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Every driver whose car was evacuated for incorrect parking wondered how you can find out at which parking lot the car. This situation occurs even for those who try to follow the rules. road traffic and correct parking. For example, a person did not notice a sign or, because of a rush, left a car where it was impossible.

So, you went out into the street, and there is no car. How to find which site she was taken to? What is the procedure for returning it in 2019? Let's find out.

Evacuation of the car to the parking lotis possible only in certain cases when the driver grossly violated traffic rules or parking rules. Moreover, if the tow truck took the car away with you, then everything is much easier, because it will be easy to find out where it is. If you find that the car is simply not there, then the situation becomes more complicated. We will tell you how to pick up a car from a parking lot, and the main reasons for evacuation are as follows:

  • a person drives a car, while he does not have a registration certificate and driving license;
  • a person drives a vehicle in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication;
  • the car has malfunctions, as a result of which it cannot move and creates a danger for other road users;
  • the car is parked in violation of traffic rules in places where it is prohibited (for example, parking at a pedestrian crossing).

The tow truck driver will not pick up the car just like that. This is done when there is no other way to free traffic. Evacuation is an expensive pleasure, especially if you did not find and collect the car right away.

Ways to search for a parking lot

Let's say you find that there is no car at the left place. How can you find where he was taken? The first thing that comes to mind is to call the police, and rightly so. The search is carried out by number, so you need to inform the operator of the license plate of the car. You can contact the police on a single number 02. Some people call the rescue service, but they will not be able to get the necessary information there.

When you call the police, they may not have the information yet. It will take several hours to transfer data about the evacuated vehicle, so we are looking for information and pick up the car in a different way.

If the police did not help you, call the Moscow dispatcher service number. There are similar services in almost all cities of the Russian Federation. The advantage is that information is entered into the database quickly. If you know that a tow truck took the car, but did not manage to get out and interfere with it, then call the dispatchers. They will inform you at which address they took the vehicle, where to go to get permission to return it, etc.

This service has a website, the interface of which will allow you to find the address of the site online. To search for a specific vehicle, you need to know its number. There you can not only find out a specific car parking lot, but also find its location on a city map. Among other things, this resource contains many useful articles.

Important! The easiest way to return a car is to contact a specialist company that can help. You will have to pay about 500 rubles for information support. A full list of services, including the return of an evacuated car, will cost 5-7 thousand rubles.

But that's not all: the government service of displaced vehicles can provide information about the evacuated vehicle. By calling the specialists, you will find out where you took the car, how to pick it up. This service operates only in large cities of the Russian Federation. So, the car was not found in the parking space. How to check where the parking lots are located? They are taken to specific locations, so it is important to learn how to do this.

Car return

To pick up a car from the impoundment parking lot, you need to perform a number of actions. First you need to find where the car was taken in Moscow. We have already described how to do this earlier. The longer you put off paying the fine and returning the car, the more you will have to pay. To pick up the vehicle, you must contact the evacuation service with a package of documents. There you need to get an evacuation order, a receipt for payment of the fine and permission to issue it.

In recent years, changes have been made in the procedure for returning evacuated vehicles. Now you can return the car without prepayment for transportation to the parking lot. Moreover, its return is possible immediately after the elimination of the cause of the evacuation. This means that you can return it without paying a fine and costs for this procedure. However, there is a certain condition for this. The delivery of the car is carried out in the presence of documents and permission from the authority, which issued a fine and took it to the impound. If this requirement is met, then there should be no obstacles. Sometimes the site staff refuse to hand over the vehicle. This is illegal, so you need to call the police and solve the problem.

As for the cost of evacuating a car, return times and other nuances, this is regulated by law. Drivers are required to pay fines and other costs, and site owners are required to issue cars immediately after the permit is granted.

What are the costs of evacuating the car to the parking lot? First, you need to pay a fine, the amount of which depends on the specific offense. You also need to pay for transportation, that is, tow truck services. Each day at the site costs a certain amount, which is charged depending on the engine size. The first day is free, so pick up your car as quickly as possible to keep costs to a minimum.


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