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The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains many basic concepts that are often mentioned in various articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Surely many people are familiar with such words as "theft", "large and especially large damage", "preliminary collusion" and so on. All these professional terms are used everywhere in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and sometimes fall into the Civil Code and the Code of Administrative Offenses. In this article, we will take a closer look at the term personal injury.

What is Personal Injury?

According to the definitions given by the legislation of the Russian Federation, bodily injuries are those injuries that have caused harm to the physical health of the victim. At the same time, this concept is extremely broad - bodily injury is recognized as a bruise delivered by accident, as well as a deliberately inflicted severe injury that entailed disability or death.

How is bodily injury identified and recorded?

Remember one important thing - if you want to prove the fact of applying any bodily harm, then be sure to fix them. The presence of an opinion will be mandatory for contacting the police, prosecutor's office and court. In this case, it is only necessary to fix the damage with doctors. It is impossible to independently describe the existing damage and draw up a medical conclusion, even if you are a certified doctor - a third party must conduct the examination.


At the same time, it is not enough to fix the damage itself. You will also need to provide other evidence. For example, filming an attack from surveillance cameras, video recorders, and more. Also, do not hesitate to involve witnesses. To do this, you can always contact the police.

Types of bodily harm

All possible injuries fall into three broad categories: mild, moderate, and severe. Before giving a definition to each, we note an important fact - each bodily injury is unique in its own way, and only a qualified specialist can establish the severity. In this case, even the same damage can be regarded by two doctors in different categories.

  • Light bodily injury. The most common category. Minor bodily injury refers to any minor or short-term damage to health. In practice, light bodily injury can mean bruising, bruising, contusions, and so on. Likewise, minor injuries include more serious injuries that "lasted" no more than seven days (that is, completely or largely healed in less than a week);
  • Medium bodily injury. The broadest category, which essentially includes anything that is neither mild nor severe. This category often includes injuries that either affected the victim, but did not affect his health in general, as well as injuries that affected his health for a long time. In practice, bodily injury is almost any kind of injury: fractures, severe burns, stab and cut wounds that did not affect organs, and much more;
  • Serious bodily injury. Not as extensive as the damage of moderate severity, but at the same time much more varied. Any damage that entails significant damage to the health and psyche of the victim is classified as serious bodily injury. Please note that grievous bodily harm most often leads to a deterioration in the victim's mental state, and therefore, even if the damage was not significant, but affected the victim's mental balance, the damage can be described as severe. In practice, serious damage is considered to be anything that has led to permanent consequences for the victim's health, disability or death: beatings, torture, severe beating, stab, cut or gunshot wounds, and much more.

Personal injury as an aggravating circumstance

Most often, causing any bodily harm is considered not as a separate crime, but as an aggravating circumstance. And sometimes it completely changes the article. Let's look at two examples.

  • Extortion. Standard extortion does not imply harm to the victim's health. And the maximum punishment for him is 4 years and a fine of 80,000 rubles. However, if the extortion caused serious harm to health, then the term of imprisonment can grow up to fifteen years, and the fine - up to one million;
  • Robbery. According to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, robbery is an open theft of property without causing physical harm. At the same time, theft falls under article 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Robbery", during which minor injuries were inflicted on health. However, if during the robbery violence was used, which entailed the infliction of moderate or serious harm, then the corpus delicti will change, and the robbery will "develop" into a robbery.

These two examples clearly show how inflicting even minor harm to health can significantly affect the punishment for a crime.

Bodily injury as a separate article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

The section responsible for causing harm to health occupies a special place in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The sixteenth chapter is completely devoted to it, containing twenty different articles. In addition to these articles, harm to health is often mentioned in other articles. At the same time, when they talk about harm to health, they most often mean three articles: 111, 112 and 115. This is the infliction of serious, medium and light harm to health, respectively. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Light bodily harm

In this article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation under number 115, only minor and minor bodily injuries are considered, which did not entail too serious consequences. This is a very short article with only two parts.

In the first part of Art. 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation considers infliction of light bodily harm without any aggravating circumstances or features. The punishment can be:

  • Fine up to 40,000 rubles;
  • Compulsory work for 480 hours;
  • 1 year of correctional labor;
  • Arrest for 4 months.

In the second part of Art. 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation considers infliction of light bodily harm with various aggravating circumstances. This list includes:

  1. Infliction of light bodily harm for hooligan purposes;
  2. Infliction of light bodily harm for political, religious or other similar reasons;
  3. Inflicting light bodily harm by using any weapon;

The punishment for the second part is much more severe:

  • 1 year of correctional labor;
  • 2 years of restriction of freedom;
  • 2 years of forced labor;
  • 6 months of arrest;
  • Imprisonment for two years.

Infliction of medium bodily harm

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for a separate article responsible for the deliberate infliction of moderate bodily harm. She wears the number 111 and is divided into two parts.

In the first part of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation considers the process of deliberate infliction of bodily harm of moderate severity without any aggravating circumstances. This is a very serious offense and the penalty should be appropriate:

  • 3 years of restriction of freedom;
  • 3 years of forced labor;
  • Arrest for 6 months;
  • 3 years in prison.

The second part of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is much more extensive. She considers the following circumstances:

  • There are two or more victims;
  • The victim is a minor;
  • The damage was caused by a group of people;
  • The harm was caused by hooligan motives;
  • The offender used his official position;
  • When causing harm to health, weapons were used;
  • The harm was caused on the basis of religious, ethnic or other hostility.


In any case, the punishment for the crime provided for in the second part of this article is the same for all points - imprisonment for up to five years.

Infliction of grievous bodily harm

One of the most serious and serious types of crimes associated with causing damage to someone else's health is deliberate infliction of serious bodily harm. For this type of crime, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for a separate article under number 111. It is quite extensive and contains four parts.

The first part of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation deals with the deliberate infliction of grievous bodily harm without any peculiarities or circumstances. The punishment is also only one - imprisonment for up to eight years.

In the second part of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, several circumstances of causing serious bodily harm are considered at once. It:

  • Causing harm in a socially dangerous way;
  • Causing harm by an official;
  • Causing harm by a hired person;
  • Infliction of injuries from hooligan motives;
  • Infliction of bodily harm on racial, religious, political or ethnic grounds;
  • Harm for the purpose of removing and using organs;
  • Inflicting bodily harm with a weapon;
  • Damage to the health of a minor;

The punishment, again, is provided for only one - imprisonment for ten years with its subsequent restriction.

In the third part of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation considers the above-described crimes committed by a group of persons in a preliminary conspiracy. Also, the third part of this article applies if there are several victims. The punishment is imprisonment for up to fifteen years with subsequent restrictions.

The last, fourth part, examines the damage to health resulting in death. If, as a result of the injuries inflicted by the attacker, the victim has died, then the punishment may be imprisonment for fifteen years.

Criminal lawyer. Experience in this area since 2006.

What an article for beating a man is contained in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation? There is no unequivocal answer to this question. It all depends on a number of factors - the severity of the injury, the personality of the victim, the intentions and motives of the perpetrator, etc. This article will help to understand the qualifications of crimes involving the use of physical violence, and, possibly, to avoid an undeserved severe punishment.

Criminal liability for beating a person: general provisions

The Criminal Code contains many provisions that provide for liability for beating a person. The question of which of them to apply is decided individually, depending on the nature of the consequences and circumstances of the crime committed.

The main criterion for qualifying the actions of the perpetrator and, accordingly, determining the amount of punishment is the severity of the harm caused to the victim's health as a result of the beating, which is determined in the course of a forensic medical examination. There are several options:

  1. The bodily injuries caused by the beating did not cause, according to the conclusion of the forensic medical examination, any harm to health.
    In this case, the perpetrator is threatened with prosecution under article 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (beatings), the punishment for which is relatively small and provides for imprisonment only in the presence of aggravating circumstances (hooligan motives, ideological or racial motives, etc.).
    If the beatings were systematic, the perpetrator will be punished under Article 117 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (torture). The sanction here is slightly higher - up to 7 years in prison.
  2. Personal injuries are qualified by an expert as causing slight harm to health.
    Article 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (intentional infliction of minor harm to health), punishment - from a fine to 2 years in prison.
  3. Harm to the victim's health is classified as moderate - Article 112 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (intentional infliction of medium severity of harm to health).
    Article for beating with such consequences, it provides for imprisonment for up to 5 years, but in the absence of aggravating circumstances, alternative measures are possible - a fine, forced labor or arrest.
  4. The most severe punishment entails beating with infliction of grievous bodily harm - Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (deliberate infliction of grievous bodily harm).

It will not work to get off with a fine - the legislator has established a sanction exclusively in the form of imprisonment for up to 15 years (there is no minimum threshold). True, the maximum punishment threatens only if the victim died from the injuries received.

Important: in contrast to murder, a mandatory feature of which is purposeful, that is, intentional deprivation of the life of another person, part 4 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for the infliction of bodily harm, which, against the will of the perpetrator (that is, through negligence), resulted in the death of the victim.

Beating of minors: article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, punishment

There is no separate article for beating minors in the Criminal Code. However, in a number of norms providing for liability for physical violence, the young age of the victim is a qualifying feature (aggravating circumstance) that affects the amount of punishment.

Important: in accordance with Russian legislation, persons under the age of 14 are recognized as minors. Persons between the ages of 14 and 18 are considered minors.

So, depending on the consequences caused, criminal liability for beating of minors falls under the following articles:

  • item "b" of part 2 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (imprisonment up to 10 years);
  • item "in" part 2 of Art. 112 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (imprisonment up to 5 years);
  • item "g" of part 2 of Art. 117 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (imprisonment from 3 to 7 years).

In addition, in accordance with Article 63 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the commission of any crime, including beating, against a minor by parents or other persons called upon to fulfill the duties of raising a child is unambiguously recognized as an aggravating circumstance and, accordingly, is significantly reflected on its size upwards.

Group beatings: article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, punishment

A group crime is always punished more severely than a crime committed alone. Beating is no exception. Almost all of the above articles of the Criminal Code contain as a qualifying sign the infliction of bodily harm by a group of persons:

  • item "a" of part 3 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (up to 12 years in prison);
  • item "g" of part 2 of Art. 112 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (up to 5 years in prison);
  • item "e" of part 2 of Art. 117 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (from 3 to 7 years in prison).

Important: a mandatory sign for prosecution for the listed items and parts of the articles is the presence of a preliminary conspiracy between the perpetrators. In the absence of such, the relevant items are excluded from the scope of the charge.

In this case, the punishment is imposed taking into account the aggravating circumstance provided for in paragraph "c" of part 1 of Article 63 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, for the application of which the very fact of the commission of a crime by two or more persons is sufficient. The same provision applies to liability for species. beatings, articles of the Criminal Code for which they do not contain a group attribute.

The health of every person as an object of legal protection covers the concept of any human system that functions regardless of his physical or mental defects. Crimes against health are unlawful, intentional or negligent acts directly aimed at causing physical or mental harm to the health of others. Additional objects can be the honor and dignity of the person.

Serious Intentional Bodily Injury

In the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, article 111, the infliction of grievous bodily harm qualifies on the following grounds of a crime:
a) a method that is in the nature of special torment;
b) by several persons;
c) for the purpose of intimidation;
d) to order;
e) if it caused the death of the victim.
The death of the victim in causing such damage means that this corpus delicti provides for the occurrence of two consequences. The first is intermediate - when damage is qualified as a form of intent, the second is final - when the death of the victim is qualified as a form of negligence.
Since when a crime is committed, the mental attitude of the culprit towards the death of the victim is imprudent, an attempt on such a crime is excluded.

Intentional bodily injury of moderate severity

Signs of such injuries are: firstly, the absence of consequences and danger to life, that is, those that are characterized by Article 111 of the Criminal Code - bodily harm, and secondly, causing long-term loss of health. That is, to determine the presence of medium bodily injury, the presence of the corresponding percentage of disability or long-term loss of health is sufficient. Long-term loss of health consists in long-term impairment of the functions of any organ or in their constant deterioration (deterioration of visual acuity, hearing, speaking abilities, deterioration of motor functions of the arms, legs, etc.). Rib fractures, fractures, fractures and fissures of tubular bones, moderate concussion of the brain and some other injuries are also characteristic of this type of injury. For inflicting medium bodily harm, Article 112 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation implies a restriction of freedom for up to three years.

Qualifying signs of intentional moderate bodily injury

The qualifying signs of such damage are intimidation of the victim or his relatives or coercion into certain actions. (We are talking about relatives of varying degrees of kinship, and not just about close relatives). The purpose of coercion is the desire to get the victim to carry out certain orders against the will of the latter. If the victim died as a result of intentional bodily injury of medium gravity, the act is classified as a set of crimes.

Intentional grievous bodily harm inflicted in a state of intense mental agitation

This offense is privileged in nature. He has all the signs (except for the consequences) characteristic of a premeditated murder, carried out in a state of great emotional excitement. For such infliction of bodily harm, the article of the Criminal Code of Russia prescribes this to be interpreted only as infliction of grievous bodily harm. Those. the infliction of deliberate slight damage or moderate injury in a state of great mental agitation does not constitute a corpus delicti as opposed to a serious one that entailed the death of the victim. Intense emotional disturbance should be seen as a mitigating circumstance.

Causing intentional grievous bodily harm in excess of the measures necessary for the arrest of a criminal

Criminal prosecution for grievous bodily harm in excess of the measures for the detention of the offender occurs only if the self-defense of the offender clearly did not correspond to the degree of danger of encroachment or the situation in the situation of detention. If the measures necessary for the arrest of the offender are exceeded, when bodily harm has occurred, the article, the term and criminal liability are not established by the current Criminal Code.

Light intentional bodily injury

For causing minor bodily harm, Article 113 of the Criminal Code of Russia provides for liability as for causing two types of minor bodily harm:

1) such that did not entail a short-term loss of health or an insignificant loss of working capacity (part one);

2) such that led to at least one of the indicated consequences (part two).

The first type combines injuries that have minor consequences lasting no more than 6 days (these can be bruises, scratches, etc.).

The second type of the specified damage is damage resulting from:

a) short-term health disorder lasting more than 6 days, but not more than 21 days or three weeks;

b) a slight loss of working capacity, that is, a loss of working capacity up to 10% (a slight deterioration in visual acuity or hearing, etc.).

For the qualification of the act in the second part, one of the indicated consequences is sufficient. For careless light bodily harm, the article of the Criminal Code does not imply criminal liability. If minor injuries are part of the objective side of another crime (hooliganism, rape, etc.), they do not need a separate qualification.

Reckless moderate or serious bodily injury

The article of the Criminal Code of Russia defines bodily harm as signs of injury of moderate severity and serious injuries discussed above. Such damage due to criminal overconfidence should be separated from damage with indirect intent (if the guilty person knowingly admitted the corresponding consequences, not counting on those circumstances that could prevent them), and damage due to criminal negligence should be separated from innocent damage (if the person did not foresaw the corresponding consequences, should not have and (or) could not have foreseen). The article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation defines careless infliction of bodily harm as a gross act in violation of the rules of conduct in everyday life or non-observance of safety rules (prudence) in professional activities by unofficial persons. If such damage (like death) is the result of violation of certain regulations by officials or other special entities, liability is imposed under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code.

A question for a lawyer:

Hello! we had a corporate party at work and my work colleague and I did not agree, she pounced on me and began to beat me, I have multiple himatomas on my head and on my face on sick leave, I cannot leave for work. She doesn't have a scratch. An hour after the incident I wrote a statement against her to the police and took off the beatings. I am worried that there will be no witnesses and no one wants to take out dirty linen in public. Will I be able to prove her guilt and what threatens her for that? She has no criminal record.

Lawyer's answer to the question:
Natalia! After the inspection, the initiation of a criminal case will most likely be denied, since the actions of your offender have corpus delicti under Art. 116 of the Criminal Code - beatings (with a small probability - slight harm to health). This will not hurt to appeal to the magistrate at the scene of the crime with a statement to initiate a private prosecution case. It would be desirable to find witnesses. If not at all, ensure the attendance of at least indirect witnesses - for example, who was told about the incident immediately after the incident. But then it is not a fact that the guilt can be proven. If convicted, the girl will be fined. You will also be able to collect non-pecuniary damage. You can and make up.

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for causing minor bodily harm
Hello. Art. 116 of the Criminal Code - beatings - is induced by a fine of up to 40 thousand, or compulsory or corrective labor. There is also arrest as a punishment, but it can hardly be considered. In general, it is better for you to come to terms with her, let her pay compensation. After all, you still have to work with her.

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm

2. The same act committed:

a) from hooligan motives;

Article 116. Beating

2. The same acts committed:

a) from hooligan motives;

b) for reasons of political, ideological, racial, national or religious hatred or enmity, or for reasons of hatred or enmity in relation to any social group, -


What is the punishment by law for causing minor bodily harm? ...

A question for a lawyer:

What is the punishment by law for causing minor bodily harm?

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
This is Article 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation punishment a fine of up to 40,000 rubles correctional labor up to one year.

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
punishment in the form of a fine, compulsory or corrective labor

What will be the punishment for inflicting light bodily harm on a pregnant girl. There are large scratches on the face and head a ...

A question for a lawyer:

What will be the punishment for inflicting light bodily harm on a pregnant girl. There are large scratches on the face and head, as well as for the threat, she threatened to stab her with a knife in the stomach with an iron forged hanger

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm

Article 115. Intentional infliction of slight harm to health

1. Deliberate infliction of slight harm to health, which caused a short-term health disorder or insignificant permanent loss of general working capacity, -

shall be punishable by a fine in an amount of up to 40 thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three months, or by compulsory works for a term of up to four hundred and eighty hours, or corrective labor for a term of up to one year, or arrest for a term of up to four months.

2. The same act committed:

a) from hooligan motives;

b) for reasons of political, ideological, racial, national or religious hatred or enmity, or for reasons of hatred or enmity against any social group;

c) with the use of weapons or objects used as weapons -

shall be punishable by compulsory labor for a term of up to three hundred and sixty hours, or correctional labor for a term of up to one year, or restraint of liberty for a term of up to two years, or compulsory labor for a term of up to two years, or arrest for a term of up to six months, or imprisonment for a term up to two years.

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
Here, rather, Art. 119 of the Criminal Code should be - the threat of murder or grievous harm. According to Art. 115 of the Criminal Code punishment in the form of a fine, according to 119 of the Criminal Code - and a more serious punishment may be up to imprisonment.

What is the penalty for causing bodily harm? ...

A question for a lawyer:

Good day! I got into trouble. My son (17 years old) has no criminal record, he is not registered anywhere, he inflicted bodily harm on a 16-year-old boy. The victim has a concussion and a fracture of two vertebrae (which I do not know and in what state the victim is now also no information), while he was waving in front of the victim with a pneumatic pistol. After the fight, the victim himself got up and went home. Tell me, please, what will my son face if a competent lawyer works? Thanks.

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
a criminal case against your son will be initiated on the basis of causing bodily harm;

if they qualify according to Article 112 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - harm to health of moderate severity, then reconciliation is possible;

it is necessary to negotiate with the victim's parents - they have the right to declare material claims (treatment costs) and moral damage;

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
Apparently, Art. 112 of the Criminal Code.

If a competent lawyer works, the case will end altogether.

This is provided that the son has no criminal record.

True, it will cost you dearly.

punishment for bodily harm ...

A question for a lawyer:

A 17-year-old boy beat a 20-year-old. Both were drunk. Medical attention was required. Thanks in advance.

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
An additional question.

Vasily, if harm is caused to health, then it is possible to initiate a criminal case under Articles 115,116,112,111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Until the severity of the harm to health is determined, it is impossible to predict the punishment. Wait for the expertise.

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
A 17-year-old young man has already reached the age from which he is subject to criminal prosecution. The corpus delicti will be determined depending on the severity of the harm caused to the victim's health. If just beatings (without the onset of light, moderate or serious harm to health), then this is Art. 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

Article 116. Beating

1. Beating or committing other violent actions that caused physical pain, but did not entail the consequences specified in Article 115 of this Code, -

shall be punishable by a fine in an amount of up to 40 thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three months, or by compulsory works for a term of up to three hundred and sixty hours, or corrective labor for a term of up to six months, or arrest for a term of up to three months.

(as amended by Federal Laws of 08.12.2003 N 162-FZ, of 07.12.2011 N 420-FZ)

2. The same acts committed:

a) from hooligan motives;

b) for reasons of political, ideological, racial, national or religious hatred or enmity, or for reasons of hatred or enmity in relation to any social group, -

shall be punishable by compulsory labor for a term of up to three hundred and sixty hours, or correctional labor for a term of up to one year, or restraint of liberty for a term of up to two years, or compulsory labor for a term of up to two years, or arrest for a term of up to six months, or imprisonment for a term up to two years.

Being in a state of alcoholic intoxication does not justify the actions of the perpetrator and does not exempt from criminal liability. Make peace with the injured party, make up for the harm, IN REASONABLE LIMITS !!!

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
Hello Olga!

It all depends on the degree of harm to health, which is established by a forensic medical examination. The punishment for minors is milder than for adults. In addition, in criminal cases of private prosecution, it is possible to terminate the criminal case. Contact a lawyer if a criminal case is initiated.

responsibility for minor injuries ...

A question for a lawyer:

Hello, my son was beaten at school by a classmate. They are 13 years old. What can threaten the beaten? Minor injuries (bruises and bruises, but I don’t want it to continue further. I don’t want to punish him for the first time, but I want to threaten him in the future.

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
I agree with the first answer, formally there are signs of corpus delicti under Art. 116 or Art. 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, but due to not reaching the age of criminal prosecution, a criminal case will not be initiated. In this situation, it is possible to register with the personal income tax, and it is also possible to file a civil claim in court against the parents of the perpetrator for compensation for material damage and moral compensation.

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
Constantine, I believe, can be limited to an educational conversation with the involvement of the parents of the offender.

Sincerely, General Director of the Legal Center "Zeus", Stepanov Vadim Igorevich.

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
What can threaten the beaten?

Qualifications (most likely) should be according to Part 1 of Article 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, but he is not subject to criminal liability due to his age. They will hold a professional conversation with him and his parents, possibly register with the KDN.

No criminal record, but was registered for a fight, causing minor bodily harm ...

A question for a lawyer:

No criminal record, but was registered for a fight, causing minor bodily harm

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
Hello. Yes, they will. And they will take it under the contract if you want.

What will be the punishment for inflicting light bodily harm? ...

A question for a lawyer:

Good morning. What will be the punishment for inflicting light bodily harm? thanks for the answer

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
Article 115. Intentional infliction of slight harm to health

1. Deliberate infliction of slight harm to health, which caused a short-term health disorder or insignificant permanent loss of general working capacity, -

(as amended by Federal Law of 08.12.2003 N 162-FZ)

(see text in previous edition)

shall be punishable by a fine in an amount of up to 40 thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three months, or by compulsory works for a term of up to four hundred and eighty hours, or corrective labor for a term of up to one year, or arrest for a term of up to four months.

What punishment will a neighbor incur for inflicting light bodily? ...

A question for a lawyer:

What punishment will a neighbor incur for inflicting light bodily?

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses

Article 9.1. Intentional infliction of bodily harm

Intentional infliction of bodily injury, which did not entail a short-term health disorder or insignificant persistent disability, -

shall entail the imposition of a fine in the amount of ten to thirty basic units or administrative arrest.

Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus

Article 153. Intentional infliction of light bodily injury

Intentional infliction of minor bodily injury, that is, injury that entailed a short-term health disorder or insignificant permanent disability, -

is punished with community service, or a fine, or correctional labor for a term of up to one year, or arrest for a term of up to three months.

What threatens a minor (11 years old) for deliberate infliction of light bodily harm, traces of which have not been found ...

A question for a lawyer:

What threatens a minor (11 years old) for deliberate infliction of light bodily harm, traces of which have not been found, to a minor (11 years old)

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
Hello! Registration

What is the punishment for causing minor bodily harm (eyebrow cut) ...

A question for a lawyer:

What is the punishment for causing minor bodily harm (eyebrow cut)

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
1. Deliberate infliction of slight harm to health, which caused a short-term health disorder or insignificant permanent loss of general working capacity, -

shall be punishable by a fine in an amount of up to 40 thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three months, or by compulsory works for a term of up to four hundred and eighty hours, or corrective labor for a term of up to one year, or arrest for a term of up to four months.

1. Beating or committing other violent actions that caused physical pain, but did not entail the consequences specified in Article 115 of this Code, -

shall be punishable by a fine in an amount of up to 40 thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three months, or by compulsory works for a term of up to three hundred and sixty hours, or corrective labor for a term of up to six months, or arrest for a term of up to three months.

what punishment can a school technician receive for causing minor bodily harm ...

A question for a lawyer:

The attendants at the school (the technician) inflicted minor bodily harm on my daughter a week ago, thought that the headmaster would correctly assess the situation and put all the points with the least loss for all parties, but he did not, defended the obper., Stating that I bring up my child poorly and at the same time spoke in a raised voice, I want to somehow influence the situation.

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
If you go to court and establish the guilt of the defendant, then the guilty person in accordance with Art. 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, will be held liable by a court verdict !!!

For how long is a driver's license deprived for driving while intoxicated and causing minor bodily harm as a result of an accident to another person ...

A question for a lawyer:

There were two courts: 1. They were deprived of the license for drunk driving for 1 year and 10 months in April 2010; 2 the court in August 2010 was deprived of the license for 1 year and 6 months. Are these punishments summed up, or is more being swallowed up by less? Thanks.

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
Summed up - part 3 of Art. 32.7. Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

What is the punishment for causing grievous bodily harm in an accident without being guilty of it? ...

A question for a lawyer:

The car in front of me braked sharply and I drove into the oncoming lane. there was a collision with an oncoming car, the driver of which was seriously injured. I ask you to clarify what the maximum punishment I am facing.

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
Hello Svetlana!

You have violated at least clause 10.1 of the SDA:

"If a traffic hazard arises that the driver is able to detect, he must take possible measures to reduce the speed until the vehicle stops."

Please note - do not turn the steering wheel when flying into the oncoming lane, but take possible measures to reduce the speed up to a stop.

If the victim is found to have serious harm to health, a criminal case will be initiated against you under Part 1 of Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

Violation by a person driving a car, tram or other mechanical vehicle, rules road traffic or the operation of transport vehicles, which, by negligence, has entailed the infliction of grievous harm to human health, -

shall be punishable by restraint of liberty for a term of up to three years, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to two years, with or without deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a term of up to three years, or by arrest for a term of up to six months, or by imprisonment for a term of up to two years with imprisonment the right to drive a vehicle for up to three years or without.

The criminal case under Part 1 of Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation can be terminated due to the reconciliation of the parties (Article 25 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation) if you have reconciled with the victim and made amends for the harm caused to him

what is the penalty for causing minor bodily harm? ...

A question for a lawyer:

A neighbor scratched the head and tore the T-shirt of my child (12 years old) accusing him of something he did not do (there are witnesses) Traces of her actions are recorded in the trauma. the police said that most likely nothing will happen to her! 3 weeks have passed, no one has been interviewed ...

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
You should take the order from the police to refuse to initiate a criminal case, and go to court for private prosecution.

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
Will! And how.

Of course, light bodily harm and battery are private crimes.

That is, the parents, on behalf of the minor, go to court and prosecute the culprit.

But I advise you to apply to the prosecutor's office and ask the prosecutor on behalf of the state to initiate a criminal case, since the victim is a minor.

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - Article 115. Intentional infliction of minor harm to health

1. Deliberate infliction of slight harm to health, which caused a short-term health disorder or insignificant permanent loss of general working capacity, -

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of up to forty thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three months, or by compulsory works for a term of one hundred and eighty to two hundred and forty hours, or by corrective labor for a term of up to one year, or by arrest for a term of up to four months.

Article 116. Beating

1. Beating or committing other violent actions that caused physical pain, but did not entail the consequences specified in Article 115 of this Code, -

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of up to forty thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three months, or by compulsory labor for a term of one hundred and twenty to one hundred and eighty hours, or corrective labor for a term of up to six months, or arrest for a term of up to three months.

Be sure to contact your district attorney.

What is the punishment for inflicting light bodily harm and insulting a person with obscene language ...

A question for a lawyer:

What is the punishment for inflicting light bodily harm and insulting a person with obscene language?

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
RF Criminal Code

Article 116. Beating

1. Beating or committing other violent actions that caused physical pain, but did not entail the consequences specified in Article 115 of this Code, -

(as amended by Federal Law of 08.12.2003 N 162-FZ)

shall be punishable by a fine in an amount of up to 40 thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three months, or by compulsory works for a term of up to three hundred and sixty hours, or corrective labor for a term of up to six months, or arrest for a term of up to three months.

What happens for inflicting light bodily harm and subsequently the scars on the face were refused to initiate a criminal case ...

A question for a lawyer:

What happens for causing minor bodily harm and subsequently the scars on the face refused to initiate a criminal case

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
If scars remain, we can talk about indelible disfigurement of the face, and this is already serious harm to health. Appeal against the refusal to initiate a criminal case to the prosecutor's office, court. If we are talking only about causing minor harm to health, then the application must be addressed to the magistrate.

What is the penalty for causing minor bodily harm with a bat? ...

A question for a lawyer:

What is the penalty for light injury with a bat?

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
Article 115. Intentional infliction of slight harm to health

1. Deliberate infliction of slight harm to health, which caused a short-term health disorder or insignificant permanent loss of general working capacity, -

(as amended by Federal Law of 08.12.2003 N 162-FZ)

shall be punishable by a fine in an amount of up to 40 thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three months, or by compulsory works for a term of up to four hundred and eighty hours, or corrective labor for a term of up to one year, or arrest for a term of up to four months.

(as amended by Federal Laws of 08.12.2003 N 162-FZ, of 07.03.2011 N 26-FZ, of 07.12.2011 N 420-FZ)

2. The same act committed:

a) from hooligan motives;

b) for reasons of political, ideological, racial, national or religious hatred or enmity, or for reasons of hatred or enmity in relation to any social group, -

shall be punishable by compulsory labor for a term of up to three hundred and sixty hours, or correctional labor for a term of up to one year, or restraint of liberty for a term of up to two years, or compulsory labor for a term of up to two years, or arrest for a term of up to six months, or imprisonment for a term up to two years.

(as amended by Federal Law of 07.12.2011 N 420-FZ)

(Part two as amended by Federal Law of 24.07.2007 N 211-FZ)

Hello! what could be the father for causing minor injuries to his daughter (13 years old) she is in the hospital ...

A question for a lawyer:

Hello! what could be the father for causing minor bodily harm to his daughter (13 years old), she is in the hospital and criminal proceedings have been instituted against him ??? thanks

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
Article 126 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine

1. Deliberately striking, beating or committing other violent actions that caused physical pain and did not entail bodily harm, -

shall be punishable by a fine up to fifty tax-free minimum incomes, or community service for a term of up to two hundred hours, or correctional labor for a term of up to one year.

What is the punishment for inflicting light bodily harm, for insulting a person with obscene language. The beatings ...

A question for a lawyer:

What is the punishment for inflicting light bodily harm, for insulting a person with obscene language? The beatings were recorded, the statement was written.

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
Article 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Article 5.61 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

Apply with a statement to the magistrate.

How will it be convicted of causing minor bodily harm? What is the possible amount of non-pecuniary damage? ...

A question for a lawyer:

Hello. My husband's ex-wife attacked me with fists, obscene insults, and threats of murder in a crowded place. Her accusations are aimed at the fact that I stole her husband (they are divorced, no children). The meeting happened by chance. I immediately wrote a statement to the police, went to the emergency room (bruises and abrasions on my legs, swollen ear and non-turning neck). What are the actions of justice in this case? Will there be an article and what kind? Is it possible to claim compensation for moral damage? If so, how much?

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
Hello Irina.

In the case you described, bodily injury will most likely qualify as beatings (Art. 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The police will refuse to open a criminal case and you will be advised to apply to the court with an application to initiate a private prosecution. This is indeed the case. You should apply to the magistrate at the scene of the crime with a statement to initiate a private prosecution. The sanctions under this article are up to 40,000 fines. The fine is in favor of the state. You can also ask to recover the moral harm caused to you, tk. You have suffered physical suffering. How much to ask for is up to you, there are no methods for calculating moral damage. You can ask for 50-100 thousand rubles, but the amount of compensation for moral damage will not be very large, you should not flatter yourself on this score.


lawyer Nikolaev D.K.

What is the punishment for causing minor bodily harm without witnesses? ...

A question for a lawyer:

What is the penalty for causing minor bodily harm without witnesses?

Lawyer's answer to the question: punishment for light bodily harm
It doesn't matter, with or without witnesses. It is important that the fact of deliberate infliction of minor harm to health (Article 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) or Beating (Article 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) was established by the court. Depending on the article, there will be a punishment. If this fact is not established, then there will be no punishment.

Article 115. Intentional infliction of slight harm to health

1. Deliberate infliction of slight harm to health, which caused a short-term health disorder or insignificant permanent loss of general working capacity, -

shall be punishable by a fine in an amount of up to 40 thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three months, or by compulsory works for a term of up to four hundred and eighty hours, or corrective labor for a term of up to one year, or arrest for a term of up to four months.

2. The same act committed:

a) from hooligan motives;

b) for reasons of political, ideological, racial, national or religious hatred or enmity, or for reasons of hatred or enmity in relation to any social group, -

shall be punishable by compulsory labor for a term of up to three hundred and sixty hours, or correctional labor for a term of up to one year, or restraint of liberty for a term of up to two years, or compulsory labor for a term of up to two years, or arrest for a term of up to six months, or imprisonment for a term up to two years.

Article 116. Beating

1. Beating or committing other violent actions that caused physical pain, but did not entail the consequences specified in Article 115 of this Code, -

shall be punishable by a fine in an amount of up to 40 thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three months, or by compulsory works for a term of up to three hundred and sixty hours, or corrective labor for a term of up to six months, or arrest for a term of up to three months.

2. The same acts committed:

a) from hooligan motives;

b) for reasons of political, ideological, racial, national or religious hatred or enmity, or for reasons of hatred or enmity in relation to any social group, -

shall be punishable by compulsory labor for a term of up to three hundred and sixty hours, or correctional labor for a term of up to one year, or restraint of liberty for a term of up to two years, or compulsory labor for a term of up to two years, or arrest for a term of up to six months, or imprisonment for a term up to two years.

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Many types of illegal actions falling under the jurisdiction of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are associated with violence, which entails a threat to human health. Such actions are socially dangerous, since they carry an element of encroachment on the most basic value of any person, which constitutes his well-being. But the health of any person is not only its value, but also the public domain. Therefore, society, represented by the state, protecting the rights of citizens and its property, establishes responsibility for causing bodily harm of a slight form of severity. The punishment for such acts is regulated by article of the criminal code No. 115. Every citizen should know their rights, and the procedure for taking minor bodily harm, in order to bring the perpetrator to justice.

What is considered minor injury

The answer to the question of what consequences of an offense can be considered as infliction of light bodily harm is clearly given by Article 115 of the Criminal Code of Russia. According to it, mild damage is characterized by:

  1. short-term health disorder;
  2. persistent slight disability for up to 21 days.

At the same time, beatings or violent actions with infliction of pain, if they did not lead to a disorder of health and disability, do not fall under this article. For them, another article 116 is highlighted in the code. To qualify the case as inflicting bodily harm of light severity, the following may take place:

  1. limb fractures with the imposition of plaster or ribs;
  2. concussion;
  3. wounds requiring sutures;
  4. fractures of the nose or bones of the face;
  5. malfunction of internal organs due to criminal exposure to chemicals;
  6. disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular or nervous system as a result of psychological influence.

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In addition, only intentional bodily harm falls under criminal liability. If such a fact took place through negligence, this can become the subject of proceedings only within the framework of the civil code.

Punishment for inflicting minor injuries

In order to be able to apply the measures provided for by the criminal code to the perpetrator, the corpus delicti must be proven, that is, a combination of objective and subjective signs characterizing the offense. It must be proven that the health disorders that have arisen were the result of the criminal actions of the accused.

Objective and subjective signs of the committed act

The signs of an objective property include the very fact of bodily injury or temporary disability, the proof of which can only be a medical examination of the victim.

Subjective factors reflect the identity of the attacker and the circumstances of the offense. These include:

  1. motives of the crime;
  2. the relationship between the victim and the accused, prior to the moment of their conflict;
  3. the goals that the suspect wanted to achieve by committing criminal acts;
  4. subjective assessment by the accused of the illegal acts committed by him;
  5. psychological characteristics of the accused.

On the basis of these signs, the court makes a decision on the public danger of the acts committed, and the choice of a preventive measure for the guilty party.

What is the responsibility under article 115 of the Criminal Code

If the intentional infliction of minor harm is committed without aggravating circumstances, the perpetrator faces the following retribution:

  1. fine up to 40,000 rubles. (three months income of the offender);
  2. compulsory or corrective labor for 480 hours, or one year, respectively;
  3. arrest for 4 months.

If there are circumstances aggravating the guilt, a person convicted under this article may receive:

  1. 460 hours of compulsory or a year of correctional labor;
  2. restriction or imprisonment for two years, or forced labor for the same period;
  3. arrest for 6 months.

The following circumstances are considered aggravating:

  1. hooligan motives;
  2. any kind of hatred and enmity for racial, political and other reasons;
  3. the use of weapons in the commission of a crime.

What to do if you are slightly injured

Whether it is possible to qualify the inflicted bodily injury as light is decided only on the basis of a medical certificate, which is issued only in a referral from law enforcement... The procedure in such a situation should be as follows:

  1. calling a police patrol to the scene or contacting the local police station;
  2. filing a complaint about an offense and getting a referral to a medical examination;
  3. passing a medical examination;
  4. waiting for a subpoena to the court, where the case will be considered.

It should be borne in mind that the guilty party in causing minor injuries may file a counterclaim, which often happened in judicial practice. Therefore, it is best to contact an experienced lawyer for legally competent support of the case in court. Indeed, in cases related to this offense, a free state lawyer is not provided.

In addition, the participation of an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer in the case will help to claim material compensation for the moral suffering of the victim from the guilty person. The lawyer will tell you what amount you can really claim for compensation for moral damage, because the court most often completely never satisfies the requests of the injured party.

The victim has the right to suspend the proceedings upon the reconciliation of the parties, but only until the court is removed to the deliberation room.

The punishment of those responsible for such a crime is a rather complicated process, in which the court always seeks not to protect the interests of the injured party, but to establish the truth. Therefore, the victim must assess the available evidence in advance.

about the author

Gromov Alexander Vladimirovich

In 2000 he graduated from the Law Faculty of the Higher School of Economics. Has been working in the legal field for 16 years, specializing in resolving housing disputes, property transactions, family matters, inheritance, land disputes, criminal cases.


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