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Auzu billahi minashshaitanir rajiim

Bismillahir Rahman Irrahim

Allah, laa illaaha illa hu al hayyul qayyum
laaa ta'huzuhu sinatu-wa-laa naum
Lahu maa fi-s samawati wa maa fil ard
man zalllazii yashfa`u, `indahu illya bi-life.

Ya'lamu maa bayna aidihim wa maa halfahum

wa laa yauduhu hifzuhuma, wa hual ‘aliyul ‘azym.


Allah - there is no deity but Him, living, existing; neither drowsiness nor sleep overtakes Him; To Him belongs all that is in heaven and on earth. Who will intercede before Him, except with His permission? He knows what was before them and what will be after them, but they do not comprehend anything from His knowledge, except what He wills. His throne embraces the heavens and the earth, and His guarding them does not burden Him; verily, He is the Most High, the Great.

The Benefits of Reading Ayat Al Kursi

  • Ayat al Kursi is one of the greatest verses in the Qur'an.
  • The one who constantly reads Ayat al-Kursi will be protected from the harm of jinn (Satan).
  • Ayatul-Kursi is equal to a quarter of the Holy Quran.
  • The person who reads Ayatul-Kursi constantly after each fard prayer (mandatory prayer) is separated from Paradise only by death.
  • The one who reads this verse after each obligatory prayer will be protected from all troubles and problems until the next prayer is performed.
  • If you read Ayatul-Kursi while blowing on food or drink, this gives a blessing.
  • If you read Ayatul-Kursi when returning to the house, then the shaitan will run away from there.
  • The children, house, wealth, property and even the houses of the neighbors of the reader of this verse will be under the protection of the Almighty.
  • A thief will not even come close to reading Ayatul-Kursi.
  • If you read Ayatul-Kursi along with the last verse of Surah Al-Baqara, then the dua (prayer) will not go unanswered.
  • The jinn will not be able to open the dishes over which the great verse was read.
  • Two angels will protect until the morning the one who reads this verse before going to bed.
  • If you read the ayah and blow on any of your things, then the shaitan will not be able to come even close.
  • The one who read Ayatul-Kursi before leaving the house will be under the protection of Almighty Allah until his return.
  • Whoever reads the beginning of Surah Gafir and Ayatul-Kursi in the morning will be safe until evening, and if he reads in the evening, he will be safe until morning.
  • If you read and blow on a sick person, then Allah will ease his condition.
  • If you read Ayatul-Kursi and blow in the room where the sick are, then Almighty Allah will ease their suffering.
  • For safety and blessings, you can read Ayatul-Kursi every day 33 or 99 times
  • It is useful to read this verse for the expulsion of evil jinn.
  • If you are worried about nightmares, then you can read 3 times before going to bed
  • Who on Fridays, being in solitude, reads Ayat al-Kursi 70 times after Asr prayer (he is the third in a row), he will begin to see the inner spiritual light, and his every dua made at that moment will be accepted.
  • Ayatul-Kursi can also be read before communicating with a stern boss.
  • For blessing and peace of mind, it is advisable to read suras No. 109, 110, 112, 113, 114 after it before going to bed.
  • One of the caliphs Ali (r.g.) said: “I cannot understand those Muslims who do not read Ayatul-Kursi before going to bed. If you only knew how great this verse is, you would never neglect reading this verse, because it was given to the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) from the treasures of Al-Arsh. Ayatul-Kursi was not sent down to any of the prophets before the Prophet Muhammad. And I never go to bed without first reading Ayatul-Kursi ".​

How to read Ayat al Kursi

Play the video and listen to the recitation of the Quran. Repeat after him in the text below. So it is easier to learn to read this verse correctly.

Auzu billahi minashshaitanir rajiim. Bismillahir Rahman Irrakhim.

Allahu, laaa illaaha illa hu al hayyul Kayuuum, laaa ta`huzuhu sinatu-wa-laa nauum.

Lahu maa fi-s samawati wa maa fil ard, mann zalllazii yashfa`u, `indahuu illya bi-life.

I'm lamu maa bayna aidihim wa maa halfahum, wa laaa yuhiituna bi-shayim-min `ilmikhii illa bi maa shaaa.

Wasi'a kursiyuhu ssamawati ual ard, wa laa yauduhu hifzuhuma, wa hual'aliyal'azym.

One of the most famous verses of the Koran is Ayatul Kursi - verse 255 of the chapter of the Korov. Ayatul Kursi in Russian means "Ayat of the Throne, Ayat of the Throne." It got its name due to the mention of the throne of the Most High in it. There are several versions about his reasons for sending down, but none of them is reliable.

This verse is the greatest verse of Scripture. It contains the attributes of monotheism, limitless power and the greatness of Allah. Choosing another object for worship is a crime. This verse lists some of the beautiful names of the Almighty. One of them is Alive, which in itself contains the possession of sight, hearing, will and other properties. Allah is Self-sufficient. He is the Sovereign, Supporting the life of all things, providing his creations with everything necessary. Of course, the Self-sufficiency of Allah implies the absence of such qualities as weakness, fatigue. He alone has dominion over all that is between the heavens and the earthly stronghold. And how insignificant is the man who boasts of his power and virtues! Only believers know that all creations are slaves of the Almighty. And in his immeasurable all-encompassing power, only Allah is able to intercede for his slaves. No mortal is allowed to do this! The honor of His intercession can be awarded to adherents of monotheism, followers of the noble prophets.

The knowledge of the Supreme has no boundaries and embraces the past, present and future. And nothing and no one is able to hide from this comprehensive knowledge. It is difficult for a person to appreciate the essence of the knowledge of the Creator, because the creatures know only what Allah has taught them. The knowledge of mankind, including numerous discoveries in various fields, is a drop in the boundless ocean of knowledge of the Almighty. The angels close to Allah said: “Holy are You! We only know what You have taught us. Verily, You are the Knower, the Wise."(Sura al-Baqarah, verse 32).

For a complete understanding of the verse, it is recommended to study its tafsir, which can be found in the collections of Islamic scholars. One of these personalities is Abd ar-Rahman bin Nasir al-Saadi (may Allah have mercy on him) - the author of the collection "Relief from the Magnanimous and Merciful."

Now every Muslim, regardless of his place of residence, has the opportunity to listen to the Koran at any time. This can be done for free. Anyone can enjoy the wonderful reading of such a famous Quran reciter as Mishari Rashid using the Internet.

Virtues of Ayah Al Kursi

The peculiarity of this verse is in its miraculous power, which it possesses due to the evidence of monotheism and the greatness of Allah. In this verse, the Creator tells about Himself to His servants plain language, using metaphors understandable to the descendants of Adam. And constantly thinking about the true meaning of this verse, the believer fills his soul with faith, knowledge and protects himself from the machinations of shaitans and genies.

Indeed, this verse is the greatest and most valuable in the entire Qur'an. The Noble Messenger of Allah, in response to the question of which verse of the Holy Scripture he considers the greatest and most significant, answered: “Ayat al-Kursi”. Many other sayings of the Messenger of Allah are known, in which he emphasizes the virtues and value of reading this verse. The Prophet recommended to his companions to read ayat Al-Kursi as a dua for solving many problems, for example, for curing diseases, protecting and purifying from the machinations of the devil, getting rid of fear, for the forgiveness of sins. Ayat Yal-Kursi can be read after obligatory and additional prayers, before eating, before leaving home, when returning home, when visiting a sick person, and also in any difficult life situations.

The hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah says: “Indeed, everything has a peak, and the sura Al-Baqara is the peak of the Qur'an, and in this sura there is an ayat that is the master of all the verses of the Qur'an - Ayatul-Kursi.” The prophet also recommended reciting the Altar verse after prayer in order to protect oneself from the machinations of the devil. This is evidenced by the hadith narrated by Al-Hasan: “Whoever reads the ayat “al-Kursi” after prayer, he will be under the protection of God until the next prayer” (given in the collection of hadith at-Tabarani).

Ayat Al Kursi has the deepest spiritual meaning and helps everyone to realize the greatness of the divine principle and come closer to spiritual perfection. But in order to take advantage of all the benefits of the verse, it is necessary to learn how to read it correctly in Arabic and study the tafsir. Nowadays, even for a Muslim who does not speak Arabic, this does not present any difficulty. It is enough to enter the Internet and type in the search line the text “Ayat Al Kursi” and the worldwide network will immediately display a selection of sites where it is possible to study the transcription of this majestic verse. Anyone can do it online. You can also download necessary materials to your computer or smartphone. And having mastered the correct reading, a Muslim will be able to constantly repeat it, reflect on its meaning and comprehend the meaning. As a result, the believer's heart will become softer and kinder, and iman - more perfect. And a person will be able to fulfill the prophet’s covenant: “To the one who reads the ayat“ al-Kursi ”after prayer, [if he dies] nothing will prevent him from entering Paradise.” This hadith was narrated by Abu Umama, it is given in the collection of As-Suyuta J. "Al-jami' as-sagyr" as a hadith "sahih".

With the name of God the Gracious and Merciful. Semantic translation of the text of Ayat al Kursi into Russian, transcription and video for those who want to learn.

It must be remembered that the most important thing is sincere trust in Allah and the understanding that only Allah alone predetermines and everything depends on Him. One should not think that the verses themselves or in general can help in any way, because only Allah helps, and thoughtless reading of the verses in itself will not bring any benefit. All Power and Might belongs to the One Almighty Creator and this is clear even from the ayat al-Kursi itself, therefore it is necessary to reflect on the Koran, think and develop insha Allah.

Ayat Al Kursi translation, text and video

Auzu billahi minashshaitanir rajiim
Bismillahi Rahman Rahim

  • Allah, laa illaaha illa hu al hayyul qayyum
  • laaa ta'huzuhu sinatu-wa-laa naum
  • Lahu maa fi-s samawati wa maa fil ard
  • man zalllazii yashfa`u, `indahu illya bi-life.
  • I'm lamu maa bayna aidihim wa maa halfahum
  • wa laa yuhiituna bi-shayi-m-min ʻilmihi illa bi maa shaa
  • Wasi'a cursiyuhu ssamahuati ual ard
  • wa laa yauduhu hifzuhuma, wa hual ‘aliyul ‘azym.
  • Allah - there is no deity but Him, living, existing;
  • neither drowsiness nor sleep overtakes Him;
  • To Him belongs all that is in heaven and on earth. Who will intercede before Him, except with His permission? He knows what was before them and what will be after them, but they do not comprehend anything from His knowledge, except what He wills. His throne embraces the heavens and the earth, and His guarding them does not burden Him;
  • verily, He is the Most High, the Great.

Ayat al Kursi is one of the greatest verses in the Qur'an.

Here are just some of the benefits of reciting Ayah Kursi:

  • The one who constantly reads Ayat al-Kursi will be protected from the harm of jinn (damned Satan).
  • Ayatul-Kursi is equal to a quarter of the Holy Quran.
  • The person who reads Ayatul-Kursi constantly after each obligatory prayer is separated from Paradise only by death.
  • The one who reads this verse after each obligatory prayer will be protected from all troubles and problems until the next prayer is performed.
  • If you read Ayatul-Kursi while blowing on food or drink, this gives a blessing.
  • If you read Ayatul-Kursi when returning to the house, then the shaitan will run away from there.
  • The children, house, wealth, property and even the houses of the neighbors of the reader of this verse will be under the protection of the Almighty.
  • A thief will not even come close to reading Ayatul-Kursi.
  • If you read Ayatul-Kursi along with the last verse of Surah Al-Baqara, then the prayer of the believer will not go unanswered.
  • The jinn will not be able to open the dishes over which the great verse was read.
  • Two angels will protect until the morning the one who reads this verse before going to bed.
  • If you read the ayah and blow on any of your things, then the shaitan will not be able to come even close.
  • The one who read Ayatul-Kursi before leaving the house will be under the protection of Almighty Allah until his return.
  • Whoever reads the beginning of Surah Gafir and Ayatul-Kursi in the morning will be safe until evening, and if he reads in the evening, he will be safe until morning.
  • Kutbuddin Bakhtiyar reports: “Whoever reads Ayatul-Kursi when leaving the house, Allah Almighty will save him from need.”
  • If you read and blow on a sick person, then Allah will ease his condition.
  • If you read Ayatul-Kursi and blow in the room where the sick are, then Almighty Allah will ease their suffering.
  • For safety and blessings, you can read Ayatul-Kursi every day 33 or 99 times
  • It is useful to read this verse for exile attached to a person evil genies.
  • If you are worried about nightmares, then you can read 3 times before going to bed
  • Who on Fridays, being in solitude, will read Ayat al-Kursi 70 times after Asr prayer (he is the third in a row), he will begin to see the inner spiritual light, and his every dua made at that moment will be accepted.

“I cannot understand those Muslims who do not read Ayatul-Kursi before going to bed. If you only knew how great this verse is, you would never neglect reading this verse, because it was given to the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) from the treasures of Al-Arsh. Ayatul-Kursi was not sent down to any of the prophets before the Prophet Muhammad. And I never go to bed without first reading Ayatul-Kursi.

Very helpful video, masha Allah! May Allah bless those who made this video! Video with repetition in order to make it easier to learn the text with transcription!
Watch the video, repeat after it according to the text that is shown on the video and remember.

Ayat Al-Kursi is the 255th ayat (Cow). (some consider Al-Kursi is a sura) The Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu 'aleihi wa sallam) said that this is the greatest verse of the Qur'an, because it contains evidence of monotheism, as well as greatness and the infinity of the qualities of the Supreme. It contains "ismi ´azam", i.e. the greatest name of the Almighty.


Imam al-Bukhari in his collection of hadiths cites a hadith about the dignity of the verse: “Once, when Abu Hurairah (radiallahu anhu) was guarding the collected zakat, he caught a thief who said to him: “Let me go, and I will teach you such words that Allah will make it useful for you!” Abu Hurayrah (radiallahu ‘anhu) asked: “What are these words?” He said: “When you go to bed, read “Ayat al-Kursi” from beginning to end, and a guardian from Allah will always be with you, and the shaitan will not be able to approach you until morning!” After that, Abu Hurairah (radiallahu ‘ahnu) told the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) about this, and he said: “He really told you the truth, despite the fact that he is a notorious liar!” After that, the Prophet (PBUH) told Abu Hurairah (Radiallahu AHNU) that it was Satan himself in the guise of a man.” Download Ayat al-Kursi.

Another hadith says: “When Ayatul-Kursi was sent down to the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), the Angel Jibrail, surrounded by 70 thousand angels, transmitted this verse, saying that “He who sincerely reads it will receive a reward as for 70 years of service to the Almighty. And the one who reads Ayatul-Kursi before leaving the house will be surrounded by 1000 angels who will pray for his forgiveness.”

It must be remembered that some hadiths may contradict the Qur'an. If the hadiths contradict the direct speech of Allah - the Quran, which cannot be distorted, then they are discarded and considered invalid, regardless of which collection they were in!

Alhamdulillahi Robbil `Aalamin.

Hadith: pointing to the good

All praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds!

The Quran is a holy book sent to us by Allah through the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu "alayhi wa sallam). Therefore, it must be treated with awe and reverence. There are external and internal rules of conduct when reading the Quran. External ones are the purity of the reader, the environment around and the behavior itself internal - this is the mood of a person when reading, the state of his soul.

External Rules for Reading the Qur'an:

Be sure to be in a state of ritual purity. “Verily, this is a noble Quran, which is in the Preserved Scripture, only the purified ones touch it.”(Sura al-Waqia 77-79). That is, it is strictly forbidden for men and women to touch and read the Koran after intimacy before performing ghusl - a complete ablution, and for men also after janabah (pollutions). It is also forbidden for women to touch the Qur'an with their hands during menstruation and postpartum hemorrhage, but they can recite it by heart if they are afraid to forget what they know from the Qur'an or as a dhikr. If the reader has already done ghusl, then he must do taharat (small ablution, wudu), that is, only those who have cleansed themselves with taharat can touch the Quran. And most scholars agree on this. However, if there is a ghusl, but there is no taharat, they can read the Qur'an from memory without touching it. Abu Salam said: “It was reported to me by someone who saw the Prophet (PBUH) once recite something from the Quran after urinating before touching the water (to perform ablution)”. (Ahmad 4/237. Hafiz Ibn Hajar called this hadith authentic. See “Nataij al-afqar” 1/213), another confirmation: Imam an-Nawawi said: “ Muslims are unanimous that it is permissible to read the Qur'an in the absence of a small wudu, although it is better to have a wudu for this. Imam al-Haramain and al-Ghazali said: “We do not say that reading the Qur'an without a small ablution is reprehensible, since it is reliably known from the Prophet (sallallahu "alayhi wa sallam) that he read the Koran in the absence of a small ablution!"” (See al-Majmu’ 2/82). As for the translations of the Quran or the electronic version on a computer or mobile, you can read and listen to the Quran without wudu. It is still better to have a ghusl out of respect for the words of Allah.

It is advisable to brush your teeth with miswak. (Miswak are sticks used to clean teeth made of Salvador Persian wood or arak). As the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Indeed, your mouths are the ways of the Qur'an, so purify it with miswak."(Suyuti, Fathul Kabir: 1/293).

The next is clothing. The clothes of the one who reads the Koran must comply with the requirements of Sharia. It is necessary to dress like during prayer observing the awra (for men, the part from the navel to the knees is closed, for women everything is closed except for the face and hands), and of course the clothes must be clean.

You need to sit down with respect, with wudu (taharat) facing the qibla. Although not forbidden in any direction. Take your time in reading, read with tartil (arrangement) and tajweed. That is, you need to read with reverence and respect, observing the rules of pronunciation and reading.

Try to cry, and even force yourself. The Koran says: “They fall on their faces, touching the ground with their chins and weeping. And this increases their humility.”. (Sura Al-Isra 109). Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: The Qur'an was sent down with sorrow and you weep while reading it. If you can't cry, at least pretend to cry". People asked one Alim: “Why don’t we cry while reading the Qur’an like the Sahaba (radiyallahu anhum) cried?” He replied: “Yes, simply because when the Sahaba read about the inhabitants of hell, they were afraid that they were among them and wept, and we always think that this is someone there, but by no means us. And when the companions of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu "alayhi wa sallam) read in the Qur'an about the inhabitants of paradise, they said: how far we are before them and after we cried, and when we read about the people of paradise, we already imagine ourselves among them."

Pay tribute to the verses of mercy and punishment as mentioned above. That is, if in some sura it is written about the Day of Judgment or hellfire, reading the Koran, he should be aware of the importance of what is written and be afraid with all his heart and rejoice when reading verses that describe the mercy of Allah Almighty.

Recite in a singsong voice, because many hadiths give instructions for reciting the Qur'an in a singsong voice. One hadith says: Allah does not listen to anything like he listens to a prophet with a beautiful voice who recites the Qur'an aloud in a singsong voice". (Al-Maqdisi, "al-adab ash-shariyya", vol. 1, p. 741). The Prophet of Allah (PBUH) said: "Do not treat us who does not recite the Qur'an in a singsong voice." (Abu Dawud).

Internal rules defined by Mashaikhs (Sheikhs)

“Keep in your heart the Majesty of the Qur'an, how lofty these words are.

Keep in your heart the Majesty, Sublimity, Power of Allah Ta "ala, whose words are the Koran.

Clear the heart of waswas (doubts) and fears.

Reflect on the meaning and read with pleasure. The Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu "alayhi wa sallam) once spent the night reading the following verse again and again:" If You punish them, then they are Your slaves, and if You forgive them, then You are the Great, the Wise. Meal: 118). One night, Hazrat Sa "id ibn Jubair (radiallahu" anhu) read the following verse before morning: "Separate yourself today, sinners." (Sura Yasin: 59)

Subdue your heart to the verse you are reading. For example, if the verse is about mercy, then the heart should be filled with joy, and if the verse is about punishment, then the heart should tremble.

Make the hearing so attentive, as if Allah Ta'ala himself speaks, and the one who reads Him listens. May Allah Ta'ala, with His Kindness and Grace, give us the opportunity to read the Quran with all these rules.

Adaba regarding the Holy Qur'an.

The Arabic word "adab" in translation into Russian means "ethics", "correct behavior", "good attitude". Adaba is the rules of etiquette for Muslims. In this case, adabs are given in relation to the Qur'an. They also include the rules listed above.

Do's and Don'ts with regard to the Qur'an

You can not put the Koran on the floor, it is better to put it on a stand or pillow.

Don't slobber your finger when turning pages.

You can not throw the Koran when passing it to another person.

You can not put it on your feet or under your head or lean on it.

Do not take the Koran or any texts that contain verses from the Koran to the toilet. It is also not allowed to say the verses of the Qur'an in the toilet.

Do not eat or drink while reading the Qur'an.

You can not read the Koran in noisy places, in markets and bazaars, as well as where they have fun and drink alcohol.

Do not yawn while reading the Quran. Also if belching is tormenting. It is best to stop and continue when the yawning or burping has passed.

One cannot freely retell and translate the Qur'an. The Prophet (PBUH) said: Those who interpret the Qur'an according to their own understanding, let them prepare a place for themselves in the fire of Hell"(At-Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood and an-Nasai).

The Qur'an should not be read for worldly gain or to stand out from other Muslims. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: After reading from the Koran, ask for the goodness of Allah, ask for Paradise! Do not ask for a reward from worldly things (money, property). There will come a time when people will read the Qur'an in order to get close to people (to solve their worldly problems)."

You can’t talk about worldly things, laugh while reading the Koran.

Desirable actions in relation to the Qur'an

It is considered sunnah to start reading the Quran by saying: A'uzu billahi meena-shchaytani-rrajim» (I resort to the help of Allah against the wiles of the accursed shaitan!), and then « Bismillahi-rrahmani-rrahim (In the name of Allah, the Gracious and the Merciful).

It is considered sunnah to make a judgment (bow to the earth) if you have reached the verse with a sign of judgment (i.e., the verse of the bow to the earth).

At the end of reading the Qur'an, even if the entire Qur'an is not read completely, but only a part, you need to say the dua: “ Sadaqallahul-‘azim wa ballaga rasulukhul-kareem. Allahhumma-nfa‘na bihi wa barik lyana fihi wal-hamdu lillahi rabbil ‘alamin wa astagfirullahal-hayyal-qayyuma ". (“Great Allah spoke the truth and the noble Prophet brought it to the people. O Allah, grant us the benefit and grace of reading the Qur'an. All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and I turn to You with a request for the forgiveness of sins, O eternally Living and remaining forever!")

It is considered sunnah to read dua after reading the Qur'an. Any. Allah accepts such a prayer and answers it.

The Qur'an should be kept above other books and no other books should be placed on top of it.

« When the Qur'an is read, then listen to it and remain silent - perhaps you will have mercy"(Sura al-Araf 204).

It is advisable to repeat those verses of the Qur'an that have affected you. Once the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who knows the entire Qur'an, spent the whole night repeating the same verse: “If You punish them, then they are Your servants, and if You forgive them, then You are - Great, Wise!(Sura al-Maida (Meal): 118)

It is advisable to read the Quran at the time indicated by Allah: “ Pray from noon until nightfall and recite the Qur'an at dawn. Indeed, at dawn the Qur'an is recited in front of witnesses. ”(Sura al-Isra: 78) Because at dawn the angels are replaced: those who were with you at night are replaced by the angels of the morning. The reverse shift takes place in the late afternoon, after the afternoon prayer ʻAsr. And they are also witnesses to the recitation of the Qur'an.

Read the Qur'an slowly, pausing between verses. Meditate if you know the meanings of the verses, or read in parallel the translation of the meanings of the Qur'an. It is not recommended to read the Qur'an quickly. It is narrated that the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: The one who read it in less than three days did not understand the Qur'an".(Tirizi, Quran: 13; Abu Dawud, Ramadan: 8-9; Ibni Maja, Ikamat: 178; Darimi, Salat: 173; Ahmad bin Hanbal: 2/164, 165, 189, 193, 195) will be able to think about the verses, will not be able to understand, as he will follow the speed of reading.

It is correct to read the letters, because for each letter of the Qur'an there is a tenfold reward. " If someone reads one letter from the Qur'an, one reward is written to him, and then this reward is increased ten times more."(At-Tirmizi).

Even if the reading of the Quran is not good, do not give up, but continue on, because the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “ Experts of the Koran will be next to the saints, the most worthy angels. And the one who finds it difficult to read the Qur'an, but still reads it, will receive a double reward.. (Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmizi, an-Nasai). But this does not mean that one should not learn how to pronounce and read the Qur'an correctly.

Do not leave the Quran open after reading.

It is allowed if you sneezed yourself, say “al-hamdu lillah” and if another sneezed - “yarhamukallah”. It is also allowed to get up while reading the Qur'an, if an older, respected and well-behaved person has entered.

It is not forbidden to read the Quran lying down.

It is not forbidden to read the Koran on the graves, as there are hadiths that speak of the benefits of this reading for the departed: “ You read Surah Yasin over the dead"(Ahmad, Abu Daoud, Hakim).

The provisions of the ethics of honoring the Holy Quran given here are taken from the books: An-Nawawi. "At-Tibyan"; Az Zabidi. "Ithaf", Imam al-Kurtubi "Tafsir al-Kurtubi".

In conclusion, a few hadiths about the benefits of reading the Qur'an

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: The Quran is an intercessor before Allah and justifies the reader before Him, and the one who is guided by it (the Quran), he will lead to Paradise, and the one who is not guided by it is drawn into the fire of hell"(al-Khaytham, at-Tabarani).

« You read the Qur'an, on the Day of Judgment he will come and become your intercessor."(Muslim).

“Whoever reads ten verses in one night, on that night his name will not be written among the careless people distracted from Allah"(Hakim).

One of the most frequently repeated and well-known verses of the Final Revelation of the Almighty is "Ayatul-Kursi" (or the verse "al-Kursi" - "Ayat of the Throne"). It is given in the second sura of the Book of Allah - "Al-Baqarah" ("The Cow") at number 255.

From Abu Hurairah (r.a.) it is transmitted that the Messenger of the Lord Muhammad (s.g.v.) admonished his ummah: “Verily, everything has a peak, and Surah Bakara is the peak of the Koran. And in this sura there is an ayat, which is the master of all the verses of the Koran - Ayatul-Kursi ”(transmitted in the collections of Hakim and at-Tirmizi).

in Arabic text "Ayat of the Throne" looks like that:

اللّهُ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ لاَ تَأْخُذُهُ سِنَةٌ وَلاَ نَوْمٌ لَّهُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِي الأَرْضِ مَن ذَا الَّذِي يَشْفَعُ عِنْدَهُ إِلاَّ بِإِذْنِهِ يَعْلَمُ مَا بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْ وَلاَ يُحِيطُونَ بِشَيْءٍ مِّنْ عِلْمِهِ إِلاَّ بِمَا شَاء وَسِعَ كُرْسِيُّهُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ وَلاَ يَؤُودُهُ حِفْظُهُمَا وَهُوَ الْعَلِيُّ الْعَظِيمُ

Transcription: Allah la ilaha illahu, al-khayyul-qayyum. La ta-huzuhu sina-tuu-wa la naum. Lahu ma fis-samawati wa ma fil-ard. Manzallazi yashfa-u ‘indahu illa bi-iznih? Ya'lamu ma bayna aidihim wa ma halfahum. Wa la yu-hituna bi-shayim-min ‘il-mihi illa bima sha! Wa-si-’a Kursiyyuhus-Samaua-ti wal-ard; wa la ya-udu-hu hifzu-huma wa Huual-'aliyyul-'azyim.

Meaning translation: Allah - there is no deity but Him, and only Him we should worship. Allah is Living, Existing and keeps the existence of all people. Neither drowsiness nor sleep embraces him; He alone owns what is in heaven and on earth; and He has no equal. Who will intercede for another before Him without His permission? Allah - glory to Him Almighty! - knows everything that was and what will be. No one can comprehend anything of His wisdom and knowledge except what He wills. The throne of Allah, His knowledge and His power is vaster than the heavens and the earth, and His protection of them does not burden. Verily, He is the Most High, the One and the Great!

The significance and greatness of this verse is devoted to many hadiths. Some of them are reliable, but there are also weak ones (in other words, there is a loss or doubtful transmitters in the chain of transmitters).

For example, it is reported that if a believer says the ayat “al-Kursi” to himself after completing the obligatory prayers before pronouncing the tasbih (33 times “SubhanAllah”, “Alhamdulillah” and “Allahu Akbar!”), Then after death nothing will prevent him from getting to Ray.

It is also known that the fourth righteous caliph Ali (r.a.) said: “I do not understand those who, going to bed, do not read the Ayat of the Throne.” According to him, if a person were aware of the degree of greatness of this verse, he would never neglect reading it, because this fragment of the Noble Quran was sent down to the Final Messenger of God (s.g.v.) from Arsh itself.

It is believed that reading "Ayat al-Kursi" helps to overcome the devil and rid his home of him. You can learn this dua by repeating after the Quran hafiz in our video, which also contains a transcription in Russian letters:

No one has doubts and disagreements about the importance of constantly quoting Ayatul-Kursi. The reason is simple: here are very often mentioned and inherent only to Him superior qualities: Hayu (Eternally alive, He who has neither beginning nor end); Qayum (Existing, Independent of anyone and nothing, not needing anyone or anything); Aliyu (the Highest, Most Honored); Azimu (The Greatest).

In addition, in the verse "al-Kursi" there are such signs of the Creator as:

  • Wahdaniyat (Unity): "Allah - there is no deity but Him ...";
  • Gyilm (Possession of knowledge): “... knows everything that was and what will be. No one can comprehend anything from His wisdom and knowledge, except what He permits”;
  • Malik (dominion): “He alone owns what is in heaven and on earth; and there is no equal to Him…”;
  • Kudrat (Power): "The Throne of Allah, His knowledge and His power is vaster than the heavens and the earth, and their protection does not burden Him";
  • Irada (Will): “Neither drowsiness nor sleep embraces Him”, “no one can comprehend anything from His wisdom and knowledge, except what He permits” (2:255).

This passage from Surah Bakara has such a name because of the word Kursi mentioned in it. Theologians gave him different interpretations. Hasan Basri believed that Arsh (Throne) of the Lord of the worlds is meant here. Ibn Kathir, on the other hand, assured that “Kursi” does not simply mean Arsh, but it is something more than a throne. Abdullah ibn Abbas (r.a.), in turn, emphasized: “Kursi” means gylm (knowledge) of our Creator.


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