage of this procedure through the portal of the State Service, on the one hand, is practically no different from the same process, so to speak, in the real world. However, on the other hand, it has some differences with the plus sign.

So, let's take a look at the procedure itself.

  1. The first thing you need to do is, of course, register on this portal, of course, if you have not done so yet. The registration procedure itself, of course, differs in the direction of complication from the registration procedure in the same social networks. To register for the State Services, you must provide scanned copies of all your documents (passport, SNILS, TIN, etc.) to one of the multifunctional centers.
  2. Next, you need to select the specific section that interests you. This algorithm looks like this: Government services - Transport and driving - Vehicle registration - Vehicle deregistration - Deregistration category (hijacking, sale, moving to another state, etc.).
  3. After that, in the form provided, you need to upload scanned copies of all documents that need to be submitted to remove the car from the register.
  4. Then you pay the state duty in any convenient format: even immediately, through a bank card, even through a printed paper receipt, at any bank.
  5. Then you await instructions on your next steps. Instructions will be sent either to your personal account or in the form of SMS.

Let's dwell on the pros and cons of this method. A definite plus is that you avoid standing in lines. The whole procedure is clearly scheduled, and you will receive the most detailed instructions about the order of passage and the necessary documents. Also, the pluses include the fact that you will come directly to draw up documents for removing the car from the register at a strictly agreed time. Well, and, perhaps, an important positive point is the fact that users of the State Service portal are provided with a 30% discount on payment of fees.

The disadvantages include some complication of the procedure. It lies in the fact that you will need to provide all documents in a scanned form.

We have already touched on this issue in the previous sections. Let's try to summarize the information a little.

In what case may you be missing a car? Here the answer suggests itself - in the case of theft. The algorithm of actions here is simple. In addition to all of the above documents, you need to submit a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the theft of the car.

In addition, the car may be absent in case of loss or theft of documents, in the event of a sale of the car. In all these cases, the documents will have to be restored. To do this, you will need to write a statement to the traffic police. There is no need to deregister a car without restoring documents, only if it is being recycled.


Gleb, Hello.

In this case, there is only the option of terminating the registration of the car due to its loss.

Good luck on the road!



For a couple of decades, he sold several cars by proxy.

You have to pay taxes.

How to stop this, given that there are no documents for the car?


good time, I have such a problem bought a car but it is registered on the old owner of the TCP. the owner of the car died and the car was deregistered after the death of the owner. when we came to re-register the car at the traffic police, they took the documents and sent them to the police. what to do now ah?

Alexander, Hello.

The best option is to contact buyers and draw up sales and purchase agreements for each of the vehicles.

If this is not possible, then the car can be removed from the register due to loss. its current location is not known to you.

Good luck on the road!

Alexey, Hello.


Maxim, good evening.

next point:

I sold the car under DCT with a registration point within 10 days, not certified by a notary, made up 3 copies (I have one)

It took 5-7 days, I received 5 fines for 2500 rubles (so far at a discount)

The new owner does not get in touch

Is it possible to withdraw without paying other people's fines

What does this procedure mean

What awaits the car after that and its new and former owner (me)

What is the best way to proceed in this situation


Who did you buy the car from? And why were you sent to the police?

We bought a car from a guy, even the old contract remained with the previous owner. And they sent to the police to find out the circumstances of the sale of the car with the deceased owner


And the guy didn’t design a car for himself. Two years later, the owner of the car died, the car was removed from the register after the death of the owner, the guy also did not say or did not know himself. However, such a situation turned out, the documents were seized, the car costs and there is no money.

Nikolay, Hello.

1. After 10 days, contact the traffic police to terminate the registration of the car in connection with the sale. This does not threaten you or the buyer with anything bad. The numbers will be removed from the car, but upon registration the buyer will receive new ones.

2. Every penalty received must be appealed. To do this, a statement should be sent to each department of the traffic police and a copy of the sales agreement should be attached to it. There should be as many applications as there were fines.

Good luck on the road!

Alexey, if the matter is exactly as you write, then in the end there should be no problems. You have all intermediate agreements on the transfer of ownership of the car and you can confirm that the car was sold before the death of the owner.

And what documents did the traffic police give you? And what did the police say?

Hello! I am the owner of the vehicle, registered to a legal entity and the director of an LLC. Due to the emergency condition, the car has not been used for 10 years. I want to remove it from registration and sell it for spare parts or scrapped it. The traffic police require a certificate of disposal - only after that they will be removed from the register. How to bypass this procedure and deregister it, and then decide what to do with the vehicle - to dispose of it or to use it for spare parts?

Ivan, Hello.

You can stop registering the car due to its loss (loss). You will not need a recycling certificate for this.

Good luck on the road!

Good afternoon. I bought a car, all the necessary documents were filled in (i.e. purchase and sale, the purchase and sale field in my name was also filled in the TCP). passport. Now the question is, can I sell this car to another person? Indeed, I am inscribed in the purchase and sale of the TCP, that is, the car belongs to me. And if so, will he have problems with the traffic police if he is stopped? After all, the car is without g / n. Also with the design.

Renat, Hello.

You can sell a car. In this case, the buyer will need to transfer the contract under which you bought the car (1 copy).

The buyer must register the car within 10 days from the date of purchase from you. During this period, there should be no problems.

Good luck on the road!


Good afternoon, please tell me how to solve the problem! In 2016, the car was sold, the sale and purchase agreement was lost, there is no connection with the new owner. The tax on this car comes to the previous owner for 2 years, the traffic police said that this car was registered to the previous owner. How, in this case, is it better to deregister a car: due to loss or disposal? Or is it possible to solve the problem in some other way?

I sold the car, the new owner did not register it for himself, the DKP lost when moving, there is no way to contact him either. How can a car be deregistered?

I bought a car in 2003. I put it on record in the city of N.

In 2007 she moved to live in city 2 and put it on temporary registration (there was no other way to go through it). At the same time, a new STS was issued, and the old one was put in a safe in the traffic police. I didn't change the numbers. No entries were made in the TCP.

In 2014 she came to change everything back. They took it out of the safe and gave it back to the old STS.

2019 decided to sell the car. And it turns out that he was removed from the register. The solution to the problem is to register with the issuance of new numbers.

For 5 years I have been paying taxes, fines, then I went officially, insurance. They stopped many times, punched through the bases. Nobody said anything.

Isn't this a traffic police error?

Helena, in this case, you need to find out for what reason the registration of the car was terminated. To do this, you need to contact the traffic police for an explanation.

It is possible that this is a mistake.

Good luck on the road!

hello, please tell me:

my dad once (in the 90s)

was crawler, and he donated it to a military unit at his place of residence (Far East, Jewish Autonomous Region) without any documentation. And now, after so much time (and he has been living and registered in Bashkiria since 2002), the amount of outstanding debt for this tractor was removed from him. Questions: 1. Can he deregister this agricultural transport at his place of residence? (due to its loss)

2. Where to submit this application? and 3. do they have the right to withdraw debt from a pensioner?

thank you in advance for your response.

Halite, Hello.

1, 2. Rules for state registration of tractors, self-propelled road-building and other machines and trailers to them by state supervision authorities technical condition self-propelled machines do not mean that a tractor can be removed from the register in any department. That is, you need to contact exactly the department where the tractor was registered.

3. In general, the legislation does not prohibit the collection of debts from pensioners.

Good luck on the road!


I sold the car at 08.10.18 under a sale and purchase agreement, the tax office removes 02/09/19, due to a request from the traffic police. How to remove 4 months of tax?

No way. It was necessary to go to the traffic police 10 days after the DCT and deregister the car in connection with the sale.

Victor 152

Hello, on March 1, I sold a car under DCT. On March 7, the buyer got into an accident, now he is waiting for the results. The car has not yet been registered. On the PCA website I found out that two policies are registered for my car registration number. Mine (I live in the Altai Territory) and a stranger (Chelyabinsk Region). It turns out that in Russia there are two identical car numbers. Reg number (my auto Nissan example), someone else's Honda SRV. Please tell me what to do. thanks

Victor, Hello.

What exactly do you want to achieve in this situation?

It is unlikely that 2 cars were given the same license plate. Most likely there was an error in the database.

Good luck on the road!


Good day everyone! Can you advise me.

The car (Gazelle) was previously sold for insurance, so that the new owner could pick it up and drive it. In the future, they were going to remove from the register at the traffic police, but!

1-The person on whom the vehicle is registered, due to the prevailing circumstances, was imprisoned and received a decent sentence.

2- Anyone who bought a car with insurance almost immediately got into an accident and sold the car to auto analysis for spare parts. Well, what's left of her. And he simply destroyed the documents.

Now the owner (to whom the vehicle is registered) receives the transport tax. Finding him in the ILC naturally does not exempt him from paying transport tax.

How to remove a vehicle from the register if there is no vehicle or documents from it. He doesn't even remember the license plate of the car.

You probably need to write some kind of explanatory in the traffic police indicating the reasons? Can they deregister the vehicle?

interesting question, I would like to hear a competent answer

Michael, Hello.


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