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In recent years, many vocalists have begun to explore new techniques. Some of them are quite extreme and exotic, such as screaming and growling. It's easy to learn, but the main thing is to do it right.

About the structure of the vocal apparatus

Nature has endowed each person in its own way with a unique musical instrument - vocals. And for a long time, creative personalities have been testing their voice for strength this way and that, as a result of which many unique techniques have appeared that are quite extreme. Before learning how to scream and growl, you need to know a little about the structure of the vocal cords.

The sounds humans make are caused by vibrations of special muscles. They are called or folds. As they oscillate, they close and open the gap through which the air passes. But, in addition to true ligaments, there are also false ones. They do not close completely and usually do not play a serious role in sound production. But for those who want to learn how to learn how to scream, knowing the structure of the vocal apparatus is very important. The fact is that the technique of extreme vocals is very different from the usual.

The essence of screaming

In the last few decades, a new singing technique has emerged and gained popularity - screaming. Its name comes from the English word "shout", and in fact this technique is what it is. The pros call it split singing. This technique does not require special knowledge in academic vocals and serious data, you just need to understand how to learn how to scream. This is not so difficult to do, but at first it will turn out very badly, because this technique requires honing and regular training. The fact is that sound production occurs precisely with the help of false ligaments. If you do the exercises incorrectly, then there is a risk of losing your voice altogether, so it's not worth the risk. With the question of how to learn how to scream, it is better to approach an experienced teacher who knows this technique. However, the initial skills can be obtained independently.

About growling

Another type of extreme vocal is more used by men, unlike the first. I'm talking about growling, of course. Nevertheless, this does not mean that girls do not own this technique, it just happens a little less often. The name of this technique is translated from English as "growling, roar", and indeed the technique strongly resembles it. Grool is used in various musical directions, but, first of all, it is death metal.

In addition to the technique in its purest form, there are many more varieties, in fact, each vocalist brings some unique feature to this technique, as in screaming. At first, of course, it is worth learning from the masters, but over time, you can and should develop your own style.


It doesn't matter if you need to learn how to learn how to scream a girl or a man. We must not forget about the main thing - breathing. And it should be special for both methods. Most girls usually breathe with their chest, that is, lungs, while extreme vocals require you to direct the flow of air with a diaphragm. The first exercises before learning how to scream and growl should be aimed at achieving this goal. Breathing with the diaphragm should eventually become simple and natural, while you need to monitor your posture, it must be correct, otherwise the task will become more complicated.

Correct technique

At first, workouts should be short - 10 minutes is enough. Before you learn how to scream and growl, you need to make sure that the throat is healthy, and even better, stop smoking. Not knowing how to sing cleanly, it is quite difficult to master the technique of extreme vocals to perfection. So it is better to minimize all negative factors for a healthy voice. By the way, during each lesson you need to drink plenty of clean water. Anyone who attends live concerts knows and has seen how much fluids an artist consumes while performing. Keeping your throat moist helps you sing and reduces the chance of injury.

Before starting each workout, be sure to sing. Despite the fact that the true vocal folds should not be involved in this technique, it is better not to risk it, weeks and months of treatment with a phoniatrist are not worth one unfortunate mistake. Having warmed up, you need to understand at what point and how much the muscles tense up. In fact, screaming singing occurs with relaxed vocal cords, although the opposite impression is created. You need to pronounce the sound "a" or any other suitable vowel. No need to try to do it loudly right away, otherwise there is a risk of injury. If you feel pain, you must immediately stop the session.

Too intense training, neglecting warm-up exercises and improper technique can lead to hoarseness, a broken voice, or even loss of it. Therefore, you should be very careful about your natural musical instrument - vocals. During self-study, you should always listen carefully to your feelings. A professional teacher can also tell you how to scream correctly, so you can take a few lessons.

After each workout, you need to give rest to your voice - this is very important. Having mastered the basics, you can begin to master the transitions from low to high registers and vice versa, pay attention to articulation, etc. No need to rush, because the health of the voice is the most important thing. How to learn to scream without it? It's just impossible.

looking for how to learn growling? In that case, this article is for you. You will learn the basic principles of extreme vocals and how to master growling and screaming at home.

Let's first take a look at what growling is and what it is eaten with. This vocal technique came out of such styles as: Doom Metal\Black Metal, then it was picked up by earlier mainstream trends - MetalCore \ DeathCore. In most cases, guys sing to them, but this does not mean that the possession of this vocal technique is available only to them. Women can also learn. As an example - and. Nobody argues that it is more difficult for girls to sing (due to a different arrangement of the larynx), but if you make more effort, then this “little ailment” can be dealt with.
We continue the article "How to learn growling".

The emphasis is mainly on the splitting of the vocal cords.
There are several ways to make a growling sound:
1) direction of air towards the sky
2) directing air to the false ligaments
To understand how to properly split, try burping. The principle is the same.

You should not immediately start singing the songs of your favorite bands, ala, and others. Improper splitting can damage ligaments. Start with the simplest sounds, like "weee" or "eeee." Being able to growl at these sounds will set a good foundation for your potential growth as an extreme vocalist.
When splitting, there should be tension in the lower jaw, the Adam's apple should rise.
The easiest way is to do it on the inhale, the most difficult (but professional) is to do it on the exhale.
*Don't start learning loudly, try to repeat the sounds quietly, gradually increasing the volume.
The sound "U" is made by lifting the corners of the lips.
The sound of "And" when they are stretched.
As in the normal pronunciation of letters.

Move on. With full singing, the tongue is practically not involved. After singing single vowels, move on to syllables, and only then to words. You need to learn in this sequence, you need to go in small steps, from small to large.
When learning how to growl, one should breathe with the stomach, and not with the lungs, i.e. air is drawn into the stomach, and from there it is spent on splitting. This method will help you growl longer without taking extra breaths. You also need to help the abdominal muscles push out the air.
For quality growling, you need to follow a diet. Before vocals, you can’t put on tight, drink carbonated drinks (ala Coca-Cola). This puts extra stress on the ligaments.

Do not drink beer before vocals, it does not soften, but rather dries the throat.
People who smoke growling better. So, if you smoke, you will be a small plus.


There is a common misconception that the ideal can be achieved by smoking several packs a day and drinking plenty of alcohol. The opinion does not hold water, given that any injury to the ligaments, both and (including tobacco smoke and SARS), is tantamount to a ban on working with the voice.

Don't copy your idols. Just as no two are alike, no two will be the same. An attempt to adapt to someone can only do harm, since the voice apparatus works in an unnatural mode for it, experiences excessive loads. Look for your own timbre, different from all the others.

A growl is not a scream at low frequencies. Trying to achieve a growling sound in this way, you will only tear the ligaments - they are not designed for such a load, especially since the roar does not depend on the vocal cords that you strain. Your task is to develop false links.

The larynx at the time of the growl should work as if it were burping. Reproduce the same sensations as when burping, remember them. Then tighten your abdominal muscles as if you are lifting something heavy. Without resorting to the help of the main vocal cords, quietly pronounce the sound "and". Keep the larynx in the same state as in the previous exercise, add to it the position of a yawn. You won't succeed the first time, so keep repeating until you get results. Don't turn up the volume. After the first success, repeat the exercise for the vowel "y". Make sure that the pharynx is open, the diaphragm is actively pushing air out of the lungs, and the abdominal muscles support it. This position should be familiar to you if you have studied operatic vocals: the requirements for the position of the vocal apparatus are the same, since it is optimal and requires the least tension from the ligaments.

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In the first months of classes, pain in the larynx is possible. This is due to the incorrect position of the vocal apparatus at the time of sound extraction. Contact an extreme vocal teacher and ask for their advice on how to fix the cause. If you don't fix the defects now, your voice won't last long.


  • how to sing growl

In recent years, many bands have appeared on the Russian and foreign scenes, using in their songs such an unusual singing technique as growling (from the English growling - “growling”). And, indeed, such vocals are more like animal growls than singing. Such vocals are typical for Black-, Death- and DoomMetal, as well as for Grindcore, Metalcore and Deathcore, in other words for heavy music. However, growling can be learned not only by representatives of the stronger sex, who naturally have low voices, but also by young people with higher timbres of voice, and even girls.


Conventionally, growling can be divided into several subspecies: traditional, on the splitting of the vocal cords, mixed growling and squealing (better known as "grunt"). In any case, the traditional growl is the main one for all types.
There are several opinions about which parts of the throat form a growl. The first is that the "growl" sound is achieved due to the direction of the air flow to the soft palate; the second - the air flow is directed to the false ligaments, located just above the main ones. However, in essence, the mechanism of growling is no different from belching, that is, with the correct execution of growling, the same parts of the body and especially the throat are involved as with belching. You can try to burp a few times to better understand the mechanism.

Next, we move on to sound production. The very sounds at first are “i-i-i” and “u-u-u”, in order for them to turn out, you must simultaneously press the tip of the tongue to the sky, lower the chin down, while the Adam’s apple should, on the contrary, rise up , to the chin, while tension should be felt under the lower jaw. Now it remains only to exhale, folding your lips either with a tube, in order to make the sound “u”, or slightly raising the corners of the lips in order to make the sound “and”. If everything is correct, you should get the necessary roar. It’s not worth it right away at a high volume, and even more so it’s not worth yelling (you can plant bundles). Start with a low volume.
After you have mastered the art of extracting simple sounds, you can proceed to extract the remaining vowels. At first it will be difficult, since the tongue should not participate in their extraction, that is, it should not rest against the sky. The tongue is needed only at the initial stages, as an auxiliary apparatus to bring the vocal apparatus into the right position for the growl. After all the vowels are mastered, move on to the pronunciation of words.

When growling, it is also important not to forget about proper breathing. In order for the sound to be even and strong, it is necessary to learn to “breathe with the stomach”. Exhale, emptying the lower part of the lungs, while the stomach should be slightly depressed, but not retracted. After that, slowly, draw air into the same lower part of the lungs, while the stomach is slightly inflated. Do not overdo it, otherwise you can lose consciousness. After you have taken in air, exhale, pushing the air from the bottom up with the abdominal muscles and raising the diaphragm, and do not forget to growl. The press at the same time constantly remains in suspense.
It is important here not to eat heavily before exercise, as tension puts pressure on the stomach, and, accordingly, can lead to undesirable consequences. If everything is done correctly, then the growl should turn out to be even and long.

Helpful advice

At the initial stages, it will tickle in the throat, and you may want to cough, there is nothing to worry about. Over time, all the unpleasant sensations will pass, but if they do not go away, it is necessary to weaken the squeezing of the larynx and tension. And it is important not to forget to drink water. Especially at the initial stages, since the throat is not yet accustomed to new ways of extracting sound.

The vocal technique of growling (melodic pronunciation of growling sounds) is quite common in the modern world and quite a lot of musicians want to learn it. Turning to professionals for help, they do not even suspect that they can master this technique on their own by performing some simple tasks (training). Practical tips on how to learn growling are presented in this article.

WikiHow is a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. When creating this article, 93 people worked on editing and improving it, including anonymously.

Gutted growl: what better way to convey the darkest sides of human existence, all its horrors and chaos? Extreme vocals are suitable for violent themes, but not quite suitable for vocal cords. But if you learn proper technique, take care of your health, warm up your ligaments, and expel air with your belly, then death will be something your voice will convey, not experience.


    Learn to sing correctly. Start with vibrating vocals (vibrato), like in classic or progressive rock. The most important technique when singing to death metal is breath control, a balance between using the force of the diaphragm and the vocal cords. If you only grow your strings, you will definitely damage them. For proper technique, you must engage your diaphragm to force air out of your lungs. Practice normal singing for a month to start. This will actually develop the power of your voice and make it easier for you to growl later on.

    Drink warm water or tea an hour before performance and between songs. This will relax the vocal cords. Avoid cold water: for them it is a shock, and as a result they will "shrink". Also, don't drink hot water, as it can scald your tongue and throat.

    Warm up your vocal cords before recording or performing."Warm-up" can mean anything from singing in the midrange to playing your vocals with clean bass. Even humming some melody for five minutes would be much better than not warming up the chords at all.

    Fill your lungs with air, then push out part of it, this should tighten the throat and tonsils a little. Do this all at the same time, but do not push the air too hard. Try to make a high-pitched guttural sound like a dying old man. It should sound like a rattling black metal vocal. Now lower the pitch in your throat just like you would with regular singing. At first, you will not get exactly what you need, but this is a matter of time and habit.

    Imagine a column of air rising from the diaphragm and passing through the chest, and then through the vault of the palate (this is the dome above the upper teeth behind the nose). The larynx should be lowered and open. This technique doesn't just help to amplify death metal vocals, it's also meant for melodic singing. The only difference between the two is that in normal singing the sound comes out of the real vocal cords, while the growl comes out of the fake or false ones (instead of vibrating the vocal cords, focus your growling under them, in the region of the collarbone).

    Push the air with your belly. All the power of your vocals comes from the diaphragm. It will work better if your back is straight all the time. Don't slouch or relax the muscles around your spine. Inhale and let out a deep growl, opening your vocal cords. For powerful growling, the throat must be relaxed.

    Let out an angry sigh. Imagine that you are annoyed and say a very tense "Ugh!". You will feel a low, faint vibration at the back of your throat. This is the basic sound of false vocal cords. Practice this vibration by stretching the sound and adding more and more power to it with the help of the diaphragm. You will find that such an exercise does not harm you, as long as you drink plenty of water and do not overdo it. With practice, it will start to sound brutal!

  1. Practice barking like a dog. Take a deep breath and use your diaphragm again. Forcefully squeeze the sound from the depths of the abdomen, imitating a real bark. Then stretch this sound and try to bark a few words. It may sound silly, but breathe like a dog: this technique will help you open your throat and add guttural sounds to barking. Start at a low volume and build it up gradually as you get better.

    • A good way to practice this guttural bark is to make the sounds “a”, “e”, “s”, “o”, “n”, “u”. As you get better, try increasing your speed.
  2. Pick a song you would like to sing. Try to choose from a repertoire of bands like Slayer, Metallica, Alice Cooper, AC/DC: they don't growl like in death metal, and it will be easier for you to rehearse your own growl style. Try to sing in a normal way first, then gradually add "fire" until you feel your diaphragm really pushing the air, and you manage to produce the very deep sound that you were striving for. If you can't get deep guttural vocals, try singing with a raspy voice. Anyone can do it, both men and women.

    • These slow songs are good for practice in regular vocals: “Black Sabbath” Black Sabbath, “Dead Skin Mask” Slayer, “Hard Rock Hallelujah” Lordi.
    • Here are some slow tempo death metal songs to hone your growl technique: “Death Walking Terror”, “Festering in the Crypt” and “I Cum Blood” by Cannibal Corpse, “The Jealous Sun” by Novembers Doom, “Sarcophagus” by Nile.
    • Slayer's songs "Aggressive Perfector", "Dittohead", "Jesus Saves" and "Necrophobic" are perfect for practicing normal vocals at a fast pace.
    • To rehearse the fast paced growl, death metal songs will help: “Disposal of the Body” Cannibal Corpse, “Homage for Satan” Deicide, “Post Mortal Ejaculation” Cannibal Corpse, “The Exorcist” Possessed, “The Optimist” Skinless, “4: 20" Six Feet Under, "Stabwound" Necrophagist, "Egypt, the Red Earth" Necronomicon, "Buried By The Dead" Bloodbath, "Sick Salvation" Bloodbath, "Prometherion" Behemoth, "Scrolls of the Megilloth" Mortification, "Demon of the Fall" Opeth, "What Can Be Safely Written" Nile.
  3. After a death metal performance, drink a non-alcoholic drink that does not irritate the throat, such as plain water.

    • If you have just finished a long and brutal performance and your vocal cords are tired after the growl, then honey will do wonders for them.
    • Don't give up if you can't even sound like your favorite vocalists: try to develop your own style and tone. In the beginning, it's a great way to growl along with them by turning on the recordings. Try adding your own shades along the way.
    • Do not smoke. And if you can't live without drinking, drink at least in moderation. Smoking can deepen your voice, but it also reduces the power of your breath. Performing death metal requires a huge amount of energy, and drugs of any kind will only undermine your strength.
    • Rough vocals will become more powerful with practice if you do it right.
    • To make more furious sounds, experiment with saliva in your mouth. It can be held between the tongue and throat - you get the same gurgling that you hear in many songs. An open, relaxed throat is the key to success. Air should come out easily. The tone can be changed by changing the direction of the exhaled air with the tongue. This is done by rolling the tongue up or down, then a deeper tone is obtained. Lips - the second method. And you should never change key with ligaments.
    • You can make a piggy squeal, or brie brie (also called pigsquill, pigvoice, or pigging), by wrapping the tip of your tongue just above your upper front teeth - with it wide open - and making a guttural "and" sound.
    • Make sure your vocals are varied. The monotonous growl will soon get boring, no matter how impressive your vocal abilities are.
    • Control your breathing and the amount of mucus in your mouth and throat.
    • The sound should be produced at the back of the throat. Place two fingers on the throat at the highest point of the neck where it meets the chin. If you feel a vibration there, then you are doing everything right. If you understand that it comes from the depths of the throat, then the vocal cords are suffering and you need to correct your technique.
    • Perhaps you should not wrap your hands around the microphone so that you get a resonating bowl from your palms. Many vocalists deliberately use this technique to make their voices sound louder and give the effect of a lower pitch than they actually are, but this is denounced as a fraudulent practice in the death metal community. In addition, it will blur the clarity of the sound and it will very likely be harder for you to achieve the desired level of vocal/tonal clarity.
    • If you are already good at screaming, then mastering death metal vocals will be very easy.


    • Be prepared for astonished faces and harsh criticism when you show off your unique vocal style to family or friends. Some people don't consider growling to be real singing at all.
    • The smooth muscles of the throat should never hurt while playing death or black metal. However, when you first start doing this, the external muscles will ache due to the need to keep the throat in a new position.
    • For a beginner, an attempt to produce a more powerful growl with the wrong technique very often ends in serious damage to the vocal cords. If you feel pain or discomfort, are hoarse or have lost your voice altogether, then you are doing something wrong and you need to improve your death metal vocal technique.
    • In rare cases, beginners are so assertive that their vocal cords begin to bleed. If blood appears, stop immediately and do not use your voice until you are fully recovered. In severe cases, medical attention may be required, and the voice will be permanently damaged, leaving you no hope of ever growling.
    • Any manner of singing in a rough style can permanently take away a good singing voice: its range will suffer and there is a high probability of other troubles, such as nodular laryngitis or vocal cord polyps - growths on the vocal cords. Proper technique can minimize these effects. Protect your voice the way a guitarist does a guitar: he buys an expensive or custom-made guitar, not one that will fall apart when played. Remember, a guitarist can always buy a new instrument, but with a voice you only get one chance.
    • If you have a sore throat - a cold or flu with a cough - let the ligaments rest for a week or two.
    • Inhale growl is not the most reliable technique for singing to death metal. It often sounds too high and is somewhat of a scam. Although this technique cannot harm your voice in any way, you run the risk of losing the melody during the breaths.
    • Don't be surprised if you don't sound like your favorite growl vocalist. Everyone has different singing voices, even when growling.

If you want to sing in some evil band, you have to be able to "roar" correctly. Such vocals are typical for Death, Doom, Black. "Roar" is scientifically called "grawling", or "grawl vocal". Proper voice placement is also important here., as well as when singing clean vocal, because you, apparently, want to growl well and loudly and at the same time not spit out your vocal cords in the very first five minutes of singing. I recorded the vocals for the PAINFUL MEMORIES album MEMORIAL TO SUFFERING in one day - I had to growl for about eight hours in a row, but I was not at all tired and not at all hoarse. True, I periodically moistened my throat with liquid and at that time did not smoke at all. There was a time when my grrawling was considered one of the best in St. Petersburg.

I’ll note right away that all the tales that before you growl you need to smoke a pack of Belomor to get a good sound are crap. Smoking instantly shrinks the breather and irritates the ligaments, so after a pack of Belomor you won’t even be able to speak, not only growl. If you want to sing, it's better to stop smoking altogether, although smoking in reasonable doses with a properly delivered voice does not have a significant effect on vocals.

All types of grrawling have something in common in that almost all of them are forced vocal, i.e. to sing like that, you need to strain. But at the same time, a common mistake beginner growlers make is to increase the air consumption during sound production. Air should be used as sparingly as possible.: from the fact that a whole hurricane comes from you, the sound does not always get louder, but left hissing and whistling overtones are added to it, articulation and pitch control become difficult, and after a while, hyperventilation of the lungs will cause your blood pressure to jump and go roof. Yes, I was not mistaken - you can sing with a roar from the notes! But not with any roar.

"Low" grrawling

There are several styles of low growl, although to a sucker, the growl seems to be the same everywhere. Now we will look at the main ones:

Brutal grrawling
characteristic of brutal death metal. The sound, as it were, comes from the very inside, from the intestines, etc. This is noise grrawling that does not have a specific pitch. The basic sound for producing such a growl is the sound "U". So, get as much air into your lungs as possible and roar as low as you can - "UUUU...". But just roar, and don’t bellow like a cow, tense up and don’t be afraid to frighten your neighbors – that’s where they want to go… At the same time, try to keep the imaginary point of sound emission as low as possible. Watch your air flow! Watch for articulation - lips in a tube! In fact, this is a chest growl, i.e. you sing to your chest. Therefore, when singing with such vocals, a person with even small vocal abilities can achieve a fairly low and strong sound. This style of growling is not expressive enough and gives a lot of unintelligibility of the text, but it has a characteristic scum coloration. If you have good vocal abilities, then I will recommend other styles to you.

guttural grrawling
characteristic of doom metal. The sound is born in the throat, the singing goes to the head. With sufficient skill, it allows you to sing from notes. The base sound is something between "A" and "E". Correct articulation - the mouth is not wide open, the lips are slightly drawn inward. It is important to find the correct position of the head and larynx to obtain maximum resonance.

Throat growling
or growling type Barney Grinway- this is actually practically not a roar, but a wheeze, but sounding like a roar. To a large extent, a clear voice is involved in its formation, therefore, before classes, it is better to sing in a clear voice (in part, this can also be attributed to guttural growling). The base sound is "A". Articulation - the mouth is wide open. This style is characterized by developed articulation, jaw movements have a large amplitude, which requires powerful maxillofacial muscles. When singing with such vocals, good intelligibility of the text is obtained.

High growling

Quorton type vocals
named after one of the founders of the style, the founder of the BATHORY group - typical for BLACK METAL. It's kind of a pretty high chirp. Actually, such vocals are used by many blacksters - it's like a growl in mixed or even falsetto. But in general, different vocals are used in BLACK - the styles of low growling discussed above may also be present here, so let's consider high growling on a number of illustrative examples.

Recitative high growling
Bands IMMORTAL, SATYRICON and many others mostly use low-pitched vocals. It is recitative in nature and cannot be used for singing from notes - the vocalist, as it were, angrily pronounces his text in such a way that it seems that he is reading some kind of terrible magic spells. Technically, this is purely guttural singing. This can be called recitative high growling. How to get a squeaky sound? Will explain. Imagine that you are some kind of evil leprechaun and distort your voice so that it sounds like the voice of a small and very evil creature. At the same time, the larynx rises and high overtones appear, the voice begins to sound unnatural, something magical and unreal, otherworldly and infernal appears in its sound ...

Swedish growling
Vocals characteristic of Swedish BLACK/DEATH, respectively, Swedish bands, such as DARK TRANQUILLITY, IN FLAMES, DISSECTION, etc., are used, but, of course, not only Swedes can sing like that - Norwegians, Finns (CHILDREN OF BODOM for example) and even ours can do it just as well . Such vocals are high enough, they are throaty and in it often mixed with a clear voice(for example, AT THE GATES). This vocal style acquires its features due to the characteristic articulation. You can understand the principles of articulation in this style like this: say “wow!” Now shout the same thing louder, lingering more on “a” and swallowing “y”. Do you feel? On "a" the mouth opens wide, on "y" it closes accordingly. Consider that you uttered one sound - “a”, and the ending “y” gives it some sort of siren-like effect, which is cool. Shout now the same thing with increased articulation (now you know how) and imagining that your mouth is the bell of a powerful loudspeaker. Cool? But if all this is done on a pure voice, then you get a kind of rock and roll vocals, which are also used in metal rock, mostly non-Nordic. So add distortion to the voice and repeat the same. Note that the “u” still sounds pretty clean, which adds to the atmosphere, but the “a” is just plain evil! Cool, yeah? You can sing from notes and quite high. Some take this pitch almost to the level of a coloratura soprano, such as the English bands CRADLE OF FILTH and HECATE ENTHRONED.

  1. Periodically, but not often, during vocal practice, the throat can be moistened with liquid. Try not to use beer for this, as it dries (oddly enough). It is better to use a type of tea (I understand how difficult my last recommendation is to follow, haha).
  2. Don't use "minton" and other similar shit often, as you may become addicted to it. The use of such funds is permissible only in emergency cases, for example, if you have a concert in five minutes, and you are finally hoarse from smoking.
  3. Do not try to sing too loudly, do not overexert yourself! After all, there are microphones and amplifiers.


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