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REDUCE TO A COMMON DENOMINator. REDUCE TO A COMMON DENOMINator. Book. Eliminate differences, equalize.

  • - Bring ● To court - send death, as a predestination of fate: glory to Boris Vyacheslavlich brought to court, and on Kanin green papoloma for offending Olgov, brave and young prince. 15-16...

    A word about Igor's regiment - a dictionary-reference

  • - one of the methods for calculating gross income from the sale of goods at selling prices ...

    Big accounting dictionary

  • - when preparing for the general meeting, the shareholder must take the following actions: 1. Obtain a copy of the register of shareholders. 2. Get acquainted with the agenda of the general meeting of shareholders. 3...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

  • - is based on the measurement in m-lakh of the ratio of the total amount of lead to the amount of content. U and Th. The method was used before the publication of Nir's work (1939-1940, active materials, non-radiogenic isotope with a mass of 204 ...

    Geological Encyclopedia

  • - see Bring...

    Marine vocabulary

  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - to one common goal, to agree, to equalize; allusion to an arithmetic problem Cf. Raznochinets ... what is this? Not a nobleman ... From a taxable state. Only now everything is reduced to one denominator ... "as in tasks" ...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - Bring to one denominator - to one common goal, agree, equalize - a hint of an arithmetic problem. Wed Raznochinets ... what is this? Not a nobleman ... From a taxable state ...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - REDUCE TO A COMMON DENOMINator. REDUCE TO A COMMON DENOMINator. Book. Eliminate differences, equalize...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - REDUCE TO ONE DENOMINator. LEAD TO ONE DENOMINATOR. Book. Same as Reduce to a common denominator. All had the same meaning. Everything seemed reduced to the same denominator, the Parisian one...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - whom, what. Book. or Pub. 1. Destroy the differences between someone, smth., equalize someone, smth. in some relation., put someone, smth. in the same position. 2...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 9 leveled, depersonalized, cut off one size fits all, brought under one ranking, adjusted to one color scheme, led to one denominator ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 9 leveled, depersonalized, cut one size fits all, brought under one ranking, adjusted to one color scheme, led to a common denominator ...

    Synonym dictionary

"Reduce to a Common Denominator" in books


From the book of Chekhov author Gromov Mikhail Petrovich

SERVING THE "COMMON GOOD" Chekhov was a man of bright social temperament, active and economic, skillfully allocating time and effort. "Fellow writers", both conservative and liberal, spoke to him in different languages. Literary people, debaters and polemists,

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Lead to confusion

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I. By layout and general arrangement

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Refer to shared experience

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The hard way to the common good

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Reduction of fractions and reduction to one denominator.

From the book How people gradually got to real arithmetic [with a table] author Belyustin Vsevolod Konstantinovich

Reduction of fractions and reduction to one denominator. The ability to reduce fractions goes back quite far and is swept away by mathematicians who lived before R. X. The simplest way was the one that is practiced by us, that is, dividing the numerator and denominator by one -


From the book Man with a ruble author Khodorkovsky Mikhail

THORNS TO A COMMON DENOMINator The struggle against privileges was going on in the country with enormous difficulties. But what about the country, if in MENATEP they did not immediately come to a common denominator. The psychology of yesterday's nomenklatura no-no, and yes, it gave relapses. The heads of departments have a salary, if

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From private to general

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From the royal cause to the common ...

From the book Literaturnaya Gazeta 6447 (No. 4 2014) author Literary Newspaper

From the royal cause to the common ... The five-episode historical film "The Romanovs. The Tsar's affair" (producer and scriptwriter E. Chavchavadze, director G. Ogurnaya) at first glance examines the history of Russia from the point of view of the nobility, whose role in the formation of the state

Nothing prevents you from seeing more than your own point of view.
V. Kabrut

I can say about someone that he is a scoundrel or mediocrity. Talk to him. And this is natural, because I have accumulated a lot of anger towards people. I do not want to meet them halfway, try to understand, show sympathy. Yes, I agree that by doing this I do not bring people closer to me, but only push them away. But basically, I don't care.
It's all about me. The only obstacle to contact is myself.
I blame myself for not giving him what he expects from me, not giving him pleasure, not filling his desires.
Let's say he loves to listen and read about high, spiritual things. He strives to feel this spirituality in himself and wants the high to be expressed in the appropriate high style. He's all ablaze with anticipatory pleasure!
And suddenly I come and speak about such an important subject to him in extremely low, ugly words. I'm deprecating the topic. This is completely against his expectations. And it makes you suffer! Suffer from the fact that I do not express myself in the way he would like to see, hear. Not the way it appears to him. He can't stand it and criticizes me... He doesn't want to suffer, pushes away suffering... No! Get someone else to tell me what I want to hear!
Why are we not ready to understand and accept another? Is it really better to consider only your worldview as true, and yourself, if not perfect, then still a special person?
If I could find something in common between me and another, on which we both would agree, then how much we would advance in understanding each other, we would contact each other ...
We would find that despite all the differences between us, there is still room for unity. Moreover, unification is impossible without the existence of disagreements.
Because it is only out of mutual misunderstanding that the opportunity to yield is born. Without mutual concessions, there is no connection.
In the meantime, my opinion, as it were, draws a line: everything, I think so! But there is also a general opinion. This thing is special. By absorbing information from others, we develop each other and come to a common denominator. Each of us is enriched from all the others.
As a result, while remaining ourselves, we acquire knowledge of others, add sensations and representations of them to ourselves. And then the individual strength of each increases at times ...
And then it’s already a stone’s throw to admiration for each other ...
By linking together, we will discover a new reality. Let's expand the boundaries of the body, and our common desires will show the way there, to a new world, a huge magnificent one. He will open for us, open us. He will take it to himself, and we will continue to live in it.
And so, trying together to tighten the knot of communication between us, we merge into one cell and another, and another ... Seven billion knots create a network on which the whole world rests!
I understood all this when I decided to accept the other as he is ... I threw out my own assessments, judgments ...
Opened up my heart... Let it do whatever it wants. The main thing is not to be afraid, the heart is not a brain, it does not know how to make mistakes.
I just crossed a certain threshold, beyond which my cruel nature remained, which created my character in me, gave me the appropriate upbringing.
Broke my stone heart with love...
We are at a crossroads. We need to come to a new way of thinking. To the idea that everything in the world is interconnected and interdependent. That love should rule the world...
In fact, since such thoughts are increasingly manifested in people, it means that we are already experiencing such a transition, we are already in it.
By acting on love, we will create a universal human, inclusive of all and included in all. This is the only thing we can do...
And we will be happy.

I originally wanted to include the common denominator methods in the "Adding and Subtracting Fractions" paragraph. But there was so much information, and its importance is so great (after all, not only numerical fractions have common denominators), that it is better to study this issue separately.

So let's say we have two fractions with different denominators. And we want to make sure that the denominators become the same. The main property of a fraction comes to the rescue, which, let me remind you, sounds like this:

A fraction does not change if its numerator and denominator are multiplied by the same non-zero number.

Thus, if you choose the factors correctly, the denominators of the fractions will be equal - this process is called reduction to a common denominator. And the desired numbers, "leveling" the denominators, are called additional factors.

Why do you need to bring fractions to a common denominator? Here are just a few reasons:

  1. Addition and subtraction of fractions with different denominators. There is no other way to perform this operation;
  2. Fraction comparison. Sometimes reduction to a common denominator greatly simplifies this task;
  3. Solving problems on shares and percentages. Percentages are, in fact, ordinary expressions that contain fractions.

There are many ways to find numbers that make the denominators equal when multiplied. We will consider only three of them - in order of increasing complexity and, in a sense, efficiency.

Multiplication "criss-cross"

The simplest and most reliable way, which is guaranteed to equalize the denominators. We will act "ahead": we multiply the first fraction by the denominator of the second fraction, and the second by the denominator of the first. As a result, the denominators of both fractions will become equal to the product of the original denominators. Take a look:

As additional factors, consider the denominators of neighboring fractions. We get:

Yes, it's that simple. If you are just starting to learn fractions, it is better to work with this method - this way you will insure yourself against many mistakes and are guaranteed to get the result.

The only drawback of this method is that you have to count a lot, because the denominators are multiplied "ahead", and as a result, very large numbers can be obtained. That's the price of reliability.

Common divisor method

This technique helps to greatly reduce the calculations, but, unfortunately, it is rarely used. The method is as follows:

  1. Look at the denominators before you go "thru" (i.e., "criss-cross"). Perhaps one of them (the one that is larger) is divisible by the other.
  2. The number resulting from such a division will be an additional factor for a fraction with a smaller denominator.
  3. At the same time, a fraction with a large denominator does not need to be multiplied by anything at all - this is the savings. At the same time, the probability of error is sharply reduced.

Task. Find expression values:

Note that 84: 21 = 4; 72:12 = 6. Since in both cases one denominator is divisible by the other without a remainder, we use the method of common factors. We have:

Note that the second fraction was not multiplied by anything at all. In fact, we have cut the amount of calculations in half!

By the way, I took the fractions in this example for a reason. If you're interested, try counting them using the criss-cross method. After the reduction, the answers will be the same, but there will be much more work.

This is the strength of the method of common divisors, but, again, it can only be applied when one of the denominators is divided by the other without a remainder. Which happens quite rarely.

Least common multiple method

When we reduce fractions to a common denominator, we are essentially trying to find a number that is divisible by each of the denominators. Then we bring the denominators of both fractions to this number.

There are a lot of such numbers, and the smallest of them will not necessarily equal the direct product of the denominators of the original fractions, as is assumed in the "cross-wise" method.

For example, for denominators 8 and 12, the number 24 is quite suitable, since 24: 8 = 3; 24:12 = 2. This number is much less than the product 8 12 = 96 .

The smallest number that is divisible by each of the denominators is called their least common multiple (LCM).

Notation: The least common multiple of a and b is denoted by LCM(a ; b ) . For example, LCM(16; 24) = 48 ; LCM(8; 12) = 24 .

If you manage to find such a number, the total amount of calculations will be minimal. Look at the examples:

Task. Find expression values:

Note that 234 = 117 2; 351 = 117 3 . Factors 2 and 3 are coprime (have no common divisors except 1), and factor 117 is common. Therefore LCM(234; 351) = 117 2 3 = 702.

Similarly, 15 = 5 3; 20 = 5 4 . Factors 3 and 4 are relatively prime, and factor 5 is common. Therefore LCM(15; 20) = 5 3 4 = 60.

Now let's bring the fractions to common denominators:

Note how useful the factorization of the original denominators turned out to be:

  1. Having found the same factors, we immediately reached the least common multiple, which, generally speaking, is a non-trivial problem;
  2. From the resulting expansion, you can find out which factors are “missing” for each of the fractions. For example, 234 3 \u003d 702, therefore, for the first fraction, the additional factor is 3.

To appreciate how much of a win the least common multiple method gives, try calculating the same examples using the criss-cross method. Of course, without a calculator. I think after that comments will be redundant.

Do not think that such complex fractions will not be in real examples. They meet all the time, and the above tasks are not the limit!

The only problem is how to find this NOC. Sometimes everything is found in a few seconds, literally “by eye”, but in general this is a complex computational problem that requires separate consideration. Here we will not touch on this.

LEAD TO ONE DENOMINATOR. Book. Same as . All [paintings and sculptures] had the same meaning. Everything seemed reduced to the same denominator, the Parisian(V. Stasov. From the Berlin exhibition).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "Reduce to the same denominator" is in other dictionaries:

    Reduce to one denominator- Bring to one denominator (inosk.) to one common goal, agree, equalize (bring under the same conditions) a hint of an arithmetic problem. Wed Raznochinets ... what is this? Not a nobleman ... From a taxable state. Only now everything is to one ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    bring to the same denominator- (inosk.) to one common goal, agree, equalize (bring under the same conditions); allusion to an arithmetic problem Cf. Raznochinets ... what is this? Not a nobleman ... From a taxable state. Only now everything is reduced to the same denominator ... as in tasks ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    bring to the same denominator- Bring / to one (to a common) denominator Equalize, make similar in what l. regards... Dictionary of many expressions

    REDUCE TO ONE DENOMINator. LEAD TO ONE DENOMINATOR. Book. Same as Reduce to a common denominator. All [paintings and sculptures] had the same meaning. Everything seemed reduced to the same denominator, the Parisian one (V. ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    LEAD- BRING, I'll bring, I'll bring, prosh. temp. brought, led; brought, brought, sovr. (to lead). 1. whom what. Leading, delivering somewhere, helping to get somewhere. Bring the kids home. “The Cossack who brought me went to report about me.” ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    lead- I lead /, you lead; led, led /, lo /; led / led; reduced; den, den /, o /; bringing/; St. see also lead, lead, lead, drive 1) ... Dictionary of many expressions

    lead- lead, lead; past led, led, lo; incl. past brought; incl. suffering past brought, den, den, den; dep. bringing; owl., transl. (non-sov. lead). 1. Deliver somewhere, leading (pointing the way, helping to go), force, encourage to come ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

    lead- lead, lead; led, led, lo; brought; reduced; den, den, oh; bringing; St. 1. whom. Leading, delivering, helping to get somewhere. P. baby home. P. cow to the vet. I came by myself and brought my friends with me. P. a girl in a house, in a family (marry, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Bring / bring to a common (one, common) denominator- whom, what. Book. or Pub. 1. To destroy the differences between who l., than l., to equalize who l., what l. in what l. relation., put someone l., that l. in the same position. 2. New Discipline team members, equalize their rights. FSRY,… … Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    denominator- Bring to one denominator (book) trans. make a number of objects similar, coinciding in what n. regards... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

REDUCE TO A COMMON DENOMINator. Book. Eliminate differences, equalize.

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "Reduce to a common denominator" is in other dictionaries:

    bring to the same denominator- Bring / to one (to a common) denominator Equalize, make similar in what l. regards... Dictionary of many expressions

    REDUCE TO A COMMON DENOMINator. REDUCE TO A COMMON DENOMINator. Book. Eliminate differences, equalize ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    Bring / bring to a common (one, common) denominator- whom, what. Book. or Pub. 1. To destroy the differences between who l., than l., to equalize who l., what l. in what l. relation., put someone l., that l. in the same position. 2. New Discipline team members, equalize their rights. FSRY,… … Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    lead- lead, lead; led, led, lo; brought; reduced; den, den, oh; bringing; St. 1. whom. Leading, delivering, helping to get somewhere. P. baby home. P. cow to the vet. I came by myself and brought my friends with me. P. a girl in a house, in a family (marry, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    REDUCE TO ONE DENOMINator. LEAD TO ONE DENOMINATOR. Book. Same as Reduce to a common denominator. All [paintings and sculptures] had the same meaning. Everything seemed reduced to the same denominator, the Parisian one (V. ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    Fraction (mathematics)- This term has other meanings, see Fraction. 8 / 13 numerator numerator denominator denominator Two entries of one fraction A fraction in mathematics is a number consisting of one or more parts ... ... Wikipedia

    Fraction- If some integer a is divisible by another integer b, i.e., a number x is searched for that satisfies the condition bx = a, then two cases may arise: either in the series of integers there is a number x that satisfies this condition, or turns out to be…… Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    level out- bring under one ranking, equalize, equalize, bring to one denominator, cut under one comb, adjust to one color, level, bring to one denominator, depersonalize, bring to a common denominator, cut to one ... ... Synonym dictionary


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