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Coolant (coolant) is essential for the proper operation of the vehicle. Thanks to her, the engine does not overheat while driving. Replacing it in a timely manner will extend the life of the machine. Replacing the coolant is a simple operation and may well be done independently. The article describes which antifreeze to fill in Nissan Qashqai and how to properly replace it.


Do-it-yourself replacement

Due to the formation of a protective film on all surfaces of the cooling system, the coolant protects against corrosion, overheating, and contamination. The coolant is usable as long as it contains anti-corrosion additives. As soon as their number becomes insufficient, electrolyte corrosion begins. Most of all, aluminum parts and a radiator are exposed to it. Therefore, it is necessary to change the fluid before the onset of corrosive processes.

Nissan Qashqai manufacturers recommend replacing the coolant after 90 thousand kilometers or after 6 years of operation in order to prevent corrosion processes. You can determine the suitability of antifreeze by using special test strips. Upon contact with the coolant, they change color: according to a special scale, conclusions can be drawn about the state of the antifreeze and the need to replace it.

What kind of antifreeze to fill?

It is better to pour Nissan branded antifreeze into Nissan Qashqai.

It contains anti-corrosion agents and does not require additional additives. You can fill in any brand of antifreeze that meets the G-11 standard. It can be green or blue. According to the rules, it must be diluted with distilled water about 50 to 50, in any case, the amount of coolant should be less than 30%. The original Nissan coolant does not require dilution and is ready for use.

G-12 antifreeze, red or purple in color, has a longer service life. Manufacturers are constantly working to improve the coolant. A new G-13 standard coolant has appeared on the market, which needs to be changed after 100 thousand mileage. When changing from one standard to another, the cooling system must be cleaned of the previous fluid. In no case should they be mixed, as they lose their anti-corrosion properties.


You can change the coolant yourself. Since antifreeze is a very toxic substance, safety precautions must be followed. If the liquid gets on the body or paint of the car, it must be washed off with plenty of water. There should be no pets or children near the work site. To drain the waste liquid, it is necessary to prepare an appropriate container with a volume of at least 10 liters. Do not pour antifreeze onto the ground.

For the replacement procedure, the following materials and tools must be prepared:

  • antifreeze;
  • pliers;
  • clean rags;
  • an empty container with a volume of about 10 liters.

Before work, the car should be installed on a lift, overpass or inspection pit.

Replacement instructions

Antifreeze is changed only on a cold engine. After waiting for the engine to cool, grasp the cap on the expansion tank with a clean rag and turn it counterclockwise.

Expansion tank with lid

When unscrewing, a hissing sound of exhaust air should be heard. After the air has escaped, you need to completely unscrew and remove the cover.

Before starting to drain, remove the protection and mud flaps, open all the bleed fittings of the cooling system. The F7R engine has only a radiator bleed connection. For other motors, the fittings are on the heating hose. The F3R engine is equipped with an additional bleed port located on the thermostat housing.

To drain the coolant, the lower pipe is disconnected.

Under the place where it is located, you need to substitute the prepared container. Thanks to good access, it is more convenient to remove the pipe from the adapter tube located in the lower cross member of the body. To remove the branch pipe, the clamp of the outlet branch pipe is loosened by squeezing the bent ears with pliers. Then the clamp is moved from the attachment point.

When the branch pipe is released from the clamp, it is removed and the waste liquid is drained into the prepared container.

Usually about 5 liters are drained. To completely drain the antifreeze on Nissan Qashqai engines, with a volume of 1.4 / 2.0, you must unscrew the drain plug on the engine.

If there is a lot of rust and dirt in the drained fluid, then flush the cooling system before filling with new fluid. Flushing is also performed if the type of antifreeze is changed. The radiator and engine are flushed separately.

To flush the radiator, disconnect the lower and upper radiator hoses. A garden hose is put on the top hose. Having connected the water, the radiator is rinsed until clean water flows from the lower hose. If rinsing with plain water does not work, a special cleanser is used.

To flush the engine, remove the thermostat and temporarily connect the upper hose to the engine. Having disconnected the hoses from the radiator, the upper hose is connected to the garden hose and clean water is driven through the engine. Flush the motor until clean water flows from the lower hose. After flushing, the thermostat is reinstalled and the hoses are connected to the radiator.

Before pouring new antifreeze into the system, check the condition of the hoses for breaks and cracks, if necessary replace them with new ones. New antifreeze is poured through the expansion tank. Place a rag around the neck. It is necessary to fill in the coolant slowly, excluding the ingress of air into the liquid. To avoid air congestion, the radiator hoses should be periodically pressed with your hands.

Fill in coolant to the maximum mark. Then screw the cap on the expansion tank and start the engine, warming it up to operating temperature. While the engine is running, it is necessary to monitor the coolant temperature to avoid overheating.

If the arrow reaches the red mark and the radiator fans do not work, you should turn on the heater and check what air is coming out of it. Heated air indicates a malfunction of the fans, cold air - in the system formed air locks.

Video "What antifreeze to choose"

This video tells about the types of antifreeze, myths associated with them, and also gives recommendations for use.

Replacing antifreeze with Nissan tiida must be timely - this is extremely important for the normal functioning of the power unit on this machine. Some manufacturers claim to change the fluid (it takes one year to prevent rust).
The engine temperature that is optimal (for the engine internal combustion) should be between 80-90 degrees Celsius. To maintain this mode, you need to constantly remove heat from heated parts.

Causes of coolant leaks

Antifreeze in the tank decreases when the engine is running, even when the system is in good condition. Antifreeze periodically evaporates, and in winter, when cooling occurs, part of the liquid is significantly reduced in volume. We start to sound the alarm when the antifreeze goes away much faster than it was before, that is, with proper engine operation.

The following problems lead to a coolant leak:

  • damage to the expansion tank or its cap;
  • damage to tubes and hoses;
  • deformation of the radiator.

When such situations arise, the antifreeze evaporates very quickly. In this case, it is required to replace the damaged part with a new one. However, if replacing antifreeze on a Nissan Tiida is quite simple, then parts of the cooling system are more difficult to change.

How to replace antifreeze on Nissan Tiida?

Many car owners previously used ordinary water instead of antifreeze - these actions are considered erroneous, because water boils at a lower temperature than antifreeze, as a result, scale formed on the inner walls of the system elements. As a result, heat transfer deteriorated and engine parts also quickly wore out. Especially for these purposes, a coolant called antifreeze was created.

Replacing antifreeze on the Nissan Tiida, Nissan Note and Nissan Latio models is carried out according to an identical algorithm, since the cooling systems and the location of component parts in the engine compartment are the same. Also, on these cars, the frequency of replacement of the coolant is the same, because they use a refrigerant of the G12 + class.

The first replacement of antifreeze in Nissan cars Tiida should be carried out after 90 thousand runs or after 60 months. It is also recommended to check the refrigerant every 15 thousand kilometers or 6 months. This procedure is necessary to control the quality of the coolant in order to make an early replacement if necessary. The coolant loses its properties over time, if you postpone the replacement procedure, it will negatively affect the metal of the engine and its operation in general. After the first replacement of antifreeze, subsequent times it is recommended to change it after every 30 thousand kilometers or 2 years.

The coolant is changed in several stages:

  • Draining the old refrigerant;
  • Flushing the cooling system;
  • Pouring new antifreeze.

Stage one

The old antifreeze is drained in the next sequences:

  • Unscrew the plug at the bottom of the radiator;
  • Remove the radiator cover;
  • We drain the coolant.

Stage two

If there are signs of corrosion or scale, it is imperative to flush the cooling system, otherwise the remnants of dirt, rust and old fluid will lead to the fact that the new antifreeze very quickly loses its properties.

The flushing procedure is carried out as follows:

  • We pour water into the radiator until we find a leak from the plug. After that, we close the plug;
  • We twist the lid in the radiator (before that we pour water here);
  • We start power unit, we heat it to the optimum temperature;
  • Smoothly press the gas pedal (several times);
  • We stop the operation of the power unit and wait for the water in the system to cool down;
  • We drain the liquid.

Any suitable liquid that is diluted with distilled water is suitable for rinsing. The flushing solution can only be used for the first cleaning; subsequent cycles can be filled with distilled water. The procedure is repeated until the drained water is clean, usually 2-3 times.

Stage three

After cleaning the cooling system, you need to check the serviceability of all hoses and nozzles, and if there is no damage, then you can start pouring new antifreeze.

New antifreeze is poured in the following way:

  • We install a reservoir with a coolant and tighten the plugs on all drain necks;
  • Lubricate all plugs with sealant;
  • We unscrew the bypass valve;
  • V expansion tank slowly fill in antifreeze to the permissible value. Do not exceed the filling rate (more than two liters per minute) to allow air to escape from the system;
  • We start the power unit, heat it up to the optimal operating temperature, then remove the cap from the radiator;
  • We leave the engine to run at up to 3000 rpm for 10 seconds, then return to the standard one and tighten the cap in the radiator;
  • We stop the engine and cool it down to 50 degrees Celsius. Cooling with a fan;
  • We fill the container to the maximum mark and check the system for leaks that occurred during the operation of the power unit;
  • The engine needs to be warmed up and the sounds of the circulating fluid should be checked by increasing the speed;
  • Now you need to wipe off excess antifreeze from the engine and close the hood.

When working with antifreeze, it is recommended to use rubber gloves and avoid contact with exposed skin, as the liquid is poisonous and causes chemical burns. If refrigerant comes into contact with hands or other parts of the body, immediately rinse the affected area with plenty of running water and consult a doctor.

Many owners know that replacing the Nissan Almera Classic antifreeze is one of the preventive maintenance work with the car. It is very important and must be followed according to all the rules so as not to aggravate the situation. Nissan almera N16, G15.

What kind of coolant to use

For all foreign cars, including these, you need to use only high-quality liquid. Still, the use of refrigerants that are based on ethylene glycol is allowed. The specific grade of coolant required must be written in the instructions for your device.

The creators of the Almera 2014 car advise which antifreeze to use, and this is the Nissan L250. This is an original refrigerant that meets all international requirements and ensures long-term operation of your cooling system. This liquid is green, although this factor does not affect any of its characteristics.

Try to find this particular type of product. If the required coolant is not available in your place of residence, then you can order it via the Internet or from a dealer. But if you still fail to do this, then try to find a similar product.

There are many videos about coolant. But not all consumables will fit the requirements for this machine. Buy only the original, and if you are not sure, then you should not make a blind purchase.

Fluid change

Car developers advise changing it every 60,000 km or once a year. But the very first coolant change must be done after the first 90,000 km. The coolant cannot be used after this period in Nissan, since the liquid no longer has the required properties, cannot sufficiently provide the required engine cooling.


  1. 7 liters of new Nissan L250 fluid. It holds 6.7 liters in total.
  2. Container for collecting unnecessary antifreeze.
  3. Distilled water, you need 7 liters.
  4. Spanners.
  5. Adhesive sealant.
  6. Rags.


  1. Before starting, it is worth clarifying what it is complete replacement coolant with flushing of the cooling system included in it.
  2. Put the car on a pit or on a lift.
  3. Climb under the bottom of the car. Using a wrench, unscrew all the bolts that secure the protection to the engine.
  4. There will be a radiator. Disconnect the lower branch pipe from it. Place a container under the radiator to collect the old substance and unscrew the cap of the radiator itself.
  5. Find and remove the drain plugs in the engine block. Wait until all the liquid has drained out, this takes 15–20 minutes.
  6. The refrigerant on the expansion tank must be disconnected in order to drain the substance afterwards. Since this is a complete fluid replacement, it is imperative to pour out the remaining antifreeze from the tank.
  7. We start flushing the system. Start pouring distilled water into the radiator. Fill it until it protrudes beyond the bypass plug, and then tighten it harder. Fill the expansion tank with this water. Then put the radiator cover back in place and screw it on.
  8. Activate the engine. Let it idle to warm up the engine to operating temperature.
  9. Press the accelerometer pedal 2–5 times, then turn off the engine. Wait for it to cool down and repeat the draining process.
  10. Install the expansion tank in its place. Place a cover on this engine and radiator block. Using sealed adhesive, lubricate the hole until the unit lid is closed.
  11. Carefully remove the bypass plug.
  12. Take a new fluid, pour it into the radiator, then into the expansion tank. The pouring process should be carried out slowly. This is done so that air does not get into the place where we pour. This means that the air must have time to leave the place so that an air lock does not form.
  13. When refrigerant escapes from this bypass plug, tighten it quickly.
  14. Remove the radiator cap, then start the engine to run on Idling(revolutions of 3000 rpm for 10 seconds). Then reduce the number of revolutions, close the radiator with a stopper.
  15. Then repeat these steps several times. Observe the motor to avoid overheating.
  16. Turn off the engine and wait for cooling down to about 40-50 degrees. You can help a fan in this matter.
  17. Check the amount of liquid in the expansion tank, top up, if necessary, up to the throat.
  18. Add fluid to the expansion tank at the MAX mark.
  19. Switch on the engine. Climb under the vehicle, inspect the entire system for leaks.

If they did appear, then they are easy to find, just for this, the liquid is painted in different colors.


The coolant plays an important role. Reliability and the possibility of operation of the entire Almera machine depends on it. That is why it is worth choosing a high-quality and original coolant. This is the Nissan L250. It prevents corrosion inside the cooling system, boil-off, leakage of the substance. Remember that replacing antifreeze on a Nissan Almera Classic car is a simple, but regular action that you will have to do in order for your car to live.

Based on the recommendations of the Nissan Almera manufacturer, the antifreeze should be replaced every 60,000 km. If the car owner rarely uses the car and drives a little, it is advisable to change the coolant every 3 years. After that, replacement can be done less frequently - after 90,000 km. It is forbidden to use antifreeze after the expiration of the mentioned period, because the coolant loses its properties and is not able to fully protect the motor from overheating.

Which antifreeze is better, and how much to pour into Nissan Almera?

When choosing antifreeze for Nissan Almera, you should focus on the recommendations of the manufacturer. All information is available in the instructions for the car. The main requirement is that the antifreeze is of high quality and made on the basis of ethylene glycol.

The manufacturer recommends Nissan L250 for the next replacement of antifreeze. This composition provides optimal heat removal from the engine and has a relatively long service life. It contains additives that protect against corrosion, prevent coolant leakage and boil-off.

Alternatively, the following formulations can be used:

  • For cars produced in the period from 1995 to 1997, green antifreeze G11 of the following brands can be poured into Nissan Almeria - EVOX Extra, Genantin Super, Havoline AFC, AWM, G-Energy NF.
  • If the car was manufactured between 1998 and 2002, it is recommended to fill in coolant of class G12. Suitable types are G-Energy, MOTUL Ultra, Castrol SF, Lukoil Ultra.
  • In cars that left the assembly line after 2003 and were produced before 2006, it is advisable to pour red antifreeze of the G12 + class. Options - MOTUL Ultra, G-Energy, Lukoil Ultra.
  • If Nissan Almera is produced after 2012, its cooling system requires red G12 ++ antifreeze - Freecor DSC, Castrol Radicool Si, FEBI, VAG.

When replacing antifreeze, you need to stock up on 6.7 liters of coolant (full capacity of the system).

Replacement process

To carry out the work, prepare a set of tools. To drain the antifreeze, you will need 7 liters of distilled water, wrenches (it is better to take a set), a container for draining the spent coolant, as well as a new antifreeze (7 liters). Also put on gloves on your hands, prepare an adhesive sealant and a clean rag.

Draining antifreeze

The first stage of replacing antifreeze on Nissan Almera cars is draining the old fluid:

  1. Remove the motor protection.
  2. Discard the lower tube that is connected to the radiator, then remove the cover.
  3. Unscrew the plugs installed in the drain holes of the cylinder block.
  4. Dismantle the coolant reservoir.
  5. Look at the condition of the drained antifreeze. Pay attention to the presence of various contaminants such as traces of corrosion, rust, and others. Pay attention to the color. If the fluid turns brown, or even black, flush the system.

Flushing the cooling system

The next step is cleaning. Take the following steps:

  1. Fill the radiator with water until it flows out of the bypass plug. Then tighten the plug.
  2. Fill the radiator and reservoir with distillate and tighten the radiator cap.
  3. Start the engine and warm it up to optimum operating temperature.
  4. Press the accelerator pedal 2-3 times, without excessive force.
  5. Stop the engine and wait for it to cool down.
  6. Drain off excess liquid.

Pouring new antifreeze

Now the antifreeze is being replaced directly. To fill the system with new antifreeze, do the following:

  1. Replace the tank and tighten the plugs that were on the drain holes of the Nissan Almera engine block and radiator.
  2. Apply sealant to the threaded part of the drain plug of the engine. Use only quality products.
  3. Unscrew the bypass plug.
  4. Pour the required amount of antifreeze into the tank and radiator until the required level is reached. Take your time to allow air to escape from the system.
  5. Tighten the plug when coolant comes out of it.

Start the Nissan Almera engine and wait until it warms up to normal temperature. First remove the cap from the radiator to allow air to escape from the system. If after starting the engine, antifreeze spills out of the neck, replace the cover. Add revs to 3000 and hold this level for 10 seconds. Then, return the engine to idle. Close the radiator cap and repeat this procedure several times. All the time after starting the engine, observe the temperature gauge to avoid overheating.

In fact, the replacement of antifreeze is complete. Follow a few more steps:

  • Stop the engine and let it cool down to 45-50 degrees Celsius. To speed up the process, use a fan for cooling.
  • Top up coolant if required. Antifreeze must reach the beginning of the radiator neck and up to the MAX mark on the reservoir.
  • Inspect the cooling system - there should be no leaks. Check after starting the engine.
  • Warm up the motor, set the temperature regulator to different positions, and listen for the sounds of flowing antifreeze. If noise is heard, then there are still air locks in the system. Let the engine run with the radiator cap open.
  • Wipe off the remnants of antifreeze from the motor with a rag.

Above, the main questions for the car owner are considered - how to drain the antifreeze, what to do to flush the engine, and by what algorithm to fill the system with a new coolant. If you follow the instructions, you can do the work yourself and avoid visiting the service station.

Video: Replacing antifreeze on Nissan Almera Classic

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Nissan Tiida. Main bearing knocking crankshaft engine

Cause of malfunction Remedy
Usually a dull, metallic knock. It is detected when the throttle valves are suddenly opened at idle speed. Its frequency increases with increasing crankshaft speed. Excessive axial clearance of the crankshaft causes a harsher knock at irregular intervals, especially noticeable with a smooth increase and decrease in the crankshaft speed
Insufficient oil pressure See the fault "Insufficient oil pressure in a warm engine"
Loose flywheel mounting bolts Tighten the bolts to the recommended torque
Increased clearance between journals and main bearing shells Grind the necks and replace the earbuds
Cause of malfunction Remedy
Increased clearance in the crankshaft thrust bearing Replace the thrust half rings of the middle main bearing with new ones, check the clearance

The noise produced by the extended clearance main bearing is the loud thud that occurs when the engine is running under load. If all main bearings have increased clearance, then a loud clanking knock is heard. This knock is heard regularly every second revolution of the engine. The noise becomes as loud as possible when the engine runs unevenly or when operating under heavy load. The knock of the main bearings is more dull than the connecting rod bearings. In this case, there may also be a reduced oil pressure.

If the bearing clearance is small, knocking may occur when the oil viscosity is low or there is no oil in the bearing.

Uneven noise usually occurs due to wear on the crankshaft thrust bearings.

An intermittent sharp knock may occur with increased axial play of the crankshaft. Repeated disengagement of the clutch can cause changes in the noise pattern.

Let's take a look at the main causes and remedies for main bearing noise.

Oil pressure below normal. Check oil pressure.

The oil level is too low. Check the oil level, dipstick calibration and sump capacity, and add oil to the required level.

Liquefied or diluted oil. If the oil pressure is below normal, see the article "Low oil pressure".

Loose, worn, or improperly tightened main bearing bolts. Check the tightening torques of the main bearing bolts and the bolts for wear.

Damaged or worn main bearings, or improper installation of main bearings. The main bearings should be inspected for damage, excessive wear, and part number compliance.

The crankshaft journals are damaged or oval. Check the crankshaft journals.

Loose or damaged flywheel bolts or flexible coupling. It is necessary to check the flywheel or elastic coupling and their fastening bolts.


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