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V Toyota car Camry XV40 engine cooling system (SOD) includes a radiator, fan, heat exchanger, centrifugal pump, thermostat and expansion tank. The failure of one of the components of the system will most likely lead to engine breakdown, which is fraught with expensive repairs.

Therefore, one should regularly follow the state of the SOD and change the antifreeze in a timely manner, and it should be exclusively High Quality... How to replace the coolant on the Camry V40, see the photo.

How much does it cost and what antifreeze to fill

A special antifreeze "Toyota Super Long Life Coolant" was developed at the manufacturing plant.

Antifreeze is toxic, so when working with it, we must be careful and careful! In addition, change only on a cooled engine so as not to burn yourself!

Coolants from other manufacturers can also be used for a full replacement: TCL "Long Life Coolant - 50 ° C", product code LLC01236, a four-liter canister will cost 820 rubles. 1 liter bottle, catalog number LLC33145, price - 330 rubles. Patron "Antifreeze", with article AFRED1PATRON. The price of a 1 liter canister, product code AFRED1PATRON, will be 240 rubles, and a five-liter canister with article number AFRED5PATRON - 560 rubles.

Also, in the process of replacing antifreeze, you may need to replace the radiator cap. The original cover from Toyota, product code 1640131520 costs 780 rubles. A number of replacements “for the original” are available: Masuma MOX202 - 170 rubles, Gates RC134 - 460 rubles, Metalcaucho 03605 - 150 rubles.

Prices are for the fall of 2017 for Moscow and the region.

How to change antifreeze on a Toyota Camry XV40 with your own hands

By, the first coolant change occurs at 160,000 km, and then the interval is reduced to 80,000.

Replacement instructions:

  1. We put the car on a flat surface.
  2. Unscrew the motor protection.
  3. Turning counterclockwise, unscrew the radiator cap.
  4. We turn off the cork in expansion tank but do not detach the steam hose.
  5. We put a container under the tap of the hole for draining the SOD radiator (it is located in the lower radiator tank). We twist the plug of the drain valve 2-3 turns and drain the liquid.
  6. We put the container for draining under the tap for draining the coolant located on the left side of the engine block and unscrew the drain plug by 2-3 turns and release the coolant.
  7. Tighten the plugs of both drain valves by hand.
  8. We wash the SOD with water. To do this, slowly, pour water to the level of the steam pipe.
  9. We start the engine and let it run until the motor fan turns on.
  10. We turn off the engine and drain the liquid again.
  11. We rinse the SOD until clean water begins to pour.
  12. Fill the radiator with new coolant.
  13. We start the engine and warm it up to operating temperature. As the air comes out of the SOD, add coolant to the radiator.
  14. The fan should turn off 3-4 times before removing air from the system.
  15. Then, we twist the radiator cap and add antifreeze to the expansion tank up to the “F” mark. We turn off the engine and let it cool down.
  16. We measure the antifreeze in the tank, top up if necessary.

During this time, the engine is under pressure, when starting the engine, make sure the plugs are closed tightly, otherwise coolant may leak from under the poorly closed plug.

What you need to replace

Will come in handy:

  • funnel;
  • clean rags;
  • gloves;
  • container for draining the cooling device (at least 7 liters);
  • new coolant and radiator cap.

To replace the coolant for the Toyota Camry XV40, we turn off the running engine and let it cool down. We install the car on a flat horizontal surface, remove the lower engine mud flaps.

In order to relieve the pressure in the cooling system, slowly turn the cap of the expansion tank counterclockwise.

Open the expansion tank cap without disconnecting the steam hose from it. If necessary, remove the expansion tank and flush it out.

We go down, substitute the container under the drain valve of the cooling system radiator located in the lower radiator tank, turn out the drain valve plug by 2-3 turns, put a rubber hose on the drain spout, and drain the liquid.

Flush the cooling system, fill the system with water through the radiator filler neck to the level of the steam pipe.

A liquid that removes excess heat from a running engine, protecting it from critical overheating, is called antifreeze. It prevents freezing of the cooling system in winter when the car is idle. During the operation of transport, the beneficial properties of antifreeze gradually evaporate, which forces it to be periodically replaced.

Cooler properties

During operation, the temperature of the coolant reaches, and sometimes exceeds, 100 degrees, and during idle time it is compared with the ambient temperature. Effective functionality of the Toyota Camry cooling system as well as durability power unit V50 depends directly on the quality of antifreeze, which must meet the following requirements:

  • mobility;
  • high thermal conductivity, as well as heat capacity;
  • small coefficient of crystallization and expansion temperature;
  • the substance must have anti-corrosion properties and must not corrode rubber elements.

Cooler classification

There are three types of cooling fluids:

  • basic;
  • silicate-free;
  • no nitrates.

Based on the basis of the substance, they are divided into propylene glycol and ethylene glycol. Each group has an individual set of additives and composition. Mixing different refrigerants is almost always prohibited. This is especially true for the silicate-free group, since the resulting solution can coagulate in the cooling system, clogging it. This will lead to the need for flushing.

Requirements are imposed on antifreezes, taking into account the individual characteristics of the cooling system. For the effective functionality of the Camry 2.4 engine, the manufacturer recommends the use of silicate-free solutions based on propylene glycol, containing a corrosion inhibitor.

Such requirements are put forward taking into account the functions of the cooling system: more viscous compositions are ideal in the process of forced injection of antifreeze. Taking into account such requirements, the most optimal for the Camry V50 will be the use of the following compounds:

  • SuperLongLifeCoolant (S LLC) - pink;
  • LongLifeCoolant (LLC) - red.

To avoid premature engine damage from overheating, you should not use antifreeze to cool it. This will not lead to good.

When a cooler replacement is required

The frequency of scheduled fluid changes depends on the service life indicated on the package. If, for any reason, Toyota Camry antifreeze leaves much faster, an early refill or replacement is carried out.

Signs of unsuitable coolant:

  1. Formation of a jelly-like mass on the expansion tank.
  2. With slight frosts, the substance takes on a mushy state or a precipitate forms.
  3. The cooler fan operates more frequently than usual.
  4. Liquid contamination is detected visually.
  5. Forced need to top up the system with water.

Self replacement

Replacing antifreeze Toyota Camry V40 is not particularly difficult. First of all, it is necessary to install a pan under the engine and radiator, the spent mixture will drain into it. The drain cover on the radiator opens and the plug is twisted. Then you need to unscrew the drain plugs located on the radiator and cylinder block to allow the contents to drain completely. After that, all the plugs are tightened, and the applied antifreeze is poured in as much as is required up to the maximum mark. Typically, a Camry V50 can consume about 4.5-5 liters. This is considered the norm for this model.

Antifreeze is an antifreeze process fluid designed to cool a working Toyota Camry engine at an external temperature from + 40C to -30..60C. The boiling point of antifreeze is about + 110C. The function of antifreeze also includes lubrication of the internal surfaces of the system. Toyota Camry including the water pump, preventing corrosion. The life of the unit depends on the condition of the liquid.

Antifreezes are distinguished by the additives included in it:
Traditional antifreeze;
Hybrid antifreezes G-11 (Hybrid, "hybrid coolants", HOAT (Hybrid Organic Acid Technology));
Carboxylate antifreezes G-12, G-12 + ("Carboxylate coolants", OAT (Organic Acid Technology));
Lobrid antifreeze G-12 ++, G-13 ("Lobrid coolants" or "SOAT coolants").

Types and types of antifreeze for Toyota Camry

If you need to add coolant to your Toyota Camry, it is safe to mix only one type of antifreeze, not the color. Color is just a dye. It is forbidden to pour water (even distilled water) into the Toyota Camry radiator, since in the heat at a temperature of 100C, the water will boil, and scale will form. In cold weather, the water will freeze, the pipes and the radiator of the Toyota Camry will simply burst.

Change the coolant for Toyota Camry for several reasons:

  • The term of antifreeze comes to an end - the concentration of inhibitors in it decreases, heat transfer decreases;
  • The level of antifreeze from leaks has decreased - its level in the Toyota expansion tank should remain constant. In this case, it can go through leaks in the joints, or cracks in the radiator, pipes.
  • The level of antifreeze has decreased due to engine overheating - the antifreeze begins to boil, a safety valve opens in the plug of the expansion tank of the Toyota Camry cooling system, dumping antifreeze vapors into the atmosphere.
  • Toyota Camry cooling system parts are being replaced or the engine is being repaired;

Frequently triggered radiator fan in the heat is a reason to check the quality of antifreeze. If you do not timely replace the antifreeze with Toyota Camry, it will lose its properties. As a result, oxides are formed, there is a danger of engine overheating in hot weather and its defrosting at negative temperatures. The first replacement period for G-12 + antifreeze is 250,000 km, or 5 years.

Signs by which the condition of the spent antifreeze in Toyota Camry is determined:

  • Test strip results;
  • Measuring antifreeze in a Toyota Camry with a refractometer or hydrometer;
  • Change in color shade: for example, it was green, became rusty or yellow, as well as turbidity, fading;
  • The presence of shavings, chips, scale, foam.

Replacing antifreeze and coolant for Toyota Camry

Flushing the cooling system before pouring new antifreeze on Toyota Camry Flushing the Toyota Camry cooling system, before pouring new antifreeze, completely removes the protective layer and remnants of the old antifreeze, this is necessary when changing from one type to another. To flush the Toyota Camry radiator, you should use a special tool, which is often diluted with water in accordance with the instructions.

The finished flush is poured into the expansion tank of the Toyota Camry radiator with the engine shut off. It must first be warmed up to operating temperature so that the thermostat opens and antifreeze begins to circulate in a large circle of the cooling system.

Then the engine is started, it is allowed to run for 30 minutes. Idling... Discard the flushing liquid. The operation is repeated depending on the composition of the outflowing liquid. The flushing mixture can be used only in the first run, in the following - distilled water. Antifreeze replacement time for Toyota Camry is from half an hour, with flushing - up to 1.5 hours.

Many drivers are wondering about the choice of quality antifreeze for their car.

A wide range of coolants in the car market will make even an experienced driver get confused, but there is nothing difficult in choosing antifreeze.

Types of antifreeze: what to pour into the Toyota Camry 40?

Antifreezes are divided by types, depending on the composition of the product, which determines the nature of its use. The following types of coolants are classified:

  • Traditional - contain a minimum amount of additives;
  • Hybrid G-11 - is a basic set of inorganic components, suitable for occasional or sparing use of the car;
  • Carboxylated G12 or G12 plus - formulations designed for modern and high-revving engines, ideal for the Camry engine;
  • Lobrid antifreezes G12 ++ or G13 are the most environmentally friendly and contain a lot of additional additives. Suitable for Camry, but have a high cost.

Do not pour distilled or purified water into Toyota Capri - this can lead to engine boiling or metal oxidation and chipping. Protect your car - only use certified products!

It's important to know! You can mix only one type of antifreeze, which is characterized by the composition of the product. The same color in coolants is not an indication of product compatibility.

When should the coolant be changed?

The amount and quality of antifreeze are characteristics that affect technical condition vehicle engine. It is important to monitor the level and condition of antifreeze in order to make adjustments in a timely manner. Replacing the coolant is required in the following cases:

  • The presence of metal shavings or dirt in the liquid;
  • The appearance of turbidity or sediment formation;
  • The occurrence of chips or scale inside the motor space;
  • During technical inspection with a refractometer;
  • With appropriate results on the diagnostic test strip.

It is also required to change the coolant after overhaul engine or antifreeze expiration date. It is recommended to change antifreeze every five years or when passing 250 thousand kilometers.

Replacing antifreeze - we carry out the procedure correctly!

Filling with coolant is a normal situation, as a result of which there is no particular difficulty or the need to use special tools. In order to correctly carry out the procedure for replacing antifreeze, it is recommended to adhere to the following instructions:

More detailed information on the procedure for replacing the coolant can be obtained by watching the accompanying video on the website.

Secrets and life hacks: extending the life of your car

It is necessary to fill in antifreeze only in a muffled engine. It is also recommended to let the engine cool down to the optimum temperature - opening the valve on the expansion tank when the engine is hot can cause a pressure breakdown, as a result of which the heated liquid will scald. It is necessary to open all drain plugs on the crankcase very carefully and slowly, gradually relieving internal pressure.

Note! Before pouring a new type of antifreeze, you must completely drain the old one and flush the car engine. This procedure will remove the remnants of the old antifreeze and remove the protective oxidizing layer on the metal surface.

It is necessary to fill the flush into the engine warmed up to operating temperature, so that the thermostat opens in the system, and the flush begins to circulate through the cooling system. Due to the engine capacity of 2.4 liters, the flushing fluid will require about 7-8 liters.

Remember, timely replacement of antifreeze will significantly extend the life of the engine. Regular diagnostic checks and gentle car care will ensure a long and comfortable operation Toyota Camry. Protect your vehicle from breakdowns and overloads!

In transitional periods that threaten with temperature changes, car owners need to check the condition of the cooling system. With how the replacement is done antifreeze in Toyota Camry 2.4 and others, any motorist can figure it out, regardless of experience and knowledge of the device and operation of the car.

If all the units of the machine are working properly, the fuel consumption is within acceptable limits, then it is enough to conduct a visual inspection of the tank with the level of antifreeze and a radiator located in the engine compartment. When examining them, attention should be paid to the main quality indicators:

To eliminate problems with the cooling system, you must pay attention to the following facts:

Benefits from a healthy cooling system

It is recommended to pay attention to the condition of the cooling system due to the fact that replacing antifreeze is the simplest solution to all problems. At the same time, in case of untimely maintenance or detection of a breakdown, the results of operation faulty car can be much sadder. Even the most reliable engines fail when overheated. Much easier, at every recommended intervals equal to 80 or 40 thousand km, make sure that replacement of antifreeze on your Toyota Camry... The manufacturer recommends the first coolant change after 160,000 km, and subsequent replacements every 80,000 when using Super Long Life Coolant antifreezes. This recommendation is connected with the natural wear and tear of the materials that make up the parts and structures of the cooling system.

In addition to the listed factors, temperature differences significantly affect antifreeze, materials and parts. For the cooling system, such fluctuations are the most significant and relevant. Although the designers are trying to create products with the highest thresholds of strength to withstand such influences. However, in such conditions not a single material is capable of working indefinitely. Therefore, the timely replacement of antifreeze and rubber products is the best way to extend the performance of the entire mechanism as a whole. From an economic point of view, this method of maintaining the vehicle in good condition is recognized as the most profitable and expedient.

Spend your free time benefiting from the cooling system

Conduct replacing antifreeze on Toyota v 40 will not be difficult for anyone. Even if the owner does not trust his car to specialists service center, then he can successfully cope with the replacement of antifreeze on his Toyota with his own hand. To do this, you will need an hour of time with a margin, flushing the cooling system and the antifreeze itself. It can be sold as a concentrate and ready-made. Replacing antifreeze Camry 40 easy to do with my own hands, as you can see from the video is actually simple and not intricate:

  1. Drive the car into a hole or lift;
  2. Twist all the plugs and plugs from the cooling system;
  3. Drain the mining, while looking at the composition of the liquid. It should not contain heavy impurities. If metal shavings or large turbid sediment are present, the composition of the flush must be checked. Based on the results obtained, contact the specialists who will be able to establish the place of the problem and how to eliminate the malfunction;
  4. Once all equipment and cooling jacket have been cleaned up, the new recommended antifreeze can be added.

Timely replacing antifreeze in Toyota Camry 2.4 and others, a really profitable operation that allows you to extend the life of all the main units of the car, while maintaining the basic operational and consumer qualities of the car.

Video on replacing antifreeze on Camry 40


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