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A miscarriage is always a trauma for a woman, especially if it occurred over a fairly long period of time. However, it will be extremely important to try to maintain composure in order to carefully monitor your health and not miss the development of complications. What you need to know about possible problems after a miscarriage to minimize them?

First of all, we recall that spontaneous abortion occurs in the early stages - up to 12 weeks and later - from 12 to 22 weeks. The reasons for miscarriage at these times are also different. Early miscarriages most often occur due to the non-viability of the embryo - their causes are genetic in nature. Termination of pregnancy at a later date often occurs due to isthmic-cervical insufficiency - weakness of the cervix, which is unable to hold the fetus inside the uterus. Another reason is the presence of a Rh conflict between the blood of the mother and the fetus. We will talk about the consequences of a miscarriage due to this reason a little later.

Consequences of a miscarriage

What consequences of a miscarriage a woman can expect depends on several factors:

  • At what time did the abortion occur;
  • Was there a curettage of the uterine cavity;
  • Did the woman comply with the restrictions set by the doctor;
  • Has she received any treatment prescribed by her doctor?

The most dangerous consequences after a miscarriage are inflammatory processes that can develop in the uterus. Even if curettage has been carried out, there is a danger that not all particles of the ovum have been removed. In this case, another scraping will be required. The uterus after a miscarriage gradually shrinks and returns to its normal state - this is the restoration of the body. However, heavy bleeding within a few days after a miscarriage should alert the woman - an immediate visit to the doctor is required.

When can a new pregnancy occur after a miscarriage? This question worries all women without exception. The main thing to remember is that a miscarriage is the beginning of a new menstrual cycle. That is, in theory, there is a chance to become pregnant immediately after the termination of pregnancy. But in no case should this be allowed, since even a short gestation period is a huge hormonal surge for the body, and it takes time for the hormones to return to normal. A new pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage increases the risk of recurrent miscarriage.

What are the chances of failing again? If the miscarriage was the first, then it is extremely unlikely that the situation will happen again. Spontaneous termination of pregnancy also occurs in the healthiest women, who subsequently give birth to children without problems. However, it is necessary to be examined before a new pregnancy, which many women neglect. But in this case, both problems with conception and new miscarriages are possible - and this will already be a significant problem.

If the interruption occurred at a later date, then the cervix after a miscarriage may remain in a relaxed state. This is not a contraindication to re-pregnancy, but doctors must be aware of such a problem. In this case, they will be able to prevent the threat of miscarriage in time by installing an obstetric unloading pessary or suturing the cervix.

The consequences of a miscarriage due to an Rh conflict (when the mother is Rh negative and the fetus is Rh positive) are also very serious. The fact is that the lowest risk of Rhesus conflict exists only during the first pregnancy. During a miscarriage, the blood of the mother and the fetus mixes, therefore, with a second pregnancy with an Rh-positive fetus, antibodies in the mother will begin to be produced faster. This is also not a reason for despair - a successful pregnancy is quite possible, but it will take place under the strict supervision of doctors.

So, planning after a miscarriage of a new pregnancy should be deliberate and balanced. If the miscarriage occurred due to genital infections, both partners must undergo treatment.

Recovery after a miscarriage

A woman should monitor her well-being, as well as the amount and color of vaginal discharge. Normally, the discharge after a miscarriage lasts from 4 to 10 days, they vary in intensity. It is very important that an ultrasound diagnosis be made in a timely manner to determine if there are any particles of the fetal egg left in the uterus. If the discharge after a miscarriage is too abundant, bright, and the woman feels weak and unwell, she needs to see a doctor as soon as possible to exclude uterine bleeding. This is a life threatening condition.

To achieve full recovery after a miscarriage, it is extremely important to follow the doctor's recommendations: to refuse sexual intimacy (usually for one month), and to protect yourself for at least 3 months. Many doctors believe that the recovery period takes about 6 months.

In addition, in the first month you should not overheat, including going to the sauna, bath, taking a hot bath. It is forbidden to lift weights and play sports. These recommendations must be followed, otherwise the consequences may be unpredictable. 4.7 out of 5 (24 votes)

Every woman dreams of having children. This instinct is inherent in nature. But life doesn't always work out the way you want. Many representatives of the weaker sex have to deal with pathologies such as missed pregnancy or miscarriage. After such a disappointing diagnosis, it seems that the whole world has collapsed. But don't give up. Today's article will tell you what to do after a miscarriage and how to restore your strength with health. It is worth recalling that the data below should not encourage you to self-medicate or refuse medical help. If you are faced with a similar problem, then without doctors you will not be able to cope with it.

General concept of miscarriage

Spontaneous is called a miscarriage. In this case, the fetal membranes can come out (often this happens in the early stages) or remain partially in it. Such an event can occur at any time. If an abortion occurs in the first 12 weeks, then they talk about an early miscarriage. The situation is more complicated with the development of a similar condition in the second trimester. After 25 weeks, we are already talking about preterm birth, since at this time the embryo can be viable (if the right conditions are organized).

Is cleaning necessary after a miscarriage?

If this happened, then there is nothing to fix. There is no need to withdraw into oneself and refuse medical help. The consequences of such renunciation can be very dangerous. It is not uncommon for women to need cleansing after a miscarriage. How to find out about such a need?

Consult a gynecologist and visit the ultrasound diagnostic room. During the study, the physician will determine the condition of the uterus and its inner lining. If the remains of the fetal egg (even the smallest ones) are visible in it, then you will definitely be prescribed curettage. It is impossible to delay in such a situation, since lost time is fraught with unpleasant consequences and even sepsis. When no remnants of the membranes are found in the reproductive organ, you can safely proceed to the next steps.

Curettage after a miscarriage is performed more often if the interruption occurred after 6-7 weeks. Manipulation is carried out exclusively within the walls of a medical institution using intravenous anesthesia. It lasts no more than 10-15 minutes. After that, the patient remains under the supervision of doctors for several hours and, if she feels well, can go home. A miscarriage in the second trimester involves hospitalization of a woman for several days for medical supervision.

What medicines will be needed first?

If the termination of pregnancy has passed spontaneously with the complete removal of the fetal egg, then no medications are prescribed after that (with the exception of some situations). When curettage was carried out after a miscarriage, the gynecologist prescribes the appropriate medications. Among them, the most popular are the following:

  • Antibiotics (preference is given to penicillins and macrolides, less often other groups are prescribed). Bacteriostatic and bactericidal drugs are prescribed to prevent infection. Often such consequences arise from cleaning. You need to take antibiotics for 3-10 days in accordance with the doctor's recommendation.
  • Uterine remedies (more often use "Oxytocin" or medicines based on it). These drugs increase the contractility of the myometrium. Due to this, the mucous layer is quickly rejected, preventing extensive bleeding and accelerating the recovery process.
  • Immunomodulators ("Isoprinosine", "Derinat"). These drugs increase the body's resistance, they are also designed to eliminate viral infections obtained during or after curettage.

Any medication after a miscarriage should be prescribed by a doctor. Self-administration of drugs can be fraught with unpleasant consequences. Don't listen to old friends. Trust only your gynecologist.

Recovery period for the reproductive organ

The uterus recovers quickly after a miscarriage. Even if spontaneous abortion occurred over a long period, the reproductive organ returns to its usual size within a few days. If this does not happen, then, again, the patient is prescribed appropriate contractile medications.

Sex after a miscarriage should be completely excluded before the arrival of the first natural menstruation. Despite this warning, many couples rush to have another sexual encounter. The consequence of this may be infection, inflammation, bleeding and other troubles. It is categorically contraindicated for the patient to have sexual intercourse without a condom! Even if you are used to other methods of contraception, now they need to be replaced with barrier ones. The fact is that condoms protect well from genital infections. And your women's health is especially vulnerable right now.

First menstruation after miscarriage

What does the first period after a miscarriage look like? Many patients confuse discharge after cleansing with the first menstruation. In fact, this is not entirely correct. In fact, the doctor cleared the cavity of the genital organ from the endometrium. It turns out that the doctor did in a few minutes what usually lasts 3-7 days. From this moment, you can start a new cycle. But postoperative discharge should not be confused with menstruation. The next bleeding occurs normally after 3-5 weeks. It is preferable to use gaskets with it. Tampons can cause a bacterial infection.

The first menstruation can be scanty or, on the contrary, abundant. This happens due to hormonal changes. An important role in this matter is played by the period at which the miscarriage occurred. If the cessation of embryo development occurred before 8 weeks, then the woman's body has not yet had time to fully tune in to pregnancy. The recovery of the cycle will happen quickly and with minimal consequences. When a miscarriage occurs after 12 weeks, the placenta is already functioning with might and main. Here everything is more complicated. The woman's body needs more time to restore normal functioning. There are cases when hormonal diseases (mastopathy, endometriosis, ovarian tumors) became the result of a late miscarriage.

Determine cause and treat

Is it possible to establish the cause of such an outcome of events after a miscarriage? Is it possible to find out why the abortion happened? After all, understanding the problem is already half the way to solving it.

It is possible to establish the cause of a miscarriage reliably only after curettage. The materials obtained during the manipulation are sent for histological diagnostics. Its result helps to determine why such a situation arose. But even this is not always enough. The patient must be tested. Depending on the state of health and obstetric history, the doctor prescribes appropriate studies: a blood test, the definition of genital infections, the establishment of genetic abnormalities. Be sure to visit such specialists as a urologist, cardiologist, therapist, endocrinologist. These doctors may find pathologies in their area that contributed to the miscarriage. A comprehensive examination will allow you to prescribe the most correct treatment.

Organize your meals

Many women complain of pain after a miscarriage. If gynecological pathology is excluded, then the matter may be in digestion. Often the described condition causes stress, which, in turn, leads to constipation, increased flatulence. That is why it is so important in the first months after a miscarriage to establish proper nutrition. It will promote normal metabolism and good digestion.

Fill your diet with foods rich in protein and fiber. Eat lean meats and fish. Be sure to eat greens, vegetables and fruits. Drink plenty of water. After gynecological curettage, the likelihood of thrombosis increases. To prevent this from happening - thin the blood in a natural way: drinking water. Avoid any alcoholic drinks. They are actually contraindicated for you, since there is a restorative drug therapy.

If constipation persists even after changing the diet, then it is necessary to eliminate it with the help of medications. Poor bowel movement contributes to stagnation of blood in the cavity of the reproductive organ. This is fraught with its consequences, for example, inflammation. What drugs to use to soften the stool - the doctor will tell you. Usually safe Guttalax, Duphalac for long-term use or Glycerol, Microlax medications are prescribed for quick action, but single use.

Psychological side

After the patient often withdraw into themselves. If spontaneous abortion occurred in the second trimester, then the situation is even worse. Women get depressed. There are cases when patients after this decided to take their own lives. It's not easy to stay like this. This can be very dangerous. We need to talk about this issue. Such topics are rarely discussed with a partner. Therefore, the most correct solution would be to contact a psychologist.

During the consultation, the specialist will listen to your complaints and concerns. It is this doctor who will help you cope with negative emotions after a miscarriage. After a few sessions, you will already feel much better. If necessary, your doctor will prescribe sedatives and antidepressants for you. Only the right approach to the problem will help to solve it once and for all.

When can I plan my next pregnancy?

Absolutely all women for whom pregnancy was desired ask themselves: is it possible to plan a new one immediately after a miscarriage? Any doctor will tell you not to do this. Even if the interruption occurred for a short time and did not have negative consequences, your body needs time to restore strength and hormonal levels. You also need to find out what exactly caused such a tragic outcome. Otherwise, the situation may repeat itself.

If everything is fine with the woman’s health, and the cause of the miscarriage is not in the presence of pathologies (the interruption occurred due to taking some medication or injury, a nervous breakdown), then doctors allow planning in 3-6 months. In this case, the menstrual cycle should be restored completely.

When the cause of the problem is found, treatment is prescribed. It can be short or long. Planning for a subsequent pregnancy is postponed indefinitely. Remember that patients are often prescribed antibiotics. After a miscarriage, you can start planning only for the next cycle, counting from the completion of antibiotic therapy. But practically you can conceive a new life already in the same cycle. Therefore, the entire designated time period must be carefully protected.

What reminder can be given to a woman who finds herself in a similar situation? What to do after a miscarriage? Doctors give the following step-by-step instructions.

  1. Go for an ultrasound and find out if there are remnants of the fetal membranes in the uterus. With the result, go to the gynecologist.
  2. If the doctor prescribes curettage, then be sure to go through this manipulation. Otherwise, complications await you.
  3. Strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendation: take medications, follow the regimen, adjust the diet.
  4. Find out the cause of the miscarriage with your doctor, after which the doctor will develop a treatment plan for you. Follow it, do not plan a new pregnancy at this time.
  5. If there are mental anguish, depression and stress - consult a psychologist, do not withdraw into yourself.
  6. Proceed to new planning when the specialist allows. At the same time, try not to remember the negative moments, set yourself up for the positive.


From the article, you were able to find out a step-by-step recovery plan after a spontaneous abortion. If a miscarriage occurs in the early stages, it is often not possible to establish its cause. Be sure to take care of your health. If vaginal discharge after a miscarriage becomes a strange color and bad smell, then, probably, there was an accession of an infection. Don't think that everything will go away on its own. The sooner you see a doctor, the less negative consequences will be for you. Gynecologists categorically do not recommend trying to solve the problem on their own. Do not take any drugs on the advice of girlfriends. This can only exacerbate the current situation. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Pregnancy after a miscarriage with and without cleaning

When can you get pregnant after an early miscarriage, can conception occur immediately after this tragedy, and how will the pregnancy proceed in this case? Is it likely that it will end just as badly? When can you get pregnant after a miscarriage in the most comfortable and safe way, with a high probability of success in delivering a healthy baby at term?

Physiologically, conception can occur as early as 2 weeks after a miscarriage if a woman ovulates. However, it is not at all a fact that it will not end almost immediately. Same as the previous one. The likelihood of such an outcome is especially high if pregnancy after a miscarriage without cleaning occurred against the background of endometritis, an inflammatory process of the uterine mucosa. This can occur as a result of infectious microorganisms entering the uterus from the vagina. Moreover, these microorganisms can penetrate further - into the fallopian tubes. Then adhesions form in them, and even more terrible than a miscarriage can happen - an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without surgery. And after an ectopic pregnancy, the fallopian tube, if it is not removed by surgeons, will most likely become impassable - there will be a high risk of a recurrence of the situation.

So, women who did not plan pregnancy and were not examined for sexually transmitted infections should first be tested and treated if necessary, and then become pregnant. Some doctors call the period when you can get pregnant after cleaning a miscarriage - 6 months. But for many women, this period of time is too long. Usually 2-3 months is enough if there are no health problems. And at this time, it is usually recommended to take oral contraceptives, on the abolition of which you can get pregnant much faster.

If endometritis is suspected, the woman is advised to undergo an endometrial biopsy. This is when, with or without local anesthesia, a woman takes an analysis from the uterus with something like a thin syringe. The process is uncomfortable but bearable. And much less traumatic than curettage of the uterus.

By the way, pregnancy after scraping a miscarriage may not occur for a very long time if the cleaning was carried out too carefully, synechia formed in the uterus, due to which the fertilized egg cannot attach for development. If this pathology is suspected, and its symptoms are delayed menstruation and very scanty bleeding, hysteroscopy and removal of synechia under optical control are performed. After that, pregnancy quickly occurs, provided that the partners do not have other health problems.

Is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage without cleaning right away, if everything is in order with health? Doctors still recommend skipping at least one cycle. But this is optional. With spontaneous abortion in the first days of delay, many women do not even suspect that they do not have regular periods. And the cause of such early miscarriages is most often genetic damage that occurred during the fertilization of the egg by the sperm. The older the woman, the more often such “breakdowns” will occur. Meanwhile, it is impossible to avoid them. Therefore, waiting for some time before the onset of the next pregnancy does not make sense. It won't improve your chances of success. On the other hand, it makes sense as a prophylaxis to start taking folic acid at a dosage higher than usual (400 mcg per day) - up to 5 mg per day, on the recommendation of a doctor.

You can also get pregnant after a late miscarriage quickly. But in this case, it is just recommended to wait and be examined properly. Check for problems with blood clotting and pathologies of the cervix - isthmic-cervical insufficiency, the most common causes of late miscarriages. Spontaneous termination of pregnancy in the second trimester, when the child is already quite large, is a huge stress for a woman. In this case, there is no need to rush.

Gynecologists advise waiting at least 4-6 months before getting pregnant after a miscarriage again. In addition, spouses in such a situation are advised to weigh the pros and cons again. It often happens that a man, after a miscarriage that happened to his wife, is categorically against new attempts to have a baby, especially if the spontaneous abortion has been repeated more than once. He does not want the woman he loves to have to once again go through the pain and suffering that accompanies previous unsuccessful attempts, not to mention the fact that the loss of a child is a serious psychological blow for a couple.

In any case, the body will need time to recover, and so that pregnancy after a miscarriage does not occur immediately, it is worth deciding for yourself the issue of protection. Talk to your doctor about which method is best for you. As a rule, doctors advocate barrier contraception and spermicides, but sometimes it may be appropriate to take hormonal drugs, which, in addition to the contraceptive effect, can eliminate endocrine problems.

Planning for pregnancy after a miscarriage

So that the next pregnancy does not turn into a tragedy, both spouses must undergo a full examination before re-conceiving. As a rule, it includes:

  • A woman's blood test for hormones, and urine for ketosteroids. In particular, the gynecologist is interested in the concentration of male sex hormones in the blood of the expectant mother. However, the problem can also be suspected by external signs: with an increased content, excessive hair growth of the legs and arms, the presence of antennae above the upper lip and dark hair in the lower abdomen are observed;
  • Analysis of the work of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands of a woman. An important step in planning pregnancy after a miscarriage is the elimination of dysfunction of the organs of the endocrine system;
  • Examination of a couple for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages. The study allows you to identify anomalies in the structure of the female genital organs, see growing neoplasms, and also assess the state of the endometrium.

Home " Problems " What month did you get pregnant after a spontaneous miscarriage. Is pregnancy possible after a miscarriage and preparation for it

A miscarriage, or as it is also called, a spontaneous abortion, is not such a rare phenomenon. The saddest thing is that no one is immune from this. According to statistics, every fifth pregnant woman faces a similar problem and, most often, in the earliest stages up to 6 weeks of gestation. However, the very concept of "miscarriage" is applicable if the termination of pregnancy for no apparent reason occurred for up to 22 weeks.

Each future mom experiences such an event in different ways: someone has not yet found out about their situation (and will not find out), mistaking a miscarriage for heavy menstruation, and someone is faced with severe stress and depression for a long period. The loss of a couple is especially hard for them, who got this pregnancy with great difficulty, a lot of efforts were made, which, as it turned out, were in vain. Or those women who carried a piece of themselves under their hearts for several months, at one moment lose it and all dreams, plans for the future fly into hell.

Most women, on a subconscious level, are trying to correct the situation, to get pregnant again as soon as possible, so that it becomes “as it should be”, “as it should be”. Indeed, after such events, it is very difficult to enter a new stage in your life, to come to terms with what cannot be changed, and you really want to return to the way it was before. But is it worth rushing things? Maybe better to do some work on the bugs?

Pregnancy after a miscarriage: is it real?

Any woman who has experienced this in her life will definitely ask herself the question: “Is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage?”. Moreover, gynecologists are bombarded with these and similar questions at the first appointment. In the vast majority of cases, the answer will be: "Yes, you can." Agree, it sounds very comforting and encouraging, it seems like you can try to get pregnant again! However, do not rush things, let's see why.

Most gynecologists are unanimous in their recommendations and advise to postpone new attempts to have a baby for six months, or even more. And it's not just that. If we consider the female body from the point of view of physiology, then, theoretically, it is ready for a new pregnancy immediately, since the day of rejection of the fetal egg and its exit from the uterine cavity can be considered the first day of menstruation. A new cycle starts, in the middle of which the fertile phase begins - the moment when a new conception is possible. And if the egg meets male gametes, it will happen, and a new life will begin to develop. Here it is worth stopping in more detail.

There is a big risk that a new pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage will go according to the previous scenario, i.e. It will end sadly, and there are many reasons for this. That is why doctors recommend taking time out and sorting out yourself and your body. If the cause of the previous miscarriage has not been eliminated, then it is likely that it will also play a role in terminating another pregnancy. And if the chances of becoming a mother in a woman with a history of one miscarriage are almost one hundred percent, then with each unsuccessful attempt they mercilessly tend to zero. There is even a concept in medicine “habitual miscarriage”, when the body accepts such a situation as the norm and refuses to bear the fetus. By the way, after 2-3 unsuccessful attempts, the chances of becoming a mother are no more than 50%.

Causes of spontaneous abortion

It does not happen that a miscarriage happened “just like that”, there is an explanation for everything, and often such a tragedy is preceded by a series of events. We have examined in most detail possible reasons miscarriage in this article, but in short, the list is something like this:

  • Natural selection

No matter how cruel it may sound, but no one has canceled it, "survival of the fittest." Mistakes and failures happen everywhere, even at conception. And if such a mistake nevertheless happened, then its result will be a non-viable organism with a mass of serious pathologies and mutations. These mutations are the cause of miscarriage, i.e. in fact, nature took care of everything itself;

  • Infections and viruses.

That is why pregnant women and those who are at the planning stage should protect themselves from infectious and viral pathogens. These include sexually transmitted infections (venereal diseases). Pathogenic flora penetrates through the fetal membranes, leading to fatal consequences;

  • Hormonal disbalance

In a woman's body, the level of hormones responsible for the successful course of pregnancy falls, causing spontaneous abortion;

Chronic diseases and congenital anomaliesfemale genital organs adversely affect the course of pregnancy;

Mechanical injuryas a result of a fall, accident, etc.

There are many disputes about active physical exertion, flights or emotional outbursts (whether positive or negative). Most experts believe that these factors cannot directly affect the course of pregnancy if the woman is absolutely healthy, since they are not strong enough.

Surely you have seen how pregnant bodybuilders with a smile on their face pull heavy barbells until childbirth, and avid travelers spend their entire pregnancy traveling around countries. And give birth to healthy children. This is another reason why you need to pay due attention to your health.

Principles of planning a new pregnancy

So we smoothly approached the main idea: "pregnancy after a miscarriage should be conscious, and future parents should be fully prepared." That is why doctors advise to wait: you need to heal your mental wounds (and they are sometimes much more serious than physical ones), find out the reason for such a sad outcome and reduce all possible risks to a minimum.

It is a thorough examination after an unsuccessful attempt to become parents that allows you to identify the reasons for this outcome, work on mistakes and prevent new shocks. The female body recovers very quickly and is already "back in the ranks" in a few weeks. Recovery after a miscarriage at 4-5 months of pregnancy lasts a little longer: it takes more time for the stretched uterus to return to its size, the hormonal background to even out, and all the processes of preparing for the appearance of the baby are reversed. However, it is morally that a woman recovers much longer, it is necessary to accept what happened, let go and, overcoming fears, again try to find her happiness.

It is extremely important not to postpone the examination indefinitely, because the sooner you start, the easier and faster the cause is stopped if it has arisen recently. At the same time, the need for a complete examination arises not only for a woman, but also for her partner. Having passed the necessary, after consulting specialists, you can collect a whole picture and judge the causes of miscarriage. However, most of these causes are treatable, and the chances of becoming parents are very good.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the existing chronic diseases. It seems that you can’t get away from them and you can’t cure them, that’s why they are chronic. However, you should not give up either. Therapy aimed at stopping the acute form of the disease and leading to the stage of deep remission (this is when the disease does not manifest itself in any way) allows you to successfully bear the baby without any risks.

What examination is carried out after a miscarriage

In addition to standard general urine and blood tests, ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs in women is mandatory. This is necessary to assess the condition and operation of the entire reproductive system. If, after a spontaneous abortion, cleaning was not performed, then decaying particles may remain in the cavity, which can lead to serious consequences.

Among the mandatory studies, consultations of specialists (genetics, surgeon, ENT, dentist, etc.) after receiving the results of the tests may be prescribed. The table below discusses diagnostic methods in identifying the causes of miscarriage.

Study title What is it for?
Spermogram The seminal material of a man is studied in order to study its quality, the possible presence of pathologies or hidden inflammatory processes
Colposcopy Assessment of the condition of the vagina and cervix, detection of neoplasms and inflammatory processes
Blood test to determine the blood group, Rh factor, the presence of antibodies Exclusion of the possibility of Rh-conflict and the presence of antibodies in the blood of a Rh-negative mother
TORCH-complex The presence of antibodies to toxoplasma, rubella, cytomegalovirus infection and herpes
Research on infection, incl. hidden Detection of infections by taking a smear and PCR diagnostics
Research of a hormonal background Identification of increased or decreased levels of a particular hormone and subsequent correction
Blood coagulogram Blood clotting factor test
Determination of lupus anticoagulant, antibodies to chorionic gonadotropin, antibodies to phospholipids. Detection of antibodies - factors of early miscarriage
Determination of basal temperature Charting a basal temperature chart to determine the timing of ovulation and evaluate common work female reproductive system

Perhaps, on an individual basis, additional studies may be prescribed. In any case, after receiving the results, it is necessary to consult the attending physician and prescribe therapy.

What is the likelihood of getting pregnant again after treatment?

Having passed a comprehensive examination, having identified and eradicated the cause of the previous spontaneous abortion, you can with full confidence take up a new attempt to conceive a child. At the same time, a favorable outcome of pregnancy has very good chances. Foreseeing everything in advance is a non-existent human superpower, there is no one hundred percent guarantee that everything will be the way you want. But to make every effort for this and fight for your happiness is definitely worth it.

Modern medicine is so strong that it allows you to "troubleshoot" even at the genetic or immune level, children's resuscitation and modern perinatal centers nurse babies born even at 23 weeks weighing 500 g, today there are so many opportunities that it is simply unacceptable to give up in family planning.

Unfortunately, there are situations in which even medicine is powerless, these include, for example, congenital pathologies of the female genital organs in women and men. But the percentage of such pathologies is negligible, and in other cases, after appropriate treatment, many successfully become parents, and more than once. According to modern statistics, appropriate adjustment and therapy after an unsuccessful pregnancy outcome allows more than 80% of cases to successfully conceive and bear a healthy child.

Of course, you need to say “thank you” not only to well-chosen therapy. Very, very much depends on the attitude and responsibility of future parents. After all, from the school bench everyone was lectured about the detrimental risk factors that affect our health and reproductive function: alcohol, smoking, drugs. Of course, if you are planning to get pregnant, this is out of the question, and if you have an addiction, then it must be eliminated even before. Healthy food, full-fledged comfortable sleep and a minimum of stress can have an amazing effect on not only general well-being. When the body has enough of all vital resources, it starts up at full capacity, becomes more productive in every sense. This must be remembered.

Summing up

So what can we take away from this material:

1. It is POSSIBLE to get pregnant after a miscarriage! And almost immediately;

2. It is not worth rushing with the next pregnancy until the causes of spontaneous abortion are identified (although many cases of successful completion of subsequent pregnancies after a miscarriage are known);

3. A comprehensive examination and treatment can not only eliminate the problem of miscarriage, but also greatly increase the chances of a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby;

4. A new attempt to become parents should be deliberate and carefully weighed. Time must pass for the pain and fears to leave you, and the desire to start all over again became stronger and stronger.

These simple tips- the key to success and the fulfillment of your cherished desire. Remember that a lot depends on yourself, on your mood, desires and outlook on life. Looking at things positively, not being afraid of the new and firmly striving for your dream, you can achieve the almost impossible, at first glance! And as a reward for the desire and desire - a healthy and smiling baby, your baby! Good luck and healthy kids!


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