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In the process of virtual communication, it is important to reveal interest in your person in time, but how to understand that a pen pal likes you, and how do the fair sex show a desire to get to know each other better? And if in real communication it is possible to recognize interest by a number of non-verbal signs, then in virtual correspondence it is more difficult to do this. Below we consider the main secrets that allow you to determine the sympathy of the girl in time and achieve results faster.

In the process of virtual communication, it is important to recognize the girl's interest in time and develop the success achieved. Below we list the main signs that indicate that the interlocutor likes you.

Correspondence frequency. Pay attention to the fact how often you get messages. If a girl is interested in you, she will be online to use every opportunity to communicate. Sometimes talking about nothing can take several hours or even whole nights. This is a clear sign of interest on the part of the girl and the desire to develop relationships.

Message response speed. The most difficult question is how to understand that a girl likes you on VK or on another social network. Pay attention to how quickly the interlocutor responds to your messages, provided that she is online. If the answer comes almost immediately and communication is established, the girl definitely likes you. In addition, they will write to you immediately when they appear online in any of the social networks.

Message quality. The key point is not the fact of the message itself, but its content. Many answer out of politeness, and the answers themselves are monosyllabic, in one or more words. If a person is interested in you, he will ask a lot of questions and share his own impressions about a particular event in life.

Signs of flirting. Trying to make a joke, compliment or attach various emojis to messages indicates flirting from the opposite sex.

Marks under posts. If you are active on social networks and often leave posts in them, pay attention to the reaction. In the case when she comments on almost every entry made on Instagram or Vkontakte, this signals a desire to get to know each other better and start closer communication.

Stability. Never draw conclusions from just one conversation with a girl over the Internet. There are situations when a person is busy and cannot answer, which is why he unsubscribes with one-word answers. If this happened only 1-2 times, there is nothing to worry about. Otherwise, you can conclude that the person does not like you.

Old pictures. If a lot of photos are posted on a social network, pay attention to the likes or comments under the earliest pictures. When a person plans to make an acquaintance, he will try to get to know the person better and spend his time looking at his old photographs. This is a clear sign of interest.

Other social networks. As a rule, people communicate in one social network. If a girl shows interest in you, she will try to find you everywhere and will definitely add you on other services - on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. If this happened, the interlocutor is trying to get to know you better and is ready to continue the relationship.

Above, we answered the question of how to understand that a pen pal likes you. If you pay attention to these signs, you can quickly identify the interest of the interlocutor, develop an acquaintance, and after a while meet already “offline”.

How to understand that a girl likes you in real life - 7 main signs

In the process of communication, many guys do not immediately notice the interest of the interlocutor or misinterpret the signals sent. All this delays the process of developing relationships, and sometimes leads to a cessation of communication. Below we consider seven main signs by which you can identify the interest of the interlocutor.

The girl looks at you almost all the time. In the case of close attention from the interlocutor, the guys are often frightened and conclude that they did not like her. In fact, this is a clear sign of interest. At the same time, the girls are not interested in passers-by or other people around - her eyes and all the attention will be focused only on you.

The girl does not interrupt to communicate with her friends and does not look at her watch. When communicating in a company, pay attention to the interlocutor and her behavior. If she listens to your words and laughs at your jokes, this is a clear indication of interest on her part. In this way, the girl shows that she is interested in you, and the rest of the world does not exist.

The young lady licks her lips, and her body leans towards you. Sympathy from the opposite sex can be determined by non-verbal signs. The most characteristic of these are the licking of the lips and the tilt of the body in your direction. In this way, the girl shows a desire to get closer, shows a clear interest in the interlocutor, makes her be desired.

She will accidentally touch you. In the process of communication, a girl may accidentally touch your hair or chest and even stroke it. All this shows a desire for closer communication.

body position. Pay attention to the position of the interlocutor and the direction of the feet. If they are "looking" at you, this is a clear sign of interest.

Biting lips or playing with hair- no less important non-verbal signs that allow you to determine interest in your person.

Eyes betray sympathy. During communication, look into the eyes of the interlocutor. If they are cheerful, and the girl herself is smiling, this indicates the presence of sympathy. The same conclusion can be drawn if the interlocutor is clearly shy and lowered her gaze.


Knowing the signs listed above helps to detect interest from the girl in time in the process of communication in real life or by correspondence. As a result, you can get not only a reliable friend, but also establish a close relationship with the person you like. The main thing is not to get lost and, if you have sympathy, take counter steps.

At the “overture” stage before an acquaintance, it is not always clear whether the girl is a free bird or her heart is already occupied by some other gentleman. Therefore, the guys are lost, not understanding how to behave with the person they like. Despite the fact that almost every guy is adamant about his superiority and thinks that he will be able to “pull” the girl from the couple to him anyway, he still doesn’t want to look stupid, spinning around a busy girl. In fact, it is not so difficult to figure out a girl who is in a couple and is carried away by someone else. And believe me, for this it is not at all necessary to ask her leading questions or elicit this information from her friends.

1. Among the most obvious "symptoms" is a ring on the ring finger of the right hand. Nowadays, not all wedding rings are made of amber gold, hence the presence of a pale gold ring on a girl’s finger should not confuse you. This lovely lady is busy anyway. However, if you have “in your hands” authentic information that this girl is not married, the ring may signal an engagement or simply be an offering from her chosen one or boyfriend. In any case, if she placed the ring exactly on this finger, this is a “Stop!” sign: she does not intend to start another acquaintance, connection, but, on the contrary, is against all this.

2. The second clear "symptom" is the lack of flirting with you. Although before her you firmly believed that almost every girl dreams of becoming your chosen one. Of course, in this case, you can greatly overestimate your capabilities. But if you really are a charming young man with whom young ladies easily converge, you can slightly wonder why the one that you liked doesn’t flirt with you. It may also be that she is only more impressed by guys of a different “role”. And if you have a chance to “spy” on her from the outside, take a look at how she interacts with other men. If a girl is busy, she probably won't flirt with anyone.

3. There is a separate type of girls called coquettes. She is mischievous with everyone, benevolent and flirts a lot. Therefore, in this case, it is much harder to establish whether the seat next to it is actually vacant or not. Sincere relationships are usually quickly formed with such girls, and the guys quickly begin to attack, without fear of disagreement, because it will not exist under any circumstances. The coquette will not say a firm “no”, she can only evade the answer. It is wrong to imagine that a coquette flirts with literally everyone. This is far from true. And therefore, if she shot at you with her eyes, then at least you carried her away. You can offer her to go somewhere as many times as you like and not see a refusal, but, on the contrary, as if to feel the approval of this idea in her voice. But weeks, months will pass, and you will not have a date with her. This just manifests itself as a “symptom” of the fact that she has someone. You do not occupy her at all as a gentleman. Because the coquette usually will not miss her, and if she wanted to, she would go on a date with you after the first invitation.

4. If you are close enough friends - let's say you work or study together - then the girl may well treat you as her man. But here you are hinting at “throw her home”, since you are in one direction, and the girl begins to doubt this, compose tricks, trying in every possible way to avoid this possibility. Surely she has a boyfriend, and she is afraid that he or his friends might see how you gave her a ride home.

In the article, I will tell you how to understand that a girl loves (has serious feelings) for a man ...

I will talk about real things = which reflect the real state of love in girls / women.

The women themselves write/speak/tell, etc. etc. about love and feelings, frankly = nonsense bespontovy, which does not reflect the real state of affairs at all. In addition, women are, let's say, very distant creatures, and only a fool will listen to them. In addition to jokes, a woman can say one thing, think another, and do a third thing. This is what women are. Understand?

She is friends with one, meets with another, and generally sleeps with a third. This is what women are. I am showing you this as an example, so that you understand what women are and why you should not listen to them.

If you, a man, are a naive deer - you will continue to be led to all this womanish nonsense. And if not, you're welcome. I will tell you about real things, without lies and falsehood, in other matters, as usual ...

Those who have experience with girls / women understand what kind of creatures they are)) and how to interact with them. But! Most, alas, do not have such a complete picture of the world, and I also had no idea before. But time passes and everything changes. As after this release, it will change for many 🙂

All infa is taken from real life experience, personally mine (still not so big, but still) and pros of men / women in relationships. Water, delirium, snot, emotions, etc. will not be here.

If you, a man, after reading, do not find anything of what I have described - do not be upset, and end this empty relationship without any regrets. Dragged out with the introduction. Everybody. Let's go.

No. 1. A loving girl is always faithful (devoted)

This is the NUMBER ONE item. Take my word for it, that girl / woman who has really serious real feelings for a man, truly loves him, always (pay attention to the word, always, not temporarily) faithful (devoted) only to this one man. Dot.

Loyalty (loyalty) will be even in case of separation (for example, due to quarrels, scandals, or there for other reasons, such as, for example, a flight, an army, a business trip, etc., etc.). And this is not about a week, two, a month, but also about fairly long periods (from a year or more), if any ...

If this is not there, there is no devotion (fidelity), this is not love, these are not serious feelings.

For a loving girl / woman, there are no other men at all. Jokes aside. They are hey not interesting, at all, at all. Hey, only one single man is interesting. The one she loves. Everybody.

Loyalty = this is the most basic female quality #1.

And a loving girl, truly loving, = she will not meet anyone there already, accept courtship, flirt, flirt, flirt, communicate, will not look at other men, will not make eyes at them, etc. etc. she will stop communicating with old boyfriends (if any), acquaintances, etc., etc. understand the point - hey, no one is interesting if she loves, for real, a specific man, you understand? For her, there are no others = hey, only one is interesting.

All attention, courtship, care, affection, etc., etc., a loving girl / woman wants to receive only from a loving man. It is important for her to be with him and only with him. The rest are not interesting. Dot.

No. 2. A loving girl is afraid of losing her man...

A loving girl / woman will always openly demonstrate to you, man, that she values ​​\u200b\u200byou and the relationship with you. You are hey important. Dear. Understand?

In all quarrels - a loving girl / woman will make concessions, seek compromises in order to resolve the quarrel / maintain a relationship with you. Understand? You are important, dear!

If it doesn't, then it's not love. If she believes that she is always and in everything right, and you are always so-and-so, bad, etc., etc., then there is no love (feelings) here and cannot be.

A loving girl/woman will not walk away from you, leave you, slam the door, turn around and leave. This can only be done by a man on emotions)) but not by a woman, they don’t have this. Loving girls are ALWAYS MORE compliant, and COMPLIANT. Is always. Is always. And again, always.

The thought that you will leave her, you will break up or something will happen to you = is unbearable for her.

A loving girl / woman will always be accommodating, compliant, etc. she will make every effort to make you feel good with her, so that you are happy with her, so that you are next to her and not gone anywhere, she will make every effort to maintain a relationship with you, to be close to you, so that you are next to her, you know? You are extremely important and dear to her.

This is what love is for a loving girl/woman. Believe me. It really is.

Item number 1. fidelity (loyalty) is also largely for the sake of it. For a man to be near, a woman must always be faithful to him. Because the #1 female quality is loyalty. It is extremely important for a man to understand that a woman is worthy. Because relationships are built only with worthy ones. You can fuck with anyone, in fact, it’s about nothing, but relationships are completely different, and more serious.

A worthy woman is, first of all, a faithful (devoted) woman.

It is extremely important for a man to know and understand that no matter what happens, the girl / woman will always be by his side, will not betray, will not leave for another, in which case (quarrels, scandals, will not leave for profit, etc.), which in in the end, the children will be his (this man), and not a neighbor, if, Vasya, petit, etc. understand?

If there is no fidelity, it is not love. All these women's stories, questions, etc., in style, I love my husband, but I can't leave my lover either, I love that guy - but I sleep with another, etc. etc. This is not love…

Guys, do you still listen to what women tell you? Ahaha. She can tell you anything, and if you are a naive ol * n = then you will listen to her and be led. If so, congratulations.

Worthy men who are pumped with women understand perfectly well that listening to a girl / woman = only a STUPID will be! She says one thing, thinks another, and does a third. There is no logic with it and cannot be. Women are not guided by logic. At all. That's it, absolutely.

In general, when we speak for love, real, real, serious feelings, then there a woman automatically becomes faithful (devoted) to only one man. Everybody. Dot.

This is a priori. I did not invent it, I invented it, because I so want to or I think so ... this is a priori.

OUTPUT: a loving girl / woman will always openly demonstrate to you, man, that she values ​​\u200b\u200byou and the relationship with you. You are hey important. Dear. She doesn't want to lose you. She is afraid of losing you. And she does (attention, DOES, and will not do it sometime there, she does-does-does all the time) everything in order not to lose you, and maintain a relationship with you.

No. 3 (combined with No. 2). She will change for you...

A loving girl / woman (who has serious feelings for a man) will change and become better, for his sake. Literally flourish and never wither.

Again, remember the point above. You are important, dear. She cares about you and your relationship. She doesn't want to lose you. Therefore, she will want to be the best woman for her man.

She will change, become better, more beautiful, brighter, more attractive, kinder, more affectionate, will take care of her figure, her body, beauty, I don’t know, a gym, proper nutrition, health, she will flourish in every sense of the word, in in many ways for the sake of his man - so that he is happy with her and that he feels good with her, and also that he himself wants to be with this woman, i.e. to keep a man (item No. 2), by yourself. Understand? Everything is very interconnected...

A loving girl / woman will want to be worthy of this man, because she is his calling card, a man is judged by a woman, what kind of woman is such a man.

I talked about this in more detail in the main article:

A loving girl/woman will only want a man by her side and no one else, and she will do her best to keep it that way. Therefore, there will be point No. 2., And No. 1. and all the following too.

A loving girl / woman will want you, a man, to be proud of her, that next to you, the best girl / woman, she will want to make you happy. Understand?

This is what serious feelings are (love). And if this is not there, nothing has changed with your (male) appearance, she is what she was, and remains so, hey, it doesn’t matter, she doesn’t change, doesn’t bloom, doesn’t get better, ala style “I am who I am - I don’t like it goodbye, it's not love...

If all this is not there, hey, don’t care about you, be sure, because a loving girl / woman will fight for you, with all her might, and above all, she will become the best in many ways for you.

If a girl / woman does nothing for you, does not try for your comfort with her, for your happiness, does not change, does not get better, does not flourish, and there are no other points = this is not love.

If she behaves the way he wants = it's not love..

The list can be continued for a long time ... I think you understand the essence.

OUTPUT: A loving girl / woman will change for a man, become better, more beautiful, brighter, more attractive, kinder, more affectionate, more feminine, etc. etc. because you are hey important, dear. She cares about you and your relationship. She doesn't want to lose you. Therefore, she will want to be the best woman for you, for her man, so that you, a man, be happy with her and that you feel good with her, and also that you yourself want to be with this woman. Everything is interconnected.

No. 4. You are number one for her. everything else is secondary...

Family = don't count. I think this is clear to everyone. I'm talking about a few other things. Girlfriends, friends, hobbies, entertainment, study, work, business, etc. all this is the life of any person, and for a loving girl / woman, this will all be secondary, less important, compared to you.

You will be first, man. That is, a loving girl / woman will sacrifice a lot for you. Hey, you're important. Hey you dear. She may sacrifice sleep in order to see you. She can leave friends / girlfriends and be with you. She can change plans for you. She can drop everything and everyone, adjust, rearrange her schedule, etc., etc., all in order to see you, spend time with you. Well, etc. etc. You understand? The girl sacrifices a lot for you.


Remember point number 1. Again, everything is interconnected. All the time, attention, courtship, care, affection, etc., etc., a loving woman wants to receive only from a loving man. And as much as possible

If this is not the case, the girl does not sacrifice anything for you = this is not love. If hey girlfriends/friends are more important = it's not love. If you are not paramount for her, you are hey and not important / expensive, as a result, this is not love.

OUTPUT: for a loving girl / woman, a man comes first. Everything else is secondary. Much less important than a man. Hence the certain behavior on the female side. A loving girl / woman will sacrifice a lot for a man. And all because you are so important, dear! Everything is, in fact, interconnected. I have already said this many times.

No. 5. She will invest in you(you are important / dear)

If the feelings are serious, if a girl loves a man, really, really, she will invest in him, invest her time, her strength, her energy, even her money, etc., etc., you understand?

5.1. She will help you

For a loving girl / woman = there is no division into “I” and “you”, there is us, together.

Therefore, she will perceive all problems / hardships / difficulties, etc., as joint, as common.

Therefore, a loving girl / woman will always try to help you.

Even if, in principle, she cannot help you in any specific way, she will give you moral support, she will be there, and will not go anywhere, in which case, and you will feel it inside yourself.

If it doesn't, then it's not love. If she doesn’t care about your hardships, worries, problems, etc. hey, it doesn’t matter to you, there is no support from her, help, attention, etc. = this is not love.

If she thinks and cares only about herself, if she makes you care only about her = without any reciprocity = ala style, I am a princess - you are on your own, deal with everything yourself = this is not love.

5.2. She gives you gifts / arranges surprises, etc.

I'm a princess, girl - so come on, get me, you need a s * ks, you owe me, you must, you must. A man must must, take care, give flowers, seek me blah blah blah. This I described briefly the behavior of a non-loving girl / woman.

A serious real relationship is when BOTH PARTNERS invest!

If a girl has serious feelings for a man, love, she will invest in him. For this part, arrange various surprises for him, romantic things, give gifts, etc., etc.

Everything is interconnected. Loving woman - you are dear, important. She wants to please you, this is how a woman demonstrates that she takes you seriously, you are important / expensive and she wants to please you, give you pleasure, make you have positive emotions, a smile, happiness, you understand?

Therefore, she will invest in you with all her soul, heart, sincere, from sincere.

If this is not there, she thinks only of herself, I am a princess, I am a girl, everyone owes me, a man must must must, but not about you = this is not love. I give you 100% guarantee. Read more point #11.

5.3. She calls/texts you first/initiates communication to be with you and spend a lot of time…

Again, everything is connected. Remember point number 4. You are paramount to her.

A loving girl / woman wants to spend all her free time with you (the right man), wants to receive all the attention, affection, care, love, etc. from the right specific man.

Therefore, she herself will initiate communication with you, a man, that is, she herself will write to you first (this is most likely) or even call. Understand?

She will want to see you, spend time with you, chat, walk, have fun, etc. etc. understand, the interest from a woman in spending time together clearly indicates that she definitely has feelings for a man (you). Serious feelings, real, love. Understand?

If all this is not there - ala style I am a girl, a princess, a man must take the first step and in this spirit, these are not serious feelings, this is not love. If she is interested in you once a week, a month, for sex, when there is no one else with anyone, her friends are busy, or there is nothing to do = this is not love.

5.3.3. She will be nervous, worried if you ignore her.

For example, if you don’t answer calls / sms because you didn’t see, didn’t notice, very busy, busy, a girl in love perceives such moments very sharply, take my word for it, the girl will think, hey, it will seem that you don’t need her , and all that you had was entertainment and nothing more. In style, shook and threw. Briefly speaking. There will be experiences, nerves, etc. 100% guarantee.

And this is a good sign. In terms of the fact that you are not indifferent. important. Hey, it's important, she worries and worries about where you've gone, why you don't answer, starts texting you message after message = these are all good signs, signs that the girl is in love with you.

5.4. She invests in you internally

She sincerely worries about you. She sincerely cares about you. Hey, you are not indifferent.

Hey, it doesn’t matter how you are, what you are, how your day went, where you were, who you were with, how you feel, is everything okay, etc. etc. she wants you to share with her everything, everything and everything again 🙂

If she thinks only about herself, you don't care about her, you don't burden her much = this is not love. Dot.

CONCLUSION (the ultimate essence of the entire paragraph number 5): when a person is dear to you, important - you want him to be happy and you do everything (invest time, energy, effort, money, etc., etc.) in order to make his darling happy. That's all.

No. 6. She thinks of you a lot...

If a girl / woman has serious feelings for a man (love), she will think a lot, almost constantly, about him ...

If you, dear, don’t have such a thing - you remember or think about it there, I don’t know, rarely or there on holidays or there only after work, when you have no one to be with / take a walk / have fun, etc. or there on weekends, etc., then this is not love. If we are talking about love, real, for serious feelings, then - you will think about your man - almost constantly.

There will be a lot of thoughts in your head, you will be curious, wondering what he is, where he is, who she is with, what he is doing, how he is doing, is everything okay, is he thinking about you and kuuuuuch everything. You will have a lot of thoughts in your head about him. An important point. This will take a very long time (permanently).

If it has been there for a day, two, three, a week, two = then this is not love, these are not serious feelings; if you think about him for a long time, on an ongoing basis = this indicates the seriousness of your feelings.

Another important point. If you are single - there is no competition for you among other men, then perhaps you just clung to this man - so that you have at least someone than nothing at all.

It is important here not to deceive yourself, if you are really in demand among many men, but at the same time you still think and want exactly the same thing (others are not interesting) - this really says that you have serious feelings for him, really, even don't hesitate, not for a second.

When you have other options (men), but you still think about a particular man, constantly (thinking about him a lot), = this indicates that you have serious feelings for him.

No. 7. She doesn't lie to you...

When we speak for love, serious feelings, relationships = there is no place for lies.

Relationships are built on trust. If there is no trust or it is gone, this relationship is over.

Remember point #2 and #4. A loving girl / woman is afraid of losing a man, she does not want to lose you, because you are important, dear, and she wants you to be with her and not go anywhere.

Well, point number 4. you are number 1 for her (paramount). Briefly speaking. The point, I think, is clear.

OUTPUT: a loving girl / woman does not lie to her man, because relationships are built on trust, and without trust, no relationship is possible in principle, a priori. Therefore and so.

No. 8. Combined with #7. She trusts you...

I repeat, relationships are built on trust. Without trust, there is nothing.

A loving girl / woman trusts her man, and does not run after him behind his back and check where he is and what he is; does not check his phone / calls, does not arrange espionage, etc.

But! At the same time, she can, or rather, even will, share with her man, her experiences regarding this item (for this part), i.e. she will not hide anything, if something worries her / worries / is on her mind, she will directly and openly say about it, because you are the most important and close person for her. She has serious feelings for you. Love. Understand? Something like this…

No. 9. Female jealousy 🙂 (she is jealous of you)

All women are competitors to each other, in an evolutionary race (natural selection).

As soon as a girl / woman has feelings for a man, she immediately begins to be jealous of this man for almost everyone. Because a loving person perceives her partner as personal property ... Therefore, carefully look at how your woman reacts to the fact that someone writes to you there, calls, or there you communicate with someone live, I mean, with female gender.

Look at her reaction, how she reacts, if she is angry, if she is upset, if she asks you questions about all this, well, you will understand from this part, jealousy is felt right away.

Jealousy is not bad - it is even good, provided that it is adequate, occasionally and in a light manner.

No. 10. Separation - as a way to check ...

A very good way to understand if a girl / woman has serious feelings for you or not.

It is also good because it will show you her behavior, for example, whether she will be faithful to you to the end, what and how she will do to return you and whether she will do it at all or she will score and that’s it.

If it scores, it's not love. Because a loving girl won't let that happen, don't forget #2. the thought that you will leave her, you will disperse or something will happen to you = unbearable for her. A loving girl/woman is afraid of losing her man.

If she is not faithful (not devoted) - this is also not love.

Don't forget point #1. loving girl / woman - always faithful (devoted). And more importantly. If there is no item number 6. when separated = she doesn’t think much about you, doesn’t write / doesn’t call / doesn’t come / doesn’t appear in your life / doesn’t try to return, etc. etc. = this is not love.

The reason for separation may vary. Flight, business trip, army, quarrels, scandals, swearing, expenses from each other, etc. things. Briefly speaking. The method is effective, and really reflects the real state of affairs associated with serious feelings ...

No. 11. Reciprocity for a loving woman is not an empty phrase ...

For any of your kindness, a loving girl / woman will always respond with her own.

For your gift - yours. For your attention - mine. On your deed - yours. Etc. etc.

If this is not the case, it happens (for example, a man does everything and does everything for her, invests in her, gives gifts to her, arranges surprises, invests all of himself, his desire, time, money, energy, strength, etc., etc.) - and the girl only receives, but does not give anything in return, does not make a man happy in return, there is no 100% reciprocity - this is not love.

Some individuals even declare that this is the absolute norm. I'm a girl. A princess. Everyone owes me. I need to be interested. Surprise. Pamper. Please. This is not love. I give a 100% guarantee.

I repeat, love is when both partners invest in relation to each other. If this is not the case, one of the partners does not have feelings. If you, a man, hey, everything, but she doesn’t matter to you, this is not love.

No. 12. About sex, passion, joy, temptation, etc.

It's probably no secret to anyone that sex is an integral part of a healthy full-fledged relationship. Without high-quality and regular sex = no relationship is possible in principle. Sex is extremely important, especially for a man. We men are males, s * ks, f * x * t, mate, r * zvr * t is inherent in us. So.. A loving girl / woman will think about your sexual satisfaction.

Everything, as I have repeatedly said, is interconnected. A loving woman wants you to feel good with her, so that you are happy with her, so that you are next to her and don’t go anywhere, and sex in this regard is just one of the main elements of binding a man to herself, so she will apply every effort in your sex life. Lingerie, stockings, different places, poses, everything, everything, everything ... in order to maintain a relationship with you, to be close to you, so that you can be close to her and be happy, you know?

If this is not the case, there is no high-quality and regular sex in your relationship (she does not spoil you, does not please, does not satisfy, does not try, does not make efforts, etc., etc.) = hey, is it still satisfied you or not = hey don't give a damn = as a result of = feelings (love) are not here.


1) A loving girl is always faithful (devoted) (even during a long separation, if any)

2) A loving girl is afraid of losing her man ... (hey, you are important, dear)

3) A loving girl will change and become better (for the sake of a man)

4) For a loving girl, a man is No. 1. everything else is secondary...

5) A loving girl will invest resources in a man (time, effort, money, energy, etc.)

5.1. She will help you

5.2. She gives you gifts / arranges surprises, etc.

5.3. She calls/texts you first/initiates communication to be with you and spend a lot of time…

5.3.3. She will be nervous, worried if you ignore her.

5.4. She invests in you internally

In general, on point number 5. when a person is dear to you, important - you want him to be happy and you do everything (invest time, energy, effort, money, etc., etc.) in order to make his darling happy. That's all.

6) She thinks about you a lot...

7) She doesn't lie to you...

8) Combined with No. 7. She trusts you...

9) Female jealousy 🙂 (she is jealous of you)

10) Separation - as a way to check ... (during separation, there should be point No. 1 and No. 6)

11) Reciprocity for a loving woman is not an empty phrase ...

12) She satisfies you sexually and tries her best

Regards, administrator.

Take a closer look at your passion, she sends you a lot of signals that she is more than you and she doesn’t need you, but you stubbornly ignore them!

Sign 1. She says she is not ready for a serious relationship. A classic excuse, women often use it when communicating with those who, in principle, are of little interest to them, as a potential gentleman. Here you can not go into details and not explain the reasons. Not ready is all. If you hear these words from your girlfriend, then know that she simply does not want to be with you and you have practically nothing to hope for. There is very little chance that she will ever change her mind.

Sign 2. She never calls you. And doesn't call back. Or avoids talking to you on the phone. You try to console yourself with the thought that she just forgot or she doesn't have time. In any case, this means that she has little interest in you, and she prefers to communicate with others, rather than with you. Remember an important rule: if a girl does not call you back after your first call, it makes sense to call her again. If she doesn't call back even after your second call, then it's worth considering why she does this. Although, in almost all books for women on seducing men, they write that a man should seek women, and she does not call you on purpose. But after the third unanswered call, forget about her.

Sign 3. She avoids physical intimacy and tries not to make eye contact when talking. One of the clear signs that she does not need you, and for some reason men do not pay attention to him. If a girl likes a man, she will try to be closer and look into each other's eyes - this is very important. If she evades your gaze, then most likely she does not want to be with you, but does not dare to say so openly. Or maybe she just keeps you as a fallback and therefore is silent. In any case, think about whether you need to be together or is it better to look for another object of passion.

Sign 4. In a conversation with you, she often talks about other men. No, she does not want to make you feel jealous at all (unless she is "not your ex, but that, as they say, is a completely different story). Most likely you fell into the categories of just" friend ", which means only one thing - she perceives you like one of your girlfriends you can just chat with about everything.It didn't even occur to her that you had any feelings for her.Not a good sign.

Sign 5. She is trying to introduce you to another woman. She does this because, as in point number four, it simply did not occur to her that you can be considered not only as "just a friend." Perhaps you are dear to her, she may even love you, but only as a friend. But he definitely doesn't want to have any romantic relationship with you.

Sign 6. She doesn't laugh at your jokes. If the girl is all right with a sense of humor and only your jokes do not make her laugh, then we can draw two conclusions. Firstly, she does not share your sense of humor, your jokes seem flat and not funny to her. Secondly, laughter is a form of flirting, so she is not interested in you and your jokes as well.

Sign 7. There is no place for you in her plans. Today she is dating her girlfriends, tomorrow she is with her niece, next week she is going to a nightclub with her friends… You are not there! Maybe you should also plan your life with another girl?

Sign 8. She regularly cancels appointments with you. Of course, the reasons may be different, but if dates are canceled more and more often, then most likely she thinks that you are not the man of her dreams.

Sign 9. Her descriptions of Prince Charming bear little resemblance to you. She dreams of a Latin American macho, perfectly dancing salsa, and you are more like a Scandinavian man who cannot distinguish a square dance from a butterfly polka. In principle, women rarely adhere to one opinion and, as a result, it will be the Scandinavian who will be her chosen one, but it will not be you. Let it be a subtle hint that you are not her handsome prince.

If you find one or more of these signs in your girlfriend, be sure that she is not interested in you, reports If there are three signs, she will never be with you. Draw conclusions and do not drive yourself into a dead end. Don't waste your precious time on it and move on. There are a lot of girls around who will definitely want to be with you.

It seems that the relationship with the girl is going smoothly until you feel that something has gone wrong. You don’t want to dwell on it, otherwise, in the end, you will undermine the relationship. Moreover, as a man, you never get hung up. But when events begin to unfold, there is nothing left but to pay attention to what is happening around you. And you begin to realize that you are being used, especially money and time.

Nobody likes to be used. However, both men and women do this, however, in different ways. Men, as a rule, use women emotionally, while women use men exclusively for selfish purposes. You need to learn to recognize some of the signs in order to understand if she is using you, and whether it is about money, a company, or your cool lifestyle.

As mentioned earlier, one of the main points that points to this is the lack of emotional return when she does not show love and does not speak warm sincere words. The day goes something like this: as soon as you return from a good day together, she keeps her distance until you offer her something else.

15. She doesn't introduce you to close friends and family.

As with guys, if she's not eager to introduce you to close friends or family, maybe just for a little while. She likes to spend time together, but nothing more. If you want a more serious and stable relationship, discuss it with her. And it's worth considering if she brushes off the conversation. She probably considers you her boyfriend, but not for a long-term relationship.

You are just a one-timer. Why would she introduce her surroundings to someone she doesn't take seriously? Either she just can't live alone and she needs a boyfriend, or she finds you a cool person, but not someone she would like to live with all her life. One way or another, you are not taken seriously, and it is up to you whether to continue the relationship, which will lead nowhere, or to stop and find someone who really appreciates you.

14. She gets upset when you lose some material comforts.

Does she decide to go home instead of spending the rest of her time with you? Does she get mad if your car breaks down and the date is cancelled? And all because she's left without a car? Does it make you feel guilty if your camera breaks and now the whole trip is wasted? If so, then she's using you.

She only dates you because you can offer her something material, not emotional. To some extent, this awakens selfishness in her, because she cannot afford these things herself, and without them she feels empty inside herself. In this case, nothing needs to be done to make the relationship more fulfilling and exciting. " Tango can only be danced together". Therefore, if she does not understand this, it is necessary to reconsider the relationship and find someone who will value you, and not what you can offer.

13. She only likes to have fun

She knows that you often visit popular entertainment venues, so all she wants from you is to hang out. This is not a coincidence. She never told you that she didn't want to go anywhere, but when you do decide to stay at home, she becomes indifferent and irritated. Have you noticed that in this case, she practically does not talk to you? Conversely, her mood changes for the better when you spend time outside the house in a variety of ways.

Although it is not advised to always spend time in the same way, but as soon as you feel something is amiss, it is better to slow down a little. It's also desirable to spice things up sometimes, so it's perfectly fine if you want to have fun more often than sit within four walls. It is alarming when her desire to go out for a walk is very different from the desire to spend this time alone with you. Try to entertain her if you haven't gone anywhere, and then you will see if she is interested in you.

12. She only does what she wants.

This mainly indicates that you are a doormat. It's one thing if she takes advantage of your lifestyle, but it's quite another if she makes you do whatever she pleases. Forget about your life, everything will be as she wants. Don't go out of your way to please her. Stop! Not only do you lose yourself as a person, she will simply be completely disappointed in you. The thing is, no one likes such weak-willed people. And if she is still with you, then this does not mean at all that she is happy. She's just using you until she finds someone better.

It's time to not look like a dupe and show your teeth, instead of being tied on a short leash. Tell her what you want, and if she misses it, then don't worry about it either. Say you're going to the mall, whether she wants to go or not. And if she apologizes, that's good. She just thinks too much about herself, and now she realized that she needs to be more attentive to others. But if she is silent and does not understand that she was wrong, then in this case you should not try to improve relations.

Do you work for a company that only shows its location during business hours? There is something to worry about. You are probably in a high position, and she craves a promotion, and you are the only opportunity to achieve what she wants. When the work day is over and you go home to spend time together, she is no longer so enthusiastic. However, she goes anyway, because deep inside she knows that in the end it will benefit her career.

Again, if you feel a lack of emotional return from her, she is definitely taking advantage of you. Lack of emotional connection implies short responses, lack of spiritual closeness, lack of equal initiative on her part, and so on. This feeling, as if she is near you, but at the same time somewhere far away. If so, then try ending your relationship and see how she reacts.

10. She is interested in your friend

The worst thing that can happen is when she tries to get to another guy with your help. Yes, it is quite cruel and only the lowest people allow such behavior. Does she have a smile on her face when you say that your friend will be at this party? Does she often remember his name? Bad sign! Obviously, she likes the friend more than you. And she is with you only because she knows that you are the only way to achieve him. It's sad, but true.

9. Changes in her mood in society

When you are at home only the two of you, you do not need anything else. There is no need to do something spectacular, like a restaurant, to show the value of the relationship. Therefore, if you suddenly notice a sharp difference in her behavior alone with you and in a circle of friends, you need to pay attention to it. Sure, she likes your lifestyle and thinks you have great friends, but that shouldn't be the only reason why she's with you. Whether you have great friends or not, she should enjoy spending time with you.

Just because she doesn't mind staying at home with just the two of her, that doesn't mean she's boring. This means that she does not need anything but you, she already feels happy. In other words, is she dating you or your friends? One of the main points for guys when it comes to finding a good girl is whether she will get along with your friends. But, as with everything, too much is also bad. There is a very fine line between getting along with your friends and being totally accommodating to your lifestyle.

It's the exact opposite of when she's interested in your life. However, the difference is not that she would prefer to communicate only with you, and not with everyone who surrounds you, but that she is generally indifferent to your life. There is nothing good in both things, and if you feel the lack of any interest, then you need to pay attention to it.

You should be with someone who really wants to be with you and wants to know everything about you, without pursuing selfish goals. Thus, if she likes to spend time only with you without your friends and family, then she needs you only for the sake of company. She's either bored, or worse, she knows she can play with you however she wants, especially if she's always pestering you. The presence of friends will not only cause dislike, but also scare her away, since one of the friends will definitely notice how badly she treats you. Naturally, this does not suit her, because she gets away with everything when you are just the two of you.

Have you ever caught yourself thinking that she pushes you away often enough? You know that she is not at work right now and is not busy with anything important, but still she does not want to go anywhere with you. It's great when each of you has your own personal space, but there is a fine line between when it's good and when it's bad. Otherwise, it suggests that she does not truly love you. When someone is really passionate, they dream of spending more time together. Therefore, if she is not busy and at the same time does not want to meet, you should start to worry.

And once the feelings start hurting, it's time to do something about it. On top of that, if you're really upset by her lack of interest in you, you should tell her as soon as possible. Let her know how you feel, and if she's not worried about solving this problem, then there's no point in moving forward in the relationship.

6. Keeps you at a distance

Have you noticed that she does not initiate you into most of her life events? Have you seen her post pictures on social media with friends and family but not with you? Have you asked her what's going on with her? If you've been asking yourself one of these questions before, it might be time to stop and consider if this is the kind of relationship you want.

It has been said before that it's important to be independent from each other sometimes, but what's the point in a relationship if you're not going to share your life with your soul mate? By keeping you at a distance, she shows that you are not good enough, and she only needs you sexually and financially. It's good when you're around, but you're still not the right person, she doesn't take you seriously. Sounds pretty harsh, but the truth is sometimes unpleasant.

5. Doesn't talk to you normally, but only whines

When she comes to you and constantly only complains about work or friends, there is something fishy about it. Most likely, she came to you not to have a good time, but to be listened to. Basically, you're just a whipping boy. Does her emotional discharge irritate you? So tell her about it. Do not let them treat you like a wall when only she speaks, and you must be silent.

And if she does not care about your opinion, then she definitely uses you to throw out her emotions. The last thing she cares about is how your day went. The only thing that matters is her own pleasure and feelings. And she expects you to listen to her.

As soon as you notice that she starts complaining again, try changing the subject. Listen to her, but do not forget to talk about yourself, or tell something funny. If she doesn't show interest, responds unequivocally, or doesn't respond at all, then it may be time to reconsider the relationship.

4. She never pays for anything.

This is probably one of the most important signs that she is using you. And that's what all men hate. A man feels confident when he has the opportunity to provide for a woman, and some men genuinely feel even better if they completely take care of her. However, it is totally unacceptable to others if the woman does not financially participate in the relationship at all.

Even if a man likes to pay for her, there is nothing wrong with her taking care of him too. This shows her sincere concern and that she is just a good person. Who doesn't want this? She is sometimes financially unstable, and in some cases this can be accepted. On the other hand, when she knows that she is not in the best financial situation, but she has you, so that's okay. And she will certainly start to panic when you suddenly decide to break off relations with her.

The best thing you can do to avoid this problem is to decide early in the relationship how you will spend your money. Always be persistent in wanting to keep paying for her so she doesn't feel guilty. And sincerely rejoice if she constantly takes over the purchase of products. Again, it's about communication. Don't wait until both of you are in a quandary and forced to talk about it.

3. She only calls you at night

You have to come, no brainer. She uses you for her sexual purposes. After all, not only men wander at night. Women also like to be affectionate, and therefore, if they have someone, they will not waste time. They are calling you. If you notice that calls occur more often at night, and not during the day, then something is clearly wrong with her. And until you fully support her position, do not follow her lead. Convince her that you are not satisfied with such a relationship built on profit.

As a rule, this is the last thing a person would like to hear if she seeks to completely subjugate you. In addition, you must refuse her the next time she calls again in the evening. Tell her you're busy. If she starts to get nervous, then she is either sexually unsatisfied or jealous, in case you have someone else. In the second case, there is a small chance that she has serious feelings, and not just a desire to be in the bedroom with you. However, you can't be that sure, so talk to her about it.

2. Calls you only when she has no one else.

Being the last option is definitely a sign that you are being used. When you are aware of her schedule and what she does in her free time, you know perfectly well when she can be busy. Thus, if she suddenly calls you, then perhaps everyone is already busy, and you are her last hope. It sounds sad, but this happens often. Some don't want to admit it.

Ask her to stay with you a little more. If she declines the offer, she is not interested in spending time with you, whether she has plans or not. She can only accept an offer to go somewhere if she has no one else to go with. Nobody wants to be an alternative. Naturally, you want to be the first person she thinks of when she wants to go out somewhere.

Until you say that you have tickets for the most anticipated concert this month, she will not show interest in what you say. This also applies to how your day goes, what you want for dinner, back pain, etc. She will only pretend that she cares about you, because she simply has to do it as a girl. But it will be obvious that she is faking it. Why should you be with someone who is not interested?

Of course, she likes everything about you, your car and where you live. But other than that, she doesn't care about anything you say. Eventually, you will feel a lack of interest, and then you will have to tell her that the relationship is not working out. If she wants you to feel more loved, then all is not lost. But if she thinks she treats you okay, then it's time to find a new girl.

In addition to the fact that the girl is using you, there may be more serious problems. Watch this video on how to check if she is cheating on you.


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